Successful Kickstarter campaign: MD Robot Kit promotes creativity and education in robotics

MangDang’s Kickstarter project „MD Robot Kit: Unlock your AI Robot Engineering Dream Job“ aims to promote the creativity and technical know-how of robotics enthusiasts. It offers two main robots, each addressing different needs and interests.

The first robot, the Mini Pupper, is available in several versions, including Mini Pupper 1, Mini Pupper 2, and the 2G and 2GA models. This robot is a low-cost, personal quadruped kit that comes with open-source software. The Mini Pupper supports multimodal generative AI platforms such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and AWS’s Claude. It is also compatible with ROS1 and ROS2, which expands its capabilities in the areas of SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and navigation. The integration of OpenCV allows the robot to perform deep learning with cameras. Thanks to the use of Raspberry Pi and Arduino, the Mini Pupper offers high adaptability and expandability, making it ideal for developers who want to realize their own projects.

The second robot presented is the Turtle Robot, which will be available soon. This robot is specifically aimed at schools, homeschooling families, and robot enthusiasts. While detailed specifications have not yet been fully released, it is clear that the Turtle Robot also aims to support learning and creativity in the field of robotics.

The campaign itself has set a funding goal of 9000€ and has clearly exceeded it with a sum of just under 19000€, which corresponds to over 200% of the original goal. The campaign runs from September 5, 2024 to October 5, 2024 and has attracted 80 supporters so far. A standout feature of the MD Robot Kits is their open-source nature, which allows users to assemble the robots in less than an hour. This makes them particularly accessible to a wide range of audiences, ranging from educational institutions to DIY enthusiasts. The project is designed not only to impart technical knowledge, but also to promote the joy of creating and customizing robots.

1. Mini Pupper:

  • Versions: Mini Pupper 1 (2021), Mini Pupper 2 (2022), Mini Pupper 2G & 2GA.
  • Design: A low-cost, personal quadruped kit with open-source software.
  • Features: Supports multimodal generative AI such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and AWS’s Claude. It is compatible with ROS1 and ROS2 for SLAM & navigation and is based on OpenCV for deep learning with cameras.
  • Extensibility: Uses Raspberry Pi and Arduino, which allows for high adaptability.
  • Open-source platform: The Mini Pupper supports the Robot Operating System (ROS) and offers features such as SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and navigation. It is equipped with lidar and camera sensors that allow it to map its surroundings and move autonomously
  • Technical specifications: The robot has 12 degrees of freedom, made possible by advanced servo motors. These motors provide feedback on acceleration and force, which allows precise control.
  • Hardware and expandability: The Mini Pupper uses the Raspberry Pi 4B or the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 as the central processing unit and is equipped with an ESP32 as a microcontroller. It has an IPS display with a resolution of 240 x 320 pixels, a microphone, speakers and a touch sensor.
  • Adaptability: Thanks to its open-source nature, the Mini Pupper can be modified deeply. Users can add their own modules and customize the robot for different projects, such as tracking objects in space.
  • Education and community: The Mini Pupper is ideal for schools and homeschooling families. It comes with comprehensive guidance and resources to help you get started with robotics. Users can become part of a global community to share ideas and get support.
  • Price and availability: As part of the Kickstarter campaign, the Mini Pupper will be offered in different versions, with the base model costing around 479 euros. Delivery is scheduled to begin in February, with supporters aware of the financial risk of crowdfunding campaigns.

