4M KidzRobotix Dragon Robot, the newest addition to our collection. See pictures, timelapse build and a short video below.
Find it on Amazon:
4M KidzRobotix Dragon Robot, the newest addition to our collection. See pictures, timelapse build and a short video below.
Find it on Amazon:
2020-08-05 15:48:32 – Minato City – (PR Distribution™)
Japanese hardware startup “Vanguard Industries, Inc.” launches its newly developed AI Pet Robot that is not only soft and cuddly and interactive, but learns and evolves like a real pet.
Tokyo based Vanguard Industries, Inc (CEO: Masahiko Yamanaka) will launch a Kickstarter campaign on August 5th, 8:00pm (Japan Time) for its advanced AI Pet Robot MOFLIN that realizes an ambitious concept of creating a soft and lovable AI pet robot that can interact with its owner and evolve like a living animal. It can thus give you the satisfaction of living with a pet that has its own unique personality cultivated by its interaction with you and its living environment.
Supporters of the campaign can make advanced purchases of MOFLIN. The campaign targets consumers in the US, Canada, the EU, and Japan. The funds raised through this campaign will be used for further product development, manufacturing, delivery, and preparation for entering the consumer market.
Delivery of MOFLIN to supporters will start in Spring of 2021.
What is MOFLIN
MOFLIN was created from an entirely new and ambitious concept of a having a soft lovable pet robot with advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables it to learn, evolve, interact, and create its own unique personality like that of a living pet. It has a soft warm fur coat, makes lovable sounds and adorable movements that will make you want to love it forever. We took a nature inspired approach and developed a unique algorithm that allows MOFLIN to learn and grow by constantly using its interactions to determine patterns and evaluate its surroundings from its sensors. MOFLIN will choose from an infinite number of mobile and sound pattern combinations to respond and express its feelings. To put it in simple terms, it’s like you’re interacting with a living pet. MOFLIN offers a simple user experience that can be enjoyed by a wide range of ages and provide a lovable partner to your everyday life.
In November 2011 Vanguard Industries presented for the first time, the MOFLIN concept, at the Web Summit 2019 that took place in Lisbon, Portugal. Web Summit is one of the world’s largest technology conferences and the live demonstration of the MOFLIN prototype received raving feedback from industry professionals. Through the success of this Kickstarter campaign, we plan on developing MOFLIN even further.
Also, in parallel with this Kickstarter campaign, we will be exhibiting MOFLIN at the b8ta Tokyo – Yurakucho store in Tokyo, the first experiential store in Japan for b8ta. If you are ever in the area, please come and interact with MOFLIN in person.
Kickstarter Campaign Details
Campaign Period: August 5th, 2020 – September 20th, 2020
Campaign days: 50 days
Funding Goal: 2,000,000 Yen (Approx. $US 19,000)
Funding Model: All or Nothing
Kickstarter Campaign Page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vanguardindustries/moflin-an-ai-pet-robot-with-emotional-capabilities/
b8ta Tokyo – Yurakucho Store Details
Name: b8ta Tokyo – Yurakucho
Address: 1st Floor, Yuracho Denki Building, 1-7-1, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
Business Hours: 11:00 – 19:30 (7 days a week)
URL: https://b8ta.jp/
Vanguard Industries, Inc.
Established in June, 2016, Vanguard Industries is a hardware startup that work mainly with Industry-Government-Acadamia open innovation projects. It specializes in the engineering, production, and market entry of innovative products created by partnerships between the R&D departments of large Japanese firms, small and medium sized manufacturing companies, and Universities. Our mission is to create innovation that contributes to the advancement of the Japanese manufacturing industry.
Fast entry into Low Cost Automation using a digital twin in intuitive robot control
To programme robots with ease, igus has now developed control software for its Low Cost Automation solutions. igus robot control is available online free of charge and offers the user an easy introduction to automation. Different robot kinematics can be programmed and controlled. A digital twin simulates the movements. In this way, the user can programme a suitable solution before purchase. The robot hardware, for example, a linear robot with switch cabinet, is offered by igus from as little as 5,000 euros.
