igus goes gamification: Mit dem Online-Spiel igumania werden motion plastics noch erlebbarer

Als Produktionsleiter einer eigenen Mars Rover-Fabrik kann nun jeder spielerisch in die Welt der motion plastics von igus eintauchen

Köln, 20. Juli 2022 – Ungeplante Wartungszeiten und Produktions­stillstände gehören zu den größten Gegnern für Industrieunternehmen. Der motion plastics Spezialist igus bietet nun jedem die Möglichkeit, selbst zum Produktionsleiter zu werden und sich dieser Herausforderung zu stellen – mit dem Online-Browser-Spiel igumania. Das Idle-Game wurde mithilfe der Spiele-Plattform Unity entwickelt und ermöglicht Spielern, in die Welt der motion plastics einzutauchen. Durch den Einbau von igus Produkten können die Wartungszeiten der Produktion reduziert werden, damit Maschinenstillstände auch im Spiel der Vergangenheit angehören. Das Unternehmensziel von igus ist auch Ziel des Spiels: Verbessern, was sich bewegt.

Als frisch gebackener Produktionsleiter einer Mars-Rover-Fabrik gegen die vielen ungeplanten Wartungen und Anlagenstillstände in der Produktion ankämpfen. Dieses Szenario erwartet Spieler im Online-Spiel igumania. Unterstützung erhält man von Rusty, dem treuen Roboter-Assistenten, und Dave, dem igus Mitarbeiter aus dem technischen Vertrieb, dessen Besuch der Startschuss für die gemeinsame Erfolgsstory mit motion plastics ist. Im Laufe des Spiels können verschiedene igus Produkte verbaut werden: iglidur Gleitlager, Energieketten, flexible chainflex Leitungen, drylin Linear- und Antriebstechnik und sogar komplette Low-Cost- Automation-Lösungen wie der ReBeL Serviceroboter. Am Anfang stehen jedoch noch nicht alle motion plastics Lösungen zur Verfügung. Diese können im Spielverlauf über den Technologiebaum des igus Labors freigeschaltet werden. Auch die real-virtuelle igus motion plastics show (IMPS) können Spieler als Ingame-Messe erleben und so noch mehr über die motion plastics Produkte erfahren. Durch das Erfüllen verschiedener Aufgaben können weitere Perks bzw. Vorteile und Produkte freigeschaltet werden – ob e-ketten Recycling, Erweiterung der Montagelinie, Beschleunigung des Fließbandes, oder der Einsatz von smart plastics für die automatische Wartung der eingesetzten Roboter.

Gamification-Ansatz für mehr Nutzerfreundlichkeit

Aber warum ein eigenes igus Spiel? „Entstanden ist die Idee aus der Überlegung, wie wir unsere Produkte aus Hochleistungskunststoffen und ihre Alleinstellungsmerkmale noch erlebbarer machen können – und das auf ganz einfachem und spielerischem Weg“, erklärt igus Geschäftsführer Frank Blase. igus folgt dabei dem Prinzip des „Serious Gaming“: Das Online-Spiel soll nicht nur unterhalten, sondern spielerisch Wissenslücken schließen und die Vorteile der igus Hochleistungskunststoffe vermitteln. „Wir haben ein gutes Knowhow im Software-Bereich und bieten bereits jetzt zahlreiche Online-Tools an – vom Produkt-Lebensdauerrechner über den 3D-Druck-Service bis hin zum Konfigurator für Portalroboter. Hier setzen wir bereits auf den Gamification-Ansatz, indem wir zum Beispiel auch für unseren Konfigurator für Portalroboter die Plattform von Unity nutzen, um so eine spielend leichte Bedienbarkeit zu ermöglichen. Diesen Ansatz wollen wir weiterentwickeln und unser gesamtes Online-Angebot künftig noch spielerischer und nutzerfreundlicher gestalten. Ein eigenes Online-Spiel bietet die optimale Möglichkeit, wertvolle Erfahrungen im Bereich Gamification zu sammeln.“

