Today I built the base model with a gripper and sent my feedback to the developers. It’s already really great product but there are always things to tweak or make better. Do not miss to support it on Kickstarter!
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flatcat, der gruseligste Roboter aller Zeiten, ist nur noch sieben Tage auf Kickstarter
Entweder haben Sie schon eins, oder Sie haben bald eins. Roboterhaustiere erobern die Verbrauchermärkte weltweit in Form von Babyrobben, Hundewelpen oder einem schwanzwedelnden Kissen. Jetzt bekommen sie Gesellschaft von einer überfahrenen Katze.
(lifePR) (Berlin, 14.05.21) flatcat wurde von Gizmodo ((…)) als “der gruseligste Roboter, den man je gesehen hat” betitelt, und das mag für einige tatsächlich so sein. Für viele andere ist es ein zugegebenermaßen seltsames, aber niedliches Roboter-Haustier, das sie umarmen und mit dem sie spielen wollen.
Die ersten paar Flatcats sind ab sofort und nur noch sieben Tage lang auf Kickstarter ((…), der beliebtesten Crowdfunding-Website, erhältlich. Die Kampagne steht kurz vor der Vollfinanzierung, braucht aber noch ein paar entscheidende Zusagen von Roboter-Enthusiasten aus nah und fern, die etwas bewegen wollen.
Der Roboter, der von Jetpack Cognition Lab , einem in Berlin ansässigen Unternehmen mit Grazer Wurzeln entwickelt und hergestellt wird, ist ein Roboter der neuen Art. Er ist völlig anders als alle anderen vergleichbaren Produkte auf dem Markt. Was ihn einzigartig macht, ist seine sensomotorische Kompetenz, die Kräfte seiner eigenen Bewegung und die von außen durch Menschen oder einfach durch die Schwerkraft erzeugten Kräfte zu spüren und darauf zu reagieren.
Die Fähigkeit, Kräfte direkt in den Gelenken zu spüren, erlaubt es Flatcat, neugierig zu sein und seinen eigenen Körper und die Welt auf die sicherste Art und Weise zu erkunden. Die Technologie dafür kommt aus dem Forschungsfeld der Entwicklungsrobotik, bei dem Teile der Entwicklung von Tieren und Menschen in Software und Algorithmen umgesetzt werden.
Mögliche Verwendungszwecke von flatcat sind als Haustier im Wohnzimmer, um einfach zu spielen und gemeinsam die Welt der sensomotorischen Erfahrung und Bewegung zu erkunden; als therapeutischer Roboter, um sanft einfache Bewegungen zu stimulieren, Gesellschaft und Trost zu spenden; oder als Desktop-Forschungs-Roboter für Wissenschaftler und Hacker:innen gleichermaßen, da er neben seiner hochmodernen sensomotorischen Sensibilität auch Open Source, erweiterbar und modifizierbar ist.
Jetpack Cognition Lab, Inc
Seit seinen Anfängen im Jahr 2019 bringt Jetpack Cognition Lab radikale Innovationen aus der wissenschaftlichen Forschung auf den Konsumentenmarkt. Die Gründer des Labs sind Dr. Oswald Berthold und Matthias Kubisch. Sie lernten sich während ihres Studiums an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin kennen und taten sich zusammen, um die schrägsten und lustigsten Roboter der Welt zu entwickeln.
Berthold ist ein in österreichischer Künstler-Technologe, geboren in Graz, der schon mit dem Kollektiv farmersmanual Musikgeschichte geschrieben hat, indem er neuartige Stile und innovative Ansätze zur digitalen Musikproduktion und -veröffentlichung im Internetzeitalter einführte. Spätestens seit er 2018 seine Promotion in Robotik innerhalb der Adaptive Systems Group der HU Berlin abgeschlossen hat, ist er damit beschäftigt, Grundlagenforschung in Kundennutzen zu verwandeln.
Kubisch ist ein deutscher Informatiker, Kreativer und Aktivist. Er hat als wesentliches Mitglied des Teams gearbeitet, das den modularen humanoiden Roboter Myon im ALEAR-Projekt unter der Leitung von Dr. Manfred Hild entwickelt hat. Außerdem hat er die Industrie von innen gesehen und Algorithmen zur Steuerung von elektrischen Kraftwerken entwickelt. Er ist nicht nur ein Experte für adaptive Echtzeitalgorithmen und maschinelles Lernen, sondern auch ein genialer Elektronikdesigner und Produktvisionär.
World’s Largest Robotics Competition Returns: Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation to Host Live Remote VEX Robotics World Championship 2021
The Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit and VEX Robotics, is back to showcase the incredible talent and skill of a range of student competitors by hosting the first-ever Live Remote VEX Robotics World Championship May 17-29, 2021. Leveraging the REC Foundation’s Live Remote Tournament interface, teams from around the world will be able to compete in real-time tournaments or live skills matches to be crowned champions.
During the live remote event, students in grades three through college will compete in timed, heart-pounding robotics competition matches with their custom-built robots. Like at past world championships, competitors will have the opportunity to see familiar faces, activities, and share the excitement of the event.
To ensure the safety of its robotics community due to the pandemic, this unique event will adapt to a virtual format. Typically, the annual VEX Robotics World Championship attracts more than 30,000 attendees from all 50 states and more than 70 nations.
GinoBot, Inspiring Inventors of the Future with STEM Disciplines, Launches on Kickstarter
The all-in-one smart toy incorporates science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines with playtime, in a hands-on way.
Astoria, New York – (May 3, 2021) Keeping children entertained and engaged in today’s tech-driven world is now easier with GinoBot. The tool that implements a fun, hands-on experiencewith unlimited expansion potential for learning STEM disciplines, computational thinking, and digital literacy is launching on Kickstarter today.
GinoBot seamlessly blends playtime with advanced learning to sharpen a child’s mind for the future. From plug-and-play robot to high-end coding and electronics, the progression of skills with GinoBot is unlimited. Children ages 6+ can build simple or complex models with GinoBot’s scalable, and compatible design.
It features KEIRO software for block-based programming, which is compatible with a PC (Windows, Linux, MAC OS) and smart devices (Google Play, Apple Store). GinoBot has Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, as well as a micro USB connector. It can also connect with 3rd party hardware like Arduino, Microbit and Raspberry Pi, among others.
Science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM toys are the future. GinoBot is a solution for children to learn 21st century skills that lets them playfully learn how to code, design, build, and rebuild models quickly, no matter their age or learning style.
“Children are our future and we believe they are all gifted with the power to perform astonishing technological feats,” said Costas Sisamos, founder and CEO of Engino. “As STEM learning principles become more prominent in our children’s curriculum, GinoBot is a great learning tool that will keep young minds hungry to explore, design and create enabling them to experience the limitless thrill of scientific discovery.”
GinoBot is a great way to invest in your child’s imagination and expand their creativity. To pre-order, visit
About Engino
Engino is a toy manufacturer that specializes in construction toys and smart educational toys, and have been at the vanguard of the STEM education movement for the past 15 years. A few years ago, Engino joined the robotics market and started developing programmable robots. These robots are supported with an extensive curriculum so children can learn the digital-side of thinking and how to do programming, coding, and more. For more information, visit
Kids learn coding with the new Sparklekits
What is Sparklekits?
Sparklekits is a STEM kit with a set of modular magnetic blocks & puzzles that promotes educational discovery through open-ended play and hands-on experience using advanced technology. It is extremely easy to assemble and super intuitive to use. It is a better and more fun STEM education tool that integrates building, learning, coding and play.
Advanced Design
Sparklekits breaks down complicated engineering into easy-to-assemble, functional magnetic modular blocks that children can use without using any cables, screws or tools. Kids can’t get it wrong, creating an environment that invites experimentation and creativity while building confidence.
These building blocks are infused with magical, seamless technology that allows kids to code, build, and explore at their own pace. Built-in games and challenges let kids between 5-12 learn through play, and it’s fully LEGO-compatible!
Tombot, creator of the first affordable, FDA-regulated medical robotic animal, is now accepting investors
Tombot, creator of Jennie, the World’s first affordable, FDA-regulated medical grade robotic animal designed to stimulate emotional attachment, just launched their equity crowdfunding campaign and is looking to raise up to the maximum permissible funding goal of $5M via a Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) offering on StartEngine!
Millions of people facing health adversities cannot safely or practically care for a live animal companion. Jennie, selected as one of TIME’s 2020 Best Inventions, was designed to significantly reduce the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, and reduce the need for psychotropic medications, for the 90M+ seniors with dementia and pre-dementia mild cognitive impairment worldwide.
MindCuber-RI uses LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor 51515 to solve Rubik’s Cube
MindCuber-RI is a robot that can solve the well-known Rubik’s Cube® puzzle. It is designed by David Gilday and Mike Dobson.
It is built using elements from a single LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor set 51515.
MindCuber-RI is significantly faster than previous MindCuber and PrimeCuber designs because it makes use of the fourth motor available in the Robot Inventor set to implement a faster tilting mechanism. Older MINDSTORMS and SPIKE Prime sets only included three motors.
Building instructions and software are now available on alongside those for MindCuber for LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT, MindCub3r for LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 and PrimeCuber for LEGO Education SPIKE® Prime.
Orange Tart – Meet a LEGO-compatible Soccer Player Robot
Orange Tart is your family’s newest friend, as it equally attracts girls and boys, kids, and adults. In fact, Orange Tart is a Lego-compatible robot kit that enables you to build amazing striker, chipper, header, and goalkeeper robots. You can’t stop playing with them. Just choose your nation or any color combination for team wear. Using a customized joystick app, Tart Arena, and the robots, you can bring all the soccer fun in your hands and enjoy every feature of realistic robotic soccer.
What you can Build
Orange Tart has a special board called Orange Core with a Lego-compatible case. It consists of a built-in gyro sensor, RGB LEDs, and a wireless communication device. Rechargeable battery and powerful motors that can be easily connected to Orange Core. Very convenient for kids. Unleash your creativity by building amazing soccer robots or any creature you can imagine, from insect-like robots to industrial cranes. The only limit is your imagination and physics.