2. Turtle Robot:

  • Open-source project: The Turtle Robot is based on Arduino and is an open-source project that supports the integration of generative AI. This allows users to customize and expand the robot.
  • Affordability: The Turtle Robot is a low-cost learning platform for multimodal generative AI and comes at an introductory price of 60% off $99. This makes it particularly attractive to educational institutions and DIY enthusiasts.
  • Ease of use: The robot is designed to be set up and put into operation within a week. This makes it easier for beginners to start learning and experimenting quickly.
  • Support and resources: MangDang offers comprehensive support across multiple channels, as well as access to all code and design files via a GitHub repository. Users can print the STL design files and contribute their own ideas.
  • Multimodal Generative AI: The Turtle Robot uses advanced AI technologies that enable continuous voice interactions. The AI can remember previous conversations and give personalized answers based on them.
  • Application examples: There are two Arduino projects that can be used with the Turtle Robot: one for testing individual functions and another that performs all functions via voice control.
  • Availability: The Turtle Robot was available as part of the Kickstarter campaign until October 2024 and will be available in an online store after that.

Erfolgreiche Kickstarter-Kampagne: MD Robot Kit fördert Kreativität und Bildung in der Robotik

Das Kickstarter-Projekt „MD Robot Kit: Unlock your AI Robot Engineering Dream Job“ von MangDang zielt darauf ab, die Kreativität und das technische Know-how von Robotik-Enthusiasten zu fördern. Es bietet zwei Hauptroboter, die jeweils unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse und Interessen ansprechen.

Der erste Roboter, der Mini Pupper, ist in mehreren Versionen erhältlich, darunter Mini Pupper 1, Mini Pupper 2 sowie die Modelle 2G und 2GA. Dieser Roboter ist ein kostengünstiges, persönliches Quadruped-Kit, das mit Open-Source-Software ausgestattet ist. Der Mini Pupper unterstützt multimodale generative KI-Plattformen wie ChatGPT von OpenAI, Gemini von Google und Claude von AWS. Zudem ist er mit ROS1 und ROS2 kompatibel, was seine Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) und Navigation erweitert. Die Integration von OpenCV ermöglicht es dem Roboter, Deep Learning mit Kameras durchzuführen. Dank der Nutzung von Raspberry Pi und Arduino bietet der Mini Pupper eine hohe Anpassungsfähigkeit und Erweiterbarkeit, was ihn ideal für Entwickler macht, die ihre eigenen Projekte realisieren möchten.

Der zweite vorgestellte Roboter ist der Turtle Robot, der bald verfügbar sein wird. Dieser Roboter richtet sich speziell an Schulen, Homeschooling-Familien und Roboter-Enthusiasten. Während detaillierte Spezifikationen noch nicht vollständig veröffentlicht wurden, ist klar, dass der Turtle Robot ebenfalls darauf abzielt, das Lernen und die Kreativität im Bereich der Robotik zu unterstützen.

Die Kampagne selbst hat ein Finanzierungsziel von 9000€ gesetzt und dieses mit einer erreichten Summe von knapp 19000€ , was über 200% des ursprünglichen Ziels entspricht, deutlich übertroffen. Die Kampagne läuft vom 5. September 2024 bis zum 5. Oktober 2024 und zog bisher 80 Unterstützer an. Ein herausragendes Merkmal der MD Robot Kits ist ihre Open-Source-Natur, die es den Nutzern ermöglicht, die Roboter in weniger als einer Stunde zusammenzubauen. Dies macht sie besonders zugänglich für eine breite Zielgruppe, die von Bildungseinrichtungen bis hin zu DIY-Enthusiasten reicht. Das Projekt ist darauf ausgelegt, nicht nur technisches Wissen zu vermitteln, sondern auch die Freude an der Schaffung und Anpassung von Robotern zu fördern.