Spielentwicklung: Vom Studentenprojekt zur Unternehmensgründung

Für die Entwicklung eines eigenen Online-Spiels hat sich igus das Cologne Game Lab an seine Seite geholt – ein Institut an der Technischen Hochschule Köln, dessen Studentenprojekte unter anderem bereits mit dem Deutschen Computerspielpreis ausgezeichnet wurden. Im Rahmen eines eigenen igus Studentenprojekts haben sich 10 Studententeams der Herausforderung gestellt. Die Aufgabe: Innerhalb einer Woche ein Konzept für ein igus Spiel zu entwickeln. Gewonnen hat das Konzept für „igumania“ und das Gewinner-Team bekam den Zuschlag für die Entwicklung des Spiels. Das Besondere: Aus dem Studentenprojekt wurde eine Unternehmensidee, und so gründeten Arkadijs Gribacovs, Ethem Kurt und Leonard Liebler die elads gbR für Spieleentwicklung. „In Deutschland gibt es nach wie vor verhältnismäßig wenig Unternehmer. Dass wir mit unserer Idee den Unternehmergeist junger Talente wecken und den Anstoß für eine Unternehmensgründung geben konnten, freut uns umso mehr“, macht Frank Blase deutlich. Und die Entwicklung von igumania läuft weiter: Nachdem erste Erfahrungswerte gesammelt und Optimierungen umgesetzt wurden, ist auch der Launch einer App-Version für Android und iOS geplant.

Neugierig? Melden Sie sich hier an, um den Link zum Spiel sowie Neuigkeiten zu Spiel-Updates zu erhalten: https://www.igus.de/igumania-anmeldung

Cross Company Announces Partnership with Doosan Robotics


Cross Company, a 100% employee-owned industrial technology company announced this week that they are partnering with Doosan Robotics Americas to bring their collaborative robot (cobot) technology to the Southeastern United States. Doosan Robotics was founded in South Korea in 2015 and following three years of research and development they developed a range of four cobot models that use their proprietary technology. With the launch of six additional cobot models in 2020, Doosan now offers the most diversified line of collaborative robots on the market. Their product line includes robots with a load capacity of 11-55 lbs, a working radius of 35-67 inches, and unique collision detection technology for enhanced safety. Doosan Robotics is currently in the top five robotics distributors in the world and the number one manufacturer in South Korea.

Doosan H Series Cobot

“We are so excited for the opportunity to offer Doosan collaborative robots to our customers! We believe that their outstanding technology, superior quality, advanced safety features, and diverse product offerings, will enable Cross to implement the perfect collaborative solution for our customers– even in applications that were previously incompatible with cobots,” remarked Lynn Crump, Group President for Cross Automation.

Cross Automation serves customers nationwide but will be specifically representing Doosan Robotics in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Alabama. In addition to being a distributor, Cross will be a nationally certified integrator of Doosan collaborative robots as well as a factory-certified service center.

Crump went on to say, “By supporting customers with integration services as well as repair and maintenance, we will offer a unique level of after-sales support that is not otherwise available in the United States for Doosan Robotics. Our partnership with Doosan will boost our ability to implement solutions for our customers to combat the ongoing labor shortage by automating manual processes.”

“It was an easy decision to partner with Cross Company, given their long and successful track record in the automation industry and cobot sphere,” said Alex Lee, General Manager for Doosan Robotics Americas. “Cross Company’s strong technical capabilities, robust array of system solutions, and vast distribution network lend immeasurable value as Doosan Robotics Americas continues to expand into the U.S. market. We are beyond excited to collaborate with such an experienced organization.”

About Cross Company

Cross Company is a 100% employee-owned industrial solutions company that is innovating the industrial world, one customer at a time. The company was founded in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1954 and has over 650 associates and 20 locations throughout the Southeast and Midwest. Cross specializes in robotics and machine automation, industrial measurement and calibration, process flow and safety technologies, process control integration, industrial and hydraulic hoses & fittings, and as an original equipment supplier in the mobile vehicle systems integration industry. Cross Company’s corporate headquarters remain in Greensboro, NC and it has major facilities in Knoxville, TN, Gastonia, NC, Whitsett, NC, and Oklahoma City, OK.

