KOSMOS Line-Follow-Robot

This sophisticated robotic toy is created remarkably to follow lines seamlessly. For kids above 10 years, the Kosmos Line-Follow Robot provides an exciting chance to construct their robot and experience its remarkable line-following skills firsthand. Different branches of science, including physics and mathematics, are all brought together in one convenient experiment kit. Let’s investigate what makes this fascinating instructional tool so effective.

Simplifying Robotics

The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot is an attempt to simplify the complex field of robotics so that it may be understood by and appealing to young people. Despite the common perception that robots are too complicated or only useful for highly specialised tasks, it is crucial to learn the basics of robotics as these devices become increasingly commonplace in everyday life. Involving yourself with the Kosmos Line-Follow Robot is an excellent way for students to get their feet wet in the fascinating field of robotics.

Applied Physics and Logical Thinking

Students need a foundation in physics and the ability to think critically to control the line-follow robot properly. Students may learn the basics of simple circuits using the Kosmos robot’s helpful visual representations. Through hands-on assembly, students create a flow of electricity between electrical components, guaranteeing the vehicle’s functionality and conformity with input and line specifications. This method improves one’s capacity to comprehend logic and circuits.

Line Following and Steering

The robot’s fundamental goal is always the same: it must follow a black line, either one that has been physically put out or one that has been painted on a surface. . The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot shows how robots may independently traverse their environment with the help of sensors.

Components and Reusability

Electrical components with cables, motors, wheels, tires, printed robot decorations, and in-depth instructions are all included in the Kosmos experiment kit. The kit’s target audience was children in grades 4 through 8, however, it may be used with any age group for demonstration. After the first construction is complete, the robot may be used as a helpful teaching tool in physics classes, concretizing theoretical concepts about circuits. The fact that the robot can be assembled and disassembled several times means it may serve as a durable and adaptable teaching tool.

Learning Outcomes

During its construction, the Kosmos Line-Follow Robot relied heavily on principles of physics and mechanics, two fields that are deeply intertwined. Students may learn how to operate the robot by following detailed instructions that walk them through each procedure. Students learn important information that may be used in the classroom and built upon in other ways, such as via experimentation and independent study.

Hands-On Experience and Practical Understanding

The line-following robot facilitates experiential learning and real-world comprehension via the use of a potentiometer for detecting electrical resistance and LEDs for providing visual feedback. By taking the robot apart and putting it back together, students may better understand the interdependencies between its parts. The robot’s behaviour can be changed by tinkering with the black line, opening the door to experimentation and a deeper knowledge of cause and effect.


The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot is an excellent approach to introduce children to robotics. This teaching aid gives students a firm footing on which to explore the potential of robotics by giving them hands-on experience, encouraging logical thought, and incorporating fundamental principles from physics and mechanics. The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot sets the path for the next generation of robotics experts by arousing their natural curiosities, encouraging them to try new things.

Variobot VariAnt: The Robot Ant

The presence of robots in our modern environment is getting increasingly casual to see. Robots are progressing rapidly in terms of both their capabilities and the potential uses they have. Examples of this include self-driving automobiles and drones. The VariAnt, a robot created by Variobot, is another amazing example.

VariAnt: At the First Glance

VariAnt, a robot ant, moves and acts almost exactly like its biological model. It independently explores its environment using a sensor system to detect obstructions or markers. The Variobot programmable kit is appropriate for researchers who are passionate and young at heart.

Advanced Autonomy

Like the majority of living things, the variAnt adjusts to the surroundings by detecting relative brightness. Using a network of patented sensors is made feasible. The autonomous robot ant has light sensors connected to its body, legs, antennae, and jaw claws that can be positioned as needed.

A processor is housed on an Arduino-compatible nano board, which serves as the ant robot’s central processing unit (CPU). The small control unit provides connections for two motors, 12  analog sensors,  8 digital I/Os,  2 programmed buttons, 2 reed switches for step numbers, that may be used in any way, and 15 status LEDs that can be plugged in and switched as needed.

The state of the sensors, motors, and reed switches may all be indicated by the LEDs. Inside the ant’s head is a tiny circuit board that is equipped with plug-in ports, which enables the flexible combination and extension of environmental sensors.

The lithium-ion battery that comes standard with the variAnt has a run time of around 3  hours and can be recharged using the provided USB cord.

