RoboCup German Open 2015 Magedburg Live Streams #2

Here you find the LiveStream provided by the TU Eindhoven for the RoboCup @Home League:


This year, the HTWK Leipzig StreamTeam ( will stream all SPL matches in this year’s Robocup German Open Competition:

The finals in the RoboCup@Work league will start at 14:00 and will be live streamed:

Magdeburg für drei Tage Treffpunkt der Roboter

Ab heute ist die Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg wieder für drei Tage Treffpunkt nationaler und internationaler RoboCup-Teams. 200 Teams mit 1000 Teilnehmern machen die RoboCup German Open zu einer der größten Robotik-Veranstaltungen Europas. Während sich die M ajor Teams in spannenden Wettkämpfen auf die RoboCup-Weltmeisters chaft vorbereiten, ermitteln die Junior Teams die Deutschen Meister und legen fest, wer Deutschland bei der Weltmeisterschaft in China vertritt. Weiterlesen

RoboCup German Open 2015 Magedburg Live Streams

Here you find the LiveStream provided by the TU Eindhoven for the RoboCup @Home League:


This year, the HTWK Leipzig StreamTeam ( will stream all SPL matches in this year’s Robocup German Open Competition:


Mehr als 1.000 Teilnehmer aus 15 Ländern werden zu den RoboCup German Open erwartet

Am kommenden Wochenende wird die Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg wieder zum Treffpunkt nationaler und internationaler RoboCup Teams. Insgesamt 200 Teams mit über 1.000 Teilnehmern werden zu den spannenden Wettkämpfen in der Ottostadt erwartet. Die RoboCup German Open finden vom 24. bis zum 26. April 2015 auf der MESSE MAGDEBURG statt. Der Eintritt ist frei. Weiterlesen

Hackathon zu Open Roberta auf der CeBit 2015

Gastbeitrag von Roberta:
„Hi! – Du hast Spaß am Programmieren und suchst eine spannende Herausforderung? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig!
Wir sind auf der Suche nach programmierbegeisterten StudentInnen für unseren Open Roberta »Hackathon« während der CeBIT 2015. Ein Hackathon ist kein Programmierwettbewerb sondern vielmehr ein gemeinschaftliches Erlebnis und macht ebenso viel Spaß wie eine gute Party!
Dabei erhältst Du Einblicke in die Entwicklung einer cloud-basierten open-source Software und hast die Möglichkeit gemeinsam mit Fraunhofer-Forschern und Google-Entwicklern an einer weltweit einzigartigen Programmier-umgebung für Roboter-Systeme mitzuwirken. Außerdem lernst Du die vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS entwickelte neue (Meta-) Programmiersprache NEPO® kennen.
Ziel unseres Hackathons ist es, die open-source Programmierumgebung von Open Roberta – das Open Roberta Lab gemeinsam mit Dir weiterzuentwickeln.
Was genau das Open Roberta Lab ist, wie wir es weiterentwickeln wollen und was Dich am 18. März 2015 auf der CeBIT alles erwarten würde, erfährst Du auf unserer Website.
Wenn wir Dein Interesse geweckt haben und du Lust hast uns zu unterstützen, dann sei schnell und melde Dich noch bis zum 4. März bei uns an!
Solltest Du noch Fragen haben, dann kannst Du Dich gerne direkt an unsere Fraunhofer-Dozenten Beate und Markus wenden.
Wir freuen uns auf Dich, Deine Ideen und Deinen Code!“

Husarion Launches Kickstarter Campaign for Build-Your-Own Robot Device

Husarion’s RoboCORE Offers Easy and Affordable Way for Anyone to Construct a DIY Robot

Krakow, Poland – February 11, 2015 – Husarion, a Poland-based technology start-up, today announced it is seeking funding for RoboCORE, a device that acts as the “heart” of the DIY robot. Husarion’s mission is to bring robotics into the mainstream consumer market and RoboCORE offers the ultimate solution that allow robotics enthusiasts and companies to easily build their own robots, without the need for high-level programming or engineering skills.

Husarion founders are looking to raise $50,000 to bring RoboCORE to market. Over the next 30 days, investors may support and track Husarion’s campaign at the official project page on Kickstarter. 

