Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime – Der ultimative Roboter für Transformers-Fans!

Sind Sie ein Fan von intelligenten Robotern und künstlicher Intelligenz? Die Firma Robosen hat vor kurzem angekündigt, dass der Flagship Optimus Prime Roboter bald in Deutschland erhältlich sein wird. Das ist eine besonders gute Nachricht für alle Transformers-Fans, die schon immer davon geträumt haben, einen eigenen Optimus Prime Roboter zu besitzen. Bei dieser neuen Version handelt es sich außerdem um den weltweit ersten automatisch transformierbaren Optimus Prime. Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime ist ein hochkomplexes und interaktives Roboterspielzeug, das die ikonische Figur aus der Transformers-Franchise imitieren soll. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier auf und auf der Robosen-Website.

Was ist das Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime Roboter Modell?

Der Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime ist ein atemberaubender Roboter, der auf der kultigen und wohl auch berühmtesten Transformers-Figur basiert. Der Roboter ist in der Lage, sich von einem fahrenden LKW in einen Roboter zu verwandeln und ist mit einer Vielzahl von intelligenten Funktionen ausgestattet. Er ist 48,3cm groß, 2,8 kg schwer und aus hochwertigen Komponenten gebaut, die stark und langlebig sind. Das Roboterspielzeug besteht aus mehr als 5.000 Teilen, darunter 60 Mikrochips und 27 Servomotoren, die ihm seine ausgeklügelten Fähigkeiten verleihen.

Der Roboter ist mit fortschrittlicher Technologie ausgestattet, die ihm eine Vielzahl von Fähigkeiten verleiht. Zum Beispiel kann er durch einfache Sprachbefehle gesteuert werden, um sich zu bewegen oder bestimmte Aktionen auszuführen. Über einen eingebauten Lautsprecher kann der Spielzeugroboter Musik und Soundeffekte abspielen, was das realistische Erlebnis noch verstärkt.

Darüber hinaus verfügt der Roboter über ein fortschrittliches Bewegungssystem, mit dem er sich auf einzigartige Weise bewegen kann. Der Roboter kann sich auf beiden Beinen oder seinen Rädern bewegen und ist in der Lage, schnelle Bewegungen und komplexe Choreografien auszuführen. Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime wird von einem wiederaufladbaren Akku angetrieben, der mit einer einzigen Ladung bis zu 4 Stunden Spielzeit bietet.


Eines der auffälligsten Merkmale des Robosen Flagships Optimus Prime ist sein Verwandlungssystem. Er transformiert sich mithilfe eines komplexen Motorsystems, das schnelle und präzise Bewegungen ausführen kann, von einem Roboter in ein Fahrzeug und umgekehrt. Er ist einer der schnellsten Transformationsroboter auf dem Markt, denn die vollständige Verwandlung dauert nur 5 Sekunden. Fortschrittliche Algorithmen ermöglichen es Optimus Prime, auf zwei Beinen zu laufen.

Sprachgesteuertes System

Immersive Sprachbefehle ermöglichen die Interaktion mit dem Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime, der eine Vielzahl von Sprachbefehlen verstehen und ausführen kann. Durch das Aussprechen von Befehlen wie „Transform“, „Roll out“ oder „Attack“ können die Benutzer das Roboterspielzeug steuern. Das Sprachbefehlssystem ist sowohl für Kinder als auch für Erwachsene eine hervorragende Funktion, da es einfach zu bedienen und unglaublich reaktionsschnell ist.

Was sind die Hauptmerkmale des Robosen Flagships Optimus Prime?

Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime verfügt über eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die ihn zu einem faszinierenden und unterhaltsamen Roboter machen.
Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:

– Intelligente Steuerung (sprachgesteuert): Der Roboter kann durch einfache Sprachbefehle gesteuert werden, um sich zu bewegen oder bestimmte Aktionen auszuführen.

– Smartphone-App (Fernsteuerung): Der Roboter verfügt über eine eigene App, mit

der der Benutzer verschiedene Einstellungen und Funktionen anpassen kann. Optimus Prime kann über die App ferngesteuert oder programmiert werden.

– Bewegungssystem: Der Roboter ist mit einem fortschrittlichen Bewegungssystem ausgestattet, mit dem er sich auf einzigartige Weise bewegen kann.

