LegoWorld Videos from

Xander Soldaat from has taken some videos. The corresponding blog entries can be found here:

LEGOWorld – Day 0 – Tue 18 October 2011

LEGOWorld – Day 1 – Wed 19 October 2011

LEGOWorld – Day 3 – Fri 21 October 2011

LEGOWorld – Day 4 – Sat 22 October 2011

LEGOWorld – Day 5 – Sun 23 October 2011

Videos from Legoworld Zwolle 2011

Lego Mindstorms NXT Brickbot at Legoworld 2011 Zwolle
(remote controlled via Bluetooth Android mobile phone)

A flying NXT!

A Lego Mindstorms NXT Vending Machine

Legal Download of NXT-G for free!

Here is what Damien Kee wrote on [email protected]:

Great news if you have lost your installation CD or you are looking to
install NXT-G on more computers.

LEGO has just released the NXT-G 2.0 software for download for free.

A few caveats though. This is the retail version of the software so
you won’t have any of the nice graphical datalogging capabilities and
there is no ‚Robot Educator‘ so you don’t have access to all the great
tutorials. The temperature sensor blocks aren’t included but the
colour sensor blocks are. You can always download a temperature block
from Steve Hassenplug’s website

But if all you are doing is standard programming, this will be fine.
I know of one teacher who is happy that they can now load a version of
the software onto their student laptops to take home (previous site
licences were a little murky on take home laptops).

The download is here as well as instructions on how to install it.

Whilst I haven’t tried it myself, I have heard of others being successful.

Damien Kee

Teemino – Arduino and Android ADK compatible board & NXT

Teemino is an Android ADK compatible board based on Arduino Mega/2560 with USB host. This board is based on Google’s reference design of Android USB accessory.

The board has all the features of an Arduino Mega2560 and also the USB host extensions as defined by Google’s Android ADK design.

The board supports the ADK firmware.


Infos from TheNxtStep (Author: Daniele Benedettelli):

MINDSENSORS has designed this shield that will allow Arduino to replace *ehm* to be integrated into the LEGO MINDSTORMS system.

It will have 4 NXT motor ports, 4 NXT sensor ports and several RC servo motor ports. The NXShield will attach to an Arduino Duemilanove or Uno or similar Arduino clones. (Picture shown here with a Duemilanove)
The programming for the NXShield will be on Arduino, using usual Arduino C/C++ programming environment. There will be only one I2C port, so you can use multiple sensors on the bus only if they have different addresses.

Roberta Manual zum Entwickeln von Android Apps
Dieses Manual zeigt wie Apps für das Google Betriebssystem Android programmiert werden können und wie diese u. a. mit
dem LEGO Mindstorms NXT verbunden werden.

Die Entwicklung der Apps erfolgt mit dem App Inventor von Google. Eine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung mit vielen Screen-Shots erläutert ausführlich die grafische Programmierung der Android-Apps.

Allgemeine Information
Warum App Inventor?
Was ist Google App Inventor?
Versuchsaufbau und vorbereitende Arbeiten
Meine Erste App
App zur Steuerung des NXT
Links und Literatur

Link zur Download-Seite: