Sony’s New KOOV Educator Kit Makes Science and Technology Learning Accessible to Everyone

SAN DIEGO, Calif. — February 14, 2018—Sony Electronics today announced its unveiling of the KOOV Educator Kit, an all-in-one coding, robotics and design kit that combines digital coding with physical building to teach the next generation of problem solvers and innovators. Reflecting Sony’s commitment to both technology innovation and quality science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) education, KOOV is designed to help cultivate students’ collaboration and problem solving skills, which have become critically important in 21st century learning.

Studies show that 65 percent of kids entering primary school today will work in jobs that do not exist yet,* and that there will be 4.4 million computer and IT jobs in the USA by 2024.** STEAM-focused education helps children develop the abilities they need for a technology-driven world. To meet the marketplace’s growing demand for these skills, KOOV helps students develop their creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication abilities. KOOV was created to make STEAM learning tools accessible to all students. By using inclusive colors, a shareable design and the goal of building a foundation for future STEAM learning, KOOV serves as a ready-made, easy-to-use resource for teachers, students and parents.

“KOOV is a dynamic educational tool to help pave the road for tomorrow’s creative geniuses,” said Mike Fasulo, president and chief operating officer of Sony Electronics.” As a technology company, Sony depends on the next generation of talented engineers and artists to carry our industry forward. Exposing students to engaging science and technology projects during their formative years encourages them to embrace these subjects.”

KOOV is made up of over 300 building blocks and accessories, along with a plethora of sensors, motors, LEDs and more. The KOOV Educator Kit includes the KOOV App, which features more than 30 hours of easy-to-follow educational content via its Learning Course. The KOOV Learning Course offers a great starting point for students to begin learning key concepts in coding, building and design. This educational course introduces the different electrical components that KOOV uses and provides students an overview of how those parts work and how to use Scratch-based coding to control them. The KOOV Educator Kit also comes with 23 pre-designed, pre-coded “Robot Recipes” ranging from simple structures to complex animals and vehicles. These recipes enable students to start building right away and quickly develop the skills needed to create their own original robots. The Robot Recipes showcase what can be done with KOOV, giving young learners the inspiration they need to move ahead and make their own unique creations from scratch.

Designed for children ages eight and up, the KOOV Educator Kit allows students to build on core concepts that they will learn over time and create increasingly complex robots as they go. Once a student masters the basic concepts and skills, they can use their imagination to create an infinite number of robotic combinations.

KOOV is flexible enough for students to use for independent study or in a structured setting led by an educator. One KOOV Educator Kit can accommodate up to five students. The Educator Kit offers curriculum-aligned lesson plans, step- by-step teacher guides, and student progress reports. In addition, KOOV provides class management features to give educators the tools to quickly implement KOOV-based learning into any classroom. KOOV will be available for pre-order beginning February 14, 2018, and products are expected to start shipping in late March 2018. For more information please visit:

*World Economic Forum Future of Jobs report, 2016
**Bureau of Labor and Statistics


About Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Electronics is a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America and an affiliate of Sony Corporation (Japan), one of the most comprehensive entertainment companies in the world, with a portfolio that encompasses electronics, music, motion pictures, mobile, gaming and financial services. Headquartered in San Diego, California, Sony Electronics is a leader in electronics for the consumer and professional markets. Operations include research and development, engineering, sales, marketing, distribution and customer service. Sony Electronics creates products that innovate and inspire generations, such as the award-winning Alpha Interchangeable Lens Cameras and revolutionary high-resolution audio products. Sony is also a leading manufacturer of end-to-end solutions from 4K professional broadcast and A/V equipment to industry leading 4K Ultra HD TVs. Visit for more information.

An Entertaining and Engaging Approach to Education from Easycube

San Fransisco, California/US​ – January 10, 2018​ – Easycube brings innovation to an old standard toy: the building block. Playtime is much more sophisticated now than when building blocks first made their way to toy boxes. With EasyCube, children get a completely new experience.

Easycube are building blocks that safely conduct electricity. This enables those building to assemble a variety of different creations from houses to cars and more. The electric power systems are independent to each cube. This modular design feature allows users to add the power cubes to any position. Easycube also offers a new type of splicing interface for better assembly.

Easycube is easy enough for those aged six years or older. But kids aren’t the only ones who will enjoy Easycube. It’s great for all ages. Anyone with a creative mind will find these blocks exciting and fun. Kids and adults will appreciate the do-it-yourself electric building blocks. These blocks are great at stimulating young minds and fostering curiosity. More than just fun, they’re a great tool in early childhood development.

Easycube offers over seven different kinds of engineering vehicles in one kit. A kit includes a battery, one motor block, one control cube, three power cubes, two basic cubes, four triangular cubes, two rotating modules and various fittings. The three power cubes and control cubes can be connected by three extendable magnetic lines. With the telecontroller, users can control all three power cubes at one time. Silicone cushions are installed at each corner of each cube, and are harmless to children.

Founder Yuchen Tao said, “With Easycube, creativity is unlimited. Anyone can have fun with these blocks while also learning some valuable information about technology and the fundamentals of construction. We are very excited about the mark that Easycube will make on the toy and technology industries.”

Easycube has worked for over two years to bring their revolutionary building blocks to market. The idea was conceived in July 2015. The next few years focused on design, planning, mold creation, and R&D testing. Now that the idea has been validated, the time has come to move forward with making Easycube available to everyone. To do that, Easycube has created a crowdfunding campaign. As a well-funded, highly efficient technology company, Easycube strives to communicate with supporters to deliver products as soon as possible. Find out more about the crowdfunding campaign at Kickstarter.

About Easycube

Easycube was launched in 2015 with the idea to make block play more engaging. From this idea came modular robotic building blocks. These blocks allow for fun and learning as one. With multiple sizes and shapes, Easycube blocks create a new play experience for both kids and adults. Learn more about Easycube at

Roboter – die intelligenten und lernfähigen Werkzeuge der Zukunft

Wie autonome Roboter Helfer und Kollegen der Menschen werden können

Erst vor kurzem hat Prof. Dr. Sami Haddadin und sein Forschungsteam mit Simon Haddadin und Sven Parusel für ihren kostengünstigen, flexiblen und einfach zu bedienenden Roboter den Deutschen Zukunftspreis 2017 erhalten. Doch was steckt hinter dem Konzept dieses Roboters? In seiner Keynote auf der MATLAB EXPO im Sommer letzten Jahres sprach Sami Haddadin über seine Vision der Robotik für die Zukunft und welche Schritte heute bereits dafür getan werden können.

Der Stand der Technik
Prof. Dr. Sami Haddadin definiert Roboter als intelligente, lernfähige Werkzeuge, die in der Lage sind, den Menschen zu unterstützen, und verortet sie so als nächste Entwicklungsstufe der Werkzeuge in einer Linie nach Steinkeil, Dampfmaschine und Computer.

Dennoch sind die meisten Roboter heute noch weit davon entfernt, selbstständig handeln zu können. Stattdessen stehen sie hinter Schutzzäunen und absolvieren immer die gleichen Arbeitsabläufe. Zudem beschränken sich ihre Freiheitsgrade meist auf sechs oder höchstens zwölf Dimensionen. Das bedeutet: Die Roboter, die heute im Einsatz sind, fungieren zum größten Teil als Produktionsmaschinen mit festgelegten Aufgaben und sind abgeschottet vom Menschen.

Eine Revolution in der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion
Der technische Fortschritt der letzten Jahre hat es möglich gemacht, Robotern einen neuen Platz in unserer Arbeitswelt aber auch im privaten Bereich geben zu können. Ein wichtiger Punkt ist, dass wir nun den Robotern beibringen können, mit dem Menschen zu interagieren. Besonders wichtig ist in diesem Punkt die Ingenieurstechnologie, die den Roboter hochbeweglich macht. So verfügt zum Beispiel der vom DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) entwickelte Roboter Agile Justin über 53 Freiheitsgrade.

