Neue Energieführung triflex TRX revolutioniert die 3D-Bewegung am Roboter

Teleskopierbare triflex TRX-Energiekette von igus spart Platz am Roboter und sorgt für einen Rückzugsweg von bis zu 40 Prozent

Köln, 6. Mai 2021 – Damit Leitungen an Industrierobotern sicher, leicht und kompakt in der Bewegung geführt werden können, hat igus jetzt die vierdimensionale Energiekette triflex TRX entwickelt. Die neue Designstudie löst klassische Roboterschlauchpakete und Rückzugsysteme ab. Das Besondere: Ein einzigartiger Teleskop-Mechanismus im Inneren der Kette sorgt für einen Rückzugsweg von 40 Prozent. So können Anwender an der dritten Achse ihres Roboters Platz, bis zu 83 Prozent Gewicht und hohe Kosten für Rückzugsysteme sparen.

Die dreidimensionalen triflex R-Energieketten von igus sind in der Industrie weit verbreitet, wenn es darum geht, Leitungen und Schläuche am Roboter ausfallsicher zu führen. Damit bei der Bewegung des Energiekettensystems keine Schlaufen entstehen, die den Roboter behindern könnten, kommen bisher Rückzugsysteme auf der dritten Achse zum Einsatz. „Die Achsen an den Roboter bieten jedoch immer weniger Platz, daher musste eine neue Lösung her“, so Jörg Ottersbach, Leiter des Geschäftsbereichs e-ketten bei der igus GmbH. Gesagt, getan, wurde auf Basis der triflex R-Energiekette das triflex TRX-System entwickelt. Hierbei handelt es sich um eine vierdimensionale Energiekette in der das Rückzugsystem bereits integriert ist. „Mit TRX schaffen wir eine platzsparende Kette, die direkt kompakt auf der dritten Achse fixiert werden kann. Die Energieführung tordiert in sich, verlängert und verkürzt sich spiralförmig wie bei einem Teleskopauszug um bis zu 40 Prozent“, so Ottersbach. Dazu setzt igus in dem einzigartigen Mechanismus auf ein Schraubverbindersystem sowie auf ein integriertes Rückstellband. Das Band bringt die Kettenglieder immer wieder in ihren Ausgangspunkt, dabei ist die Rückzugkraft einstellbar. Die Leitungen werden in Form einer Wendel in die Kette hineingelegt und sicher in der Bewegung mithilfe der Kette geführt. Zusätzlich sind die Leitungen und Schläuche in der Mitte der TRX befestigt, um beim Ziehen an der Kette nicht die Position zu verlassen.

83 Prozent Gewichtsersparnis

Im Vergleich zu anderen Rückzugsystemen spart der Anwender bis zu 83 Prozent Gewicht ein und benötigt weniger als der Hälfte des Platzes. So lässt sich die Performance des Roboters weiter verbessern. Weiterhin reduzieren sich die Kosten durch den Verzicht eines zusätzliches Rückzugsystems deutlich. TRX kann einfach mit bestehenden triflex R-Ketten der Serie TRE verbunden werden. Wie auch bei triflex R lassen sich die Leitungen schnell von außen in die Energiekette befüllen. Die neue TRX stellt igus Interessenten ab dem 5. Mai 2021 auf seiner neu aufgelegten real-virtuellen Messe vor.

Mehr Infos zur TRX finden Sie unter:

ReBeL® Industrie- und Serviceroboter fertig kaufen

Das igus Low Cost Automation- Portfolio wird ab Herbst 2021 erstmalig um einen Cobot für Serviceaufgaben erweitert. Dank der elektronischen Komponenten im vollintegrierten ReBeL Wellgetriebe sind MRK-Fähigkeiten möglich. So eignet der ReBeL Roboter für:

  • industrielle und private Anwendungen als Cobot bzw. Serviceroboter
  • bis zu 2x leichter als andere Cobots
  • kein Schaltschrank; Steuerung im Fuß integriert
  • MRK-fähig
  • mobile Anwendungen
  • Hol- und Bringdienste
  • Pick & Place Aufgaben
  • Montagehilfe

