Critter Crawling Arduino Robot 50% funded in First Day

The Critter is a unique crawling robotics kit that is currently raising funding on Kickstarter. It was 50% funded in the first day of its Kickstarter campaign and is well on track to exceed its funding goal.

The Critter is a part of a family of robotics kits called LittleBots. The LittleBots are all 3D printed Arduino robotics kits, created by Slant Concepts, that have all been successfully launched on Kickstarter.

Most walking robots are very complex kits to build. They have many parts and are often too difficult for beginners to experiment with. Slant Concepts, created the Critter robotics kit to be a simple introduction to walking robots.

To reduce the complexity of walking, the Critter takes inspiration from mudskippers, fish which can exist on land. The Critter uses two front legs to pull itself along the ground. The simple design makes it easy to put together and very 3D printable. Also, once built, hobbyists can experiment with it without fear of damage for falling over.

The Critter is entirely 3D printed and based on Arduino. This is so it has the resources and support to be built anywhere by anyone.

The Critter is on Kickstarter raising money for the first run of kits and to pay for all of the support content that goes with it. This includes tutorials, video, and lesson plans. The more the campaign raises the more of these resources can be created.



ArcBotics Launches Hubert the Humanoid on Kickstarter, Funded In 2 Hours

HAYWARD – ArcBotics, a leading educational robotics company based in California, is pleased to announce the launch of Hubert the Humanoid: Your Advanced Robotics Study Buddy, a research-grade open source humanoid robot, on Kickstarter.

ArcBotics’ mission is to help anyone learn robotics, no matter their background or current skill level. It is undeniable that robots will play a part in every part of our collective futures, and in many ways, they already do. They believe that by understanding how robots work can we control our own futures, rather than allow technology to control us.

Hubert is designed for anyone pursuing robotics and want the most affordable, top-to-bottom college-level robotics class you’ll ever find – while getting to use your own humanoid robot. Hubert is designed for educators, roboticists who want to compete in robotics competitions, researchers, pro-users, and hobbyists new to robotics who are looking for a humanoid robot that is ready-to-go.

They have created Hubert to make a full suite of college-level robotics lessons cheaper than the cost of a single robotics class. Hubert runs the same software that today’s leading robotics companies and universities are running. Similar robots have been used in the leading universities – but starting at 10x the price. Hubert is starting at $599 USD on Kickstarter, retailing for $1,199 USD, and is 100% Open Source Hardware.

ArcBotics will be releasing in-depth, free web tutorials to help train anyone to become a robotics engineer in the latest topics such as: ROS, Arduino, OpenCV, Object Recognition, TensorFlow, Inverse Kinematics, Control Theory, MoveIt!, Power Management, Path Planning, Legged Mechanics, Python, and so much more.

Hubert’s core features:

  • Dual-camera stereo HD vision cameras
  • On-board Raspberry Pi 3, preloaded with all necessary software
  • Custom smart servo – incredibly high torque, voltage independent, embedded sensors with serial communication
  • Custom Arduino-compatible Python-powered servo controller, with on-board 9-axis Motion and Bluetooth 4 LE connection
  • Rigid aluminum frame
  • Removable outer sheet metal shell – easily remove, design, and attach your own shell or parts
  • Functional grippers
  • Speaker and microphone
  • Touch-screen LCD head
  • Independent emotive ears
  • 100% Open Source Hardware
  • Future-proof with Raspberry Pi 3, C.H.I.P., and ODROID-XU4

About ArcBotics Since 2012, ArcBotics has been making robotics accessible by creating full-feature robots designed for different age groups and skill levels, with extensive, step-by-step documentation and open sourcing the hardware and software. They previously launched 2 successful Kickstarter campaigns for Hexy the Hexapod and Sparki the Easy Robot for Everyone, raising $360,000 and shipping to over 2500 backers. Since then, they have grown to ship tens of thousands of robots to homes, STEM programs, and universities around the world like Stanford, MIT, and Northwestern. Their robots can be found at global retailers like Barnes and Noble, Adafruit, RobotShop, DFRobot, and more.

Neato stellt neuen Flaggschiff-Roboterstaubsauger Botvac D7™ Connected vor

High-End-Modell mit neuer Neato FloorPlanner™ Advanced Mapping- & Cleaning-Technologie, IFTTT-Integration und Unterstützung der Connected Services

Newark, CA – 31. August, 2017, IFA – Neato Robotics, führender Hersteller von smarten Roboterstaubsauger, stellt heute den Neato Botvac D7™ Connected vor und setzt damit neue Maßstäbe in den Bereichen Leistungsstärke, einfacher Bedienbarkeit und Smart-Home-Anbindung.

