Public award announced for Low Cost Automation in drones, pharmacies and factories

ROIBOT competition shows how customers can quickly implement Tech up and Cost down with affordable robotics

The more than 70 submissions to the ROIBOT Award 2020 make it clear that entry into automation can be achieved easily and cost-effectively. This year, in addition to the expert jury, for the first time the public also has the chance to vote for their personal favourite. At you can find many innovative examples of how Low Cost Automation from igus can be used profitably: from Bathroom mirror cabinet with sound system up to the automated „Chocomatic“ praline dispenser.

igus‘ goal is to enable modern medium-sized companies, research institutes and creative individual engineers to enter the world of automation at a reasonable price with its Low Cost Automation. From various robotics modular systems to ready-to-connect linear robot solutions and intuitive control software, the motion plastics specialist offers users a wide range of cost-saving solutions for a fast return on investment (ROI). The numerous submissions to this year’s ROIBOT award show how this can be achieved in practice. For the first time, a jury of experts and the public will choose their favourites.

ROI can be achieved quickly thanks to Low Cost Automation from igus

The ROIBOT competition recognises Low Cost Robotics applications that have led to a quick return on investment, such as robolink articulated arm robots, drylin delta robots and linear robots from igus. A jury of experts from research, the specialist press and manufacturers will select the winners and award prize money of 5,000 euros to the first, 2,500 euros to the second and 1,000 euros to the third place. For the first time this year, the prize will be given together with a public vote. At interested parties can obtain not only ideas and inspiration for their own project, but can also vote for their  favourite until 30th September. For example, for pick-and-place applications like the pilot plant at VW plant in Emden, where a robolink D undertakes the automated continuous handling of components for the Passat/Arteon. In the Apostore system, a robolink D carries out the pick & place of medicines at the chemist. In both cases, the cost-effective automation of monotonous and simple tasks directly saves operating costs. Another example is the manipulation robot – a drone with a robot arm – from the University of Seville. It can easily and quickly reach remote or high-altitude work areas, making it suitable for inspection and maintenance applications at oil and gas refineries, power cables or wind and solar power plants. The Cartesian 2-DOF manipulator consists of two lightweight and low-maintenance linear guide systems and three carriages.

These and other submissions can be found at

Recycled Robots Invade North America “We Come In Peace,” Declare Funky Fobots

Raleigh, NC –Not many people can say that the economic downturn has changed their lives for the better. But for Raleigh, NC artist Amy Flynn, it has been the catalyst that has taken her from a comfortable, 27 year career as an illustrator, to a whole new world of galleries, art fairs and Fobots.

Fobots? That would be short for Found Object Robots, and Amy can’t build them fast enough. Incorporating cool vintage junk found at flea markets, scrapyards, basements and auctions, she creates each one as a one-of-a-kind sculpture, with its own name, number, and personality. As it says on their tags, “They are not functional, they are not toys, and they will not go on a rampage while you sleep”.

“I’d been a professional illustrator, working for giftware and greeting card companies, for most of my life,” explains Amy. “But I’d never faced economic conditions so bad. Clients were backing out of contracts, failing to pay me, going bankrupt. I was at my wit’s end”. Finally, her husband said “Why don’t you take some time off and make some of your robots? You’re so much happier when you’re making robots”.

The Fobots had been born of Amy’s love of flea markets and robots. She likes to tell people that they combine two of her favorite passions—making stuff, and shopping. So she went upstairs to her workshop and made some bots. And the recession got worse. She made some more, just to keep the creative juices flowing until business picked up. It didn’t. Soon, the mantelpiece was full, and people were starting to joke about robots taking over the house. Encouraged by a local gallery to start selling them as a business, the Fobots made their debut at the Buyers Market of American Craft, a national wholesale show in Philadelphia. “We sold out of our inventory of 100 bots, and had orders for more. Other artists encourage me to apply to some of the big outdoor art festivals. The first one we applied to was Saint Louis in 2009, and what do you know?–they accepted us! It’s like saying you want to be an actor, and getting cast in the first show you audition for—on Broadway!” Since that auspicious beginning, the Fobots have appeared in many of the country’s top shows, from Miami to Sausalito. They’ve even been on television, gracing the sets of “Ugly Betty” and the ESPN show, “Pardon the Interruption”.

