Anki launches critically acclaimed Cozmo robot

A Little Robot with a Big Personality, Cozmo Marks a New Era for Consumer Robotics

Anki’s Cozmoments Marketing Campaign Highlights the Emotional Connection Possible Between Robot and Human

October 17, 2016 – San Francisco, CA — Anki, the consumer robotics and artificial intelligence (A.I.) company, today announced it has launched Cozmo – one of the most sophisticated consumer robots on the market. “Unlike its less sophisticated predecessors in the toy market, Cozmo has advanced software to backup its smarts,” notes The Verge. Tech aside, Cozmo is a small bot with a big brain and an even bigger personality. According to The Wall Street Journal, “Cozmo has more personality and charm than any other robot toy I’ve played with,” and Gizmodo opines, “You can play with Cozmo for twenty minutes and forget all about it being a toy. It feels…real.” Cozmo is charming, a bit mischievous, and unpredictable. He recognizes and remembers people over time through games and playful interactions. Priced at $179.99, Cozmo is available in the U.S. at major retailers including Toys”R”Us, Apple Store, Best Buy, and

“Cozmo not only represents a significant engineering milestone, but is a physical manifestation of robots that have a deep personality and character like the ones we’ve come to love in Hollywood films,” said Boris Sofman, co-founder & CEO, Anki. “We are setting a new standard for the types of emotional experiences people can expect from consumer robotics products, and we are incredibly excited for everyone to meet Cozmo. Our robot is more than a breakthrough in entertainment as the technology within Cozmo will play an integral role in shaping other aspects of our lives.”

Always Game. Cozmo refuses to sit tight and wait for fun. He’s ready to play. The more Cozmo and his human friend get to know each other, the more skilled he’ll become as new activities and upgrades are unlocked. The free Cozmo app, which runs on compatible iOS, Android and Kindle Fire devices, comes packed with gameplay content and constantly introduces new ways to play. Cozmo even brings his own toys to the game — three interactive Power Cubes that he’s always willing to share. So whether he’s playing with his Power Cubes or challenging players with his favorite games of speed and skill, he’s always ready for action.

Similar to Anki’s robotic battle-racing hit, Anki OVERDRIVE, new content and game modes are introduced via free software updates, which ensures that the relationship with Cozmo will stay fresh and exciting year round. A software update, which includes new game mode and features, will be rolled out in December in time for the holidays.

Hundreds of Emotions. A Few Tricks Up His Sleeves. Cozmo’s emotions aren’t random. His personality, driven by powerful A.I., is brought to life with complex facial expressions, a host of emotions, and his own voice and emotive language. His vision system, which includes a camera on the front of his OLED face, allows him to constantly scan his environment and recognize people. His eyes even light up when he sees a familiar face. Cozmo also comes with his own dynamic soundtrack that matches his mood and corresponds with the games and activities, elevating playtime to a uniquely cinematic experience. This merger of robotics, deep A.I., game design, and a film-like approach to developing Cozmo’s character, brings to life an experience that has never been thought possible or implemented outside of a movie screen.

The Little Bot with Super-powered Smarts. There’s more to Cozmo than what meets the eye. His powerful technology lets him survey the world, explore it, and make decisions based on his mood. He is the product of over six years of steadfast research and development by a team comprised of some the best and brightest people across a variety of disciplines including PhD roboticists, world- class animators, renowned game developers, and a lead designer of the Batmobile. Powered by advanced robotics, A.I., and computer vision, Cozmo has a brain that processes more data per second than all the Mars rovers combined. More than three-hundred parts make up Cozmo, but his deceptively small size means he can fit in the palm of your hand.

Anki is also introducing the Cozmo Software Development Kit (SDK) Beta, a free, intuitive and connected robotics platform that’s as useful for makers and hobbyists as it is for educators and researchers. With the SDK, Anki is giving consumers unprecedented access to robotics in a highly versatile package. It’s powerful but easy to use, complex but not complicated, and can be used in industries ranging from entertainment to academia.

Cozmo retails for $179.99 and ships with one base charger and three interactive Power Cubes. For a full list of current device compatibility, visit here:

Keep up with @Anki news & connect with us at:,,, and!