Twittern Sie mit uns: Der Neato Botvac D7 Connected ist Neatos intelligentester Roboterstaubsauger mit neuem FloorPlanner, #IFTTT und der besten Konnektivität seiner Klasse. #IFA2017

Der Neato Botvac D7™ Connected ist Neatos bisher intelligentestes und leistungsfähigstes Modell. Dank der neuen Neato FloorPlanner™ Advanced Mapping- & Cleaning-Technologie, können Nutzer selbst eine Reinigungskarte ihrer Wohnung erstellen. Der Neato Botvac D7™ Connected unterstützt zudem die IFTTT Plattform, mit der Nutzer den Roboterstaubsauger flexibel und bequem steuern und den Weg in die Smart Home Welt ebnen können.

Nachdem der Roboterstaubsauger die Wohnung im Entdeckungsmodus oder durch eine einfache Reinigung gescannt hat, erstellt er den sogenannten MyFloorPlan™, einen personalisierten Umgebungsplan. Mit der Neato App legt der  Nutzer virtuell für den Roboter NoGo-Gebiete fest, um bestimmte Wohnungsbereiche bei der Reinigung auszusparen. Da der Roboter nun genau weiß, wo er saugen darf und wo nicht, werden materielle Barrieren überflüssig. Die zusammenfassende Reinigungskarte dokumentiert sowohl die gereinigten Bereiche als auch diverse Probleme und Hindernisse einer vollständigen Reinigung.

Diese Neuerungen binden Neato Roboterstaubsauger nahtlos in das vernetzte Zuhause ein und erlauben zudem die Integration in Apple Watch, den Neato ChatBot für Facebook, Amazon Alexa oder auch Google Home. Over-The-Air-Updates stellen sicher, dass die Software des Botvac D7™ Connected immer auf dem neusten Stand ist, die Smart-Home-Unterstützung ständig verbessert wird und innovative Technologien aus dem Neato Entwicklernetzwerk zur Verfügung stehen.

„Der Botvac D7™ Connected ist ein signifikanter Schritt nach vorne in die Zukunft des Smart-Home. Wir sind sehr erfreut dieses Gerät vorzustellen, das einen Höhepunkt der Neato Innovation darstellt und unsere Führungsposition auf dem Roboterstaubsaugermarkt belegt. Der Botvac D7™ Connected bietet alle herausragenden Eigenschaften der Neato-Topmodelle und stellt mit dem Neato FloorPlanner™ zusätzlich eine marktführende Technologie vor“, sagt Giacomo Marini, Chairman und CEO von Neato Robotics. „Damit schreiben wir unseren Innovationskurs fort, dem  wir zuletzt mit den Marktneuheiten der Integration von Alexa und Google Home in die Botvac™ Connected Serie weiter gefolgt sind. Der Botvac D7™ Connected wurde entwickelt, um sich mit einer breiteren Palette an konnektiven Dienstleistungen zu verbinden. Er baut Neatos Führungsposition in der Spitze der Smart-Home-Welt weiter aus.”

Neatos patentierte LaserSmart™-Technologie ermöglicht es dem Botvac D7™ Connected, mit größtmöglicher Präzision durch eine Vielzahl von Räumen zu navigieren und sie zu kartieren. Das neue Modell zeichnet sich aus durch starke Saugkraft, einen Ultra-Performance-Filter, den Turbo Modus und ein verbessertes Bürstensystem für die am weitesten fortgeschrittene SpinFlow™- Reinigungskraft sowie durch sorgfältigeres Umfahren von Möbeln, selbst bei Dunkelheit.

Die nächste Generation der Neato-App wird mit Einführung des Botvac D7™ Connected verfügbar sein. Sie bietet neben einer verbesserten Anwendungserfahrung und grafischer Nutzerführung zusätzliche Benachrichtigungen und eine verbesserte Reinigungszusammenfassung mit detaillierten Abdeckungskarten. Ab dem Zeitpunkt dieser Bekanntgabe unterstützt nun auch die gesamte Connected-Serie (Botvac D3™ Connected, Botvac D5™ Connected und Botvac™ Connected) Amazon Alexa, Google Home, den Neato ChatBot für Facebook und IFTTT. Der Botvac D7™ Connected ist Neatos am weitesten fortgeschrittener Roboterstaubsauger, der Neatos Hingabe zu Innovation, die das Leben von Menschen erleichtert, noch stärker unterstreicht.

