PiCockpit: Innovative Web Solution for Managing Multiple Raspberry Pis

pi3g Unveils Groundbreaking New Features for Business Users

Leipzig, March 27, 2024 – pi3g GmbH & Co. KG introduces new web-based Terminal and File Editor Apps to its PiCockpit.com platform, enhancing Raspberry Pi remote management with an updated Script Scheduler, Video Streaming App, and the PiCockpit Pro Plus plan for custom software needs. These innovations reflect pi3g’s dedication to simplifying and boosting productivity for global business users without the need for in-depth Linux expertise. In particular, teams with a Windows® background require less training and specialized skills when using PiCockpit to manage the company’s Raspberry Pi fleet, resulting in substantial time and cost savings for the business.

The PiCockpit Terminal App offers a seamless web-based terminal interface, eliminating the need for complex setup or additional software like PuTTY. Leveraging WebRTC technology, it ensures a secure, encrypted connection for managing all Raspberry Pi devices from any location. This app simplifies remote device management for businesses, enabling straightforward web-based remote access beyond the limitations of traditional methods.

The File Editor App, enhanced with RaspiGPT technology powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4, simplifies file and directory management on Raspberry Pis. By accessing PiCockpit.com, users can remotely edit files from any web browser. This app provides smart assistance for script writing, log analysis, and file content explanation, streamlining file management and speeding up business development processes.

PiCockpit: Simplified management, reduced costs

Maximilian Batz, founder of pi3g, stated, “Our goal has always been to make Raspberry Pi management as accessible and efficient as possible for our users. The launch of our new PiCockpit apps, along with enhancements to our existing services, represents a significant step forward in achieving that goal. We’re particularly excited about the possibilities that RaspiGPT opens up, streamlining tasks that previously required extensive technical knowledge.”

PiCockpit’s Pro Plan introduces a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to scale their operations beyond the first five free Pis. With Two Factor Authentication, PiCockpit ensures secure access to user accounts and their Raspberry Pis. PiCockpit Pro Plus takes customization to the next level, offering bespoke software development and system integration services. This plan is not just an offering but a partnership, providing businesses with a tailored solution that meshes seamlessly with their existing systems, paving the way for significant cost savings and operational efficiencies.

About PiCockpit

PiCockpit.com is a comprehensive web interface designed to simplify the management and operation of Raspberry Pi devices. Offering a range of applications including PiStats, Video Streaming, Script Scheduler, Terminal, and File Editor, PiCockpit enables users to monitor performance, schedule scripts, stream Raspberry Pi cameras, and manage files from anywhere in the world.

About pi3g

Based in Leipzig, Germany, pi3g has been involved in the Raspberry Pi ecosystem since its very beginning in 2012. As an official Raspberry Pi approved reseller, pi3g offers a comprehensive suite of services for businesses, including hardware sourcing, software development, hardware development and consulting.

PiCockpit: Innovative Web-Lösung für die Fernsteuerung vieler Raspberry Pis

Höhere Effizienz, geringere Kosten: Neue PiCockpit-Apps mit zeitsparenden Funktionen

Leipzig, 27. März 2024: Die pi3g GmbH & Co. KG führt auf der PiCockpit.com Plattform mit dem Terminal und dem Datei-Editor zwei neue webbasierte Apps ein. pi3g verbessert zudem das Raspberry Pi Remote Management mit einem aktualisierten Skriptplaner, einer Video Streaming App und dem PiCockpit Pro Plus Plan für individuelle Software- und Geschäftsanforderungen. pi3g vereinfacht damit den Einsatz von Raspberry Pis in Unternehmen beträchtlich, für die Anwender sind keine komplexen Linux-Kenntnisse mehr erforderlich. Insbesondere Teams mit Windows®-Hintergrund benötigen weniger Schulungen und spezielle Kenntnisse, wenn sie PiCockpit für die Verwaltung der Raspberry Pi-Flotte des Unternehmens nutzen. Das führt zu erheblichen Zeit- und Kosteneinsparungen für das Unternehmen, und spiegelt das Ziel von pi3g wider, die Produktivität globaler Geschäftsanwender zu steigern.

