RoboCup Rescue mit Open Roberta – Anleitung und benötigte JSON Dateien

Die RoboCup Junior-Community kann sich freuen: Ab sofort steht euch das Open Roberta Lab in einer speziell angepassten Umgebung zur Verfügung, um euch optimal auf den RoboCup Rescue vorzubereiten.Mit den neuen Tools und Features könnt ihr:

  • Effizient trainieren
  • Eure Algorithmen testen
  • Kontinuierlich Verbesserungen vornehmen

Einfach hier starten: RCJ RescueOnlineSim im Open Roberta Lab auswählen.

Warum ist das wichtig?Der RoboCup Junior ist eine der spannendsten Herausforderungen für junge Robotik-Talente. Ziel ist es, autonome Roboter in realistischen Rettungsszenarien einzusetzen. Dabei stehen folgende Fähigkeiten im Fokus:

  • Präzision und Zuverlässigkeit: Hindernisse überwinden und Opfer identifizieren.
  • Effiziente Navigation: Linien folgen und komplexe Strecken meistern.
  • Realistische Simulationen: Mit den neuesten Features von Open Roberta.

Mehr erfahren?Weitere Informationen findet ihr hier:

Jetzt starten und die Zukunft der Robotik erleben!Wenn du Teil der nächsten Generation innovativer Robotiker*innen sein möchtest, ist Open Roberta die ideale Plattform, um loszulegen. Schau dir das inspirierende Video an und lass dich begeistern!Ein besonderer Dank geht an Beate Jost und ihr Team, die diese neue Entwicklung im Open Roberta Lab ermöglicht haben, sowie an Gerald Steinbauer-Wagner für den wertvollen Austausch!

Hier findet ihr die benötigten JSON Dateien zum Download, sowie die dazugehörige Anleitung:





Hier auch nochmal die Anleitung:

Anleitung zur Einbindung der Simulationsumgebung im Open Roberta Lab

Mit der Simulationsumgebung im Open Roberta Lab kannst du Programme für den RoboCup Rescue testen und optimieren. Befolge diese Schritte, um die Umgebung einzurichten:

1. Gehe zu

Rufe die Webseite des Open Roberta Labs auf.

👉 Screenshot 1: (RCJ RescueOnlineSim-Kachel mit „Loslegen“-Button).

2. Wähle die RCJ RescueOnlineSim-Option aus

  • Suche nach der RCJ RescueOnlineSim-Kachel.
  • Klicke auf „Loslegen“.

3. Schreibe dein Programm

  • Nutze die Programmierblöcke im Editor, um die Steuerung deines Roboters zu definieren.
  • Du kannst Befehle wie „Fahren“, „Sensoren“ oder „Logik“ verwenden, um den Roboter für Rettungsszenarien zu programmieren.

👉 Screenshot 2: (Editor mit sichtbaren Blöcken und Programmieroptionen).

4. Klicke auf SIM

  • Öffne die Simulationsansicht, indem du auf SIM (rechts im Menü) klickst.

👉 Screenshot 3: (SIM-Button rechts im Open Roberta Lab hervorgehoben).

5. Lade eine Umgebung hoch

  • Wähle eine der beiden Rettungsumgebungen aus, die du vorbereitet hast:
    • AustrianOpen24-Entry1.json
    • AustrianOpen24-Entry2.json
  • Lade die gewünschte Umgebung in die Simulation.

👉 Screenshot 4: (Anzeige des Upload-Prozesses der Umgebungen).

6. Starte mit dem Testen

  • Klicke auf den Start-Button in der Simulation, um dein Programm zu testen.

👉 Screenshot 5: (Simulationsumgebung mit Roboter auf der Karte).

7. Test-Durchlauf starten

  • Stopuhr verwenden: Mit einem Klick auf die Stopuhr startest du den Test-Durchlauf.
    • Die Zeit wird gemessen, und die Punkteanzahl wird gezählt, basierend auf der Leistung des Roboters.

👉 Screenshot 6: (Stopuhr und Scoring-Funktion hervorgehoben).