Ebenso zentral für die Interaktion mit dem Menschen ist die Sensorik, mit der ein Roboter ausgestattet ist. Denn über Sensoren kann der Roboter seine Umwelt und so auch Menschen in seiner Umgebung wahrnehmen. Zudem kann er merken, wenn ein Mensch physisch mit ihm interagiert.

Der Punkt, in dem Roboter dem Menschen schon einen großen Schritt voraus sind, ist die Vernetzung. Roboter können bereits heute untereinander kommunizieren und eine kollektive Intelligenz bilden. Genau hier können sie den Menschen auch weiter unterstützen, indem sie die Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und Maschineninformationen bilden. Dazu Haddadin: „Ein ganz zentraler Meilenstein, wenn nicht sogar Quantensprung der derzeitigen Entwicklung sind die Cobots, das heißt, Roboter, die mit dem Menschen interagieren können und zugleich miteinander vernetzt sind.“

Durch die Vernetzung untereinander sammeln die Roboter eine Vielzahl an Daten, die sie nutzen können, um aus ihnen zu lernen und Entscheidungen zu treffen. Diese autonome Handlungsfähigkeit macht den Roboter zu einem wertvollen Unterstützer. Denn ein autonomer Roboter kann mehr als nur eine vordefinierte Handlung ausführen, besitzt Lernfähigkeit und kann für verschiedene Zwecke und Tätigkeiten eingesetzt werden.

Autonome Systeme als Herausforderung für die Programmierung
Die Fähigkeit, selbstständig zu handeln, erfordert auch ein neues Level für Betriebssysteme und der Programmierung für Autonome Systeme, denn, so führt Sami Haddadin aus: „Ein Autonomes System interagiert mit einer potenziell unbekannten und fast nicht beschreibbaren Umwelt. Das muss auch in den Abstraktionsmodellen einer Software repräsentiert sein.“ Eine große Herausforderung ist beispielsweise das Sammeln der über die Sensoren gewonnenen Daten, die dann in Echtzeit zu einem kohärenten Bild der Umgebung zusammengefügt werden müssen.

Weiterhin ist es essentiell, das Autonome System mit Informationen und Szenarien zu trainieren, sodass es erlernt, selbst sinnvolle Entscheidungen zu treffen. Gerade der Prozess des Trainings nimmt meistens viel Zeit und Ressourcen in Anspruch. Deshalb hat MathWorks vor kurzem die Möglichkeit in MATLAB eingeführt, auf bereits vortrainierte neuronale Netzwerke wie zum Beispiel GoogLeNet zurückzugreifen.

Digitale Unterstützung in allen Lebensbereichen
Je komplexer die Handlungen sind, die ein Roboter übernehmen soll, umso mehr Daten muss er in kürzester Zeit verarbeiten und daraus intelligente Handlungen initiieren können. Doch mit diesen Fähigkeiten steigt auch der Nutzen, den der Mensch aus ihnen ziehen kann.

Die klugen, digitalen Helfer könnten sowohl für die private Unterstützung im Alltag als auch für Industrieroboter in der Industrie 4.0, aber auch in der Medizinrobotik genutzt werden – etwa als Nanoroboter, die Medikamente im Blut verabreichen, ebenso wie als Exoskelette für die Rehabilitation. Noch hat die Forschung erst die ersten Schritte auf diesem Weg gemacht, aber die Möglichkeiten sind schon heute vielfältiger als je zuvor.

Den gesamten Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Sami Haddadin auf der MATLAB EXPO können Sie hier ansehen:

Eine sechsminütige Zusammenfassung mit allen Highlights finden Sie hier:–1504187845588.html

Auch im nächsten Jahr lädt MathWorks am 26. Juni 2018 wieder zur MATLAB EXPO ein. Die Konferenz bietet neben Vorträgen zu aktuellen Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung auch die Möglichkeit, sich über konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele auszutauschen.