– Programmierbare Funktionen: Der Roboter kann von den Benutzern programmiert werden, um bestimmte Bewegungen und Aktionen auszuführen. Die erstellten Programme/Bewegungsabläufe können dann mit anderen Benutzern geteilt werden, um die Funktionen für alle Benutzer zu erweitern.

Was können Sie mit der zugehörigen Smartphone-App tun?

Verbinde die App mit dem Robosen Optimus Prime-Roboter, um Optimus Prime zum Leben zu erwecken, während du programmieren lernst und ein immersives Erlebnis genießt. Lass Optimus Prime auf Ausflüge gehen, Filmszenen nachspielen oder fordere ihn heraus, verschiedene Aufgaben und Herausforderungen anzunehmen. Durch das Abschließen von Missionen in der App werden zusätzliche Funktionen für Optimus Prime freigeschaltet, was zu einem noch interaktiveren Spielerlebnis führt. Du kannst dir auch Videos in der App ansehen, um coole Aktionen von Optimus Prime zu sehen und dich davon inspirieren zu lassen, was andere Programmierer mit ihren Optimus Prime-Robotern machen. Die Smartphone-App ist bereits jetzt für IOS und Android erhältlich.

Vergleich mit anderen Transformers-Spielzeugen auf dem Markt

Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime hebt sich von anderen Transformers-Spielzeugen auf dem Markt durch seine fortschrittlichen Eigenschaften und Funktionen ab. Es gibt zwar andere Transformers Spielzeugroboter, aber keiner von ihnen bietet das gleiche Maß an Interaktivität und Kontrolle wie Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime. Das Sprachsteuerungssystem, die Elemente der mobilen App und die lizenzierten Geräusche und Stimmen aus den Filmen machen es zu einem einzigartigen und fesselnden Spielzeug, das ein intensives und interaktives Erlebnis für die Benutzer bietet.

Wo kann man den Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime kaufen?

Das Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime wird in Kürze in Deutschland für 999€ erhältlich sein. Interessierte können den Roboter direkt auf der Robosen-Website bestellen. Robosen Robotics hat auch Interesse gezeigt, mit seiner Robotertechnologie in neue Bereiche vorzudringen, unter anderem in den Bildungsbereich. Es wird spannend sein zu sehen, wie das Unternehmen in Zukunft Innovationen und neue Produkte entwickelt.

Erwecke den epischen Kampf zwischen den Autobots und den Decepticons zum Leben mit dem Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime, dem ultimativen transformierenden Roboterspielzeug. Mit seinen fortschrittlichen Funktionen, seiner Interaktivität und seinem Reaktionsvermögen bietet er ein einzigartiges und fesselndes Erlebnis für alle Altersgruppen. Lassen Sie sich dieses einzigartige Spielzeug nicht entgehen und holen Sie es sich noch heute! 

Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime – The ultimate robot for Transformers fans!

Are you a fan of intelligent robots and artificial intelligence? The Robosen company has recently announced that the Flagship Optimus Prime robot will soon be available in Germany. This is especially great news for all Transformers fans who have always dreamed of owning their own Optimus Prime robot. This new version is also the world’s first auto-convertible Optimus Prime. Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime is a highly complex and interactive robot toy that is supposed to imitate the iconic character from the Transformers franchise. More information is available here on and on the Robosen website.

What is the Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime?

The Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime is a stunning robot based on the iconic and also arguably most famous Transformers character. The robot is able to transform from a moving truck into a robot and is equipped with a variety of smart features. It is 19 inches tall, 2.8kg heavy and constructed from premium components that are strong and long-lasting. More than 5,000 parts make up the robot toy, including 60 microchips and 27 servo motors that give it its sophisticated capabilities.

The robot is equipped with advanced technology, which gives it a variety of capabilities. For example, it can be controlled by simple voice commands to move or perform certain actions.  A built-in speaker on the robot toy allows it to play music and sound effects, further enhancing the realistic experience.

In addition, the robot has an advanced motion system that allows it to move in unique ways. The robot can move on both legs and wheels and is capable of performing fast movements and complex choreographies. Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime is powered by a rechargeable battery that provides up to 4 hours of playtime on a single charge.