It’s easy to see why Amy’s little metal friends are so popular. The junk they’re made from is cool to start with—vintage cameras, funky old tins, little toy refrigerators with the food printed on the inside of the doors, car parts, and metal spinning tops transform themselves into faces, bodies, arms and legs. And, like the Tin Man, they all have a little brass heart inside. Then there are the names—Hermaphrobot, Steampunky Brewster, Robama, Sigmund Droid, Cyborg Young, Queen Elizabot, Love Machine, Roboticelli…you get the picture. And some of them…well, let’s just say that in some cases, it’s easy to tell the boys from the girls.

Amy is so much happier now making Fobots. And that’s something that never would have happened if things hadn’t first gotten so bad. Reflects Amy. “I keep hearing that the Chinese characters for “crisis” and “opportunity” are the same. I looked it up—turns out, they’re not, that’s just a myth. But they SHOULD be.”

Amy Flynn is the Senior Fobotologist and creative genius behind FOBOTS. To see more of her little metal friends, visit

World’s First Palm-sized, Trick Playing Robot Dog Petoi Bittle Launches on Kickstarter

On August 24, Petoi Bittle launches on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter. Starting from $195 for the early bird special, Bittle is the first affordable robot dog for coding and fun.

Petoi hopes to raise $50,000 to bring the agile quadruped robots to makers and STEM communities. The fund was fulfilled in one day and was doubled in three days. It reaches $128,000 on the fourth day.

Kickstarter URL:

Petoi Bittle is a tiny but powerful robot that can play tricks like real animals. It is compact, agile, accessible, and seamlessly designed. We fine-tuned every bit to fit agile maneuverabilities into a palm-sized robot pet. You can bring Bittle to life by assembling its puzzle-like frames, running our demo codes, and injecting new skills with your own codes. Bittle makes a perfect tool for learning, teaching, and researching, or a surprising gift to impress your family and friends.

Rz Li, the founder of Petoi, explains: „Building on the success of our first robot cat project Petoi Nybble on Indiegogo in 2018 and feedback from our worldwide user community, we’ve designed Bittle to be more durable, agile and extensible. Bittle moves with four legs rather than wheels. Legged motion gives it more freedom to navigate unstructured terrains, and expresses the joy of life whenever it moves. Such dynamic maneuverability and behaviors were only seen on a few luxury robots from the best labs or tycoon companies previously. „

Evolving with an open-source gene, Bittle is an open platform to fuse multiple makers‘ gadgets into one organic system. With our customized Arduino board coordinating all instinctive and sophisticated movements, you are free to clip on various sensors to bring in perception and inject artificial intelligence capabilities. You could also mount a Raspberry Pi or other AI chips through wired/wireless connections for higher-level functionalities.

Bittle is a compact system of five major components: body frame, actuator, electronics, battery, and the software to coordinate all the hardware to perform varied tasks. More details are covered on their Kickstarter page.

Plastic body parts
10× P1S Servo
Rechargeable 7.4V Li-ion battery pack
NyBoard V1
Bluetooth and WiFi dongle
Various sensors that can be held by the mouth of the robot dog
Open-source software: the OpenCat program

The kit starts at $195 for the Early Bird adopters.
For more information, please visit Petoi’s website.

About Petoi LLC
OpenCat started as the founder Rz Li’s pet project in 2016. After the demo video went viral in 2018, he devoted all his time and resources to bring this sophisticated and cute robot to the public. He founded Petoi and successfully crowdfunded the Nybble project in 2018. All the earnings have been put into the fulfillment of Nybble and the R&D of Bittle.
Our mission is to bring affordable robotic pets from fiction to reality. We grew from a single maker to a company that can collaborate and negotiate with manufacturers to get the best solutions to our needs. We have many more cool ideas in mind, and Bittle is another small step towards our ideal shape of household robots.

A robot’s range quickly extended with 7th axis from igus

UR (Universal Robots) and robolink robots acquire a 5-times larger action radius thanks to a completely new solution

igus now offers a directly ready-to-connect 7th axis so that a robot can move over a distance of several metres. The new complete system consists of a maintenance-free drylin ZLW toothed belt axis with corresponding adapter plate, switch cabinet, cables and software integration. For easy integration of the axis and therefore of the robot, igus has developed two adapter kits for robolink and UR robots. They enable fast and, above all, cost-effective low cost automation.