Technische Daten ReBeL Roboter

  • Kinematik/ Bauform: Gelenkarmroboter
  • Anzahl der Achsen: 6
  • Reichweite: Gesamt 600 mm
  • Nennreichweite: 350 mm
  • Mögliches Einsatzgebiet: Servicerobotik
  • Winkelgeschwindigkeit: 90°/s
  • Endgeschwindigkeit TCP (Volllast): 250 mm/s
  • Dynamik mit 500 g Nutzlast (Piks/min): 10
  • Nutzlast inkl. Werkzeug: 2 kg
  • Wiederholgenauigkeit: +- 1 mm

Der neue ReBeL Roboter benötigt keinen Schaltschrank und ist kompatibel mit der igus Robot Control Steuerung. Ab Sofort können Sie Ihre individuelle Service-Robotik- Anwendung vorab programmieren und testen. Laden Sie dazu jetzt kostenlos die igus Robot Control Software runter. Die benutzerfreundliche Software ist ideal für Programmier-Einsteiger. Mit vorprogrammierten Projekten für verschiedene Kinematiken, wie z.B. den ReBeL, können Sie sofort loslegen!

Industrie- und Service- Roboter selber bauen

Auf Basis der ReBeL Getriebe lässt sich mithilfe von Verbindungselementen ein individueller Roboter konstruieren, dank der zusätzlichen elektronischen Komponenten auch als Cobot. Das ReBeL Getriebe kann beispielsweise in der letzten Achse von Gelenkarm-, Portal- und Delta-Robotern vor verschiedenen Greifersystemen eingesetzt werden. Der Getriebebaukasten für Cobots mit vollintegrierten Getrieben hilft bei der schnellen Umsetzung verschiedenster Cobot-Ideen. Der Anwender muss sich mit der Plug & Play- Lösung keine Gedanken zur Leistungselektronik machen.

MindCuber-RI uses LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor 51515 to solve Rubik’s Cube

MindCuber-RI is a robot that can solve the well-known Rubik’s Cube® puzzle. It is designed by David Gilday and Mike Dobson.

It is built using elements from a single LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor set 51515.

MindCuber-RI is significantly faster than previous MindCuber and PrimeCuber designs because it makes use of the fourth motor available in the Robot Inventor set to implement a faster tilting mechanism. Older MINDSTORMS and SPIKE Prime sets only included three motors.

Building instructions and software are now available on alongside those for MindCuber for LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT, MindCub3r for LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 and PrimeCuber for LEGO Education SPIKE® Prime.

Autonomous snowploughs tested at Oslo airport

Norwegian airport operator Avinor is now taking the next step towards autonomous snow removal through a new framework agreement regarding the purchase of self-driving runway sweepers. The self-driving technology is developed by the technology company Yeti Move AS, where Semcon is one of the co-owners.

Since the winter of 2018/2019, a number of self-driving runway sweepers are being tested at Oslo Airport. With Avinor’s new framework agreement with snowplough manufacturer Øveraasen, which runs for eight years, more autonomous vehicles will be put into operation during the winter of 2021/2022. Behind the self-driving vehicles is the technology company Yeti Move AS, which delivers the control system that runs the autonomous operations. The majority owners of Yeti Move AS are Øveraasen, Husqvarna and Semcon.

Today, efficiency and automation are high on the agenda of airlines and airport operators worldwide and the benefits of autonomous snowploughs at airports are many. In addition to cost efficiency, the new technology entails a higher capacity and greater clearing width, which makes it possible to reduce the number of vehicles and thereby achieve major environmental benefits. The system is also developed with so-called „condition monitoring“ which provides a complete overview of the equipment’s condition and possible service needs.

”The contract with Avinor is an important step in the development of Yeti Move and gives the company a world-leading position in autonomous snow removal at airports. This is a result of years of collaboration with Øveraasen as a machine supplier and Semcon as a competence partner”, says Peter Due, CEO of Yeti Move.

”Semcon has extensive experience in developing autonomous solutions, from first idea to finished solution. We have been part of Yeti Moves‘ journey from the start and are proud to have, as a development and competence partner, contributed to developing the software platform that makes autonomous operation possible”, says Hans Peter Havdal, responsible for Semcon in Norway.