About Doosan Robotics

Doosan Robotics, founded in 2015 by Doosan Group, creates technology for the next generation of manufacturing. Established in 1896, the group has 25 affiliates and 114 global entities worldwide, generating a revenue of USD 15 billion in 2020. More information about Doosan Robotics is available at https://www.doosanrobotics.com/en/.

Robothon® – The Grand Challenge 2022 // Call for Teams

Dear Robothon® Community!

We, the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), in collaboration with Messe München

and automatica have launched successfully a new high-tech platform calledmunich_i in 2021, an event bringing together the world’s leading thought leaders and personalities from AI and robotics.

munich_i will take place again at the next automatica from June 21-24, 2022 in Munich, therefore

Robothon®, the international competition to develop skills in robot manipulations, will also go into the second round!! 

Robothon® – The Grand Challenge Series focuses on pressing and unsolved challenges of our time and was 2021 held digitally in the run-up to the automatica sprint

with 9 international teams and a renowned Grand Challenge Jury. As a highlight, it ended with the Award Ceremony on June 22, 2021

with 4 winning teams, a total prize money of € 22,500, great recognition and an expansion of our community.

Are you a motivated robotics enthusiast looking for new challenges?

CALL FOR TEAMS is open until March 31, 2022!!

Apply HERE!


  • Robothon® will once again will be held digitally from April 29 to June 1, 2022
  • Special highlight: the Award Ceremony will take place on-site on June 21, 2022, during automatica at the Messe München!


  • Robothon® againwill focus on single-arm robot manipulation
  • The Grand Challenge 2022: disassembly and sorting of e-waste
  • The competition is free of charge 
  • Up to 20 selected teams can participate (2-4 members) 
  • All roboticists (academic and young professionals) are encouraged to apply
  • Teams will need to provide their own robot to complete the challenge remotely
  • Each team will receive an internet connected competition task board by mail
  • The processing period of 1 month starts from receipt of the competition scorecard 
  • Team performances will be evaluated by the Grand Challenge Jury 
  • Prize money awaits the finalists!

HAVEN’T SIGNED UP YET? Apply as a team until March 31, 2022, and visit our website www.robothon-grand-challenge.com to learn more. 

Know someone who should participate? Please help spread the word!

Feel free to email us with any questions at [email protected].

With kind regards,

The Robothon® Team

Barbara Schilling & Peter So (Technical Leader)

Maker Faires 2022: Termine, Teilnahme und Tickets
Die Maker-Szene trifft sich wieder

Hannover, 3. Februar 2022 – In diesem Jahr gibt es frischen Input aus der Maker-Community wieder live und in Farbe: Vier Maker Faires sind für 2022 geplant. Deutschlands größte Maker Faire findet am 10. und 11. September in Hannover statt. Erstmals gibt es das Format für Innovation und Macherkultur auch im Süden Deutschlands. Maker, Enthusiasten, Kreative und Erfinder treffen sich im Sommer zur Maker Faire Baden-Württemberg. Auch in Dortmund und Chemnitz stellen Maker ihre spannenden Ideen vor. Die Ticketshops sind eröffnet und die Calls for Makers laufen.

Los geht’s im Westen: Auf der 5. Maker Faire Ruhr in Dortmund werden am 26. und 27. März in der DASA, Deutschlands größter Arbeitsweltausstellung, wieder ungewöhnliche Experimente und ziemlich schräge Projekte von IT bis Design präsentiert.