What you can Learn
On the learning side, you don’t need to design your own activities. The orange Tart set comes with many STEAM activities that help your kids learn the 21st century’s essential skills. The set has story-driven challenge cards, a block-based coding language, a STEAM activity mat, and a learn-to-code curriculum book. The challenge cards are step-by-step coding missions that lead your kids on the path to becoming a coder. The block-based coding language works by dragging and dropping the function blocks that use intuitive graphics and are divided into motions, loops, light, and sound. The learn-to-code curriculum book contains hints and suggested solutions for every challenge card. Kids can do trial and error to find solutions for each challenge, which improves their creativity and problem-solving skills. In addition to coding concepts such as algorithms, kids can learn the real-world applications of math, geometry, and AI.
Let your kid’s imagination go limitless, turn the LEDs on, move your robots, and do fascinating light painting photography for any occasion. Don’t forget to share your pictures with your friends!
Kickstarter campaign
For more information on the upcoming Kickstarter campaign please check out Orange Tart page.
Crowbits Launches Creative Electronic Blocks For STEM Learning on Kickstarter
Thanks to Elecrow, parents who are looking to interest their children in some fun but educational activities can now do precisely that with Crowbits, electronic lego blocks that have been centered around STEM education.
With the Elecrow campaign for Crowbits achieving outdoing its original goal by a mile, it appears that many parents and guardians have recognized the potential of the electronic blocks. With Crowbits, children can learn some of the most in-demand digital skills in the world while having fun. Some of these perks of playing with Crowbits include graphical programming, python programming, hands-on STEM learning, endless ways to use the electronic blocks, and their compatibility with lego.
A few parents and backers have identified Crowbits as the perfect gift item for their wards. By connecting the electronic blocks together, kids can create fully-functional gaming consoles, phones, tech-savvy cars, radar systems, machinery, and more with no coding required.
Crowbits is based upon Arduino, ESP32, Micro:bit Programmable STEM education blocks for kids. These are little magnetically linked blocks that snap together when joined. The system also incorporates Letscode, a graphical programming software where users simply drag and drop elements to create new products.
“The way that we see it, STEM is more important than ever before, and we want children to learn about it and practice it. That way, the next generation can progress more quickly onto the more complex topics,” said David Chu of Elecrow.
The Crowbits package includes multiple main controller modules, input modules, and output modules, with over 80 modules to pick from, wherein circuit systems can be created with LEGO-compatible blocks. In all, there are five kits (Hello, Explorer, Inventor, Creator, and Master), and more than 70 PBL lessons.
Students aged 3-14 years old can play with Crowbits and work on projects, solve problems and think creatively in a step-by-step manner. They can mix and match these blocks with their LEGO blocks too. There are three levels of difficulty as well to make learning progressive: Electronics and engineering, computer science, and the Master level for building fully functional products.
Crowbits has been launched on Kickstarter to raise funds and welcomes all donors and participants to help create this novel system wherein children can be taught at an early age to learn science, technology, engineering, and math with fun, while also building their creative imagination.
For more information, please visit:
New multifunctional robotic arm, DexArm, from Rotrics takes creativity to a whole new level
Munich/Shenzen – Rotrics announces the market launch of its new multifunctional robotic arm, DexArm. The robotic arm has a modular design and
has tremendous versatility. The DexArm has a variety of attachments, making it as easy as possible for manufacturers to paint and label objects, to 3D print and, as an optional feature, laser engrave products. The attachments can be quickly and easily exchanged with just one move.
The DexArm features a high repeatability of 0.05 mm, a high speed of up to 300 mm/s and a payload capacity of up to 500G. The robot arm can be expanded via modules, including a pen holder, a suction cup, a soft gripper, a 3D printer and optionally also, a laser engraver. To ensure user safety, a protective cover for the DexArm is also available for laser engraving. With the help of the user-friendly software, projects of all kinds – from labeling and engraving to 3D printing – can be easily realized.
„Its precision, blend of innovation, as well as its technology make our new DexArm a unique and versatile robotic arm for any industry. It makes it easier than ever to bring ideas to life as never before. The DexArm helps manufacturers draw, write, laser engrave and 3D print, in the easiest possible way. Its greatest strength is its versatility. Thanks to its modular design, it offers the exact functions needed for every industry,“ explains Wang Yong Xu, CEO of Rotrics.
Pricing and availability
From today until December 25, 2020, the Rotrics DexArm Luxury Kit is available at
About Rotrics
Rotrics (a brand of Shenzhen Saiwenbote Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.) is a tech startup based in Shenzhen, China. The team consists of dedicated engineers and designers who have extensive experience in robotics, open-source hardware, industrial design, and 3D printing. The founders of Rotrics wanted to understand how students play and learn with robots to be able to assist in learning and making the next generation ready for the digital future. Learning has always been part of our corporate philosophy. That is why we develop inspiring, engaging, and effective solutions for students and robotics enthusiasts which change the way we learn. Developing products, that help our customers and bring their ideas to life is our passion.