Robots insert workpieces into a milling machine, dispense chocolate bars from vending machines and place crates on pallets, which are then stacked. But how can they move vertically, horizontally or overhead in a flexible manner? The answer is a 7th axis. Specifically for linear adjustment, igus has developed a lubrication-free, lightweight flat axis with a stroke of up to 6m and a positioning accuracy of 0.5mm with the help of its drylin linear construction kit. To ensure that the axis can be easily combined with a robot, igus now offers overall solutions for UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots (Universal Robots), robolink DP robots and DCi robots. „A customer who acquires the new complete system receives, on the one hand, an adapter plate for easy attachment of the robot and the energy chain to the axis and, on the other, the corresponding integration solution, in other words the switch cabinet with cables, motor controller and the respective software solution“, explains Alexander Mühlens, Head of Automation Technology at igus GmbH. „If a robolink robot is used, the 7th axis can be easily controlled by means of the igus robot control software. For UR robots, we supply an UR-CAP as a direct integration solution, including all the electrical modules needed.“ This means that the robot can be installed and put to work within just a few minutes.

Ready-to-connect 7th axis in desired length

Users can configure the appropriate complete solution online at The 7th axis is supplied by igus as a complete system that is ready to connect immediately, consisting of a drylin ZLW-20 toothed belt axis in the desired length exactly to the millimetre, plus the connecting cables, the switch cabinet, the power electronics, the software integration and the corresponding adapter set. Alternatively, the adapter set is separately available consisting of adapter plate and control system. 

Double addition to the fruitcore-familiy

fruitcore robotics presents its new industrial robots HORST600 and HORST1400.

With HORST900, fruitcore robotics launched its affordable robot line with innovative kinematics two years ago. HORST900 now gets two brothers at once: the smaller, fast and precise HORST600 and the larger and more powerful HORST1400 extend the product family. With the expansion of the portfolio the young com- pany, based in Constance, meets the requirements of the market even further. 

Fruitcore Tag 2

With the two new family members HORST600 and HORST1400, fruitcore robotics presents one industrial robot below and one above the well-established HORST900 in case of range and payload. All fruitcore robotics robot models are easy to operate and offer an unbeatable cost-benefit ratio. Both new family-members are based on the well-proven HORST technology, are Made in Germany and are supplied as a all-in-one solution. All fruitcore robots can be programmed intuitively using the horstFX software developed especially for HORST and the horst- PANEL control unit. The efficient and straightforward communication with external machines and components is made via the safety control system horstCONTROL. The innovative kinematics also show the family resem- blance. But like most brothers, all HORSTs have very different characteristics and strengths. 

HORST600: small, fast and precise With HORST600 fruitcore robotics expands its product family with a modular small robot. The smallest HORST is particularly suitable for applications where space is limited and can also be mounted on the wall or ceiling for even more flexibility. With an installation area of 382 x 200 millimetres and a maximum range of 578 millime- tres, HORST600 can move loads of up to three kilograms quickly and precisely – with a repeatability of ± 0.05 mil- limetres. The Industrial robot is available in two different versions: HORST600 is used in industrial environments, for example in metal processing, logistics or in the plastics industry. Typical appications are pick & place applica- tions, palletizing or the loading and unloading of machines. The second version – HORST600 lab („laboratory“) is specially designed for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry as well as laboratorys and research facilities. In addition to the adapted design, this industrial robot is made for the interface requirements of the industry and can be equipped with an appropriate gripper. Specific features and modules also allow easy handling of test tubes or samples. To meet the requirements of the different applications, HORST600 and HORST600 lab are available in two performance classes: the version „fast“ for applications where the cycle time is decisive, and the version“strong“ when the payload is important. Due to the innovative production technology the moving load of HORST600 is very small. The powerful small robot weighs around 23 kilograms. It therefore has different kine- matics than the larger series. The innovative kinematic approach based on four-bar linkage offers its big broth- ers significant stiffness advantages and allows the use of smaller motors and gearboxes, which due to the smaller size of the HORST600 offer no advantages and are therefore not used. The engineers at fruitcore robot- ics focused more on a compact construction when developing HORST600. This construction provides maximum range with the largest possible working space. As with all robots from fruitcore robotics, the modular robot arm is comparatively light and can be easily maintained or repaired. 

The encoder technology developed by fruitcore robotics is also used, which in combination with the high-quality drive system guarantees accuracy. With HORST600, fruitcore robotics is also equipping the first robot with the optional playback mode. This allows the operator to guide the robot by hand, which makes programming even easier. 