The market for consumer and office robots is surging. A recent report from Business Insider Intelligence found that the multibillion-dollar global market for robotics, long dominated by industrial and logistics uses, has begun to see a shift toward new applications. According to BI, There will be a $1.5 billion market for consumer and business robots by 2019. BI also projects the market for consumer and office robots will grow at a CAGR of 17 percent between 2014 and 2019, seven times faster than the market for manufacturing robots.

“The design and production of robot components is so costly that robots are currently used mainly for military and industrial purposes,” said Dominik Nowak, CEO at Husarion. “There’s been little or no opportunity for robotics to become widespread. Our mission is to make out-of-the-box modules available so that anyone can create an inexpensive robot with advanced capabilities.”

RoboCORE is a combination of software and hardware, packaged in a sleek, heart-shaped device. Unlike other robotics systems, RoboCORE allows users to control or code from anywhere in the world, as well as stream both audio and video. RoboCORE’s rich peripherals, high-performance CPU and intuitive software enable robot makers to create without limits.

Building simple telepresence robots with a RoboCORE module is easy. Consumers can simply use old smartphones and tablets to control the robot by connecting them to an app, and then connect the construction with a cloud app, using a Wi-Fi or mobile (3G, LTE) network. The cloud-based RoboCORE app is a hub for managing all robots. Users can log in through a web browser, program and control the robot, and even share their project with friends.

RoboCORE will be useful for a variety of business settings and in solving real human problems. The module is also ideal for students and hobbyists, who will now be able to create and design complicated constructions that were previously impossible to build inexpensively, or without advanced programming skills. In addition, RoboCORE is compatible with any mechanics system, including pieces from popular LEGO® MINDSTORMS® sets.

The small (115×125 mm for the basic version, 82×82 mm for mini) device conceals a number of components with high scaling capabilities. Internal components include the Cortex-M4 core microcontroller, Intel Edison miniature computer with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity, DC engine ports with encoders, sensor ports, extension modules (for instance, for servomechanisms), a slot for microSD cards, and a microUSB socket. On Kickstarter, Husarion is also presenting the RoboCORE-mini, an even smaller module with basic features for beginners, as well as extensions.

 “We believe that today’s consumer robotics is at the same development stage as the computer industry in the late 1970’s. Not many people then appreciated young electronics enthusiasts. Now, it’s similar with robot makers,” says Radoslaw Jarema, CTO of Husarion. “We’ve created RoboCORE because we know that the world is on the eve of another technological revolution. The age of the personal computer has been here for a while—and now it’s time for personal robots. We hope that the Kickstarter community will receive our project well and support it.”

Robots as multifunctional gentlemen

Care-O-bot 4 / Photographer: Rainer Bez (2015)

Following the success of the personal computer (PC), our private and professional lives could soon be improved by personal robots (PR). These would function as  a sort of “electronic butler”, bringing the newspaper, pouring coffee or clearing  the table. They are friendly and affable, yet remain discreetly in the background  when not needed. The Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA has been developing innovative service robots since the 1990s.  These can be used in areas including households, hotels, care homes and hospitals,  for example. Researchers have now developed a new model centred on the concept of a universal helper for everyday scenarios: the fourth generation of  the “Care-O-Bot®”. While its predecessors from 1998 onwards were used primarily in the development of technological fundamentals, the Care-O-bot® 4 is a modular product family providing the basis for commercial service robot solutions.

Together with the Stuttgart-based design studio Phoenix Design and Schunk, Fraunhofer IPA has been working on the completion of its new service robots for three years. The  result is unique. “The fourth generation of the Care-O-bot® is not only more agile, modular  and charming than its predecessors, but it also stands out through the use of costreducing construction principles,” explains Dr Ulrich Reiser, Project and Group Leader at Fraunhofer IPA. In this way, large parts of its internal construction feature folding sheet metal, which is economical to produce in small quantities.

