MATRIX Robotics System unveils MATRIX R4 Robo Set in Collaboration with Arduino Education

In July, the Taiwanese-based company MATRIX Robotics System marked a significant milestone in educational robotics with the release of its latest product: the MATRIX R4 Robo Set. Developed in partnership with and certified by Arduino Education, this innovative robotics set is built on the UNO R4 WiFi platform, providing users with a sophisticated 12- in 1 robot model and versatile tool to explore and excel in the field of robotics.

The MATRIX R4 Robo Set has been meticulously designed to cater to all ages for versatile projects. The MATRIX R4  offers comprehensive solutions that leverages Arduino’s cutting-edge technology. The set provides endless possibilities for those eager to enhance their robotics skills, whether they are students, hobbyists, or seasoned competitors.

The MATRIX R4 Robo Set includes a versatile  controller that supports various applications beyond just robots, but also factory simulations. The controller allows for different projects and  scenarios, such as smart factories, by integrating components like the Mvision camera  and IoT functionalities. The Smart Factory simulation models a factory inspection process where products are assessed after production. This flexibility enables users to explore and understand a wide range of industrial and technological processes.

The MATRIX R4 RoboSet serves as more than just a tool; it is an educational journey. With educational objectives, it enhances learning programming featuring MATRIXblock and Arduino IDE, introduces foundational computing concepts, making it an ideal starting point for anyone interested in computer science and robotics. Furthermore, with a quick and easy assembly building system, users gain hands-on experience in mechanism design, a crucial skill in robotics.

The R4 set not only lays the foundation for developing hardware and software integration skills but also encourages users to think critically and creatively when tackling real-world robotics challenges. It provides practical applications for problem-solving skills. While controlling a motor with Arduino WiFi can be challenging, especially when managing both the motor and sensors, the R4 set simplifies the process with its easy plug-and-play solution.

One of the standout features of the MATRIX R4 Robo Set is its compatibility with various expansion kits, allowing users to customize and expand up to 12 different robotic creations. For example, the MX300 expansion kit empowers users to build robust and fundamental robots using the MATRIX basic set. The MX300 Expansion Kit is a versatile tool that bridges the gap between theory and practice in small and medium-sized Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs). Tailored for students, educators, and enthusiasts, it helps users understand AMR principles and serves as a demonstration robot for the MARC (Master AI Robot Cup) competition, providing participants with a platform to practice and hone their skills in a competitive setting.

Additionally, the MJ2 Wireless Joystick, a key part of the MATRIX ecosystem, uses 2.4G wireless technology to connect over 20 devices simultaneously. Its strong anti-interference and stable signal make it perfect for precision-demanding competitive scenarios.

As the field of robotics continues to evolve, MATRIX Robotics System remains at the forefront, providing cutting-edge tools and resources to inspire the next generation of roboticists. The MATRIX R4 Robo Set represents a gateway to a world of innovation, creativity, and competition, equipping users with the skills they need to succeed in the rapidly changing landscape of robotics.

Get yours today

By joining the MATRIX Project #DevelopMATRIXR4ROBO program, you’ll:

-Gain Hands-On Experience: Receive a complimentary MA300 sample to explore and integrate into your projects.

-Provide Valuable Feedback: Share your insights and suggestions to help improve future iterations of the MA300.

-Showcase Your Skills: Demonstrate your expertise through application videos and social media promotion.

Sign up today and create like never before!

ABot Advanced by Avishkaar

The Avishkaar ABot Advanced Kit is a comprehensive DIY kit for STEM robotics and coding designed specifically for children aged 8 and up. It contains over 60 parts, including metal parts, motors, sensors, wheels, USB cables, screws, nuts, an Allen wrench, and a wrench. With these parts, children can build 10 different robots, from simple vehicles to more complex constructions The set reminded me of the mBot when I set it up, as it was also based on a sturdy metal construction. The included stickers and the tool are nice. The instructions were easy to understand and I didn’t find any errors or had any problems assembling. The app for remote control and programming must be activated with the product code and the user must be registered before using it for the first time. When deploying, e.g. in the classroom, you should have done this in advance. By the way, the 9V block battery visible in the video is not included when purchased from a dealer, but a full-fledged battery pack. I only use the 9V battery because of delivery problems. Overall, however, it is interesting that the robot makes this possible at all. I’m playing with the idea of connecting a solar cell here and operating the robot with solar energy…like a real Mars rover…