Picking up goods from a box, helping to take samples and dispensing cans from a machine – all done by robots! Whether articulated arm robots, delta robots or linear robots: igus has all three kinematics as Low Cost Automation solutions in its portfolio. To enable users to try out in advance which robot is best suited for their application, igus now offers igus robot control, a software for the simulation and programming of all igus robots. „As a mechanical engineering company, we are very familiar with the different kinematics, so the next logical step for us was to develop a correspondingly simple and intuitive robot control system“, says Alexander Mühlens, Head of automation technology at igus GmbH. The special feature: the software is available online free of charge and license-free. In the software there is a digital twin for all igus robots, which can be simulated and taught like the real robot. The robot control system is also used later to programme the robot intuitively. Every programming can be applied to the real robot afterwards. The complete hardware package, for example, a drylin linear robot with integrated control system in the switch cabinet, is available from 5,000 euros.
Easy programming of robots
With igus robot control, the user can freely move all axes of the digital twin via a 3D interface. By means of a teach-in function the robot can be programmed very easily, even without a robot connection. To do this, the user must manually move the robot to the desired position and define how it is to be moved. The process is repeated until the desired motion profile is created. Matching end effectors, such as grippers, are easy to add and the tool centre point adjusts automatically. Virtual boxes can also be installed, for example, to prevent the robot from colliding with a machine. The igus robot control can also be connected to a higher-level control system, either via interface communication with Digital IO or via Ethernet communication using IP address. The igus developers want to expand the control system even further: „In the future, we want to offer cloud services such as vision integration, remote commissioning and also online training for a small cost, which the customer can book. Further services such as image evaluation via webcam or bin picking solutions are planned as cloud-based solutions“, says Mühlens.
Köln, 18. August 2020 – Viele Schlaganfallpatienten weltweit leiden an halbseitigen Lähmungen. Exoskelette wie Harmony von Harmonic Bionics können dabei helfen die Nervenbahnen in Armen und Schultern wiederaufzubauen. Damit sich das robotergestützte System in der Physiotherapie schnell auf die unterschiedlichen Körpergrößen anpassen lässt, vertrauen die Entwickler auf die leichte, schmier- und wartungsfreie Gleitlagertechnik von igus.
16 Millionen Menschen erleiden jedes Jahr weltweit einen Schlaganfall. Damit sich die Patienten in der Physiotherapie wieder rehabilitieren können, hat das amerikanische Unternehmen Harmonic Bionics, mit Unterstützung der National Science Foundation, ein Exoskelett speziell für die Heilung von Muskelschäden entwickelt. Der Roboter mit dem Namen Harmony entlastet das Schultergelenk, den Schultergürtel und maximiert den Bewegungsradius des Patienten. So soll das System eine natürliche und umfassende Therapie der Arme ermöglichen. Harmony setzt dafür auf eine Bilateral Sync Therapy (BST). Hierfür registriert der Roboter die gesunden Armbewegungen und synchronisiert sie an die vom Schlaganfall betroffene Seite, um die Wiederherstellung der Nervenbahnen zu unterstützen. Damit sich das Exoskelett mit dem menschlichen Körper bewegen kann, muss die Roboterachse richtig auf den Patienten eingestellt sein, denn eine falsche Justierung kann zu Verletzungen der Gelenke führen. Für eine schnelle Anpassung von Harmony griffen die Entwickler auf Linearführungen und Gleitlager des motion plastics Spezialisten igus zurück.
Schmierfrei und schnell angepasst
Schienenführungen der drylin Serie T und R, Linearlager drylin R und iglidur Gleitlager ermöglichen eine leichte Justierung des Systems an die Körpergröße, Armlänge und Schulterbreite des Patienten. Die eingesetzten Polymerlager aus dem Hochleistungswerkstoff iglidur J zeichnen sich durch ihre hohe Verschleißfestigkeit und Langlebigkeit aus. Durch den Verzicht auf externe Schmiermittel sind die Lager komplett wartungsfrei, zudem sauber und hygienisch und damit optimal für die Medizintechnik geeignet. Alle Bauteile bestehen aus leichten Materialen wie Kunststoff und Aluminium. Das Design ist so kompakt, dass es sich in das schlanke Design des Roboters integrieren lässt. „Dank des Einsatzes der igus Polymerlagertechnik kann das Exoskelett jetzt innerhalb von Sekunden auf den Patienten angepasst werden,“ zeigt sich Rohit John Varghese, Leiter Forschung & Entwicklung bei Harmonic Bionics begeistert.