Verfügbarkeit und Preis
Der Neato Botvac D7™ Connected erscheint zu einem UVP von €899 und wird ab dem vierten Quartal 2017 in den USA und Europa verfügbar sein. Besuchen Sie Neato Robotics auf der IFA in Berlin vom 1.-6. September in Halle 6.2, Stand 138 und machen Sie sich selbst ein Bild des neuen Flaggschiffs, dem Botvac D7™ Connected.

Über Neato:
Neato Robotics designt Heimroboter, die die Lebensqualität verbessern, indem sie Hausarbeit abnehmen und somit mehr Zeit für die schönen Dinge des Lebens schaffen. Neato treibt die Innovation mit intelligenter Laser Navigation, Smart Home Konnektivität und besseren Reinigungstechnologien voran. Kürzlich erlangte Neato Anerkennung für seine Führungsstruktur, Unternehmenskultur und den Einsatz für seine Mitarbeiter, als Teil der Bay Area News Group’s 2017 Liste der „Top 100 Workplaces“ in San Francisco und Umgebung, welche auf dem Feedback der eigenen Mitarbeiter basiert. Mehr Informationen unter:
Folgen Sie uns auf Facebook, Instagram, Twitter und YouTube.

IFTTT ermöglicht Menschen, mehr aus den Services zu machen, die sie lieben. Wir arbeiten mit mehr als 530 Apps, Services und Geräten mit Applets – darunter Facebook, Twitter, Philips Hue, Dropbox, Google, Nest, Fitbit, BMW und Slack. Applets bringen diese Dienste zusammen und schaffen ein neues Erlebnis für alle möglichen Vorgänge, von der Automatisierung von einfachen Aufgaben bis hin zu der Transformation der Art und Weise, wie Anwender in ihrem Zuhause interagieren bzw. es kontrollieren. Wir sind überzeugt davon, dass die kreative Kontrolle der von uns genutzten Services intuitiv und für jeden zugänglich sein sollte. IFTTT wurde 2010 gegründet und hat $ 39 Mio. an Startkapital von führenden Investoren wie Norwest Venture Partners, Andreesen Horowitz, NEA, Lerer Hippeau Ventures und SV Angel eingesammelt.

TyroBot, the DIY Humanoid Robot Kit Launches on Kickstarter

Buffalo, MN: Tyro Electronics, an educational robotics an electronics company founded by Tyler Spadgenske, just launched TyroBot on Kickstarter. TyroBot is a 3D printable do it yourself humanoid robot kit aimed at getting people of all ages and experience levels started in robotics and programming.

TyroBot can be assembled in an afternoon with only a screwdriver and a computer. TyroBot is available in two different models:

  • The Maker’s kit includes all the electronics and components you need to build a TyroBot, but you must 3D print the plastic parts yourself. That can be done on any 3D printer with a bed size of at least 100mm^3.
  • The complete kit includes everything you need to build a TyroBot except a screwdriver. 

TyroBot’s brain is Tyro Board, a custom electronics controller board with a 32 bit ATSAMD21 microcontroller, WiFi, accelerometer for detecting orientation, rechargeable lithium ion battery and two expansion ports for further customization. Tyro Board supports 7 servos, 4 for walking, 2 for arms, and a head servo. On the reverse side of Tyro Board is a 2.8in TFT touchscreen display for programming and playing with TyroBot without the use of a computer.

Once TyroBot is built, flip the switch and TyroBot is operational. Using the built in software, you can make TyroBot walk forward, backward, left and right without ever having to plug him into a computer.

When you are ready for something more advanced, connect TyroBot to a computer and follow easy programming tutorials to make him do more advanced maneuvers by programming him in Arduino with our open source libraries.

With TyroBot’s built in WiFi, the user can also make TyroBot send tweets to Twitter, email, or do anything supported on the IFTT network.

About Tyro Electronics LLC

Tyro Electronics is an educational robotics company founded in 2016 by 17-year-old Tyler Spadgenske.

Tyro Electronics started out by selling parts to make retro game emulators but has moved into selling DIY Kits with the release of TyroBot. Tyler Spadgenke is a student who has built countless electronics and robotics projects, including a Smartphone, Home Monitoring System, and a Smart Drawer.