Transforming Mechanism

One of the Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime’s most striking characteristics is its transforming system. It converts from a robot to a vehicle using a complex motor system that can carry out fast and precise movements. It is one of the fastest transforming robot toys available because the full transformation takes only 5 seconds. Advanced algorithms enable Optimus Prime to walk on two legs.

Voice Command System

Immersive Voice Commands power the interaction with Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime’s vocal command system, enabling it to recognize and carry out a variety of speech orders. By just saying commands like „transform,“ „roll out,“ and „attack,“ users may direct the robot toy. The voice command system is an excellent feature for both kids and adults because it is made to be simple to use and is incredibly responsive.

What are the main features of the Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime?

Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime has a wide range of functions that make it a fascinating and entertaining robot. Among the most important functions are:

– Intelligent control (Voice Activated): the robot can be controlled by simple voice commands to move or perform certain actions.

– Smartphone app (Remote Control): the robot has its own app that allows the user to customize various settings and functions. Optimus Prime can be remotely controlled or programmed through the app.

– Movement system: the robot is equipped with an advanced movement system that allows it to move in unique ways.

– Programmable functions: The robot can be programmed by users to perform certain movements and actions. The program/movement sequences created can then be shared with other users to expand the functions for all users.

What can you do with the accompanying smartphone app?

Connect the app to the Robosen Optimus Prime robot to bring Optimus Prime to life while learning to program and enjoying an immersive experience. Let Optimus Prime go on excursions, reenact movie scenes, or challenge him to take on various tasks and challenges. Completing missions in the app unlocks additional features for Optimus Prime, resulting in a more interactive gaming experience. You can also watch videos in the app to see cool actions from Optimus Prime and get inspired by what other programmers are doing with their Optimus Prime robots. The smartphone app is already available now for IOS and Android.

Comparison with other Transformers Toys in the market

Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime stands out from other Transformers toys in the market due to its advanced features and functionality. While there are other transforming robot toys available, none of them offer the same level of interactivity and control as Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime. Its voice command system, mobile app elements and licensed sounds and voices from the movies make it a unique and engaging toy that offers a more immersive and interactive experience for users.

Where can the Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime be purchased?

The Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime will soon be available in Germany for 999€. Interested parties can order the robot directly on the Robosen website. Robosen Robotics has also shown interest in using its robotics technology to enter new areas, including those in education. Seeing how the business innovates and creates new goods in the future will be exciting.

Bring the epic battle between the Autobots and Decepticons to life with Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime, the ultimate transforming robot toy. With its advanced features, interactivity, and responsiveness, it offers a unique and engaging experience for all ages. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind toy, get yours today!

Free update makes third deep learning method available for IDS NXT

Update for the AI system IDS NXT: cameras can now also detect anomalies

In quality assurance, it is often necessary to reliably detect deviations from the norm. Industrial cameras have a key role in this, capturing images of products and analysing them for defects. If the error cases are not known in advance or are too diverse, however, rule-based image processing reaches its limits. By contrast, this challenge can be reliably solved with the AI method Anomaly Detection. The new, free IDS NXT 3.0 software update from IDS Imaging Development Systems makes the method available to all users of the AI vision system with immediate effect.

The intelligent IDS NXT cameras are now able to detect anomalies independently and thereby optimise quality assurance processes. For this purpose, users train a neural network that is then executed on the programmable cameras. To achieve this, IDS offers the AI Vision Studio IDS NXT lighthouse, which is characterised by easy-to-use workflows and seamless integration into the IDS NXT ecosystem. Customers can even use only „GOOD“ images for training. This means that relatively little training data is required compared to the other AI methods Object Detection and Classification. This simplifies the development of an AI vision application and is well suited for evaluating the potential of AI-based image processing for projects in the company.

Another highlight of the release is the code reading function in the block-based editor. This enables IDS NXT cameras to locate, identify and read out different types of code and the required parameters. Attention maps in IDS NXT lighthouse also provide more transparency in the training process. They illustrate which areas in the image have an impact on classification results. In this way, users can identify and eliminate training errors before a neural network is deployed in the cameras.

