- I liked a YouTube video — 10 Minute dSolar Robot http://youtu.be/LXY2kJBeOcY?a /via @dexterind #
- On BotJunkie.com: Quadrotor + Kinect = One Weird Looking Robot http://bit.ly/gV30ws #robotics /via @BotJunkie #
- Programming Software – Products – VEX Robotics http://bit.ly/fd3JML /via @TransBotica #
- Arduino Uno + MakerShield + breadboard + more; $100 of microcontroller Products for $78! http://bit.ly/gefzBG #MAKEDotD /via @make #
- Autonomous quadrotor navigation with a Kinect – DIY Drones: http://bit.ly/hxOeP6 /via @robotants #
- Technical information on Kinect depth calibration: http://bit.ly/h4dmfR /via @willowgarage #
- Kinect on a Quadrotor: http://bit.ly/fo1XMg #ROS #PCL /via @willowgarage #
- Brief history of robotics. http://www.razorrobotics.com/history.html /via @RazorRobotics #
- New delivery of 800 Roberta adhesive foils for Lego Mindstorms NXT – just arrived! http://fb.me/OgmXkmWh /via @RobertaIAIS #
- http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150103019511117&set=a.239725471116.178864.200196311116&ref=nf http://fb.me/POKZMHln #
- New delivery of 800 Roberta adhesive foils for Lego Mindstorms NXT – just arrived! http://fb.me/OgmXkmWh /via @RobertaIAIS #
- great lego construction! http://fb.me/Q0v9a62H /via @RobertaIAIS #
- Service Robotics Innovation Summit at the INNOROBOEvent – March 2011, France: http://bit.ly/fqjQIY /via @RobertaIAIS #