Die PiCockpit Terminal App bietet eine bequeme webbasierte Terminalschnittstelle für die Verwaltung aller Raspberry Pi-Geräte von jedem beliebigen Standort aus. Dank der Terminal App ist eine aufwendige Netzwerkkonfiguration oder zusätzliche Software wie PuTTY überflüssig. Die zugrundeliegende WebRTC-Technologie sorgt dabei für eine sichere, verschlüsselte, Ende-zu-Ende-Verbindung vom Webbrowser direkt zum Raspberry Pi. Somit vereinfacht die App Unternehmen die Fernverwaltung von ihren Geräten und ermöglicht einen unkomplizierten webbasierten Fernzugriff, über Netzwerkgrenzen hinweg.

Mit der neuen Editor App können Benutzer Dateien auf ihren Raspberry Pis nun von jedem Webbrowser aus einfach und bequem bearbeiten. Dank der eingebauten RaspiGPT-Technologie, die auf OpenAIs GPT-4 basiert, bietet die App intelligente Unterstützung beim Verstehen von Dateien, Schreiben von Skripten und bei der Analyse von Logs. Dadurch vereinfacht pi3g die Dateiverwaltung und beschleunigt die Entwicklungsprozesse von Unternehmen.

PiCockpit: Vereinfachte Verwaltung, reduzierte Kosten

Maximilian Batz, Gründer von pi3g, erklärt: „Unser Ziel war es schon immer, die Benutzung von Raspberry Pis einfacher zu machen. So einfach und effizient wie möglich! Geschäftskunden setzen den Raspberry Pi für viele Zwecke ein. Im Vordergrund steht für sie immer das Resultat, der Geschäftszweck – nicht die zeitraubende Konfiguration, Bedienung oder die Auseinandersetzung mit Linux-Administration. Unsere neuen PiCockpit Apps stellen einen großen Sprung nach vorne dar, um Unternehmen Zeit und Geld zu sparen. Wir freuen uns besonders über die RaspiGPT-Technologie. Sie eröffnet viele neue Möglichkeiten, sie vereinfacht Aufgaben, die bisher umfangreiche technische Kenntnisse erforderten. Windows®-Nutzer müssen keine Linux-Gurus mehr werden, um Raspberry Pis in ihren Firmen einzusetzen.“

Der Pro Plan von PiCockpit richtet sich besonders an kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, sie können damit über ihre ersten fünf kostenlosen Pis hinaus skalieren. Gegen eine monatliche Gebühr von 9,95 € brutto je Raspberry Pi bekommen die Nutzer unbegrenzten Zugang zu allen Funktionen. Dank einer Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung gewährleistet PiCockpit dabei einen sicheren Zugang zu den Benutzerkonten und den Raspberry Pis.

PiCockpit Pro Plus erweitert, als Enterprise Lösung, das Angebot um maßgeschneiderte Softwareentwicklung und Dienstleistungen zur Systemintegration. PiCockpit Pro Plus bietet dabei Unternehmen eine perfekt für sie angepasste Raspberry Pi Lösung, die sich nahtlos in ihre bestehenden Systeme einfügt. Dadurch werden signifikante Kosteneinsparungen und eine Steigerung der betrieblichen Effizienz ermöglicht.

PiCockpit wird durch pi3g kontinuierlich um weitere Funktionen und Möglichkeiten erweitert, dabei stehen die sich entwickelnden Bedürfnisse der Nutzer im Vordergrund. Das Unternehmen lädt Unternehmen und Raspberry Pi-Enthusiasten dazu ein, die neuen Funktionen auf picockpit.com zu erkunden und sich zum Newsletter anzumelden um über neue Apps auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.

Über PiCockpit:
PiCockpit.com bietet eine bequeme Web-Oberfläche zur Steuerung von Raspberry Pi-Geräten. Es bietet eine Vielzahl von eingebauten Anwendungen wie PiStats, Video Streaming, Script Scheduler, Terminal und File Editor. Damit können Nutzer von überall auf der Welt aus die Leistung der Raspberry Pis überwachen, Skriptausführung planen, Raspberry Pi Kameras streamen und Dateien verwalten. Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen können mit PiCockpit von den vielfältigen Fähigkeiten der Raspberry Pis profitieren, ohne Linux-Spezialkenntnisse aufbauen zu müssen.

