iRobot Unveils Personalized Cleaning Experiences Powered by iRobot Genius™ Home Intelligence

State-of-the-art robot AI gives users greater control of where, when and how their robots clean

BEDFORD, Mass., Aug. 25, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — iRobot® Corp. (NASDAQ: IRBT), the leader in consumer robots, is unveiling new ways to clean with the launch of iRobot Genius™ Home Intelligence – a powerful new robot platform that unlocks an expansive range of digital features and experiences for the company’s line of Wi-Fi connected products, including the Roomba® robot vacuum and Braava jet® robot mop. iRobot Genius™ gives users an unmatched level of personalization and control over their cleaning robots, accounting for their unique homes, schedules, cleaning preferences and smart home integrations.

Experience the interactive Multichannel News Release here:

„With an increased strategic emphasis on software and digital experiences, iRobot continues to differentiate itself by developing smart technologies that free customers of daily cleaning while they live and work at home,“ said Colin Angle, chairman and CEO of iRobot.

The interface for iRobot Genius™ is a newly redesigned iRobot Home App that takes users far beyond standard app control to give them a personalized and easy to use home cleaning command and control center. The app, which works with all Wi-Fi connected iRobot products, supports cleaning based on the user’s habits and personal preferences, enabling a smarter and more efficient customer experience. It also provides greater insight into the robot’s cleaning performance.

„Robotic intelligence must break free from the limits of autonomy and become true cleaning partners,“ said Angle. „Our robot intelligence is personalized and responsive to the user’s habits and preferences, giving them greater control over when, where and how their robots clean. iRobot Genius™ unlocks the full potential of our connected products, giving them the ability to do more now and get even smarter over time through over-the-air updates.“

Cleaning where you need it
Send your robot to clean a mess right where it happens with precision Clean Zones. Using state-of-the-art robot AI, Roomba i7/i7+ and s9/s9+ robot vacuums and Braava jet m6 robot mops use machine learning to automatically detect and proactively suggest Clean Zones around specific objects, like couches, tables and kitchen counters. Users are also able to customize their Smart Map by designating their own precision Clean Zones. This allows for targeted cleaning in specific areas or around objects that attract the most common messes. Simply use the app or speak to a voice assistant device, „Roomba, clean around the couch,“ and Roomba knows right where to go.

Cleaning when you need it
With iRobot Genius™, Roomba robot vacuums and Braava jet robot mops get to know your preferred cleaning routines to offer new features, like:

  • Event-based automations that let the robot know when the ideal time is to start or stop cleaning based on prompts that are defined by the user. Whether you’re heading off to work or going for a hike, the iRobot Home App can use location-based services like Life360, or take prompts from smart home devices, like the August Wi-Fi Smart Lock, to know when you’re away and begin cleaning. Likewise, the robot can stop cleaning when you return. These automations can be set up directly within the iRobot Home App, an exclusive capability for iRobot customers that is powered by iRobot Genius™ and IFTTT Connect. This means users can easily integrate iRobot Wi-Fi connected products with their other household connected devices and services, like smart thermostats and locks, without having to leave the iRobot Home App.
  • Recommended cleaning schedules are based on users‘ more common cleaning patterns like cleaning on Monday mornings. Roomba i7/i7+ and s9/s9+ robot vacuums and Braava jet m6 robot mops can also provide room-specific recommendations like vacuuming the living room on Friday evenings, or in the dining room and kitchen after meals.
  • Favorites enable users to quickly create and access their own pre-set cleaning routines. Create favorites like, „After Dinner“ that instructs the robot to clean the dining room and in front of the kitchen counter. Or „Bedtime“ to clean the playroom and living room floors. Or „Everywhere“ to clean the whole home.

Cleaning how you want it
Wi-Fi connected Roomba robot vacuums and Braava jet robot mops get smarter over time, getting to know your cleaning preferences so they understand how you want your home cleaned. New intelligence also means that iRobot products can go beyond basic scheduling to unlock powerful new location-based and smart home device integrations. 