Danach folgt die Premiere im Süden Deutschlands: Die erste Maker Faire Baden-Württemberg startet am 25. und 26. Juni, auf dem Gelände des RTunlimited in Reutlingen. In Kooperation mit dem Innoport in der Metropolregion Stuttgart stellen Maker gemeinsam mit Technologiepartnern ihre zukunftsweisenden Ideen und MINT-Projekte vor. „Wir verlassen den Standort Berlin und wollen zusätzlich zur Maker Faire Hannover im Norden die Maker Faire Baden-Württemberg als zweite große Leitveranstaltung in Deutschland für die Maker-Community aufbauen“, erklärt Anna Ludwig, Besuchermanagerin Maker Faire.

Für den 9. und 10. Juli sollten sich alle Wissbegierigen die Maker Faire Sachsen vormerken: Chemnitz ist nicht nur Kulturhauptstadt 2025, hier präsentieren inspirierende Maker jedes Jahr aufs Neue, wie kreativ man mit Wissenschaft und Technik umgehen kann.

Höhepunkt ist dann die Maker Faire Hannover: Am 10. und 11. September wandelt sich das Hannover Congress Centrum mit seinem idyllischen Außengelände bereits zum achten Mal in einen Schauplatz kreativer Ideen. „Dieses Jahr wird es internationaler und zweisprachig!“, sagt Daniel Rohlfing, Leiter Events und Produktmanagement. „Wir laden Maker aus der ganzen Welt zu uns ein, ihre Genialität bei uns unter Beweis zu stellen.“ Die Maker Faire Hannover hat sich in der niedersächsischen Landeshauptstadt als „Must-see-Event“ etabliert und zog in der Vergangenheit rund 20.000 Besucherinnen und Besucher an.

Ab sofort können für die beiden Leitveranstaltungen, die Maker Faire Baden-Württemberg und die Maker Faire Hannover, Tickets gebucht werden. Auch die Calls for Makers laufen auf Hochtouren. Interessierte Maker können sich für einen Stand, einen Workshop oder Vortrag anmelden. Auch Unternehmen haben noch Zeit, sich für eine Ausstellungsteilnahme zu entscheiden.

Engineered Arts to Unveil New Humanoid Robot at CES 2022

The Ameca humanoid robot combines AI with AB (Artificial Body) for relatable natural human gestures and upgradable modular mechanics via cloud-managed API development tool kit

LAS VEGAS—December 3rd, 2021—CES 2022 — Engineered Arts, a UK company that creates the most memorable interactive character experiences, today announced its latest humanoid robot named Ameca (pron. Am-ek-uh). Through 20 years of increasing robotics innovation, the Ameca series features ground-breaking advancements in movement and natural gestures, intelligent interaction, and a future-proof software system designed to embrace artificial intelligence and computer vision with adaptive learning—giving users an API customization pathway never before available.

Engineered Arts’ Ameca humanoid robot will take center stage at CES 2022 in Las Vegas at the Great Britain and Northern Ireland Pavilion in Tech West Hall G—lower level of the Venetian Expo Center, at Booth 62502 & 62524 from January 5th- 8th.

Complete details, images, videos and specs of the Ameca humanoid robot are available at: https://www.engineeredarts.co.uk/robot/ameca/.

“A humanoid robot will always instil an image of what the future may hold. Ameca represents a perfect platform to explore how our machines can live with, collaborate, and enrich our lives in tomorrow’s sustainable communities,” said Morgan Roe, Director of Operations at Engineered Arts. “Ameca integrates both AI with AB (artificial body) for advanced, iterative technologies that deliver superior motion and gestures, all housed in a human form and robotic visage for a non-threatening, gender-neutral integration into an inclusive society,” added Roe.

The Engineered Arts team can create any robot figure in as little as four months. All Engineered Arts AmecaMesmer series and RoboThespian robot creations are available for ownership or through an integrated end-to-end rental program for special limited engagements and showcases across the world. To learn more about the humanoid robots from Engineered Arts visit: https://www.engineeredarts.co.uk/

About Engineered Arts

Engineered Arts, Ltd. integrates a talented team of engineers and creatives, working together to produce technology that lives and breathes engagement, imagination, and entertainment. At the heart of its robotic humanoids is the Tritium operating system, a cloud-based operating system that drives robot animation, interaction, maintenance links and content distribution. For more information visit: https://www.engineeredarts.co.uk/

Public to Meet Beomni Humanoid Robot at 2022 Consumer Electronics Show


Beyond Imagination, in conjunction with Zero Gravity Corporation (ZERO-G), will be showcasing its cutting-edge “Beomni” humanoid robot at the January 2022 Consumer Electronics Show. This will be the first time the robot has been shown to the general public.

TRU PACE Images: Beomni Thumbs Up

“I’ve been involved and taken ZERO-G flights with Dr. Peter Diamandis since the inception of ZERO-G. They are an ideal partner for BEYOND IMAGINATION,” says Dr. Harry Kloor, Founder and CEO of BEYOND IMAGINATION, “because our remote-piloted robot has the dexterity to perform any task and even learn to execute complex sequences autonomously, saving time and reducing risk.”

Beomni is one of the world’s most advanced general-purpose humanoid robots, with an evolving “AI Brain” that enables it to assist its human pilot in performing a limitless number of tasks.

For example, Beomni can help perform scientific experiments in challenging environments such as microgravity. Working together with ZERO-G, BEYOND IMAGINATION plans to deploy custom versions of its robot that can perform experiments in the ZERO-G aircraft while experimenters remain safely on the ground. Leveraging Beomni’s low-latency remote video feed and natural controls, experimenters will be able to manipulate their equipment from afar as if they are actually on the aircraft. Adds Dr. Kloor, “as a scientist experienced with microgravity experiments, I know that the ability to manipulate a microgravity experiment from the ground is a game-changer. Our partnership will enable more complex actions to be performed and multiple experimenters to participate.”

Ease of use is one of Beomni’s claims to fame. Past experience shows that new users acclimate to piloting the robot in just a few minutes. At the show, invited guests will be able to pilot the robot using nothing more than a virtual reality headset and a pair of special gloves.

BEYOND IMAGINATION’s robots are operated via a human partnership with an AI Brain that augments and enhances human capabilities. This AI includes multiple “lobes”, each related to a specific skill or set of skills that the robot can perform. Over time, on a task-by-task basis, Beomni’s AI Brain learns, evolving from assisting with tasks to semi-autonomous and then to fully autonomous operation.

This collaboration is a first step toward broadening access to microgravity opportunities for consumers, corporate customers, entertainment companies, and scientific research teams at NASA and beyond.

“We are delighted to be able to partner with a visionary company like BEYOND IMAGINATION,” said ZERO-G’s CEO Matt Gohd. “Their state-of-the-art robot and AI will enable us to develop unique and unmatched new services. Working together, we see a wide range of applications for private and public space agencies around the globe.”

Since operating its first commercial flight in 2004, ZERO-G has given more than 17,000 flyers the opportunity to feel true weightlessness. As the interest in commercial space travel increases, the flights offered by ZERO-G are the only FAA-approved opportunities in the U.S. for civilians to understand weightlessness. At a fraction of the cost of consumer space flights in development, ZERO-G is paving the way for the general public to enjoy the wonders of interstellar travel. Each ZERO-G mission is designed for maximum fun. The aircraft’s interior is a zero-gravity playroom, complete with padded floors and walls and video cameras to record the unforgettable moments.

Beomni has applications in space-based and lunar operations and construction as well as terrestrial activities ranging from bio-manufacturing & logistics to aircraft & energy sector inspections to health care & senior care services. BEYOND IMAGINATION recently completed an on-site pilot study at TRU PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) Center with Beomni and has been busy scheduling more pilot studies across a range of industries for early 2022.

Beyond Imagination, Inc. is a robotics and AI platform company that is focused on bringing humanoid robots to market rapidly. By partnering a human pilot with an evolving AI Brain, we will soon be able to deploy our Beomni Robotics platform across a wide range of commercial applications. Our practical, real-world approach is closer to that of Tesla, which released its vehicles and then built AI from the data that they collected, rather than that of other companies that are focused in narrow R&D domains.

