The true AI vision robotic arm powered by Jetson Nano is affordable and open-source, making your AI creativity into reality.
In recent years, there are more makers, students, enthusiasts, and engineers learning artificial intelligence technology, and many interesting AI projects are being developed as well.Hiwonder brings the power of AI to robot, build a true AI robotic arm— JetMax, to enhance the AI and robotic learning experience for everyone.
JetMax featurs Deep Learning and Computer Vision abilities. It is equipped with Jetson Nano and HD Wide Angle camera, which enables it to interact with the perceived environment efficiently. It empowers you to skillfully make your AI creativity into reality.
Being an AI Vision Robotic Arm, JetMax not only features AI vision but has a clever brain as well. Supporting you in learning coding, researching AI robotics applications, and bringing your AI ideas to life. It can be your helping hand in a lab, university, or workshop.
Powered by NVIDIA Jetson Nano
The open-source JetMax robot arm is powered by Jetson Nano, featuring deep learning, computer vision and more. Jetson Nano has the performance needed to power modern AI workloads to enable JetMax robot arm with advanced AI capabilities.
Supports multiple types of EoAT (End-of-Arm Tooling)
Supporting multiple types of end-of-arm tooling such as grippers, suction cup, pen holder, electromagnet etc, JetMax provides you with many ways of creative design applications.
JetMax is an open platform hardware product. We contribute numerous project source and AI tutorials. Additionally, the API interface is completely opened for customization and supports, such as Python, C++ and JAVA languages.
Canadian company MYNYMAL PC recently announced their newest innovation, a computer designed to be as minimalist as possible. The computer’s size comes in smaller than a tissue box yet houses a fully-fledged Windows desktop computer capable of day-to-day work and entertainment. Despite its humble appearance, this mini-computer packs quite a punch. A 4-core 8-thread CPU capable of photo editing, video editing, 3D modeling, and even light gaming makes this computer a useful tool and not just a decoration.
As decoration, it excels as well. The simple cube design is available in four different textures: Maple Wood, Concrete, White Marble, and Brushed Gunmetal Gray. This gives the buyer a variety of material choices to make the PC fit in best with the interior design of their home. The computer can be removed from the acrylic enclosure for hardware upgrades, and in the future MYNYMAL plans to sell the enclosures individually so that you can swap them out easily depending on the aesthetic you want. „We believe that technology should have both form and function, not just one or the other,“ said Gerard Cirera, Founder and CEO of MYNYMAL PC.
In addition to standard vinyl textures and materials, a limited amount of cube computers will come with interior RGB lighting and a custom Ore Block texture. An included remote control lets the user adjust the lighting to choose from red (redstone), blue (diamond), and many other colours and effects.
The MYNYMAL PC combines modern, minimalist design with the tech in your home, so you can finally get rid of that bulky old tower computer you don’t know where to put.
3D printing experts Tiertime, recently announced the launch of Cetus2, an advanced printer that uses an innovative new print head design making it possible to use one nozzle and switch seamlessly between multiple materials and colors on the fly. No need for nozzle alignment and no need to stop or print purge tower, Cetus2 is time and material saving, and capable of fast material switching during printing. This unique time & material saving feature has never before been possible with traditional FDM 3D printers and opens a new world of creativity for users. This exciting new product is perfect for makers and professionals who wish to elevate their 3D printing efficiency and creativity. Cetus2 is available now. Learn more here: [link]
Cetus2 is able to seamlessly switch between 2 materials and colors on-the-fly for multi-color & multi-material 3D Printing. There is no need to stop printing during the switch. Composite materials and colors are mixed at a ratio of 0-100%, resulting in brand-new printing effects and material properties – something completely new for FDM printing. This advanced material switching process is very fast, compared with traditional dual-extruder printing, which greatly accelerates model making and saves material. Although the technology in Cetus2 is advanced, the operation is simple and intuitive thanks to fully automatic leveling and Z-Level calibration along with powerful software that allows users to customize the path of the model outline and material switching points, which can produce special textures, colors, and effects.
