Argo – Your AI Smart Companion Robot

Guess what? There’s a new robot in town: Argo, the AI Smart Companion Robot for your home! „How is it possible that in 2024 we still don’t have personal robots in our homes?“ 

This very question sparked the creation of Argo. And who better to tackle this challenge than three innovators who have built driverless cars, drones, rockets, and space robotic arms? Their vision: to create the smart personal home robot we’ve been waiting for! 

Argo excels in three main areas: 

INTELLIGENCE: ChatGPT-level conversational abilities, smart home integration (domotics) and autonomous navigation to move and follow you around your home.

SECURITY: 24/7 video surveillance, autonomous patrolling to check every room, motion detection for intruders, and even gas leak monitoring. 

ENTERTAINMENT: From playing your favorite music to autonomously delivering drinks, Argo makes everyday life more enjoyable, with fun features like the morning alarm or the ed-tech games for your kids. 

But that’s just the start. To explore all of Argo’s features, visit their website:

The intuition behind Argo is that today we still have basic vocal assistants, static boxes used just to set timers, play music. In some years, we will have humanoid robots doing laundry and cooking for us. Will we switch overnight from Alexa to fully humanoid robots? Probably not. Argo is that essential step in between, and it will keep evolving day by day. 

So Argo isn’t just „Alexa on wheels.“ With its mobility, interactive animations and true conversational AI, Argo delivers an entirely different user experience: one that feels more alive and engaging than simply talking to a static device. 

As the famous roboticist Tomotaka Takahashi once said: „Having people talk to a brick doesn’t work, which is why Siri hasn’t succeeded.“ 

So Argo is an interactive companion, your AI chatty buddy and your infinite source of knowledge! 

Sure, we’ve seen other unfortunate attempts in home robots before, like Kuri or Jibo, which were true pioneers. However, the technology back then wasn’t quite there. AI, LLMs and autonomous navigation systems were still in their infancy. Today, we have the tools to push the boundaries even further and at a fraction of the cost. 

When you compare Argo to other robots on the market like Vector or Loona, while impressive, they tend to lean more toward toy-like design and functionality. And then there’s Amazon Astro, a high-tech marvel, but at $1,600 its price tag doesn’t align with the value it offers. Argo strikes the perfect balance: it’s more sophisticated, less of a toy and significantly more affordable, targeting a $499 price point. 

We’re seeing tech giants like Amazon and Apple (project J595) getting serious about this space, and it’s clear that smarter home robots are coming. Argo is here to be part of that revolution!

Do you want to share your ideas about home robots? Fill this quick survey to help Argo guys to craft the best home robot for you: 

Future Makers program: Maker Days Eindhoven invests in the future

Friday, September 13th marks the kick-off day for Maker Days Eindhoven. The day begins with the launch of the Future Makers program in collaboration with the Novalis high school from Eindhoven, followed by Maker Night in the evening—a premiere of a mind-blowing experience featuring unique Sound Machines.

On Friday, September 13th, the Future Makers Factory will debut, a unique program aimed at young people, developed in collaboration with schools and partners. This day is all about innovation, technology, and creativity and serves as a significant lead-up to Maker Days Eindhoven, which will take place on Saturday, September 14th, and Sunday, September 15th.

Foto: Max Kneefel

In the morning, the Maker Days organization will host four classes from Novalis high school in Eindhoven for an inspiring and educational program. Students will participate in various workshops designed to challenge and inspire them to discover and develop their own creativity. The workshops focus on themes such as Sound Machines, virtual reality, the metaverse, video, music, upcycling, sustainable living, kinetic art, cyber fashion, gaming, transformer, and robot art.

The Future Makers Factory is not just an event; it is a powerful statement promoting creative technology and the development of 21st-century skills. As a side event of Maker Days Eindhoven, this program puts maker education firmly on the map, offering young people aged 14 to 25 the chance to discover and develop their talents.

The kick-off day continues into the evening, where all youth under the age of 23 are invited. Maker Night is a special performance program developed specifically for this age group. During this evening, they can enjoy spectacular and interactive performances, a perfect way to conclude a day full of innovation. Tickets for this evening are available at

Zukunftsweisende MINT-Bildung mit der neuen senseBox:edu S2

Die senseBox ist ein Toolkit für digitale Bildung, Citizen Science und Umwelt­monitoring und wurde vom Start-Up re:edu gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Geoinformatik der Universität Münster entwickelt. Dabei wurde die senseBox:edu speziell für den Bildungsbereich konzipiert.

