What do all electronic devices have in common today? They have a touchscreen. What do all touchscreens have in common? They must be subjected to extensive quality assurance before delivery so that the customer receives quality and is satisfied.
Since one touchscreen is not the same as another in terms of size and user interface, it is important to have a testing system that is flexible in terms of dimensions and movement patterns. This application shows a room linear robot from igus®. That xyz gantry can be flexibly controlled via the igus Robot Control. In addition, the dimensions of the portals can be adapted to fit your QA needs as desired.
This allows you to carry out your quality assurance process without complex retooling.

Linear robots have several linear axes combined in order to implement a multidimensional movement. igus supplies flat, linear and room linear robots for a multitude of different tasks. igus linear robots include harnessed drylin linear modules/axes with NEMA stepper motors as well as all the components needed to build your own robot. Application examples for room linear robots: Measurement and testing, handling and assembly technology, identification in microelectronics and medical technology, tasks in the handling of small parts and simple handling tasks.
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