Wie genau Harmony funktioniert, erfahren Sie im Video: https://youtu.be/PcmNloLIqKk
Über igus :
Die igus GmbH ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Energiekettensystemen und Polymer-Gleitlagern. Das familiengeführte Unternehmen mit Sitz in Köln ist in 35 Ländern vertreten und beschäftigt weltweit 4.150 Mitarbeiter. 2019 erwirtschaftete igus mit motion plastics, Kunststoffkomponenten für bewegte Anwendungen, einen Umsatz von 764 Millionen Euro. igus betreibt die größten Testlabore und Fabriken in seiner Branche, um dem Kunden innovative auf ihn zugeschnittene Produkte und Lösungen in kürzester Zeit anzubieten.
Pressemitteilung August 2020 / 12. August 2020
Die Ferry-Porsche-Stiftung hat ihr gesellschaftliches Engagement erweitert und die Förderung von gemeinnützigen Projekten um weitere 500 000 Euro auf 1,5 Millionen Euro erhöht. Aus insgesamt 600 Bewerbungen der Ferry Porsche Challenge 2020 wurde auch das Projekt »Robotics4Future« ausgewählt, das Fraunhofer gemeinsam mit einem Stuttgarter Kinder- und Jugendhaus umsetzen wird.
Im Rahmen der diesjährigen Ferry Porsche Challenge hat sich die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft mit Hauptsitz in München gemeinsam mit dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS und dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung IPA in Kooperation mit der Stuttgarter Jugendhaus-Gesellschaft beworben. Im Projekt »Robotics4Future« geht es darum, die junge Generation zu animieren, sich mit Robotik-Technologien – sowohl Hardware als auch Software – zu beschäftigen und diese spielerisch weiterzuentwickeln.
»Robotik ist eine industrielle Schlüsseltechnologie. Seit über 45 Jahren beschäftigen wir uns mit diesem Themenfeld. Aktuell eröffnet die Corona-Krise vor allem für die Servicerobotik neue Chancen, beispielsweise für den Einsatz von Desinfektionsrobotern«, weiß Dr. Werner Kraus, der die Abteilung Roboter- und Assistenzsysteme am Fraunhofer IPA in Stuttgart leitet.
Thorsten Leimbach, Geschäftsfeldleiter »Smart Coding and Learning« und Leiter der Roberta-Initiative am Fraunhofer IAIS in Sankt Augustin, ergänzt: »Als eines der führenden Wissenschaftsinstitute für Künstliche Intelligenz und Maschinelles Lernen in Europa fördert das Fraunhofer IAIS mit Roberta den Nachwuchs mittels der Faszination und spielerischen Programmierung von Robotern. Seit mehr als 18 Jahren begeistern wir Kinder und Jugendliche in Roberta-Kursen für Wissenschaft und Technik und vermitteln dabei die Schlüsselkompetenzen der Zukunft.«
Robotik weltweit, Robotik in Deutschland, Robotik in Stuttgart: Welche Robotertechnologien werden in der Industrie vor Ort für welche Zwecke eingesetzt? Mit dieser Fragestellung schicken die Fraunhofer-Wissenschaftlerinnen und -Wissenschaftler Schülerinnen und Schüler des Stuttgarter Hegel-Gymnasiums im Auftrag des Kinder- und Jugendhauses Vaihingen ins Rennen. Im Oktober soll die »Robotics4Future«-Challenge starten.
