Go-to-Automationsanwendungen für einen schnellen ROI

Wie Sie Kosten senken und die Vorteile der Automationsklassiker Pick & Place, Prüfen und Dosieren am besten für sich nutzen

Autor: Alexander Mühlens, Geschäftsbereichsleiter Low Cost Automation bei der igus GmbH

Aus der Industrie sind Roboter schon lange nicht mehr wegzudenken – ob als Maschinenbestücker, Qualitätsprüfer oder Montagehelfer. Doch viele kleinere und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU) drohen ins Hintertreffen zu geraten. Denn oft wissen Sie garnicht, wo sie anfangen sollen. Welche Anwendungen lassen sich überhaupt automatisieren? Und häufig scheinen die Investitionskosten zu hoch und die Integration und Bedienung zu komplex.

Abbildung 1: Ob dosieren, picken oder prüfen – es Bedarf etwas Vorstellungskraft und preiswerte Robotik-Komponenten, um mit Automatisierungsprojekten zu starten. (Quelle: igus GmbH)

Picken, dosieren, schleifen oder prüfen: Es gibt eine Vielzahl an monotonen, repetitiven und anstrengenden Arbeiten, die sich einfach automatisieren lassen. Doch sich nur einen Roboter anzuschaffen, führt am Ende leider zu keiner Lösung. Am Ende muss das gesamte System aus Roboter und Komponenten wie Vision-Systeme, Greifer und Sensoren funktionieren. Doch insbesondere KMU wissen häufig nicht, wo sie nach einer Lösung suchen sollen und wie die passende Lösung überhaupt aussieht. Außerdem ist es wichtig, nicht zu komplex anzufangen. Der herstellerneutraler Robotik-Marktplatz RBTX hilft Automatisierungswilligen dabei, die einfachste und kostengünstigste, funktionierende Lösung zu finden.

Über 400 Komplettlösungen aus der Praxis

Das Besondere: Interessierte finden auf dem Marktplatz nicht nur Roboter und Einzelkomponenten, sondern Einblick wie es andere machen. Als Inspirationsquelle zum sofortigen Nachmachen finden sich online über 400 sofort adaptierbare Automatisierungsprojekte aus der Praxis. Von der automatisierten Regenwurmfarm über einen Berliner-Picker bis hin zum Agrarroboter, der Unkraut erkennt und vernichtet. Mehrere tausend KMU aus aller Welt haben auf RBTX.com bereits ohne konstruktionstechnische Vorkenntnisse Automationslösungen realisiert. 95 Prozent dieser Komplettlösungen sind für unter 12.000 Euro erhältlich. Die Low-Cost-Lösungen amortisieren sich nachweislich bereits ab 3-12 Monaten. Zu den Hauptanwendungsbereichen zählen unter anderem Pick & Place-Aufgaben, die Qualitätsprüfung sowie Klebe- und Dosieranwendungen.

Effizientes Handling von Produkten mit Pick & Place-Robotern

Ein Pick & Place-Roboter befördert ein Objekt zuverlässig von A nach B. Häufig handelt es sich dabei um wiederholende und zeitfressende Tätigkeiten, die viel Optimierungspotenzial innerhalb einer Produktion bieten. Ob bei der Maschinenbestückung, Palettierung, Sortierung oder Vormontage. Die Vorteile von Low Cost-Roboterlösungen haben einen Automatisierungstrend in Branchen wie Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittelindustrie, Medizintechnik bis hin zum Handwerk ausgelöst. Pick & Place-Systeme finden sich vor allem zunehmend in alltäglichen Endkunden-Anwendungen, zum Beispiel in Verkaufsautomaten.

Verschiedene Robotertypen wie Gelenkarm-, Delta- oder Portalroboter können die unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsszenarios realisieren. So kommen Portalroboter zum Beispiel für das Greifen von Medikamenten zum Einsatz, um sie zur Ausgabe zu befördern, während ein SCARA Roboter als „Labor-Assistent“ das sichere Aufnehmen und Ablegen von Reagenzgläsern übernimmt – und das bereits für 7.820 Euro. Der Vorteil der Roboter-Systeme: Sie nehmen Bauteile präzise und mit konstanter Qualität auf und setzen sie am gewünschten Ablageort ab.  Die Vorgänge sind exakt wiederholbar.

Automatisierte Qualitätsprüfung für mehr Präzision und Planbarkeit

Mit einer automatisierten Qualitätskontrolle lassen sich repetitive Prüfvorgänge effizient und präzise durchführen. Die Einsatzszenarien von Prüfrobotern sind so unterschiedlich und individuell wie die zu automatisierenden Arbeitsvorgänge. Ob Oberflächenprüfung, Maßprüfung oder Funktionsprüfung – Prüfprozesse und -merkmale unterscheiden sich in der Praxis stark. Mithilfe von RBTX wurde beispielsweise ein Robotersystem für das automatisierte Be- und Entladen einer Prüfstation für Leiterplatinen konfiguriert.

Ebenso ein Flächenportal, das mithilfe einer Kamera einzelne Uhren ansteuert, um visuell zu prüfen, ob sich Minuten- und Sekundenzeiger bewegen. Ein Roboterarm kommt unter anderem auch bei der End-of-Line-Prüfung von Ladegeräten für Elektrofahrzeuge zum Einsatz. Prüfprozesse lassen sich durch den Einsatz von Robotern effizient verschlanken und besser planen. Darüber hinaus arbeiten Roboter rund um die Uhr ohne Qualitätseinbußen. Es werden identische Vorgänge und eine präzise, gleichbleibende Messung des Prüfmerkmals sichergestellt.

Sicher kleben und dosieren – ohne Materialverschwendung

Neben Prüf- und Pick & Place-Aufgaben kann auch das Auftragen von Klebe-, Versiegelungs-, Lackiermitteln und Isolierschäumen effizient automatisiert werden. Meistens geht es darum Materialverschwendung zu vermeiden und präziser zu kleben bzw. zu dispensieren. Und dafür benötigt man keinen Roboter mit Investitionskosten im 6-stelligen Bereich. Mit Low Cost-Robotern kann fast alles verklebt werden. Sie erreichen eine Präzision von ca. 0,5 mm. Ein weiterer Grund ist die Arbeitsplatzsicherheit. Denn der Roboter kann problemlos mit Chemikalien in Berührung kommen und unterstützt bei unergonomischen Arbeiten. Vor allem Klebeprozesse an kleinen Werkstücken, erfordern ein hohes Maß an Konzentration und Präzision. Dabei ist es häufig wichtig, dass der Kleber das Bauteil exakt abdichtet. Dort liegt die Automation durch Roboter nah. Mithilfe von RBTX konnte zum Beispiel ein Kunde durch den Einsatz eines automatischen Dosierroboters die Geschwindigkeit beim Auftragen von Dichtungsmasse auf ein Metallteil, einem wichtigen Arbeitsschritt in seiner Produktion, vervierfachen. Die einfache Handhabung der Maschine ermöglicht es selbst ungeschulten Mitarbeitern, den Roboter sofort zu nutzen.

Für das Kleben und Dosieren lassen sich je nach Anwendung verschiedenste Robotersysteme einsetzen. Mithilfe eines eigenen Dosierroboter-Konfigurators können Anwender in nur wenigen Klicks eine individuelle Roboterlösung zusammenstellen, die präzise Klebe- und Dosiervorgänge automatisiert.

Wer noch nach Inspiration sucht, findet auf RBTX.com alle Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis: https://rbtx.com/de-DE/solutions

RBTX ist eine eingetragene Marke der igus GmbH.

Introducing the VEX V5 Workcell

VEX Robotics is revolutionizing workforce development education with VEX V5 Workcell



Parrot Jumping Sumo Drone

A new drone in my collection. It can not fly, but jump. It’s release is some years old, so you can find it in new condition for about 30$. It reminds me of the drone that you used to steer in the video game „watch.dogs 2“.

Quantum Integration Launches Its Complete IoT Platform on Kickstarter

The Quantum platform gives electronic enthusiasts, educators and developers total control of their IoT network. Built for novices and experts alike, anyone can control anything from a remote temperature sensor to an automated home and even robots with ease.

SANTA BARBARA, Calif., July 28, 2020 (Newswire.com) – Quantum Integration is announcing the launch of its Kickstarter campaign for the Quantum platform, beginning Tuesday, July 28, 2020.

Built from the ground up with a complete set of hardware and software, the Quantum platform allows anyone to build custom plug-and-play IoT devices that easily communicate with each other any way the user desires. With a graphical user interface for creating custom firmware for IoT devices and the applications that control them, programming is not required.​

“We’re incredibly excited to open up this kind of technology to the mainstream,” says Michael Barnick, CEO and founder of Quantum Integration. “Hobby electronics and the IoT space in general can be intimidating for some, and platforms require a degree of programming knowledge. Our platform’s features like the drag-and-drop App Builder and automated Firmware Generator make developing complex projects simple, and users easily create and take on their own projects in record time.”