Neben der Hardware stehen die grafische Programmieroberfläche ‚Blockly für senseBox’ ( sowie Lehr- und Lernmaterialien ( und Projekte ( als OER (Open Educational Resource) frei zur Verfügung. Die senseBox kann auch in CircuitPhython programmiert werden!

Die senseBox:edu S2 ist das neueste Mitglied der senseBox-Familie und richtet sich wie ihr Vorgänger an Bildungsinstitutionen, die Lernenden praxisorientierte Einblicke in die Welt der Programmierung gibt und die Bereiche Umwelt und Technik anwendungsbezogen verknüpft. Die senseBox:edu S2 bietet viele neue Features:

Der neue MCU S2 Mikrocontroller hat im Vergleich zur MCU viele Komponenten direkt auf dem Board integriert, wie eine RGB-LED, einen Lichtsensor, ein Bluetooth-Bee zur Verwendung mit der Phyphox-App (, einen Beschleunigungssensor sowie Gyroskop (je 3-Achsen), einen Akkuladeregler für eine unkomplizierte und zuverlässige Stromversorgung sowie W-LAN und ein mSD-Kartenmodul zur Datenspeicherung. Des Weiteren enthält er einen schnelleren Prozessor mit mehr Speicher und Qwiic-kompatible Ports. Außerdem enthält die senseBox:edu S2 neue Sensoren: Neben einer LED-Matrix zur farblichen Darstellung und zur Vermittlung weiterer Konzepte aus der Informatik (z.B. Arrays) ist ein Time-of-Flight (ToF)-Sensor enthalten, der sehr präzise Distanzen messen und ein einfaches 8×8 Pixel Bild erzeugen kann.

Ein weiteres Feature ist ESP Now zur direkten Kommunikation zwischen mehreren MCUs S2.

Neugierig geworden? Weitere Infos zur senseBox:edu S2 findet ihr unter

Die Maker sind wieder los

Hannover, 18. Juli 2024 – Die Maker Faire Hannover feiert am 17. und 18. August ihr 10-jähriges Jubiläum im HCC Hannover Congress Centrum. Als drittgrößte Veranstaltung ihrer Art weltweit zählt sie zu den wichtigsten internationalen Maker-Treffen. Bis zu 15.000 Teilnehmer geben sich hier ein Stelldichein und bestaunen Hunderte von Projekten an rund 250 Ständen, tauschen sich aus und lernen voneinander. Das gesamte Ausstellungsprogramm ist unter dem Punkt „Meet the Makers” jetzt online abrufbar.

„Die Maker Faire Hannover ist eine einzigartige Mischung aus Wissenschaftsmesse und Jahrmarkt”, erklärt Daniel Rohlfing, Direktor der Veranstaltung. „Wir nennen es The Greatest Show & Tell on Earth. Die Veranstaltung bietet eine Plattform für Aussteller und Besucher, um sich über Themen wie 3D-Druck, Lasercutting, Mikrocontroller, Coding, Robotik und vieles mehr auszutauschen. Doch es ist weder ein Event nur für Nerds noch eine klassische Messe. Das Präsentieren von Projekten, das Miteinander und der generationsübergreifende Wissensaustausch stehen im Vordergrund, abgerundet durch ein buntes Rahmenprogramm.“

Ein besonderes Highlight der Veranstaltung sind die spektakulären Shows. In diesem Jahr präsentiert der Ingenieur Matthias Vijverman von Mécanique Fantastique sein „Steam Bike” und die Feuershow „Watch?!” – eine vier Meter hohe mechanische Installation mit unzähligen beweglichen Teilen.

