The true AI vision robotic arm powered by Jetson Nano is affordable and open-source, making your AI creativity into reality.
In recent years, there are more makers, students, enthusiasts, and engineers learning artificial intelligence technology, and many interesting AI projects are being developed as well. Hiwonder brings the power of AI to robot, build a true AI robotic arm — JetMax, to enhance the AI and robotic learning experience for everyone.

JetMax featurs Deep Learning and Computer Vision abilities. It is equipped with Jetson Nano and HD Wide Angle camera, which enables it to interact with the perceived environment efficiently. It empowers you to skillfully make your AI creativity into reality.
Being an AI Vision Robotic Arm, JetMax not only features AI vision but has a clever brain as well. Supporting you in learning coding, researching AI robotics applications, and bringing your AI ideas to life. It can be your helping hand in a lab, university, or workshop.
- Powered by NVIDIA Jetson Nano
The open-source JetMax robot arm is powered by Jetson Nano, featuring deep learning, computer vision and more. Jetson Nano has the performance needed to power modern AI workloads to enable JetMax robot arm with advanced AI capabilities.
- Supports multiple types of EoAT (End-of-Arm Tooling)
Supporting multiple types of end-of-arm tooling such as grippers, suction cup, pen holder, electromagnet etc, JetMax provides you with many ways of creative design applications.
- Open-Source
JetMax is an open platform hardware product. We contribute numerous project source and AI tutorials. Additionally, the API interface is completely opened for customization and supports, such as Python, C++ and JAVA languages.