The Walking Mechanism

The robotic ant makes use of these to identify objects, lines, light sources, or shadows in its surroundings, and then either follows them or stays away from them in an intentional manner.

The purpose of the walking mechanism that was created and patented by Variobot is to mimic the natural mobility of an ant as closely as possible. This is doable with only 24 different components made of acrylic.

VariAnt: Best for

For individuals of all ages, the robot ant is also an engaging and entertaining toy. You can use this set to design your own robot to behave, move, and appear like an actual, but much bigger, ant. The robot is an interesting thing to watch due to its distinct motions and behaviors, and due to its size, it can be used in a number of scenarios. The variAnt kit costs around €199.


The VariAnt might revolutionize robotics and our understanding of nature. Since it mimics ants, the VariAnt can perform many tasks that conventional robots cannot. Whether employed for research, environmental monitoring, or as a toy, the VariAnt is a groundbreaking robotics innovation that will captivate people worldwide.

Roboternacht in der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

Dienstag, 30. Mai 2023 – Der Fachbereich Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau und Technikjournalismus (EMT) der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS) lädt von Freitag, 9. Juni, bis Samstag, 10. Juni, zur Roboternacht ein. Innerhalb von 24 Stunden werden Schülerinnen und Schüler einen Roboter bauen und auf einen Parcours schicken. Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer sind am Samstag ab 13 Uhr zu Wettkampf und Siegerehrung im Audimax auf dem Campus Sankt Augustin willkommen.

Für die Schülerinnen und Schüler geht es darum, einen Roboter zu bauen und zu programmieren. Foto: Irene Rothe

Die Roboternacht richtet sich an Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klassenstufen 5 bis 13, die über Roboter-AGs an ihren Schulen angemeldet werden. Das Event wird, unter der Leitung von Professorin Irene Rothe, von Studierenden des Fachbereichs eigenständig organisiert und betreut. Die Aufgabe für die Schülerinnen und Schüler besteht darin, in weniger als 24 Stunden einen Roboter zu bauen und zu programmieren. Anschließend müssen die Roboter in einem Wettkampf einen Parcours möglichst fehlerfrei durchlaufen. „Roboter sind sehr gut geeignet für das Sammeln von Ingenieur-Erfahrungen: Fehler in der Programmierung werden sofort sichtbar, wodurch das Lernen aus Fehlern möglich wird“, so Professorin Rothe. Den Hintergrund für die Programmieraufgabe bildet die Geschichte um den Luftbändiger Aang, ein Avatar, der die Welt vor der Feuernation retten soll.

Interessierte Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer können den Wettkampf und die Siegerehrung am Samstag, 10. Juni, ab 13 Uhr im Audimax miterleben.

Roboterbau soll für MINT-Fächer begeistern. Foto: Irene Rothe

Die Roboternächte verfolgen die Intention, Schülerinnen und Schüler spielerisch für Technik und MINT zu begeistern: „Die Kinder brauchen ein Ziel für das Bauen und Programmieren ihrer Roboter. Dafür ist die Roboternacht im Frühsommer ein Highlight. Man kann sich mit anderen Teams bei lustigen und kniffeligen Parcours-Aufgaben messen und um einen Pokal kämpfen“, erklärt Irene Rothe.

Bereits seit 2011 sind die Roboternächte Bestandteil der Lehre im Fachbereich EMT. Die Idee, Studierende in einem Projekt solche Roboternächte planen und organisieren zu lassen, entstand aus einer Kooperation mit der CJD Christophorusschule in Königswinter. So können die Studierenden Projektmanagementerfahrungen sammeln und ihr erlerntes Wissen bei der Umsetzung eines unterhaltsamen, robusten und machbaren Parcours anbringen.

Robotics-Pakete für den Unterricht

fischertechnik bietet verschiedene Robotics-Sets

Mit dem ROBOTICS TXT 4.0 Base Set von fischertechnik lassen sich komplexe Technologien aus dem Alltag im Unterricht spielerisch erlernen. Vier Ergänzungssets ermöglichen darüber hinaus das Eintauchen in die Welt des autonomen Fahrens, in Roboterprogrammierung und in Internet of Things. Mit dem Set „Competition“ lassen sich zudem spannende Aufgaben bei Robotics-Wettbewerben oder -Projekten umsetzen.