Here is more detailed information:

  • Easy to build programmable robots: With this kit, kids can create 10 different robots with over 60 pieces. This includes metal parts, an easily programmable brain, motors, sensors (2x light sensor, 1x touch sensor/button), wheels, USB cables, screws, nuts, an Allen key, a wrench, cables, and instructions.
  • Control via mobile app: The robots can be controlled via a remote control app. They can also be programmed using a visual block-based programming environment (similar to Scratch/Blockly).
  • Learning Objectives: With the ABot Advanced Kit, children learn robotics, programming, construction, mechanical design and problem solving.
  • Compatibility: The mobile app is compatible with iOS 11 or later and Android 10 or later.
  • Inexpensive Kit: The ABot Advanced Kit offers a sturdy metal frame to which motors and sensors can be attached. For the equivalent of about 60€, the set offers good value for money. Maybe the set will soon be available at a German retailer.

You can find a comprehensive assembly video of one of the 10 robot models here:

The set is available here:

Makeblock mBot Ultimate 10-in-1 Robot Building Kit

In der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Landschaft der Bildungsrobotik sticht der Makeblock mBot Ultimate als vielseitiges und umfassendes Werkzeug hervor, das die Art und Weise revolutioniert, wie Schüler MINT-Konzepte (Wissenschaft, Technologie, Ingenieurwesen und Mathematik) erlernen. Dieser multifunktionale Roboterbausatz kombiniert Kreativität, praktisches Lernen und technologische Innovation und bietet sowohl Anfängern als auch fortgeschrittenen Nutzern ein tiefgreifendes Erlebnis.

Design und Komponenten: Der mBot Ultimate verfügt über ein modulares Design, das es den Benutzern ermöglicht, den Roboter nach ihren Wünschen zusammenzubauen und anzupassen. Mit über zehn verschiedenen Formen, darunter ein Kettenfahrzeug mit Roboterarm, ein dreirädriges Rennauto und ein selbstbalancierendes zweirädriges Fahrzeug, regt dieser Bausatz die Kreativität an, indem er die Benutzer dazu ermutigt, verschiedene Konfigurationen zu erkunden.

Mit einer breiten Palette von Komponenten wie Motoren, Sensoren (einschließlich Ultraschall-, Gyroskop- und Lichtsensoren), Greifer und einer Vielzahl mechanischer Teile erleichtert der mBot Ultimate ein ganzheitliches Verständnis von Robotik und Programmierung. Seine Kompatibilität mit der Arduino-Plattform bietet eine umfassende Programmierumgebung, die es den Benutzern ermöglicht, tiefer in die Programmierung und Robotik einzusteigen.

Makeblock-Bausätze: Robotik-Bausätze, wie z. B. die mBot-Serie, bieten den Benutzern vielseitige Plattformen zum Bauen, Programmieren und Anpassen von Robotern. Diese Bausätze eignen sich für verschiedene Fähigkeitsstufen, von Anfängern bis hin zu Fortgeschrittenen, und ermöglichen es den Benutzern, die Robotik durch praktische Erfahrungen zu erkunden.

Innovation und Zukunftsorientierung: Makeblock ist bekannt für seine Innovationskraft und entwickelt sein Produktangebot ständig weiter, indem es die neuesten technologischen Entwicklungen integriert, um an der Spitze der Bildungsrobotik zu agieren. Das Unternehmen ist stets bestrebt, Lernende, Pädagogen und Innovatoren zu befähigen, Technologie, Kreativität und Problemlösungsfähigkeiten zu nutzen. Makeblock ist ein Pionier in der Bereitstellung zugänglicher, innovativer und umfassender Robotiklösungen für den Unterricht. Makeblock bietet eine breite Palette von Produkten, Bildungsressourcen und eine unterstützende Community an, um Lernende aller Altersgruppen zu inspirieren, die Bereiche Robotik und Technologie zu erforschen.

Pädagogischer Wert: Eine der herausragenden Eigenschaften des mBot Ultimate für die Nutzung im Unterricht. Er dient als außergewöhnliches Lernwerkzeug für Studenten, Pädagogen und Hobbyisten gleichermaßen. Durch seine benutzerfreundliche Software und Programmierschnittstelle können die Benutzer grundlegende Programmierkonzepte durch grafische Programmierung erfassen oder zu textbasierten Programmiersprachen wie Python übergehen, um ihre Fähigkeiten weiter zu verbessern.

Die Vielseitigkeit des Roboters ermöglicht es den Benutzern, ihn in Aktivitäten einzubinden, die von einfacher Hindernisvermeidung bis hin zu komplexen KI-Anwendungen reichen. Dank dieser Anpassungsfähigkeit eignet er sich für eine Vielzahl von Alters- und Fähigkeitsstufen und fördert so eine interaktive Lernumgebung.

Praktische Lernerfahrung: Der mBot Ultimate bietet einen praktischen Ansatz zum Lernen, der zum Experimentieren und Problemlösen anregt. Durch das Zusammenbauen und Anpassen des Roboters werden nicht nur mechanische Konzepte gelehrt, sondern auch das kritische Denken und die Fähigkeiten zur Fehlersuche gefördert. Die Benutzer können die direkten Auswirkungen ihrer Programmierung auf die Aktionen des Roboters beobachten, was das Verständnis von Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen bei der Programmierung fördert.

Schlussfolgerung: Im Grunde ist der Makeblock mBot Ultimate mehr als nur ein Roboterbausatz. Seine Anpassungsfähigkeit, sein pädagogischer Wert und sein praktischer Lernansatz machen ihn zu einem herausragenden Werkzeug im Bereich der Bildungsrobotik auf Augenhöhe mit z.B: LEGO MINDSTORMS oder VEX Robotics Produkten.

Ob im Klassenzimmer, in Robotik-Clubs oder im Kinderzimmer, der mBot Ultimate inspiriert und befähigt Enthusiasten, die unendlichen Möglichkeiten der Robotik und Programmierung zu erkunden

The Crafty Robot launches the most accessible telepresence robot ever

London, England – July 21st 2020 The Crafty Robot today launches Smartipresence, a low cost telepresence robot that works with a smartphone, based on their Smartibot robotics platform. Created by product designer Ross Atkin, Smartipresence kits are available for pre-order on Kickstarter from £50 ($62).

Smartipresence builds on top of the existing Smartibot app-connected cardboard robot platform, adding extra components to create a dedicated telepresence robot. Slide a phone into the cradle, put the robot online then send a loved one a link to the pilot webpage allowing them to appear on-screen just like a video call, except they have the additional ability to move themselves around. Using controls on the pilot page your friends and family members can drive forward, backwards, left and right and they can tilt the phone to look up or down.

Smartipresence comes as a kit combining cleverly designed cardboard parts with re-usable electronics, allowing owners to build their own telepresence robots by hacking battery operated toys, using LEGO, radio controlled vehicles or 3D printers.

“It’s awful not being able to visit loved ones right now and I wanted to make something to help” explained Ross Atkin. “I thought telepresence might be useful, but not the robots designed for corporate environments that cost thousands. I realised that the Smartibot kit already had most of the parts you’d need to make a really accessible telepresence robot that would work in people’s homes. So I designed the extra cardboard parts to make the experience as good as it could be, and worked with Altrubots to put together the software. It’s turned out great. It’s not quite as good as actually being somewhere but it’s a whole lot better than a video call.”

As Smartipresence is an expansion for the Smartibot the kit, it also includes everything from the previous set, including parts to make the A.I. bot, Unicorn and Teabot. The kit includes 10 hours of telepresence using Smartipresence service with additional 10 hour usage codes available at £5 each. There are no accounts and the system collects no personal information from users.

The telepresence system has been created in partnership with Altrubots, creators of the ‘RC Everywhere’ system used in publicly controllable robots that perform helpful functions like trash collection.

John Stewart, Altrubots software lead, said  “It’s amazing to be creating a world wide communication system that’s going to allow normal people to use robots to communicate, it’s the closest thing to Princess Lea coming out of the R2D2 that we’re going to get right now.”

Smartibot Technical Specs

Kit contentsHardware FeaturesSoftware Features
1 x Smartibot Circuit Board3 x DC Motors + Gearboxes1 x 4AA Battery Box1 x Cardboard Smartipresence Parts1 x Cardboard A.I. Bot Parts1 x Cardboard Unicorn Parts1 x Cardboard Teabot Parts2 x Glass Marbles2 x ScrewdriversStainless Steel Fixings Rubber BandsRobot can move forward and back, rotate and tilt the phone to look up or down
NRF 52 series ARM Cortex-M4F based Bluetooth system-on-chip
Espruino runtime
USB/Bluetooth programming
Smartipresence system comprising pilot webapp and robot iOS app and webapp
iOS and Android app for remote control mode and A.I. mode (YOLO A.I.)
Programmable with JavaScript or code blocks from a web browser using Espruino

Smartibot can be found on Kickstarter starting at £50 ($63) for a limited time.