IDS NXT is a comprehensive AI-based vision system consisting of intelligent cameras plus software environment that covers the entire process from the creation to the execution of AI vision applications. The software tools make AI-based vision usable for different target groups – even without prior knowledge of artificial intelligence or application programming. In addition, expert tools enable open-platform programming, making IDS NXT cameras highly customisable and suitable for a wide range of applications.

More information:

MasterMover Partners with BlueBotics for Best-in-Class AGV Navigation

20.03.2023, St-Sulpice, Switzerland: MasterMover, the world’s leading manufacturer of electric tug and tow solutions, has announced a new partnership with vehicle automation leader BlueBotics to provide best-in-class ANT navigation technologies for MasterMover’s range of Automated Guided Vehicles.

Known for its broad portfolio of pedestrian operated electric tugs and electric tows, used across Industrial Manufacturing, Logistics, and Retail, MasterMover also offers a range of advanced solutions, spanning remote control operation, line follow navigation, and fully autonomous solutions.

MasterMover AGV products now include BlueBotics’ ANT natural navigation technology as standard, ensuring customers benefit from the advanced features and functionality available from the vehicle navigation market leader.

“MasterMover has twenty-five -years’ experience in designing, manufacturing, and delivering load moving solutions that are synonymous with reliability, quality, and performance,” commented James Jones, Partner and Director at MasterMover. “We are combining this expertise with world-class technology partners to deliver advanced solutions. These are increasingly being demanded by our customers who are focused on maximising safety and efficiency within their operations.”

BlueBotics is the global reference in natural feature navigation. For over 20 years, the Swiss company has helped companies meet the challenge of vehicle automation, and today there are more than 4,000 ‘ANT driven’ AGVs, automated forklifts, and AMRs in operation around the world.

“At BlueBotics our goal is to work with market-leading vehicle producers who have the expertise and experience needed to fully meet their customers’ AGV needs,” said Dr. Nicola Tomatis, CEO of BlueBotics. “Partnering with MasterMover is a great example of this. We have been continually impressed with the professionalism of both the company’s solutions and its team, and we look forward to enjoying much success together.”

MasterMover AGV solutions offer Industrial Manufacturing organisations an effective way to automate a range of load moving processes, delivering return-on-investment, and driving operational efficiency.

Autonomous solutions are available from MasterMover with the capacity to move up to 30,000kg, meaning the company is equipped to take on a wide range of load movement challenges with advanced solutions.

MasterMover is combining a strong track record of success in building powerful and reliable load moving products, with best-in-class technologies from market leaders such as BlueBotics. The company also works with safety technology specialists SICK for its AGV solutions.

“Partnering with BlueBotics was a natural choice, with their ANT navigation technology leading the way. The advanced capabilities of BlueBotics’ solutions, as well as their focus on innovation, mean they are the ideal navigation partner for MasterMover,” added Jones. “We have worked closely with the BlueBotics team on a number of projects, and the relationship between the two organisations will only go from strength to strength”.

For more information on MasterMover AGV solutions, please visit:

About MasterMover

MasterMover is a world-leading manufacturer of electric tug and tow solutions, designed to improve safety and operational efficiency when moving heavy, large or unconventional loads. MasterMover focuses on innovation, research, and development to provide the widest range of electric tug products on the market.

Specialist solutions include pedestrian-operated, remotely controlled, and fully Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) options. In addition, MultiLink technology allows a single remote operator to simultaneously control multiple electric tugs through synchronised movement.

MasterMover operates globally through direct relationships and a network of sales and service partners. The company works with an enviable range of world-leading names across industrial manufacturing, retail, and logistics. With an expert in-house engineering team, MasterMover has a proven track record of delivering bespoke projects for diverse applications around the world.

About BlueBotics

BlueBotics is the reference in natural feature navigation and has the mission to help companies meet the challenge of vehicle automation. With over 20 years of industry experience, the company provides the autonomous navigation technology (ANT) and expert support customers need to bring their AGV, automated forklift, or mobile robot successfully to market. Today, there are more than 4,000 ANT driven vehicles in operation worldwide. Visit to learn more.

RBTX robotics marketplace now available in 18 countries

Powered by igus, RBTX continues to expand international offers, making Low Cost Automation accessible in ten additional countries

16 February 2023 – igus®, the global leader in motion plastics, is expanding its broad range of Low-Cost Automation solutions, reflecting the company’s determination to lower the barriers to entering the automation age.

The robotics marketplace helps interested parties find the right automation solution for their individual application as easily, quickly, and cost-effectively as possible. has been part of this effort since 2019. Previously, RBTX was available in eight countries. Now igus is expanding the range and launching the robotics marketplace in ten additional countries – with three more soon to follow.

To ensure competitiveness, more and more companies are automating their processes. However, investment costs are typically high, and the lack of expertise often represents an obstacle – especially for small and medium-sized companies. This is where RBTX, powered by igus, comes into play. The offer includes an online marketplace for cost-effective robotic components and complete solutions, the RBTXpert remote integration service, and customer testing areas at various locations across the globe, where planned customer applications can be tested live before purchase.

“Our RBTX online marketplace grew significantly in the last year,” says Alexander Mühlens, Head of the Automation Technology and Robotics Business Unit at igus. “We started in Germany in 2019. Since our offer was well-received and demand is constantly growing, we expanded RBTX to Austria, France, Great Britain, the US, Canada, India and Singapore in the last few years. We are still continuously working on becoming active in other countries to make Low Cost Automation more accessible worldwide. That’s why, starting immediately, we are offering RBTX in ten more countries: Poland, Switzerland, Denmark, Italy, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Thailand. Three more will follow soon: Spain, Brazil, and Turkey.”

A praline-dispensing machine, a plant cultivation system, or bulk goods sorting: interested parties can find complete cost-effective solutions for their automation tasks at

Rapid robot integration with remote services is booming

At, interested parties have access to more than 300 individual robotics components from 78 manufacturers and more than 150 complete solutions from real-world applications – including guaranteed hardware and software compatibility.

Additionally, the online marketplace offers a place for humans and robots to meet. In the Customer Testing Area, customers can work with an RBTXpert in the remote integrator service to test the feasibility of their planned application. The RBTXpert engages in a video call from this environment with those interested in automation and provides individual advice.

“In Germany alone, we implement up to 30 projects per week. We also have customer testing areas on-site in many other countries so that the RBTXpert can offer support in various languages and time zones,” says Alexander Mühlens. “This gives even more interested parties across the globe direct access to a wide range of cost-effective robotics.”

Elephant Robotics launched ultraArm with various solutions for education

In the past year, Elephant Robotics has launched various products to meet more user needs and help them unlock more potential in research and education. To help users learn more knowledge about machine vision, Elephant Robotics launched the AI Kit, which can work with multiple robotic arms to do AI recognition and grabbing. In June 2022, Elephant Robotics released the mechArm to help individual makers and students get better learning in industrial robotics.

Nowadays, robotic arms are used in an increasingly wide range of applications, such as industry, medicine, commercial exhibitions, etc. At the very end of 2022, ultraArm is launched, and this time, Elephant Robotics doesn’t just release a new robotic arm, but brings 5 sets of solutions to education and R&D.

Small but powerful

As the core product of this launch, ultraArm is a small 4-axis desktop robotic arm. It is designed with a classic metal structure and occupies only an area of A5 paper. It is the first robotic arm equipped with a high-performance stepper motors of Elephant Robotics. It is stable and owns ±0.1mm repeated positioning accuracy. What’s more, ultraArm comes with 5 kits together including slide rail, conveyor belt, and cameras.

Multiple environments supported

As a preferred tool for the education field, ultraArm supports all major programming languages, including Python, Arduino, C++, etc. Also, it can be programmed in Mac, Windows, and Linux systems. For individual makers who are new to robotics, they can learn robotic programming with myBlockly, a visualization software that allows users to drag and drop code blocks.

Moreover, ultraArm supports ROS1 & ROS2. In the ROS environment, users can control ultraArm and verify algorithms in the virtual environment, improving experiment efficiency. With the support of ROS2, users can achieve more functions and objects in the developments.

Five robotic kits with for Robot Vision & DIY

In the past year, Elephant Robotics found that many users have to spend large amount of time creating accessories or kits to work with robotic arms. Therefore, to provide more solutions in different fields, ultraArm comes with five robotic kits, which are devided into two series: vision educational kits and DIY kits. These kits will help users, especially students program easily for a better learning experience on practical exercises about AI robot vision and DIY robotic projects.