OmniJoy is a multipurpose Raspberry Pi-powered robot controller and gamepad

Durham, North Carolina – January 3, 2017 – For Immediate Release
Cerulean Submergence today launched a Kickstarter campaign for
OmniJoy, an open source, handheld, battery-operated, multi-function
controller powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero.

“I was looking for an all-in-one device that could control a variety of
devices while remaining portable and hackable,” said creator of OmniJoy,
Chris Lathan. “I couldn’t find anything I liked, so I designed my own.” As a geek, an engineer, and a maker, Lathan has worked in a variety of engineering roles for the past 15+ years. He fused his extensive mechanical and electrical engineering knowledge to create OmniJoy to fill the void he found in the market for configurable controllers.

OmniJoy features a custom printed circuit board that integrates all of the components Lathan felt a controller needed. OmniJoy consists of two analog joysticks, two shoulder scrolling wheels, a face-mounted navigation switch and six buttons that are all software configurable. The integrated 3.5” touchscreen display can be used to create any additional controls, and a full-size USB-A connector simplifies expandability. An on- board Arduino-compatible processor provides real-time IO to give low latency when precise timing is critical. Other features like the high frame rate display, integrated audio, and room for two large batteries make it excellent for gaming as well. The components are well supported by the maker/Raspberry Pi community.

While the circuit board is usable alone, OmniJoy is offering its Kickstarter backers several other options, from a case with 3D-printed handle grips to a fully-loaded robot-ready version featuring handcrafted Bolivian Rosewood grips. The case is a laser cut stack-up that makes modifications simple.  OmniJoy’s grips are available in bespoke Bolivian Rosewood.

“We wanted it functional, hackable, and good looking,” said Lathan. OmniJoy is fully programmable and comes with all the configuration files, drivers, and source-code you need to get started. It can be used as-is, as a portable, handheld, Raspberry Pi-based Linux computer. By adding additional software or programming it, OmniJoy can control widgets, robots, and even your home. It can also be used as a portable RetroPie device.

The ways you can use OmniJoy are endless! We can’t wait to see what our users come up with!

OmniJoy is available now for pre-order on Kickstarter.

VEX Robotics Unveils its International Modern Education Solution at CES 2018

A faster, smarter, and more powerful control system perfect for any learning environment

For over ten years, millions of schools around the world have chosen VEX Robotics as the premiere STEM education solution. This year at CES 2018 (Booth 43761, Sands Hall D) the world’s leading education STEM solution is unveiling a faster, smarter, and more powerful control system designed to scale from the classroom to the competition field. The V5 control system is engineered to provide the most advanced robotics learning experience, which is complimented with customizable STEM Labs and a programming environment that grows and evolves with the student.

From the touch interface of the Robot Brain to the VEX Coding Studio programming software, V5 was designed with the key focus of “Intelligent Simplicity.” This system of products embraces the model of explorative STEM learning through each unique component.

“We want kids to learn how much fun it is to solve challenging problems,” commented Paul Copioli, President of VEX Robotics, Inc. “With the launch of V5, we’ve revolutionized the way VEX EDR robots communicate so that teachers and students can focus on solving other truly complex STEM principles that will get them both excited and prepared for their future.

Our STEM Labs were designed by a team of classroom teachers, cognitive scientists, and pedagogy experts who work closely with the world-renowned Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy to conduct collaborative research on educational robotics and computer science. Our STEM Labs are mapped to educational standards, and designed to transform the learning experience for students and teachers with fun and engaging activities that incorporate hands-on educational robotics. STEM Labs spark creativity and innovation in the classroom by moving students through projects that allow them to test and apply their knowledge in multiple situations, while understanding the real-world relevance of the topics and concepts they are learning.

