fruitcore robotics unveils new operating system with integrated AI  copilot: a big step in industrial automation for more efficiency, user friendliness and time 

Constance, June 28th, 2023 – fruitcore robotics takes industrial automation to a new level with an  innovative operating system that uses the latest AI technology. With horstOS, industrial companies  have a new tool at their disposal that assists them in every step of commissioning entire applications  with the intelligent industrial robot HORST while significantly reducing complexity. With an integrated  AI copilot, industrial companies can increase the efficiency of their production processes and save  time. „Generative AI is driving a transformation of many task areas. The new technology will transform  automation and provide our customers with a whole new automation experience,“ says Patrick  Heimburger, Managing Director (Chief Revenue Officer) of fruitcore robotics.  

The new operating system of fruitcore robotics simplifies and accelerates the configuration and  management of all components involved in the process, the programming as well as the operation of  the finished application. The entire control system of robots, components and existing industrial  processes is carried out via a user-friendly interface through which their interaction is realized even  more easily. horstOS essentially comprises three interconnected areas: the component management  area, the program creation area and the process control system area. These three areas provide users  with all the functions they need to set up and use their overall plants quickly, simple and efficiently.  

In the component management area, users can seamlessly integrate and centrally manage all  components relevant to an overall plant, such as grippers, camera systems and safety systems, thanks  to standardized interfaces. Adding components takes just one click and is possible for all components  that have a web app or a digital interface – regardless of the manufacturer. If status information needs  to be queried for one of the connected components, settings need to be checked or changes need to  be made, this can be implemented straightforward via the robot panel with horstOS as the central  user interface. When users switch to the program creation area, they find themselves in the intuitive  horstFX operating software, in which they create the robot’s program sequence with the integration  of all components. Once the program sequence has been created, it can be started, stopped or  paused in the process control system. The process control system also allows users to customize the  operation and process monitoring to their personal needs and specific processes. Widgets can be used  to show relevant process data, display the status of connected components, and access parameters  that need to be adjusted frequently. This gives users full control over their automation process.

Ask HORST Anything – AI Copilot helps in all life phases of industrial robots  

„Our new operating system incorporates the most advanced technology and deep integration of  artificial intelligence. It sets new standards for the rapid integration of industrial robots into  processes such as machine loading and unloading, quality assurance, parts separation or adhesive  and sealant application, says Patrick Heimburger. With the AI Copilot in horstOS, users get an  intelligent assistant that provides real-time support in natural language to successfully cope the  challenges of automation. Whether setting up the robot and other components, troubleshooting,  or suggesting program blocks or even writing entire programs, AI Copilot enables users to quickly  and accurately find solutions for their applications and keep operations running smoothly. For  example, if the user wants to know how to pass the part position detected by the camera to the  robot, he can address this question to the AI Copilot via text prompt and receive the  corresponding code block within a few moments.  

The AI Copilot from fruitcore robotics is based on ChatGPT and has been specially trained for industry  conditions. It offers users comprehensive access to all relevant instructions, support content and  software documentation from fruitcore robotics. In order to provide users with an optimal user  experience, the Constance-based company focuses on continuous enhancements of the AI Copilot’s  capabilities. 

Future-oriented automation with horstOS  

The scope of horstOS is also expected to grow steadily in the coming years. The modular structure of  the operating system already allows external software and services to be integrated without great  effort. User-specific software programs and interfaces from OEMs can also be seamlessly integrated.  „Through horstOS, the future of automation becomes a new reality. The system offers extensive  support, even for those with little knowledge, and significantly reduces the effort required for setup,  operation and after sales,“ explains Jens Riegger, Managing Director (CEO) of fruitcore robotics. „Our  intelligent industrial robots are not only designed to offer our customers the best return-on investment in the robotics market. Especially against the backdrop of the ubiquitous shortage of  skilled workers, they are also designed to help increase productivity and save valuable time,“ says Jens  Riegger. 

