Luwu Intelligence Technology Announces Launch of XGO-Mini: An Advanced Quadruped Robot With AI Modules

BEIJING, Aug. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Luwu, a STEM education technology company, has announced the launch of XGO-Mini, a 12 DOF, omnidirectional quadruped robot that can interact with its surroundings using voice, image recognition, and tracking. This programmable, open-source robot is the perfect way to learn about robotics for new and advanced users. XGO-Mini is available now on Kickstarter:

At first glance, XGO-Mini appears to be an incredible full-motion robotic dog. But it’s so much more than that. This desktop-sized AI quadruped robot with 12 degrees of freedom can achieve omnidirectional movement, six-dimensional posture and a variety of motions. As a quadruped robot, XGO-Mini can mimic the natural motion of a dog walking and is capable of movement on uneven terrain and extremely rough surfaces. It can even adapt to avoid obstacles by adjusting its height. With its unique bionic system, XGO Mini can perform any dynamic movement. Equipped with a 9-axis IMU, its joint position sensor and electric current sensor are able to reflect to its own posture and joint rotation angle and torque, which are used for algorithms verification and exploitation. The robot can be programmed for a variety of education, research, algorithm verification, and entertainment possibilities.

„As a technology company centered on robotics and STEM education, we understand the importance of robotics and AI education for youngsters. These technologies will be a key to the future. XGO Mini, a bionic quadruped robot dog for youth AI education, is the perfect platform for developing robotics and programming skills in a fun way. With 12 DOF, omnidirectional movement, and advanced-level AI, it is capable of virtually any movement or task and gives users unlimited programming possibilities that help users to explore, learn, and have fun,“ said Luwu Intelligence Technology Product Manager Pengfei Liu.

XGO-Mini is an incredibly versatile robot that can perform a variety of useful tasks and can be a very helpful assistant in daily life. It features fully functional AI modules that can facilitate both entry- and advanced-level AI applications. The Al modules feature visual recognition, voice recognition, and gesture recognition, giving XGO-Mini the ability to hear, recognize and reply to users like a real dog. It also can track multiple colors and recognize QR codes.

As an open-source robot with the Robot Operating System (ROS) and compatible with Python AI system, anyone can create their own functions for XGO-Mini. It can also be programmed by using common coding languages like Python and C++ that make it perfect for STEM education.

XGO-Mini Advanced Quadruped Robot with AI Modules is an incredible robotics platform for entertainment, STEM education, and exploring creativity. XGO-Mini is available now on Kickstarter with special pricing for early supporters. Learn more here:

Start-Up Auxivo AG Launches Educational Robotic Exoskeleton Kit on Kickstarter

The Swiss exoskeleton company Auxivo AG, a spin-off of ETH Zurich and a specialist in industrial exoskeletons has launched a Kickstarter campaign for a new educational exoskeleton kit called “EduExo Pro”.

The EduExo Pro aims to make exoskeleton technology available to students, makers, and hobbyists and make it easier for educators to integrate wearable exoskeleton technology into the classroom. The kit contains all the parts needed to assemble an arm exoskeleton. An accompanying handbook provides theoretical knowledge and guides the user step-by-step through the assembly and programming of the exoskeleton. On Kickstarter, the EduExo Pro is offered for CHF 890. For those who decide quickly, there is a limited number available for 790 CHF. Later, the retail price will be 1090 CHF.

What are exoskeletons?

Exoskeletons are wearable robotic systems that have become increasingly popular in medical and industrial applications in recent years. There they support specific movements and work to reduce the physical workload and prevent injuries. As the technology is still relatively young, there is hardly any possibility to access and learn about such systems outside of professional applications. Auxivo AG would like to close this gap by offering an educational kit to democratize the development of future exoskeletons.

LDROBOT Announces Launch of LD-AIR LiDAR – Ultra-Small & High-Precision TOF Sensor For Robotic Applications

LDROBOT a high-tech enterprise focusing on the research and development of advanced robotics, has announced the launch of LD-AIR LiDAR a ready-to-use compliant laser sensor with 360° sensing capabilities. This affordable LiDAR component makes any robot smarter and is available now on Kickstarter.

The ability to recognize objects and the environment is a key feature of many robots. LiDAR enables robots to scan their surroundings, make highly accurate maps, and navigate freely. Using advanced technology, LD-AIR LiDAR is a high-accuracy TOF sensor with 360° scanning range which is able to sense the surrounding environment by taking up to 4500 laser ranging samples per second to actualize obstacle detection and autonomously map any area.

LD-AIR LiDAR was created to serve business and research purposes that require robot navigation and obstacle avoidance. For robot developers, this essential component makes robots more useful and intelligent at an affordable price.  