Make A Robot Kit – Accessible yet Intelligent, MARK is where you start your AI education journey

Parents & educators worldwide understand the importance of equipping the next generation with vital skills of the future – robotics, coding & AI. However there is a lack of resources which make learning about artificial intelligence accessible, hands on & fun! So TinkerGen has developed a kit which provides a learning experience for kids and hobbyists.

Make A Robot Kit, aka MARK, is an artificial intelligence robot which allows learners to achieve an exciting range of applications, from interacting with pet animals to experimenting with how autonomous vehicles work

Supported with an abundant range of course materials, beginners start with a hands on assembly of their own robot, moving onto graphically coding their MARK to implement a self-driving car through street sign recognition & collision avoidance. As stated by MARK developer & TinkerGen course designer Dmitry Maslov, a main feature of MARK is, “making machine learning concepts and workflow more transparent, easier to understand and use for teachers and students.” 

An electromagnetic attachment allows sorting application which teaches kids the concept of automated logistics. While 5 pretrained model categories are included so many applications can be easily and quickly implemented, students will also be able to train their own image recognition models.

The pretrained model categories include:

  • road signs
  • domestic animals
  • zoo animals
  • common objects
  • Numbers

With slingshot and grabber attachments, and the ability to recognise almost any object, a whole new world of play is discovered. The whole family can get involved, multiple MARKS can battle in a sumo style fight, breeding productive competition, On the other hand, you could use MARK to feed, amuse and tease your pet with treats.

Features to Highlight:

  • Machine Vision Capability
  • Object & Image recognition
  • Self driving car application
  • Interactive with humans, pets, and the environment
  • Graphical programming support
  • Develops hands on robotics skills
  • Extendible & Customisable
    • Attachment points for accessories
    • Connection ports for extra input/output modules 

About TinkerGen: 

TinkerGen is a STEM Education company which grew from an open source hardware manufacturer in Shenzhen – Seeed Studio, so we know our tech, but we’re here to serve the education community. We make the process for educators convenient, so kids can quickly get to the fun mind expanding bits of tinkering and creating! We believe that helping kids to develop STEM skills is really beneficial for their future, and also a proven way to bridge the privilege gap that unfortunately exists in our society today.

Rokit Smart: Build and Program Robots the Easy Way

On May 14, 2015, Robolink, Inc is launching a campaign on Kickstarter for Rokit
Smart, an innovative and affordable robot kit that teaches kids how to program and
build robots in as little as one hour. With Rokit Smart, kids as young as 8 years old
can program these robots to autonomously follow a track, be controlled by remote
and many other exciting tasks. Rokit Smart includes instructions to build twelve
different robots, but the only limit to what kids can build with this kit is their
imagination. Until now, there has never been a robotics kit with so many potential
options for such a low price point. Rokit Smart will bring the excitement of robotics
to kids who never before considered the idea that they could build and program
their own robot.

Thousands of elementary school students across Southern California have tested
prototypes for Rokit Smart and they have all been amazed at how easy it is to build
and program their own robot. “When I see how much fun kids are having as the
robot they just built dribbles a ball or navigates a maze, it always brings a huge
smile to my face,” says Hansol Hong, Robolink’s CEO. Discovering how the
motors, sensors, linkages and software of a robot interact with each other has
proven to be a fantastic way of introducing young students to science, technology,
engineering and mathematics, also known as STEM education.

After building and programming the out-of-the-box robots, kids will be able to apply
what they learned and make their own robot. Rokit Smart is compatible with
Arduino, a programming language designed for robots that they can download for
free. “Learning to program our robots is a perfect stepping stone into languages like
C and C++. That’s going to be an incredibly valuable skill as these kids get older,”
says Hong.

The Kickstarter campaign for Rokit Smart has a goal of $50,000 by June 16th. The
money will pay for the manufacturing of the first run of Rokit Smarts. The first 100
backers will have the opportunity to secure a Rokit Smart for $99, a savings of 32%
off of the retail price.

For more information, visit the Kickstarter page here.

The Robolink community has already posted some very helpful resources for robot
builders at