  • Simulation in Echtzeit: Verfolge, wie dein Roboter Linien folgt, Hindernisse umgeht oder Aufgaben löst.
  • Scoring-System: Die Simulation zeigt die Punkte und die Zeit an, um deine Leistung zu bewerten.

8. Weitere Informationen

  • Integrierte Online-Hilfe: Nutze die integrierte Hilfefunktion, um mehr über die Programmierblöcke und Funktionen zu erfahren.

👉 Screenshot 7: (Integrierte Online-Hilfe hervorgehoben).

Mit dieser Anleitung kannst du deine Programme optimal testen und dich auf Wettbewerbe wie den RoboCup Rescue vorbereiten. Viel Erfolg! 🚀


Maybe you have seen my VEX IQ frog at VEX Worlds or on VEX Robotics Facebook and Twitter channel.


My fellow VEX IQ SuperUser Andreas Dreier created building instructions for my robots, I want to share with you here.

The Complete Package for the green and gray version, including the RobotC program, can be downloaded here:




If you have any questions or problems regarding the VEX IQ Frog, you can find me in the VEX IQ Robotics Facebook Group

Create, Share, & Teach with SnapCAD

Information about SnapCAD just appeared on the VEX Robotics website. You can now sign up with your email to get informed as soon as SnapCAD is available for download.

So, sign up and while you wait for the download to become available, read the information that is on their official website:

Create, Share, & Teach with One Easy-to-Use Program

SnapCAD is a community-built solution for designing virtual VEX IQ models and creating printable, shareable instructions for them. Use SnapCAD to test out a novel idea in the virtual world before building it physically, or to share your creations with the world in the form of step-by-step build instructions!

Transform your VEX IQ Classroom

SnapCAD is a FREE download and available to anyone with a PC running Windows 95 or newer (see below for full system requirements). Students can even install it on their home computers and bring their models (saved in the lightweight .ldr or .mpd file formats) into class the next day.

A Community Effort

The SnapCAD vision began when some members of the VEX IQ community began converting VEX IQ CAD files into the popular open-source LDraw format. This made them available for use in a number of publicly available LDraw editors.

Built for VEX IQ

Drawing from community expertise, SnapCAD is a new LDraw editor designed specifically for VEX IQ. Students can use SnapCAD to learn the fundamentals of computer aided design (CAD) and create new VEX IQ robots!

  • Comes pre-loaded with the entire VEX IQ part library
  • Supports colored VEX IQ parts
  • Includes pre-built models of the Autopilot, the Clawbot IQ, and V-Rex
  • Adapts to new products ported into SnapCAD soon after public release
  • Creates step-by-step instructions for your custom builds

And feel free to join our VEX IQ discussions in our VEX IQ Robotics Fangroup on Facebook

VEX IQ SnapCAD Screenshot


Wonder Workshop launches FREE digital magazine for kids

Wonder Magazine brings hundreds of hours of play with activities, challenges and updates for robots Dash & Dot

Las Vegas, NV—January 5, 2014 – Wonder Workshop (, a company building delightful robots for children to learn to code, today announced the launch of Wonder Magazine, a free bi-weekly digital magazine for children and their families. As children around the world start their exploring coding and play with robots Dash & Dot, Wonder Magazine will provide the ongoing challenges and activities to extend the play experience to hundreds of hours.

Children will love the magazine for the new activities that bring open-ended play experiences, and challenge them to explore creative problem solving with the robots. Parents will find topics to engage their children in conversations about the robots and coding. Wonder Magazine intends to keep the fun going forever in every home with Dash & Dot.

The first edition of Wonder Magazine will be released in English to customers on January 15, 2015, and customers can sign up for the magazine at It will be delivered on a bi-weekly basis directly to the Wonder Workshop mobile applications and customer email inboxes. The magazine’s content will focus on creative news ideas for playing with Wonder Workshop’s robots, Dot and Dash. Sections of the magazine will include:

• Making Wonder series (featured play idea with video)
• Ask Dash, Ask Dot
• Wonderful projects (featured projects from kids around the world)
• Adventures of Dash & Dot
• Hello World (coding lesson)
• Build-a-Bot (building and crafts with Dash & Dot)
• Wonder Labs (engage with the Wonder Workshop team)
• Funny Corner, Events and Announcements

“Now that Dash & Dot are arriving into homes around the world, we’re excited to offer new and engaging ways for children to play and learn with them,” said Vikas Gupta, co-founder and CEO of Wonder Workshop. “Our team is excited to introduce Wonder Magazine to help kids and families explore more activities with the robots every week.”

Last year, Wonder Workshop delivered over 30,000 robots to 20 countries in one month in December 2014. At $4M in pre-orders, Wonder Workshop is the largest crowdfunded consumer robotics product ever. All pre-orders were delivered to customers in time for the holidays of 2014. Dash & Dot are now available for purchase and immediate delivery exclusively on and

Wonder Workshop’s developer API is live in the hands of early developers building apps and fun experiences for the robots. Wonder Workshop ships to 20 countries including the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, European countries, India, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Wonder Workshop was founded in 2012 by veterans from Amazon, Apple and Google to create robots that can be friends of children around the world, and help every child learn to code at a young age. Dash & Dot were used by schools around the United States for “Hour of Code,” and were invited to the White House for the launch of the program in 2014. Dash & Dot can be found on and on Dash & Dot are programmed using applications provided by Wonder Workshop on iPad 3 and up, iPad mini and iPad Air. Developers looking to build applications for Dash & Dot on both iOS and Android are welcome to visit Wonder Workshop at for more details.

Robot Virtual World Level Builder v. 1.0 Now Available! at Blog

Robot Virtual World Level Builder v. 1.0 Now Available!

The Level Builder will appear with two options: CREATE and PLAY.

  • Use CREATE to configure your own virtual world level out of classroom themed assets.
  • Use PLAY to program a virtual robot to complete a level generated in CREATE mode.

via Robot Virtual World Level Builder v. 1.0 Now Available! at Blog.

Legal Download of NXT-G for free!

Here is what Damien Kee wrote on [email protected]:

Great news if you have lost your installation CD or you are looking to
install NXT-G on more computers.

LEGO has just released the NXT-G 2.0 software for download for free.

A few caveats though. This is the retail version of the software so
you won’t have any of the nice graphical datalogging capabilities and
there is no ‚Robot Educator‘ so you don’t have access to all the great
tutorials. The temperature sensor blocks aren’t included but the
colour sensor blocks are. You can always download a temperature block
from Steve Hassenplug’s website

But if all you are doing is standard programming, this will be fine.
I know of one teacher who is happy that they can now load a version of
the software onto their student laptops to take home (previous site
licences were a little murky on take home laptops).

The download is here as well as instructions on how to install it.

Whilst I haven’t tried it myself, I have heard of others being successful.

Damien Kee

Roberta Manual zum Entwickeln von Android Apps
Dieses Manual zeigt wie Apps für das Google Betriebssystem Android programmiert werden können und wie diese u. a. mit
dem LEGO Mindstorms NXT verbunden werden.

Die Entwicklung der Apps erfolgt mit dem App Inventor von Google. Eine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung mit vielen Screen-Shots erläutert ausführlich die grafische Programmierung der Android-Apps.

Allgemeine Information
Warum App Inventor?
Was ist Google App Inventor?
Versuchsaufbau und vorbereitende Arbeiten
Meine Erste App
App zur Steuerung des NXT
Links und Literatur

Link zur Download-Seite:

Experiment „Dockingstation“ / Jeffrey


Some of you already know about it, but now it is official. As a fan of Roberta on Facebook ( you are now able to download an exclusive experiment, describing a dockingstation and a NXT robot, called „Jeffrey“ that is able to find this dockingstation to recharge its battery. Just log in to Facebook, become a fan and click on „For Fans only!“.

Btw, this is the experiment i showed in Zwolle, some of you might remember.

Feel free to blog about it, give feedback and have fun with it!



Remote Controlled NXT via Android Phone

The guys at freedroidz developed an android app to remote control the Lego Mindstorms NXT. Here is a Youtube-Video showing the remote control in action:

The required Software is available for download at: