UDOO KEY hits the $10,000 Kickstarter goal in 90 minutes

UDOO KEY, the world’s most flexible AI platform, is a brand-new AI-first solution based on Raspberry Pi RP2040 and ESP32. It enables machine learning applications in the most popular programming languages and libraries, including TinyML, TensorFlow Lite, MicroPython, C, C++ etc. The board, designed for Edge AI projects, marks the fifth crowdfunding campaign by UDOO, which already raised more than 2 million dollars in previous Kickstarter campaigns.

Link to the campaign: key.udoo.org

UDOO KEY combines Raspberry Pi RP2040 and a fully programmable ESP32 into a single powerful piece of hardware. The board comes in two versions: UDOO KEY and UDOO KEY PRO. Both feature Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and BLE; UDOO KEY PRO also features a 9-axis IMU and a digital microphone. The board is fully compatible, both hardware and software-wise, with Raspberry Pi Pico and ESP32.

UDOO KEY also grants access to Clea, the upcoming AI as a service platform by SECO Mind, SECO’s daughter company. Clea is an extensible AI & IoT platform for professional developers, startups, R&D departments and hobbyists. . It allows users to quickly build, monitor and deploy Artificial Intelligence models and apps over a fleet of remote-controlled devices. It comes with a set of pre-built AI models and apps called Clea Apps, all developed by SECO. Last but not least, it’s natively compatible with UDOO KEY, Raspberry Pi as well as Arm and x86 processors. 

Maurizio Caporali, Co-CEO of SECO Mind, said, „Today, AI is very misunderstood. Many AI use cases don’t require a powerful processing unit, and that’s where UDOO KEY comes in. For the first time ever in the world of Edge AI, the user has the option to build an AI project on their terms, using either Raspberry Pi RP2040, ESP32, or both. Several companies we are in touch with find it difficult to take advantage of the AI revolution. UDOO KEY and Clea make this as easy as it gets.”

Shipping will start in January 2022. The Early Bird UDOO KEY is available at $4, while the Early Bird UDOO KEY PRO is available at $9. Both are limited to 1,000 units. 

UDOO has also made available two special kits, built in collaboration with two equally special companies: Arducam and Seeed Studio. 

The first kit, in collaboration with Arducam, is named „Early Bird UDOO KEY PRO Cam Kit + Clea “ and includes 1x UDOO KEY PRO, a 2MB SPI Camera and access to Clea.

The second kit, in collaboration with SeeedStudio, is named “Early Bird UDOO KEY PRO Grove Kit + Clea” and includes 1x UDOO KEY PRO, access to Clea and 14 handpicked Grove Modules, including 5 sensors/ 5 actuators/ 2LED/ 1 LCD display/ 1 Grove shield.

More details on UDOO KEY

The Raspberry Pi Pico-compatible part of UDOO KEY is built upon a Raspberry PI RP2040 dual Arm Cortex-M0, featuring a QSPI 8MB flash memory, 133 MHZ clock, and 264KB of on-chip SRAM.  The ESP32 is based on a dual-core Xtensa 32-bit LX6, with 16 MB flash memory, 8MB PSRAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy. The two microcontrollers can talk to each other via serial port and SWD.

The user can program the two microcontrollers in an easy way via a USB-C connector and decide whether to talk with RP2040 or ESP32 via jumper. The UDOO KEY provides many more interfaces: three fully programmable LEDs, and the same pinout of Raspberry Pi Pico, making it 100% compatible with it, both hardware and software-wise. Last but not least, the UEXT connector is accessible from the ESP32, which exposes the I2C, UART and SPI interfaces.

The UDOO KEY also mounts two powerful sensors: a 9-axis IMU and a digital microphone, plus a standard UEXT connector to easily add sensors and other interfaces. Thanks to the on-board ESP32 microcontroller, the UDOO KEY features full Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n connectivity, Bluetooth and BLE v4.2.  

Link to the Campaign: key.udoo.org

GrubTech and Wobot.ai join forces in the automation and digitization of restaurant & cloud kitchen operations

9th November 2020, Dubai, United Arab Emirates: GrubTech, the UAE-based tech start-up that is taking the foodservice industry by storm with the introduction of the world’s most technologically advanced digital commerce tool for restaurant and cloud kitchen owners, and India-based AI-powered video analytics powerhouse Wobot.ai are proud to announce a global strategic collaboration. The partnership brings together GrubTech’s native technology expertise in the foodservice landscape and Wobot’s state-of-the-art platform to curate an optimum experience for restaurateurs and cloud kitchen operators globally.

In this age of the technological revolution, rapidly evolving technology is expected to provide much-needed tailwinds to the foodservice business, as tech enablement is no longer a luxury, but a necessity to survive and succeed. The alliance between GrubTech and Wobot.ai establishes a comprehensive solution for restaurants and cloud kitchens, encompassing the digitization of everything from order capture and operations to compliance management and marketing.

