LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor #51515 Timelapse Video „Blast“

As one of the RobotMak3rs ( and with support by LEGO, I had the opportunity to get my hands on the new LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Set #51515 early. Thank you to the RobotMak3rs RLOC and LEGO for making this possible! This is the second video featuring the new MINDSTORMS Set; you will see me doing a timelapse of the build of „Blast“. Blast is one of the 5 robots that come with the 5in1 Set #51515. The other robots will for sure also be shown on this website in the short future.

First LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor #51515 Timelapse Video „Tricky“

As one of the RobotMak3rs ( and with support by LEGO, I had the opportunity to get my hands on the new LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Set #51515 early. Thank you to the RobotMak3rs RLOC and LEGO for making this possible!

In this first video featuring the new MINDSTORMS Set, you will see me doing a timelapse of the build of „Tricky“. Tricky is one of the 5 robots that come with the 5in1 Set #51515. The other robots will for sure also be shown on this website in the short future. But for now, enjoy the build of „Tricky“. The build of the first two stages took me about 20 minutes. So, after 20 minutes you have a driving base which can be extended with some „tools“ to make Tricky the amazing robot he is. More information about this amazing new LEGO MINDSTORMS set can be found here:
There you will also find pictures and videos of the other robots, like Gelo, Blast, M.V.P. and Charlie.

Parrot Jumping Sumo Drone

A new drone in my collection. It can not fly, but jump. It’s release is some years old, so you can find it in new condition for about 30$. It reminds me of the drone that you used to steer in the video game „watch.dogs 2“.

New LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor lets creators build and bring to life anything they can imagine

  • Builders can create and code one of five personality-packed robots or dream-up and build their own creations
  • Robot Inventor uses drag-and-drop coding language based on Scratch as well as Python to support those new to robotics
  • Over 50 new challenges and fun activities to help all abilities build coding confidence in a fun, exciting way

June 12th, 2020 – Billund: Today, the LEGO Group has announced the first addition to the much-loved LEGO® MINDSTORMS® theme in seven years. The new LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor 5-in-1 set unleashes a new world of fun, creative coding possibilities and provides the ultimate playful learning experience for young inventors and creators.

For over two decades, LEGO MINDSTORMS has inspired those of all ages to test and build their confidence with technology through play. By combining the LEGO building system with robotic and coding elements, builders can create anything they can imagine, while developing the STEM skills that 7 in 10 parents say are essential to their child’s future success.

This latest evolution of the much-loved theme continues this commitment to helping children develop STEM skills in a fun and exciting way at home. The new LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor 5-in-1 model gives builders aged 10+ the power to bring one of the set’s five unique designs to life or take their own builds to the next level by programming them to walk, talk, think and do more than ever before. Kids can also code their own remote-control features for the models in the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor app or connect their own controllers to the app using Bluetooth.

Packed with 949 pieces and new LEGO Powered UP components, the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor will be available in Autumn 2020 from, LEGO Retail Stores and retailers globally. The LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor 5-in-1 set will be priced at £329.99/$359.99/€359.99 and includes digital building and coding instructions for these five unique robots:

  • Blast – this master robot is a stoic action hero. It can fire or hammer its way through obstacles and grab items. Builders can be the ultimate commanders, programming it to scan its environment and fire darts if it senses danger. Perfect for guarding your room!
  • Charlie – this quirky sidekick helper can give out high fives, dance, play the drums, deliver small gifts, and charm friends with its smile.
  • Tricky – the sporty bot is the ultimate athlete. Code it to complete the perfect slam dunk or master a plethora of robot sports: basketball, bowling or soccer – the list goes on and on.
  • Gelo – a real life four-legged robot. Its unique mechanism means it can walk, avoid obstacles, and even perform tricks.
  • M.V.P. – The Modular Vehicle Platform gets the job done. Create and code your own remote control and build the M.V.P. into a buggy, a crane, a shooter turret or even a brick-eating truck to pick up LEGO bricks left by the other robots.

Lena Dixen, Head of Product and Marketing Development at the LEGO Group, commented: “Since the launch of LEGO MINDSTORMS over 20 years ago, we’ve been committed to helping children and adults develop STEM skills through play. We are extremely excited to introduce a new MINDSTORMS product that offers even more creative opportunities for those of all ages, and we thank our fans for continuing to show us what is possible with LEGO MINDSTORMS. We are continually inspired by the creations the community share with us and hope that the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor inspires many more children and playful adults to explore the exciting world of robotics and coding.”

LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor (51515)

The LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor Kit is intended for builders and coders ages 10+ to discover and expand on their STEM skills at home.

  • 949 pieces
  • 5 unique models to build and code
  • The largest robot Blast stands at over 14” (36 cm) tall
  • The free LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor coding app for kids uses coding language based on Scratch and supports Python for more advanced coders.
  • The application works across PC Windows 10 + macOS, iOS and Android tablets and smartphones as well as specific Fire OS devices.