Über pi3g:
Das in Leipzig ansässige Unternehmen pi3g GmbH & Co. KG ist seit den Anfängen des Raspberry Pi Ökosystems im Jahr 2012 dabei. Als offizieller Raspberry Pi Reseller bietet pi3g Unternehmen ein umfassendes Angebot an Dienstleistungen, darunter Softwareentwicklung, Hardwareentwicklung, Hardwarebeschaffung und Beratung. Geschäftskunden können über den Online-Shop von pi3g (buyzero.de) auf das gesamte Sortiment an Raspberry Pi-Produkten, Zubehör und ausgewählter KI-Hardware wie Coral.AI und den Unigen Cupcake Edge AI Server zugreifen.

Experience the Future of Companionship with Doly, Launched by Limitbit soon on Kickstarter

Limitbit, a pioneer in AI powered companion technology, has announced the launch of its groundbreaking product, Doly, on Kickstarter. As of today, Doly has already captured the imagination of tech enthusiasts and educators, raising significant interest ahead of its official Kickstarter launch scheduled for February 13, 2024. 

Doly, launch day special priced at $289, is an autonomous AI-powered companion robot that seamlessly integrates robotics, AI, and coding education into one dynamic device. It is the first of its kind to offer an open hardware and open design, powered by Raspberry Pi, allowing customization and continual evolution in capabilities. 

„Doly represents a fusion of companionship, education, and technological innovation,“ says Levent Erenler, founder of Limitbit. „It’s designed to grow and adapt, offering an engaging experience for all ages and skill levels. Our open-source approach places Doly at the forefront of personal robotic innovation.“ 

Product highlights of Doly include: 

Self-acting Personality: A unique character that develops and evolves through interaction, offering a personalized experience. 

Edge AI Processing: Ensuring maximum privacy, Doly’s AI algorithms operate locally, without relying on cloud processing, safeguarding user data.

STEM Education Enabler: Doly serves as an engaging tool for learning coding and robotics, catering to both beginners and advanced users. 

Open-Source Platform: Users can innovate and customize Doly, thanks to its open hardware and open design, fostering a community-driven approach to technological advancement. 

Extensive Add-On Support: Featuring a range of I/O ports, Doly offers extensive opportunities for expansion and customization, perfect for developers and hobbyists. 

3D Printable Design: Emphasizing its customizable nature, Doly can be personalized with 3D printed parts, allowing users to tailor its appearance and functions. 

Targeted towards a wide audience that includes robot lovers, parents, children, software and hardware developers, and open-source enthusiasts, Doly is positioned as the ultimate educational and interactive robot companion. 

„Doly is not just a product; it’s a step towards a future where technology enhances every aspect of learning and daily living,“ added Levent Erenler. „Its ability to engage users in coding, robotics, and AI, while also serving as a companion robot, sets a new benchmark in the field.“ 

About Limitbit: 

Based in Markham, Ontario, Limitbit is dedicated to revolutionizing AI powered companion robots. Their mission is to blend cutting-edge technology with practical, educational applications, making advanced robotics accessible to everyone. 

For more information about Doly and to participate in the Kickstarter campaign, click here. 

UDOO KEY hits the $10,000 Kickstarter goal in 90 minutes

UDOO KEY, the world’s most flexible AI platform, is a brand-new AI-first solution based on Raspberry Pi RP2040 and ESP32. It enables machine learning applications in the most popular programming languages and libraries, including TinyML, TensorFlow Lite, MicroPython, C, C++ etc. The board, designed for Edge AI projects, marks the fifth crowdfunding campaign by UDOO, which already raised more than 2 million dollars in previous Kickstarter campaigns.

Link to the campaign: key.udoo.org

UDOO KEY combines Raspberry Pi RP2040 and a fully programmable ESP32 into a single powerful piece of hardware. The board comes in two versions: UDOO KEY and UDOO KEY PRO. Both feature Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and BLE; UDOO KEY PRO also features a 9-axis IMU and a digital microphone. The board is fully compatible, both hardware and software-wise, with Raspberry Pi Pico and ESP32.

UDOO KEY also grants access to Clea, the upcoming AI as a service platform by SECO Mind, SECO’s daughter company. Clea is an extensible AI & IoT platform for professional developers, startups, R&D departments and hobbyists. . It allows users to quickly build, monitor and deploy Artificial Intelligence models and apps over a fleet of remote-controlled devices. It comes with a set of pre-built AI models and apps called Clea Apps, all developed by SECO. Last but not least, it’s natively compatible with UDOO KEY, Raspberry Pi as well as Arm and x86 processors. 