GrubTech’s integration with food aggregators, points of sale and third party logistics providers, eliminates the need for the manual, error-prone and often cumbersome entry of orders into siloed solutions. Rather, it digitizes the order lifecycle, providing comprehensive visibility over sales and operations and resulting in reduced costs, increased efficiencies and shortened food preparation and delivery times, i.e. from click to doorbell in far less time.

„GrubTech provides restaurants, cloud kitchens and virtual brands with the first end-to-end management system, automating manual processes in order to drive operational efficiencies and improve the customer experience. Wobot’s AI-powered insights & business intelligence tools create a perfect synergy with our platform, setting us on course to completely revolutionise the global foodservice industry. We look forward to helping to drive future fit and profitable operations for our customers, as they strive to win in this ever-changing landscape” said Mohamed Al Fayed, Co-Founder and CEO of GrubTech.

Wobot.ai today powers 10,000+ units globally, helping them reduce their risk of non-compliance, cost of monitoring, and increases their customer NPS with its computer vision technology.

Mr Adit Chhabra, CEO of Wobot added „Our vision with the Wobot-GrubTech alliance is to create a seamless workplace optimized to deliver operational excellence in the hospitality industry with our combined technology platforms. Our service offerings tailored specifically for restaurants and cloud kitchens, offers the unmatched capability to deliver massive value for these businesses. Wobot’s platform monitors health, safety & operational checklists & helps you ascertain if you meet global foodservice industry standards“.

GrubTech’s solution is highly scalable and easily deployable remotely, and the company is in advanced discussions to deploy across a number of large enterprises and SME’s across the MENA region and beyond into SE Asia, and Europe. The agreement with Wobot.ai will significantly enhance the offering, as with heightened food safety requirements and increased restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, countries are frequently updating their compliance legislation creating an urgent need for an effective and multi-purpose operations platform.

Seltsame Maschinen, neue Begleiter mit menschlichen Zügen, Katastrophen durch vernetzte Systeme: Künstliche Intelligenz trifft Science Fiction

Lange KI-Nacht am 30. Oktober im „Falstaff“

(lifePR) (Bremen, 16.10.19) Science-Fiction-Literatur zur Künstlichen Intelligenz steht im Mittelpunkt der „Langen KI-Nacht“, zu der die Hochschule Bremen am Mittwoch, dem 30. Oktober 2019, um 20 Uhr, in die Kulturkneipe „Falstaff“ in der Bremer Neustadt, Schulstraße 26, einlädt.

Gelesen werden klassische Texte von Philip K. Dick, Stanislaw Lem, Harry Harrison, Arthur C. Clarke und Ron Goulart. Vorgetragen werden die Kurzgeschichten von Lehrenden der Hochschule Bremen aus verschiedenen Fakultäten. Mit dabei ist auch Janika Rehak aus Verden mit einer aktuellen eigenen Geschichte über einen besonderen weiblichen Service-Roboter. Die Moderation übernimmt Erik Roßbander von der Bremer Shakespeare Company. Beginn ist um 20 Uhr, der Eintritt ist frei.

Im Mittelpunkt stehen die seltsamen neuen Maschinen, von ihren Erbauern mit scheinbar mehr oder weniger künstlicher Intelligenz ausgestattet. Typisch dafür ist „Trurls Maschine“ von Stanislaw Lem aus dem Jahr 1964 mit ihrer eigensinnigen Arithmetik. Die dunkle Seite der Künstlichen Intelligenz, die nicht kontrollierbare, wird dabei immer mit thematisiert.

In der Kommunikation zeigen sich die neuen Begleiter im Alltag aber durchaus menschlich. Sie entwickeln Gefühle oder lösen starke Gefühle aus. Ein Spiel mit Masken und Rollen wie bei „Ayumi22“ von Janika Rehak, oder auch eine „Demaskierung“, wie von Harry Harrison beschrieben, scheinen mit zur Künstlichen Intelligenz zu gehören. Sind sie wirklich menschlich? Haben sie Emotionen? „Mein neuer Freund“ ist eine Metapher für die Annäherung von Mensch und Maschine, auf welchen Kanälen auch immer.

Ein dritter Strang in der Literatur greift die möglichen Katastrophen, ausgelöst durch vernetzte intelligente Systeme auf. In einem Text unter dem Titel „Geburtsstunde“ bearbeitet Arthur C. Clarke, einer der großen englischsprachigen Science Fiction Autoren, dieses Thema auf unterhaltsame Weise. Was wäre, wenn alle Telefone der Welt zusammengeschlossen werden? Vernetzte Systeme entwickeln ihre Eigenlogik und eine eigene Macht. In der Kurzgeschichte „Maschinenschaden“ von Ron Goulart wird dies bis zur tödlichen Konsequenz für die Akteure vorangetrieben, während „Rückspiel“ von Philip K. Dick die Verstrickung in simulierte Welten und ihre fatalen Folgen erfahrbar macht.

Veranstalter der Lesung sind Dr. Dieter Brinkmann, Prof. Dr. Renate Freericks, Prof. Dr. Antonia Kesel und Prof. Dr. Uta Bohnebeck aus den Fachrichtungen Bionik, Freizeitwissenschaft und Informatik.