Beeindruckendes Highlight auf dem DIY-Festival – Gigantisches Stahlinsekt spaziert über die Maker Faire Hannover

Hannover, den 12. Juli 2017 – Auf der diesjährigen Maker Faire Hannover erwartet die Besucher ein ganz besonderer Hingucker: der Mantis Robot. Die Ausmaße von fünf Kubikmetern machen ihn zu einem der größten auf sechs Beinen beweglichen Roboter der Welt. Wer ihn sehen will, kommt am 26. oder 27. August zur Maker Faire ins Congress Centrum (HCC) nach Hannover.

Wenn sich der Mantis auf seinen sechs hydraulisch betriebenen Stahlbeinen wie eine metallenes Insekt fortbewegt, zieht er alle Blicke auf sich. Matt Denton, Erfinder und Konstrukteur des Hexapods, steuert ihn über das Cockpit oder aber per Fernbedienung. Bereits seit seiner Schulzeit interessiert er sich für Technik. Sein Faible für Roboter hat er längst zum Beruf gemacht: Er ist Gründer und Chef des Unternehmens Micromagic Systems, das mechanische Spezialfiguren für die Filmbranche herstellt. Mit dem Mantis Hexapod will er zeigen, was technisch möglich ist.

Für weitere Hingucker sorgen die Mitglieder des R2 Builders Club, die den kleinen Star-Wars-Droiden (R2D2) nachbauen. In unterschiedlichen Varianten fahren einige Droiden immer wieder über das Veranstaltungsgelände und nehmen Kontakt mit den Besuchern auf.

Eine weitere Attraktion ist ein alter Volvo, der zum Lego-Mobil umfunktioniert wurde. Kinder können das mit Lego-Platten beklebte Auto bebauen und ein kunterbuntes Kunstwerk schaffen.

Für bleibende Erinnerungen sorgt der aufwendig restaurierte und mit jeder Menge Technik zum Fotostudio umgebaute ehemalige Feuerwehrbus von Cliff McLane. Mit einer Fülle von Maker-Utensilien können sich Groß und Klein in Fischaugenoptik ablichten lassen.

Darüber hinaus gibt es viele weitere ungewöhnliche DIY-Projekte zu bestaunen und zu erleben.
Infos und Tickets zum bunten Familienfestival gibt es unter: zum 15. Juli 2017 kann man noch von den Frühbucherkonditionen profitieren.

Tertill, The Weed-Killing Robot, Exceeds Kickstarter Goal

With 2 Weeks Left, Solar-Powered Gardening Bot Hits 170% of its Goal, and is Now Shipping Internationally

Boston, Massachusetts – Led by the inventor of the Roomba, the Boston-based Franklin Robotics is currently raising funds for their latest release – a solar-powered, robotic weed-killer for home gardens. Named Tertill, the 2.5-pound, disk-shaped robot patrols the garden and intelligently identifies – and whacks – unwanted plants.

Word is spreading quickly across the gardening and robotics worlds, and in the first five days of Tertill’s Kickstarter campaign it reached its goal. Now with just over two weeks of crowdfunding left, Franklin Robotics has already raised over 170% of their goal. wrote that the “cute robot… works magic on your unwanted greens.” and Engadget adds that the “Roomba creator wants to do for gardens what he did for your floors.” After dozens of Kickstarter backers from Japan, Australia, Switzerland, Germany, and more have pushed for international delivery of Tertill prototypes, Franklin Robotics has decided to open up shipping to the entire world.

Tertill uses unique design elements and a variety of sensors to patrol the garden daily, avoid plants and obstacles, and look for weeds to eliminate. The robot has a simple method of telling weeds from desirable plants: weeds are short, plants are tall. A plant tall enough to touch the front of Tertill’s shell activates a sensor that makes the robot turn away. A plant short enough to pass under the shell activates a different sensor and turns on the weed cutter. Franklin Robotics provides protective collars to put around short plants and seedlings until they are tall enough for Tertill to recognize. Tertill uses a spinning string trimmer to cut the weed off near the ground. Because Tertill lives in your garden and goes looking for weeds every day, weeds are always small when the robot finds them. If the weed sprouts again, Tertill will be there to quickly whack it, and since the weed will never grow enough to have leaves, it will run out of energy and die.

Tertill is 100% solar powered, and knows the best times to patrol the garden to use its energy most efficiently.

Robotic garden weeding offers gardeners several important advantages:

  • Herbicide-free garden: Tertill helps you maintain a pesticide- and chemical-free organic garden.

