Avishkaar Game Builder

The Avishkaar Game Builder is a platform specifically designed for young developers to enable them to create AI-powered games. This platform offers an intuitive user interface based on visual, block-based programming. This makes it easily accessible even for beginners who have no prior knowledge of programming. The platform not only encourages learning programming skills but also creativity and problem-solving skills.

A special feature of the Avishkaar Game Builder is the integration of AI elements into game development. Users can create games that respond to gestures or body movements, enabling an interactive and innovative gaming experience. This is supported by the AMS Play system that leverages advanced technologies such as motion detection.

The platform is primarily aimed at children aged 10 and above and offers numerous tutorials and learning resources to help them get started. Through this playful approach to technology, young people will not only learn the basics of game development but also advanced concepts such as artificial intelligence and animation.

Avishkaar Game League 2024

The Avishkaar Game League 2024 is an international competition aimed at young developers and encourages them to showcase their skills in game development. This year’s edition is themed ‚Rise of the Machines‘ and revolves around the theme ‚AI Becomes Self-Reliant‘. Participants are expected to develop games that incorporate the concept of AI getting out of control.

Avishkaar Game Builder Example
India’s 1st AI Powered Game Design Engine for Kids

The competition aims to encourage creativity and innovation. Teams from different countries compete against each other using the Avishkaar Game Builder and the AMS Play system to develop their games. The competition provides a platform for collaboration and exchange between young developers worldwide.

Competition structure

– **Registration:** Registration for the Avishkaar Game League 2024 started on October 25, 2024.

– **Theme:** „Rise of the Machines“ – Participants develop games around the topic of AI.

– **Platform:** Participants use the AMS Play Game Builder to create their games.

– **Prizes:** In addition to trophies and medals, winners can also win gadgets, mentoring sessions and other valuable prizes.

Aims of the competition

The competition not only promotes technical knowledge in the areas of programming and AI, but also important soft skills such as teamwork, problem solving and creativity. By developing games, participants learn how to use modern technologies in a hands-on way.

The **Avishkaar Game Builder** offers children an exciting opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of game development while leveraging modern technologies such as AI. The **Avishkaar Game League 2024** complements this learning platform with an international competition that brings young talents together and gives them a stage to showcase their skills. Both initiatives help nurture future innovators and prepare them for a technological future.

To participate in the competition challenge free of charge, use the code „ROBOTSBLOG“

Avishkaar Game Builder Example
India’s 1st AI Powered Game Design Engine for Kids

VRC and VIQC German Masters in Hamburg: German finals of robotics competitions

Hamburg, February 2024: Next week, the final rounds of the VEX robot competitions will take place in Germany. Around 150 students from general education schools and vocational schools from all over Germany meet at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) to find out which of the robots they have designed best solves given tasks. The worldwide competitions of the Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation, which is based in the USA, are organized in Germany by the Hamburg-based association roboMINT. 

The Competition Categories

The VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) is open to students from the age of eleven . A team consists of at least two students, it competes in alliances  against other teams. One of the goals of a game is to get as many tripballs as  possible into your own goal or into your own offensive zone. 

As part of the VEX IQ Challenge, students between the ages of eight and 15 can participate. A team consists of at least two students, it competes together with another team. One of the goals of the game is to convert as many blocks as possible into goals. Points are also awarded if the robot is parked in the „Supply Zone“ at the end of a match. 

Through the German Masters, participants can qualify for the VEX Worlds from April 25  to May 3 in Dallas (US state of Texas) with 1,000 teams from 50 countries .

German Masters 

Venue: HAW Hamburg 

Berliner Tor 21, Aula 

Wednesday, 06.03.: VRC, start qualification 1 at 12.30 p.m. 

Thursday, 07.03.: VRC, start qualification 2 at 9.30 a.m., final: 1.00 p.m.

Friday, 08.03.: VIQC, start qualification at 11.00 a.m., final: 3.45 p.m.

Contac persont: 

Ralph Schanz
Chairman of roboMINT e.V.

About the roboMINT e.V.:

It all started in the 2017/2018 season. Together with the student campus dEin Labor of the TU Berlin, roboMINT conducted the first VEX Robotics student competitions in Germany. The first team to qualify for the annual „World Championships“ in the USA was the Heinitz-Gymnasium Rüdersdorf. In the meantime, there are various regional preliminaries and two „Nationals“ (VIQC and VRC) nationwide. Currently, a total of seven teams from Germany can qualify for the „World Championships“ in Dallas each season. 

roboMINT supports and coordinates the nationwide VEX robotics competitions. The association informs and supports the participating teams, the supervisors and the regional organizers. The aim of the association is to promote STEM education in Germany. 