Maurizio Caporali, Co-CEO of SECO Mind, said, „Today, AI is very misunderstood. Many AI use cases don’t require a powerful processing unit, and that’s where UDOO KEY comes in. For the first time ever in the world of Edge AI, the user has the option to build an AI project on their terms, using either Raspberry Pi RP2040, ESP32, or both. Several companies we are in touch with find it difficult to take advantage of the AI revolution. UDOO KEY and Clea make this as easy as it gets.”

Shipping will start in January 2022. The Early Bird UDOO KEY is available at $4, while the Early Bird UDOO KEY PRO is available at $9. Both are limited to 1,000 units. 

UDOO has also made available two special kits, built in collaboration with two equally special companies: Arducam and Seeed Studio. 

The first kit, in collaboration with Arducam, is named „Early Bird UDOO KEY PRO Cam Kit + Clea “ and includes 1x UDOO KEY PRO, a 2MB SPI Camera and access to Clea.

The second kit, in collaboration with SeeedStudio, is named “Early Bird UDOO KEY PRO Grove Kit + Clea” and includes 1x UDOO KEY PRO, access to Clea and 14 handpicked Grove Modules, including 5 sensors/ 5 actuators/ 2LED/ 1 LCD display/ 1 Grove shield.

More details on UDOO KEY

The Raspberry Pi Pico-compatible part of UDOO KEY is built upon a Raspberry PI RP2040 dual Arm Cortex-M0, featuring a QSPI 8MB flash memory, 133 MHZ clock, and 264KB of on-chip SRAM.  The ESP32 is based on a dual-core Xtensa 32-bit LX6, with 16 MB flash memory, 8MB PSRAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy. The two microcontrollers can talk to each other via serial port and SWD.

The user can program the two microcontrollers in an easy way via a USB-C connector and decide whether to talk with RP2040 or ESP32 via jumper. The UDOO KEY provides many more interfaces: three fully programmable LEDs, and the same pinout of Raspberry Pi Pico, making it 100% compatible with it, both hardware and software-wise. Last but not least, the UEXT connector is accessible from the ESP32, which exposes the I2C, UART and SPI interfaces.

The UDOO KEY also mounts two powerful sensors: a 9-axis IMU and a digital microphone, plus a standard UEXT connector to easily add sensors and other interfaces. Thanks to the on-board ESP32 microcontroller, the UDOO KEY features full Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n connectivity, Bluetooth and BLE v4.2.  

Link to the Campaign: key.udoo.org

GinoBot, Inspiring Inventors of the Future with STEM Disciplines, Launches on Kickstarter

The all-in-one smart toy incorporates science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines with playtime, in a hands-on way. 

Astoria, New York – (May 3, 2021) Keeping children entertained and engaged in today’s tech-driven world is now easier with GinoBot. The tool that implements a fun, hands-on experiencewith unlimited expansion potential for learning STEM disciplines, computational thinking, and digital literacy is launching on Kickstarter today.

GinoBot seamlessly blends playtime with advanced learning to sharpen a child’s mind for the future. From plug-and-play robot to high-end coding and electronics, the progression of skills with GinoBot is unlimited. Children ages 6+ can build simple or complex models with GinoBot’s scalable, and compatible design.
It features KEIRO software for block-based programming, which is compatible with a PC (Windows, Linux, MAC OS) and smart devices (Google Play, Apple Store). GinoBot has Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, as well as a micro USB connector. It can also connect with 3rd party hardware like Arduino, Microbit and Raspberry Pi, among others.

Science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM toys are the future. GinoBot is a solution for children to learn 21st century skills that lets them playfully learn how to code, design, build, and rebuild models quickly, no matter their age or learning style. 

“Children are our future and we believe they are all gifted with the power to perform astonishing technological feats,” said Costas Sisamos, founder and CEO of Engino. “As STEM learning principles become more prominent in our children’s curriculum, GinoBot is a great learning tool that will keep young minds hungry to explore, design and create enabling them to experience the limitless thrill of scientific discovery.” 

GinoBot is a great way to invest in your child’s imagination and expand their creativity. To pre-order, visit pr.go2.fund/ginobot.