Umbratek UTRA series on Kickstarter

SHENZHEN, March 29th, 2021 – Umbratek, a cutting-edge new robotic tech startup, has just released its first robotic arm series called the UTRA series on Kickstarter.
With 5 different robot arm models to choose from, the UTRA series is the world’s most powerful and most affordable modular robot on the market today.

Ranging from a 4 to 6 axis build, the arms can be easily configured with modular design for improved efficiency. Each robot is built with modular structures and can be constructed to meet your business needs. Being 90% produced in-house, the UTRA series is approximately 70% more affordable than leading worldwide competitors.

Payload: Up to 20kg
Repeatability: Up to ±0.01mm
Weight to Payload Ratio: Up to 0.75
Reach: Up to 1500mm
Quick-Release Module: 2s tool change speed

Driving the revolutionary UTRA series is Umbratek’s ADRA Actuator series. Each ADRA Actuator is built to last and comes with a high-precision harmonic reducer made of high-strength aviation aluminum and high-carbon chromium steel.

A high-torque density, and compact structure, enable the motor to be integrated into the actuator and lessens the actuator weight. Each actuator is fitted with high-performance servo drivers, which use field-oriented control, to protect against overvoltage, overcurrent, over-temperature, reverse connection, undervoltage ESD, short-circuiting, and rotor lock. The ADRA series also uses dual GMR+TMR hybrid detection technology and comes with a 16-bit off-axis multi-turn absolute encoder.

Evan Deng, founder, and CEO of Umbratek, stated, „Umbratek focuses on high-performance dynamic robots and control systems. We’ve spent the last few years developing simplified, customized, affordable robotic solutions for any potential needs. Our robots provide fresh energy to industrial automation, logistics, medical, agricultural, and many more settings.“

Umbratek was built with growth in mind. With meticulous design and implementation, Umbratek is always thinking forward. They want to become a world-leading enterprise in the field of dynamic robotics and control systems and continue to explore the limits of the world, working on cutting-edge technologies, and delivering knowledge and technology to those that need it.

Umbratek was founded in 2019 by the founder and CEO of UFactory. After being responsible for the revolutionization of desktop robotics, Umbratek was formed with the idea of developing quality assured robotics and robotic control systems at industry-breaking prices.
The first range of solutions that Umbratek is offering is the UTRA Robot series, the ADRA Actuator series, and their corresponding software – Umbratek Studio & Assistant.
To help Umbratek bring its UTRA series to the market, they are launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter in March 2021.

Boston Dynamics Unveils New Robot for Warehouse Automation

Stretch is designed to make warehouse operations safer and more efficient

Waltham, MA – March 29, 2021 – Boston Dynamics, the global leader in mobile robotics, has revealed Stretch, its new box-moving robot designed to support the growing demand for flexible automation solutions in the logistics industry. This debut marks the company’s official entrance into warehouse automation, a fast-growing market fueled by increased demand in e-commerce.

Stretch is Boston Dynamics’ first commercial robot specifically designed for warehouse facilities and distribution centers, of which there are more than 150,000 globally, according to analysts. The multi-purpose mobile robot is designed to tackle a number of tasks where rapid box moving is required, first starting with truck unloading and later expanding into order building. Stretch’s technology builds upon Boston Dynamics’ decades of advancements in robotics to create a flexible, easily-integrated solution that can work in any warehouse to increase their flow of goods, improve employee safety in physically difficult tasks and lower expensive fixed automation costs.

The robot’s small, omni-directional mobile base allows Stretch to navigate loading docks, maneuver in tight spaces and adapt to changing facility layouts, eliminating the need for costly fixed automation infrastructure. It is equipped with a custom-designed lightweight arm and a smart-gripper with advanced sensing and controls that can handle a large variety of boxed and shrink wrapped cases. Stretch also includes Boston Dynamics’ computer vision technology that enables it to identify boxes easily and without extensive training for each customer. Its vision system works in tandem with pick & place activity, enabling high pick rates.

Traditional warehouse automation approaches require either installation of fixed infrastructure or mobile robots that convey goods but struggle to meet productivity requirements to be an attractive investment for warehouse operators. Stretch offers logistics providers an easier path to automation by working within existing warehouse spaces and operations, without requiring costly reconfiguration or investments in new fixed infrastructure.

