FlowPaw the new hardware and software coding kit from DSPRobotics gets a KickStart!

London UK October 20, 2014 – DSPRobotics announce the ‘FlowPaw’ the ‘Build-your-own-Gizmo’ kit aimed at education & robotics. This neat kit comprises of state-of-the-art USB hardware that allows interfacing to a range of plug-in sensors, motor controllers and displays etc. plus a range of digital and analog ins and outs and the control of RC servos for robotics/control applications etc. The kit also comes with a STEM version of the award winning FlowStone graphical programming language also from DSPRobotics. The FlowPaw kit is available now to pre-order on KickStarter: http://kck.st/1sMebqo

“The FlowPaw system has been created following two years of testing various electronics interfaces for the education/hobby/robotics market and writing about them in Robot Magazine. We have also tested the system in schools all over the world and created a system that is incredibly easy to use, teach and learn.” Says Carl Owen, CEO of DSPRobotics.

For more information visit: www.FlowPaw.com

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