Neben den größeren Attraktionen zeigen private Maker, Hochschulen mit MINT-Schwerpunkten, Unternehmen und viele Makerspaces ihre inspirierenden Projekte und innovativen Produkte. Es gibt eine KI-Ideenwerkstatt für Umweltschutz, ein Roboter-Herz, eine simulierte Knieoperation durch einen Roboterarm, Quantensensoren zum Anfassen, einen autonomen Tauchroboter namens BumbleBee, ChatGPT-Telefonie und ein digitales Periskop, mit dem man sich virtuell an faszinierende Orte teleportieren kann. Aber auch herumwuselnde R2D2-Roboter, Cosplayer, selbstgebaute Greif- und Arcade-Automaten, ein Mitmach-Fernsehstudio der Marke Eigenbau, das Equipment der 80er und 90er Jahre mit aktueller Technik verbindet und vieles mehr.

Weitere Informationen zur Maker Faire Hannover sind auf der Website zu finden, dort kann man über das Ausstellerverzeichnis Genaueres über die ausstellenden Maker erfahren.

Die Veranstaltung steht unter der Schirmherrschaft von Bundesbildungsministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger. Sie betont, dass neben der fachlichen Kompetenzförderung auch das Selbstvertrauen und die Offenheit für Neues gestärkt werde. Steffen Krach, Präsident der Region Hannover und Botschafter der Veranstaltung, wird das Jubiläum eröffnen. Diesjähriger Hauptsponsor ist Basic Solar, die Photovoltaik einfach und günstig machen.

Tickets für die Maker Faire Hannover sind im Onlineshop oder an der Tageskasse erhältlich. Das Einzelticket für Erwachsene kostet 19,80 Euro, ermäßigt 15,80 Euro. Familientickets gibt es ab 30 Euro, für Kinder unter 10 Jahren ist der Eintritt frei. Die Veranstaltung öffnet am Samstag von 10 bis 18 Uhr und am Sonntag von 10 bis 17 Uhr.

Über die Maker Faire Hannover: Seit 2013 begeistert die Maker Faire Hannover als Plattform für Inspiration, Kreativität und Innovation Teilnehmer aller Altersgruppen. Die Veranstaltung bringt Technik, Handwerk und Kunst zusammen und hat sich zu einem festen Termin im Kalender der internationalen Maker-Szene etabliert.

PiCockpit: Innovative Web Solution for Managing Multiple Raspberry Pis

pi3g Unveils Groundbreaking New Features for Business Users

Leipzig, March 27, 2024 – pi3g GmbH & Co. KG introduces new web-based Terminal and File Editor Apps to its platform, enhancing Raspberry Pi remote management with an updated Script Scheduler, Video Streaming App, and the PiCockpit Pro Plus plan for custom software needs. These innovations reflect pi3g’s dedication to simplifying and boosting productivity for global business users without the need for in-depth Linux expertise. In particular, teams with a Windows® background require less training and specialized skills when using PiCockpit to manage the company’s Raspberry Pi fleet, resulting in substantial time and cost savings for the business.

The PiCockpit Terminal App offers a seamless web-based terminal interface, eliminating the need for complex setup or additional software like PuTTY. Leveraging WebRTC technology, it ensures a secure, encrypted connection for managing all Raspberry Pi devices from any location. This app simplifies remote device management for businesses, enabling straightforward web-based remote access beyond the limitations of traditional methods.

The File Editor App, enhanced with RaspiGPT technology powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4, simplifies file and directory management on Raspberry Pis. By accessing, users can remotely edit files from any web browser. This app provides smart assistance for script writing, log analysis, and file content explanation, streamlining file management and speeding up business development processes.

PiCockpit: Simplified management, reduced costs

Maximilian Batz, founder of pi3g, stated, “Our goal has always been to make Raspberry Pi management as accessible and efficient as possible for our users. The launch of our new PiCockpit apps, along with enhancements to our existing services, represents a significant step forward in achieving that goal. We’re particularly excited about the possibilities that RaspiGPT opens up, streamlining tasks that previously required extensive technical knowledge.”

PiCockpit’s Pro Plan introduces a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to scale their operations beyond the first five free Pis. With Two Factor Authentication, PiCockpit ensures secure access to user accounts and their Raspberry Pis. PiCockpit Pro Plus takes customization to the next level, offering bespoke software development and system integration services. This plan is not just an offering but a partnership, providing businesses with a tailored solution that meshes seamlessly with their existing systems, paving the way for significant cost savings and operational efficiencies.

About PiCockpit is a comprehensive web interface designed to simplify the management and operation of Raspberry Pi devices. Offering a range of applications including PiStats, Video Streaming, Script Scheduler, Terminal, and File Editor, PiCockpit enables users to monitor performance, schedule scripts, stream Raspberry Pi cameras, and manage files from anywhere in the world.

About pi3g

Based in Leipzig, Germany, pi3g has been involved in the Raspberry Pi ecosystem since its very beginning in 2012. As an official Raspberry Pi approved reseller, pi3g offers a comprehensive suite of services for businesses, including hardware sourcing, software development, hardware development and consulting.

PiCockpit: Innovative Web-Lösung für die Fernsteuerung vieler Raspberry Pis

Höhere Effizienz, geringere Kosten: Neue PiCockpit-Apps mit zeitsparenden Funktionen

Leipzig, 27. März 2024: Die pi3g GmbH & Co. KG führt auf der Plattform mit dem Terminal und dem Datei-Editor zwei neue webbasierte Apps ein. pi3g verbessert zudem das Raspberry Pi Remote Management mit einem aktualisierten Skriptplaner, einer Video Streaming App und dem PiCockpit Pro Plus Plan für individuelle Software- und Geschäftsanforderungen. pi3g vereinfacht damit den Einsatz von Raspberry Pis in Unternehmen beträchtlich, für die Anwender sind keine komplexen Linux-Kenntnisse mehr erforderlich. Insbesondere Teams mit Windows®-Hintergrund benötigen weniger Schulungen und spezielle Kenntnisse, wenn sie PiCockpit für die Verwaltung der Raspberry Pi-Flotte des Unternehmens nutzen. Das führt zu erheblichen Zeit- und Kosteneinsparungen für das Unternehmen, und spiegelt das Ziel von pi3g wider, die Produktivität globaler Geschäftsanwender zu steigern.

Die PiCockpit Terminal App bietet eine bequeme webbasierte Terminalschnittstelle für die Verwaltung aller Raspberry Pi-Geräte von jedem beliebigen Standort aus. Dank der Terminal App ist eine aufwendige Netzwerkkonfiguration oder zusätzliche Software wie PuTTY überflüssig. Die zugrundeliegende WebRTC-Technologie sorgt dabei für eine sichere, verschlüsselte, Ende-zu-Ende-Verbindung vom Webbrowser direkt zum Raspberry Pi. Somit vereinfacht die App Unternehmen die Fernverwaltung von ihren Geräten und ermöglicht einen unkomplizierten webbasierten Fernzugriff, über Netzwerkgrenzen hinweg.

Mit der neuen Editor App können Benutzer Dateien auf ihren Raspberry Pis nun von jedem Webbrowser aus einfach und bequem bearbeiten. Dank der eingebauten RaspiGPT-Technologie, die auf OpenAIs GPT-4 basiert, bietet die App intelligente Unterstützung beim Verstehen von Dateien, Schreiben von Skripten und bei der Analyse von Logs. Dadurch vereinfacht pi3g die Dateiverwaltung und beschleunigt die Entwicklungsprozesse von Unternehmen.

PiCockpit: Vereinfachte Verwaltung, reduzierte Kosten

Maximilian Batz, Gründer von pi3g, erklärt: „Unser Ziel war es schon immer, die Benutzung von Raspberry Pis einfacher zu machen. So einfach und effizient wie möglich! Geschäftskunden setzen den Raspberry Pi für viele Zwecke ein. Im Vordergrund steht für sie immer das Resultat, der Geschäftszweck – nicht die zeitraubende Konfiguration, Bedienung oder die Auseinandersetzung mit Linux-Administration. Unsere neuen PiCockpit Apps stellen einen großen Sprung nach vorne dar, um Unternehmen Zeit und Geld zu sparen. Wir freuen uns besonders über die RaspiGPT-Technologie. Sie eröffnet viele neue Möglichkeiten, sie vereinfacht Aufgaben, die bisher umfangreiche technische Kenntnisse erforderten. Windows®-Nutzer müssen keine Linux-Gurus mehr werden, um Raspberry Pis in ihren Firmen einzusetzen.“

Der Pro Plan von PiCockpit richtet sich besonders an kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, sie können damit über ihre ersten fünf kostenlosen Pis hinaus skalieren. Gegen eine monatliche Gebühr von 9,95 € brutto je Raspberry Pi bekommen die Nutzer unbegrenzten Zugang zu allen Funktionen. Dank einer Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung gewährleistet PiCockpit dabei einen sicheren Zugang zu den Benutzerkonten und den Raspberry Pis.