HORST1400: for large payload and range At the top end of the performance scale, in terms of maximum reach and maximum payload, fruitcore robotics introduces its second new robot – HORST1400. It is designed for applications in logistics as well as in the metal or plastics processing industry that require high payloads and ranges or short cycle times.The industrial robot is suitable, for example, for commissioning as well as for loading and unloading machines or mesh boxes. HORST1400 lifts loads of up to ten kilograms and has a maximum range of 1,400 millimetres. The industrial robot HORST1400 is, like its smaller brother HORST900, characterized by its hybrid kinematics based on multiple four- bar linkages, which makes a more efficient use oft the build in motors possible. This makes it possible to use smaller electric motors and gears and still achieve the same quality and dynamics as with conventional robots. The innovative kinematic approach based on four-bar linkage results in a lower overall weight and significantly lower costs. 

Sphero® Launches the ‘Sphero Global Challenge’, the Company’s First Annual International Robotics and Design Competition

Sphero, the industry leader in edtech programmable robots and STEAM-based educational tools, announced today that registration for the Sphero Global Challenge, its first robotics, invention and design competition for kids around the world, is now open.

Robotics competitions are a unique opportunity for kids, and are designed not only to focus on the technical proficiencies gained through programming and coding but also to build on the important ‘soft skills’ kids gain through STEAM.


Sphero, the industry leader in edtech programmable robots and STEAM-based educational tools, announced today that registration for the Sphero Global Challenge, its first robotics, invention and design competition for kids around the world, is now open.

The Sphero Global Challenge is the ultimate STEAM competition and an opportunity for kids to go deeper with computational thinking, engineering, and programming skills. Teams of all abilities are encouraged to work together to identify problems and develop solutions in different, real-world scenarios. Through this challenge, kids will work to accomplish their goals in various events that they will submit virtually to qualify for the Sphero World Championship in Spring 2021.

“We’re excited to offer a robotics, invention and design competition that highlights Sphero’s dedication to collaborative STEAM learning from anywhere in the world,” says Paul Copioli, Sphero CEO. “Robotics competitions are a unique opportunity for kids, and are designed not only to focus on the technical proficiencies gained through programming and coding but also to build on the important ‘soft skills’ kids gain through STEAM, such as collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.”

The Sphero Global Challenge comprises three unique events. Teams can compete in one event or up to all three with one $75 USD registration fee.

littleBits Invent 4 Good: Mission Earth
Use littleBits and their Invention Cycle to solve problems facing the Earth right now. Kids will unleash their inner engineer as they invent a solution to an issue of their choice. In this event, kids can practice collaborating and innovating as they tackle a real-world problem.

BOLT: Space Mission
Take flight in the BOLT Space Mission. During this event, kids can put their programming and engineering skills to work as they navigate through five challenges. Not only is this an opportunity to build STEAM skills, but it’s also a chance for them to collaborate, solve problems, and create.

RVR + littleBits: Mars Mission
In RVR + littleBits Mars Mission, kids can use their coding and engineering skills to complete five challenges. Throughout this event, they’ll have opportunities to build their collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills as they work to reach solutions.

In conjunction with the Sphero Global Challenge launch, new competition-ready Sphero and littleBits products are now available to make getting started in the competition even simpler.

New: littleBits STEAM+ Class Pack
The littleBits STEAM+ Class Pack is the ultimate STEAM learning toolkit, containing 240 Bits, 10 newly designed durable storage containers, printed teacher support materials and 40+ standards-aligned lessons to engage the entire class.

New: littleBits STEAM+ Kit
The littleBits STEAM+ Kit contains 24 Bits, a newly designed durable storage container, printed teacher support materials, and 40+ hours of standards-aligned lessons to engage up to four students at a time.

New: Sphero Code Mat – Space & Soccer
This two-sided activity mat, with new Space & Soccer themes, offers a simple, accessible way to learn block-based coding, basic math principles, and collaborative problem-solving with any round Sphero robot. The new Code Mat comes with three sets of 10 double-sided coding cards that provide guided, hands-on coding lessons.

New: Sphero RVR littleBits Topper Kit
Sphero RVR + littleBits Topper Kit combines the best of Sphero with the best of littleBits in an easy, approachable kit that allows a user to fully utilize RVR’s onboard capabilities with littleBits adaptability to create unique inventions.

New: Sphero Craft Pack
A one-stop-shop for all the crafting accessories needed for Sphero Global Challenge projects. With over 31 different items and hundreds of materials, the Craft Pack was designed with both Sphero robots and littleBits in mind.

The Sphero Global Challenge is committed to inspiring the creators of tomorrow, wherever that might be, even in blended, remote, or at-home learning scenarios. Learn more about resources and opportunities for solo teams or virtual meetings to complete the Sphero Global Challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic in our Sphero Global Challenge at-home guide.

To learn more about the Sphero Global Challenge and how to register a team, please visit

Sphero inspires the creators of tomorrow through remarkably cool, programmable robots, electronic building blocks, and educational tools that transform the way kids learn and create through coding, science, music, and the arts. Sphero goes #BeyondCode and drives kids to turn their imagination into reality. The skills kids unlock through play-based learning prepare them to thrive, no matter what subject or career they pursue. Based in Boulder, CO, Sphero has become the #1 STEAM-based learning solutions company, loved by millions of parents, kids, and educators worldwide. Learn more at

Cost-effective automation for the mid-sized sector with igus low cost automation & robotics

igus offers to accompany medium-sized companies into the automation age with an online platform for low-cost automation

Cost-effective robots with components from various manufacturers that can be configured and ordered online in just a few clicks. The Cologne-based motion plastics specialist igus offers this service with an online platform for Low Cost Robotics. Thanks to a modular system, even small medium-sized companies will achieve automation for a few thousand euros.

A pick-and-place robot heads towards the conveyor belt, reaches for a small electrical component, turns it over and places it in a testing machine. Thousand times a day. Faster and tireless than the best worker. Such scenarios are commonplace among global players. The industry giants are steadily increasing the level of automation and thus increasing the competitive pressure on small and medium-sized enterprises. But many small companies are avoiding the topic. The investment costs are too high. Too confusing and complex is the interaction of the components of different manufacturers – including mechatronics, control systems and software.

An entry barrier that is unnecessary, says igus. The company specialises in the development of Low Cost Robotics and has therefore introduced the online platform at the Hannover Messe 2019 in cooperation with other manufacturers. „As far as mechanics, bearings, motors and gearboxes are concerned, we can offer competent advice to interested parties. However, it is also a fact that other companies are leaders in terms of cameras, grippers or control software,“ says Stefan Niermann, head of the newly established Low Cost Automation division. „This is precisely one of the reasons why an online platform that combines the different skills makes sense, so that the customer can quickly get the right robotics solution for them.“

Make your own robot with just a few clicks

The idea is to enable customers to assemble their own robot solution with just a few clicks of the mouse. The basic electro-mechanical structure is the „rohbot“ from igus, among them articulated-arm robots, delta robots and Cartesian robots. In the next step, the user supplements this basic structure to include individual components from various manufacturers, such as grippers, cameras, GUIs, power electronics, motors, sensors and control systems. The advantage: All components are compatible with each other.

„The concept intended for companies, start-ups, research institutes and mechanical engineering companies offers fast, customised robot solutions at low starting costs of just a few thousand euros, which will pay for itself in a short time and bring quick profits“, explains Niermann. „What we are talking about here is a low-risk way of entering the era of automation and investing in the competitiveness of tomorrow.“ Another advantage: All manufacturers would be able to continuously expand the online platform with new components. The users always have a clear access to a rapidly developing market segment.

Ready-to-connect articulated arm robots for 5,000 euros

igus has experience with Low Cost Robotics. The company has been developing automation solutions for order picking, feeding, quality assurance and assembly for many years. These include robolink DC – a modular system that allows users to assemble articulated arms with a robust and lightweight plastic housing, gearboxes and motors into a robotic arm of their own. The offer also includes robolink DCi, a pre-configured, ready-to-use automation system. It consists of a 4 or 5-axis robot and a control system that is integrated at the base of the gripper arm in a space-saving manner. The control software of the partner Commonplace Robotics is specifically designed for the robolink DCi. With it, movement sequences can be set as intuitively as on a smart phone. PC and control cabinet are not required.

In order to keep pace with the rapid development of the global automation industry, igus continuously invests in research and development work. As a result, the engineers succeeded in laying the cables inside the arm in the new generation of the DC system. A tidy and space-saving design that predestines robots for human-robot collaboration. The compact and lightweight articulated arms make comprehensive use of the advantages offered by igus motion plastics: light, lubrication-free and maintenance-free, durable and cost-effective in production. As a result, small, configurable quantities can be created just as large quantities for mechanical engineering companies and robot manufacturers. The clearance of the new arms has been further reduced as a result of the joint kinematics, an innovation that enables greater precision of the robolink. You can place parts weighing up to three kilograms with a precision of +/- 0.5 mm in a workspace with a diameter of almost 790 mm. Compared to conventional industrial-grade robot arms, which are currently not available under 15,000 euros, the new robolink DC arm (as a five-axis model) makes a significant difference at 3,400 euros. This price can be realised because many components of the articulated arm robot, such as the strain wave gear in the fifth-axis, are not made of metal, but of the so-called tribo-plastics. „These high-performance plastics not only enable cost-effective production, but also display their advantages in ongoing operation,“ says Niermann. „Robot components made of tribo-polymers do not require any lubricants and are therefore maintenance-free. In addition, they are stable, corrosion-free and lightweight at the same time.“

Modular system for development and research

Anyone who believes that they can only find turnkey solutions at igus is mistaken. Even experienced engineers will get something for their money. This is where robolink Apiro comes in – a modular system consisting of joints, profiles, gearboxes and motors of various sizes, with which designers can implement automation systems. Even very complex systems! For this purpose, igus has decoupled the motor and gearbox from each other and developed a novel worm gear made of tribo-polymers, with which, for example, simple SCARA kinematics can be implemented. The joints are attached by means of a multi-functional profile made of aluminium. Multiple joints can be connected in a series if desired. „Thanks to the modular system, there are countless combination options. There are really no limits to the imagination,“ says Niermann. „Users of the Apiro modular system therefore include not only mechanical engineers, but also training institutions and development and research departments.“

Room linear robots and delta robots as a low-cost option

The ABC of automation technology includes room linear robots and delta robots. For the low-cost sector, igus has therefore developed room linear robots in several extension levels, which are available from 1,799 euros. They consist of pre-configured linear modules and aluminium linear axes and NEMA stepper motors. With the small complete solution, loads of up to 2.5 kilograms can be transported in a workspace of 400x400x100 millimetres at a maximum speed of 0.5 metres per second. Two ZLW toothed belt axes and one GRW gear rack axis ensure precise guidance and lubrication-free operation. The room linear robots are used, among other things, in pick-and-place applications in the fields of medical technology and microelectronics.

The delta robots are also suitable for pick-and-place tasks. They are based on three ZLW toothed belt axes, NEMA motors and lubrication-free coupling joints and can position in an installation space up to 420 millimetres components weighing up to one kilogram with a precision of +/- 0.5 millimetres, at a speed of up to 60 picks per minute. At lower speeds, the system even carries up to five kilograms. The price of the robot is less than 5,000 euros. „If users have their own switch box, the costs including integration are between 10,000 and 15,000 euros,“ says Niermann. „The costs are paid off after a maximum of half a year. Afterwards, the company makes profit with automation.“

Automate simple tasks cost-effectively

The Low Cost Automation solutions from igus are also relied upon by the Langhoff family. In their small enterprise, the family breeds giant red worms, which are, for example, used by anglers, as food for animals, for hunting or as a natural fertiliser producer for the garden and greenhouses. Langhoff developed completely new machines to fully automate the feeding and watering process with lubrication-free and durable drylin room linear robots from igus. The monotonous feeding and watering steps no longer need to be done by a person full-time so that they can focus on more demanding tasks. „With the new plant, feeding and watering can be carried out around the clock, even when there is a shortage of staff. In addition, errors are reduced to an absolute minimum,“ explains Martin Langhoff, owner of Superwurm. There are already companies around the world who have identified the same market niche as the Langhoff family. However, labour-intensive worm breeding is hardly automated there. That’s what the Langhoffs want to change in their business. The plan is to double the current level of automation in the worm farm. „Small businesses need to use affordable and easy automation solutions for production and warehousing, such as those from igus, to keep up with the big ones,“ says Martin Langhoff.