Potenziale KI-gestützter Robotik für die Industrie

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) gilt als Schlüsseltechnologie und birgt enormes wirtschaftliches Potenzial. Doch ein Blick in deutsche Produktionshallen zeigt noch ein anderes Bild: Lediglich 6,8 Prozent der Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik setzen KI-Technologien ein (Stand 2019). Dabei birgt KI gerade für das produzierende Gewerbe zahlreiche Potenziale.

Künstliche Intelligenz ist ein Überbegriff, der den Ansatz beschreibt, mit Maschinen Probleme zu lösen und menschliche Intelligenz zu imitieren. Dabei spielt insbesondere ein Teilbereich, das Machine Learning (Maschinelles Lernen), in Unternehmen und Produktionen eine entscheidende Rolle. Machine Learning bedeutet, dass ein System aus Beispielen lernt und diese nach der Lernphase verallgemeinern kann.

In der Produktion kommt Machine Learning beispielsweise im Bereich Predictive Analytics zum Einsatz. Dort wird KI als Teil von Vorhersagemodellen zur Überwachung und Wartung von Produktionsanlagen eingesetzt, um frühzeitig auf kritische Zustände reagieren zu können.

Auch das Wissensmanagement greift für die Auswertung von internen Informationen und Daten auf Machine Learning zurück. Daten von Fertigungslinien, Lieferketten, aber auch von einzelnen Produkten werden für Unternehmensprozesse, die Produktentwicklung und neue Geschäftsmodelle ausgewertet. Ohne den Einsatz von KI wäre eine Analyse aufgrund der schieren Datenmenge nicht möglich.

Mit KI und Robotik Handarbeitsplätze automatisieren

Machine Learning, häufig in Kombination mit Machine Vision, kommt auch in den Bereichen Robotik und Automatisierung, Sensorik und bei fahrerlosen Transportsystemen zum Einsatz. Für die Fertigung ist dabei das Zusammenspiel von KI und Robotik ein wichtiger Schlüssel für die Zukunft.

KI-Produkte, wie beispielsweise Robotersteuerungen, ermöglichen es unter anderem, Handarbeitsplätze zu automatisieren. Ein nicht zu vernachlässigender Vorteil, denn Arbeitskräfte sind rar und der Mangel verschärft sich in den Jahren weiter, wie der Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) prognostiziert. Übernehmen Roboter auch Aufgaben, für die es bisher die Flexibilität eines Menschen brauchte, sorgt das für die Entlastung der Stammbelegschaft, eine Auslastung der Maschinen und sichert auf lange Sicht die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.

Robuster Umgang mit Varianzen

KI-Steuerungen wie MIRAI von Micropsi Industries ergänzen die native Steuerung eines Roboters. Der Roboter erhält dank einer Kamera und einem neuronalen Netzwerk die Auge-Hand-Koordination und eine vergleichbare Flexibilität wie ein Mensch. Ein solches intelligentes Robotersystem lernt bei neuen Aufgaben, bei anders geformten oder positionierten Werkteilen oder bei vergleichbaren Varianzen schnell, was es zu tun hat und passt bei Bedarf seine Bewegungen in Echtzeit eigenständig an. Ob es sich um das Picken einzelner Teile, Zustellbewegungen oder Fügen und Verfolgen handelt: Zahlreiche Tätigkeiten sind mit einer einzigen kleinen Kamera am Roboter-Handgelenk umsetzbar.

Diese Fähigkeiten lassen sich mit MIRAI durch menschliche Demonstration trainieren. Weder KI- noch Programmierkenntnisse sind erforderlich. Das Know-how bleibt selbst ohne KI-Fachkräfte im Unternehmen. Dem Roboter muss dafür das Ziel einige Male in typisch vorkommenden Varianzen mit der Kamera gezeigt werden. Die KI verallgemeinert im Anschluss die gezeigten Daten. Ein solches System kann in wenigen Stunden trainiert und sogar neu trainiert werden. Selbst eine Fertigung im High Mix-/Low-Volume lässt sich so rentabel automatisieren. Was intelligente Robotiklösungen bereits in der Praxis leisten, zeigen die folgenden Beispiele.