VRC und VIQC German Masters an der HAW: Deutschland-Finale der Robotik-Wettbewerbe

  • 6. bis 8. März 2024, Hamburg
  • Insgesamt 35 Teams treffen in zwei Wettbewerben aufeinander
  • Den Siegern winkt eine Teilnahme an der VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas

Hamburg, Februar 2024: In der kommenden Woche finden die Endrunden der VEX-Roboterwettbewerbe in Deutschland statt. An der Hochschule für Angewandte  Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW Hamburg) treffen sich etwa 150 Schüler von  allgemeinbildenden Schulen und Berufsschulen aus ganz Deutschland, um  herausfinden, welcher der von ihnen konstruierten Roboter vorgegebene Aufgaben  am besten löst. Der weltweiten Wettbewerbe der in den USA beheimateten Robotics  Education & Competition (REC) Foundation werden hierzulande vom Hamburger Verein roboMINT organisiert. 

Die Wettbewerbskategorien 

An der VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) können Schüler im Alter ab elf Jahren  teilnehmen. Ein Team besteht aus mindestens zwei Schülern, es tritt in Allianzen  gegen andere Teams an. Ziel eines Spiels ist es unter anderem, so viele Triballs wie  möglich ins eigene Tor oder in die eigene Offensive Zone zu bringen. 

Im Rahmen der VEX IQ Challenge können Schüler im Alter von acht bis 15 Jahren  teilnehmen. Ein Team besteht aus mindestens zwei Schülern, es tritt zusammen mit  einem anderen Team an. Ziel des Spiels ist es unter anderem, möglichst viele Blöcke  in Tore zu verfrachten. Punkte gibt es auch, wenn der Roboter am Ende eines  Matches in der „Supply Zone“ geparkt wird. 

Über die German Masters können sich die Teilnehmer für die VEX Worlds vom 25.  April bis 3. Mai in Dallas (US-Bundesstaat Texas) mit 1.000 Teams aus 50 Ländern  qualifizieren.

German Masters 

Veranstaltungsort: HAW Hamburg 

Berliner Tor 21, Aula 

Mittwoch, 06.03.: VRC, Start Qualifikation 1 um 12.30 Uhr 

Donnerstag, 07.03.: VRC, Start Qualifikation 2 um 9.30 Uhr, Finale: 13.00 Uhr

Freitag, 08.03.: VIQC, Start Qualifikation um 11.00 Uhr, Finale: 15.45 Uhr  

Fachlicher Ansprechpartner: 

Ralph Schanz 
Vorsitzender des roboMINT e.V. 

Über den roboMINT e.V.: 

Begonnen hat alles in der Saison 2017/2018. Zusammen mit dem Schülercampus  dEin Labor der TU Berlin führte roboMINT die ersten VEX Robotics Schülerwettbewerbe in Deutschland durch. Das erste Team, das sich damals für die  alljährlich stattfindenden „Weltmeisterschaften“ in den USA qualifizierte, war das  Heinitz-Gymnasium Rüdersdorf. Mittlerweile gibt es bundesweit diverse regionale  Vorausscheidungen und zwei „Nationals“ (VIQC und VRC). Aktuell können sich pro  Saison insgesamt sieben Teams aus Deutschland für die „Weltmeisterschaften“ in  Dallas qualifizieren. 

roboMINT unterstützt und koordiniert die bundesweit stattfindenden VEX Robotik Wettbewerbe. Der Verein informiert und betreut die teilnehmenden Teams, die  BetreuerInnen und die regionalen Veranstalter. Ziel des Vereins ist die Förderung der  MINT-Bildung in Deutschland. 

Teilnehmer des Qualifikationsturniers in Stuttgart

Robothon® – The Grand Challenge 2022 // Call for Teams

Dear Robothon® Community!

We, the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), in collaboration with Messe München

and automatica have launched successfully a new high-tech platform calledmunich_i in 2021, an event bringing together the world’s leading thought leaders and personalities from AI and robotics.

munich_i will take place again at the next automatica from June 21-24, 2022 in Munich, therefore

Robothon®, the international competition to develop skills in robot manipulations, will also go into the second round!! 