1. Mini Pupper:

  • Versionen: Mini Pupper 1 (2021), Mini Pupper 2 (2022), Mini Pupper 2G & 2GA.
  • Design: Ein kostengünstiges, persönliches Quadruped-Kit mit Open-Source-Software.
  • Funktionen: Unterstützt multimodale generative KI wie ChatGPT von OpenAI, Gemini von Google und Claude von AWS. Es ist kompatibel mit ROS1 und ROS2 für SLAM & Navigation und basiert auf OpenCV für Deep Learning mit Kameras.
  • Erweiterbarkeit: Nutzt Raspberry Pi und Arduino, was hohe Anpassungsfähigkeit ermöglicht.
  • Open-Source-Plattform: Der Mini Pupper unterstützt das Robot Operating System (ROS) und bietet Funktionen wie SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) und Navigation. Er ist mit Lidar- und Kamerasensoren ausgestattet, die es ihm ermöglichen, seine Umgebung zu kartieren und sich autonom zu bewegen.
  • Technische Spezifikationen: Der Roboter verfügt über 12 Freiheitsgrade, die durch fortschrittliche Servomotoren ermöglicht werden. Diese Motoren bieten Feedback zu Beschleunigung und Kraft, was eine präzise Steuerung erlaubt.
  • Hardware und Erweiterbarkeit: Der Mini Pupper nutzt den Raspberry Pi 4B oder das Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 als zentrale Recheneinheit und ist mit einem ESP32 als Mikrocontroller ausgestattet. Er verfügt über ein IPS-Display mit einer Auflösung von 240 x 320 Pixeln, ein Mikrofon, Lautsprecher und einen Touch-Sensor.
  • Anpassungsfähigkeit: Dank seiner Open-Source-Natur kann der Mini Pupper tiefgreifend modifiziert werden. Nutzer können eigene Module hinzufügen und den Roboter für verschiedene Projekte anpassen, wie z.B. das Verfolgen von Objekten im Raum.
  • Bildung und Community: Der Mini Pupper ist ideal für Schulen und Homeschooling-Familien geeignet. Er wird mit umfassenden Anleitungen und Ressourcen geliefert, die den Einstieg in die Robotik erleichtern. Nutzer können Teil einer globalen Community werden, um Ideen auszutauschen und Unterstützung zu erhalten.
  • Preis und Verfügbarkeit: Im Rahmen der Kickstarter-Kampagne wird der Mini Pupper in verschiedenen Versionen angeboten, wobei das Basismodell etwa 479 Euro kostet. Die Auslieferung soll im Februar beginnen, wobei Unterstützer das finanzielle Risiko von Crowdfunding-Kampagnen beachten sollten.

2. Turtle Robot:

  • Open-Source-Projekt: Der Turtle Robot basiert auf Arduino und ist ein Open-Source-Projekt, das die Integration von generativer KI unterstützt. Dies ermöglicht den Nutzern, den Roboter individuell anzupassen und zu erweitern.
  • Erschwinglichkeit: Der Turtle Robot ist eine kostengünstige Lernplattform für multimodale generative KI und wird zu einem Einführungspreis von 60% Rabatt auf 99 US-Dollar angeboten. Dies macht ihn besonders attraktiv für Bildungseinrichtungen und DIY-Enthusiasten.
  • Benutzerfreundlichkeit: Der Roboter ist so konzipiert, dass er innerhalb einer Woche aufgebaut und in Betrieb genommen werden kann. Dies erleichtert es Anfängern, schnell mit dem Lernen und Experimentieren zu beginnen.
  • Unterstützung und Ressourcen: MangDang bietet umfassende Unterstützung über verschiedene Kanäle sowie Zugang zu allen Code- und Design-Dateien über ein GitHub-Repository. Nutzer können die STL-Design-Dateien ausdrucken und ihre eigenen Ideen einbringen.
  • Multimodale Generative KI: Der Turtle Robot nutzt fortschrittliche KI-Technologien, die kontinuierliche Sprachinteraktionen ermöglichen. Die KI kann sich an frühere Gespräche erinnern und darauf basierend personalisierte Antworten geben.
  • Anwendungsbeispiele: Es gibt zwei Arduino-Projekte, die mit dem Turtle Robot genutzt werden können: eines zum Testen einzelner Funktionen und ein weiteres, das alle Funktionen über Sprachsteuerung ausführt.
  • Verfügbarkeit: Der Turtle Robot war im Rahmen der Kickstarter-Kampagne bis Oktober 2024 erhältlich und wird danach in einem Online-Shop verfügbar sein.

Experience the Future of Companionship with Doly, Launched by Limitbit soon on Kickstarter

Limitbit, a pioneer in AI powered companion technology, has announced the launch of its groundbreaking product, Doly, on Kickstarter. As of today, Doly has already captured the imagination of tech enthusiasts and educators, raising significant interest ahead of its official Kickstarter launch scheduled for February 13, 2024. 

Doly, launch day special priced at $289, is an autonomous AI-powered companion robot that seamlessly integrates robotics, AI, and coding education into one dynamic device. It is the first of its kind to offer an open hardware and open design, powered by Raspberry Pi, allowing customization and continual evolution in capabilities. 

„Doly represents a fusion of companionship, education, and technological innovation,“ says Levent Erenler, founder of Limitbit. „It’s designed to grow and adapt, offering an engaging experience for all ages and skill levels. Our open-source approach places Doly at the forefront of personal robotic innovation.“ 

Product highlights of Doly include: 

Self-acting Personality: A unique character that develops and evolves through interaction, offering a personalized experience. 

Edge AI Processing: Ensuring maximum privacy, Doly’s AI algorithms operate locally, without relying on cloud processing, safeguarding user data.

STEM Education Enabler: Doly serves as an engaging tool for learning coding and robotics, catering to both beginners and advanced users. 

Open-Source Platform: Users can innovate and customize Doly, thanks to its open hardware and open design, fostering a community-driven approach to technological advancement. 

Extensive Add-On Support: Featuring a range of I/O ports, Doly offers extensive opportunities for expansion and customization, perfect for developers and hobbyists. 

3D Printable Design: Emphasizing its customizable nature, Doly can be personalized with 3D printed parts, allowing users to tailor its appearance and functions. 

Targeted towards a wide audience that includes robot lovers, parents, children, software and hardware developers, and open-source enthusiasts, Doly is positioned as the ultimate educational and interactive robot companion. 

„Doly is not just a product; it’s a step towards a future where technology enhances every aspect of learning and daily living,“ added Levent Erenler. „Its ability to engage users in coding, robotics, and AI, while also serving as a companion robot, sets a new benchmark in the field.“ 

About Limitbit: 

Based in Markham, Ontario, Limitbit is dedicated to revolutionizing AI powered companion robots. Their mission is to blend cutting-edge technology with practical, educational applications, making advanced robotics accessible to everyone. 

For more information about Doly and to participate in the Kickstarter campaign, click here. 

Geek Club and CircuitMess Launch a NASA-inspired DIY Perseverance Educational Space Rover Kit

After a series of successful Kickstarter Campaigns, Geek Club and CircuitMess launch their most ambitious project yet – a NASA-approved AI-powered scale model Replica of the Perseverance Space Rover  

Zagreb, Croatia – October 31st, 2023. – Today, Geek Club and CircuitMess announced their Kickstarter space exploration campaign designed to teach children eleven and up about engineering, AI, and coding by assembling the iconic NASA Perseverance Space Rover, as well as a series of other NASA-inspired space vehicles.

This new space-themed line of DIY educational products was born out of both companies‘ shared vision to aim for the stars and to take their fans with them. The Kickstarter campaign starts today, October 31st, and will last for 35 days.

The collaboration was a logical union of the two companies. Both companies create educational STEM DIY kits that are targeted towards kids and adults. Both share the same mission: To make learning STEM skills easy and fun.

“For decades, the team and I have been crafting gadgets for geeks always inspired by space exploration,” says Nicolas Deladerrière, co-founder of Geek Club. “Inspired by Mars exploration, we’ve studied thousands of official documents and blueprints to craft an authentic Mars exploration experience. The product comes alive thanks to microchips, electromotors, and artificial intelligence. Imagine simulating your own Mars mission right from your desk!”