New elements:
The new Intelligent Hub is an advanced yet simple-to-use device featuring 6 input/output ports for connecting a variety of sensors and motors. The Hub can also be used with LEGO Technic and System elements to create fun robots, dynamic devices and other interactive models.

  • LED 5×5 matrix
  • Bluetooth connectivity
  • 6 axis gyro/accelerometer
  • Includes a micro USB port for connectivity with compatible devices
  • Speaker
  • Rechargeable Lithium-ion battery included

Colour sensor – able to distinguish between eight colors and measures reflected and ambient light from darkness to bright sunlight

Distance sensor – detects obstacles, programmable LED ‘eyes’ and an integrated 6-pin adaptor for third-party sensors, boards and DIY hardware.

4 x medium-angular motors feature low-profile design, integrated rotation sensor with absolute positioning

New 7 x 11 teal baseplate

New black wheels

New frames


Maker-Spirit in Corona-Zeiten – Erste weltweite virtuelle Maker Faire am 23. Mai

Hannover, 7. Mai 2020 – Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie wurden nahezu alle Maker Faires in 2020 abgesagt. Darunter auch die achte Maker Faire Hannover, die vom 12. bis 13. September im HCC geplant war. Statt von Angesicht zu Angesicht treffen sich die Maker jetzt online. Das US-Maker-Faire-Team organisiert am 23. Mai ein 24-Stunden-Event, bei dem die Macher aus aller Welt ihre Ideen virtuell vorstellen können. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Covid19-Projekte.

Deutschlands größtes DIY-Festival, das sich in Niedersachsens Hauptstadt in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem Publikumsmagneten für die ganze Familie entwickelt hat, wurde auf den 11. und 12. September 2021 verschoben. „Leider werden wir die Maker Faire Hannover in der aktuellen Situation nicht wie geplant durchführen können. Somit haben wir uns schweren Herzens dazu entschieden, die Veranstaltung in diesem Jahr auszusetzen“, bedauert Daniel Rohlfing, Leiter Events und Sales, Maker Media. Im vergangenen Jahr bestaunten in Hannover 17.500 Besucherinnen und Besucher die vielen spannenden Ideen der internationalen Maker-Szene.

Einfach machen
Mit ihren unkonventionellen Erfindungen machen die Makerinnen und Maker gerade in der Corona-Zeit von sich reden. Weltweit hat die Community auf den Mangel an medizinischer Versorgung und Ausrüstung reagiert. Die Macher haben ihre 3D-Drucker und ihre Nähmaschinen aktiviert und mit ihrem ganz eigenen Spirit gemeinsam innovative Produkte geschaffen.

Drucken gegen Corona
In Deutschland ist das beispielsweise die Initiative „Maker vs. Virus“. Hier haben sich etliche Maker und Fablabs zusammengeschlossen, um sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen und ihre Ressourcen besser zu organisieren – etwa bei der 3D-Druck-Fertigung von Gesichtsschutzmasken, den sogenannten Face Shields. Im Rahmen des WirvsVirus-Hackathons von der Bundesregierung hat ein interdisziplinäres Maker-Team sogar ein komplettes Beatmungsgerät als Prototyp entwickelt.

Maker-Spirit im Netz erleben
Diese Covid19-Projekte stehen auch im Fokus der ersten virtuellen Maker Faire, die am Samstag, den 23. Mai, als 24-Stunden-Event weltweit in allen Zeitzonen vom US-Maker Faire-Team organisiert wird: der Bildschirm als Bühne für die einfallsreichen Konzepte und ihre Macher. Auch das deutsche Maker Media-Team beteiligt sich an der digitalen Show. Weitere Infos gibt es hierzu unter: Wer dabei sein will, kann sich hier anmelden:

Auf dem Laufenden bleiben
Wer sich für die Maker-Bewegung interessiert, kann sich auf der Webseite auf dem Laufenden halten. Ein monatlicher Newsletter informiert über aktuelle Themen, neue Termine und allgemeine DIY-Nachrichten. Folgen Sie uns auch auf Facebook, Twitter und Instagram .

Alle Maker Faires in D/A/CH werden vom deutschsprachigen Make Magazin präsentiert.

Cubelets Robot Blocks

Cubelets® robot blocks by Modular Robotics are a fast and easy way to inspire kids to become better thinkers. Simply snap Cubelets together to easily create your own robots, no programming required. The behavior of your robot is determined by your construction. How your robot behaves emerges from what blocks you use and how you orient them.

Cubelets are unique in that you can code any Cubelet to do something new. Programming the various parts in parallel helps you learn about how systems work. It provides intuitions about how parts interact to become something bigger than themselves.

More on these interesting Cubelets and the modular robots you can build with them will follow soon on as we have a kit in our hands and have just started to play with it!