Das fischertechnik ROBOTICS TXT 4.0 Base Set ist der perfekte Start, um zu programmieren wie die Profis. Der umfangreiche Baukasten enthält neben der Kamera mit Bildverarbeitung einen Ultraschallsensor, zwei Encodermotoren, einen Spursensor, einen Fototransistor sowie zwei Taster und drei LEDs. Die Modelle können mit der Programmiersoftware ROBO Pro Coding und dem ROBOTICS TXT 4.0 Controller programmiert und gesteuert werden. Einsteiger können auf fertige Beispielprogramme zurückgreifen und in der Blockly-Programmierumgebung ROBO Pro Coding grafisch programmieren, Fortgeschrittene und Profis können darüber hinaus direkt in Python loslegen. Mit der zusätzlichen App fischertechnik Voice Control (Android/ iOS) kann der TXT 4.0 Controller auch über Spracherkennung gesteuert werden. Enthalten sind zwölf spannende Modelle, die von der Fußgängerampel über eine Schranke, einen Barcodescanner bis hin zu mobilen Fahrrobotern mit Encodermotoren, Kamera, Spur- und Abstandssensor reichen. Das umfangreiche Lehrmaterial beinhaltet neben Einführungs- und Basisinformationen 25 Experimente mit Lösungen.

Das fischertechnik ROBOTICS TXT 4.0 Base Set stellt die Basis für den Einsatz im Regelunterricht dar: Controller, Software, Stromversorgung, Aktoren und Sensoren und viele Grundbausteine sind hier enthalten. Das Set wird in einer stabilen Box geliefert, die sich für Einsatz im Regelunterricht sowie auch für Projektarbeiten bestens eignet. Die separat erhältlichen vier Add On Sets erweitern das TXT 4.0 Base Set um ihren jeweiligen Schwerpunkt und können übersichtlich in der unteren, dafür vorgesehenen Wanne integriert werden.

Die Add On-Erweiterungssets umfassen spezifische Hightech-Themen wie autonomes Fahren, Omniwheels und IoT (Internet of Things) sowie Robotics-Wettbewerbe. Damit können attraktive Modelle wie ein autonom fahrendes Auto, ein Fußballroboter oder eine Sensorstation mit beweglicher Kamera zur Messung von Temperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Luftdruck, Luftqualität und Helligkeit konstruiert werden. 

Mit dem ROBOTICS Add On Autonomous Driving lässt sich das Auto der Zukunft selbst bauen und programmieren. Es bietet die Möglichkeit, zusammen mit dem ROBOTICS TXT 4.0 Base Set viele spannende Techniken zu entdecken: Von der Lichtautomatik über einen Spurhalteassistenten, vom Tempomat bis zur Einparkautomatik – das Modell garantiert begeisterte Augen im Unterricht. Der Baukasten enthält neben einem Differenzialgetriebe zwei zusätzliche Räder, LEDs sowie einen Servo-Motor für die Lenkung. Das Add On Autonomous Driving wird durch das Lehrmaterial, das Aufgaben und Experimente mit zugehörigen Lösungen enthält, abgerundet.

Das Add On Omniwheels ermöglicht zusammen mit dem ROBOTICS TXT 4.0 Base Set das Konstruieren verschiedener Modelle mit Allseitenantrieb: Fahrroboter mit verschiedenen Aufgabenstellungen, zum Beispiel ein Fußballroboter, ein Ballwurfroboter, der Zielscheiben erkennt und präzise trifft und ein Malroboter mit Stift, der abgesenkt und angehoben werden kann. Das Highlight des Baukastens sind die Omniwheels, die von vier Encodermotoren angetrieben werden und so eine Bewegung in verschiedene Richtungen ermöglichen. Die im TXT 4.0 Base Set enthaltene Kamera ermöglicht Bildverarbeitung, durch die beispielsweise der Fußballroboter einen Ball erkennen, ihm folgen und Tore schießen kann.

