Bell Robot announces the crowdfunding campaign and launch of their modular interactive robotics learning kit for kids

Mabot takes learning and makes it fun. Their interactive robotics learning kit is an educational toy designed especially for kids and youngsters. It’s the first modular robot kit that allows nearly endless combinations of robot builds that is simple to use, educational, as well as fun for the whole family.   


Children are naturally curious and as any parent knows, they love electronics such as phones, tablets, video games and toys. The team behind Mabot sought a way to take this natural tendency and turn it into fun, interactive learning that builds problem solving skills and creativity in kids. They designed an incredible robotic system that uses modular components to create robots and powered vehicles that can move, sense their surroundings and interact with the environment. Mabot is like a next generation remote control vehicle, one that utilizes advanced robotic capabilities.  

Using a series of modular balls that easily connect together, a virtually endless number of robots can be built. Building and modifying robots is fast and simple using hot-plugin, a feature that allows the balls to be connected and disconnected without the need to turn off the power. A Battery Ball powers other components that drive the robot, sense colors and objects nearby and even pick things up. A Brain Ball controls it all along with two intuitive Apps that make programming fun and easy, the Mabot Go App and the more advanced, Mabot IDE App. 

For beginners, the Mabot Go App includes pre-set, step-by-step build instructions for more than 10 robots that guide new builders toward their goal while demonstrating basic coding. Once users are ready to take it to the next level, the advanced Mabot IDE App is used to program the robot for more complicated tasks using coding blocks similar to Arduino. Having two Apps creates a pathway to learning for young programmers who can learn and grow at their own pace.  

Mixing and matching the robotic modules lets kids create robots with different looks, uses and functions. The Mabot is also compatible with the popular Lego brand toys, putting a modern spin on a classic kid’s favorite and adding another dimension to creative building. The robot kit and companion app make learning robotics and coding fun for kids of all ages and provides a positive family activity.   

“As engineers, robotics experts and parents, we realize the importance of raising children with valuable skills for the future. But we also know that learning must be fun in order to fully engage kids. We designed Mabot with fun as a first priority and then created a learning system that kids love.” Bell Robots CEO, Alvin Wang 

 The Team behind Mabot is Bell Educational Group, a leader in robotic learning curriculums for kids. They developed Mabot in response to feedback from parents and teachers about the difficulty of getting kids interested in STEM learning. STEM is an educational system that emphasizes a holistic approach to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics that encourages collaboration, problem solving and creativity in children. This proven approach to learning is vital for early childhood development and results in lifelong skills. Mabot was created as a powerful learning tool for youngsters age 6 and up to engage kids in a totally new and fun way of learning robotics and programming. 

 Mabot is currently being launched via a Kickstarter campaign so they can reward early adopters with special deals and pricing.  

Summary: Bell Robot announces the launch of Mabot an interactive robotics learning kit for children that teaches creative building, coding and robotics.  

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