Vision educational kits

Combined with vision functions, robotic arms can be used for more applications in industry, medicine, education, etc. In robotics education, collaborative robotic arms with vision capabilities allow students to better learn about artificial intelligence. Elephant Robotics has launched three kits for machine vision education: Vision & Picking Kit, Vision & Conveyor Belt Kit, and Vision & Slide Rail Kit to provide more choices and support to the education industry. With the camera and built-in related AI algorithms (Yolo, SIFT, ORB, etc.), ultraArm can achieve different artificial intelligence recognition applications with different identifying ways. Therefore, users can select the kit based on their needs.

For Vision & Picking Kit, users can learn about color & image recognition, intelligent grasping, robot control principle, etc. For Vision & Conveyor Belt Kit and Vision, the robotic arm can sense the distance of materials for identifying, grabbing, and classifying the objects on the belt. Users can easily create simulated industrial applications in this kit, such as color sorting. Users can have deeper learning in machine vision with the Vision & Slide Rail Kit because the robot can track and grab objects through the dynamic vision algorithm in this kit. With the multiple programming environments supported, the vision educational kits are preferred for school or STEM education production line simulation. Moreover, Elephant Robotics also offers different educational programs for students and teachers, to enable them to better understand the principles and algorithms of robot vision, helping them operate these robot kits more easily.

DIY kits

There are two kits in the DIY series: the Drawing Kit and Laser Engraving Kit. Users will enjoyonline production, nameplate and phone case DIY production, and AI drawing with the multiple accessories in the DIY kits.

To help users quickly achieve DIY production, Elephant Robotics created software called Elephant Luban. It is a platform that generates the G-Code track and provides primary cases for users. Users can select multiple functions such as precise writing and drawing, laser engravingwith, only with a few clicks. For example, users can upload the images they like to the software, Elephant Luban will automatically generate the path of images and transmit to ultraArm, then users can choose drawing or engraving with different accessories.

There is no doubt that ultraArm with different robotics kits certainly provides a great deal of help and support to the education field. These kits offer better operating environments and conditions for students, and help them get better learning in robotic programming. Elephant Robotics will continue to launch more products and projects with the concept of helping more users to enjoy the robot world.

Now ordering ultraArm in Elephant Robotics Shop can enjoy the 20% discount with the code: Ultra20

Digital Robot HORST1000 with a payload of up to 8 kilograms

Constance, February 28th, 2023 – Up to 8 kilograms payload, a reach of 1,018 millimeters, short cycle times: fruitcore robotics is launching HORST1000, a new robot whose performance parameters enable a wide range of additional applications and better meet the growing market for industrial processes such as machine placement and pick & place applications.

HORST1000 is a completely newly developed robot kinematics system that incorporates all the knowledge gained from industrial practice in recent years. Building on existing technology innovations, fruitcore robotics‘ patented robot transmission for HORST1000 has been further optimized using a machine learning algorithm, resulting in a significant increase in performance. In terms of design, fruitcore robotics focuses on a compact footprint and aesthetics, as it has done with its robots that have already won multiple awards in the past, such as the Fokus Open Award and the German Innovation Award. With the introduction of the new model, the predecessor HORST900 will no longer be continued.

Performance improvement based on existing technology innovations

In HORST1000, key performance features such as payload, range and workspace have been significantly improved. The new all-rounder has a payload of up to 8 kilograms and a reach of 1,018 millimeters. The developers placed particular focus on the workspace of HORST1000. The threedimensional workspace has increased by 40 % compared to HORST900, allowing 50 % larger trays to be processed. From the base, HORST1000 can move around 230 millimeters further forward than its predecessor, which corresponds to a 43 % longer linear path. This allows customers to enter machines more easily. Higher acceleration values of the individual axes in the nominal load range also ensure shorter cycle times. In a classic pick & place process, this improves the cycle time by up to 20 %.