Project Development:

Project Source Code and Design Files:

Algobrix Makes Coders Out of Kids With Its LEGO Compatible Coding Blocks on Kickstarter

DELAWARE, USA  – July 25, 2017 – Algobrix is announcing the launch of its Kickstarter campaign today to make programming simple and fun with its play-based coding blocks. Algobrix turn traditional LEGOs into programmable robots through tangible lines of code. Each coding-block teaches children the basics of STEM with its step by step coding activities for a kid-friendly introduction to programming.

Imagine your typical LEGO set growing up. Chances are you would build a car, play with it and deconstruct it shortly after being left underwhelmed or frustrated. With Algobrix, play is limitless and screenless so kids (or kids at heart), can develop greater analytical thinking skills while learning the basics of coding while creating moving masterpieces. All it takes to upgrade your standard-block play to coding-block play is a bit of programming and imagination. Creators simply:

  • Snap: Each block represents a unique function and commands the AlgoBot to play audio, light or move in any direction.
  • Set: The parameters are stacked on top of the function block to determine specifically how the AlgoBot will carry out the function and for how long.
  • Activate: Once the function blocks are snapped together, a sequence is triggered and the AlgoBot is set into motion.
  • Explore: AlgoBots come with a variety of mats and activity cards to enhance and elevate the learning experience.

Why program on a screen when you can program with your hands? Algobrix takes standard, computer code and allows you to hold it in your hands in the form of coding blocks.  Now, ordinary LEGOs are transformed to create moving AlgoBots. AlgoBots light up, make sounds and explore the space around you through simple code.

“Kids find it difficult to sit next to a computer and learn how to program,” describes co-founder Amir Asor. “The first problem is language related and the second problem is that they don’t enjoy the experience. Algobrix changes what is stereotypically a boring, confined experience to a playful, intuitive, and fun learning experience while maintaining a high, positive correlation with coding languages that leave a lasting impression.”

“The third industrial revolution is around the corner,” says CTO and co-founder Dr. Danny Eizicovits. “We are starting to see robots in hospitals, schools, and even our homes. By teaching our kids to communicate with our robotic counterparts, we are hoping to give them the proper tools, and competitive edge in a world that is moving further towards robotics every day.”



Algobrix was founded in April 2016 after Amir Asor and Dr. Danny Eizicovits came together with a collective goal to enhance and redefine how children learn to code. The company’s mission is to introduce young children to an entertaining and effective style of education that is based on fun, intuition, and the joy of LEGO-building through the implementation of coding and its patented coding blocks.

Amir, CEO and Co-Founder, established his first educational company, Young Engineers, in 2008 and was named YBI Entrepreneur of the Year in 2011. Following his success with Young Engineers, Amir co-founded BRIXO, an electric building blocks company, that raised $1.5 Million through Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Algobrix’s CTO, Danny Eizicovits, received a PhD in Robotics and is an award-winning researcher and lecturer in accordance with Ben Gurion University of the Negev.

Sony Global Education Launches an Indiegogo Campaign for KOOV, a Coding and Robotics Kit for the Next Generation of Young Innovators

SAN DIEGO, CA (June 20, 2017) – Sony Electronics in conjunction with Sony Global Education announced today the launch of a limited Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for KOOV, a new coding and robotics kit for the next generation of young innovators.

The Sony Global Education team developed KOOV as a fresh approach to learning robotics and programming. KOOV is already available in Japan and China, and Sony is now looking to expand the program to the US in order to gain feedback and insight into the American market.

KOOV is a robotics and coding educational kit made up of blocks, sensors, motors, actuators, and a companion app that teaches children core concepts about design, coding and robotics. The app also features a secure social space, where children can share their designs and code with other young inventors from around the world.

The blocks can be assembled into any shape, with the final figure capable of being controlled as a robot. The kit encourages learners to „Play“ by building with 7 kinds of translucent blocks, „Code“ by controlling the assembled figure through the KOOV app, and „Create“ by embracing their creativity and imagination.

Sony Global Education believes that the teaching materials for robotics and programming will play a major role in cultivating STEM literacy and nurturing the next generation of problem solvers.

KOOV was built on the belief that STEM learning tools should be accessible to all children. Through the use of inclusive colors, shareable design and the goal of building a foundation for future STEM learning, Sony hopes to attract parents of children 8 to 14 years old, with equal emphasis on boys and girls.