Intelligentes Handling-System bei ZF

Der Technologiekonzern ZF stand vor der Herausforderung, die Werkstückzufuhr einer großvolumigen Frässtation, in der Zahnräder produziert werden, zu automatisieren. Im Werkprozess werden Metallringe aus einer Kiste entnommen und auf ein Förderband gelegt, um später in die Produktion der Zahnräder einzufließen. Die Schwierigkeit: Der Produktionsschritt ist sehr variantenreich, da sich die Ringe in der angelieferten Gitterbox verschieben und dadurch zufällig angeordnet sind. Auch Platzierung und Form der Box variieren. Wechselnde Lichtverhältnisse stellen eine zusätzliche Herausforderung dar. Außerdem ist die Oberfläche der Ringe metallisch glänzend, teilweise ölverschmiert oder korrodiert, was eine klassische Automatisierung unmöglich machte.

Heute ist die KI-Steuerung MIRAI und ein Cobot vom Modell UR10e bei ZF in einer automatisierten Werkstückaufnahme im Einsatz. Mit seiner eigenen Steuerung bringt der Cobot sich über den Ringen in der Kiste in Position. Nun übernimmt das MIRAI-System die Kontrolle: Es bewegt den Roboter selbstständig zum nächsten Ring und bringt den Greifer in die korrekte dreidimensionale Greifposition. Danach übernimmt der UR10e wieder, nimmt den Ring auf und bewegt ihn zum Ablegen auf das Förderband. Das komplette Einrichten des Roboters dauerte lediglich wenige Tage – MIRAI löste in kürzester Zeit ein lang bestehendes Problem.

BSH sucht mit KI nach Kältemittellecks

An ihrem spanischen Standort stellt die BSH Hausgeräte GmbH Kühl- und Gefrierschränke her. Im Herstellungsprozess muss das Unternehmen die Kupferrohrleitungen der Kühlschränke auf Leckagen testen. Für die sogenannte Dichtheitsprüfung wird eine Schnüffelsonde entlang der Kupferrohrleitungen und Kompressoren geführt, um Lötstellen auf austretendes Gas und Kältemittel zu prüfen. Das Besondere: Jede Rückseite der hergestellten Kühlschränke ist einzigartig, was Position, Farbe und Form der Lötpunkte angeht. Für einen herkömmlichen Roboter sind solche Varianzen ein unüberwindbares Hindernis. Der monotone Prüfprozess blieb dem Menschen vorbehalten – bis jetzt.

Den Prüfprozess übernimmt bei BSH nun eine Robotik-Komplettlösung den Prüfprozess. Dank der integrierten Robotersteuerung MIRAI ist es dem Roboter möglich, alle zu prüfenden Lötstellen verlässlich zu identifizieren und die Schnüffelsonde millimetergenau heranzuführen – unabhängig von Position, Form oder Farbe. Das System reagiert in Echtzeit auf seine Umwelt und handhabt selbst unvorhergesehene Abweichungen präzise. Die Roboterfähigkeiten wurden von Mitarbeitenden bei BSH durch menschliche Demonstration in nur wenigen Stunden trainiert. Weder Programmier- noch KI-Kenntnisse waren erforderlich. BSH konnte mit der Automatisierungslösung die laufenden Betriebskosten senken und Wartungen und Fehlerbehebungen reduzieren.

Neue Technologien als Wettbewerbsvorteil

Die Beispiele zeigen, dass Unternehmen mit KI sehr viel bewirken können: KI ermöglicht mehr Flexibilität, Unabhängigkeit, Effizienz und nicht zuletzt Resilienz. Nicht unwichtig in Zeiten wie diesen. Neue Technologien sollte dabei als Türöffner zu mehr Automatisierung verstanden werden. Leistungen, die bislang von Menschen oder Maschinen erbracht wurden, können nun von einer Software geliefert werden. Das ist nicht nur vorteilhaft beim drastisch zunehmenden Arbeitskräftemangel. Es erhöht auch die Flexibilität, Nachvollziehbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit von Produktionsprozessen und verschafft einen dauerhaften Wettbewerbsvorsprung.