Zuerst gibt es ein virtuelles Kick-off, um in das vielfältige Themengebiet gedanklich einzusteigen. Ob Industrierobotik-Themen wie Seilrobotik, Schweißrobotik und Montage oder Servicerobotik-Themen wie Reinigen, Kommissionieren oder Fahrerlose Transportsysteme: Jedes Feld wird beleuchtet. Anschließend bekommen die Jugendlichen einen »hands-on«-Einstieg in die Programmierung von Robotern mit der Programmierumgebung »Open Roberta Lab«, die Open Source am Fraunhofer IAIS entwickelt wird. In dem Workshop lernen die Schülerinnen und Schüler unter anderem die Bedeutung von Sensoren kennen und erstellen erste Programme zum Thema »Autonomes Fahren«.
Gewappnet mit diesem Vorwissen, einem Briefing und vielen Fragen geht es dann für die Schülerinnen und Schüler in die Industrie, genauer gesagt in die Automobilindustrie: in ein Werk von Porsche. Hier gilt es, den Einsatz von Robotertechnologien live und in Echtzeit zu beobachten, aber auch zu hinterfragen, an welchen Stellen heute noch keine Roboter eingesetzt werden. Teil 3 der Challenge besteht darin, dass die »Nachwuchsforscherinnen und Nachwuchsforscher« von ihren Erfahrungen berichten, diese reflektieren und somit Transferwissen zwischen Forschung und Anwendung aufbauen. So können sie im Anschluss ihre Erfahrungen im kostenfreien Open Roberta Lab vertiefen und in der Schule oder zu Hause im Internet eigene Programme zur Automatisierung von Robotern erstellen. Weitere Informationen: lab.open-roberta.org.
»Das allein wird nicht reichen, um die komplexen Zusammenhänge der Automatisierung in Gänze zu verstehen. Aber es ist ein Anfang. In weiteren Workshops, Open Lab Days und Hackathons werden wir die junge Generation dazu animieren, sich mit diesen Technologien und deren Einsatzpotenzialen nachhaltig zu beschäftigen. Für uns ist das Nachwuchsförderung vor der Haustür«, so Werner Kraus vom Fraunhofer IPA.
Unter dem Motto »Forschen-Staunen-Lernen – Entdeckerfreude für Entdeckerfreunde« gibt es bereits seit sechs Jahren eine Patenschaft zwischen dem Kinder- und Jugendhaus Vaihingen und dem Fraunhofer IPA in direkter Nachbarschaft. Wissenschaftler des Instituts vermitteln in regelmäßigen Vorträgen und Workshops interessierten Schülerinnen und Schülern anschaulich und erlebbar vielfältige Themen aus der Welt der Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung. So wurden beispielsweise das Stuttgart Exo-Jacket, das Future Work Lab und das Planspiel Industrie 4.0 präsentiert. Zukünftig wird die Robotik – eines der Kernthemen des Instituts – einen weiteren thematischen Schwerpunkt bilden.
Kinder und Jugendlichen immer wieder in Kontakt mit der Welt der Wissenschaft. Bei Exkursionen und in Workshops erfahren sie mit allen Sinnen, wie spannend Technik sein kann. Das ist schon erstklassig und stimuliert das Interesse für die naturwissenschaftlichen Fächer«, freut sich Klaus Hausch, Leiter des Jugendhauses Stuttgart- Vaihingen. Zu den Höhepunkten zählten in der Vergangenheit Besuche im Vision Lab zur Künstlichen Intelligenz, in der ARENA2036 zur Zukunft des Automobils und bei »Kevin allein im Labor« zum Thema Personalisierte Gesundheit.
Die 2018 gegründete Ferry-Porsche-Stiftung fördert und initiiert gemeinnützige Projekte in den Bereichen Bildung und Wissenschaft, Soziales, Umwelt, Kultur und Sport. Mit ihrem gesellschaftlichen Engagement will die Stiftung vor allem junge Menschen an den Unternehmensstandorten der Porsche AG unterstützen. Namensgeber ist Ferry Porsche, der 1948 die Sportwagenmarke Porsche gründete und als sozial verantwortlich handelnder Unternehmer mit Herz stets den Menschen in den Mittelpunkt stellte.
You may well have noticed, whist drifting through Instagram or Facebook, a new “Bot-on-the -block” who goes by the name of Stewbot.
‘Is this a new “high-tech” robot?’ I hear you ask, or a “highly sophisticated robot from another planet?”… well.. no.. actually, it’s a cute little dude made from all kinds of beautiful and wonderful woods.
Stewbot is the creation of “wood-be, wanna-be” wood maker, graphic designer by day, Stewart Sutters from the UK. He started out only a year ago on his woodwork adventure, and created the first Stewbot.
Stewart has taken the Stewbot brand by the horns, and has trade marked the name and brand, and has also had the design protected by the Intellectual Property Office (UK).
Whilst Stewbot may, at first, seem like a wooden robot toy, he is in fact, best described as a wooden sculpture or piece of wooden art. Stewart says “ Stewbot has never been intended as a toy, and most people who have bought one, have placed him on their mantle piece, or as an office desk ornament”, he continues “each Stewbot is lovingly hand crafted, and takes many hours, sometimes days to complete. Each Stewbot has been individually stamped for authenticity, has a number engraved on his back in order of creation, and are individually named.”
Each Stewbot comes complete with label, birth certificate, a set of stickers, and often a little treat inside the packaging… Stewart says, “ I really want to create an amazing experience of receiving a Stewbot, and so far, the reaction from people receiving them has been amazing”.
Alongside the Stewbots, comes what is described by Stewart Sutters as a “tributebot”. This is a little Stewbot that is customised into a celebrity or personality. These are one-offs, and make up part of the Stewbot personal collection . These tributebots have even gained some attention from the BBC in the UK, and have been reported on in the news.
Stewbot has also been the feature of a children’s picture book that has been produced by Stewart. Stewbot Comes Down to Earth is aimed at young children, and is the story of how Stewbot came to be on Earth. The story brings Stewbot, and his personality to life.. even down to the fact that he likes the odd tipple of teak oil… and has a dislike for lumberjacks…
Stewbot is a really unique work of art, and looks great on any mantle piece or shelf…. As these are individual works of art, the only way at present to buy one is to contact Stewart at [email protected]. Also, go check out and follow him on Instagram at www.instagram.com/stewbot_uk or visit his website www.stewbot.co.uk.
The Quantum platform gives electronic enthusiasts, educators and developers total control of their IoT network. Built for novices and experts alike, anyone can control anything from a remote temperature sensor to an automated home and even robots with ease.
SANTA BARBARA, Calif., July 28, 2020 (Newswire.com) – Quantum Integration is announcing the launch of its Kickstarter campaign for the Quantum platform, beginning Tuesday, July 28, 2020.
Built from the ground up with a complete set of hardware and software, the Quantum platform allows anyone to build custom plug-and-play IoT devices that easily communicate with each other any way the user desires. With a graphical user interface for creating custom firmware for IoT devices and the applications that control them, programming is not required.
“We’re incredibly excited to open up this kind of technology to the mainstream,” says Michael Barnick, CEO and founder of Quantum Integration. “Hobby electronics and the IoT space in general can be intimidating for some, and platforms require a degree of programming knowledge. Our platform’s features like the drag-and-drop App Builder and automated Firmware Generator make developing complex projects simple, and users easily create and take on their own projects in record time.”
With a goal of $25,000, the Kickstarter campaign will run from July 28, 2020, to Aug. 31, 2020. Products will be ready to ship in September 2020.
Backers can choose from a variety of pledges, which are:
Limited quantities at an incredible discount are available for early backers. For more information and to become a backer, visit the Quantum Kickstarter campaign.
About Quantum Integration Inc.
The Quantum IoT platform enables electronics hobbyists to create wireless devices from a simple button to complete home automation and robots, and control it with custom apps and firmware without coding, all through a central server. The power of making!
For more information, visit www.quantumintegrate.com.
London, England – July 21st 2020 – The Crafty Robot today launches Smartipresence, a low cost telepresence robot that works with a smartphone, based on their Smartibot robotics platform. Created by product designer Ross Atkin, Smartipresence kits are available for pre-order on Kickstarter from £50 ($62).
