London Science Museum – Robots Exhibiton
Archiv des Autors: Sebastian Trella
Major Sponsors Sign-On to Support Boston Mini Maker Faire September 17 at Boston Children’s Museum
Boston Children’s Museum announced that major sponsors have signed on for the second annual Boston Mini Maker Faire event on Sunday, September 17, 2017. The Museum, in collaboration with Maker Media, WBZ-TV/CBS Boston, Boston Public Schools, the City of Boston, welcome sponsors Autodesk, BOSEbuild, MathWorks, National Grid, PEAK Event Services, Skyworks Solutions Inc., Ultimaker, Velcro Companies, Vertex and Senator William „Mo“ Cowan and Mrs. Stacy L. Cowan, who have all come together to make the Boston Mini Maker Faire possible. A diverse group of “Makers,” from robotics groups like New England R2 Builders and iRobot; to cutting edge technology companies such as Formlabs; to local maker spaces like Boston Makers, and inspiring junior makers like Sam Hoyt, a 13-year old who 3d-printed his own prosthetic arm, will share their ingenuity with the thousands of attendees to the Maker Faire.
“We continue to be impressed by the creativity of the Boston community,” said Paul Blandini, director of business operations, Autodesk. “We support initiatives like the Boston Mini Maker Faire to help cultivate curiosity and inspire the next generation of designers, engineers and innovators.”
The Boston Mini Maker Faire is being led by Boston Children’s Museum and an advisory board of leaders from local maker organizations, including: Emily Glaser of Boston Makers, Haidan Hodgson from Artists for Humanity, Henry Houh from Einstein’s Workshop, Netia McCray of Mbadika, Amon Milner from Olin College, Abigail Norman from Eliot School of Fine & Applied Arts, Derek Seabury from Artisan’s Asylum, and Rosa Weinberg from NuVu Studio.
“Supporting innovation is extremely important to us at Velcro companies,” said Fraser Cameron, CEO of Velcro Companies.” Curiosity has powered everything we do since George De Mestral first examined the burdock plant and created the first hook and loop fasteners more than 60 years ago. Events like the Mini Maker Faire plant the seeds of similar discoveries. We’re proud to return as sponsors of this outstanding event, where we hope to spark the curiosity of emerging inventors of all ages.”
Admission to the Mini Maker Faire will be $20 per person, which includes indoor and outdoor activities. The cost to Museum members is $10. Given the nature of this special event, typical Museum discounts will not apply. Please also note that not all indoor Museum exhibits will be open during the event. To purchase tickets in advance for the Mini Maker Faire visit
“As a company founded on transformative science and committed to inspiring and equipping students to become the next generation of scientific leaders, Vertex is proud to support Boston’s Mini Maker Faire,” said Dr. Melodie Knowlton, Head of Vertex’s onsite Learning Lab for hands-on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education opportunities.
Boston Mini Maker Faire is independently organized by Boston Children’s Museum and operated under license from Maker Media, Inc.
For additional information visit and
About Boston Children’s Museum
Boston Children’s Museum engages children and families in joyful discovery experiences that instill an appreciation of our world, develop foundational skills, and spark a lifelong love of learning. More information about Boston Children’s Museum can be found at Become a fan of the Museum on Facebook and follow us on Twitter
Hours and Admission
The Museum is open daily from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Fridays until 9:00 p.m. Adults, $17, children (1-15) and senior citizens, $17; children under 12 months and Museum members are always free. Fridays 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., all visitors $1.
Neato stellt neuen Flaggschiff-Roboterstaubsauger Botvac D7™ Connected vor
High-End-Modell mit neuer Neato FloorPlanner™ Advanced Mapping- & Cleaning-Technologie, IFTTT-Integration und Unterstützung der Connected Services
Newark, CA – 31. August, 2017, IFA – Neato Robotics, führender Hersteller von smarten Roboterstaubsauger, stellt heute den Neato Botvac D7™ Connected vor und setzt damit neue Maßstäbe in den Bereichen Leistungsstärke, einfacher Bedienbarkeit und Smart-Home-Anbindung.