 “In today’s advanced robots, LiDAR sensors are being widely used. The ability to quickly scan an area and create highly accurate maps is essential for applications such as archeology, geography and autonomous cars. And lately, consumer robots are using this technology in creative ways that make smart home applications and service robots smarter. Unfortunately, the cost of highly accurate LiDAR sensors is very high which puts this useful technology out of reach for many. Our goal at LDROBOT Group, was to make LiDAR accessible to everyone by creating a compact and affordable LiDAR with powerful features that is small enough to fit in virtually any device. Now, robotics innovators, makers, and hobbyists can harness the power of LiDAR to make more powerful, useful and convenient robots.”

As an affordable yet full-featured LiDAR solution, LD-AIR LiDAR can be readily applied to the design of working services robots for tasks such as route setting and automatic responsive behaviors. It is a Ready-To-Use compliant laser sensor that is small and versatile enough to fit in any appliance. With an aim toward improving consumer service robots LD-AIR LiDAR has important safety features built-in. It is Certified LD FDA Class 1 Laser Safety Standard, and uses a low power infrared laser light as its light source, effectiveness and eye safety for humans and pets. 

LD-AIR LiDAR – Ultra-Small & High-Precision TOF Sensor is available now on Kickstarter with special pricing for early supporters. Learn more here: [Link]

Enabot introduces EBO SE and EBO AIR, the next generation of social companion robots

The EBO SE and EBO AIR redefine the way people across the world interact, communicate and connect with one another

May 6th, 2021 – Enabot has officially launched on Kickstarter their brand-new social companion robots: the EBO SE and the EBO AIR. Starting today, both models are available for pre-order.

Building on the success of the original EBO S and EBO PRO, described by Mashable as “a smart robot [that] could become your cat’s new BFF” and by GearBrain as “one of the best robots to buy for your home in 2020”, the EBO SE and the EBO AIR are social companion robots, designed to keep your home safe, your pets entertained and your family connected at all times. 

Originally created to solve the issue of pet obesity and pet neglect, the EBO evolved to be much more. The EBO SE and AIR represent the next evolutionary step for the home robotic companion. They provide comfort, protection, and companionship for everyone in the family, no matter the distance.

Responding to consumer feedback, Enabot has introduced a number of improvements and added exciting new features. The new EBO allows for multiple users to log in and control the robot. It also comes with night vision, so users can access the camera day and night. The EBO app’s new interface is more user-friendly, and the new wheels, combined with a powerful motor, ensure a smooth ride on all surfaces, including rugs and carpets. 

Equipped with a 1080p HD camera and a pair of speakers and microphone, the rolling bots allow for real-life two-way communication using a Wi-Fi connection. Through EBO’s mobile app, parents can remotely interact with their kids and pets, and family members can connect with elderly loved ones from anywhere in the world. 

The EBO SE and AIR use a combination of movement, sound, and digital eye animations for life-like interactions. The steady and nimble moving robots can wheel, roll and dance to entertain pets and people alike while capturing photos and videos of every special moment. All the data is stored locally, using an expandable SD card.   

Surveillance features on both models include 24-hour video recording, infrared night vision, and motion detection notification, which means the EBO will immediately send you an alert whenever suspicious activities are detected. 

With exclusive AI technology, the EBO AIR is able to identify your family and pets, automatically record, track and follow them, allowing for fun interactions throughout the day. Additional AI features include the anti-drop function, pet auto-play mode, and automatic video editing.

Take a look at the EBO SE and EBO AIR Product Intro and see what role they can play in your family.

The EBO SE (priced at $ 99 / € 99 / £ 99) and the EBO AIR (priced at $ 169 / € 169 /£ 159) are now available to pre-order for up to 40% off from:

GinoBot by Engino – Base model with Gripper

Today I built the base model with a gripper and sent my feedback to the developers. It’s already really great product but there are always things to tweak or make better. Do not miss to support it on Kickstarter!


flatcat, der gruseligste Roboter aller Zeiten, ist nur noch sieben Tage auf Kickstarter

Entweder haben Sie schon eins, oder Sie haben bald eins. Roboterhaustiere erobern die Verbrauchermärkte weltweit in Form von Babyrobben, Hundewelpen oder einem schwanzwedelnden Kissen. Jetzt bekommen sie Gesellschaft von einer überfahrenen Katze.

(lifePR) (Berlin, 14.05.21) flatcat wurde von Gizmodo ((…)) als “der gruseligste Roboter, den man je gesehen hat” betitelt, und das mag für einige tatsächlich so sein. Für viele andere ist es ein zugegebenermaßen seltsames, aber niedliches Roboter-Haustier, das sie umarmen und mit dem sie spielen wollen.