STEM Labs Overview

VEX, in partnership with Robomatter and Modkit, is developing a completely new programming environment named VEX Coding Studio. VEX Coding Studio is a simple, intuitive programming environment to teach students of all skill levels how to program and keep them programming as their skills advance.VEX Coding Studio has multiple programming languages, device updates, and diagnostic tools are built into one package. Users can start with graphical programming using Modkit Blocks, move into the transitional (blocks & text) language called Modkit Text, and then advance into text-only programming with ROBOT C++ (the next evolution of ROBOTC). VEX Coding Studio includes many features that VEX users have been requesting for years, such as auto-complete, syntax assistance, color-coding, and UI themes and will also work on multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac, Chromebook, iPad and Android tablets.

VEX is also used in the world’s largest and fastest-growing educational robotics competition, providing the perfect opportunity for educators and students to apply learning in an exhilarating environment both in the classroom and beyond.


Roboteq Launches Enhanced Sensor for Guiding Robotic Vehicles along Invisible Magnetic Tracks

Scottsdale, AZ, January 4, 2017 – Roboteq, Inc ( introduces a new magnetic guide sensor capable of detecting and reporting the position of a magnetic field along its horizontal axis. The sensor is intended for line following robotic applications, using adhesive magnetic tape to form a track guide on the floor.

Measuring only 165 x 35 x 35mm, the MGSW1600 is built into a rugged, watertight, all-metal enclosure. It uses an 8-pin waterproof M12-type connector for its power supply and IO signals.

The sensor uses advanced signal processing to accurately measure its lateral distance from the center of the track, with millimeter resolution, resulting in nearly 160 points end to end. Tape position information can be output in numerical format on the sensor’s RS232, CANbus or USB ports. The position is also reported as a 0 to 3V analog voltage output and as a variable PWM output. Additionally, the sensor supports a dedicated MultiPWM mode allowing seamless communication with all Roboteq motor controllers using only one wire.

The sensor is primarily used to steer Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs), moving material on factory floors. However, its unique sensitivity and accuracy opens a world of new application opportunities, such as automatic shelf replenishing in supermarkets, patient transport in hospitals, stage theater props, or rail-less tramways.

Compared to other guiding techniques, magnetic guides are totally passive and therefore easy to lay and modify. The tape creates an invisible field that is immune to dirt and unaffected by lighting conditions. The magnetic track can be totally hidden under any non-ferrous flooring material, such as linoleum, tiles, or carpet.

Roboteq provides drawings, How-To videos and software free of charge for building Magnetic Track Guided mobile robots. Roboteq’s RoboAGVSim is a software package that lets the user develop and simulate such robots.

The sensor will detect and manage up to 2-way forks and can be instructed to follow the left or right track using commands issued via the serial, CAN or USB ports. All of the sensor’s operating parameters and commands are also accessible via its CAN bus interface.

In addition to detecting a track to follow, the sensor will detect and report the presence of magnetic markers. Markers are pieces of tape of opposite magnetic polarity that may be positioned on the left or right side of the track. The sensor is equipped with four LEDs for easy monitoring and diagnostics.

The sensor incorporates a high-speed, Basic-like scripting language that allows users to add customized functionality to the sensor. A PC utility is provided for configuring the sensor, capture and plot the sensor data on a strip chart recorder, and visualize in real time the magnetic field as it is “seen” by the sensor.

The sensor firmware can be updated in the field to take advantage of new features as they become available.

The MGSW1600 is available now to customers worldwide at $595 in single quantities. Product information and software can be downloaded from the company’s web site at

Roboteq sells adhesive magnetic tape of 25mm and 50mm width, in 50 meter rolls. These are available from our online store.