Twittern Sie mit uns: Der Neato Botvac D7 Connected ist Neatos intelligentester Roboterstaubsauger mit neuem FloorPlanner, #IFTTT und der besten Konnektivität seiner Klasse. #IFA2017
Der Neato Botvac D7™ Connected ist Neatos bisher intelligentestes und leistungsfähigstes Modell. Dank der neuen Neato FloorPlanner™ Advanced Mapping- & Cleaning-Technologie, können Nutzer selbst eine Reinigungskarte ihrer Wohnung erstellen. Der Neato Botvac D7™ Connected unterstützt zudem die IFTTT Plattform, mit der Nutzer den Roboterstaubsauger flexibel und bequem steuern und den Weg in die Smart Home Welt ebnen können.
Nachdem der Roboterstaubsauger die Wohnung im Entdeckungsmodus oder durch eine einfache Reinigung gescannt hat, erstellt er den sogenannten MyFloorPlan™, einen personalisierten Umgebungsplan. Mit der Neato App legt der Nutzer virtuell für den Roboter NoGo-Gebiete fest, um bestimmte Wohnungsbereiche bei der Reinigung auszusparen. Da der Roboter nun genau weiß, wo er saugen darf und wo nicht, werden materielle Barrieren überflüssig. Die zusammenfassende Reinigungskarte dokumentiert sowohl die gereinigten Bereiche als auch diverse Probleme und Hindernisse einer vollständigen Reinigung.
Diese Neuerungen binden Neato Roboterstaubsauger nahtlos in das vernetzte Zuhause ein und erlauben zudem die Integration in Apple Watch, den Neato ChatBot für Facebook, Amazon Alexa oder auch Google Home. Over-The-Air-Updates stellen sicher, dass die Software des Botvac D7™ Connected immer auf dem neusten Stand ist, die Smart-Home-Unterstützung ständig verbessert wird und innovative Technologien aus dem Neato Entwicklernetzwerk zur Verfügung stehen.
„Der Botvac D7™ Connected ist ein signifikanter Schritt nach vorne in die Zukunft des Smart-Home. Wir sind sehr erfreut dieses Gerät vorzustellen, das einen Höhepunkt der Neato Innovation darstellt und unsere Führungsposition auf dem Roboterstaubsaugermarkt belegt. Der Botvac D7™ Connected bietet alle herausragenden Eigenschaften der Neato-Topmodelle und stellt mit dem Neato FloorPlanner™ zusätzlich eine marktführende Technologie vor“, sagt Giacomo Marini, Chairman und CEO von Neato Robotics. „Damit schreiben wir unseren Innovationskurs fort, dem wir zuletzt mit den Marktneuheiten der Integration von Alexa und Google Home in die Botvac™ Connected Serie weiter gefolgt sind. Der Botvac D7™ Connected wurde entwickelt, um sich mit einer breiteren Palette an konnektiven Dienstleistungen zu verbinden. Er baut Neatos Führungsposition in der Spitze der Smart-Home-Welt weiter aus.”
Neatos patentierte LaserSmart™-Technologie ermöglicht es dem Botvac D7™ Connected, mit größtmöglicher Präzision durch eine Vielzahl von Räumen zu navigieren und sie zu kartieren. Das neue Modell zeichnet sich aus durch starke Saugkraft, einen Ultra-Performance-Filter, den Turbo Modus und ein verbessertes Bürstensystem für die am weitesten fortgeschrittene SpinFlow™- Reinigungskraft sowie durch sorgfältigeres Umfahren von Möbeln, selbst bei Dunkelheit.