Founded by leading innovators in AI and robotics, and strengthened by a solid patent portfolio, Beyond Imagination, Inc. is poised to revolutionize life and fundamentally change the way we work, travel and engage with others around the world.

Beyond Imagination is taking advance orders and is always open to strategic partnerships and investments from qualified investors. In-person demos are available by appointment for media and investors. Additionally, Beomni is available for television appearances in the greater Denver/Boulder area. Potential partners for pilot studies in medicine and beyond are encouraged to discuss their specific use cases with the company.

For more information visit http://www.beomni.ai

About ZERO-G
Zero Gravity Corporation is a privately held space entertainment and tourism company whose mission is to make the excitement and adventure of space accessible to the public. ZERO-G is the first and only FAA-approved provider of weightless flight in the U.S. for the general public; entertainment and film industries; corporate and incentive markets; non-profit research and education sectors; and the government. ZERO-G’s attention to detail, excellent service and quality of experience combined with its exciting history has set the foundation for the most exhilarating adventure-based tourism.

For more information about ZERO-G, please visit http://www.gozerog.com.

Robots-Blog visiting Robotland in Essen, Belgium

Find them at their website https://robotland.tv and have a look at their exhibiton: https://robotland.tv/robotland-exhibits/

Robot Operations Group Announces Plan For RobOpsCon 2022

A gathering of the global community of robotics and operations experts will advance the best practices for scaling the use of autonomous robots across industries


The Robot Operations Group, a global community of the top experts in scaling the application of advanced robotics, today announced the first-ever RobOpsCon will take place in October 2022 in Silicon Valley. The conference will bring together practitioners and a leading panel of multi-disciplinary speakers across industries, including logistics, supply chain, agriculture, hospitality and healthcare. Additional details will be announced shortly.

The Robot Operations Group, or ROG (pronounced “rogue”) has been meeting virtually for more than two years, with occasional in-person meetings as the pandemic allowed. With almost 150 members based across Europe, Asia, and the Americas, the group’s monthly virtual meetings and RobOps Masters interviews have included renowned experts such as Aaron Prather from FedEx, Lawrence Ibarria of Verdant Robotics and Daniel Theobald, Chief Innovation Officer and founder of Vecna Robotics.

The group’s Robot Operations Manifesto, an open-source document with contributions from many of its members, outlines the best practices for robot operations at scale. With RobOpsCon 2022, the growing community will have an opportunity to meet in person, learn from each other and explore the benefits of robotics in a broad range of applications, from material handling to agriculture to cleaning and sanitization.

“Being part of this community is a great way to realize the value of robotics,” said Florian Pestoni, CEO and co-founder of InOrbit and co-founder of ROG. “There are plenty of online groups and conferences for roboticists to learn how to build a robot, but there wasn’t one for people focused on scaling robots from 5 to 5,000 and beyond. Until now.”

At a recent Association for Advancing Automation (A3) AMR & Logistics conference in Memphis, TN, several ROG members met at an event sponsored by InOrbit and A3. The rapid exchange of ideas, the shared pain points and the different perspectives resulted in a lively discussion. RobOpsCon 2022 aims to take this to the next level.

“I was an active participant in conferences such as LISA, where systems administrators could learn from each other,” said Joe Wieciek, director of technical operations at Outrider and co-founder of ROG. “But when I transitioned from more traditional cloud systems to robotics, I found this was missing. With RobOpsCon 2022, we are continuing that tradition and helping people manage large robot fleets.”

“ROG has always enabled me to connect with innovators in the robot industry at an informal level. It’s not commercial, but the connections have opened a wealth of collaborative opportunities,” said Aldus von der Burg, CEO of Meili Robots and a ROG member based in Copenhagen. “RobOpsCon will be a chance for those in the industry, or even just curious about robot operations, to discuss and learn as a part of a growing and supportive robotics community.”