A 2 minutes video presentation of the MGSW1600 can be viewed at:

A demonstration video of the RoboAGVSimulator can be viewed at:

Roboteq’s Magnetic Guide Technology is used by the World’s finest AGV and Mobile Robot manufacturers. Below are some Customer videos showing Roboteq’s sensor in action :

Aristeril – Spain:

ASI Technologies – USA:

Divel – Canada:

DTA – Spain:

Ideasparq – Malaysia:

Tekn0 – USA:

Feldrobotik im Pflanzenbau: Vortrag auf der weltgrößten Agrarmesse

Rund 120 internationale Journalistinnen und Journalisten kamen zur Eröffnungspressekonferenz der DLG auf der diesjährigen Agritechnica. Prof. Dr. Arno Ruckelshausen von der Hochschule Osnabrück, einer der renommiertesten Forscher in der Feldrobotik, informierte die Medienvertreter über aktuelle Entwicklungen seiner Disziplin / Foto: DLG

Hannover / Osnabrück (lifePR) – Prof. Dr. Arno Ruckelshausen von der Hochschule Osnabrück ist einer der renommiertesten Forscher in der Feldrobotik. Auf der diesjährigen Agritechnica, der weltgrößten Messe für Landwirtschaft und Agrartechnik, informierte er rund 120 internationale Journalistinnen und Journalisten über aktuelle Entwicklungen seines Fachgebiets. In der Kombination von digitalen und mechanischen Technologien stecken für die moderne Landtechnik riesige Potentiale – das machte Ruckelshausen in seinem Vortrag auf der Pressekonferenz der Deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft DLG deutlich.

Mit 2.800 Ausstellern sowie mehr als 450.000 Besuchern aus Deutschland und dem Ausland hat die Agritechnica 2017 „ihre führende Rolle als der weltweite Branchentreffpunkt der Landwirtschaft und der Landtechnik weiter ausgebaut.“ Dies erklärte jetzt der Hauptgeschäftsführer Dr. Reinhard Grandke vom Veranstalter Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG) in Hannover.

Auf der Eröffnungspressekonferenz hielt Prof. Dr. Arno Ruckelshausen von der Hochschule Osnabrück einen Vortrag über den Einsatz der Feldrobotik im Pflanzenbau.

Zusammenfassung des Vortrags (deutsch englisch)

Ruckelshausen gilt als einer der renommiertesten Fachleute auf diesem Gebiet. Im Hochschul-Kompetenzzentrum COALA, „Competence of Applied Agricultural Engineering“, verbindet er mit seinen Kollegen Innovationen aus Agrarwissenschaft, Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Maschinenbau. Die vielfältigen Forschungsaktivitäten und Netzwerke sind dabei eng mit der anwendungsorientierten Lehre verzahnt. Insgesamt ist COALA außergewöhnlich interdisziplinär auf den Agrarbereich fokussiert.

Prof. Ruckelshausen begeisterte auf der Pressekonferenz der DLG rund 120 internationale Journalistinnen und Journalisten für sein Fachgebiet. „Digitale und mechanische Technologien sind eine perfekte Partnerschaft – auch und gerade im Agrarbereich. Ein Roboter kann dazu beitragen, die Welt grüner zu machen. Wissen ist der Schlüssel zu vielen Prozessen. – Und dieses Wissen kann durch Technologie weitergegeben werden.“ – Diese Thesen stützte der international und national stark vernetzte Forscher mit zahlreichen Beispielen aus der Praxis.

Als eines davon führte der Professor der Hochschule Osnabrück „BoniRob” auf – einen autonomen Feldroboter mit einem neuen Design, den sein Team zusammen mit den Firmen Bosch und Amazonen-Werke entwickelt hat. „Dieses Konzept vereint verschiedene Aspekte autonomer Feldroboter: eine Ausführung unterschiedlicher Anwendungsmodule für die Plattform („App-Konzept”), ein Konzept unterschiedlicher neuer Fahrzeuge auf der Grundlage derselben Plattform, die Einbindung menschlicher Telearbeiter und die Ökonomie des Robotereinsatzes“, so Ruckelshausen.