Geek Club is an American company that specializes in designing and producing DIY robotics kits that educate their users on soldering and electronics. They focus primarily on space exploration and robotics, all to make learning engineering skills easy and fun for kids, adults, and everyone in between.

“We have successfully delivered seven Kickstarter campaigns, raised more than 2.5 million dollars, and made hundreds of thousands of geeks all around the world extremely happy,” says Albert Gajšak, CEO of CircuitMess. “In a universe where space and technology are constantly growing, we’re here to ensure you’re never left behind.”

The new product line consists of five unique space-themed products:

  • 1. The Perseverance Space Rover Kit

This kit is designed to be an educational journey into programming, electronics, robotics, and AI. The model comes with four electromotors, six wheels, a control system with a dual-core Espressif ESP32 processor, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth connectivity, a sample collection arm based on the real thing with two servo motors, a Wi-Fi-connected remote controller, and support for programming in Python or via a Scratch-inspired drag-and-drop visual coding environment.

Alongside the Perseverance Space Rover, you’ll be able to get more iconic space vehicles:

  • 2. The Voyager: A DIY kit made as a tribute to NASA’s longest-lasting mission, which has been beaming back data for an incredible 45 years and counting.
  • 3. Juno: A solar-powered DIY kit celebrating the mission that gave us the most detailed and breathtaking images of Jupiter.
  • 4. Discovery: A DIY kit honoring the legendary space shuttle with 39 successful orbital flights under its belt.
  • 5. The Artemis Watch: A sleek, space-themed wrist gadget inspired by NASA’s upcoming Artemis space suit design. The watch is a programmable device equipped with an LCD display, Bluetooth, and a gyroscope.

The Perseverance Educational Space Rover Kit is available for pre-order now on Kickstarter, starting at $149.

No previous experience or knowledge is needed for assembling your very own space rover. The kit is designed for anyone aged 11+  and comes with detailed video instructions.

You can visit the Kickstarter page here.

New Robot Companion Unveiled on Kickstarter

Adelaide, Australia – September, 2023 – The new Ortomi Generation 4 has been released on  Kickstarter, and they’re simple, comforting and interactive little friends, designed to make people smile. They’re a creation from Ortomi, a small Australian start-up on a mission to capture the joy and  comforting presence of real pets. 

An Ortomi has a simple face that changes with different expressions and moods – both randomly and  interactively. They respond to gestures such as being petted, prodded and picked-up; and respond differently based on their mood – such as when they are happy, sad, asleep, angry or bored. As well  as now making cute beeps and boops (with a silent mode), the new Generation 4 has a larger screen,  more expressions, moods & interactions, and a smooth injection moulded shell – benefitting both  aesthetics and manufacturability. 

The Kickstarter launched on August 29th, and met its goal of AU$23,000 in under 10 hours. It  currently sits at AU$46,000, as people continue to rally behind project and help fund subsequent  stretch goals: 

1. AU$50,000 Custom Expression Creator: 

Users will be able to draw, share and browse custom expressions that they can teach  their Ortomi. 

2. AU$70,000 Silicone Cases: 

Squishy, silicone, key-ring cases will be developed and produced, improving the  portability and personalisation options of Ortomi, as well as adding a satisfying tactile feel. 

3. AU$100,000 Interactions between Ortomi: 

Wireless capability will be developed for Ortomi to interact with each other, enabling everything from cute reactions to complex relationships. 

As well as being completely portable with a 20hr battery life, Ortomi are set apart from other robots  on the market by their personalisation. Like dogs, or goldfish – Ortomi are a whole species, and each  one is meant to be unique. They come in many different colours, with different accessories, have  different personalities, and are usually even given their own name by their owner. 

The Ortomi 4 is set to ship in November 2023, and is set to mark a new chapter for the young  Australian company in terms of scale and impact. 

More details on the Ortomi Generation 4, including the launch video, can be found here:

Haro380 – High Precision Industrial 6-Axis Mini Robot Arm announces launch

Designed specifically for robotics hobbyists, experts, and businesses, the Haro380 is a compact yet powerful robotic arm featuring a 6-axis design. Its remarkable flexibility and functionality make it suitable for projects of any size, offering endless possibilities. Whether you’re seeking a fun and educational experience, or looking to explore robotics for business and industry applications, this incredible robot provides users with a user-friendly platform to delve into the world of robotics. Learn more about the Haro380, available now: [LINK]

With ultra-precision and impressive repeatability of ±0.05mm, Haro380 ensures precise and accurate movements for your projects. Its 6-axis design utilizes a harmonic reducer, delivering enhanced flexibility and dexterity. Equipped with a high payload capacity of 500g, Haro380 can handle a wide range of objects and tasks with ease. Discover the convenience of gesture control, allowing you to intuitively interact with the robot for seamless operation.

Desktop robotic arms have become indispensable for various production, processing, and manufacturing tasks. However, their widespread use has been limited by high costs and usability challenges. With Haro380, our aim was to overcome these limitations by creating a highly versatile robotic arm that is compact, portable, and affordable. Furthermore, we sought to provide realistic and compact educational and training solutions for industrial robot training, closely simulating the performance of industrial robots. Haro380 represents the next generation of robotic arms, offering a compact and portable design coupled with highly precise motion control capabilities. Whether you’re a maker, student, or business user, Haro380 is the perfect robotic arm to meet your needs. -WLKATA CEO

Despite its power, the Haro380 boasts a compact footprint of just 22*25*38cm, making it effortlessly adaptable to various environments. Seamlessly integrate the Haro380 into industrial automation workflows with PLC system support.

Haro380 unlocks a realm of endless possibilities in the realms of robotics and automation, seamlessly blending power, precision, and boundless potential. This versatile and cost-effective entry into the world of desktop robotics is now available, offering exclusive discounts and deals for early adopters. Learn more at:

AMBER Lucid ONE, first choice for bioinspired Robot’s arm, launches on Kickstarter

AMBER Robotics launches Lucid-1 NOW! The ultralight 7-axis Robotic Arm with AI Intuitive controller, very suitable for Robot’s real arm, tease to simplify Robotics Development.

AMBER Robotics, a leading robotics development and innovation company, has launched its latest product, AMBER Lucid-1, a 7-axis portable robotic arm with the AI intuitive mover. The new technology simplifies robotics development and operation and speeds up the creation of films and vlogs by providing a range of features that are easy to use.

„A lightweight robotic arm, should be 3kg or less,“ said the CEO of AMBER Robotics. „AMBER Robotics unveils the Lucid ONE, a game-changer for humanoid’s arm. Weighing only 3.2kg, it can carry up to 1.5kg and boasts a built-in visual recognition interface and 7-axis flexibility. This new technology allows for greater agility and lifelikeness, making the Lucid ONE ideal for manufacturing, healthcare, and service industries. Get ready for a significant impact on the future of robotics.“

Need your humanoid robot to have a pair of flexible arms? Don’t hesitate, Lucid ONE will be your first choice to achieve it.

Kickstarter launch page,

Designed for the industry co-bot, filming, pick & place, spraying, sculpting, laser engraving, 3D printing, etc., AMBER Lucid-1 offers industrial features like dragging to teach, gravity compensation, collision detection, and avoidance. With native trajectory planning algorithms and high reliability, AMBER Lucid ONE eliminates the complex challenges of robot automation and filming.

The AMBER Lucid ONE comes with a bunch of external IO devices like the force control gripper, the magnetic connector with a camera, smartphone, sucker, laser pen, and more, making it the perfect choice for any robot project.

In addition, the AMBER Lucid ONE is compatible with ROS2, RViz, Moveit2, and features native trajectory planning and editing tools, a visualized drag-to-program software, AMBER Robot Studio.

