Munich, November 10, 2020 – While more and more manufacturing companies are using collaborative robots, technology has so far been treated as a secondary consideration in vocational training. Current curricula largely ignore the increasing automation. Universal Robots (UR) wants to change this: With UNIVERSAL ROBOTS EDUCATION, the world market leader in collaborative robotics has developed a holistic concept that allows training officers to easily integrate the topic into the teaching process.
„Our new concept makes it easier for training companies and vocational schools to impart relevant automation knowledge in a practical way“, explains Andrea Alboni, Sales Manager D/A/CH at Universal Robots (Germany) GmbH. „We are thus reacting to an acute discrepancy between training content and professional practice. We finally need up-to-date training directly on the robot in order to qualify the skilled workers of tomorrow for working in modern manufacturing contexts“.
Five modules for hands-on learning
UNIVERSAL ROBOTS EDUCATION is a didactically holistic concept. On the one hand, the measures contained in the program pick up both teachers and those responsible for training as well as students by creating the necessary knowledge base on both sides. On the other hand, theory and practice go hand in hand to ensure the greatest possible learning success. Under these premises, the concept is divided into five building blocks:
- In the free online training courses of the UR Academy, trainees learn the basics of programming.
- With the help of the offline simulator they practice programming on their PC, on the UR user interface. Afterwards, the created program can be tested on a real Cobot.
- The hardware learning stations each include a real robot arm on which trainees can safely try out various applications.
- Teaching materials support the teachers in their lesson planning and offer students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge.
- In face-to-face training sessions, teachers and training officers train themselves to prepare for teaching with Cobots.
Specialists for the industry of tomorrow
„In many areas of the working world, collaborating robots are already part of the standard inventory today,“ Alboni is convinced. „If companies take this to heart in their training operations, they not only give their trainees a clear knowledge advantage. At the same time, they are investing in their own future, because skilled workers with robotics know-how are increasingly essential for competitive success – now also beyond the manufacturing industry in logistics, trade or the laboratory sector.

Modernizing training in SMEs
With the new concept universal robot addresses itself beside vocational schools also to small and medium-size training enterprises. These companies play a central role in the German apprenticeship system: around 80 percent of apprentices in Germany complete their training there. Thanks to the space-saving, profitable lightweight robotics from Universal Robots, automation is now also affordable for SMEs. The industry pioneer has thus sustainably lowered access barriers. Since entering the market in 2008, Universal Robots has sold more than 46,000 Cobots that make the work of employees in companies around the world easier.
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