Die ersten paar Flatcats sind ab sofort und nur noch sieben Tage lang auf Kickstarter ((…), der beliebtesten Crowdfunding-Website, erhältlich. Die Kampagne steht kurz vor der Vollfinanzierung, braucht aber noch ein paar entscheidende Zusagen von Roboter-Enthusiasten aus nah und fern, die etwas bewegen wollen.

Der Roboter, der von Jetpack Cognition Lab , einem in Berlin ansässigen Unternehmen mit Grazer Wurzeln entwickelt und hergestellt wird, ist ein Roboter der neuen Art. Er ist völlig anders als alle anderen vergleichbaren Produkte auf dem Markt. Was ihn einzigartig macht, ist seine sensomotorische Kompetenz, die Kräfte seiner eigenen Bewegung und die von außen durch Menschen oder einfach durch die Schwerkraft erzeugten Kräfte zu spüren und darauf zu reagieren.

Die Fähigkeit, Kräfte direkt in den Gelenken zu spüren, erlaubt es Flatcat, neugierig zu sein und seinen eigenen Körper und die Welt auf die sicherste Art und Weise zu erkunden. Die Technologie dafür kommt aus dem Forschungsfeld der Entwicklungsrobotik, bei dem Teile der Entwicklung von Tieren und Menschen in Software und Algorithmen umgesetzt werden.

Mögliche Verwendungszwecke von flatcat sind als Haustier im Wohnzimmer, um einfach zu spielen und gemeinsam die Welt der sensomotorischen Erfahrung und Bewegung zu erkunden; als therapeutischer Roboter, um sanft einfache Bewegungen zu stimulieren, Gesellschaft und Trost zu spenden; oder als Desktop-Forschungs-Roboter für Wissenschaftler und Hacker:innen gleichermaßen, da er neben seiner hochmodernen sensomotorischen Sensibilität auch Open Source, erweiterbar und modifizierbar ist.

Jetpack Cognition Lab, Inc

Seit seinen Anfängen im Jahr 2019 bringt Jetpack Cognition Lab radikale Innovationen aus der wissenschaftlichen Forschung auf den Konsumentenmarkt. Die Gründer des Labs sind Dr. Oswald Berthold und Matthias Kubisch. Sie lernten sich während ihres Studiums an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin kennen und taten sich zusammen, um die schrägsten und lustigsten Roboter der Welt zu entwickeln.

Berthold ist ein in österreichischer Künstler-Technologe, geboren in Graz, der schon mit dem Kollektiv farmersmanual Musikgeschichte geschrieben hat, indem er neuartige Stile und innovative Ansätze zur digitalen Musikproduktion und -veröffentlichung im Internetzeitalter einführte. Spätestens seit er 2018 seine Promotion in Robotik innerhalb der Adaptive Systems Group der HU Berlin abgeschlossen hat, ist er damit beschäftigt, Grundlagenforschung in Kundennutzen zu verwandeln.

Kubisch ist ein deutscher Informatiker, Kreativer und Aktivist. Er hat als wesentliches Mitglied des Teams gearbeitet, das den modularen humanoiden Roboter Myon im ALEAR-Projekt unter der Leitung von Dr. Manfred Hild entwickelt hat. Außerdem hat er die Industrie von innen gesehen und Algorithmen zur Steuerung von elektrischen Kraftwerken entwickelt. Er ist nicht nur ein Experte für adaptive Echtzeitalgorithmen und maschinelles Lernen, sondern auch ein genialer Elektronikdesigner und Produktvisionär.

GinoBot, Inspiring Inventors of the Future with STEM Disciplines, Launches on Kickstarter

The all-in-one smart toy incorporates science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines with playtime, in a hands-on way. 

Astoria, New York – (May 3, 2021) Keeping children entertained and engaged in today’s tech-driven world is now easier with GinoBot. The tool that implements a fun, hands-on experiencewith unlimited expansion potential for learning STEM disciplines, computational thinking, and digital literacy is launching on Kickstarter today.

GinoBot seamlessly blends playtime with advanced learning to sharpen a child’s mind for the future. From plug-and-play robot to high-end coding and electronics, the progression of skills with GinoBot is unlimited. Children ages 6+ can build simple or complex models with GinoBot’s scalable, and compatible design.
It features KEIRO software for block-based programming, which is compatible with a PC (Windows, Linux, MAC OS) and smart devices (Google Play, Apple Store). GinoBot has Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, as well as a micro USB connector. It can also connect with 3rd party hardware like Arduino, Microbit and Raspberry Pi, among others.

Science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM toys are the future. GinoBot is a solution for children to learn 21st century skills that lets them playfully learn how to code, design, build, and rebuild models quickly, no matter their age or learning style. 

“Children are our future and we believe they are all gifted with the power to perform astonishing technological feats,” said Costas Sisamos, founder and CEO of Engino. “As STEM learning principles become more prominent in our children’s curriculum, GinoBot is a great learning tool that will keep young minds hungry to explore, design and create enabling them to experience the limitless thrill of scientific discovery.” 

GinoBot is a great way to invest in your child’s imagination and expand their creativity. To pre-order, visit

About Engino 

Engino is a toy manufacturer that specializes in construction toys and smart educational toys, and have been at the vanguard of the STEM education movement for the past 15 years. A few years ago, Engino joined the robotics market and started developing programmable robots. These robots are supported with an extensive curriculum so children can learn the digital-side of thinking and how to do programming, coding, and more. For more information, visit

Kids learn coding with the new Sparklekits

What is Sparklekits?
Sparklekits is a STEM kit with a set of modular magnetic blocks & puzzles that promotes educational discovery through open-ended play and hands-on experience using advanced technology. It is extremely easy to assemble and super intuitive to use. It is a better and more fun STEM education tool that integrates building, learning, coding and play.

Advanced Design
Sparklekits breaks down complicated engineering into easy-to-assemble, functional magnetic modular blocks that children can use without using any cables, screws or tools. Kids can’t get it wrong, creating an environment that invites experimentation and creativity while building confidence.
These building blocks are infused with magical, seamless technology that allows kids to code, build, and explore at their own pace. Built-in games and challenges let kids between 5-12 learn through play, and it’s fully LEGO-compatible!

Tombot, creator of the first affordable, FDA-regulated medical robotic animal, is now accepting investors


Tombot, creator of Jennie, the World’s first affordable, FDA-regulated medical grade robotic animal designed to stimulate emotional attachment, just launched their equity crowdfunding campaign and is looking to raise up to the maximum permissible funding goal of $5M via a Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) offering on StartEngine!

Millions of people facing health adversities cannot safely or practically care for a live animal companion. Jennie, selected as one of TIME’s 2020 Best Inventions, was designed to significantly reduce the behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, and reduce the need for psychotropic medications, for the 90M+ seniors with dementia and pre-dementia mild cognitive impairment worldwide.


Umbratek UTRA series on Kickstarter

SHENZHEN, March 29th, 2021 – Umbratek, a cutting-edge new robotic tech startup, has just released its first robotic arm series called the UTRA series on Kickstarter.
With 5 different robot arm models to choose from, the UTRA series is the world’s most powerful and most affordable modular robot on the market today.

Ranging from a 4 to 6 axis build, the arms can be easily configured with modular design for improved efficiency. Each robot is built with modular structures and can be constructed to meet your business needs. Being 90% produced in-house, the UTRA series is approximately 70% more affordable than leading worldwide competitors.

Payload: Up to 20kg
Repeatability: Up to ±0.01mm
Weight to Payload Ratio: Up to 0.75
Reach: Up to 1500mm
Quick-Release Module: 2s tool change speed

Driving the revolutionary UTRA series is Umbratek’s ADRA Actuator series. Each ADRA Actuator is built to last and comes with a high-precision harmonic reducer made of high-strength aviation aluminum and high-carbon chromium steel.

A high-torque density, and compact structure, enable the motor to be integrated into the actuator and lessens the actuator weight. Each actuator is fitted with high-performance servo drivers, which use field-oriented control, to protect against overvoltage, overcurrent, over-temperature, reverse connection, undervoltage ESD, short-circuiting, and rotor lock. The ADRA series also uses dual GMR+TMR hybrid detection technology and comes with a 16-bit off-axis multi-turn absolute encoder.

Evan Deng, founder, and CEO of Umbratek, stated, „Umbratek focuses on high-performance dynamic robots and control systems. We’ve spent the last few years developing simplified, customized, affordable robotic solutions for any potential needs. Our robots provide fresh energy to industrial automation, logistics, medical, agricultural, and many more settings.“

Umbratek was built with growth in mind. With meticulous design and implementation, Umbratek is always thinking forward. They want to become a world-leading enterprise in the field of dynamic robotics and control systems and continue to explore the limits of the world, working on cutting-edge technologies, and delivering knowledge and technology to those that need it.

Umbratek was founded in 2019 by the founder and CEO of UFactory. After being responsible for the revolutionization of desktop robotics, Umbratek was formed with the idea of developing quality assured robotics and robotic control systems at industry-breaking prices.
The first range of solutions that Umbratek is offering is the UTRA Robot series, the ADRA Actuator series, and their corresponding software – Umbratek Studio & Assistant.
To help Umbratek bring its UTRA series to the market, they are launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter in March 2021.