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Artificial Intelligence Platform Ludo Revolutionizes Games Creation

Ludo AI, available now in open beta, gives developers access to the world’s first AI platform for games concept creation – accelerating and democratizing games creation

Seattle, USA. AI (Artificial Intelligence) games creativity platform Ludo has announced its open beta, following a deeply successful closed beta and attracted participation from independent studios across the globe. Games creators tasked with delivering the next hit game to emulate the success of the likes of Call of Duty, Among Us, Fortnite and Fall Guys, now have the answer in Ludo – the world’s first AI games ideation tool.

Ludo, Latin for ‘I Play’, uses machine learning and natural language processing to develop game concepts 24 hours a day. The platform is constantly learning and evolving. Ludo is built on a database of close to a million games and is agile and supremely intelligent. When asked to find a new game idea, based on intuitive keyword searches, Ludo returns almost immediately with multiple written game concepts, artwork and images that developers can rapidly work on to take the next stage (concept presentation, MVP or accelerated soft launch).

AI has never before been used at the start of the games creation process: In a 159.3 billion* dollar industry, the pressure to release new hit games is relentless: And coming up with new exciting and sticky games is the Holy Grail. Ludo is set to revolutionize game creation enabling developers by arming them with unique games concepts within minutes of their request being processed. Furthermore, as Ludo’s powerful capabilities are within the reach of any size of studio, the creation process has been democratized.

Games publishers and developers must deliver hit new games at a pace: The industry landscape is changing as it grows in value: Large, acquisitive publishers are constantly on the lookout for growing independents, with great new games and creative ideas, to absorb as they, in turn, need to deliver value to their stakeholders.

“Creativity is the new currency in the games industry,” said Tom Pigott, CEO of JetPlay, Ludo’s creator. “The next hit game could be worth millions and you never know where it will spring up from. With Ludo anyone can come up with a great new game idea without having to waste hours on the process and then invest even more time in researching what is already out there and how successful any similar games have been. Ludo does it all for you: Ludo brings the playfulness back into the game creation process, increases the probability of coming up with a great new game, and saves time and money.”

Since the global pandemic the games industry has seen exponential growth and it is estimated to be worth $200 Billion by 2023. Every developer is under pressure to create a viable pipeline and now with so many ways of testing games quickly ( a large percentage being rejected before they get through the gates) the appetite is at an all time high for new games ideas and concepts.

Ludo has been created by a small outstanding global team of AI Ph.D.’s and the brainchild of seasoned entrepreneur Tom Pigott, CEO of Jet Play, the developer of Ludo. The new open beta follows a highly successful closed program that saw a select group of studios harness the creative power of AI. Now, with an open beta, games developers can try the platform free of charge for a trial period.

„We’ve been extremely pleased by the feedback and the usage of our platform by the game makers that were part of the closed beta,“ said Pigott. „AI, when used as part of the creative process, delivers great results. It is easy to use, working intuitively with keyword searches, and those involved in our closed beta have already proved that amazing things can be done, and all without detracting from their development or marketing time. Very soon Ludo will become an integral part of every studio’s games ideation process.”

The Ludo open beta program offers an opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of early adoption, giving a head start on a mobile game creation approach that works. Due to the tremendous interest there is a waitlist: those interested in joining the Ludo open beta can apply or find out more here.

Accenture, Intel and Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation Use Artificial Intelligence to Save Coral Reefs

NEW YORK, SANTA CLARA, Calif., and MANILA, The Philippines; April 22, 2020 – Accenture (NYSE: ACN), Intel and the Philippines-based Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation have developed a new solution powered by artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor, characterize and analyze coral reef resiliency. The solution — the work product of Project: CORaiL, an initiative the three organizations created in 2019 — has been deployed in a reef in the Philippines since last year.