Smartipresence builds on top of the existing Smartibot app-connected cardboard robot platform, adding extra components to create a dedicated telepresence robot. Slide a phone into the cradle, put the robot online then send a loved one a link to the pilot webpage allowing them to appear on-screen just like a video call, except they have the additional ability to move themselves around. Using controls on the pilot page your friends and family members can drive forward, backwards, left and right and they can tilt the phone to look up or down.
Smartipresence comes as a kit combining cleverly designed cardboard parts with re-usable electronics, allowing owners to build their own telepresence robots by hacking battery operated toys, using LEGO, radio controlled vehicles or 3D printers.
“It’s awful not being able to visit loved ones right now and I wanted to make something to help” explained Ross Atkin. “I thought telepresence might be useful, but not the robots designed for corporate environments that cost thousands. I realised that the Smartibot kit already had most of the parts you’d need to make a really accessible telepresence robot that would work in people’s homes. So I designed the extra cardboard parts to make the experience as good as it could be, and worked with Altrubots to put together the software. It’s turned out great. It’s not quite as good as actually being somewhere but it’s a whole lot better than a video call.”
As Smartipresence is an expansion for the Smartibot the kit, it also includes everything from the previous set, including parts to make the A.I. bot, Unicorn and Teabot. The kit includes 10 hours of telepresence using Smartipresence service with additional 10 hour usage codes available at £5 each. There are no accounts and the system collects no personal information from users.
The telepresence system has been created in partnership with Altrubots, creators of the ‘RC Everywhere’ system used in publicly controllable robots that perform helpful functions like trash collection.
John Stewart, Altrubots software lead, said “It’s amazing to be creating a world wide communication system that’s going to allow normal people to use robots to communicate, it’s the closest thing to Princess Lea coming out of the R2D2 that we’re going to get right now.”
Smartibot Technical Specs
Kit contents | Hardware Features | Software Features |
1 x Smartibot Circuit Board3 x DC Motors + Gearboxes1 x 4AA Battery Box1 x Cardboard Smartipresence Parts1 x Cardboard A.I. Bot Parts1 x Cardboard Unicorn Parts1 x Cardboard Teabot Parts2 x Glass Marbles2 x ScrewdriversStainless Steel Fixings Rubber Bands | Robot can move forward and back, rotate and tilt the phone to look up or down NRF 52 series ARM Cortex-M4F based Bluetooth system-on-chip Espruino runtime USB/Bluetooth programming | Smartipresence system comprising pilot webapp and robot iOS app and webapp iOS and Android app for remote control mode and A.I. mode (YOLO A.I.) Programmable with JavaScript or code blocks from a web browser using Espruino |
Smartibot can be found on Kickstarter starting at £50 ($63) for a limited time.
Makers can create custom apps and firmware without coding through a simple graphic UI and control any wireless device through a central server within the Quantum IoT Platform.
SANTA BARBARA, Calif., June 25, 2020 (Newswire.com) – Frustrated with Arduino’s limitations and a desire to wirelessly automate devices in the home, Michael Barnick, 58, founded Quantum Integration to bring a new level of integration and IoT to home automation enthusiasts. With his background in computer engineering, including management at Apple Computer, and as an experienced tech startup entrepreneur, he decided to change the industry and finally making it easy for electronics hobbyists to make and manage their very own IoT networks.
“Single-use IoT devices like ‘Nest’ are no longer enough for those wanting more control. The Quantum IoT platform is unique in that it allows easy integration of any number and type of device. It’s plug-and-play from beginning to end and designed for novices and experts alike,“ said Mr. Barnick. “It is now easier than ever to build custom automation projects from using remote temperature sensors, lighting control, security systems, entire high-end home automation, and even robots. The only limit is your imagination!”
Quantum Integration is a California-based corporation founded in 2017, specializing in IoT platforms and devices. Their products include servers, wireless IoT devices and their own proprietary operating system.
They also offer a Starter Bundle that includes a Q-Server and two Builder Bases for only $249, which provides a complete IoT platform, enabling anyone to build sophisticated and purposeful projects.