With a goal of $25,000, the Kickstarter campaign will run from July 28, 2020, to Aug. 31, 2020. Products will be ready to ship in September 2020.

Backers can choose from a variety of pledges, which are:

  • The Q-Server Central Core – The heart and power of the IoT platform which provides complete control of the entire IoT network.
  • Q-Client Builder Base – The easiest way for users to build their own custom IoT devices; can add virtually any sensor or device to the network.
  • Starter Kit – A wide variety of electronic components ready for immediate use on the Quantum IoT platform​.

Limited quantities at an incredible discount are available for early backers. For more information and to become a backer, visit the Quantum Kickstarter campaign.

About Quantum Integration Inc.​​

The Quantum IoT platform enables electronics hobbyists to create wireless devices from a simple button to complete home automation and robots, and control it with custom apps and firmware without coding, all through a central server. The power of making!​​

For more information, visit www.quantumintegrate.com.

Quantum Integration Launches the First IoT Platform Designed Specifically for Electronic Hobbyists; coming to Kickstarter soon!

Makers can create custom apps and firmware without coding through a simple graphic UI and control any wireless device through a central server within the Quantum IoT Platform.

SANTA BARBARA, Calif., June 25, 2020 (Newswire.com) – Frustrated with Arduino’s limitations and a desire to wirelessly automate devices in the home, Michael Barnick, 58, founded Quantum Integration to bring a new level of integration and IoT to home automation enthusiasts. With his background in computer engineering, including management at Apple Computer, and as an experienced tech startup entrepreneur, he decided to change the industry and finally making it easy for electronics hobbyists to make and manage their very own IoT networks.

“Single-use IoT devices like ‘Nest’ are no longer enough for those wanting more control. The Quantum IoT platform is unique in that it allows easy integration of any number and type of device. It’s plug-and-play from beginning to end and designed for novices and experts alike,“ said Mr. Barnick. “It is now easier than ever to build custom automation projects from using remote temperature sensors, lighting control, security systems, entire high-end home automation, and even robots. The only limit is your imagination!”

Quantum Integration is a California-based corporation founded in 2017, specializing in IoT platforms and devices. Their products include servers, wireless IoT devices and their own proprietary operating system.

They also offer a Starter Bundle that includes a Q-Server and two Builder Bases for only $249, which provides a complete IoT platform, enabling anyone to build sophisticated and purposeful projects.

Hardware products will be available for a discounted purchase price on Kickstarter, starting mid-July 2020, and will later be available from online resellers or directly at quantumintegrate.com, beginning mid-August 2020.

“Using the Quantum IoT Platform, I was able to do in minutes what would have taken days on Arduino. If you’re an electronics hobbyist or enthusiast with a love for wireless devices, the Quantum IoT Platform is for you!” said Joeran Kinzel, Co-Founder.

Learn more at quantumintegrate.com and Follow Us on FacebookInstagram, and Youtube

About Quantum Integration

Quantum Integration delivers a user-friendly IoT platform that empowers electronics enthusiasts and hobbyists to build high tech projects from a simple button to home automation and robots. Leveraging the combination of multiple Q-Client Builder Bases, Q-Servers and a straightforward developer environment, users can write apps and create custom firmware without coding. Quantum Integration provides a superior experience in the home. The company’s platform eliminates the barriers prohibiting adoption of home automation, making it the new standard for convenience. The key to accomplishing this is the company’s unique platform designed specifically for a wide range of low-cost Bluetooth devices. Quantum Integration also provides a graphic based development environment that allows fast and easy control of any custom device. Along with a smart plug-and-play feature, users can add and use devices on the network in a matter of seconds, at a price point and scalability unmatched by any of the competitions in the sphere.

Find the Kickstarter project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/quantumintegration/the-complete-iot-platform-for-electronic-hobby-enthusiasts

Building Internet-connected robots in an easy way? CORE2 is the answer.

February 2015. Kickstarter campaign of „RoboCORE: the heart of your personal robot” has just started. RoboCORE promises that building consumer robots based on this platform will be much simpler and cheaper than using existing alternatives. 30 days later, with almost $60 000 and 311 backers, campaign is successfully ended. Further R&D, manufacturing, beta tests and RoboCOREs finally goes into the hands of robotic enthusiasts around the world. Since then, thanks to the feedback from hundreds of people, Husarion ecostystem for IoT in robotics has highly evolved and improved. Now this is a stable technology, used by universities, makers and developers. It was time to improve the device and make RoboCORE 2.0. So there it is, named Husarion CORE2: controller for automation & robotics.