WiLoader: The WiFi Programmer for Arduino & AVR

WiLoader is the new generation of programmers that uses WiFi instead of cables to Program, control and monitor Arduino boards and AVR based Robots over WiFi.

Introducing WiLoader, The new generation of programmers:

WiLoader easily connects to existing WiFi network, so developers can program their AVR microcontrollers, Arduino boards and Robots over WiFi. It doesn’t need any kind of cable for computer connection, especially USB ones. Because it employs WiFi, even smartphone can be used to configure, communicate, control and monitor targets via a WiFi-UART bridge.

WiLoader is embedded inside Arduino IDE

WiLoader is easy to set up, use and control. Since Arduino is an open source software and also has a lot of cool features and rich libraries, PetuniaTech will release a software patch for Arduino IDE to support and handle all WiLoader capabilities. WiLoader can be chosen like any other programmers inside the Tools menu. It is compatible with all operating systems and it performs flawlessly.

WiLoader has a WiFi-UART bridge called WiCOM. Users can send and receive serial data over WiFi by connecting WiLoader dedicated serial pins to AVR UART pins (RX, TX). Just like other COM ports that Arduino serial monitor uses for communicating and debugging MCUs.

Robotics is easier with WiLoader !

WiLoader is wise choice when developers and hobbyist are working with robots or any kind of portable devices. It can program target boards on the go without stopping and connecting it to a computer every time. Users can even create a customized app for PC or smartphones to control their robots by sending commands over WiFi. Also this WiFi-UART Bridge can be used to monitor robot status and sensor values.

PetuniaTech has launched WiLoader campaign on Kickstarter. WiLoader is selected as “Project We Love” by Kickstarter too. Backers can pledge to this project until November 7th and choose different rewards such as single WiLoader pack and WiFi Robot Kit. A free eBook named “Connected Robots” will be available for Robot Kit backers too.

WiLoader Campaign Link:

Erle Robotics creates a new robotics standard

Erle Robotics announced a new platform that provides manufacturers tools for building interoperable robot components that can easily be exchanged between robots

Erle Robotics announced during ROSCon 2016 in Seoul, Korea, a new game-changing standard for building robot components, H-ROS: the Hardware Robot Operating System. H-ROS provides manufacturers tools for building interoperable robot components that can easily be exchanged or replaced between robots.

Powered by the popular Robot Operating System (ROS), H-ROS offers building-block-style parts that come as reusable and reconfigurable components allowing developers, to easily upgrade their robots with hardware from different manufacturers and add new features in seconds.

With H-ROS, building robots will be about placing H-ROS-compatible hardware components together to build new robot configurations. Constructing robots won’t be restricted to a few with high technical skills but it will be extended to a great majority with a general understanding of the sensing and actuation needed in a particular scenario.

 H-ROS was initially funded by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) through the Robotics Fast Track program in 2016 and developed by Erle Robotics. The platform has already been tested by several international manufacturers who have built robots out of this technology. This is the case of H-ROS Turtlebot, which was presented during the conference in Seoul.

H-ROS is now available for selected industry partners and will soon be released for the wider robotics community. Additional information can be requested through its official web page at

3D printing will be super easy with Doodle3D Transform, now on Kickstarter

Doodle3D, based in The Netherlands, is working on their second crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. They are launching their new 2D-to-3D design app called Doodle3D Transform, which makes 3D-design and 3D-printing childsplay. The campaign runs until the 21st of October and has currently achieved 50% of its target.

In the application, simplicity is key. What makes it stand apart from the many other 3D design applications, is the fact that the user designs 3-dimensional shapes based on flat (2D) drawings.

Because of its accessibility, anyone can use the app to create their ideas, no matter their age or background.