Die nächste Generation der Neato-App wird mit Einführung des Botvac D7™ Connected verfügbar sein. Sie bietet neben einer verbesserten Anwendungserfahrung und grafischer Nutzerführung zusätzliche Benachrichtigungen und eine verbesserte Reinigungszusammenfassung mit detaillierten Abdeckungskarten. Ab dem Zeitpunkt dieser Bekanntgabe unterstützt nun auch die gesamte Connected-Serie (Botvac D3™ Connected, Botvac D5™ Connected und Botvac™ Connected) Amazon Alexa, Google Home, den Neato ChatBot für Facebook und IFTTT. Der Botvac D7™ Connected ist Neatos am weitesten fortgeschrittener Roboterstaubsauger, der Neatos Hingabe zu Innovation, die das Leben von Menschen erleichtert, noch stärker unterstreicht.
Verfügbarkeit und Preis
Der Neato Botvac D7™ Connected erscheint zu einem UVP von €899 und wird ab dem vierten Quartal 2017 in den USA und Europa verfügbar sein. Besuchen Sie Neato Robotics auf der IFA in Berlin vom 1.-6. September in Halle 6.2, Stand 138 und machen Sie sich selbst ein Bild des neuen Flaggschiffs, dem Botvac D7™ Connected.
Über Neato:
Neato Robotics designt Heimroboter, die die Lebensqualität verbessern, indem sie Hausarbeit abnehmen und somit mehr Zeit für die schönen Dinge des Lebens schaffen. Neato treibt die Innovation mit intelligenter Laser Navigation, Smart Home Konnektivität und besseren Reinigungstechnologien voran. Kürzlich erlangte Neato Anerkennung für seine Führungsstruktur, Unternehmenskultur und den Einsatz für seine Mitarbeiter, als Teil der Bay Area News Group’s 2017 Liste der „Top 100 Workplaces“ in San Francisco und Umgebung, welche auf dem Feedback der eigenen Mitarbeiter basiert. Mehr Informationen unter:
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IFTTT ermöglicht Menschen, mehr aus den Services zu machen, die sie lieben. Wir arbeiten mit mehr als 530 Apps, Services und Geräten mit Applets – darunter Facebook, Twitter, Philips Hue, Dropbox, Google, Nest, Fitbit, BMW und Slack. Applets bringen diese Dienste zusammen und schaffen ein neues Erlebnis für alle möglichen Vorgänge, von der Automatisierung von einfachen Aufgaben bis hin zu der Transformation der Art und Weise, wie Anwender in ihrem Zuhause interagieren bzw. es kontrollieren. Wir sind überzeugt davon, dass die kreative Kontrolle der von uns genutzten Services intuitiv und für jeden zugänglich sein sollte. IFTTT wurde 2010 gegründet und hat $ 39 Mio. an Startkapital von führenden Investoren wie Norwest Venture Partners, Andreesen Horowitz, NEA, Lerer Hippeau Ventures und SV Angel eingesammelt.
Veranstaltungstipp fürs Wochenende: Maker Faire Hannover 26. & 27. August im HCC – Das Kreativ-Festival für die ganze Familie
Hannover, 23. August 2017 – Am kommenden Wochenende öffnet die Maker Faire von 10 bis 18 Uhr wieder ihre Türen. Dann verwandeln rund 800 Maker das Congress Centrum (HCC) und den angrenzenden Stadtpark in einen entspannten Ort zum Staunen und Entdecken. Die Selbermacher begeistern mit ihren neusten DIY-Projekten und laden zum Mitmachen ein.
Besucherinnen und Besucher jeder Altersklasse können sich auf ein breit gefächertes Angebot freuen. Auf dem Programm stehen unter anderem spektakuläre Roboterkämpfe. Ferngesteuerte Schaukampfroboter treten in einer eigenen Arena gegeneinander an und bieten eine spannende Unterhaltungsshow.
