ev3rstorm-mindstorms-ev3-smallDie LEGO Gruppe gibt ihre neueste Innovation im Bereich LEGO MINDSTORMS in dieser Woche auf der internationalen Consumer Electronics Show (CES) bekannt. LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3, der Nachfolger des LEGO Mindstorms NXT setzt die beliebte LEGO MINDSTORMS Produktlinie fort, und ist besser als je zuvor.

Mit LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 können Sie Ihre LEGO Kreationen in Roboter verwandeln, die jeden Befehl befolgen. Das neue LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Set beinhaltet alles, was Sie brauchen – Motoren, Sensoren, programmierbaren intelligenten Baustein, 550 + LEGO Technic Elemente, Fernbedienung – zum Bauen und Programmieren der Roboter deiner Wünsche! Lade die 3D Bauanleitungen herunter und die neue App zum Steuern deines Roboters per Smartphone, dann programmiere deinen Roboter zu gehen, sprechen oder was auch immer du möchtest mit der neuen intuitiven Programmiersoftware, dem intelligenten Baustein oder deinem Smartphone.


Die Spezifikationen des neuen LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Systems:

EV3 Intelligenter Baustein:

  • Stärkerer und schnellerer ARM9 Roboter-Prozessor
  • 16 MB eingebauter Flash-Speicher
  • 64 MB RAM plus SD-Steckplatz
  • LINUX-Betriebssystem, unter Open Source Lizenz veröffentlicht
  • USB 2.0-Schnittstelle ermöglicht die WiFi-Konnektivität
  • 4 Eingangs-Ports: Schließen Sie bis zu 4 Sensoren gleichzeitig, einschließlich Ihrer NXT-Sensoren an
  • 4 Ausgänge:  bis zu 4 Motoren (Entweder Large, Medium oder NXT)
  • Bis zu vier intelligente Steine können  ​​miteinander verbunden werden (Das sind 16-Sensor und 16 Motor-Ports!)
  • Matrix-Display mit Lautsprecher
  • Bedienknöpfe mit Statusanzeige
  • verbesserte Programmiermöglichkeiten auf dem intelligenten Baustein (auch ohne Computer programmieren)
  • Bluetooth ® v2.1
  • iOS und Android kompatibel


  • 3 interaktive Servomotoren: 2 große und 1 mittlerer Motor
  • 1 Berührungs-Sensor
  • Neuer IR Seeker Sensor misst Abstand, Bewegungen und erkennt Objekte, und wirkt als ein Empfänger für die Fernbedienung
  • Die neue IR Beacon Fernbedienung steuert den Roboter aus bis zu 2 Metern Entfernung
  • Verbesserter Farb Sensor erkennt 6 Farben sowie die Helligkeit von Lichtquellen
  • Abwärtskompatibel mit LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT: Verbinden Sie Ihre NXT Sensoren und Motoren mit EV3
  • Sortiment von 594 LEGO TECHNIC ® Elementen


  • Herunterladbare Software ist PC-und Mac-kompatibel
  • Icon-basierte Drag-and-Drop-Umgebung





CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SHOW, LAS VEGAS (January 7, 2013) – Today The LEGO Group announced LEGO® MINDSTORMS EV3, a new platform for consumer robotics designed to introduce a younger generation to the excitement of building and programming robots while adding new flexibility for its devoted following of robotics enthusiasts. Unveiled for the first time at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 is the result of three years of product development by an international team of LEGO designers, MINDSTORMS user-enthusiasts and leading technology experts. LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3, available in the second half of 2013, will be previewed to members of the global media at Digital Experience! on January 7 and will be demonstrated to CES attendees during the Kids@Play Summit, January 8-11, 2013, in the Venetian Hotel.


With LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 you can turn your LEGO creations into live robots that follow your every command. The new LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 set includes everything you need – motors, sensors, programmable brick, 550+ LEGO Technic elements, remote control – to create and command robots of even your wildest imagination, including 5 cool robot characters. Download the 3D building instructions and the app to command your robot via your smart device. Then program your robots to walk, talk, move and do whatever you want them to do to via the intuitive software program, the programmable brick or your smart device.


And not only do we have this good news, we also have the specifications:

EV3 Intelligent Brick

  • Stronger and faster ARM9 robotic processor
  • Embedded 16MB FLASH memory
  • 64 MB RAM plus SD expansion slot
  • LINUX operating system, released under open source
  • USB 2.0 interface allows for WiFi connectivity
  • 4 input ports: Connect up to 4 sensors at the same time, including your NXT sensors
  • 4 output ports: Now you can power up to 4 motors (Either Large, Medium or NXT)
  • Up to four intelligent bricks to be connected together (That’s 16 sensor and 16 motor ports!)
  • Matrix display with loudspeaker
  • Button interface with status indication
  • Enhanced on-brick programming
  • Bluetooth ® v2.1
  • iOS and Android compatible


  • 3 Interactive Servo Motors: 2 large and 1 medium
  • 1 Touch Sensor
  • New IR Seeker Sensor measures distance, movements and detects objects, and acts as a receiver for the remote control
  • New IR Beacon remotely controls robot from up to 2 meters (6 feet) away
  • Improved Color Sensor detects 6 colors as well as the brightness of light sources
  • Backwards-compatible with LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT: Connect your NXT Sensors and motors to the new EV3 brick.
  • Assortment of 594 LEGO TECHNIC® elements for easy, more stable building with improved functionality and movement capabilities

Programming Software

  • Downloadable software is PC and Mac compatible
  • Icon-based drag and drop environment for “building” programs with new interactive content that helps de-bug programming



Read more at BotBench
Read more at RobotSquare

Robot Virtual World Level Builder v. 1.0 Now Available! at Blog

Robot Virtual World Level Builder v. 1.0 Now Available!

The Level Builder will appear with two options: CREATE and PLAY.

  • Use CREATE to configure your own virtual world level out of classroom themed assets.
  • Use PLAY to program a virtual robot to complete a level generated in CREATE mode.

via Robot Virtual World Level Builder v. 1.0 Now Available! at Blog.

Be The Robot (BERO)-Bluetooth Controlled Open Source Robot by Reality Robotics Limited — Kickstarter

Reality Robotics Limited proudly presents the Be the Robot™ Project!

What is the Be the Robot™ project you may ask?

It is an expertly-engineered-multi-motor-wireless-animated-mobile-robotic-toy-platform that features an advanced internal operating system for communicating through an open source APP with an Android /  iOSsmart device through Bluetooth™.


Be The Robot (BERO)-Bluetooth Controlled Open Source Robot by Reality Robotics Limited — Kickstarter.