Robothon® – The Grand Challenge Series focuses on pressing and unsolved challenges of our time and was 2021 held digitally in the run-up to the automatica sprint

with 9 international teams and a renowned Grand Challenge Jury. As a highlight, it ended with the Award Ceremony on June 22, 2021

with 4 winning teams, a total prize money of € 22,500, great recognition and an expansion of our community.

Are you a motivated robotics enthusiast looking for new challenges?

CALL FOR TEAMS is open until March 31, 2022!!

Apply HERE!


  • Robothon® will once again will be held digitally from April 29 to June 1, 2022
  • Special highlight: the Award Ceremony will take place on-site on June 21, 2022, during automatica at the Messe München!


  • Robothon® againwill focus on single-arm robot manipulation
  • The Grand Challenge 2022: disassembly and sorting of e-waste
  • The competition is free of charge 
  • Up to 20 selected teams can participate (2-4 members) 
  • All roboticists (academic and young professionals) are encouraged to apply
  • Teams will need to provide their own robot to complete the challenge remotely
  • Each team will receive an internet connected competition task board by mail
  • The processing period of 1 month starts from receipt of the competition scorecard 
  • Team performances will be evaluated by the Grand Challenge Jury 
  • Prize money awaits the finalists!

HAVEN’T SIGNED UP YET? Apply as a team until March 31, 2022, and visit our website www.robothon-grand-challenge.com to learn more. 

Know someone who should participate? Please help spread the word!

Feel free to email us with any questions at [email protected].

With kind regards,

The Robothon® Team

Barbara Schilling & Peter So (Technical Leader)

ROIBOT 2022: igus sucht nach spannenden Anwendungen mit kostengünstiger Robotik

Der Preis für Automatisierungslösungen mit einem schnellen Return-On-Invest geht in die 2. Runde

Köln, 9. September 2021 – Sie automatisieren die Verpackung, sortieren Waren und helfen bei gefährlichen Aufgaben im Arbeitsalltag: kostengünstige Robotik- und Automatisierungslösungen von igus. Die kreativsten Anwendungen zeichnet der motion plastics Spezialist auch 2022 wieder mit dem ROIBOT Award aus. Gesucht werden Projekte, die mithilfe von igus Low Cost Automation und drylin Antriebsachsen einen schnellen Return-on-Invest erzielen konnten. Die Gewinner erhalten ein frei wählbares Robotik-Paket von dem Marktplatz RBTX.com im Wert von bis zu 5.000 Euro.

Über 70 Bewerbungen aus aller Welt gingen im letzten Jahr für den ROIBOT Award 2019/2020 ein. Der Preis kürt Automatisierungsprojekte, die kostengünstige Robotik- und Automatisierungslösungen von igus einsetzen. Die Sieger aus Salzburg (Österreich) durften sich dabei über ein Preisgeld von 5.000 Euro freuen. Die Studenten konstruierten ein mobiles Robotersystem mit Greifer, um gefährliche Handling-Aufgaben zum Beispiel im Handwerksbereich aus der Entfernung umzusetzen. Dazu kommt ein mit Sensorik ausgestatteter Handschuh zum Einsatz, der eine intuitive Steuerung durch Gesten ermöglicht und das mit Feedback. Für den kostengünstigen und wartungsfreien robolink D-Gelenkarm von igus entwickelten die Ingenieure ein Antriebssystem, ein Akkusystem sowie ein mechanisches Gerüst. Das Projekt überzeugte die Fachjury und gewann den ersten Platz. Den zweiten Platz belegte das Pick & Place-System für den Healthcare Sektor von Apostore. Es besteht aus einer Roboterzelle und einem Versorgungssystem für die zuführende Schüttgut-Ware. Den dritten Platz erreichte die deutsche Firma Superwurm. Die Regenwurmzüchter entwickelten mithilfe von igus Low Cost Automation eine Anlage, die Würmer automatisiert abzählt und in Dosen verpackt.

ROIBOT Award geht 2022 in die nächste Runde

Der ROIBOT Wettbewerb sucht auch jetzt wieder weltweit nach bereits bestehenden Low Cost Automation Anwendungen, die zu einem schnellen Return-on-Investment geführt haben. Zum Einsatz können sowohl robolink Gelenkarmroboter, drylin Delta-Roboter, kartesische Roboter sowie drylin Antriebstechnik von igus kommen. Eine Fachjury bewertet die Konzepte. Eine spannende Einreichung, die sich durch Kreativität und einem Optimierungsgedanken auszeichnen, führt zu einer hohen Bewertung. Der Gewinner erhält ein frei konfigurierbares Robotik-Paket im Wert von 5.000 Euro, der zweite Platz kann sich für 2.500 Euro und der dritte Platz für 1.000 Euro Automatisierungslösungen auf RBTX.com aussuchen. Einsendeschluss ist der 30. April 2022. Die Preisverleihung erfolgt durch igus auf der automatica 2022 in München, der Leitmesse für intelligente Automation und Robotik. Auf der Website igus.de/roibot-anmeldung können sich die Teilnehmer bewerben.

Schauen Sie sich jetzt die Gewinner vom ROIBOT Award 2019/2020 an: https://youtu.be/HAvJHEvj-pU

World’s Largest Robotics Competition Returns: Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation to Host Live Remote VEX Robotics World Championship 2021

The Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit and VEX Robotics, is back to showcase the incredible talent and skill of a range of student competitors by hosting the first-ever Live Remote VEX Robotics World Championship May 17-29, 2021. Leveraging the REC Foundation’s Live Remote Tournament interface, teams from around the world will be able to compete in real-time tournaments or live skills matches to be crowned champions.

During the live remote event, students in grades three through college will compete in timed, heart-pounding robotics competition matches with their custom-built robots. Like at past world championships, competitors will have the opportunity to see familiar faces, activities, and share the excitement of the event.

To ensure the safety of its robotics community due to the pandemic, this unique event will adapt to a virtual format. Typically, the annual VEX Robotics World Championship attracts more than 30,000 attendees from all 50 states and more than 70 nations.


Robothon® – The Grand Challenge 2021 goes digital!

What is the Robothon®?

The Robothon® – Grand Challenge Series is an international competition in robot manipulation and one of the 4 areas of munich_i

– a new high-tech format of Messe München, automatica and the Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MSRM) of the Technical University of Munich (TUM).

At this year’s automatica sprint from 22-24 June 2021, munich_i celebrates its premiere as a hybrid version and brings together leading global thought leaders and personalities from AI and robotics.

Due to uncertain planning during the pandemic and travel restrictions, we have now decided to realize the Grand Challenge 2021 in a 100% digital version!

With this, we want to offer all international academics and young professionals the opportunity to participate in the Robothon®!

NEW DATE & BENEFITS: the Robothon® will take place digitally in the period from 14 May–17 June, 2021!

As a special highlight, the Award Ceremony will take place on 22 June at noon during the Hightech Summit at automatica sprint 2021!

We put our heads together and came up with a new, exciting concept for the digital realization.


– You and your team can work remotely

– Teams will need to supply their own robot for the competition

– Each team will receive a competition task board by mail to complete the challenge

– Teams will be given 1 month from receipt of the competition scorecard and task board to develop their solution

– Team performances will be evaluated based on a recorded video submission and a live presentation with the judges

via our digital platform at the end of the working period

– The winning teams will be honored digitally by the jury and sponsors at our Award Ceremony, that will take place at

noon during the Hightech Summit at automatica sprint

WHAT’s the SAME?

– The Robothon® – The Grand Challenge 2021 will focus on the single-arm robot manipulation showcasing

skills for the disassembly and sorting of electronic waste

– The digital concept will continue to be part of munich_i during automatica sprint

– The competition is open to the public and free of charge for selected teams

– Up to 20 teams can participate (2-5 members per team)

– All roboticists (academic and young professional) are encouraged to apply

– Final demonstrations will be evaluated by our Grand Challenge Jury of renowned international thought leaders

– Prizes up to 20,000 € have already collected!

HAVEN’T SIGNED UP YET? Find more information and apply as a team until 23:59 CEST 25 April 2021

or visit our website www.robothon-grand-challenge.comhttp://www.robothon-grand-challenge.com to learn more.

Call for teams Robothon® The Grand Challenge 2021 // munich_i at automatica sprint 22-24 June 2021

Dear Robothon® Community!

We have great news:

In response to the postponement of automatica 2020, automatica sprint will premiere in a hybrid format (in-person and online) at the Munich Convention Center from 22-24 June 2021.