For film studios and vloggers, the AMBER Lucid ONE boasts an incredibly efficient feature, „Just a Snap,“ that can help to automatically plan the right camera robot trajectory and angles in just 10 minutes, saving artists up to 24 hours or more.

AMBER Robotics is also offering a unique Kickstarter promotion, with more than 50% off during the campaign.

For more information, visit

About AMBER Robotics: AMBER Robotics is a leading robotics development and innovation company focused on providing easy-to-use, intuitive solutions for customers in various industries. The company’s latest product, AMBER Lucid ONE, is a portable robotic arm with the AI intuitive mover, simplifying robotics development and filming.

Luwu Intelligence Technology Announces Launch of XGO 2 – World’s First Raspberry Pi Robotic Dog with An Arm

Luwu, a STEM education technology company focused on the research and development of advanced robotics, has announced the launch of XGO 2, an advanced desktop-sized AI quadruped robot with an arm. This state-of-the-art robot brings a new level of intelligence and functionality to the world of robotics. XGO 2 is now available on Kickstarter:

XGO 2 is an intelligent and agile robotic dog, capable of sophisticated movements, 12 degrees of freedom, and a variety of motions. Its open-source nature allows users of all programming levels to program and customizes it with Blocky and Python. Additionally, the advanced AI modules built into XGO 2 allow for visual, voice, and gesture recognition, enabling the robotic dog to hear, understand, and respond to users like a real dog.

One of the most notable features of XGO 2 is its robotic arm. This arm allows it to perform tasks such as grasping and manipulating objects, making it more versatile and opening up a whole new realm of possibilities for the robotic dog to be used in various scenarios.

XGO 2 is also incredibly easy to control. Its user-friendly interface allows for easy programming and control, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. Whether you’re looking to create a new robot application, enhance your research, or simply have fun with a cutting-edge piece of technology, XGO 2 is the perfect choice. Its unique combination of intelligence, agility, and affordability makes it an ideal choice for anyone looking to add a robotic dog to their collection.

XGO 2, the World’s First Raspberry Pi Robotic Dog with an Arm, is an incredible robotics platform for entertainment, STEM education, and exploring creativity. XGO 2 is now available for pre-order on Kickstarter with special pricing for early supporters. Learn more here:

Cherry Tart: The Interactive & LEGO-compatible crafting Nature-Inspired robot kit for kids & adults to innovate

Inspired by Nature, Crafted by You

Are you ready to add a little spark of creativity and innovation to your life? Look no further than Cherry Tart – the first crafty sound-activated, bio-inspired building block kit for kids and adults. We believe that learning and fun should go hand in hand. And with Cherry Tart, that’s exactly what you’ll get.


The Cherry Tart crafty series are designed to spark creativity and imagination with a hands-on STEM robot kit for future innovators. A combination of colorful LEGO-compatible building blocks with customizable skins creates a joyful and creative challenge for kids & adults. This kit provides nature’s beauty, enjoyment of design and building, and art. Cherry Tart crafty kit is a LEGO®-compatible and coverable building block that offers an innovative sound activation method to make your nature-inspired projects interactive and livelier.

With this kit, you can create your own interactive, nature-inspired projects that come to life through sound activation. Whether you’re a seasoned robot builder or just starting out, Cherry Tart offers something for everyone.

Crafty robot kit benefits

The Cherry Tart crafty kit is not only LEGO®-compatible but also coverable with a wide range of foldable and customizable skins that allow for personal expression. You can cover your model with printed skins or paint and decorate your own skin. The result is an elegant conversation piece that’s a tasteful addition to any home, or maybe just to impress your friends and family.

What you can build?

With Cherry Tart, you can create your own robot designs and program them to move, react to their environment, and even play games. The robot kit is easy to assemble and can be customized with your own crafts and materials, making it a great way to learn about robotics and unleash your creativity. Kids & adults can build sound-activated creatures. It actively involves the kids and encourages them to take physical action. Build the main model using LEGO-compatible building blocks. Select your favorite skin or paint your customized skin, take it out from the printed skin sheet, and snap them on your model. Turn the Cherry Core ON and select your desired mode. Surprised! The model comes to life. Change your model skin and try another one.