PiCockpit Pro Plus erweitert, als Enterprise Lösung, das Angebot um maßgeschneiderte Softwareentwicklung und Dienstleistungen zur Systemintegration. PiCockpit Pro Plus bietet dabei Unternehmen eine perfekt für sie angepasste Raspberry Pi Lösung, die sich nahtlos in ihre bestehenden Systeme einfügt. Dadurch werden signifikante Kosteneinsparungen und eine Steigerung der betrieblichen Effizienz ermöglicht.

PiCockpit wird durch pi3g kontinuierlich um weitere Funktionen und Möglichkeiten erweitert, dabei stehen die sich entwickelnden Bedürfnisse der Nutzer im Vordergrund. Das Unternehmen lädt Unternehmen und Raspberry Pi-Enthusiasten dazu ein, die neuen Funktionen auf zu erkunden und sich zum Newsletter anzumelden um über neue Apps auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.

Über PiCockpit: bietet eine bequeme Web-Oberfläche zur Steuerung von Raspberry Pi-Geräten. Es bietet eine Vielzahl von eingebauten Anwendungen wie PiStats, Video Streaming, Script Scheduler, Terminal und File Editor. Damit können Nutzer von überall auf der Welt aus die Leistung der Raspberry Pis überwachen, Skriptausführung planen, Raspberry Pi Kameras streamen und Dateien verwalten. Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen können mit PiCockpit von den vielfältigen Fähigkeiten der Raspberry Pis profitieren, ohne Linux-Spezialkenntnisse aufbauen zu müssen.

Über pi3g:
Das in Leipzig ansässige Unternehmen pi3g GmbH & Co. KG ist seit den Anfängen des Raspberry Pi Ökosystems im Jahr 2012 dabei. Als offizieller Raspberry Pi Reseller bietet pi3g Unternehmen ein umfassendes Angebot an Dienstleistungen, darunter Softwareentwicklung, Hardwareentwicklung, Hardwarebeschaffung und Beratung. Geschäftskunden können über den Online-Shop von pi3g ( auf das gesamte Sortiment an Raspberry Pi-Produkten, Zubehör und ausgewählter KI-Hardware wie Coral.AI und den Unigen Cupcake Edge AI Server zugreifen.

Unidice: The Future of Gaming, Gamification and Smart Home Integration

The gaming world is on the cusp of a groundbreaking revolution with the introduction of the unidice, a new console that promises to redefine our understanding of games and gamification. This innovative device, blending cutting-edge technology with traditional gaming fun, offers a rich gaming experience and opens the door to a wide range of gamification applications. Furthermore, the unidice’s integration of generative AI in some of their Apps, particularly within the Tale Spinner application, along with a machine learning core that powers its Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), signals a leap toward more interactive and intelligent gaming and beyond. An especially notable feature is its compatibility with the Matter protocol, thanks to its new and improved processor, making it an ideal tool for smart home management.

The Unidice: A Nexus of Hybrid Gaming 

At its heart, the unidice is an electronic dice featuring six touch displays, a processor, a gyroscope, and dual storage systems, designed to facilitate seamless communication via Bluetooth with smartphones and tablets. This capability allows for a hybrid gaming experience that combines the physical pleasure of rolling dice with the limitless possibilities of digital innovation. Beyond enhancing traditional gaming experiences, this feature significantly broadens the horizon for gamification in various domains, including education and sports. Moreover, with its compatibility with the Matter protocol, the unidice also steps into the realm of smart home technology, offering users a unique and interactive way to control and automate their home environments.

Unidice and Robotics: Pioneering Smart Device Interaction

In a notable showcase of its expansive capabilities, the unidice demonstrated control over a car provided by fishertechnik, highlighting its potential in robotics and smart device interaction. This feature is a testament to the versatility of the unidice, illustrating its capacity to extend beyond gaming and home automation into the realm of educational robotics and interactive learning. By integrating with physical devices, the unidice opens up new possibilities for gamification and educational applications, offering a hands-on approach to technology and engineering concepts. To witness this remarkable feature in action, explore the video from the convention where unidice displays the new features, games, and notably, the car control.