Einen professionellen Einstieg in die Messwerterfassung bietet das Ergänzungsset ROBOTICS Add On IoT. Zusammen mit den Robotics TXT 4.0 Base Set ermöglicht die Sensorstation die Messung von Temperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Luftdruck, Luftqualität und Helligkeit. Die Sensorstation kann mit der Programmiersoftware ROBO Pro Coding und dem ROBOTICS TXT 4.0 Controller programmiert und gesteuert werden und ist ideal, um Themen wie Messwerterfassung und -übertragung sowie das Steuern und Regeln von Aktoren und Sensoren zu vermitteln. Die Messwerterfassung erfolgt über die Verbindung des TXT 4.0 Controllers mit der fischertechnik-Cloud, in der die Sensordaten gespeichert, gesammelt und grafisch dargestellt werden. Über die Bedienoberfläche, dem sogenannten Dashboard, werden die verschiedenen Sensordaten permanent (in Echtzeit) erfasst und die in zwei Achsen schwenkbare Kamera ferngesteuert. Das Lehrmaterial des Add On IoT enthält sechs Experimente mit dazugehörigen Lösungen.

Das ROBOTICS Add On Competition wurde für Schulen, Universitäten und alle Bildungseinrichtungen entwickelt, die ihre Modelle für Robotics-Wettbewerbe für ihre Schüler und Studenten weiterentwickeln oder verbessern möchten. Mit diesem Set lassen sich Modelle tunen und um neue Features erweitern, was diesen Baukasten zur perfekten Ergänzung für Wettbewerbe auf der ganzen Welt macht. Das Set enthält den neuen RGB-Gestensensor, einen Kombisensor (Gyroskop, Beschleunigung und Kompass), einen Ultraschallsensor, zwei stärkere Encodermotoren sowie Kettenglieder und Rastraupenbeläge für das Fahrgestell eines Raupenroboters – ideal für den Bau wettbewerbsfähiger Fahrroboter.

European Startup Launches STEM-based Autonomous Batmobile™

After three successful and delivered Kickstarter Campaigns, CircuitMess Launches Kickstarter  to Encourage Fans Age 7 and up to Create their own Autonomous Batmobile

Zagreb, Croatia – October 5, 2021 – Today, CircuitMess announced its licensing deal with Warner Brothers and its Kickstarter campaign for the CircuitMess Batmobile™, designed to teach children seven and up about engineering and autonomous driving.

“CircuitMess is truly inspiring,” says Francois Simonetta, Vice President at Warner Bros. Consumer Products EMEA Agents. “Turning toys into elaborate STEM kits that teach both electronics and coding is a great way to encourage kids to learn STEM by doing what is most natural to them: playing. We are excited that the CircuitMess Batmobile is their next and greatest STEM kit so far.”

In their efforts to become the world’s most inspiring STEM toys brand, CircuitMess has developed numerous educational products that encourage kids and adults to create rather than just consume. This includes MAKERbuino – a DIY game console, MAKERphone – a DIY mobile phone, and STEM Box – a STEM projects subscription.

 “We love the kits that we’ve been able to create for the crowdfunding community and want to continue to offer it to them first,” says Alber Gajšak, CEO of CircuitMess. “With three successful Kickstarters that have raised more than $850k in total, we have been able to get proven interest and traction for our special kits and deliver exciting projects to people all over the world.”

No previous experience or knowledge should be needed to become a true STEM Superhero. The kit is designed for anyone 7 and older with complete instructions.

The tasks include: learning how autonomous vehicles work, how to code a microcomputer, how computers track objects, and developing your own computer vision algorithm.

Since its start in 2017, CircuitMess has delivered more than 50.000 devices to customers all around the globe. Over the past 4 years in creating STEM kits, CircuitMess has put a focus on introducing these technologies in a fun, simple, easy-to-understand, and most importantly, hands-on way.

The CircuitMess Batmobile Kickstarter is available for pre-order now and will have a starting price of US $99. You can visit the Kickstarter page here. and the CircuitMess website to see all their other kits here.

GinoBot by Engino – Base model with Gripper

Today I built the base model with a gripper and sent my feedback to the developers. It’s already really great product but there are always things to tweak or make better. Do not miss to support it on Kickstarter!


GinoBot, Inspiring Inventors of the Future with STEM Disciplines, Launches on Kickstarter

The all-in-one smart toy incorporates science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines with playtime, in a hands-on way. 

Astoria, New York – (May 3, 2021) Keeping children entertained and engaged in today’s tech-driven world is now easier with GinoBot. The tool that implements a fun, hands-on experiencewith unlimited expansion potential for learning STEM disciplines, computational thinking, and digital literacy is launching on Kickstarter today.

GinoBot seamlessly blends playtime with advanced learning to sharpen a child’s mind for the future. From plug-and-play robot to high-end coding and electronics, the progression of skills with GinoBot is unlimited. Children ages 6+ can build simple or complex models with GinoBot’s scalable, and compatible design.
It features KEIRO software for block-based programming, which is compatible with a PC (Windows, Linux, MAC OS) and smart devices (Google Play, Apple Store). GinoBot has Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, as well as a micro USB connector. It can also connect with 3rd party hardware like Arduino, Microbit and Raspberry Pi, among others.

Science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM toys are the future. GinoBot is a solution for children to learn 21st century skills that lets them playfully learn how to code, design, build, and rebuild models quickly, no matter their age or learning style. 

“Children are our future and we believe they are all gifted with the power to perform astonishing technological feats,” said Costas Sisamos, founder and CEO of Engino. “As STEM learning principles become more prominent in our children’s curriculum, GinoBot is a great learning tool that will keep young minds hungry to explore, design and create enabling them to experience the limitless thrill of scientific discovery.” 

GinoBot is a great way to invest in your child’s imagination and expand their creativity. To pre-order, visit pr.go2.fund/ginobot.

About Engino 

Engino is a toy manufacturer that specializes in construction toys and smart educational toys, and have been at the vanguard of the STEM education movement for the past 15 years. A few years ago, Engino joined the robotics market and started developing programmable robots. These robots are supported with an extensive curriculum so children can learn the digital-side of thinking and how to do programming, coding, and more. For more information, visit https://www.engino.com/.

Kids learn coding with the new Sparklekits

What is Sparklekits?
Sparklekits is a STEM kit with a set of modular magnetic blocks & puzzles that promotes educational discovery through open-ended play and hands-on experience using advanced technology. It is extremely easy to assemble and super intuitive to use. It is a better and more fun STEM education tool that integrates building, learning, coding and play.

Advanced Design
Sparklekits breaks down complicated engineering into easy-to-assemble, functional magnetic modular blocks that children can use without using any cables, screws or tools. Kids can’t get it wrong, creating an environment that invites experimentation and creativity while building confidence.
These building blocks are infused with magical, seamless technology that allows kids to code, build, and explore at their own pace. Built-in games and challenges let kids between 5-12 learn through play, and it’s fully LEGO-compatible!


Crowbits Launches Creative Electronic Blocks For STEM Learning on Kickstarter

Thanks to Elecrow, parents who are looking to interest their children in some fun but educational activities can now do precisely that with Crowbits, electronic lego blocks that have been centered around STEM education.

With the Elecrow campaign for Crowbits achieving outdoing its original goal by a mile, it appears that many parents and guardians have recognized the potential of the electronic blocks. With Crowbits, children can learn some of the most in-demand digital skills in the world while having fun. Some of these perks of playing with Crowbits include graphical programming, python programming, hands-on STEM learning, endless ways to use the electronic blocks, and their compatibility with lego.

A few parents and backers have identified Crowbits as the perfect gift item for their wards. By connecting the electronic blocks together, kids can create fully-functional gaming consoles, phones, tech-savvy cars, radar systems, machinery, and more with no coding required.

Crowbits is based upon Arduino, ESP32, Micro:bit Programmable STEM education blocks for kids. These are little magnetically linked blocks that snap together when joined. The system also incorporates Letscode, a graphical programming software where users simply drag and drop elements to create new products.

“The way that we see it, STEM is more important than ever before, and we want children to learn about it and practice it. That way, the next generation can progress more quickly onto the more complex topics,” said David Chu of Elecrow.

The Crowbits package includes multiple main controller modules, input modules, and output modules, with over 80 modules to pick from, wherein circuit systems can be created with LEGO-compatible blocks. In all, there are five kits (Hello, Explorer, Inventor, Creator, and Master), and more than 70 PBL lessons.

Students aged 3-14 years old can play with Crowbits and work on projects, solve problems and think creatively in a step-by-step manner. They can mix and match these blocks with their LEGO blocks too. There are three levels of difficulty as well to make learning progressive: Electronics and engineering, computer science, and the Master level for building fully functional products.

Crowbits has been launched on Kickstarter to raise funds and welcomes all donors and participants to help create this novel system wherein children can be taught at an early age to learn science, technology, engineering, and math with fun, while also building their creative imagination.

For more information, please visit: www.elecrow.com

Q-Scout by Robobloq

Q-Scout by @robobloq_official Robobloq. Timelapse Build of Q-Scout. Very nice and easy but sturdy build.

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