Star-Wars-Fans können etliche detailgetreue Nachbauten des Droiden R2D2 treffen. Wem der Außerirdische eine Nummer zu klein ist, findet am riesigen Mantis Robot Gefallen. Wie einem Science-Fiction-Film entsprungen stolziert der fünf Kubikmeter große Laufroboter über das Gelände. Dabei trifft er immer mal wieder auf die zwei bunten Weltraumraketen des Abacus Theaters, die ebenfalls als Walking-Act auf der Maker Faire unterwegs sind.
Auf dem See im Stadtpark lässt Hobbybastler Lothar Bunscheit seine ferngesteuerten Schiffsmodellezu Wasser. Unter anderem dabei: der Nachbau der AIDA, für die er rund 15.000 Streichhölzer erst verbrannt und dann verbaut hat.
Ein weiteres Highlight auf der diesjährigen Maker Faire ist der Start eines Stratosphärenballons.Am Samstagmittag gegen 13.30 Uhr wird das Maker Faire-Maskottchen Makey in einem mit Helium gefüllten Ballon 40 Kilometer hoch in die Luft steigen. Ein Kamerasignal sendet Bilder vom Flug an einen Monitor auf die Erde.
Neben den unterschiedlichen Highlights werden etliche Mitmach-Workshops etwa zu ersten Löt- und Programmierversuchen angeboten. Vom Bau eines Roboters oder einer Wordclock über Handspindelspinnen oder Brush Lettering bis hin zur Podiumsdiskussion mit YouTubern – auf der Maker Faire kommen alle auf ihre Kosten. In Vorträgen teilen Maker ihr Wissen zu Elektronikgrundlagen und geben zum Beispiel Tipps zur Gründung einer Maker-Garage.
Auch das gesamte Catering-Angebot auf der Maker Faire stammt von Makern: Zoomburger bietet Edel-Fast-Food, die Hot Chili Boys zaubern amerikanisches Essen mit Pulled Beef, Suppenfred serviert köstliche Suppen wie bei Muttern und auch Vegetarier finden leckere Gerichte bei Love it Healthy oder Vegan & Raw. Zur Stärkung für zwischendurch empfiehlt sich auch bester, selbst gerösteter Kaffee der Rösterei 24grad, Pippos Traumeis von der italienischen Eismanufaktur, liebevoll dekorierte Cupcakes, Crêpes oder Frozen Yoghurt von King Leo mit den unterschiedlichsten Toppings. Die kulinarischen Leckereien genießen Besucher am besten im idyllischen Stadtpark, musikalische Untermalung kommt von der kleinen Singer-/Songwriterbühne.
Tickets und Infos zum Programm des familienfreundlichen Festivals findet man auf der Webseite Hier erfährt man auch, welche Maker ausstellen, wann welche Vorträge und Workshops starten und ob sie anmeldepflichtig sind. Die Tagestickets kosten 15 Euro. Familientickets gibt es für 32 Euro, Kinder unter 6 Jahren sind frei.
Marble Partners with DoorDash to Bring Robot-Delivered Goods to Your Doorstep
Today, Marble — the maker of autonomous ground-delivery robots — is announcing a partnership with DoorDash — an on-demand delivery platform operating in more than 500 cities nationwide — to begin testing deliveries under a pilot program in the San Francisco Bay Area. Under the pilot program, DoorDash will be using Marble’s robots to deliver customer orders in select neighborhoods.
“We’re thrilled to be partnering with DoorDash as we continue to build towards the city of the future, a city in which on-demand delivery is accessible to everyone,” said Marble CEO Matt Delaney. “DoorDash has a strong reputation for top-tier restaurant partnerships and innovative logistics technology. We’re excited to have our robots work with them to expand options for delivery and reduce urban congestion across communities to create a more enjoyable neighborhood experience.”
The pilot program will allow Marble and DoorDash to explore how to best optimize last-mile deliveries in a variety of Bay Area neighborhoods and with the diverse businesses currently on the DoorDash platform. Beginning today, select DoorDash customers may be assigned one of Marble’s friendly neighborhood robots to deliver their order.