„The technological innovations of HORST1000 let us further increase the performance difference compared to current cobots,“ explains Jens Riegger, Managing Director (CEO) and Co-Founder of fruitcore robotics. Patrick Heimburger, Managing Director (Chief Revenue Officer) and Co-Founder of fruitcore robotics, adds: „We now allow an even wider range of applications and help our customers implement industrial processes such as machine placement and pick & place even more easily and efficiently.“

Optimized for Machine Loading and Pick & Place

Thanks to its range and workspace design, HORST1000 is tailor-made for loading and unloading any machine tools; especially for lathes and milling machines, the robot is also ideally suited due to its software and interfaces. The robot can reach deep into the machines, the high axis accelerations enable a short cycle time. In addition, the maximum payload of 8 kilograms also allows the use of heavy tools and complex multiple gripper systems. As an automation solution, Digital RobotHORST1000, like its predecessor HORST900 and its brothers HORST600 and HORST1400, includes not only powerful and cost-effective hardware. It follows a coordinated operating concept, which not only makes the operation of the robot particularly simple, but also the implementation of the entire application. All components involved in the process, such as grippers, CNC systems and safety systems, are operated via the horstFX graphical user interface and centrally networked with the horstCOSMOS IIoT platform.

For example, the machine tool can be integrated as a 3D model in horstFX and component variants can be easily traded via the program management of the operating software. Switching between two tools can be mapped on the software side via the multi-tool feature. In addition to the connection to the IIoT platform, all fruitcore robotics robots come with an IIoT surf stick with SIM card as standard. This offers companies the possibility to go online with the robot system without having to integrate it into their company network. Customers can establish an internet connection as required and use horstCOSMOS to view their robot fleet on dashboards, including the process data of the robot application. This allows processes to be optimized independently or in coordination with fruitcore robotics. In addition, availability is increased because maintenance can be carried out via predictive maintenance and a quick response can be made to service cases via remote maintenance.

Pre-orders now possible

HORST1000 can be pre-ordered from the manufacturer from now on. Delivery will take place from 01.06.2023. The price for the new all-rounder can be found on the manufacturer’s website.

Specifications HORST1000:

Max. Payload8 kg
Nominal Load5 kg
Max. Range1018 mm
Mounting Surface380 x 380 mm
WeightApprox. 70k g
Repeatability+/- 0,05 mm
Protection ClassIP54
Sound Level< 70 dB (A)
Power Supply230VAC, 50-60Hz, typ. 350W
Surrounding Temperature5-40 °C
Standard ColorRAL 5021 (Water Blue)

Digital Robot HORST1000 mit bis zu 8 Kilogramm Traglast

Konstanz, 28.02.2023 – Bis zu 8 Kilogramm Traglast, eine Reichweite von 1018 Millimetern,  kurze Taktzeiten: fruitcore robotics bringt mit HORST1000 einen neuen Roboter auf den Markt,  der mit seinen Leistungsparametern eine Vielzahl an weiteren Anwendungen ermöglicht und  dem wachsenden Markt für Industrieprozesse wie Maschinenbestückung und Pick & PlaceAnwendungen noch besser entspricht.

HORST1000 ist eine vollständig neu entwickelte Roboterkinematik, in die sämtliche Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre aus der industriellen Praxis eingeflossen sind. An bestehende Technologieinnovationen anknüpfend, konnte das patentierte Robotergetriebe von fruitcore robotics für HORST1000 mit Hilfe eines Machine-Learning-Algorithmus weiter optimiert werden, was zu einer deutlichen Leistungssteigerung führt. Beim Design setzt fruitcore robotics wie bei den bereits in der Vergangenheit mehrfach mit Preisen wie dem Fokus Open Award und dem German Innovation Award ausgezeichneten Robotern auf einen kompakten Footprint und Ästhetik. Mit der Einführung des neuen Modells wird der Vorgänger HORST900 nicht mehr weitergeführt.

Leistungsverbesserung auf Grundlage bestehender Technologieinnovationen

Bei HORST1000 konnten die wesentlichen Leistungsmerkmale wie Traglast, Reichweite und Arbeitsraum deutlich verbessert werden. Der neue Allrounder hat eine Traglast von bis zu 8 Kilogramm und eine Reichweite von 1018 Millimetern. Besonderen Fokus legten die Entwickler:innen auf den Arbeitsraum von HORST1000. Der dreidimensionale Arbeitsraum hat  sich im Vergleich zu HORST900 um 40 % vergrößert, sodass 50 % größere Trays bearbeitet werden können. Vom Sockel aus kann HORST1000 rund 230 Millimeter weiter nach vorne fahren als sein Vorgänger, was einer 43 % längeren Linearbahn entspricht. Dadurch können Kund:innen besser in Maschinen einfahren. Höhere Beschleunigungswerte der einzelnen Achsen im Nennlastbereich sorgen außerdem für kürzere Taktzeiten. Bei einem klassischen Pick & Place-Prozess verbessert sich die Taktzeit dadurch um bis zu 20%. 

