OLPC Telepresece Hack: One Robot Per Child | Gadget Lab | Wired.com.
History’s 10 Most Influential Robots | PCWorld
History’s 10 Most Influential Robots
NI WorldClass 2012 – Video
Back from NI Worldclass 2012, here is the official video. Thanks to NI and all the nice people I have met there! It was great fun and an „once in a lifetime“ experience!
The robot shown in the video is a Robotino from Festo Didactic.
Don’t forget to apply for WorldClass 2013! You should not miss that!
Roberta Basketball Arm CAD – Zeitraffer – YouTube
Swarmanoid, the movie – YouTube
RobertaLAB | CAD Animation – Roberta Ant – YouTube
LegoWorld Zwolle 2011 – All Pictures online
You can find all Pictures here:
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