What’s Included?

Cherry Tart teaches kids and adults about robotics in a fun and engaging way. The kit includes everything you need to build your own robot and bring it to life, including a Cherry Core sound-activated microcontroller with a built-in rechargeable battery, a motor, LEGO®-compatible building blocks, and different printed and customizable skins.

Coming soon on Kickstarter

After running two successful Kickstarter campaigns, Cherry Tart is back with a new, amazing, affordable product. Back the Kickstarter campaign and be one of the first to get your hands on the Cherry Tart crafty series. This is a great opportunity to support an innovative, educational, and fun product that will spark your creativity and imagination. Let’s build something amazing together!

Robotic Vision Platform Luxonis Announces its First Open Source Personal Robot, rae

LITTLETON, Colo., 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Luxonis, a Colorado-based robotic vision platform, is thrilled to introduce rae, its first fully-formed and high-powered personal robot. Backed by a Kickstarter campaign to help support its development, rae sets itself apart by offering a multitude of features right out of the box, along with a unique degree of experimental programming potential that far exceeds other consumer robots on the market. The most recent of a long line of Luxonis innovations, rae is designed to make robotics accessible and simple for users of any experience level.

„rae is representative of our foremost goal at Luxonis: to make robotics accessible and simple for anyone, not just the tenured engineer with years of programming experience,“ said Brandon Gilles, CEO of Luxonis. „A longstanding truth about robotics is that the barrier to entry sometimes feels impossibly high, but it doesn’t have to be that way. By creating rae, we want to help demonstrate the kinds of positive impacts robotics can bring to all people’s lives, whether it’s as simple as helping you find your keys, talking with your friend who uses American Sign Language, or playing with your kids.“

At its core, rae is a world-class robot, and includes AI, computer vision and machine learning all on-device. Building upon the technology of the brand’s award-winning OAK cameras, rae offers stereo depth, object tracking, motion estimation, 9-axis IMU data, neural inference, corner detection, motion zooming, and is fully compatible with the DepthAI API. With next-generation simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), rae can map out and navigate through unknown environments, and is preconfigured with ROS 2 for access to its robust collection of software and applications.

Featuring a full suite of standard applications, rae offers games like follow me and hide and seek, and useful tools like barcode/QR code scanning, license plate reading, fall detection, time-lapse recording, emotion recognition, object finding, sign language interpretation, and a security alert mode. All applications are controllable through rae’s mobile app, which users can use from anywhere around the world. They can also link with Luxonis‘ cloud platform, RobotHub, to manage customizations, download and install user-created applications, and collaborate with Luxonis‘ user community.

Crowdfunding campaigns and developing trailblazing products that roboticists love is something that is in Luxonis‘ DNA, which is made evident by its established track record of two previously successful campaigns. Luxonis‘ first Kickstarter for the OpenCV AI Kit in 2021 raised $1.3 million with 6,564 backers, and the second for the OAK-D Lite raised $1.02 million with 7,988 backers. With the support of robot hobbyists and brand loyalists, as well as new target backers such as educators, students, and parents, rae is en route to leave an impact as a revolutionary personal robot that isn’t limited to niche demographics.

Pricing for rae starts at $299 and international shipping is available.

Interested backers can learn more about the campaign here.

For more information about Luxonis, visit 

About Luxonis:

The mission at Luxonis is robotic vision, made simple. They are working to improve the engineering efficiency of the world through their industry leading and award winning camera systems, which embed AI, CV, and machine learning into a high performing, compact package. Luxonis offers full-stack solutions stretching from hardware, firmware, software, and a growing cloud-based management platform, and prioritizes customer success above all else through the continued development of their DepthAI ecosystem.