This event is a contemporary response to the current pandemic situation hosted by the same organizers of the original automatica, Messe München.

The Robothon® itself will take place on-site at the premises of Messe München to ensure a fair competition and will conclude with an award ceremony on Thursday, 24 June 2021.

Be assured, appropriate hygiene measures will be taken and checked regularly!

On behalf of Messe München, automatica and MSRM/TUM, we would like to renew our invitation to you.

Robothon® – The Grand Challenge Series

This year’s event debuts the first competition of a series to occur every other year at automatica to benchmark and showcase robot performance using state-of-the-art platforms.


What: Robothon® – The Grand Challenge Series – Debut Competition in Robotic Manipulation:

a 3-day event showcasing robotic manipulation to disassemble and sort electronic waste.

Where: automatica sprint trade show at the Messe München Convention Center in Munich, Germany

When: Tuesday through Thursday 22-24 June 2021

Who: All roboticists (academic and professional) are encouraged to apply

Why: Fame, fun,recognition, networking opportunities and cash prizes await selected teams


– The competition is open to the public and free of charge for the selected teams

– Up to 20 teams can participate (3-5 members per team)

– Teams will have 3 days to develop a solution to the Grand Challenge 2021 using an event sponsored robot platform or teams can apply to bring their own robotic platform

(please find minimum requirements on our website here)

– Final demonstrations will be evaluated by our Grand Challenge Jury on Thursday at noon prior to the announcement of the winning teams.


– Gather a team of three to five people and prepare your team application

– Indicate your preference our sponsored robot platforms you would like to use and why

– OR describe your own robot setup you would like to bring to the fair

– Submit your application until 23:59 CEST 30 March 2021 here

Find more information, apply as a team, platform provider or sponsor on our website at www.robothon-grand-challenge.com

We look forward to your application and are excited to have you join the Robothon® Grand Challenge family!

Selected teams will be announced and contacted mid of April 2021.

Know someone who should participate? Please help spread the word and forward this message to potential teams, sponsors, and platform providers

(e.g. students, robotic experts from academic or professional fields, and automation companies).

Sphero® Launches the ‘Sphero Global Challenge’, the Company’s First Annual International Robotics and Design Competition

Sphero, the industry leader in edtech programmable robots and STEAM-based educational tools, announced today that registration for the Sphero Global Challenge, its first robotics, invention and design competition for kids around the world, is now open.

Robotics competitions are a unique opportunity for kids, and are designed not only to focus on the technical proficiencies gained through programming and coding but also to build on the important ‘soft skills’ kids gain through STEAM.


Sphero, the industry leader in edtech programmable robots and STEAM-based educational tools, announced today that registration for the Sphero Global Challenge, its first robotics, invention and design competition for kids around the world, is now open.

The Sphero Global Challenge is the ultimate STEAM competition and an opportunity for kids to go deeper with computational thinking, engineering, and programming skills. Teams of all abilities are encouraged to work together to identify problems and develop solutions in different, real-world scenarios. Through this challenge, kids will work to accomplish their goals in various events that they will submit virtually to qualify for the Sphero World Championship in Spring 2021.

“We’re excited to offer a robotics, invention and design competition that highlights Sphero’s dedication to collaborative STEAM learning from anywhere in the world,” says Paul Copioli, Sphero CEO. “Robotics competitions are a unique opportunity for kids, and are designed not only to focus on the technical proficiencies gained through programming and coding but also to build on the important ‘soft skills’ kids gain through STEAM, such as collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.”

The Sphero Global Challenge comprises three unique events. Teams can compete in one event or up to all three with one $75 USD registration fee.

littleBits Invent 4 Good: Mission Earth
Use littleBits and their Invention Cycle to solve problems facing the Earth right now. Kids will unleash their inner engineer as they invent a solution to an issue of their choice. In this event, kids can practice collaborating and innovating as they tackle a real-world problem.

BOLT: Space Mission
Take flight in the BOLT Space Mission. During this event, kids can put their programming and engineering skills to work as they navigate through five challenges. Not only is this an opportunity to build STEAM skills, but it’s also a chance for them to collaborate, solve problems, and create.

RVR + littleBits: Mars Mission
In RVR + littleBits Mars Mission, kids can use their coding and engineering skills to complete five challenges. Throughout this event, they’ll have opportunities to build their collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills as they work to reach solutions.