About Engino 

Engino is a toy manufacturer that specializes in construction toys and smart educational toys, and have been at the vanguard of the STEM education movement for the past 15 years. A few years ago, Engino joined the robotics market and started developing programmable robots. These robots are supported with an extensive curriculum so children can learn the digital-side of thinking and how to do programming, coding, and more. For more information, visit https://www.engino.com/.

Finally – never again step barefoot on a LEGO® brick in the night! Leguino is now on Kickstarter.

BELFAST, UK – March 2018 –  Leguino launches on Kickstarter and creates the opportunity to anyone to invent. Leguino has built a Sweeper Bot which collects all the lost LEGO® bricks from your floor. The Leguino team made it possible by using the brick shaped Leguino electronics and designed the software for this unique robot with Leguino Visuino, the visual drag and drop software development environment.
By removing the barriers between the worlds of LEGO® and Arduino™, Raspberry Pi and the endless range of electronics – Leguino is a unique marriage to break barriers and overrides limitations: It opens the door for building your next level Lego® project. Leguino parts deliver the bridge. Finally!

Imagine the typical LEGO® projects: Most of them are locked in the LEGO® environment and the really hot and interesting electronic modules which are available for Arduino™ or Raspberry Pi and other compatible components cannot be integrated properly. They do not fit. By using Leguino parts these obstacles are removed: Revert to the endless Arduino™ solutions and add them to your new breathtaking LEGO® projects. Make your prototypes with LEGO® and integrate unique Leguino devices with crazy functions: Microphones, infrared data transfer, OLED displays, humidity sensors or why not try out a real webserver? Connect your LEGO® project to the Internet and override all limitations.

Inventing software with Leguino Visuino is as easy as connecting LEGO® bricks. For those people who are not skilled in writing software, developing programs has never been easier. Instead of writing hundreds of lines of programming code – Leguino Visuino, the visual drag and drop software development environment does all the hard work for you. Just focus on what you will build with bricks, wire them together and see it running in minutes!

The Leguino Vision

The Leguino Vision started with a very straight forward approach: Merging simple tools together to empower people to overcome obstacles while inventing. The Leguino belief is that by lowering barriers more and more people can develop their dream projects and follow their own ideas and inspirations. Ones‘ age or manual skills may not restrict anymore.

Leguino – you are the inventor!

Leguino fills the gap between LEGO® and Arduino™ and Raspberry Pi – now presented on Kickstarter

BELFAST, UK – March 2018 – Leguino is debuting on Kickstarter to fill the gap between two worlds of creation: LEGO® and Arduino™. The Leguino parts contain Arduino™ and Raspberry Pi compatible electronics and houses them into LEGO® compatible brick cases. Leguino delivers standard brick compatible cases for common Arduino and Raspberry Pi electronic components to enhance LEGO® projects and opens them to endless possibilities.

Imagine the typical LEGO® projects: Most of them are locked in the LEGO® environment and the really hot and interesting electronic modules which are available for Arduino™ or Raspberry Pi and other compatible components cannot be integrated properly. They do not fit. By using Leguino parts these obstacles are removed: Revert to the endless Arduino™ solutions and add them to your new breathtaking LEGO® projects. Make your prototypes with LEGO® and integrate unique Leguino devices with crazy functions: Microphones, infrared data transfer, OLED displays, humidity sensors or why not try out a real webserver? Connect your LEGO® project to the Internet and override all limitations.

Inventing software with Leguino Visuino is as easy as connecting LEGO® bricks. For those people who are not skilled in writing software, developing programs has never been easier. Instead of writing hundreds of lines of programming code – Leguino Visuino, the visual drag and drop software development environment does all the hard work for you. Just focus on what you will build with bricks, wire them together and see it running in minutes!

The Leguino Vision

The Leguino Vision started with a very straight forward approach: Merging simple tools together to empower people to overcome obstacles while inventing. The Leguino belief is that by lowering barriers more and more people can develop their dream projects and follow their own ideas and inspirations. Ones‘ age or manual skills may not restrict anymore.

Leguino – you are the inventor!