„Die technologischen Innovationen von HORST1000 lassen uns den Leistungsunterschied zu den gängigen Cobots weiter erhöhen“, erklärt Jens Riegger, Geschäftsführer (CEO) und Mitgründer von fruitcore robotics. Patrick Heimburger, Geschäftsführer (Chief Revenue Officer) und Mitgründer von fruitcore robotics, ergänzt: „Wir ermöglichen nun ein noch größeres Spektrum an Anwendungen und helfen unseren Kund:innen dabei, Industrieprozesse wie Maschinenbestückung und Pick & Place noch einfacher und effizienter umzusetzen.“

Optimiert für Maschinenbestückung und Pick & Place

Dank seiner Reichweite und Arbeitsraumgestaltung ist HORST1000 wie geschaffen für die Be- und Entladung jeglicher Werkzeugmaschinen, insbesondere für Dreh- und Fräsmaschinen ist der Roboter auch aufgrund der Software und seiner Schnittstellen optimal geeignet. Der Roboter kann tief in die Maschinen eingreifen, die hohen Achsbeschleunigungen ermöglichen eine kurze Taktzeit. Darüber hinaus erlaubt die maximale Traglast von 8 Kilogramm auch den Einsatz von schweren Tools und komplexen Mehrfachgreifer-Systemen. Als Automatisierungs-Lösung umfasst Digital Robot HORST1000 wie schon sein Vorgänger HORST900 und seine Brüder HORST600 und HORST1400 nicht nur eine leistungsstarke und preisgünstige Hardware. Er folgt einem in sich abgestimmten Bedienkonzept, durch welches nicht nur die Bedienung des Roboters besonders einfach ist, sondern auch die Umsetzung der gesamten Anwendung. Alle am Prozess beteiligten Komponenten, wie Greifer, CNC-Anlagen und Sicherheitssysteme werden über die grafische Bedienoberfläche horstFX bedient und zentral mit der IIoT-Plattform horstCOSMOS vernetzt. So kann zum Beispiel die Werkzeugmaschine als 3D-Modell in horstFX eingebunden werden und Bauteilvarianten ganz einfach über die Programmverwaltung der Bediensoftware gehandelt werden. Der Wechsel zwischen zwei Tools kann softwareseitig über das Multi-Tool-Feature abgebildet werden. Neben der Anbindung an die IIoT-Plattform ist bei allen Robotern von fruitcore robotics ein IIoT-Surfstick mit SIM-Karte standardmäßig im Lieferumfang enthalten. Dieser bietet Unternehmen die Möglichkeit, mit dem Robotersystem online zu gehen, ohne es in ihr Firmennetzwerk einbinden zu müssen. Kund:innen können nach Bedarf eine Internetverbindung aufbauen und via horstCOSMOS auf Dashboards ihre Roboterflotte samt Prozessdaten der Roboteranwendung einsehen. So können Prozesse eigenständig oder in Abstimmung mit fruitcore robotics optimiert werden. Zudem erhöht sich die Verfügbarkeit, weil Wartungen per Predictive Maintenance erfolgen und bei Servicefällen schnell per Fernwartung reagiert werden kann.

Vorbestellungen ab sofort möglich

HORST1000 kann ab sofort beim Hersteller vorbestellt werden. Die Auslieferung erfolgt ab 01.06.2023. Der Preis für den neuen Allrounder kann der Website des Herstellers entnommen werden.

Kenngrößen HORST1000:

Max. Traglast8 kg
Nennlast5 kg
Max. Reichweite1018 mm
Aufstellfläche380 x 380 mm
Gewichtca. 70k g
Wiederholgenauigkeit+/- 0,05 mm
Schallpegel< 70 dB (A)
Stromversorgung230VAC, 50-60Hz, typ. 350W
Umgebungstemperatur5-40 °C
StandardfarbeRAL 5021 (Wasserblau)