Generative AI and Tale Spinner: A New Chapter in Storytelling 

The unidice revolutionizes storytelling through its Tale Spinner application, which uses generative AI to create personalized stories for children. By rolling the dice and selecting main topics, kids can generate new story segments narrated by an AI voice, powered by GPT-4 Turbo and Whisper. This innovative use of generative AI transforms the unidice from a mere gaming console into a dynamic storytelling companion, encouraging creativity and a love for reading in young users.

Machine Learning and the IMU: Enhancing Interaction The unidice incorporates a machine learning core within its IMU, enabling it to „learn“ new input methods (thanks to firmware updates) and improve its movement and orientation detection. This advancement makes interactions more intuitive and responsive, paving the way for more immersive gaming and gamification applications.

Smart Home Integration: The Matter Protocol Advantage 

The unidice’s ability to use the Matter protocol, enabled by its advanced processor, marks a significant development in smart home integration. This feature allows the unidice to act as a smart home controller, providing a novel and interactive method for managing and automating home environments. Through simple gestures, taps, tilts and rolls, users can control lighting, temperature, and other smart devices, making the unidice a central hub for both entertainment and home management.

The unidice exemplifies the convergence of gaming, artificial intelligence, robotics, and smart home technology, heralding a new era of interactive entertainment and practical utility. Its fusion of physical gaming with digital innovation, powered by generative AI and machine learning, positions it as a pioneering console in not only the gaming industry but also in the broader context of smart living. As we move forward, the unidice stands as a pioneer to the potential of blending traditional gaming elements with the latest technological advancements to create experiences that are entertaining, educational, and enriching, while also seamlessly integrating into our daily lives through smart home technology.

Discover more about unidice and secure your own by visiting their website at and preordering at

Experience the Future of Companionship with Doly, Launched by Limitbit soon on Kickstarter

Limitbit, a pioneer in AI powered companion technology, has announced the launch of its groundbreaking product, Doly, on Kickstarter. As of today, Doly has already captured the imagination of tech enthusiasts and educators, raising significant interest ahead of its official Kickstarter launch scheduled for February 13, 2024. 

Doly, launch day special priced at $289, is an autonomous AI-powered companion robot that seamlessly integrates robotics, AI, and coding education into one dynamic device. It is the first of its kind to offer an open hardware and open design, powered by Raspberry Pi, allowing customization and continual evolution in capabilities. 

„Doly represents a fusion of companionship, education, and technological innovation,“ says Levent Erenler, founder of Limitbit. „It’s designed to grow and adapt, offering an engaging experience for all ages and skill levels. Our open-source approach places Doly at the forefront of personal robotic innovation.“ 

Product highlights of Doly include: 

Self-acting Personality: A unique character that develops and evolves through interaction, offering a personalized experience. 

Edge AI Processing: Ensuring maximum privacy, Doly’s AI algorithms operate locally, without relying on cloud processing, safeguarding user data.

STEM Education Enabler: Doly serves as an engaging tool for learning coding and robotics, catering to both beginners and advanced users. 

Open-Source Platform: Users can innovate and customize Doly, thanks to its open hardware and open design, fostering a community-driven approach to technological advancement. 

Extensive Add-On Support: Featuring a range of I/O ports, Doly offers extensive opportunities for expansion and customization, perfect for developers and hobbyists. 

3D Printable Design: Emphasizing its customizable nature, Doly can be personalized with 3D printed parts, allowing users to tailor its appearance and functions. 

Targeted towards a wide audience that includes robot lovers, parents, children, software and hardware developers, and open-source enthusiasts, Doly is positioned as the ultimate educational and interactive robot companion. 

„Doly is not just a product; it’s a step towards a future where technology enhances every aspect of learning and daily living,“ added Levent Erenler. „Its ability to engage users in coding, robotics, and AI, while also serving as a companion robot, sets a new benchmark in the field.“ 

About Limitbit: 

Based in Markham, Ontario, Limitbit is dedicated to revolutionizing AI powered companion robots. Their mission is to blend cutting-edge technology with practical, educational applications, making advanced robotics accessible to everyone. 

For more information about Doly and to participate in the Kickstarter campaign, click here. 

