Inspiring North West manufacturers with remote robotics

A virtual reality (VR) robotics showcase has been installed at AMRC North West to help the region’s businesses unlock the immense potential of robotic technology to boost their manufacturing processes. 

The inclusion of Extend Robotics’ UR5e RoboKit and SenseKit module, is designed to showcase the potential of cutting-edge, accessible robotics technology and used to inspire new approaches to manufacturing. 

Aparajithan Sivanathan, head of digital technology at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) North West, said: “When introducing new technologies, accessibility is crucial.

“The speed and simplicity of installation, coupled with the easy to use, intuitive VR controls, means Extend Robotics’ solution has immense potential to upgrade manufacturers’ existing robotics.” 

AMRC North West is part of the University of Sheffield and a member of the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult. Its goal is to help the Lancashire region’s manufacturing community access advanced technologies that will drive improvements in productivity, performance and quality. 

This latest piece of kit, purchased by the Samlesbury Enterprise Zone-based research centre, was fulfilled as part of Extend Robotics’ inclusion in Universal Robot’s UR+ ecosystem. This ecosystem, which provides access to more than 340 certified kits, components, grippers, software and safety accessories, seamlessly integrates with Universal Robots’ cobots. 

Dr Chang Liu, is founder and CEO of Extend Robotics, a company which aims to develop human-robot interface software for non-robotic experts to teleoperate and programme robotic manipulators remotely for physical tasks.

Dr Liu said: “Our installation with AMRC North West demonstrates just how simple it can be to dramatically upgrade your robotics capabilities. In less than an hour we made it possible for their robotic arm to be remote operated from anywhere in the world. We hope this will inspire other manufacturers to explore how we can extend their capability using our technology.”

The set-up of the VR robotics technology by Extend Robotics took just one hour – and was completed using its unique software, seamlessly integrating with AMRC North West’s existing robotics hardware. 

For further details about Extend Robotics, visit:

Revopoint POP 2 3D Scanner Launched on Kickstarter

The upgraded and even more feature-rich version of Kickstarter’s Most Funded 3D Scanner Ever was launched today

Shenzhen—Following its successful Kickstarter story with the platform’s most funded 3D scanner ever, Revopoint is launching today the second generation of the device, offering a new version that supports more functions and an enhanced 3D scanning performance. Catering to the requirements of 3D printing creators, VR/AR model makers, reverse design creators, and high-tech enthusiasts in general, Revopoint POP 2 3D Scanner has been launched at <>.

POP 2 adopts a Binocular and Micro-Structured Light formula for an exceptionally high precision and texture scanning performance. The device uses a proprietary micro projecting chip to ensure that the fast acquired 3D point cloud data is captured with a high accuracy of 10 frame rates, achieving a 0.1mm single-frame accuracy. 

POP 2 has a built-in high-performance 3D calculation chip that supports fast 3D scanning. Its embedded 6Dof Gyroscope also enhances a fluent shape, marker point and color feature point cloud stitching. „And the user can enjoy these amazing features with any ordinary smartphone, tablet, or laptop due to POP 2’s intelligent algorithms, which ensure speed and accuracy for the scanner regardless of the computer you use it with,“ Miss. Vivian, the co-founder of Revopoint, added.

The 3D scanner launched today allows users to explore expanded scanning possibilities, including using it as a handheld scanner for big statues and other big figures outdoors, or to mark points to scan large or featureless objects. POP 2 also innovates by using an invisible eye-friendly infrared light source to project and scan. This makes it possible for users to scan human and animal faces and body parts without producing any discomfort to the scanned subject.

„This is a professional-grade 3D scanner with a wealth of high-end features offered at a consumer-grade price. Everyone can buy it and use it,“ said Vivian. The versatile device supports high-precision handheld and turntable scanning, featuring impressive accuracy combined with a simplified one-button operation.

Designed for professionals and demanding hobbyists, POP 2 is a compact 3D scanner that can be carried and used anywhere. Its single cable can be used to charge and connect to the user’s smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

The scanner’s software is also simplified and user-friendly, allowing for the operation to be displayed on its interface. „If there’s an error, you can simply roll back, correct it, and keep moving forward with no worries,“ Vivian assured. The software works with Windows, Mac, Android and iOS, unlike conventional 3D scanner software, which only supports Windows.

The company representative further clarified that the device is especially designed for 3D printing, human body scanning, large-scale sculpture scanning, a plethora of cultural and creative design applications, reverse modeling, different medical applications, and advanced VR/AR and 3D modeling applications.

The Revopoint POP 2 3D Scanner campaign on Kickstarter at <> is seeking to raise $9,975 to fund the large-scale production of the scanner. Backers who support the campaign gain early and discounted access to the device.

About Our Company 

Revopoint focuses on the research and development of cutting-edge structured light and 3D imaging core hardware technology. The company’s core technical team leverages many years of experience in 3D imaging and artificial intelligence technology research and development, having developed different devices in the field, from chips to complete machines, focusing on 3D cameras and 3D scanner products.

Virtual Reality Ballett in 360 Grad: KUKA Roboter auf der Bühne des Staatstheaters Augsburg

Mensch und Maschine tanzen gemeinsam auf einer virtuellen Ballett-Bühne: Ein KUKA Industrieroboter ist einer der Hauptdarsteller dieses ungewöhnlichen Stückes des Staatstheaters Augsburg. Die 360-Grad-Inszenierung verfolgen die Zuschauer mittels Virtual Reality Brille von zuhause aus.

Foto: Jan-Pieter Fuhr (

Normalerweise kommt der KR IONTEC des Augsburger Automatisierungsspezialisten in der industriellen Produktion für Aufgaben wie Schweißen, Palettieren oder Montieren zum Einsatz. Doch als Leihgabe für das Staatstheater Augsburg tritt der Roboter diesmal auf einer Theaterbühne mit 17 Tänzerinnen und Tänzern in Interaktion. Der Fokus der Inszenierung liegt auf dem Thema Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, technische Programmierung steht dabei menschlichem Bewusstsein gegenüber. 

Die Premiere ist am 10. September 2021, ab diesem Tag wird „kinesphere“ bestellbar sein. Das Stück ist als innovative Ballett-Erfahrung Teil der Virtual-Reality-Inszenierungen des Staatstheaters Augsburg. Die VR-Brillen werden deutschlandweit zum Publikum nach Hause geliefert. Die Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer können vom heimischen Sofa aus in die 360-Grad-Aufführung eintauchen.

Technologie und Kunst verbinden

Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass KUKA Industrieroboter außerhalb von Produktionshallen in der Kulturszene zum Einsatz kommen. So verbindet das Ars Electronica Festival im österreichischen Linz die Themenfelder Kunst, Technologie und Gesellschaft. Dabei zeigte unter anderem die Ausstellung „Kreative Robotik“ – eine Kooperation mit KUKA – die Industrieroboter abseits der Fabrikhallen und beschäftigte sich mit ihnen als Werkzeug kreativen Ausdrucks.

2019 tanzte der Choreograph und Tänzer Huang Yi während eines Festivals in Düsseldorf mit einem KR CYBERTECH. Und im Jüdischen Museum in Berlin beschrieb ein KUKA Roboter im Rahmen einer Kunstinstallation mit Schreibfeder und Tinte in der Geschwindigkeit menschlicher Handschrift eine rund 80 Meter lange Papierrolle mit hebräischen Buchstaben.