  • New Recommended Keep Out Zones go beyond manual Keep Out Zone creation. Roomba i7/i7+ and s9/s9+ robot vacuums and Braava jet m6 robot mops can automatically learn to avoid trouble areas and recommend specific Keep Out Zones to users.
  • Seasonal recommendations offer personalized suggestions to automatically schedule cleanings or suggest times when your home may need more frequent cleaning, like pet-shedding or allergy seasons.

Personalized cleaning experiences powered by iRobot Genius™ Home Intelligence and the new iRobot Home App will be available to customers worldwide via a software update beginning August 25. Photos, videos and information can be found at:

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About iRobot Corp.
iRobot®, the leading global consumer robot company, designs and builds robots that empower people to do more both inside and outside of the home. iRobot created the home robot cleaning category with the introduction of its Roomba® Robot Vacuum in 2002. Today, iRobot is a global enterprise that has sold more than 30 million robots worldwide. iRobot’s product line, including the Roomba and the Braava® family of mopping robots, feature proprietary technologies and advanced concepts in cleaning, mapping and navigation. iRobot engineers are building an ecosystem of robots and technologies to enable the smart home. For more information about iRobot, please visit

For iRobot Investors
Certain statements made in this press release that are not based on historical information are forward-looking statements which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. This press release contains express or implied forward-looking statements relating to iRobot Corporation’s expectations concerning management’s plans, objectives and strategies, including expectations regarding the timing of product and feature release and the specific capabilities of those features. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in these forward-looking statements. Existing and prospective investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. iRobot undertakes no obligation to update or revise the information contained in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise. For additional disclosure regarding these and other risks faced by iRobot, see the disclosure contained in our public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission including, without limitation, our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Exoskelett in Sekundenschnelle angepasst mit schmierfreien igus Gleitlagern

drylin Linearsysteme und iglidur Gleitlager sorgen für eine schmierfreie Justierung eines Exoskeletts an Schlaganfallpatienten

Köln, 18. August 2020 – Viele Schlaganfallpatienten weltweit leiden an halbseitigen Lähmungen. Exoskelette wie Harmony von Harmonic Bionics können dabei helfen die Nervenbahnen in Armen und Schultern wiederaufzubauen. Damit sich das robotergestützte System in der Physiotherapie schnell auf die unterschiedlichen Körpergrößen anpassen lässt, vertrauen die Entwickler auf die leichte, schmier- und wartungsfreie Gleitlagertechnik von igus.

16 Millionen Menschen erleiden jedes Jahr weltweit einen Schlaganfall. Damit sich die Patienten in der Physiotherapie wieder rehabilitieren können, hat das amerikanische Unternehmen Harmonic Bionics, mit Unterstützung der National Science Foundation, ein Exoskelett speziell für die Heilung von Muskelschäden entwickelt. Der Roboter mit dem Namen Harmony entlastet das Schultergelenk, den Schultergürtel und maximiert den Bewegungsradius des Patienten. So soll das System eine natürliche und umfassende Therapie der Arme ermöglichen. Harmony setzt dafür auf eine Bilateral Sync Therapy (BST). Hierfür registriert der Roboter die gesunden Armbewegungen und synchronisiert sie an die vom Schlaganfall betroffene Seite, um die Wiederherstellung der Nervenbahnen zu unterstützen. Damit sich das Exoskelett mit dem menschlichen Körper bewegen kann, muss die Roboterachse richtig auf den Patienten eingestellt sein, denn eine falsche Justierung kann zu Verletzungen der Gelenke führen. Für eine schnelle Anpassung von Harmony griffen die Entwickler auf Linearführungen und Gleitlager des motion plastics Spezialisten igus zurück.