Doodle3D Transform runs on Android, Apple and Windows tablets and computers. Designs can be 3D printed with your own 3D printer, or by using one of the many 3D printing services. The Doodle3D WiFi-Box, which was successfully funded on Kickstarter in 2013, can be used to wirelessly print your designs. For more information visit

Robelf – Your Moving Monitor Guardian

As of last week, Robotelf Technologies Co. has announced their IndieGoGo campaign for their home robot, Robelf. They launched the campaign on October 4th, 2016 in hopes of raising $100,000. The team behind Robelf is hoping to bring recognition to their first project. Although there are currently a few different Home Robots on the market today, Robelf has been designed to stand out with various features not yet seen. Mainly, Robelf flaunts their multi-camera design with detachable back camera (known as their Elf Eye). This gives you an extra IP camera to use. Now with Robelf, you will be getting the only home robot where you do not need to crouch down to utilize it. With an adjustable camera that can move up and down to fit the needs of everyone in the family. With Robelf’s built in iBeacon positioning system, you can setup the patrol time for Robelf to automatically survey your home. The ultrasound and infrared device located on Robelf can accurately dodge any obstacles around and Robelf, with sound detection and a face recognition system; you will be notified of anything out of the ordinary. Many times home owners are nervous when leaving their home alone, especially in certain areas; with Robelf those worries are a thing of the past. The indoor tracking features allow Robelf to roam the house and alert home owners or authorities of any issues. Robelf is the perfect design for non-tech users including both older adults and children.

Since 2014, Robelf Inc. has been perfecting their first product and ensuring they release a home robot that is above and beyond anything out today. The size of Robelf was perfected to ensure a home robot that could easily maneuver around the home without an issue, while still being large enough to present a comfortable presence. There is also the ability to adjust the head so children and adults can use Robelf easily. Moving forward, Robelf Inc. is hopeful to reach their goal to be able to mass produce Robelf and bring their amazing home robot to families across the world. Robelf has also made clear they will be shipping by the middle of 2017, and if they do not accomplish this they’ll be offering a full refund to all backers.

About Robotelf Technologies: After spending 15 years of developing learning software for children, the idea of Robelf came with confidence. Having Robelf in your home will allow learning and education to continue in the home which is one of the most important reasons Robelf was built. The Robelf team, which has a strong background in both OEM and ODM has been able to reduce to the pricing to aro und $400. Their early bird pricing on IndieGoGo will be around $349.

For more information, please check out our website

WiFi Motors That Will Take the Mess and Stress Out of Your Projects Startup launches Kickstarter campaign

SYRACUSE, NY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2016- Basement startup OpenMYR is announcing a Kickstarter campaign starting October 3rd for a revolutionary new way to use motors by controlling them entirely over WiFi. Their innovative open-source wifi-controlled motors are designed to simplify the motorization of any hobbyist, maker, robotics and home automation project. Thanks to the work of three young friends, all you need to use a motor is power and your phone (or any other WiFi device).

Previously, utilizing a motor in a project required extensive wiring and coding, often involving additional components such as an Arduino. This is a daunting task that usually ends with an ugly mess and hours of coding. OpenMYR’s goal was to make motorizing a project so simple that even a child could do it, while providing powerful tools for advanced users to easily create complex projects.

OpenMYR’s two products can be easily built into projects, eliminating the mess. Their $60 all-in-one WiFi Stepper Motor contains all the electronics in an elegant inline case, and can be attached to any project that supports a NEMA-17 motor. Their $35 WiFi Servo Controller is a small and sleek board to which the user can attach up to four hobby servos at once.

Programming is no longer a requirement of using motors, as OpenMYR’s motors can be effortlessly controlled with the official smartphone app or the motor’s self-hosted webpage. More advanced controls are available through computer utilities and programs. Coders will be delighted to know that they can control any number of motors directly with virtually any programing language.

Both the WiFi Stepper Motor and WiFi Servo Controller are powered by the powerful ESP8266 system, which has been gaining popularity over the last two years among hardware enthusiasts. OpenMYR’s hardware designs and software code are open source, so the community can benefit from the team’s work without having to buy in.

“At first, we only thought these motors would be useful where wiring was difficult,” said founder Kyle Berezin. “However, it soon became obvious that we had found a better way to use motors in any project.” Berezin had hit upon the idea while prototyping a design for a large 3D printer, and discovered that wifi-enabled motors didn’t exist as a consumer product. “Our motors empower people of all skill levels to bring their ideas to

life. No longer do you need to be an electrical engineer and a programmer to use motors.”

The campaign will fund the creation of the stepper motor and a servo motor controller, as well as the smartphone apps and computer applications for controlling the motors. As expected with Kickstarter, backers will be rewarded with assortments of motors depending on how much they donate, including reward tiers that act as combo packs to get both the stepper motor and servo controller in various quantities.

About OpenMYR

OpenMYR is a three-person tech startup based in Syracuse, NY. Operating out of a basement, founder Kyle Berezin and software architect Brandon Brown work on code and logistics, while satellite member Chris Adams works on the hardware designs. Driven by a love of cool open-source projects and tasty food, OpenMYR has spent 2016 revolutionizing motor control. OpenMYR’s website is and its Twitter is @OfficialOpenMYR.

Spy v. sPi by Dexter Industries

Dexter Industries launches a fun educational game that coaches kids to solve problems by challenging them to accomplish secret missions called Spy v. sPi. Dexter Industries, a growing U.S. educational robotics company developed Spy v. sPi, a capture-the-flag style engineering adventure that puts real purpose to basic design and programming skills. It can be played individually at home, or in teams in a classroom or a workshop. In it, every “spy” is assigned a series of missions, each requiring them to write code to control an assortment of sensors that will allow them to protect their “jewel” in different ways, or capture the “jewel” of a competing spy.

Spy v. sPi is based on the GrovePi, an easy-to-build robot kit that includes a rich collection of programmable, plug-and-play components — from sensors for things like distance, sound, light, and infrared, to buttons, buzzers and more. Thanks to the GrovePi’s combination of hardware and software, Spy v. sPi makes it easy to connect to a robot, start writing code, and get rewarding results right away.

We’ve developed Spy v. sPi’s missions with a full range of skills and experience in mind, so no prior programming or electronics experience is required. Each Spy will learn how to program the different sensors and components with step-by-step instructions, all while completing a mission. There are also missions for more advanced spies, and there’s no limit to how complex your solutions can get. Best of all, the entire program is designed by actual spies, so players will face real-life engineering challenges they’ll solve just like real spies do.
Spy v. sPi is designed for everyone — so we have two different programming languages you can use. Scratch is for beginners, and is a drag-and-drop programming language developed by MIT. Python is available for more advanced spies, and is an open source text-based programming language. The Missions are step-by-step instructions that first teach you the basics of Scratch and then help you move on to more advanced programming in Python.

Spy v. sPi Missions are activities in the form of a mission. Each spy will learn how to program the GrovePi and an assortment of sensors to accomplish different objectives, all within a story created by real spies! The Missions will come in a beautifully designed and illustrated full color printed booklet and online videos. It includes space to work on ideas and plan your solution to the challenge, as well as all the information you need to be a successful spy.

We believe the best way to learn is by doing — building something tangible to solve real world problems. Some learners thrive in a competitive environment, and for them, Spy v. sPi is perfect: you can play in teams or against an opponent. For solo learners or those that want a family game to play at home — some spies might want to equip their room with a spy device or alert them of entry by a sibling. Spy v. sPi Missions support both styles of learning and are fun for everyone! Learn more at

Robomotive Labratories introduces immersive reality robot

Cincinnati-based Entrepreneur launches Kickstarter campaign to bring ‘mimic’ innovation to more people

Cincinnati, OH (Oct.1, 2016) – Robomotive Laboratories is changing the way the world sees robotics with the introduction of their transformative new robot, mimic. Today, the Cincinnati-based small family business launched a new Kickstarter campaign ( to help advance the development and production of the new technology.

Mimic represents a technological breakthrough in the way people interact with a robot. Through a series of interfaces and controls, the user is transported and able to see what mimic sees, do what mimic does, feel what mimic feels, and go where mimic goes.

“After a successfully-funded Doorbell Phone campaign on Kickstarter, I began to indulge in my love of robotics and introduced the Cortex:Robot Arm controller,” said Brett Pipitone, founder of Robomotive Laboratories. “We continued to develop the technology by adding joints, cameras and motion and soon realized that we had developed something truly unique: The mimic robot was born.”

The key to bringing mimic to life is the mimic arm controller with patent-pending Posi-Feel grip controllers. The user wears a device that allows the seamless control of mimic’s arms and grippers by moving his or her own hands and arms in natural ways while holding two simple handles with trigger style grip controllers. A series of joints, pivots and sensors are built onto the mimic Arm Controller to make this possible.