“Warehouses are struggling to meet rapidly increasing demand as the world relies more on just-in-time delivery of goods,” said Robert Playter, CEO of Boston Dynamics. “Mobile robots enable the flexible movement of materials and improve working conditions for employees. Stretch combines Boston Dynamics’ advancements in mobility, perception and manipulation to tackle the most challenging, injury-prone case-handling tasks, and we’re excited to see it put to work.”

Boston Dynamics is currently seeking customers to pilot test deployment of Stretch with truck unloading tasks ahead of its commercial deployment in 2022. Interested parties can apply to join the Stretch Early Adopter Program by visiting:

About Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics is the global leader in developing and deploying highly mobile robots capable of tackling the toughest robotics challenges. Our core mission is to lead the creation and delivery of robots with advanced mobility, dexterity, and intelligence that add value in unstructured or hard-to-traverse spaces and positively impact society. We create high-performance robots equipped with perception, navigation and intelligence by combining the principles of dynamic control with sophisticated mechanical designs, cutting-edge electronics, and next-generation software. We have three mobile robots in our portfolio – Spot®, Stretch™ and Atlas® – as well as Pick™, a machine learning vision solution for warehouse automation. Founded in 1992, Boston Dynamics spun out of the MIT Leg Lab and is one of Inc. Magazine’s Best Workplaces of 2020. For more information on our company and its technologies, please visit

LaserPecker Launches 2nd Generation Laser Engraver

Laser Engraving experts LaserPecker just announced the launch of a new version of their affordable and user-friendly laser engraver. LaserPecker 2 is a compact, powerful device that engraves words, images, patterns or designs on virtually any type of materials and has a boosted engraving speed of 600mm/s, which is ten times faster than the previous generation. LaserPecker 2 is available now: [LINK

Building on the success of its previous design, LaserPecker 2 adds powerful features along with an easy to use interface to make laser engraving affordable and simple for beginners, hobbyists, and professionals alike. The sleek, compact, plug-and-play device sets up in seconds and works with a smartphone to transfer images and begin engraving with just a few clicks. LaserPecker 2 is incredibly versatile, cutting many materials up to 5mm thick and engraving on almost anything including metal, dark glass, colored ceramics, wood, bamboo, leather, paper, fruit, food, plastic, acrylic, stone, cement, bone and more. Best of all, the device has been designed with ease of use in mind, allowing anyone to get started fast. 

 “Laser engraving is a powerful new technology that has endless applications for art, design, industry and business. But in the past, the technique was difficult to master and cost prohibitive. Our first series of engravers were celebrated for their compact size and ease of use, making them perfect for home and business. Now, we have added more powerful features, improved the user interface, and increased engraving speed. Our compact new design can be used on virtually any materials giving users the ultimate in versatility and speed. LaserPecker 2 makes it easy for anyone to get started laser engraving in minutes.” PeckerLaser 2 CEO

The powerful LaserPecker 2 system improves system performance with a maximum engraving size of 100*2000mm and incredibly fast engraving speed of 600mm/s. The improved engraving speed is ten times faster than the company’s first product and lets users get more done quickly. It’s also easy to use: focus distance is easily adjustable at the touch of a button, images can be previewed before engraving and 3 types of resolution options (1k 2k 3k) are available for different materials and applications. It also has parameters that adjust the color of the engraving effect. Together, these professional-grade features make LaserPecker 2 the best choice for multi-material laser engraving. 

LaserPecker 2 is compact, handheld and portable making it easy to use anywhere – even on 360 degree multi-angle engraving that is required on cylindrical objects. The engraver is extremely safe with multiple safety protections built-in. It monitors the engraving process and pauses work when temperatures get too high or the device vibrates or tilts over. It also includes a filter and protective cover for harmful blue light and the engraver can be turned off at any time using an emergency stop button. For ease of use, the length of the built-in protective cover is the optimal distance for laser carving so that users don’t have to measure distance manually. 

With a full feature set, improved speed and upgraded safety protections, LaserPecker 2 is the ultimate portable laser engraving solution and is available now with special deals and discounts for early adopters. Learn more here:

IAM Robotics Introduces Groundbreaking Mid-size AMR

Pittsburgh, PA, March 31 – IAM Robotics is breaking boundaries in the midline autonomous mobile robot (AMR) market with its new robot, Bolt™. Making its debut April 12, 2021 at ProMat DX, Bolt gives you the power to do more in material handling—faster, longer, and farther. 