Schmierfrei und schnell angepasst

Schienenführungen der drylin Serie T und R, Linearlager drylin R und iglidur Gleitlager ermöglichen eine leichte Justierung des Systems an die Körpergröße, Armlänge und Schulterbreite des Patienten. Die eingesetzten Polymerlager aus dem Hochleistungswerkstoff iglidur J zeichnen sich durch ihre hohe Verschleißfestigkeit und Langlebigkeit aus. Durch den Verzicht auf externe Schmiermittel sind die Lager komplett wartungsfrei, zudem sauber und hygienisch und damit optimal für die Medizintechnik geeignet. Alle Bauteile bestehen aus leichten Materialen wie Kunststoff und Aluminium. Das Design ist so kompakt, dass es sich in das schlanke Design des Roboters integrieren lässt. „Dank des Einsatzes der igus Polymerlagertechnik kann das Exoskelett jetzt innerhalb von Sekunden auf den Patienten angepasst werden,“ zeigt sich Rohit John Varghese, Leiter Forschung & Entwicklung bei Harmonic Bionics begeistert.

Wie genau Harmony funktioniert, erfahren Sie im Video:

Über igus :

Die igus GmbH ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Energiekettensystemen und Polymer-Gleitlagern. Das familiengeführte Unternehmen mit Sitz in Köln ist in 35 Ländern vertreten und beschäftigt weltweit 4.150 Mitarbeiter. 2019 erwirtschaftete igus mit motion plastics, Kunststoffkomponenten für bewegte Anwendungen, einen Umsatz von 764 Millionen Euro. igus betreibt die größten Testlabore und Fabriken in seiner Branche, um dem Kunden innovative auf ihn zugeschnittene Produkte und Lösungen in kürzester Zeit anzubieten.

Quantum Integration Launches the First IoT Platform Designed Specifically for Electronic Hobbyists; coming to Kickstarter soon!

Makers can create custom apps and firmware without coding through a simple graphic UI and control any wireless device through a central server within the Quantum IoT Platform.

SANTA BARBARA, Calif., June 25, 2020 ( – Frustrated with Arduino’s limitations and a desire to wirelessly automate devices in the home, Michael Barnick, 58, founded Quantum Integration to bring a new level of integration and IoT to home automation enthusiasts. With his background in computer engineering, including management at Apple Computer, and as an experienced tech startup entrepreneur, he decided to change the industry and finally making it easy for electronics hobbyists to make and manage their very own IoT networks.

“Single-use IoT devices like ‘Nest’ are no longer enough for those wanting more control. The Quantum IoT platform is unique in that it allows easy integration of any number and type of device. It’s plug-and-play from beginning to end and designed for novices and experts alike,“ said Mr. Barnick. “It is now easier than ever to build custom automation projects from using remote temperature sensors, lighting control, security systems, entire high-end home automation, and even robots. The only limit is your imagination!”

Quantum Integration is a California-based corporation founded in 2017, specializing in IoT platforms and devices. Their products include servers, wireless IoT devices and their own proprietary operating system.

They also offer a Starter Bundle that includes a Q-Server and two Builder Bases for only $249, which provides a complete IoT platform, enabling anyone to build sophisticated and purposeful projects.

Hardware products will be available for a discounted purchase price on Kickstarter, starting mid-July 2020, and will later be available from online resellers or directly at, beginning mid-August 2020.

“Using the Quantum IoT Platform, I was able to do in minutes what would have taken days on Arduino. If you’re an electronics hobbyist or enthusiast with a love for wireless devices, the Quantum IoT Platform is for you!” said Joeran Kinzel, Co-Founder.

Learn more at and Follow Us on FacebookInstagram, and Youtube

About Quantum Integration

Quantum Integration delivers a user-friendly IoT platform that empowers electronics enthusiasts and hobbyists to build high tech projects from a simple button to home automation and robots. Leveraging the combination of multiple Q-Client Builder Bases, Q-Servers and a straightforward developer environment, users can write apps and create custom firmware without coding. Quantum Integration provides a superior experience in the home. The company’s platform eliminates the barriers prohibiting adoption of home automation, making it the new standard for convenience. The key to accomplishing this is the company’s unique platform designed specifically for a wide range of low-cost Bluetooth devices. Quantum Integration also provides a graphic based development environment that allows fast and easy control of any custom device. Along with a smart plug-and-play feature, users can add and use devices on the network in a matter of seconds, at a price point and scalability unmatched by any of the competitions in the sphere.

Find the Kickstarter project here:

New HD-1500 mobile robot from Omron expands autonomous materials transport options with 1500kg payload capacity


Omron Automation Americas, a global leader in mobile robotics and other advanced industrial automation solutions, recently launched the HD-1500 mobile robot that can handle bulky objects weighing up to 1500kg. This addition to Omron’s robotics portfolio comes after the LD-250 mobile robot launch and further expands manufacturers’ options for autonomous material transport.

Manufacturers are facing a growing need to automate their material handling operations due to an industrial demand for increased productivity and flexibility coinciding with challenges in finding and properly utilizing skilled workers. Social distancing requirements implemented in response to the COVID-19 epidemic further complicate the difficulty of relying on the manual completion of these types of tasks. Mobile robots help fast-paced manufacturing environments maintain speed and flexibility amid these challenges.

The robots automatically calculate the best route for material transportation while navigating safely around people and obstacles without requiring magnetic floor tapes or other guides. This makes them an effective solution for companies seeking to improve flexibility and maximize floor layout options. Omron’s Fleet Manager software controls up to 100 mobile robots of different sizes, configurations and payload capacities, so customers can use the HD-1500 together with the LD-60, LD-90 and LD-250 robots under one system.

The HD-1500’s powerful structure makes it well-suited for industries in which transporting heavy items like car chassis and voluminous pallets is required. By handling some of the transport tasks that would otherwise require a forklift, the new robots also help minimize sources of risk for employees, since forklifts can lead to serious accidents. The HD-1500 offers 360° safety coverage to promote a collaborative and safe working space, and the stop position accuracy of the Cell Alignment Positioning System (CAPS) has also been improved. It even has an onboard, user-accessible Omron PLC.

Highlights of the HD-1500 include:

Higher payload and sturdier structure. The HD-1500 addresses the market need to move bulky items and pallet-size payloads in manufacturing facilities and reduce forklift usage.

Support for highly mixed fleets. Using Omron’s Fleet Manager, customers can manage diverse fleets up to 100 mobile robots, including the HD-1500.

Faster ROI. As the need for greater efficiency in the workforce increases, the HD-1500 helps automate complex and dangerous tasks so that workers can do more with less equipment.

An easy-to-customize solution. The HD-1500 is easy to deploy, so customers can easily add it to their fleets without worrying about safety, compatibility, or performance.

Additional features include:

  •     Battery charges in 36 minutes to realize greater efficiency and less downtime
  •     360° safety scanning lasers used for simultaneous localization and safety functionality
  •     Superior navigation using adaptive safety zones with LiDAR technology
  •     Improved CAPS technology to improve docking accuracy and repeatability
  •     Onboard, user-accessible Omron PLC

Industry professionals interested in learning more about the HD-1500 are encouraged to visit the product page on the Omron website by clicking here.

About Omron Automation
Omron Automation is an industrial automation partner that creates, sells and services fully integrated automation solutions that include sensing, control, safety, vision, motion, robotics and more. Established in 1933 and currently headed by President Yoshihito Yamada, Omron’s about 30,000 employees help businesses solve problems with creativity in more than 110 countries. Learn more at

Nabot by Ximpatico

Nabot is a programmable robot that can autonomously perform tasks such as sanitizing packages, mopping the floor, vacuuming, collecting small objects, and playing with pets. Nabot is both the robot to play with and a tool to explore the world of AI and coding. Nabot was previously marketed as a remote control robot but we upgraded it with artificial intelligence and a coding interface and turned it into a smart and autonomous robot. Nabot can introduce children to the coding concepts and make them interested in STEM fields. It can also be a great assistive technology for the disabled and elderly and help them with activities of daily living. That has been the topic of Ph.D. research of the founders.

How does it work?

Nabot’s coding interface consists of blocks, which users will drag, drop, and attach them together to write a code for Nabot. These coding blocks enable the user to move the robot forward/backward, rotate the robot left/right, move each of the joints individually or all together, create custom categories of objects and write code for when the robot detects an object from a certain category, mark/assign objects to one of these custom categories, create variables and use them in various math equations, and other basic programming logic blocks such as if, else, repeat, loop, while. There is also a more advanced Python API for hackers to program complicated and useful tasks.

User’s privacy is our priority. Nabot does not send or store any information outside the user’s phone. All the processing is done on the phone and the application doesn’t even need an internet connection (except for logging in).

About Ximpatico

We are Ximpatico, a venture-backed startup based in the US with offices in San Jose, CA and Orlando, FL. Founders are a couple of Ph.D. graduates in computer science and engineering behind the state-of-the-art in AI and robotics. We developed a cutting-edge AI technology back in 2016 in our research lab.

Kickstarter campaign:

Maker-Spirit in Corona-Zeiten – Erste weltweite virtuelle Maker Faire am 23. Mai

Hannover, 7. Mai 2020 – Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie wurden nahezu alle Maker Faires in 2020 abgesagt. Darunter auch die achte Maker Faire Hannover, die vom 12. bis 13. September im HCC geplant war. Statt von Angesicht zu Angesicht treffen sich die Maker jetzt online. Das US-Maker-Faire-Team organisiert am 23. Mai ein 24-Stunden-Event, bei dem die Macher aus aller Welt ihre Ideen virtuell vorstellen können. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Covid19-Projekte.

Deutschlands größtes DIY-Festival, das sich in Niedersachsens Hauptstadt in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem Publikumsmagneten für die ganze Familie entwickelt hat, wurde auf den 11. und 12. September 2021 verschoben. „Leider werden wir die Maker Faire Hannover in der aktuellen Situation nicht wie geplant durchführen können. Somit haben wir uns schweren Herzens dazu entschieden, die Veranstaltung in diesem Jahr auszusetzen“, bedauert Daniel Rohlfing, Leiter Events und Sales, Maker Media. Im vergangenen Jahr bestaunten in Hannover 17.500 Besucherinnen und Besucher die vielen spannenden Ideen der internationalen Maker-Szene.

Einfach machen
Mit ihren unkonventionellen Erfindungen machen die Makerinnen und Maker gerade in der Corona-Zeit von sich reden. Weltweit hat die Community auf den Mangel an medizinischer Versorgung und Ausrüstung reagiert. Die Macher haben ihre 3D-Drucker und ihre Nähmaschinen aktiviert und mit ihrem ganz eigenen Spirit gemeinsam innovative Produkte geschaffen.

Drucken gegen Corona
In Deutschland ist das beispielsweise die Initiative „Maker vs. Virus“. Hier haben sich etliche Maker und Fablabs zusammengeschlossen, um sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen und ihre Ressourcen besser zu organisieren – etwa bei der 3D-Druck-Fertigung von Gesichtsschutzmasken, den sogenannten Face Shields. Im Rahmen des WirvsVirus-Hackathons von der Bundesregierung hat ein interdisziplinäres Maker-Team sogar ein komplettes Beatmungsgerät als Prototyp entwickelt.

Maker-Spirit im Netz erleben
Diese Covid19-Projekte stehen auch im Fokus der ersten virtuellen Maker Faire, die am Samstag, den 23. Mai, als 24-Stunden-Event weltweit in allen Zeitzonen vom US-Maker Faire-Team organisiert wird: der Bildschirm als Bühne für die einfallsreichen Konzepte und ihre Macher. Auch das deutsche Maker Media-Team beteiligt sich an der digitalen Show. Weitere Infos gibt es hierzu unter: Wer dabei sein will, kann sich hier anmelden:

Auf dem Laufenden bleiben
Wer sich für die Maker-Bewegung interessiert, kann sich auf der Webseite auf dem Laufenden halten. Ein monatlicher Newsletter informiert über aktuelle Themen, neue Termine und allgemeine DIY-Nachrichten. Folgen Sie uns auch auf Facebook, Twitter und Instagram .

Alle Maker Faires in D/A/CH werden vom deutschsprachigen Make Magazin präsentiert.

Accenture, Intel and Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation Use Artificial Intelligence to Save Coral Reefs

NEW YORK, SANTA CLARA, Calif., and MANILA, The Philippines; April 22, 2020 – Accenture (NYSE: ACN), Intel and the Philippines-based Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation have developed a new solution powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor, characterize and analyze coral reef resiliency. The solution — the work product of Project: CORaiL, an initiative the three organizations created in 2019 — has been deployed in a reef in the Philippines since last year.

Coral reefs are some of the world’s most diverse ecosystems, with more than eight hundred species of corals building and providing habitats and shelter for approximately 25% of global marine life. The reefs also benefit humans — protecting coastlines from tropical storms, providing food and income for 1 billion people, and generating US$9.6 billion in tourism and recreation annually. But reefs are being endangered and rapidly degraded by overfishing, bottom trawling, warming temperatures and unsustainable coastal development.

“Project: CORaiL is an incredible example of how AI and edge computing can be used to help researchers monitor and restore the coral reef. We are very proud to partner with Accenture and the Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation on this important effort to protect our planet,” said Rose Schooler, corporate vice president in Intel’s sales and marketing group.

A critical element of Project: CORaiL was to identify the number and variety of fish around a reef, which serve as an important indicator of overall reef health. Traditional coral reef monitoring efforts involve human divers manually capturing video footage and photos of the reef. In addition to being dangerous and time-intensive, this approach can disrupt marine life, as divers might inadvertently frighten fish into hiding.

Engineers from Accenture, Intel and Sulubaaï implemented an artificial, concrete reef — called a Sulu-Reef Prosthesis (SRP) — to provide support for unstable coral fragments underwater. The SRP was designed by Sulubaaï and placed in the reef surrounding the Pangatalan Island in the Philippines. Fragments of living coral were planted on it and will grow and expand, providing a hybrid habitat for fish and marine life.

The engineers then strategically placed intelligent underwater video cameras, equipped with the Accenture Applied Intelligence Video Analytics Services Platform (VASP), to detect and photograph fish as they pass by. VASP uses AI, powered by Intel Xeon, Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Cards and Intel Movidius VPU, to count and classify the marine life. The data is then sent to a surface dashboard, providing analytics and trends to researchers on the ground in real-time, enabling them to make data-driven decisions that will help the reef progress.

“The value of your data depends on how quickly you can glean insights to make decisions from it,” said Athina Kanioura, Accenture’s chief analytics officer and Accenture Applied Intelligence lead. “With the ability to do real-time analysis on streaming video, VASP enables us to tap into a rich data source — in effect doing ‘hands on’ monitoring without disrupting the underwater environment.”

Since being deployed in May 2019, the solution has collected roughly 40,000 images, which researchers have used to gauge reef health in real-time.

“Artificial intelligence provides unprecedented opportunities to solve some of society’s most vexing problems,” said Jason Mitchell, a managing director in Accenture’s Communications, Media & Technology practice and the company’s client lead for Intel. “Our ecosystem of corporate and social partners for this ‘AI for social good’ project proves that strength in numbers can make a positive environmental impact.”  

Engineers from Accenture and Intel are already at work on the next-gen Project: CORaiL prototype, which will include an optimized convolutional neural network and a backup power supply. They are also looking into infra-red cameras which will enable videos at night to create a complete picture of the coral ecosystem. Additional uses could include studying the migration rate of tropical fish to colder countries and monitoring intrusion in protected or restricted underwater areas.

About Accenture
Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services in strategy and consulting, interactive, technology and operations, with digital capabilities across all of these services. We combine unmatched experience and specialized capabilities across more than 40 industries — powered by the world’s largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers. With 509,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture brings continuous innovation to help clients improve their performance and create lasting value across their enterprises. Visit us at

About Intel
Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) is an industry leader, creating world-changing technology that enables global progress and enriches lives. Inspired by Moore’s Law, we continuously work to advance the design and manufacturing of semiconductors to help address our customers’ greatest challenges. By embedding intelligence in the cloud, network, edge and every kind of computing device, we unleash the potential of data to transform business and society for the better. To learn more about Intel’s innovations, go to and

About Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation
Created in 2012, Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation (SEF) is a Philippine-based non-profit organization dedicated to conserve, protect, and restore the natural resources of Palawan through environmentally sustainable practices and active ecosystems restoration. Its action is mainly focused on the island of Pangatalan and its surroundings in Shark Bay. To learn more, visit

INNFOS Announces the Launch of the Modular Desktop Collaborative Robotic Arm by SCA

BEIJING, November 26, 2019 ( – Industry experts INNFOS recently launched an advanced smart and compliant robotic arm that brings precision to the desktop and provides human-like flexibility for applications in prototyping, production, STEM and maker tasks. Their new product is available now on Kickstarter:

Desktop robot arms are growing in popularity due to the wide variety of applications they can be applied to, from education to assembly and automated tasks. Until now, these smaller desktop robots were limited by the performance of the stepper motors that drive them. Now, INNFOS Gluon has created an advanced desktop robot arm that is built around its industry-leading, self-developed SCA smart compliant actuator that provides the highest possible level of performance for precise control of position, velocity, and torque.

“Most desktop robotic arms are built for hobbyists and use a stepper or hobby servos motor that can only perform simple actions, thereby limiting their usability. Our goal was to bring the high performance of industrial-grade servo systems and compliant control to the desktop at an affordable price, allowing greater precision and the ability to perform more complex tasks. INNFOS Gluon is the most advanced robotic arm of its type and can perform virtually any task,” said David Yan, CEO, INNFOS.

As the world’s first desktop robotic arm with compliant control, INNFOS Gluon can handle multiple tasks with human-like flexibility and suppleness and includes safety features such as an advanced algorithm to stop the arm in the event of a collision with a person or object.

In addition to outstanding precision and load capacity, the arm features a wide range of different swappable end effectors, such as suction cup, universal ball gripper, micro servo gripper, electromagnet head and others. By simply changing the end effectors, the robot arm is capable of virtually any task, including pick and place, assembly, drawing and writing, and games.

INNFOS offers SDK, IAS and IRS for users. SDK offers APIs for various programming languages as well as logging tools for developers to control INNFOS SCA in different environments and the robot is compatible with MAC, Linux, Raspberry pi and Windows operating systems.

The INNFOS R&D team was founded in 2011 and is made up of a group of robotics experts that has been focusing on the development of intelligent compliant actuators for high-performance robots for many years. This latest release puts high performance on the desktop and makes robotics easy and affordable for anyone.  

INNFOS Gluon is available now via Kickstarter campaign with special deals and discounts for early adopters.

RoboMaker Starter

Unter „Coding Lab“ fasst Clementoni innerhalb des Sortiments der Galileo Experimentierkästen die drei Roboter „Mein erster Roboter DOC“, „MIND Designer Roboter“ und „RoboMaker Pro“ zusammen. Die Roboter führen Kinder im Alter zwischen 5 und 14 Jahren in die Welt der Programmierung und Robotik ein. Ab Herbst 2019 gibt es nun auch einen „Coding Lab“ Roboter für die ganz Kleinen sowie eine kleinere Version vom RoboMaker. 

Der „RoboMaker Starter“ ab 8 Jahre ist ein unglaubliches Labor, um die Geheimnisse der Robotik und Codierung durch Block- Programmierung zu entdecken. Es können 3 Roboter (X1-Drawer, X2- Elevator und X3-Analyser) aus 200 Bauteilen, 2 Motoren, einem Lautsprecher und einem IR Sensor gebaut werden. Alle Roboter haben unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten: Der X1-Drawer erschafft fantastische Designs mit dem X2-Elevator kann man verschiedene Objekte aufheben und der X3-Analyser kann Objekte bewegen. 

Bei der Produktentwicklung bezog Clementoni die Expertise diverser Experten aus dem Bereich Informatik mit ein. Die Produktreihe stimuliert räumliche Orientierung und logisches Denken bei Kindern und übermittelt die ersten Kenntnisse der (Block-) Programmierung. Die Produkte folgen der MINT Methode (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik), die mit dem Ziel ins Leben gerufen wurde, bei Kindern Fertigkeiten in den Bereichen der MATHEMATIK, INFORMATIK, NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN und TECHNIK anzuregen.