Hardware products will be available for a discounted purchase price on Kickstarter, starting mid-July 2020, and will later be available from online resellers or directly at quantumintegrate.com, beginning mid-August 2020.
“Using the Quantum IoT Platform, I was able to do in minutes what would have taken days on Arduino. If you’re an electronics hobbyist or enthusiast with a love for wireless devices, the Quantum IoT Platform is for you!” said Joeran Kinzel, Co-Founder.
Learn more at quantumintegrate.com and Follow Us on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube!
About Quantum Integration
Quantum Integration delivers a user-friendly IoT platform that empowers electronics enthusiasts and hobbyists to build high tech projects from a simple button to home automation and robots. Leveraging the combination of multiple Q-Client Builder Bases, Q-Servers and a straightforward developer environment, users can write apps and create custom firmware without coding. Quantum Integration provides a superior experience in the home. The company’s platform eliminates the barriers prohibiting adoption of home automation, making it the new standard for convenience. The key to accomplishing this is the company’s unique platform designed specifically for a wide range of low-cost Bluetooth devices. Quantum Integration also provides a graphic based development environment that allows fast and easy control of any custom device. Along with a smart plug-and-play feature, users can add and use devices on the network in a matter of seconds, at a price point and scalability unmatched by any of the competitions in the sphere.
Find the Kickstarter project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/quantumintegration/the-complete-iot-platform-for-electronic-hobby-enthusiasts
Omron Automation Americas, a global leader in mobile robotics and other advanced industrial automation solutions, recently launched the HD-1500 mobile robot that can handle bulky objects weighing up to 1500kg. This addition to Omron’s robotics portfolio comes after the LD-250 mobile robot launch and further expands manufacturers’ options for autonomous material transport.
Manufacturers are facing a growing need to automate their material handling operations due to an industrial demand for increased productivity and flexibility coinciding with challenges in finding and properly utilizing skilled workers. Social distancing requirements implemented in response to the COVID-19 epidemic further complicate the difficulty of relying on the manual completion of these types of tasks. Mobile robots help fast-paced manufacturing environments maintain speed and flexibility amid these challenges.
The robots automatically calculate the best route for material transportation while navigating safely around people and obstacles without requiring magnetic floor tapes or other guides. This makes them an effective solution for companies seeking to improve flexibility and maximize floor layout options. Omron’s Fleet Manager software controls up to 100 mobile robots of different sizes, configurations and payload capacities, so customers can use the HD-1500 together with the LD-60, LD-90 and LD-250 robots under one system.
The HD-1500’s powerful structure makes it well-suited for industries in which transporting heavy items like car chassis and voluminous pallets is required. By handling some of the transport tasks that would otherwise require a forklift, the new robots also help minimize sources of risk for employees, since forklifts can lead to serious accidents. The HD-1500 offers 360° safety coverage to promote a collaborative and safe working space, and the stop position accuracy of the Cell Alignment Positioning System (CAPS) has also been improved. It even has an onboard, user-accessible Omron PLC.
Highlights of the HD-1500 include:
Higher payload and sturdier structure. The HD-1500 addresses the market need to move bulky items and pallet-size payloads in manufacturing facilities and reduce forklift usage.
Support for highly mixed fleets. Using Omron’s Fleet Manager, customers can manage diverse fleets up to 100 mobile robots, including the HD-1500.
Faster ROI. As the need for greater efficiency in the workforce increases, the HD-1500 helps automate complex and dangerous tasks so that workers can do more with less equipment.
An easy-to-customize solution. The HD-1500 is easy to deploy, so customers can easily add it to their fleets without worrying about safety, compatibility, or performance.
Additional features include:
Industry professionals interested in learning more about the HD-1500 are encouraged to visit the product page on the Omron website by clicking here.
About Omron Automation
Omron Automation is an industrial automation partner that creates, sells and services fully integrated automation solutions that include sensing, control, safety, vision, motion, robotics and more. Established in 1933 and currently headed by President Yoshihito Yamada, Omron’s about 30,000 employees help businesses solve problems with creativity in more than 110 countries. Learn more at automation.omron.com.