  • Diligence: While humans might procrastinate or forget to weed, go away on vacation, or get distracted, Tertill doesn’t.

  • Productivity: Tertill prevents weeds from eating up your crops’ water, fertilizer, and sunlight.

  • Gardening limitations: Tertill is great for gardeners who have limited or challenged mobility, and allows them to spend more time having fun in their garden.

Tertill is $249 on Kickstarter right now, and is expected to ship in early 2018. Future Tertill models will include other functions, such as pest repellents, a scarecrow function, and soil quality sensors.

About Franklin Robotics

Founded in 2015, Franklin Robotics, Inc. is located north of Boston, Massachusetts.  Franklin’s imperative is to exploit rapidly developing, low cost robotic technology to accomplish tasks not previously automated.  The principals of Franklin Robotics bring decades of experience to this challenge.  A focus of the company is the creation of technology appropriate to home gardens, agriculture, and other outdoor applications.

Sony Global Education Launches an Indiegogo Campaign for KOOV, a Coding and Robotics Kit for the Next Generation of Young Innovators

SAN DIEGO, CA (June 20, 2017) – Sony Electronics in conjunction with Sony Global Education announced today the launch of a limited Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for KOOV, a new coding and robotics kit for the next generation of young innovators.

The Sony Global Education team developed KOOV as a fresh approach to learning robotics and programming. KOOV is already available in Japan and China, and Sony is now looking to expand the program to the US in order to gain feedback and insight into the American market.

KOOV is a robotics and coding educational kit made up of blocks, sensors, motors, actuators, and a companion app that teaches children core concepts about design, coding and robotics. The app also features a secure social space, where children can share their designs and code with other young inventors from around the world.

The blocks can be assembled into any shape, with the final figure capable of being controlled as a robot. The kit encourages learners to „Play“ by building with 7 kinds of translucent blocks, „Code“ by controlling the assembled figure through the KOOV app, and „Create“ by embracing their creativity and imagination.

Sony Global Education believes that the teaching materials for robotics and programming will play a major role in cultivating STEM literacy and nurturing the next generation of problem solvers.

KOOV was built on the belief that STEM learning tools should be accessible to all children. Through the use of inclusive colors, shareable design and the goal of building a foundation for future STEM learning, Sony hopes to attract parents of children 8 to 14 years old, with equal emphasis on boys and girls.

Pre-orders are available for a limited time beginning June 20th via an Indiegogo, with product scheduled to ship to backers in early December. The suggested retail price is $359 for the Starter Kit and $499 for the Advanced Kit with limited quantities available at discounts of up to 40% for early backers. Interested consumers can learn more about KOOV, and place preorders at


Drone racing manufacturer Lumenier becomes The Drone Racing League’s (DRL’s) Official Antenna Supplier for FPV

The Lumenier AXII 5.8GHz Video Antenna is specifically designed to perform extremely well under intense drone racing conditions. „The quality of the pilots video link is one of the most critical aspects of amateur and professional drone racing.” says Tim Nilson, President of Lumenier. “The AXII Antenna ensures a reliable video link at high speeds, with several pilots in the air, and in challenging RF environments.“

„Lumenier is one of the most respected gear designers in the drone racing market.“ said Nick Horbaczewski, DRL’s CEO. „We are thrilled to have them as a partner this season.“

Key Specs of the Lumenier AXII 5.8GHz Antenna (patent pending):

Gain: 1.6dbic
Axial ratio: 1.0 (near perfect)
Bandwidth: 5.5GHz-6.0GHz
Radiation Efficiency: 98%
SWR: <=1.5:1
Weight: 7.6g
Size: 70mm x 16mm
Cable: Semi-rigid RG402
Polarization: RHCP or LHCP
Connector: SMA or RP-SMA

Works great as both a transmitting or receiving antenna.
Compatible with other styles of 5.8GHz antennas.

About Lumenier
Lumenier is a high-end designer and manufacturer of top quality racing drone products – airframes, motors, batteries, propellers, electronics, antennas, accessories, and more. The company operates from its main headquarters in Sarasota, Florida with wholly owned manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and China. Leveraging their expert engineers in aeronautics, mechanical and electrical design, Lumenier has become known globally for its innovation and quality. For more info please visit or call 941-444-0021.

About DRL
DRL is the premier drone racing circuit for elite FPV pilots around the world. A technology, sports and media company, DRL combines world-class media and proprietary technology to create thrilling drone racing content with mass appeal. In 2017 DRL is hosting a global series of six races, the Allianz World Championship, to be broadcast on ESPN, Sky Sports, Prosieben and other leading broadcast channels around the world. Founded by Nicholas Horbaczewski in 2015, DRL is a privately held company headquartered in NYC.