“Marble has quickly established itself as an innovative thinker in the autonomous delivery space,” said Stanley Tang, co-founder and Chief Product Officer at DoorDash. “This partnership expands upon our existing tests of new types of delivery technology, including robots, drones and electric bikes. We’re excited to begin working with Marble to make deliveries faster, easier, and more efficient.”
To celebrate the Marble-DoorDash partnership and initial pilot program, the companies partnered with restaurant chain Jack in the Box in early August to test out a delivery in the North Beach neighborhood and showcase the partnership. This delivery demo expands upon the ongoing relationship between Jack in the Box and DoorDash, which recently increased Jack in the Box’s delivery options to more than 830 restaurants across 229 US cities. To learn more about the delivery and see the custom Marble Robot in action, go here.
About Marble:
Marble is a San Francisco-based startup seeking to re-engineer urban logistics by utilizing autonomous robots for neighborhood delivery. The company was founded in 2015. For more information, please visit
About DoorDash:
DoorDash is a technology company that connects customers with their favorite local and national businesses in more than 500 cities across the United States and Canada. Founded in the summer of 2013, DoorDash empowers merchants to grow their businesses by offering on-demand delivery, data-driven insights, and better in-store efficiency, providing delightful experiences from door to door. By building the last mile delivery infrastructure for local cities, DoorDash is bringing communities closer, one doorstep at a time. Read more on the DoorDash blog or at
Mobilicom Releases SkyHopper ONE UAV Data Link for High End DIY Drones
(PRWEB) AUGUST 15, 2017
Mobilicom has announced the release of the SkyHopper ONE UAV data link – the second from the SkyHopper family of products. This advanced UAV communication system leverages SkyHopper PRO’s proven technology, and fulfills an unmet need in the DIY drone market. SkyHopper ONE makes it easy for professional DIY drone users to equip their drone with a robust communication link that is also highly secure and encrypted.
Today, DIY drone enthusiasts oftentimes use separate solutions for control, telemetry and payload, thereby increasing costs and weight. SkyHopper ONE is an easy plug & play device, which gives these drone enthusiasts the peace of mind of packaging all drone communication into a single RF channel. SkyHopper ONE is a small and lightweight solution that offers multiple transmission modes. With a complete online support infrastructure, including instructional manuals and videos, SkyHopper ONE is easy to use and configure.
To date, Mobilicom has garnered success with its wireless solutions for commercial and industrial drones as well as for mission critical applications, and it has gained significant market traction throughout. Mobilicom has leveraged this proven technology and expanded into the high-end DIY drone market segment.
A few of SkyHopper ONE’s key features include:
- Superior UAV communication through N-LOS and Urban areas using proprietary radio technology that finds its way around obstructions to carry a clear and solid radio signal.
- Line-of-Sight range of 1.2 miles
- Broadcast, multicast and unicast transmission modes.
- Security and encryption with the addition of our advanced proprietary encryption mechanism.
- Broadband link enabling real-time full HD video
- Single link for control, telemetry and real-time full HD video
- Small form factor and lightweight.
- Plug & Play for easy operation.
SkyHopper ONE is available for purchase online on Amazon in the US and eBay in Israel. For purchases in all other countries, visit our website,
For more information, visit us at
The First Robot For Parents Is Here, And It Will Make Your Life Way Easier
A group of young designers and engineers, leaded by CEO Claudia Linares are developing the world´s first social and smart robot specifically designed to help parents take care of their kids.
Making any son or daughter survive everyday is the major goal of any parent. And as we all know, the only way to achieve this is to be on watch 24/7 and even then a lot of accidents happen. This is why a group of engineers and designers have decided to develop a small gadget that will become any family’s best friend. BOBOP
What is BOBOP?
BOBOP is the first smart and social robot specifically designed to help parents take care of their children.