Packed with high-tech features, Bolt is built to thrive in warehouse and manufacturing environments. It elevates productivity and efficiency to new heights and stands out as an autonomous mobility solution for more than just a few reasons: 

Adaptability – Bolt allows you to retrofit various tops to serve your needs, from piece-picking arms to pallet movers. Choose from standard solutions or customize a unique top. No other AMR has this flexibility. 

Smarter Safety – Bolt uses 360-degree vision and a combination of state-of-the-art sensors and direct-drive wheel motors to ensure complete safety. Direct-drive wheel technology means Bolt’s entire body acts as a bump sensor. And for this to work, Bolt offers the same type of power-force-torque limiting as collaborative robot arms. 

Unmatched Power and Efficiency – Bolt is powerful, with a battery 3.5X the size of similar AMRs and 20-hour runtime that exceeds any other AMR. The patented hot swap battery makes it easy for one person to change in ten seconds or less. Plus, with a best-in-class 661-pound payload capacity, customers never compromise. 

Bolt is completely autonomous, is compatible with conveyor and material handling systems, and scales easily for any size application. 

Founder and CEO, Tom Galuzzo, reflected on developing the robot. “When we built our AMR, we thought, ‘How can we make this the most powerful, flexible, and collaborative solution?’ Bolt expands on our AMMR, Swift™, by turning its base into a standalone AMR. We applied what we learned with Swift, honing in on battery power and direct-drive wheels to ensure Bolt has the power to operate safely and efficiently—even with top modules attached.” He continued, “Bolt is already opening new doors for IAM Robotics because it introduces us to a faster-growing market with general AMRs.” 

IAM Robotics knows AMRs are in high demand because of their benefits to businesses over existing automation and human labor. AMRs have a low barrier to entry because they’re relatively affordable, and they deploy in as quickly as a matter of weeks—so businesses can hit the ground running. But they’re also flexible. AMRs provide the power of autonomous mobility, so you’re not limited by stationary conveyors, and they’re designed to collaborate with and complement human workers and existing automation. Bolt is certainly no different, doing all this and more. 

For more information about Bolt, explore the product online or get in touch with IAM Robotics to discuss specific applications. 


About IAM Robotics 

IAM Robotics is the future of material handling. Our mobile robotics platform powers operational excellence in an on-demand world. 

We are dedicated to building adaptable and safe robotics solutions that seamlessly integrate into any operational environment. Our team of robotics engineers and supply chain veterans work closely with partners to model, simulate, and configure optimal solutions that keep their businesses competitive. 

IAM Robotics was founded in 2012 and is proudly based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The company is home to over 50 employees and supports customers worldwide. 

To learn more, please visit

Cozmo and Vector Robots Finds Global Retail Distribution with Protempo

Digital Dream Labs Finalizes Plans for International Relaunch of Popular Consumer Robot Brands Cozmo and Vector

March 5, 2021 (Robotics Tomorrow) —Pittsburgh, PA: Cozmo and Vector are so much more than just toys — they’re AI-powered companion robots. Digital Dream Labs‘ (DDL) little guys with the expressive, responsive eyes represent some of the most advanced robotics capabilities in the world. And Vector is completely open-source, so anyone can program it to do anything they want (Cozmo can be programmed with the Code Lab app).

Now, Digital Dream Labs have finalized an agreement with Protempo, which will provide global distribution for the popular consumer robots when they relaunch later this year. Originally developed by the Silicon Valley robotics company Anki, they’ve already sold hundreds of thousands of units around the world.
„There is a tremendous demand for these robots,“ said Jacob Hanchar, Digital Dream Labs CEO. „This partnership will complement the work our teams are already doing to relaunch these products and will ensure that Cozmo and Vector are on shelves for the holidays.“
Protempo will leverage its vast reach as a worldwide distributor of electronics to get Cozmo and Vector on store shelves and e-commerce marketplaces everywhere.
„Relaunching Cozmo and Vector after a few years off is an exciting initiative,“ said Paige Carlson, Sr. Director of Sales at Protempo. „The partnership between Digital Dream Labs and Protempo will bring these hugely successful brands back to retailers in time for holiday 2021. We will satisfy pent-up demand as well as engage millions of new fans to the massive appeal of Cozmo and Vector robots.“

Digital Dream Labs is an edutainment company that develops engaging learning solutions for people of all ages. Through their innovative suite of interactive and hands-on video games and consumer robots, Digital Dream Labs is transforming the way science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) topics are taught in homes and classrooms around the world. More information about Digital Dream Labs and their portfolio of educational technology games and consumer robots can be found at

Protempo is an innovative full-service global distributor of consumer electronics. Trusted by some of the world’s most powerful brands since 2004, they provide expert analysis of retail dynamics for both brick-and-mortar and online sales channels and have an extensive background servicing the wider electronics market across the full gamut of market segments. More information on Protempo can be found at

Cody Block, a new Montessori inspired coding toy

Cody Block is centered on a little wooden car called Cody that has to find its way home through 16 Building Blocks which act as commands. The task for children is to lay out a path that leads Cody back to his house by positioning the Building Blocks in the correct order.

Children put Cody at the starting point and watch as the electronic car moves through the Building Blocks. Each of the Blocks gives a unique directional command to the car through
RFID tags.

Cody will follow the sequence of instructions provided by the Blocks and – if the blocks are arranged correctly – make it to his goal. If not, children have to figure out how to rearrange the blocks in order to fix the sequence and help Cody get home.

The patented RFID technology embedded in every wooden block allows children to play with
Cody for hours without the need of any smartphone, laptop or screen. The design of Cody Block takes its inspiration from classic wooden toys and the Montessori philosophy in its material and shape: solid beech wood and intuitive design.
Cody Block provides gender-neutral play that stimulates a child’s critical thinking, creativity, problem solving abilities and resilience.

QUBS and Cody Block was started by Hayri Bulman, a Swiss IT entrepreneur and father of 2 children. In 2016, Hayri started exploring how to bring technology and classic wooden toys together to help his children learn the basics of coding through play. After prototyping a number of concepts at home which incorporated RFID technology inside of wooden blocks he brought together a team of designers, engineers and illustrators to launch Cody Block.

Hayri wanted to bring Cody Block to the market because he is convinced that by enabling kids to gather new skills through play, we encourage the next generation of innovators, tinkerers, creators and makers of the future.
“My aim is to create a toy that blends classic wooden toys with electronics and helps kids navigate this increasingly digital world. There are thousands of wooden toys and there are thousands of electric toys but with Cody we can bridge these two very far worlds together, and close the gap between them,” said Hayri Bulman, founder of QUBS.

“I want to bring children closer to coding, a very essential skill for the future. I hope Cody Block will help them understand how to think and problem solve, all of this while having fun. I believe children will play with Cody Block in many different ways, more than we can ever imagine.”

Cody Block is being launched at a time when coding and STEM subjects are getting more attention both from the education system and from parents.

“The ability to solve problems is a skill that is useful in life in general, we all want our children to become excellent problem solvers, so that they can overcome any adversity they face. Learning code gives children the possibility to learn this type of skills while they’re young, and this will give them advantage in life. Cody Block is the perfect way for them to play and learn at the same time,” said Bruce Lamont, a primary school teacher and Lead Teacher with 32 years of experience in the field.

“Cody Block helps children develop a way of thinking and how to find creative and logical solutions to problems, skills that are really looked for in education nowadays.”

The basic pack includes Cody (the car), 16 Building Blocks, and a City Guide with exercises.
Additional educational discounts will be available for classroom packs of 5 and 10 sets.

About QUBS
QUBS AG is a Swiss company based in Zurich and founded by Hayri Bulman, a father of 2 children and with a passion for wooden toys and new technologies. QUBS is the only toy maker that merges classic designs and screen-free technology in early years learning.
QUBS’ mission is to empower children to explore the learning world in a fun and accessible way. The company makes wooden toys that are loved by children and trusted by parents & educators. By enabling kids to gather new skills through play, QUBS aims to encourage the next generation of innovators, tinkerers, creators and makers of the future.