Husarion CORE2          RoboCORE

Building Internet-connected products, especially if they aim is not only to store the data, but also to control physical things in real-time, is challenging. Husarion’s mission is to lower entry barrier for new ventures in the area of automation & robotics, as much as possible. They shouldn’t focus on technical issues, but on their customers’ problemssays Dominik Nowak, CEO of Husarion.

Many Kickstarter funded companies decide to launch the next generation of their products also on this platform. Husarion has a different attitude: they don’t promise the miracles, but they give technology that simply works.

If you order now, on the next day your CORE2 will be shipped to you, and all ‘how-to-start’ materials, hardware & software documentations are already available at docs.husarion.com.  
Husarion ecosystem overview:

What is special in Husarion’s product? It is not a single product, but a coprehensive solution for companies and developers who build various mechatronic Internet of Things products. Mechatronic means combinations of mechanics and electronics. This is a wider concept than robotics, beacuse apart from robotic lawnmower or telepresence robots, it also includes Internet-connected door lock, electric roller blinds etc.  

Husarion provides 3 elements for IoT mechatronic design:

  1. reference hardware, such as CORE2, RoboCORE and other available in the near future,
  2. cloud platform to control, update firmware, manage and share connected devices,
  3. programming framework to write a code that runs on hardware and communicate with a cloud.

The users have access to many examples, professional Real-Time OS based C++ 11 framework and versatile hardware, therefore building working prototype is a piece of cake.

Product is adressed not only to makers, but also for companies. They could use CORE2 to rapidly prototype  a preliminary design, and Husarion would help them to elaborate the prototype to mass production ready version. This way they would create the version of CORE2 suited for their product.

Husarion provides also an interface for people who don’t build robots, but just use them. By logging to cloud.husarion.com you can simply add a Husarion-powered device(e.g. made on CORE2) to your user account and see list of your devices:

When you click on device name in the cloud, you will be moved to the user interface specific for this device, created by robot vendor using Husarion framework. If you log into telepresence spy robot, you will see something like this:

If you log into your Husarion powered home automation system, it can look like this:

Husarion enables sharing of user’s devices. It can be done in two ways: by sharing with other cloud user or through the link. Especially the second option is convenient because you can easily give somebody the access to your robot without logging into Husarion cloud.

Husarion provides solution for makers, robot manufacturers, universities, and non-engineeres who want to play with controllable robots. Husarion’s platform is the first one of this kind on the market.

Husarion CORE2

General overview of Husarion ecosystem is described in the previous section. Now let’s dive deeper into Husarion CORE2 hardware details. Specification shown on https://docs.husarion.com/hardware/core2_1_0_0/index.html gives you a glimpse on what’s inside:

The unique feature of CORE2 hardware is a direct support for DC motors with quadrature encoders. Up to 4 motors can be connected at once, and Husarion framework is optimized to control them in real-time without wasting processing power of CPU. It could be done thanks to hardware encoder interface peripherals integrated into timers of STM32F4 microcontroller – the brain of Husarion CORE2. Motors are controlled by PID regulators implemented in background RTOS tasks, separate for each motor. In many professional applications the popular RC servos aren’t enough. Thanks to CORE2, you can easily convert any DC motor with encoder into servo-mechanism that works in accordance with your requirements. If built-in H-bridges don’t suffice, external power driver can be easily integrated.

CORE2 has also the interfaces that allow connecting almost every market-available sensor, or external electronic module. These interfaces are: UART, I2C, SPI, CAN, ADC, microSD card slot, USB host, GPIOs, ADCs, external interrupt inputs, and servo ports powered by built-in DC/DC converter with selectable voltage level.

There are two ways to develop software for CORE2:

  1. a) offline – using any IDE and SDK downloaded from https://husarion.com/downloads,
  2. b) online – using a Web IDE integrated to cloud.husarion.com.

Especially the second option is very comfortable, because it allows you to start writing code immediately, without struggles with configuring IDE, installing drivers etc.

Husarion team is doing their best to create comprehensible hardware and software documentation with a lot of examples and ready-to-use templates. They also opened public profile at hackster.io, where Husarion team and community share tutorials on how to use CORE2 in various IoT mechatronic projects.

Spy v. sPi by Dexter Industries

Dexter Industries launches a fun educational game that coaches kids to solve problems by challenging them to accomplish secret missions called Spy v. sPi. Dexter Industries, a growing U.S. educational robotics company developed Spy v. sPi, a capture-the-flag style engineering adventure that puts real purpose to basic design and programming skills. It can be played individually at home, or in teams in a classroom or a workshop. In it, every “spy” is assigned a series of missions, each requiring them to write code to control an assortment of sensors that will allow them to protect their “jewel” in different ways, or capture the “jewel” of a competing spy.

Spy v. sPi is based on the GrovePi, an easy-to-build robot kit that includes a rich collection of programmable, plug-and-play components — from sensors for things like distance, sound, light, and infrared, to buttons, buzzers and more. Thanks to the GrovePi’s combination of hardware and software, Spy v. sPi makes it easy to connect to a robot, start writing code, and get rewarding results right away.

We’ve developed Spy v. sPi’s missions with a full range of skills and experience in mind, so no prior programming or electronics experience is required. Each Spy will learn how to program the different sensors and components with step-by-step instructions, all while completing a mission. There are also missions for more advanced spies, and there’s no limit to how complex your solutions can get. Best of all, the entire program is designed by actual spies, so players will face real-life engineering challenges they’ll solve just like real spies do.
Spy v. sPi is designed for everyone — so we have two different programming languages you can use. Scratch is for beginners, and is a drag-and-drop programming language developed by MIT. Python is available for more advanced spies, and is an open source text-based programming language. The Missions are step-by-step instructions that first teach you the basics of Scratch and then help you move on to more advanced programming in Python.

Spy v. sPi Missions are activities in the form of a mission. Each spy will learn how to program the GrovePi and an assortment of sensors to accomplish different objectives, all within a story created by real spies! The Missions will come in a beautifully designed and illustrated full color printed booklet and online videos. It includes space to work on ideas and plan your solution to the challenge, as well as all the information you need to be a successful spy.

We believe the best way to learn is by doing — building something tangible to solve real world problems. Some learners thrive in a competitive environment, and for them, Spy v. sPi is perfect: you can play in teams or against an opponent. For solo learners or those that want a family game to play at home — some spies might want to equip their room with a spy device or alert them of entry by a sibling. Spy v. sPi Missions support both styles of learning and are fun for everyone! Learn more at dexterindustries.com/spy.

Pixel Pals Educational Electronics Kit – Integrated Learning Tool

Chip – the first in a line of beginner friendly products debuts on Kickstarter

Chip, a Pixel Pals educational electronics kit, is the first in a line of beginner friendly products that goes beyond learning soldering skills. He can be incorporated into Arduino based projects as well as using the Pixel Power board in e-textiles. The kits are designed to be multifunctional, yet affordable.

The first character, Chip featured in this Kickstarter campaign, focusses on LEDs and basic circuitry. Once soldered, it can standalone with the Pixel Power board and serve as a fun toy or light. Chip can also plug into an Arduino Uno Rev 3 or into a breadboard where Chip can be incorporated into more advanced electronic projects or programming lessons.

Soldering Sunday created the Pixel Pals soldering kits to fill the gap between introductory and advanced projects. Each Pixel Pal will focus on a particular electronics component which will require soldering; but are Arduino compatible so that they can be programmed for other projects are used.

The kits are also designed to be affordable for organizations and parents who want to encourage STEAM education but are hindered by the large price tag of many existing educational products. The Kickstarter campaign, if successful, will help keep the production costs down.

Kickstarter is an all or nothing proposition. Soldering Sunday hopes to reach its goal of $2,500 to cover mass production cost of the Chip, Pixel Pal Soldering kit. The project runs from
November 3 to December 3, 2014.

To keep up to date with the project, follow Soldering Sunday on Twitter (@SolderingSunday), Facebook (www.facebook.com/SolderingSunday) or on their website (www.solderingsunday.com)

Also consider visiting the project on Kickstarter (www.kickstarter.com/projects/solderingsunday/chip-an-electronics-kit-with-character) donating $1 on Kickstarter to receive updates.

SpacePI: Launching a BrickPi into near space

A few weeks back the guys at Dexter Industries completed their mission to launch a BrickPi, Raspberry Pi, and Raspberry Pi camera up into near space with a high altitude balloon.


More Information here.