Andreas Haug, co-Founder and Managing Director of Phoenix Design, adds: “Care-Obot® 4 is a successful symbiosis of design and engineering, as well as functionality and emotion, which quickly encourages user interaction.” Its streamlined design, with two arms attached at the side and a type of head, mean that the robot is reminiscent of a  human being. However, developers did not want its appearance to be over-human, as  this would “encourage false expectations with regard to its capabilities” for users, says  Ulrich Reiser. It is just the robot’s “internal values” which are human: it always maintains  a respectful distance, shows what it has understood and what it intends to do, while also being able to make simple gestures and reflect emotions. As with previous generations, social role models were used as a guiding vision in developing the design and functionality. While the concept for the Care-O-bot® 3 was a more reserved, cautious butler, its successor is as courteous, friendly and affable as a gentleman.

Modularity ensures economical solutions

The Care-O-bot® 4 also features a greater range of movements in comparison with previous generations. The smart helper is fitted with patented spherical joints around discreet pivot points on its neck and hips. These allow the robot to bend forward without losing its balance. Developers took inspiration from human anatomy, creating a moving part which shifts backwards when the robot bends over, ensuring that balance is maintained. The Care-O-bot® 4 does therefore not fall over when carrying a load in outstretched arms.

An innovative one-finger hand was developed with Schunk especially for the Care-Obot® 4. The combination of simplicity and elegance with integrated sensors is impressive. Schunk also manufacture their own standardised Schunk Powerball ERB modules, which  are used as arm joints. Their compact ball shape permits seamless integration. Managing  Partner Henrik A. Schunk comments: “The Care-O-bot® 4 represents a significant milestone in the mobile service robot industry on account of its high degree of standardisation.”

In comparison with its predecessors, the fields of application are far more wide-ranging for the Care-O-bot® 4. Its modular construction allows various different configurations. Arms, spherical joints and sensors are optional. If the intended purpose if to serve drinks, one  hand can be replaced by a tray, or the mobile base platform can be used on its own  as a serving trolley. Targeted adaptation for specific tasks significantly reduces costs. Individual robot platforms can be configured for a wide range of applications: a mobile information centre in museums, DIY stores and airports, for collection and delivery services in homes and offices, for security applications or as museum robots at attractions – the Care-O-bot® 4 is a safe and handy human helper at all times.

Facial expressions and gestures for a user-friendly service

IPA developers were determined to ensure that the Care-O-bot® 4 is simple to use. Users are more open to the help a robot can offer when they know that it functions properly. With this in mind, the Care-O-bot® 4 is fitted with an easily accessible touchscreen on the head. Moreover, it possesses a microphone for speech recognition and cameras for personal and gesture recognition. The Care-O-bot® 4’s spherical joints allow it to intuitively inform users what it is planning to do and what it has understood, including gestures such as nodding and shaking the head. A circle of LEDs on its torso area and a laser pointer in the hand serve as information exchange points.

Establishing a developer community 

Care-O-bot® 4 offers open software interfaces that makes it easily expandable for deve- lopers. Ulrich Reiser is keen for as many scientists as possible to use the system developed in Stuttgart in order to steadily advance its possible areas of application. “The objective is to steadily grow the developer community that was established already around CareO-bot® 3,” he explains. Numerous developers at research institutions and universities around the world have already worked with the Care-O-bot® 3 and the new Care-Obot® 4 should follow suit.

More detailed information on:

The Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA was founded in 1959. It is one of the largest single institutes within this research organization and employs around 435 scientists. It has an annual budget of approximately 58,4 million euros, of which 22.9 million euros derive from industrial projects. The Fraunhofer IPA is made up of 14 individual departments engaged in the fields of Production Organization, Surface Engineering, Automation, and Process Technology. Its research and development work focuses on organizational and technological issues in the manufacturing environment of advanced industries, including Automotive, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Microsystems Engineering, Energy, and Medical and Biological Engineering. The R&D projects aim to enhance production processes and make products more cost-effective and environmentally friendly by identifying and exploiting the potential for automation and streamlining at our customers’ companies. This helps to maintain jobs and to strengthen international competitiveness.

Meet Codie

Codie is a robotic toy and a custom-built graphic coding language. Codie is an educational tool which fits into the playing style of the children and augments their experience — blurring the line between learning and play. While playing with Codie, the children become familiar with logical thinking that all technology is based on while gaining invaluable problem solving skills along the way. Codie provides educates on algorithmic thinking without the constraints of traditional educational tools.