VEX IQ Chicken

Here are the building instructions for my VEX IQ Chickens.

Andreas Dreier created the Building instructions. Thank you for doing this!

The PDFs and RobotC program can be downloaded here:






Maybe you have seen my VEX IQ frog at VEX Worlds or on VEX Robotics Facebook and Twitter channel.


My fellow VEX IQ SuperUser Andreas Dreier created building instructions for my robots, I want to share with you here.

The Complete Package for the green and gray version, including the RobotC program, can be downloaded here:




If you have any questions or problems regarding the VEX IQ Frog, you can find me in the VEX IQ Robotics Facebook Group

SuperBot to the Rescue!

It’s time to do some superpower thinking and show us a Super Robot, a.k.a. SuperBot! Make it super cool, super geeky, super smart, or super fun, and show us what makes your robot a SuperBot – and what dilemma, challenge, or chore it rescues you from! The greatest SuperBot will send his or her creator on a super-duper trip to LEGO World Copenhagen.

Grand Prize: A trip to LEGO World Copenhagen in February 2017 where you will get to show your SuperBot to thousands of LEGO fans.


A panel of judges from the LEGO MINDSTORMS team will select one grand prize winner and 2 runner-ups. They will judge entries upon:

  • Super-factor originality: 25%
  • Attention to contest theme: 25%
  • Innovative building technique and functions: 25%
  • Innovative use of LEGO elements: 25%

How to enter

  • Visit:
  • Create a robot using LEGO bricks and your LEGO MINDSTORMS robot (EV3 or earlier model) or power functions to solve an everyday challenge of your choosing
  • Create a video under 30 seconds showing your creation in action
  • Upload your video to the video hosting site of your choice, such as YouTube
  • Enter the contest by going to the “submit entry” page on LEGO Rebrick and submit maximum 5 screenshots from your video. Make sure to also add the link to your video before you submit
  • Use the description field to describe your robot and its features

Submit your entry at:

Entry Deadline

Submit your entry no later than August 18th 2017 at 10:00AM EST.

If you’re not sure what time zone you’re in here’s a time zone converter

Maker Faire Berlin lockt 15.200 wissbegierige Besucher

*Technikerfindungen und DIY-Ideen in Hülle und Fülle*


*Hannover, 12. Juni 2017 – Am vergangenen Wochenende fand in der STATION in Berlin zum dritten Mal die Maker Faire <>statt. Trotz strahlendem Sommerwetter pilgerten die Besu­cherinnen und Besucher durch die Hallen, um in entspannter Atmosphäre die vielen coolen DIY-Projekte zu bestaunen und auszuprobieren. „Man spürte überall die Neugierde, wie was funktioniert“, freut sich Daniel Rohlfing, Senior Produkt-Manager der Maker Faire. „Mit 15.200 Besuchern an zwei Tagen erreichte die Veranstaltung Vorjahresniveau.*

Den ersten Wow-Moment gab es gleich am Eingang: Dort präsentierte der amerikanische Robotik-Künstler Christian Ristow seine riesige, hydraulisch betriebene Roboterhand und lud Besucher ein, diese zu steuern. Schlüpfte man in den Handschuh und formte mit den Fingern das Peace-Zeichen, so bewegten sich auch die Stahlfinger unter ordentlichem Getöse in die V-Position. Auch der drohende Zeigefinger und das aus der Rocker-Szene bekannte Hörner-Zeichen waren beliebte Motive, die die Besucher nachahmten.

In den Hallen lockten die unterschiedlichsten DIY-Ideen: Mit dem *Laser-Cutter-Bausatz aus Holland* oder dem *Smartphone-3D-Drucker* aus Italien zeigten Maker bereits professionelle Projekte, die demnächst in Serie gehen. Daneben begeisterte der Nach­wuchs von den *„Jungen Tüftlern“ und von „Jugend hackt“* mit ihrem Programmierkönnen. Hier werden schon Schüler zu Startup-Gründern. Auch die jungen Maker vom *Tekkietorium*, bei denen man sich elektronische Namensschilder löten konnte, fanden regen Zulauf.

Das bereits erfolgreiche*Startup-Unternehmen pi-top*, Sponsor der Maker Faire, hat einen günstigen Laptop auf Raspberry-Pi-Basis gebaut, dessen Prototyp aus dem 3D-Drucker stammt. Die Gründer wollen mit ihren auffällig grünen Computer-Einsteiger-Sets positive soziale und erzieherische Wirkungen im Bildungssystem zu fördern. Auf der Maker Faire konnten die Kids am pi-top-Stand Minecraft spielen.

Handwerkliche Fähigkeiten brauchte es bei der *Offenen Werkstatt Kaos*, die zu *Bootsbau-Workshops* einlud. Deutlich kleiner ging es bei Designer Dieter Beck zu. Er stellte seine perfekt nachgebauten *Filmrequisiten aus Pappe* vor. Dass man aus Pappresten und Altpapier auch einen Rock fertigen kann, bewies das Kulturlabor Trial und Error. Und Stickkünste sind keineswegs nur Frauen vorbehalten: Philip Eggersglüß peppt *Omas altes Stickbilder mit Motiven aus Filmen oder Com­puterspielen* auf und verleiht so alten Gobelins Kultstatus. Darüber hinaus gab es auf der Maker Faire auch viele Kuriositäten zu bewundern, etwa schwebende Bälle, tanzende Blumen oder Musikinstrumente, gebaut aus Abflussrohren.

Sehr gut besucht waren zudem die *Vorträge und Workshops* zu den unterschied­lichsten DIY-Themen. Roboterbau, Program­mieren, Nach­haltigkeit, Crowdfunding oder BioHacking begeisterten gleichermaßen.

Wo man nicht gerade etwas lernen oder mitmachen konnte, zückte man die Kamera: Begehrte Fotomotive waren die kleinen fahrenden R2D2-Droiden, *Cosplayer Rudolf *mit einen Engelsflügeln sowie die Lego-Landschaften der Berlin Brick Syndicate .

Die nächste Maker Faire Berlin findet vom *25. bis 27. Mai 2018 im FEZ in Wuhlheide* statt. Interessierte Maker und auch Firmen können sich ab sofort mit ihren Projekten bewerben.

/Maker Faire Berlin ist eine unabhängig organisierte Veranstaltung unter der Lizenz von Maker Media, Inc. Die Maker Faire Berlin steht unter der Schirmherrschaft des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung. Alle Maker Faires in D/A/CH werden vom deutschsprachigen Make Magazin präsentiert./


Learn programming and more with the Hedgehog robotics controller

Hedgehog is for anyone who wants to explore robotics, no matter their age or expertise. It is particularly suited for learning programming, but doesn’t stop there: building your own robot allows you to explore mechanics as well, and experienced programmers can tackle complex projects, such as swarm intelligence, advanced image processing, or developing their own microcontroller firmware.

Hedgehog is developed by the Practical Robotics Institute Austria and is a robot controller: the control module and heart of any robot. It can be combined with standard RC servos, DC motors, as well as various kinds of sensors and push buttons. Its case connects easily to Lego building blocks, but of course robots can be constructed from any kind of pieces.

In many ways, Hedgehog is similar to other controllers, but what makes it stand out is its versatility. Hedgehog supports both visual and textual programming through Blockly and Python. It allows you to connect different kinds of custom hardware through its UART, I2C and SPI busses. You can connect to Hedgehog over Ethernet, WiFi, or by directly plugging in monitor and keyboard. Use either the beginner-friendly in-browser development environment, or use SSH to access Hedgehog’s Raspberry Pi directly. Augment your controller by using thousands of third-party applications & libraries for the Raspberry Pi. Get into Digital Manufacturing by downloading our blueprints and laser-cutting a customized acrylic case – the possibilities are endless.

“We use Hedgehog in workshops all the time, and simplicity and versatility are two major requirements for us. Simplicity allows our learners to focus on exploring robotics, instead of handling the system. And versatility allows us to work with the same hardware in different settings, be it with elementary schoolers, in robot competitions, or in projects with students from technical high schools,” says Clemens Koza, one of Hedgehog’s developers. Workshop and classroom settings are indeed a focus of the controller’s design, but hobbyists profit from this as well: more possibilities potentially mean more projects and experiments, making the controller a cost-effective purchase.

All of Hedgehog’s hardware and software is open source, Clemens Koza explains: “when versatility is one of your goals, hiding details is counterproductive. We’re convinced of our system’s value and dedicated to its ongoing development. We try to enable a broad audience to explore technology and engineering, and I think Hedgehog is a great tool for this.” Hedgehog is currently on Kickstarter, and more information is available at

RobotsBlog @ Maker Faire Berlin 2017