Coral reefs are some of the world’s most diverse ecosystems, with more than eight hundred species of corals building and providing habitats and shelter for approximately 25% of global marine life. The reefs also benefit humans — protecting coastlines from tropical storms, providing food and income for 1 billion people, and generating US$9.6 billion in tourism and recreation annually. But reefs are being endangered and rapidly degraded by overfishing, bottom trawling, warming temperatures and unsustainable coastal development.

“Project: CORaiL is an incredible example of how AI and edge computing can be used to help researchers monitor and restore the coral reef. We are very proud to partner with Accenture and the Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation on this important effort to protect our planet,” said Rose Schooler, corporate vice president in Intel’s sales and marketing group.

A critical element of Project: CORaiL was to identify the number and variety of fish around a reef, which serve as an important indicator of overall reef health. Traditional coral reef monitoring efforts involve human divers manually capturing video footage and photos of the reef. In addition to being dangerous and time-intensive, this approach can disrupt marine life, as divers might inadvertently frighten fish into hiding.

Engineers from Accenture, Intel and Sulubaaï implemented an artificial, concrete reef — called a Sulu-Reef Prosthesis (SRP) — to provide support for unstable coral fragments underwater. The SRP was designed by Sulubaaï and placed in the reef surrounding the Pangatalan Island in the Philippines. Fragments of living coral were planted on it and will grow and expand, providing a hybrid habitat for fish and marine life.

The engineers then strategically placed intelligent underwater video cameras, equipped with the Accenture Applied Intelligence Video Analytics Services Platform (VASP), to detect and photograph fish as they pass by. VASP uses AI, powered by Intel Xeon, Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Cards and Intel Movidius VPU, to count and classify the marine life. The data is then sent to a surface dashboard, providing analytics and trends to researchers on the ground in real-time, enabling them to make data-driven decisions that will help the reef progress.

“The value of your data depends on how quickly you can glean insights to make decisions from it,” said Athina Kanioura, Accenture’s chief analytics officer and Accenture Applied Intelligence lead. “With the ability to do real-time analysis on streaming video, VASP enables us to tap into a rich data source — in effect doing ‘hands on’ monitoring without disrupting the underwater environment.”

Since being deployed in May 2019, the solution has collected roughly 40,000 images, which researchers have used to gauge reef health in real-time.

“Artificial intelligence provides unprecedented opportunities to solve some of society’s most vexing problems,” said Jason Mitchell, a managing director in Accenture’s Communications, Media & Technology practice and the company’s client lead for Intel. “Our ecosystem of corporate and social partners for this ‘AI for social good’ project proves that strength in numbers can make a positive environmental impact.”  

Engineers from Accenture and Intel are already at work on the next-gen Project: CORaiL prototype, which will include an optimized convolutional neural network and a backup power supply. They are also looking into infra-red cameras which will enable videos at night to create a complete picture of the coral ecosystem. Additional uses could include studying the migration rate of tropical fish to colder countries and monitoring intrusion in protected or restricted underwater areas.

About Accenture
Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services in strategy and consulting, interactive, technology and operations, with digital capabilities across all of these services. We combine unmatched experience and specialized capabilities across more than 40 industries — powered by the world’s largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers. With 509,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture brings continuous innovation to help clients improve their performance and create lasting value across their enterprises. Visit us at

About Intel
Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) is an industry leader, creating world-changing technology that enables global progress and enriches lives. Inspired by Moore’s Law, we continuously work to advance the design and manufacturing of semiconductors to help address our customers’ greatest challenges. By embedding intelligence in the cloud, network, edge and every kind of computing device, we unleash the potential of data to transform business and society for the better. To learn more about Intel’s innovations, go to and

About Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation
Created in 2012, Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation (SEF) is a Philippine-based non-profit organization dedicated to conserve, protect, and restore the natural resources of Palawan through environmentally sustainable practices and active ecosystems restoration. Its action is mainly focused on the island of Pangatalan and its surroundings in Shark Bay. To learn more, visit