Participation in ROG’s Meetup group and monthly virtual meetings is free and open to everyone. Tickets for RobOpsCon will be available in June 2022 for the October event.

For more information on RobOpsCon, please visit robops.org/robopscon2022.

About Robot Operations Group
ROG (pronounced „rogue“) is a cross-industry group aimed at developing and sharing best practices to advance the operation of autonomous robots at scale. With almost 150 members and growing rapidly, the group meets monthly online and has published the open-source Robot Operations Manifesto.

Tactile Telerobot by Converge Reaches Finals of $10 Million ANA Avatar XPRIZE

Judges recognize the world’s first haptic robotic system to transmit realistic touch feedback to an operator located anywhere in the world

Converge Robotics Group reached the finals of the $10M ANA Avatar XPRIZE competition for an avatar system that can transport human dexterity to a remote location in real-time.

Converge Robotics Group is an international collaboration between Shadow Robot Company, HaptX, and Tangible Research responsible for developing the Tactile Telerobot, a high-fidelity dexterous telerobot in use in the U.S., U.K., and Asia, and now advanced to the ANA Avatar XPRIZE finals.

The Tactile Telerobot features Shadow Robot’s Dexterous Hands, HaptX Gloves DK2 with true-contact haptics, SynTouch’s biomimetic tactile sensors, and Universal Robots robotic arms to allow an operator to perform complex human tasks instantaneously across the globe such as handling objects in laboratories or workshops. The Tactile Telerobot mimics your movements, displaying human-like and reactive behaviours. Users can feel what the robot hands are touching, making it possible to connect humanity across vast distances like never before.

The groundbreaking technology of the Tactile Telerobot has been described as “weirdly natural” by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who added, “The tactile feedback is really tremendous.” The Telerobot’s most recent improvements for the XPRIZE Semifinals, hosted in Miami, include the use of high-fidelity audio and visual technology and other safety and usability improvements. It meets the competition’s criteria for a non-autonomous Avatar System with which an operator can see, hear, and interact within a remote environment in a manner that feels as if they are truly there.

Rich Walker, Managing Director of the Shadow Robot Company, said, “We’re coming up to Shadow’s 25th anniversary as a company and what a way to lead up to it by reaching the finals for a four-year global competition! The Shadow Dexterous Hands have been a sought-after product among the research community ever since we formally registered as a company. What the Hands can achieve today, on their own and as part of the Tactile Telerobot, is truly revolutionary and it’ll only get better.”

“Lifelike touch feedback is a critical component of transporting human presence,” said Jake Rubin, founder and CEO of HaptX.  “The Tactile Telerobot demonstrates the difference that true-contact haptics makes in the field of robotic teleoperation, and we’re delighted for HaptX and our partners in Converge Robotics Group to receive this recognition from the ANA Avatar XPRIZE judges.” 

“I’m proud of the accomplishments of our international and interdisciplinary team,” said Jeremy Fishel, founder and CTO of Tangible Research and Converge’s XPRIZE team lead. “We’ve brought together experts in robotic dexterity and haptics with the amazing technology of our partners and collaborators to do amazing things.”

In the XPRIZE Semifinals, the Converge Robotics Group debuted their collaboration with Voysys, a company that specialises in high-quality, low-latency video communication for the teleoperation of vehicles and machines.

„The combination of the Voysys video pipeline with ultra-low latency, the HaptX Gloves DK2, and the sensitive robot hand from Shadow Robot truly revolutionizes telepresence and makes remote working possible for a whole range of new industries,“ said Magnus Persson, CEO of Voysys.

“Advancing to the ANA Avatar XPRIZE finals alongside excellent competition is a significant milestone in this journey,” said the Converge Robotics Group in a statement “We look forward to showing how our Telerobot system can be used by ordinary people in amazing ways, making engineering jobs safer, reducing the need for global travel (and CO2 emissions) and letting us spend more time at home with our loved ones.”