Robo Wunderkind Explorer Lite Freestyle Build Session Timelapse Video. I built my first own creation and used the Robo Blockly app to program it.

Robo Wunderkind Explorer Lite Freestyle Build Session Timelapse Video. I built my first own creation and used the Robo Blockly app to program it.
Today I had fun with the Robo Wunderkind Explorer Lite Set. I built the included projects; have fun warching.
As one of the RobotMak3rs ( and with support by LEGO, I had the opportunity to get my hands on the new LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Set #51515 early. Thank you to the RobotMak3rs RLOC and LEGO for making this possible! This is the second video featuring the new MINDSTORMS Set; you will see me doing a timelapse of the build of „Blast“. Blast is one of the 5 robots that come with the 5in1 Set #51515. The other robots will for sure also be shown on this website in the short future.
As one of the RobotMak3rs ( and with support by LEGO, I had the opportunity to get my hands on the new LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor Set #51515 early. Thank you to the RobotMak3rs RLOC and LEGO for making this possible!
In this first video featuring the new MINDSTORMS Set, you will see me doing a timelapse of the build of „Tricky“. Tricky is one of the 5 robots that come with the 5in1 Set #51515. The other robots will for sure also be shown on this website in the short future. But for now, enjoy the build of „Tricky“. The build of the first two stages took me about 20 minutes. So, after 20 minutes you have a driving base which can be extended with some „tools“ to make Tricky the amazing robot he is. More information about this amazing new LEGO MINDSTORMS set can be found here:
There you will also find pictures and videos of the other robots, like Gelo, Blast, M.V.P. and Charlie.
4M KidzRobotix Dragon Robot, the newest addition to our collection. See pictures, timelapse build and a short video below.
Find it on Amazon:
Cubelets® robot blocks by Modular Robotics are a fast and easy way to inspire kids to become better thinkers. Simply snap Cubelets together to easily create your own robots, no programming required. The behavior of your robot is determined by your construction. How your robot behaves emerges from what blocks you use and how you orient them.
Cubelets are unique in that you can code any Cubelet to do something new. Programming the various parts in parallel helps you learn about how systems work. It provides intuitions about how parts interact to become something bigger than themselves.
More on these interesting Cubelets and the modular robots you can build with them will follow soon on as we have a kit in our hands and have just started to play with it!