Pre-orders are available for a limited time beginning June 20th via an Indiegogo, with product scheduled to ship to backers in early December. The suggested retail price is $359 for the Starter Kit and $499 for the Advanced Kit with limited quantities available at discounts of up to 40% for early backers. Interested consumers can learn more about KOOV, and place preorders at



Maybe you have seen my VEX IQ frog at VEX Worlds or on VEX Robotics Facebook and Twitter channel.


My fellow VEX IQ SuperUser Andreas Dreier created building instructions for my robots, I want to share with you here.

The Complete Package for the green and gray version, including the RobotC program, can be downloaded here:




If you have any questions or problems regarding the VEX IQ Frog, you can find me in the VEX IQ Robotics Facebook Group

Learn programming and more with the Hedgehog robotics controller

Hedgehog is for anyone who wants to explore robotics, no matter their age or expertise. It is particularly suited for learning programming, but doesn’t stop there: building your own robot allows you to explore mechanics as well, and experienced programmers can tackle complex projects, such as swarm intelligence, advanced image processing, or developing their own microcontroller firmware.

Hedgehog is developed by the Practical Robotics Institute Austria and is a robot controller: the control module and heart of any robot. It can be combined with standard RC servos, DC motors, as well as various kinds of sensors and push buttons. Its case connects easily to Lego building blocks, but of course robots can be constructed from any kind of pieces.

In many ways, Hedgehog is similar to other controllers, but what makes it stand out is its versatility. Hedgehog supports both visual and textual programming through Blockly and Python. It allows you to connect different kinds of custom hardware through its UART, I2C and SPI busses. You can connect to Hedgehog over Ethernet, WiFi, or by directly plugging in monitor and keyboard. Use either the beginner-friendly in-browser development environment, or use SSH to access Hedgehog’s Raspberry Pi directly. Augment your controller by using thousands of third-party applications & libraries for the Raspberry Pi. Get into Digital Manufacturing by downloading our blueprints and laser-cutting a customized acrylic case – the possibilities are endless.

“We use Hedgehog in workshops all the time, and simplicity and versatility are two major requirements for us. Simplicity allows our learners to focus on exploring robotics, instead of handling the system. And versatility allows us to work with the same hardware in different settings, be it with elementary schoolers, in robot competitions, or in projects with students from technical high schools,” says Clemens Koza, one of Hedgehog’s developers. Workshop and classroom settings are indeed a focus of the controller’s design, but hobbyists profit from this as well: more possibilities potentially mean more projects and experiments, making the controller a cost-effective purchase.

All of Hedgehog’s hardware and software is open source, Clemens Koza explains: “when versatility is one of your goals, hiding details is counterproductive. We’re convinced of our system’s value and dedicated to its ongoing development. We try to enable a broad audience to explore technology and engineering, and I think Hedgehog is a great tool for this.” Hedgehog is currently on Kickstarter, and more information is available at

RobotsBlog @ Maker Faire Berlin 2017

Move Your Project From Prototype To Production With Evezor

Evezor is a robot that can carve, draw, engrave, pour, pick,
place, cut, weld, 3D print, grab, mill, assemble and create your next
project or business.  Powered by Raspberry Pi, open source software and
hardware, Evezor is the most hackable robotic arm there is.  Evezor can
share and automate the hand tools you already own and with open tool head
platform, anyone can make tools for this machine.

A welded tube tower and steel skeleton give Evezor the strength
to support tools weighing over six pounds.  Precision machined components
and NEMA 23 motors deliver precise control, quiet operation and the power
for machining operations.  An 800mm wingspan provides the build area for
large projects.  Evezor has printed an entire single piece violin.

Magnetic encoders make this collaborative arm so user friendly a four year
old can program it, and closed loop control gives you the peace of mind that
you’ll never miss a step.

Make prototypes from a wide array of tool heads, then seamlessly
scale up to production with the same tool.  Evezor’s agility opens the door
to the entrepreneurial world for every maker.  What can Evezor make?  The
answer to this question is anything you can think of, and cocktails.

Evezor commits itself to giving back to the open source and open
hardware communities by contributing 10% from every arm.  „We think it’s
important to give back to the ecosystem that made this project possible“
says Andrew Wingate [Founder.]  Their mission is to democratize
manufacturing and increase access to opportunity.

„Chicago is one of the world’s megaregions and we often get
overlooked behind Silicon Valley and New York. I think this is the best
place in the world to kick start the next industrial revolution“ ~Andrew

Evezor has launched a crowdfunding campaign that can be found at