Mimic can also move around on its own power, controlled by the user with an IRS based foot controller. The user places both feet on the controller and tilts the device forward, back, left, or right to command mimic’s movements in natural, hands free ways.

To complete the user’s sense of immersion, immersion goggles receive 3D video from a pair of cameras in mimic’s eyes. Not only does the user see what mimic sees in vibrant 3D, but using a series of sensors and motors the user’s head motion is duplicated by mimic’s head, allowing the user to change view by simply moving his or her head.

This assemblage of new technologies allows the user to see the world from a fresh, new point of view- that of a 12 inch tall, wide-eyed, rotund little robot. In the words of Robomotive Laboratories founder Brett Pipitone „mimic represents a technological breakthrough in think about human interfaces by adapting the robot to the user, rather than the other way around.“

Robomotive Laboratories realized early that a single version of the mimic robot would not fit all users needs, so backers have a choice of four versions of the robot, each design with a different use in mind.

  • The mimic:maker version comes in kit form for the user to assemble. The kit includes a robot with two arms and grippers, as well as a mimic arm controller. The kit does not include a body, however, so the user can tailor the robot to their needs or to make something new. For even more flexibility, all the electronic inputs and outputs are exposed to be manipulated or utilized by the user, including record and playback through an on board SD card. „The future is being invented in basements, garages, and maker spaces all over the world. That’s where mimic was born, and mimic:maker is a chance for other tinkerers to use and improve it,“ says Pipitone.
  • The mimic:play comes as a fully assembled robot, including the 12- degrees-of-freedom arm controller. While mimic:play doesn’t have as many features as some offerings, it’s just as adorable and its simplicity makes it more accessible for some users. Fun features like the mimic arm controller, Posi-Feeel grippers, and on-board SD card are included. As Pipitone suggests, “mimic:play is simpler than the other versions, but still offers intuitive control and a sense of feel. It’s great for younger users or for interactive settings.”
  • The mimic:social has all the features of mimic:play, but also adds the IRS based foot controller, 2D camera, and a video receiver to be attached to the user’s television. „People love the concept of interacting from a distance,“ says Pipitone. „It’s great fun to put mimic:social in a room and watch it’s interactions on TV with your friends.“
  • The mimic 3D is the most advanced and full featured version offered and includes the mimic arm controller with Posi-Feel grippers, the foot controller, and SD card, in addition to the immersion googles and 3D cameras. With this full suite of features the user can completely loose themselves in mimic’s world. „This robot really transports you to an immersive reality. Everyday things seem huge, and you can interact from an entirely new point of view,“ describes Pipitone. „I can interact with my baby daughter on her level as an equal, while it’s simple enough that my 6 year old son can pick it up and use it. It’s an indescribable experience.“

The implications of the mimic immersive reality robot are great, and users can be a part of it now by backing mimic on Kickstarter. According to Pipitone, „We’ve delivered the personal robot of the future. We’re still working on flying cars and jet packs.“

For more information, please visit:

blinkgogo – Wireless program Arduino & Fun Robotic Learning Platform

I just received this information from the blinkgogo team:

Wireless program Arduino & Fun Robotic Learning Platform. Designed for STEM education, Open Source! APP controlled, based on  Arduino, supports Scratch. Let kids Play and Learn!

Blinkgogo is a open source fun STEM robotic learning platform based on Arduino. Blinkgogo supports wireless Bluetooth upload, APP controlled, Scratch.

This robot kit has everything you need to get started. You can demonstrate many standard robot functions right out of the box. It’s simple, easy to use and fun.

With Blinkgogo, you can build many standard robots for example Line Following robot, Light Seeking robot, Edge Detection robot, APP control robot.

It comes with 3D printed shell and compatible with LEGO blocks.

Blinkgogo also comes with a hardware expansion board for those who really want to go wild when it comes to trying new things and developing new robotics systems.

Blinkgogo comes with three step-by-step tutorials to help you learn programming.