More informations:

igus linear robots:

robolink robots:

delta robots:

iRobot Unveils Personalized Cleaning Experiences Powered by iRobot Genius™ Home Intelligence

State-of-the-art robot AI gives users greater control of where, when and how their robots clean

BEDFORD, Mass., Aug. 25, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — iRobot® Corp. (NASDAQ: IRBT), the leader in consumer robots, is unveiling new ways to clean with the launch of iRobot Genius™ Home Intelligence – a powerful new robot platform that unlocks an expansive range of digital features and experiences for the company’s line of Wi-Fi connected products, including the Roomba® robot vacuum and Braava jet® robot mop. iRobot Genius™ gives users an unmatched level of personalization and control over their cleaning robots, accounting for their unique homes, schedules, cleaning preferences and smart home integrations.

Experience the interactive Multichannel News Release here:

„With an increased strategic emphasis on software and digital experiences, iRobot continues to differentiate itself by developing smart technologies that free customers of daily cleaning while they live and work at home,“ said Colin Angle, chairman and CEO of iRobot.

The interface for iRobot Genius™ is a newly redesigned iRobot Home App that takes users far beyond standard app control to give them a personalized and easy to use home cleaning command and control center. The app, which works with all Wi-Fi connected iRobot products, supports cleaning based on the user’s habits and personal preferences, enabling a smarter and more efficient customer experience. It also provides greater insight into the robot’s cleaning performance.

„Robotic intelligence must break free from the limits of autonomy and become true cleaning partners,“ said Angle. „Our robot intelligence is personalized and responsive to the user’s habits and preferences, giving them greater control over when, where and how their robots clean. iRobot Genius™ unlocks the full potential of our connected products, giving them the ability to do more now and get even smarter over time through over-the-air updates.“

Cleaning where you need it
Send your robot to clean a mess right where it happens with precision Clean Zones. Using state-of-the-art robot AI, Roomba i7/i7+ and s9/s9+ robot vacuums and Braava jet m6 robot mops use machine learning to automatically detect and proactively suggest Clean Zones around specific objects, like couches, tables and kitchen counters. Users are also able to customize their Smart Map by designating their own precision Clean Zones. This allows for targeted cleaning in specific areas or around objects that attract the most common messes. Simply use the app or speak to a voice assistant device, „Roomba, clean around the couch,“ and Roomba knows right where to go.

Cleaning when you need it
With iRobot Genius™, Roomba robot vacuums and Braava jet robot mops get to know your preferred cleaning routines to offer new features, like:

  • Event-based automations that let the robot know when the ideal time is to start or stop cleaning based on prompts that are defined by the user. Whether you’re heading off to work or going for a hike, the iRobot Home App can use location-based services like Life360, or take prompts from smart home devices, like the August Wi-Fi Smart Lock, to know when you’re away and begin cleaning. Likewise, the robot can stop cleaning when you return. These automations can be set up directly within the iRobot Home App, an exclusive capability for iRobot customers that is powered by iRobot Genius™ and IFTTT Connect. This means users can easily integrate iRobot Wi-Fi connected products with their other household connected devices and services, like smart thermostats and locks, without having to leave the iRobot Home App.
  • Recommended cleaning schedules are based on users‘ more common cleaning patterns like cleaning on Monday mornings. Roomba i7/i7+ and s9/s9+ robot vacuums and Braava jet m6 robot mops can also provide room-specific recommendations like vacuuming the living room on Friday evenings, or in the dining room and kitchen after meals.
  • Favorites enable users to quickly create and access their own pre-set cleaning routines. Create favorites like, „After Dinner“ that instructs the robot to clean the dining room and in front of the kitchen counter. Or „Bedtime“ to clean the playroom and living room floors. Or „Everywhere“ to clean the whole home.

Cleaning how you want it
Wi-Fi connected Roomba robot vacuums and Braava jet robot mops get smarter over time, getting to know your cleaning preferences so they understand how you want your home cleaned. New intelligence also means that iRobot products can go beyond basic scheduling to unlock powerful new location-based and smart home device integrations. 

  • New Recommended Keep Out Zones go beyond manual Keep Out Zone creation. Roomba i7/i7+ and s9/s9+ robot vacuums and Braava jet m6 robot mops can automatically learn to avoid trouble areas and recommend specific Keep Out Zones to users.
  • Seasonal recommendations offer personalized suggestions to automatically schedule cleanings or suggest times when your home may need more frequent cleaning, like pet-shedding or allergy seasons.