Die Feldrobotertechnik in der Pflanzenproduktion und darüber hinaus habe sich aus dem Forschungsstadium hin zu ersten Prototypen und Produkten weiterentwickelt, so das Fazit des Forschers: „Die Feldrobotik wird den Agrarbau signifikant verändern – vergleichbar mit der Automatisierung in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Weitere Schritte der digitalen Transformation in einem interdisziplinären Kontext werden diesen Prozess noch beschleunigen. Es besteht ein hohes Potential – ebenso wie eine große Herausforderung – durch die Einführung intelligenter Feldroboter-Technologien, eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft unter Berücksichtigung ökologischer, wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Aspekte zu schaffen.“

Peddy, the World’s First Multi-Functional Robot for Pets, Launches on Kickstarter

Peddy, an amiable and innovative robot that provides pets with nourishment and care, is now available on Kickstarter. With its various features and friendly design, Peddy, the conjunction of the words “pet” and “buddy”, makes a great companion for all pets. Peddy is perfectly designed for busy owners who cannot consistently be with their pets because of work and other obligations. Many of its features are designed for pets to thrive even in the temporary absence of their owners. The real-time two-way video call function enables communication between pets and theirs owners anytime and anywhere.

“We created Peddy, so owners would not have to constantly worry about their pets upon leaving the house,” said Founder and Ceo James Choi. “With the autoplay mode, Peddy can be automated to move, monitor the house, play with your pet, feed your pet, help your pet exercise and display your pet’s favorite live or recorded content on the tablet screen.”

When pet owners spend the day away from their pets or go on vacations, they typically opt to either leave their pets at home alone or hire petsitters. With Peddy, owners can be assured that their pet is fed, entertained and well-cared for at all times. With the automatic food dispenser, the user’s pet will be fed at a scheduled regimen and with the auto play mode, pets can enjoy the video and photo playback displayed on the screen.

Peddy comes with an easy-to-use mobile application and tablet that enable all of its features, such as feeding, monitoring and video-calling. The robot itself is shaped like a small dog and includes a space for the tablet to serve as the display screen. Peddy is equipped with two wheels, which allow it to move on its own at various speeds. With its movement ability, Peddy can take photos from multiple angles in the case of an emergency in the home and can send the pictures directly to the user’s smartphone.

Peddy’s features include:

  • Two-way video call: Real-time communication and face-to-face interaction between pets and their owners
  • Autoplay: Automated playtime to promote exercise and a selection of photos and videos for entertainment
  • Home security: Two wheels and four ultrasonic wave sensors to enable movement and monitoring of the home through real-time video
  • Play video/music: A television screen that plays videos, music, photos, content and personalized recordings
  • Durability: A curve-shaped feature, cushion and stable design to protect Peddy from external impact
  • Smart food dispenser: Scheduled automatic feeding and manual feeding functions

Pre-order of Peddy is now available through the product’s Kickstarter page ( , and it is a consumer-ready product with positive reviews. During the campaign, Peddy can be purchased for $279 USD as the Super Early Bird price, $299 USD as the Early Bird price and $319 as the Regular price. When the campaign funding goal is achieved, the company anticipates manufacturing and delivery to be complete in March of 2018.

About Peddy
Peddy is a California-based startup developing premium user-friendly products dedicated to enhancing the lives of pets. The products are designed and developed in Newport Beach, California and are manufactured in Seoul, Korea. Peddy was founded by a team of experts and engineers who are committed to producing new IoT technologies for pets and their owners. More information can be found at their website:

BOOST – A Stop Motion Story

Baltimore, Maryland – 2018 Duration 13 minutes, 18 seconds – English


BOOST is a short film about a robot and its journey. It is a story of courage and survival.

A broken robot is thrown away into a vast junkyard. There he befriends another misfit and they work together to escape. Filmed in stop motion format.


Boost is a story of a tragic friendship in the tradition of The Epic of Gilgamesh. Our film revolves around the faith between friends and the reality that true friendship requires a sacrifice. Our stop motion film follows a broken robot named Boost. After breaking his arm, Boost is determined to be useless by his creators; he is then thrown away into a vast junkyard. There, he meets a fellow misfit in a crash- landed Astronaut. They must find the will to work together to escape the perilous junkyard or they perish separately.

Support it here: