New TacoBot toy makes learning coding skills easy for young children

Indiegogo campaign lets early adopters grab TacoBot toys for home or school at best-ever pricing
XIAMEN, FUJIAN, CHINA –There’s a new robot in town, and it’s about to become the hottest tech toy around. That toy is TacoBot. Designed to help children learn to code, this colorful stacking toy was developed by RoboSpace to facilitate STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) education.
RoboSpace has launched an Indiegogo campaign to accelerate the launch of TacoBot, which is sure to become the new “must have” toy for children starting at age four. TacoBot teaches children to code with screen-free or drag-and-drop coding that allows them to build critical thinking and problem-solving skills while they are playing.
With TacoBot, children can simply stack pieces to create their own special robot. Because stacking is the “most intuitive and simplest construction method,” TacoBot enables children to explore, create, and code a variety of robots and then play with them immediately. This stacking method suits both the hands-on capability and comprehension levels of children from very young ages.
The TacoBot was designed to “minimize complication and maximize exploration.” A basic TacoBot includes four body parts with built-in sensors that control separate functionality:
  • The hat controls perception.
  • The head controls expression.
  • The body controls interaction.
  • The base controls movement.
Once built, the TacoBot gives children instant voice feedback to help them better understand and interact with their toy.
In addition to the basic parts, children can add shovel, plate, and catapult extensions to their TacoBot to expand what their robot can accomplish. With the basic parts and add-ons, children can program their robots with a wide array of functions, from going on patrol, to storytelling, catapulting, and dancing and singing. They can send them into battle or have them clean up toys. TacoBot will even interface with and assemble Legos to create hours of fun. That is to say, one TacoBot quals to a coding robot, a modualr robot, a accompany robot and more.
Two different TacoBot kits will be available for delivery in November. The basic kit includes the programming hat, head, body, base, and a free app. The Happy Kit includes the basic kit along with two additional sensor hats and the shovel, plate, and catapult extensions.
Parents and teachers can visit the TacoBot Indiegogo page right now to pre-order individual or classroom kits and support the toy’s development. Early pricing of the TacoBot through the Indiegogo campaign provides savings of 40% or more:
Basic Kit Early Bird: $34 USD + Shipping. Regularly $59 (42% off)
Happy Kit Early Bird: $44 USD + Shipping. Regularly $75 (41% off)
2 X Basic Kit Family Package of 2: $69 USD + Shipping. Regularly $118 (41% off)
2 X Happy Kit Family Package of 2: $89 USD + Shipping. Regularly $150 (40% off)
6 X Basic Kit Classroom Package of 6: $199 USD + Shipping. Regularly $354 (43% off)
For an additional $5, grab a USB Bluetooth adapter to allow control and programming of the TacoBot by PC (supports Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP). The adapter will be regularly priced at $10.
Visit the just-launched Indiegogo campaign to support the project and grab your TacoBot:
To learn more about TacoBot or see it in action, visit or watch our product video at

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