New Robot Companion Unveiled on Kickstarter

Adelaide, Australia – September, 2023 – The new Ortomi Generation 4 has been released on  Kickstarter, and they’re simple, comforting and interactive little friends, designed to make people smile. They’re a creation from Ortomi, a small Australian start-up on a mission to capture the joy and  comforting presence of real pets. 

An Ortomi has a simple face that changes with different expressions and moods – both randomly and  interactively. They respond to gestures such as being petted, prodded and picked-up; and respond differently based on their mood – such as when they are happy, sad, asleep, angry or bored. As well  as now making cute beeps and boops (with a silent mode), the new Generation 4 has a larger screen,  more expressions, moods & interactions, and a smooth injection moulded shell – benefitting both  aesthetics and manufacturability. 

The Kickstarter launched on August 29th, and met its goal of AU$23,000 in under 10 hours. It  currently sits at AU$46,000, as people continue to rally behind project and help fund subsequent  stretch goals: 

1. AU$50,000 Custom Expression Creator: 

Users will be able to draw, share and browse custom expressions that they can teach  their Ortomi. 

2. AU$70,000 Silicone Cases: 

Squishy, silicone, key-ring cases will be developed and produced, improving the  portability and personalisation options of Ortomi, as well as adding a satisfying tactile feel. 

3. AU$100,000 Interactions between Ortomi: 

Wireless capability will be developed for Ortomi to interact with each other, enabling everything from cute reactions to complex relationships. 

As well as being completely portable with a 20hr battery life, Ortomi are set apart from other robots  on the market by their personalisation. Like dogs, or goldfish – Ortomi are a whole species, and each  one is meant to be unique. They come in many different colours, with different accessories, have  different personalities, and are usually even given their own name by their owner. 

The Ortomi 4 is set to ship in November 2023, and is set to mark a new chapter for the young  Australian company in terms of scale and impact. 

More details on the Ortomi Generation 4, including the launch video, can be found here:

RoboHeart is Spanning New Realms of Technology

If you are an experienced Maker, or even just a passing Tinkerer, the RoboHeartTM Hercules development board may be just what you are looking for.

RoboHeart is an exceptional development board that proudly boasts: “One board to rule them all!” This exceptional circuit board is just what is sounds like: the heart of your robotics Maker project.

At Augmented Robotics, we have gone the extra mile by combining the magic of Augmented Reality with embedded mobile systems, so you can play and manipulate brave new worlds using only your smartphone. This allows you to control any RC device or creative Maker project with connectivity in WiFi, BLE and even 5G when paired with out RoboHeart Vela board. On Tuesday, August 23, 2022, RoboHeart was launched on Kickstarter, and it reached its funding goal in less than three hours! In only two short days, RoboHeart was selected as the coveted “Project We Love” by Kickstarter – an award given to projects that really stand out with creative innovation.

By replacing the circuit board inside your RC car with RoboHeart, you can drive the car with only your smartphone – so we have decided to add an original AR game on top of that. Drive around and collect candies to get the most points… but careful not to run out of fuel! As we reach more stretch goals, the game will get increasingly complex. We have already reached our first stretch goal – Gamepad compatibility – but there are many more to come.

The Maker community is the most creative community out there, so RC cars are definitely not the only thing your RoboHeart board can be used for. Put the board into any electronics project and watch it come to life!

Get RoboHeart and dive right into building projects with an open-source RoboHeart Arduino library on GitHub! Our repository has several cool examples at varied complexities, from reading the IMU sensor data to controlling things with your smartphone. For example, we have built our own Balancing Bot using only one board:

The RoboHeart Hercules has all the features one needs to start building:

  • ESP32-WROOM32 with dual-core and WiFi+Bluetooth capabilities
  • Arduino compatibility for easy programming
  • An integrated Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) for motion data
  • Three DC motor outputs
  • USB-C connector with auto-download feature: flashing is a piece of cake!
  • LiPo battery input with auto-charging feature: where do you need Power most, at USB or LiPo? RoboHeart will automatically distribute power where it is most needed
  • Convenient peripherals for Makers: GROVE, JST and JTAG

… and with the addition of the RoboHeart Vela extension board, Makers can unlock the power of 5G, and no longer be dependent on the BLE range of 50m.

So the only question that remains is: What will YOU do with RoboHeart?