The Codie app makes it fun for children to learn algorithmic thinking. We organized complex robotic code into colorful blocks children can arrange and connect with arrows showing the direction of execution. While having fun, they learn the basics of coding, using real programming patterns, including: if-else structures, loops, varia-bles and subroutines.

The Codie robot is an affordable and fun toy that pairs with the intuitive app. This sturdy robot is stuffed with equipment and sensors that make it responsive and fun. Codie will provide entertainment for the whole family for many hours to come. Codie comes fully assembled, just take it out of the box, pair it with your smartphone via wireless Bluetooth connection and play. The body of the Codie robot is carved out of high-quality wood and every single unit is hand-crafted.

Technology needs to be part of every child’s education and schools have realized that they need to expose children to technology at an early age. Constraints in our educational system result in the inability to pay attention to every child’s own unique needs. At Codie, we want to inspire these young bright minds to be interested in learning about technology while having fun at the same time. Codie is not just a toy, but rather a creative tool. It’s a companion that augments other games. Playing with Codie is a high-quality learning experience, and it allows your child to understand coding in a fun and interactive way. Children get empowered by the knowledge they get with Codie and the whole process feels natural and seamless. Codie grows with your child. It provides more sophisticated programs as your child surpasses the basics. While playing with Cody your child will become familiar with the logic of computer coding — providing a foundation of understanding they will draw from for the rest of their lives.

more information here:

Wonder Workshop launches FREE digital magazine for kids

Wonder Magazine brings hundreds of hours of play with activities, challenges and updates for robots Dash & Dot

Las Vegas, NV—January 5, 2014 – Wonder Workshop (, a company building delightful robots for children to learn to code, today announced the launch of Wonder Magazine, a free bi-weekly digital magazine for children and their families. As children around the world start their exploring coding and play with robots Dash & Dot, Wonder Magazine will provide the ongoing challenges and activities to extend the play experience to hundreds of hours.

Children will love the magazine for the new activities that bring open-ended play experiences, and challenge them to explore creative problem solving with the robots. Parents will find topics to engage their children in conversations about the robots and coding. Wonder Magazine intends to keep the fun going forever in every home with Dash & Dot.

The first edition of Wonder Magazine will be released in English to customers on January 15, 2015, and customers can sign up for the magazine at It will be delivered on a bi-weekly basis directly to the Wonder Workshop mobile applications and customer email inboxes. The magazine’s content will focus on creative news ideas for playing with Wonder Workshop’s robots, Dot and Dash. Sections of the magazine will include:

• Making Wonder series (featured play idea with video)
• Ask Dash, Ask Dot
• Wonderful projects (featured projects from kids around the world)
• Adventures of Dash & Dot
• Hello World (coding lesson)
• Build-a-Bot (building and crafts with Dash & Dot)
• Wonder Labs (engage with the Wonder Workshop team)
• Funny Corner, Events and Announcements

“Now that Dash & Dot are arriving into homes around the world, we’re excited to offer new and engaging ways for children to play and learn with them,” said Vikas Gupta, co-founder and CEO of Wonder Workshop. “Our team is excited to introduce Wonder Magazine to help kids and families explore more activities with the robots every week.”

Last year, Wonder Workshop delivered over 30,000 robots to 20 countries in one month in December 2014. At $4M in pre-orders, Wonder Workshop is the largest crowdfunded consumer robotics product ever. All pre-orders were delivered to customers in time for the holidays of 2014. Dash & Dot are now available for purchase and immediate delivery exclusively on and

Wonder Workshop’s developer API is live in the hands of early developers building apps and fun experiences for the robots. Wonder Workshop ships to 20 countries including the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, European countries, India, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Wonder Workshop was founded in 2012 by veterans from Amazon, Apple and Google to create robots that can be friends of children around the world, and help every child learn to code at a young age. Dash & Dot were used by schools around the United States for “Hour of Code,” and were invited to the White House for the launch of the program in 2014. Dash & Dot can be found on and on Dash & Dot are programmed using applications provided by Wonder Workshop on iPad 3 and up, iPad mini and iPad Air. Developers looking to build applications for Dash & Dot on both iOS and Android are welcome to visit Wonder Workshop at for more details.