The newly developed software for the Cetus2 multi-material system allows you to define every position of material switching on the model with a simple setup. Cetus2’s self-developed software is powerful yet simple to use for voxel-level 3D printing. With built-in tools to customize the path of the model outline, simple setups of material switching points, the ability to produce special texture effects, and more, you will turn your 3D models into multi-color & multi-material masterpieces in no time.
“Hobbyists, makers, and professionals alike are using 3D printing for creativity, industry and fun. This groundbreaking technology gets better and more affordable continuously. The one drawback however has been the relatively slow process and the need for time-consuming setups that are required when printing models of differing materials and colors. Cetus2 revolutionizes that process with a totally new print head design for seamless material and color switching that elevates and expands what you can do with 3D printing. ” Tiertime, CEO
In addition to the revolutionary on-the-fly material switching, Cetus2 is packed with powerful features for advanced 3D printing such as single/dual extruder options, automatic build platform, touch screen
control, internet remote control support and full Gcode support. As a creative tool, Cetus2 offers endless possibilities. Whether printing something for fun from PLA, or producing functional prototypes from engineering materials – Cetus2 can handle any task with ease and blended creativity.
Cetus2 with on-the-fly material and color switching is available now with special deals and discounts for early adopters.
Der „Crawler“ übernimmt lebensgefährliche Wartungseinsätze in Pipelines – ausgerüstet mit Energieführungen von igus
Köln, 11. Januar 2022 – Er erledigt Arbeit, die für Menschen Lebensgefahr bedeutet: Der ferngesteuerte Roboter „Crawler“ saniert Innenwände von Pipelines in Kraftwerken. Eine Automation, die unter anderem deshalb zuverlässig gelingt, weil Energie- und Datenleitungen vor den rauen Umgebungsbedingungen geschützt sind. Hier setzt der US-amerikanische Hersteller Remote Orbital Installations LLC auf die Zusammenarbeit mit igus.
Wie gefährlich die Arbeit in Pipelines sein kann, zeigt ein tragischer Unfall, der sich 2007 in einem Kraftwerk in Colorado ereignete. Als Arbeiter im Inneren einer Druckrohrleitung, die Wasser zu den Turbinen leitet, eine Epoxidharzbeschichtung auftrugen, entzündete sich ein brennbares Lösungsmittel. Fünf Menschen kamen ums Leben. Ein Schicksal, das Remote Orbital Installations (LLC) und Big Sky Engineering anderen Arbeitern ersparen möchten. Die beiden US-amerikanischen Unternehmen haben deshalb den Crawler entwickelt – eine fernsteuerbare Roboterplattform auf vier Rädern, die durch Rohrleitungen fährt, die Innenwände mit einem Strahlwerkzeug reinigt und mit Epoxidharz neu auskleidet. Die Arbeiter befinden sich währenddessen in Sicherheit, am anderen Ende der Steuerleitung. Doch bevor der Crawler bereit für den Einsatz war, mussten die Ingenieure einige Herausforderungen meistern. Unter anderem galt es, Bauteile zu finden, die der schmutzigen und feuchten Umgebung im Inneren der Pipeline standhalten – ansonsten könnten Ausfälle dazu führen, dass Arbeiter das Rohr betreten und sich in Gefahr bringen müssten. Zu diesen Bauteilen zählten Führungen, die Energie- und Datenleitungen des Roboters vor Beschädigungen durch unkontrollierte Bewegungen schützen sollen.
„Die Langlebigkeit der igus Produkte war entscheidend für den Erfolg“
Fündig wurden die US-amerikanischen Konstrukteure jenseits des Atlantiks bei igus. Die Energieketten des plastics motion Spezialisten übernehmen an mehreren Stellen die Führung von Energie- und Datenleitungen. Sie führen beispielsweise die Leitungen des Mechanismus, der die Radbreite des Crawlers auf den Rohrdurchmesser einstellt. Ebenso Leitungen des Auslegers, der für die Höhenverstellung der Werkzeuge verantwortlich ist. Und für die Sicherheit von hängenden Leitungen sorgen geschlossene Energieketten der triflex Serie, die dank tordierbarer Kettenglieder kontrollierte, dreidimensionale Bewegungen ermöglichen. Alle Energieketten im Crawler bestehen aus einem verschleißfesten, robusten, chemikalienbeständigen und korrosionsfreien Hochleistungskunststoff, der auch widrigsten Umgebungen über Jahre zuverlässig standhält. „Die Langlebigkeit der Produkte von igus war entscheidend für den Erfolg des Crawlers“, bestätigt Ingenieur Mike Kronz. „Wir haben mehrere Projekte durchgeführt und hatten keinen einzigen Ausfall.“
Mutige Energiekettenlösungen: Anmeldung zum vector award 2022
Der Roboter Crawler ist ein Beispiel für einen Einsatz von Energieketten, der sich durch wirtschaftliche Effizienz und Mut zur Kreativität auszeichnet. Vergleichbare Anwendungen sucht igus für den vector award 2022, ein Wettbewerb, der einzigartige Energieführungslösungen prämiert. Eine Expertenjury – bestehend aus Vertretern der Wissenschaft, Industrie und Fachmedien – bestimmt die Gewinner zur Hannover Messe 2022. Das Preisgeld beträgt für den goldenen vector award beträgt 5.000 Euro. Einsendeschluss ist der 11. Februar 2022.
The Ameca humanoid robot combines AI with AB (Artificial Body) for relatable natural human gestures and upgradable modular mechanics via cloud-managed API development tool kit
LAS VEGAS—December 3rd, 2021—CES 2022 — Engineered Arts, a UK company that creates the most memorable interactive character experiences, today announced its latest humanoid robot named Ameca (pron. Am-ek-uh). Through 20 years of increasing robotics innovation, the Ameca series features ground-breaking advancements in movement and natural gestures, intelligent interaction, and a future-proof software system designed to embrace artificial intelligence and computer vision with adaptive learning—giving users an API customization pathway never before available.
Engineered Arts’ Ameca humanoid robot will take center stage at CES 2022 in Las Vegas at the Great Britain and Northern Ireland Pavilion in Tech West Hall G—lower level of the Venetian Expo Center, at Booth 62502 & 62524 from January 5th- 8th.
“A humanoid robot will always instil an image of what the future may hold. Ameca represents a perfect platform to explore how our machines can live with, collaborate, and enrich our lives in tomorrow’s sustainable communities,” said Morgan Roe, Director of Operations at Engineered Arts. “Ameca integrates both AI with AB (artificial body) for advanced, iterative technologies that deliver superior motion and gestures, all housed in a human form and robotic visage for a non-threatening, gender-neutral integration into an inclusive society,” added Roe.
The Engineered Arts team can create any robot figure in as little as four months. All Engineered Arts Ameca, Mesmer series and RoboThespian robot creations are available for ownership or through an integrated end-to-end rental program for special limited engagements and showcases across the world. To learn more about the humanoid robots from Engineered Arts visit:
About Engineered Arts
Engineered Arts, Ltd. integrates a talented team of engineers and creatives, working together to produce technology that lives and breathes engagement, imagination, and entertainment. At the heart of its robotic humanoids is the Tritium operating system, a cloud-based operating system that drives robot animation, interaction, maintenance links and content distribution. For more information visit:
Beyond Imagination, in conjunction with Zero Gravity Corporation (ZERO-G), will be showcasing its cutting-edge “Beomni” humanoid robot at the January 2022 Consumer Electronics Show. This will be the first time the robot has been shown to the general public.
“I’ve been involved and taken ZERO-G flights with Dr. Peter Diamandis since the inception of ZERO-G. They are an ideal partner for BEYOND IMAGINATION,” says Dr. Harry Kloor, Founder and CEO of BEYOND IMAGINATION, “because our remote-piloted robot has the dexterity to perform any task and even learn to execute complex sequences autonomously, saving time and reducing risk.”
Beomni is one of the world’s most advanced general-purpose humanoid robots, with an evolving “AI Brain” that enables it to assist its human pilot in performing a limitless number of tasks.
For example, Beomni can help perform scientific experiments in challenging environments such as microgravity. Working together with ZERO-G, BEYOND IMAGINATION plans to deploy custom versions of its robot that can perform experiments in the ZERO-G aircraft while experimenters remain safely on the ground. Leveraging Beomni’s low-latency remote video feed and natural controls, experimenters will be able to manipulate their equipment from afar as if they are actually on the aircraft. Adds Dr. Kloor, “as a scientist experienced with microgravity experiments, I know that the ability to manipulate a microgravity experiment from the ground is a game-changer. Our partnership will enable more complex actions to be performed and multiple experimenters to participate.”
Ease of use is one of Beomni’s claims to fame. Past experience shows that new users acclimate to piloting the robot in just a few minutes. At the show, invited guests will be able to pilot the robot using nothing more than a virtual reality headset and a pair of special gloves.
BEYOND IMAGINATION’s robots are operated via a human partnership with an AI Brain that augments and enhances human capabilities. This AI includes multiple “lobes”, each related to a specific skill or set of skills that the robot can perform. Over time, on a task-by-task basis, Beomni’s AI Brain learns, evolving from assisting with tasks to semi-autonomous and then to fully autonomous operation.
This collaboration is a first step toward broadening access to microgravity opportunities for consumers, corporate customers, entertainment companies, and scientific research teams at NASA and beyond.
“We are delighted to be able to partner with a visionary company like BEYOND IMAGINATION,” said ZERO-G’s CEO Matt Gohd. “Their state-of-the-art robot and AI will enable us to develop unique and unmatched new services. Working together, we see a wide range of applications for private and public space agencies around the globe.”
Since operating its first commercial flight in 2004, ZERO-G has given more than 17,000 flyers the opportunity to feel true weightlessness. As the interest in commercial space travel increases, the flights offered by ZERO-G are the only FAA-approved opportunities in the U.S. for civilians to understand weightlessness. At a fraction of the cost of consumer space flights in development, ZERO-G is paving the way for the general public to enjoy the wonders of interstellar travel. Each ZERO-G mission is designed for maximum fun. The aircraft’s interior is a zero-gravity playroom, complete with padded floors and walls and video cameras to record the unforgettable moments.
Beomni has applications in space-based and lunar operations and construction as well as terrestrial activities ranging from bio-manufacturing & logistics to aircraft & energy sector inspections to health care & senior care services. BEYOND IMAGINATION recently completed an on-site pilot study at TRU PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) Center with Beomni and has been busy scheduling more pilot studies across a range of industries for early 2022.
About BEYOND IMAGINATION Beyond Imagination, Inc. is a robotics and AI platform company that is focused on bringing humanoid robots to market rapidly. By partnering a human pilot with an evolving AI Brain, we will soon be able to deploy our Beomni Robotics platform across a wide range of commercial applications. Our practical, real-world approach is closer to that of Tesla, which released its vehicles and then built AI from the data that they collected, rather than that of other companies that are focused in narrow R&D domains.
Founded by leading innovators in AI and robotics, and strengthened by a solid patent portfolio, Beyond Imagination, Inc. is poised to revolutionize life and fundamentally change the way we work, travel and engage with others around the world.
Beyond Imagination is taking advance orders and is always open to strategic partnerships and investments from qualified investors. In-person demos are available by appointment for media and investors. Additionally, Beomni is available for television appearances in the greater Denver/Boulder area. Potential partners for pilot studies in medicine and beyond are encouraged to discuss their specific use cases with the company.
About ZERO-G Zero Gravity Corporation is a privately held space entertainment and tourism company whose mission is to make the excitement and adventure of space accessible to the public. ZERO-G is the first and only FAA-approved provider of weightless flight in the U.S. for the general public; entertainment and film industries; corporate and incentive markets; non-profit research and education sectors; and the government. ZERO-G’s attention to detail, excellent service and quality of experience combined with its exciting history has set the foundation for the most exhilarating adventure-based tourism.