In conjunction with the Sphero Global Challenge launch, new competition-ready Sphero and littleBits products are now available to make getting started in the competition even simpler.

New: littleBits STEAM+ Class Pack
The littleBits STEAM+ Class Pack is the ultimate STEAM learning toolkit, containing 240 Bits, 10 newly designed durable storage containers, printed teacher support materials and 40+ standards-aligned lessons to engage the entire class.

New: littleBits STEAM+ Kit
The littleBits STEAM+ Kit contains 24 Bits, a newly designed durable storage container, printed teacher support materials, and 40+ hours of standards-aligned lessons to engage up to four students at a time.

New: Sphero Code Mat – Space & Soccer
This two-sided activity mat, with new Space & Soccer themes, offers a simple, accessible way to learn block-based coding, basic math principles, and collaborative problem-solving with any round Sphero robot. The new Code Mat comes with three sets of 10 double-sided coding cards that provide guided, hands-on coding lessons.

New: Sphero RVR littleBits Topper Kit
Sphero RVR + littleBits Topper Kit combines the best of Sphero with the best of littleBits in an easy, approachable kit that allows a user to fully utilize RVR’s onboard capabilities with littleBits adaptability to create unique inventions.

New: Sphero Craft Pack
A one-stop-shop for all the crafting accessories needed for Sphero Global Challenge projects. With over 31 different items and hundreds of materials, the Craft Pack was designed with both Sphero robots and littleBits in mind.

The Sphero Global Challenge is committed to inspiring the creators of tomorrow, wherever that might be, even in blended, remote, or at-home learning scenarios. Learn more about resources and opportunities for solo teams or virtual meetings to complete the Sphero Global Challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic in our Sphero Global Challenge at-home guide.

To learn more about the Sphero Global Challenge and how to register a team, please visit https://sphero.com/pages/global-challenge.

Sphero inspires the creators of tomorrow through remarkably cool, programmable robots, electronic building blocks, and educational tools that transform the way kids learn and create through coding, science, music, and the arts. Sphero goes #BeyondCode and drives kids to turn their imagination into reality. The skills kids unlock through play-based learning prepare them to thrive, no matter what subject or career they pursue. Based in Boulder, CO, Sphero has become the #1 STEAM-based learning solutions company, loved by millions of parents, kids, and educators worldwide. Learn more at sphero.com.

The Duckietown Foundation announces the AI Driving Olympics (AI-DO), a self-driving car competition to debut at NIPS 2018

The Duckietown Foundation is excited to announce the The AI Driving Olympics, a new competition focused around AI for self-driving cars. The first edition of the AI Driving Olympics 2018 will take place December 7, 2018, at Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), the premiere machine learning conference, in Montréal. This is the first competition with real robots that will take place at a machine learning conference.


The competition will use the Duckietown platform, a miniature self-driving car platform used for autonomy education and research. The Duckietown project originated at MIT in 2016 and is now used by many institutions worldwide.

The AI Driving Olympics is presented in collaboration with 6 academic institutions: ETH Zürich (Switzerland), Université de Montréal (Canada), National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (USA), Tsinghua University (China) and Georgia Tech (USA), as well as two industry co-organizers: nuTonomy (a self-driving car company) and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

About the competition: The competition comprises 4 challenges of increasing complexity: 1) Road following on an empty road; 2) Road following with obstacles; 3) Point to point navigation in a city network with other vehicles; and 4) Fleet planning for a full autonomous mobility on demand system.

Competitors will have access to a suite of professional development tools (simulators, logs, baseline implementations). Real environments called “Robotariums” will be remotely accessible for evaluation. The highest scoring entries in the robotariums will be run during the live event at NIPS 2018 to determine the overall winners.

Scientific goals: The competition aims at directing academic research towards the hard problems of embodied AI, such as modularity of learning processes, and learning in simulation while deploying in reality.  

Social goals: The competition also promotes the democratization of AI and robotics research by using an inexpensive platform, and offering a common infrastructure available through the use of remote testing facilities. Competitors can also build or acquire their own testing facility (Duckiebots and a Duckietowns), through either open-source DIY instructions, or as rewards obtained in our kickstarter campaign (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/163162211/duckietown-a-playful-road-to-learning-robotics-and?ref=dwrnb2)