Personalized cleaning experiences powered by iRobot Genius™ Home Intelligence and the new iRobot Home App will be available to customers worldwide via a software update beginning August 25. Photos, videos and information can be found at:

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About iRobot Corp.
iRobot®, the leading global consumer robot company, designs and builds robots that empower people to do more both inside and outside of the home. iRobot created the home robot cleaning category with the introduction of its Roomba® Robot Vacuum in 2002. Today, iRobot is a global enterprise that has sold more than 30 million robots worldwide. iRobot’s product line, including the Roomba and the Braava® family of mopping robots, feature proprietary technologies and advanced concepts in cleaning, mapping and navigation. iRobot engineers are building an ecosystem of robots and technologies to enable the smart home. For more information about iRobot, please visit

For iRobot Investors
Certain statements made in this press release that are not based on historical information are forward-looking statements which are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. This press release contains express or implied forward-looking statements relating to iRobot Corporation’s expectations concerning management’s plans, objectives and strategies, including expectations regarding the timing of product and feature release and the specific capabilities of those features. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in these forward-looking statements. Existing and prospective investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. iRobot undertakes no obligation to update or revise the information contained in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise. For additional disclosure regarding these and other risks faced by iRobot, see the disclosure contained in our public filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission including, without limitation, our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K.

MOFLIN, a lovable Pet Robot with advanced Artificial Intelligence that replicates a living animal, launches in Kickstarter Campaign

2020-08-05 15:48:32 – Minato City – (PR Distribution™)

Japanese hardware startup “Vanguard Industries, Inc.” launches its newly developed AI Pet Robot that is not only soft and cuddly and interactive, but learns and evolves like a real pet.

Tokyo based Vanguard Industries, Inc (CEO: Masahiko Yamanaka) will launch a Kickstarter campaign on August 5th, 8:00pm (Japan Time) for its advanced AI Pet Robot MOFLIN that realizes an ambitious concept of creating a soft and lovable AI pet robot that can interact with its owner and evolve like a living animal.  It can thus give you the satisfaction of living with a pet that has its own unique personality cultivated by its interaction with you and its living environment.

Supporters of the campaign can make advanced purchases of MOFLIN. The campaign targets consumers in the US, Canada, the EU, and Japan. The funds raised through this campaign will be used for further product development, manufacturing, delivery, and preparation for entering the consumer market. 

Delivery of MOFLIN to supporters will start in Spring of 2021.

What is MOFLIN

MOFLIN was created from an entirely new and ambitious concept of a having a soft lovable pet robot with advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables it to learn, evolve, interact, and create its own unique personality like that of a living pet. It has a soft warm fur coat, makes lovable sounds and adorable movements that will make you want to love it forever. We took a nature inspired approach and developed a unique algorithm that allows MOFLIN to learn and grow by constantly using its interactions to determine patterns and evaluate its surroundings from its sensors. MOFLIN will choose from an infinite number of mobile and sound pattern combinations to respond and express its feelings. To put it in simple terms, it’s like you’re interacting with a living pet. MOFLIN offers a simple user experience that can be enjoyed by a wide range of ages and provide a lovable partner to your everyday life.

In November 2011 Vanguard Industries presented for the first time, the MOFLIN concept, at the Web Summit 2019 that took place in Lisbon, Portugal. Web Summit is one of the world’s largest technology conferences and the live demonstration of the MOFLIN prototype received raving feedback from industry professionals.  Through the success of this Kickstarter campaign, we plan on developing MOFLIN even further.

Also, in parallel with this Kickstarter campaign, we will be exhibiting MOFLIN at the b8ta Tokyo – Yurakucho store in Tokyo, the first experiential store in Japan for b8ta. If you are ever in the area, please come and interact with MOFLIN in person. 

Kickstarter Campaign Details

Campaign Period: August 5th, 2020 – September 20th, 2020
Campaign days: 50 days
Funding Goal: 2,000,000 Yen (Approx. $US 19,000)
Funding Model: All or Nothing
Kickstarter Campaign Page:

b8ta Tokyo – Yurakucho Store Details

Name: b8ta Tokyo – Yurakucho
Address: 1st Floor, Yuracho Denki Building, 1-7-1, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
Business Hours: 11:00 – 19:30 (7 days a week)

Vanguard Industries, Inc.

Established in June, 2016, Vanguard Industries is a hardware startup that work mainly with Industry-Government-Acadamia open innovation projects. It specializes in the engineering, production, and market entry of innovative products created by partnerships between the R&D departments of large Japanese firms, small and medium sized manufacturing companies, and Universities. Our mission is to create innovation that contributes to the advancement of the Japanese manufacturing industry.