The Founder of Leguino

The Leguino founder Urs Markus Ernst Streidl has a demonstrated track record for successfully founding companys over 25 years. He has a degree in computer sciences and economics and has (co-)founded 8 tech companys. He is the winner of the German nation-wide Start-Up competition in 2006. He lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland where he cofounded one of his last ventures, BrainWaveBank LTD (one of the hottest Startups in Ireland). This venture has secured in excess of $1.5M in seed capital and R&D funding to date.
Leguino is the first project which integrates the knowledge of his own children (ages 7 and 9). They are the pros and enthusiasts at Leguino.


ArcBotics Launches Hubert the Humanoid on Kickstarter, Funded In 2 Hours

HAYWARD – ArcBotics, a leading educational robotics company based in California, is pleased to announce the launch of Hubert the Humanoid: Your Advanced Robotics Study Buddy, a research-grade open source humanoid robot, on Kickstarter.

ArcBotics’ mission is to help anyone learn robotics, no matter their background or current skill level. It is undeniable that robots will play a part in every part of our collective futures, and in many ways, they already do. They believe that by understanding how robots work can we control our own futures, rather than allow technology to control us.

Hubert is designed for anyone pursuing robotics and want the most affordable, top-to-bottom college-level robotics class you’ll ever find – while getting to use your own humanoid robot. Hubert is designed for educators, roboticists who want to compete in robotics competitions, researchers, pro-users, and hobbyists new to robotics who are looking for a humanoid robot that is ready-to-go.

They have created Hubert to make a full suite of college-level robotics lessons cheaper than the cost of a single robotics class. Hubert runs the same software that today’s leading robotics companies and universities are running. Similar robots have been used in the leading universities – but starting at 10x the price. Hubert is starting at $599 USD on Kickstarter, retailing for $1,199 USD, and is 100% Open Source Hardware.

ArcBotics will be releasing in-depth, free web tutorials to help train anyone to become a robotics engineer in the latest topics such as: ROS, Arduino, OpenCV, Object Recognition, TensorFlow, Inverse Kinematics, Control Theory, MoveIt!, Power Management, Path Planning, Legged Mechanics, Python, and so much more.

Hubert’s core features:

  • Dual-camera stereo HD vision cameras
  • On-board Raspberry Pi 3, preloaded with all necessary software
  • Custom smart servo – incredibly high torque, voltage independent, embedded sensors with serial communication
  • Custom Arduino-compatible Python-powered servo controller, with on-board 9-axis Motion and Bluetooth 4 LE connection
  • Rigid aluminum frame
  • Removable outer sheet metal shell – easily remove, design, and attach your own shell or parts
  • Functional grippers
  • Speaker and microphone
  • Touch-screen LCD head
  • Independent emotive ears
  • 100% Open Source Hardware
  • Future-proof with Raspberry Pi 3, C.H.I.P., and ODROID-XU4

About ArcBotics Since 2012, ArcBotics has been making robotics accessible by creating full-feature robots designed for different age groups and skill levels, with extensive, step-by-step documentation and open sourcing the hardware and software. They previously launched 2 successful Kickstarter campaigns for Hexy the Hexapod and Sparki the Easy Robot for Everyone, raising $360,000 and shipping to over 2500 backers. Since then, they have grown to ship tens of thousands of robots to homes, STEM programs, and universities around the world like Stanford, MIT, and Northwestern. Their robots can be found at global retailers like Barnes and Noble, Adafruit, RobotShop, DFRobot, and more.

MeArm Pi by Mime Industries now on Kickstarter

Mime Industries launched their latest product on Kickstarter; a Raspberry Pi powered robot arm kit that’s simple enough for kids to build.

Ben Pirt from Mime Industries said “we believe in helping children to have fun whilst learning about technology and the MeArm Pi is completely designed around that goal”. Based on the original MeArm, which was launched on Kickstarter in 2014, this version has seen a complete re-working in order to make it much simpler for children to build.

The kit integrates smoothly with the Raspberry Pi, the ubiquitous educational computing platform, using a HAT (a plug-on board that fits on the computer) with on-board joysticks for control. Because of the large ecosystem of programming language support for the Raspberry Pi it is also possible to program the movements of the arm using a wide range of popular programming languages.

Mime Industries enables people to learn through play and exploration of technology. Their groundbreaking build-it-yourself kits have inspired children and adults to break through their own barriers and learn to build and code whilst having fun. Their products are simple to build and can be easily understood. Meaning you can use them to learn whilst playing, adding your own imagination to make something great.

Link to the Kickstarter Page