  • Binkgogo play right out of the box Tutorial: Blinkgogo works right out of the box. You can demonstrate many standard robot functions. You can drive it by controlling it with your phone through it’s Bluetooth capability. Or have it follow a black line.
  • Blinkgogo for Beginners Tutorial:Blinkgogo comes with a number of step-by-step tutorials. It is easy to program with the scratch graphical programming language. For the more extreme programmers it also works with C++. And the Arduino IDE programming environment
  • Blinkgogo for Advanced Users Tutorial:Blinkgogo offers a lot for advanced users. Blinkgogo comes with a hardware expansion prototyping plate where you can mount servos and many other sensors.

Its perfect for STEM education:

In the home

Perhaps your home has many toys already. However we believe to prepare for the future children need toys that are made to be modified and programmed. Children need to learn not just to be consumers but to actively participate in the building and modifying of things around them.

In school

Everybody knows that STEM education is important however most robotics platforms do not come with enough easy to use tutorials out of the box to be used by most non-engineers and still have enough flexibility to be still useful to those who excel in programming.

Why we made this kit?

Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to learn how to make electronics. Now that I am an electrical engineer my dreams are now a reality. However in the past when friends and asked if they could do electronics, my only answer was you need to go to school to be an electrical engineer.

Luckily time to change. Thanks to Arduino and other open-source platforms it’s not only possible for my friends to start their own hobby electronics products I can now start teaching my two children Harry and Tina. I have selfishly developed Blinkgogo specifically to teach my children electronics. But due to enthusiasm from my neighbors I have developed Blinkgogo into a product to share with the world. I hope you have as much fun with Blinkgogo as I did developing it and share it with my children.

We are on kickstarter now!

We are now crowdfunding on kickstarter now. We got over 60% funds within 24 hours. Please support us and let more kids can enjoy this all-in-one robotic learning platform!






Kickstarter link:

Trending on Kickstarter: ‘MOTI’ is your personal robotic companion for building healthy habits

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. —  Emerging from an industry saturated with apps and wearables, San Francisco based startup MOTI ( is seeing tremendous support on Kickstarter, exceeding a goal of $50,000 within the first five days of launching. At 23 days left on the campaign, MOTI has over 700 backers, and has now released additional “stretch goals” for their little robot. These goals include adding a wild card color that backers can vote on, integrations with Fitbit, Evernote, and Google Calendar, as well as a new top secret feature – should the campaign reach $175,000.


Who is this little robot and why is everyone so intrigued by him? First, MOTI is a physically present smart companion for building better habits. The device combines insights from behavioral science, social robotics and human-centered design, and is built to learn and react to human beings’ psychological triggers with the purpose of getting them to start practicing healthy habits (such as jogging, hydrating, meditating, etc). Second, what makes him different is that unlike a standalone app, MOTI’s very physicality, presence, and emotional AI contributes to his ability to effectively influence behavior. Standing at just under three inches tall, MOTI acts as an ever-present environmental queue that is meant to interact with you in the moments and places where you would normally start forming your habit (i.e. your kitchen, your work desk, your yoga space,etc.).


The science and design behind MOTI’s habit-forming influence draws from the habit-loop theory, which explains that in order to build any habit, three things are required: a trigger, a routine, and a reward. To help you form your habit, MOTI supports all three things through a combination of lights, haptics, human-like intonations and other sounds. In order to have the best effect on behavior, MOTI is also designed to form a bond with the user, and his personality is continually adapting to the users’ needs.


“What we found in early research is that apps and wearables rely on data, graphs, and tracking for motivation,”  says Kayla Matheus, Inventor and Co-Founder of MOTI. “But we’re human – we need more than just numbers. We need our technology to understand how we work at a psychological and emotional level. That’s why MOTI isn’t another device – he’s your friend, or your cheerleader, or even your mom.”


Live demos are available today at BulletProof Bio-Hacking conference, and customers can now pledge an order for their own MOTI at , on sale for $99 each and available in light grey, dark grey, and turquoise.  


About MOTI

MOTI is a behavior change company combining science and design to create transformative products that help people live better lives, one habit at a time. Established March 2015 in New York City, the company is led by Founder and CEO Kayla Matheus (Yale BA’11) and Founder/COO Laura Day (Vanderbilt BE’02, Harvard Business School MBA ‘09). MOTI is an alum of Google 30 Weeks and Highway1 Accelerators. Connect with MOTI via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (@habitMOTI) or visit to learn more.