BOBOP is the first product of the WATOTO company, founded in 2016 and leaded by CEO Claudia Linares. The company is focused on designing and developing technological products that will improve the life of parents and children.
“From the beginning we wanted to impact society in a real way, and use technology to make the world a better place. During our university studies we were in a school project exchanging stories and anecdotes, we found that many of our relatives had accidents at home during childhood, some of them potentially fatal, and by researching a little bit about the subject we found that the number of deaths of children from ages 0 to 5 represents 10% of all deaths in the world. Most of these deaths are preventable home accidents. This is why we developed BOBOP, and we think that if BOBOP is able to prevent even one accident, then the whole project is worth it,” said WATOTO CEO Claudia Linares.
BOBOP is able to follow kids and watch them from anywhere, parents can relax and see what they are up to through his integrated HD camera from a smartphone. BOBOP can help kids reach their maximum potential, with the ever-growing number of activities that he can play with kids. These activities are not only fun but are designed to stimulate core aspects of children´s early development.
BOBOP also has the ability to monitor kids‘ health data, such as breathing rate, sleep cycles, temperature and time spent playing together, if something is out of the ordinary BOBOP will send an alarm. BOBOP can configure several alarms that will help remember important moments during the day, such as playtime, eating time, nap time or medicine time.
BOBOP helps to keep your children safe. Thanks to its beacon system you can know if your kids are near a room that it´s not suitable for them.
BOBOP has been slowly gaining some traction on the media. Presenting itself as the first smart and social robot specifically designed to take care of kids.
WATOTO is live on indiegogo, if you are interested in the project visit their website or go to their indiegogo website, if you subscribe now you can get a big discount.
TyroBot, the DIY Humanoid Robot Kit Launches on Kickstarter
Buffalo, MN: Tyro Electronics, an educational robotics an electronics company founded by Tyler Spadgenske, just launched TyroBot on Kickstarter. TyroBot is a 3D printable do it yourself humanoid robot kit aimed at getting people of all ages and experience levels started in robotics and programming.
TyroBot can be assembled in an afternoon with only a screwdriver and a computer. TyroBot is available in two different models:
- The Maker’s kit includes all the electronics and components you need to build a TyroBot, but you must 3D print the plastic parts yourself. That can be done on any 3D printer with a bed size of at least 100mm^3.
- The complete kit includes everything you need to build a TyroBot except a screwdriver.
TyroBot’s brain is Tyro Board, a custom electronics controller board with a 32 bit ATSAMD21 microcontroller, WiFi, accelerometer for detecting orientation, rechargeable lithium ion battery and two expansion ports for further customization. Tyro Board supports 7 servos, 4 for walking, 2 for arms, and a head servo. On the reverse side of Tyro Board is a 2.8in TFT touchscreen display for programming and playing with TyroBot without the use of a computer.
Once TyroBot is built, flip the switch and TyroBot is operational. Using the built in software, you can make TyroBot walk forward, backward, left and right without ever having to plug him into a computer.
When you are ready for something more advanced, connect TyroBot to a computer and follow easy programming tutorials to make him do more advanced maneuvers by programming him in Arduino with our open source libraries.
With TyroBot’s built in WiFi, the user can also make TyroBot send tweets to Twitter, email, or do anything supported on the IFTT network.
About Tyro Electronics LLC
Tyro Electronics is an educational robotics company founded in 2016 by 17-year-old Tyler Spadgenske.
Tyro Electronics started out by selling parts to make retro game emulators but has moved into selling DIY Kits with the release of TyroBot. Tyler Spadgenke is a student who has built countless electronics and robotics projects, including a Smartphone, Home Monitoring System, and a Smart Drawer.
Project Development:
Project Source Code and Design Files:
Algobrix Makes Coders Out of Kids With Its LEGO Compatible Coding Blocks on Kickstarter
DELAWARE, USA – July 25, 2017 – Algobrix is announcing the launch of its Kickstarter campaign today to make programming simple and fun with its play-based coding blocks. Algobrix turn traditional LEGOs into programmable robots through tangible lines of code. Each coding-block teaches children the basics of STEM with its step by step coding activities for a kid-friendly introduction to programming.
Imagine your typical LEGO set growing up. Chances are you would build a car, play with it and deconstruct it shortly after being left underwhelmed or frustrated. With Algobrix, play is limitless and screenless so kids (or kids at heart), can develop greater analytical thinking skills while learning the basics of coding while creating moving masterpieces. All it takes to upgrade your standard-block play to coding-block play is a bit of programming and imagination. Creators simply:
- Snap: Each block represents a unique function and commands the AlgoBot to play audio, light or move in any direction.
- Set: The parameters are stacked on top of the function block to determine specifically how the AlgoBot will carry out the function and for how long.
- Activate: Once the function blocks are snapped together, a sequence is triggered and the AlgoBot is set into motion.
- Explore: AlgoBots come with a variety of mats and activity cards to enhance and elevate the learning experience.
Why program on a screen when you can program with your hands? Algobrix takes standard, computer code and allows you to hold it in your hands in the form of coding blocks. Now, ordinary LEGOs are transformed to create moving AlgoBots. AlgoBots light up, make sounds and explore the space around you through simple code.
“Kids find it difficult to sit next to a computer and learn how to program,” describes co-founder Amir Asor. “The first problem is language related and the second problem is that they don’t enjoy the experience. Algobrix changes what is stereotypically a boring, confined experience to a playful, intuitive, and fun learning experience while maintaining a high, positive correlation with coding languages that leave a lasting impression.”
“The third industrial revolution is around the corner,” says CTO and co-founder Dr. Danny Eizicovits. “We are starting to see robots in hospitals, schools, and even our homes. By teaching our kids to communicate with our robotic counterparts, we are hoping to give them the proper tools, and competitive edge in a world that is moving further towards robotics every day.”
Algobrix was founded in April 2016 after Amir Asor and Dr. Danny Eizicovits came together with a collective goal to enhance and redefine how children learn to code. The company’s mission is to introduce young children to an entertaining and effective style of education that is based on fun, intuition, and the joy of LEGO-building through the implementation of coding and its patented coding blocks.
Amir, CEO and Co-Founder, established his first educational company, Young Engineers, in 2008 and was named YBI Entrepreneur of the Year in 2011. Following his success with Young Engineers, Amir co-founded BRIXO, an electric building blocks company, that raised $1.5 Million through Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Algobrix’s CTO, Danny Eizicovits, received a PhD in Robotics and is an award-winning researcher and lecturer in accordance with Ben Gurion University of the Negev.
Canadian visual artist Andrei Feheregyhazi seeks to create a ‘Sexy Robot Pin-Up Calendar.’
Andrei came up with the idea while working on designs for an upcoming book project featured robots. One of the designs was a box with one eyeball and arms. He showed it to the woman sitting next to him and mentioned he still needed to add legs. She said, “you should make them sexy legs.” He did, and that gave birth to the Sexy Robot Pin-Up Calendar.
Andrei is intrigued by the fact that robots are not inherently sexy, but his robots do their best to look sexy. As robots, they don’t they don’t understand human sexuality and attraction. As a result, they look to sexy calendars, sexy Halloween costumes, television and movies, and burlesque shows. Due to this the robots create an adorably awkward version of “Sexy.”
While the calendar is meant to be fun and enjoyable, it also explores issues of sexuality, objectification, and gender identity. The robots don’t identify as any gender. This means that although a firefighter with washboard abs is typically seen as male, there’s no reason the viewer couldn’t decide it was female or not assign a gender.
The Kickstarter campaign has set a goal of $9,000 and describes the calendar as „featuring adorable robots trying their best to look sexy and romance their way into your hearts.“
„I like the idea of things that don’t understand human attraction trying their best to represent human attraction,“ said Feheregyhazi.