Maker-Spirit in Corona-Zeiten – Erste weltweite virtuelle Maker Faire am 23. Mai

Hannover, 7. Mai 2020 – Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie wurden nahezu alle Maker Faires in 2020 abgesagt. Darunter auch die achte Maker Faire Hannover, die vom 12. bis 13. September im HCC geplant war. Statt von Angesicht zu Angesicht treffen sich die Maker jetzt online. Das US-Maker-Faire-Team organisiert am 23. Mai ein 24-Stunden-Event, bei dem die Macher aus aller Welt ihre Ideen virtuell vorstellen können. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Covid19-Projekte.

Deutschlands größtes DIY-Festival, das sich in Niedersachsens Hauptstadt in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem Publikumsmagneten für die ganze Familie entwickelt hat, wurde auf den 11. und 12. September 2021 verschoben. „Leider werden wir die Maker Faire Hannover in der aktuellen Situation nicht wie geplant durchführen können. Somit haben wir uns schweren Herzens dazu entschieden, die Veranstaltung in diesem Jahr auszusetzen“, bedauert Daniel Rohlfing, Leiter Events und Sales, Maker Media. Im vergangenen Jahr bestaunten in Hannover 17.500 Besucherinnen und Besucher die vielen spannenden Ideen der internationalen Maker-Szene.

Einfach machen
Mit ihren unkonventionellen Erfindungen machen die Makerinnen und Maker gerade in der Corona-Zeit von sich reden. Weltweit hat die Community auf den Mangel an medizinischer Versorgung und Ausrüstung reagiert. Die Macher haben ihre 3D-Drucker und ihre Nähmaschinen aktiviert und mit ihrem ganz eigenen Spirit gemeinsam innovative Produkte geschaffen.

Drucken gegen Corona
In Deutschland ist das beispielsweise die Initiative „Maker vs. Virus“. Hier haben sich etliche Maker und Fablabs zusammengeschlossen, um sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen und ihre Ressourcen besser zu organisieren – etwa bei der 3D-Druck-Fertigung von Gesichtsschutzmasken, den sogenannten Face Shields. Im Rahmen des WirvsVirus-Hackathons von der Bundesregierung hat ein interdisziplinäres Maker-Team sogar ein komplettes Beatmungsgerät als Prototyp entwickelt.

Maker-Spirit im Netz erleben
Diese Covid19-Projekte stehen auch im Fokus der ersten virtuellen Maker Faire, die am Samstag, den 23. Mai, als 24-Stunden-Event weltweit in allen Zeitzonen vom US-Maker Faire-Team organisiert wird: der Bildschirm als Bühne für die einfallsreichen Konzepte und ihre Macher. Auch das deutsche Maker Media-Team beteiligt sich an der digitalen Show. Weitere Infos gibt es hierzu unter: Wer dabei sein will, kann sich hier anmelden:

Auf dem Laufenden bleiben
Wer sich für die Maker-Bewegung interessiert, kann sich auf der Webseite auf dem Laufenden halten. Ein monatlicher Newsletter informiert über aktuelle Themen, neue Termine und allgemeine DIY-Nachrichten. Folgen Sie uns auch auf Facebook, Twitter und Instagram .

Alle Maker Faires in D/A/CH werden vom deutschsprachigen Make Magazin präsentiert.

RoboMaker Starter

Unter „Coding Lab“ fasst Clementoni innerhalb des Sortiments der Galileo Experimentierkästen die drei Roboter „Mein erster Roboter DOC“, „MIND Designer Roboter“ und „RoboMaker Pro“ zusammen. Die Roboter führen Kinder im Alter zwischen 5 und 14 Jahren in die Welt der Programmierung und Robotik ein. Ab Herbst 2019 gibt es nun auch einen „Coding Lab“ Roboter für die ganz Kleinen sowie eine kleinere Version vom RoboMaker. 

Der „RoboMaker Starter“ ab 8 Jahre ist ein unglaubliches Labor, um die Geheimnisse der Robotik und Codierung durch Block- Programmierung zu entdecken. Es können 3 Roboter (X1-Drawer, X2- Elevator und X3-Analyser) aus 200 Bauteilen, 2 Motoren, einem Lautsprecher und einem IR Sensor gebaut werden. Alle Roboter haben unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten: Der X1-Drawer erschafft fantastische Designs mit dem X2-Elevator kann man verschiedene Objekte aufheben und der X3-Analyser kann Objekte bewegen. 

Bei der Produktentwicklung bezog Clementoni die Expertise diverser Experten aus dem Bereich Informatik mit ein. Die Produktreihe stimuliert räumliche Orientierung und logisches Denken bei Kindern und übermittelt die ersten Kenntnisse der (Block-) Programmierung. Die Produkte folgen der MINT Methode (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik), die mit dem Ziel ins Leben gerufen wurde, bei Kindern Fertigkeiten in den Bereichen der MATHEMATIK, INFORMATIK, NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN und TECHNIK anzuregen. 

Introducing RoboSoccer: the world’s first table soccer game with robot players.

The next evolution in the industry of tabletop games – now available for pre-order on Kickstarter. 

It’s time to play soccer with robots

Rzeszow, Poland (October 29, 2019) – RoboSoccer announces the next innovation in a table soccer game by introducing real robot players. With its array of wheels and autonomous maneuverability, RoboSoccer bridges the gap between a standard table soccer game and new technology. The project goes live today on Kickstarter. 

The game is the answer to the growing demand for high tech toys and since its conception, was designed to be used by everyone, from adults to kids. RoboSoccer meets the demands of not just gamers, but technology geeks, sports enthusiasts, and robotics experts.

And it all started with a meeting at the pub 

Vadym Melnyk, Founder at RoboSoccer, explains: “I have been sitting at a bar with my friend and observing people playing a soccer game on the console and watching a soccer match on TV. At some point, we have been started thinking of how we can put both these groups together, in the sense of their passions for games and sports competitions. And so that is how we came up with RoboSoccer. We have designed the game to be easily accessible with a portable size that can be carried anywhere. After two years of development, we can’t wait to share it with the Kickstarter community and inspire them with this unique technology.”

A game you will be taking around with you

Robots are small in size, but powerful in functionalities. RoboSoccer offers the option of robot personalization where players can choose the favorite color to contrast with opposing players. Thanks to a folding pitch and pocket-sized robots, the game can by carrying anywhere. Easy to pick up and fun to play application makes any matches simple but unique and exciting in every inch of the game. 

RoboSoccer’s team has been worked for two years perfecting the robot size, reinventing mechanics, and shaping the pitch’s design. The objective was to transform human-size robots for pocked sized players so the game can be adopted at home. 

RoboSoccer boasts a number of breakthrough features:

  • Portable. Its lightweight and compact size allow anyone to carry them in a custom reusable box. 
  • Omni wheels allowing to move on every direction
  • Two (Li-Ion) batteries impact a very long working time. 1200 mAh capacity allows long hours of play
  • The shooting attribute can kick the ball flat or a tan angle. 
  • Interactive gates flash in different ways when the goal is scored

You can back The RoboSoccer on their Kickstarter page now; starting at $99 for the Super Early Bird adopters. Link to the campaign:

Your Cat’s New Best Friend is a Robot: Introducing Ebo, the Cat Toy Taking Kickstarter By Storm

Ebo is a robotic companion for your cat which features advanced AI, a 1080p camera, and tons of adorable features. It just surpassed 2000% of its funding goal on

Welcome to the future. You’ll need to keep waiting for that robot butler you were promised in the Sci-Fi books—but your cat won’t.

Ebo is the latest tech advancement from Enabot, an innovator in the field of pet products—and now, artificial intelligence.

The little robot (about the size of a softball) may look like an average cat toy, but it comes packed with loads of techy features like a 1080p camera, a microphone, WiFi connectivity, automatic docking/charging, self-learning AI, and activity and mood trackers.

Ebo launched last week on the popular crowdfunding site Kickstarter. It was met with a surge of positivity from backers and the media and quickly met its funding goal. The robotic cat companion has since soared to over $100,000 and the campaign still has weeks to go, leading many to expect that this will be the most successful crowdfunding campaign of all time for a pet product.

Ebo was conceived as a way for cat owners to keep their pets happy and entertained when out of the house. While cats are seen as independent animals, studies have shown that they are actually very social and depend on interaction with their humans. Neglect can lead to mental and physical decline.

Ebo offers a solution. Not only does it serve as a companion to keep your pet happy and active but it also allows owners to interact with their pets from anywhere on the globe.

Ebo is WiFi ready and equipped with an HD camera and mic. Owners can access live video and audio feed via the Ebo app and interact with their fluffball while at work or on vacation. They can even record their voice to the bot so their cats never have to feel far from those loving belly rubs.

When owners are busy, Ebo comes to life on its own and keeps cats company. It has multiple functions like rolling, spinning, dancing, and even flashing a built-in laser pointer. Ebo knows how to interact with each cat differently, as it’s able to analyze behavior and react to different moods. It then mimics real-life actions so cats feel like they’re playing with a living friend.

You and Ebo can understand more about your pet thanks to the activity collar. Put it on your cat and check the app to monitor activity much like you would a Fitbit. This also gives Ebo valuable information such as when to leave your cat alone (if its sleeping or being lazy).

When Ebo needs a charge, it returns to its dock automatically. It’s completely independent, so all owners need to do is plug in the dock and let Ebo get to know its new furry friend. Ebo is extremely durable and resistant to the most rambunctious roughhousing from frisky felines.

Other notable features include:

• Obstacle avoidance: Ebo can “see” where it’s going so it doesn’t knock things over.
• Scheduling: Use the app to tell Ebo when to come to life and when to go to sleep every day (e.g. when you go to work and at night).
• Image and video capture: Use the app to take photos and videos of your cat from Ebo’s perspective.
• Adorable “facial” expressions: Ebo has digital eyes and a cute tail, making it feel like a part of the family.

About Enabot

Enabot is a leader in innovative pet products that go further than just chew toys and stuffed mice. The engineers and computer scientists that make up the team understand that pets are more than just animals—they’re members of our families that need to be nurtured and cared for.

Ebo is the first robotic playmate conceptualized by Enabot. Years of research into the psychological and physical needs of cats went into the design, and brand new artificial intelligence software was developed specifically for Ebo. A smart bot that keeps both cats and owners happy and healthy, Ebo is more than a cat toy; it’s a real-life companion for your feline friend and also a connecting medium for you and your pet.

Enabot is a team of techy pet lovers based in Hong Kong. They are hard at work designing more AI-inspired lifestyle gadgets for pets.

Learn more about Enabot and Ebo and become a backer today at

Cyber Talk Roboter

Der Cyber Talk Roboter ist die perfekte Kombination aus Spaß und Bildung; mit sieben Spielmodi (sechs interaktiven und einem manuellen), die sich ideal für Kinder eignen, die sich für Technologie und Robotik begeistern. Dank zahlreicher Programmieraktivitäten können Kinder ab 8 Jahren auf spielerische und einfache Weise die Prinzipien der Codierung erlernen. Um mit dem Cyber Talk Roboter spielen zu können, müssen Kinder ihn zuerst zusammenbauen. Der Roboter kann entweder manuell oder dank eines Bluetooth (BLE) Systems, das die Kommunikation mit Smartphones und Tablets ermöglicht, über die App programmiert werden. Mit zahlreichen Funktionen, einschließlich der Übertragung von Audio-Nachrichten, damit Kinder den Roboter wie ein echtes Walkie-Talkie verwenden oder ihre Stimme aufnehmen und sie anschließend mit viel Spaß durch Filter verzerren können. 

Mit der von Clementoni entwickelten kostenlosen App kann man den Cyber Talk Roboter programmieren, das Bluetooth BLE-Modul aktivieren und Spaß mit den verschiedenen Bereichen des Roboters haben. Es stehen sechs Spielmodi zur Verfügung, die in zwei Menüs unterteilt sind: – Spielen mit dem Echtzeit Walkie-Talkie, Voice Modulator und Modus Training. – Programmieren mit dem Tutorial, Blockprogrammierung und Programmierung auf Papier. 

Der Cyber Ralk Roboter besticht insbesondere mit seiner Walkie-Talkie Funktion. Durch Drücken des Mikrofonsymbols und anschließender Aufnahme am Tablet oder Smartphone wird die Stimme automatisch an den Roboter gesendet, der sie sofort wiedergibt. Wenn jemand zuhört, während der Roboter die Stimme wiedergibt, kann er auch antworten. Durch Drücken und Halten der MIC-Taste an der grünen Platine kann eine Sprachantwort an die App gesendet werden. Im Voice Modulator-Bereich kann man Sprachnachrichten aufzeichnen und diese mithilfe von Stimmfiltern oder eines Reglers modulieren, um bestimmte Frequenzen zu ändern und erstaunliche Effekte zu erzielen. Die damit erzielten Sounds können gespeichert und sogar als Block in der Blockprogrammierung verwendet werden. 

Der Modus Training ist eine Art Videospiel mit verschiedenen Leveln. Während der Roboter sich durch die zehn Level bewegt, löst die App eine zunehmende Anzahl an Befehlen aus (wie z.B. Töne, Bewegungen und Lichteffekte), ohne zu zeigen, welche das sind. Ziel des Spiels ist es daher, den Roboter zu beobachten und zu erraten, welche Befehle er ausführt. Das System zeigt an, welche Antworten richtig und welche falsch sind. Wenn die gesamte Sequenz als richtig angesehen wird, ist das Level bestanden und man fährt mit dem nächsten fort. Versteckt zwischen den zehn Leveln gibt es fünf Preise, die fünf neue Stimmfilter enthalten, und welche im Voice Modulator-Bereich verwendet werden können. 

Bei der papierbasierten Programmierung können Kinder eine Reihe von Befehlen aus den Karten mit QR-Codes erstellen. Das Set enthält 16 Karten, von denen jede eine der Aktionen darstellt, die der Roboter ausführen kann. Als Erstes muss man eine Folge von Befehlen erstellen, indem man eine Reihe von Karten nebeneinanderlegt und sie dann nacheinander von links nach rechts einliest. Hierzu wird die Augmented Reality der App 

verwendet, um die QR-Codes zu lesen und zu entschlüsseln. Auf diese Weise erkennt die App automatisch alle Befehle, indem sie die gesamte Sequenz digital neu zusammenstellt, sodass sie an den Cyber Roboter gesendet und anschließend von ihm ausgeführt werden kann. 

Die manuelle Programmierung erfolgt ohne Verbindung zur App und wird automatisch aktiviert, wenn der Roboter eingeschaltet und nicht über Bluetooth verbunden ist. In diesem Modus kann der Motor des Roboters in Echtzeit gesteuert werden, indem man in die Hände klatscht. Wenn der Roboter steht, bewegt ihn ein einmaliges Klatschen vorwärts, zweimal Klatschen dreht ihn nach links, und zwei weitere lassen ihn rückwärts laufen. Wenn sich der Roboter bewegt, klatscht man einfach nur einmal und er stoppt. Das Geräusch des Klatschens wird vom Cyber Talk-Mikrofon erfasst und analysiert, um festzustellen, welchem Befehl es entspricht. Wenn sich der Roboter bewegt, leuchten seine Augen bei jedem Richtungswechsel auf und blinken. Man sollte bei der Anwendung auf den Rhythmus achten, da Ungenauigkeiten dazu führen können, dass der Cyber Talk Roboter vom Kurs abweicht und die erforderlichen Befehle nicht beachtet

SnappyXO Goes Live at Indiegogo!

Stony Brook, NY, USA 11790, October 22, 2019

Today Mechanismic Inc. launched a crowdfunding campaign at Indiegogo for its SnappyXO STEM/Robotics kits in several different tiers. The lowest priced kit starts at $39 called Mechanics Kit to help younger children engage with simple STEM activity while having fun. The highest priced Advanced Robot kit goes up to $169 at a discount of 26%.

SnappyXO is being developed from a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and several NY state agencies and organizations, which have supported it from conceptions to implementation. It is the world’s first design-driven, modular, most affordable, and intuitive robotics product meant for students all the way from elementary to college students, and makers and hobbyists.

SnappyXO consists of a patent-pending hardware, consisting of high-precision, laser-cut plastic beams, plates, connectors, gears, wheels, etc. and a mechatronics kit containing sensors, actuators, microcontroller, and misc. electronics. The mechatronics kit components are open source, inexpensive, and off-the-shelf, which means that users can rapidly move on to another programming platform or buy alternative electronic components as the need arises.

It also consists of two apps. One is called MotionGen, which is the only Android and iOS app of its kind in the world, developed on top of the state of the art research in Mechanisms and Robotics done at Stony Brook University. The app allows one to design and simulate robot motions. Users can design a robot motion in the app and can prototype it using the hardware and see it come to life! The second one is ArduinoBlue,  which allows users to control robot motions over Bluetooth. The app works with Arduino family of Micrcontroller boards and SnappyXO Robot kit.

SnappyXO was invented by Dr. Anurag Purwar, who is a professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stony Brook University and an elected member of the U.S. National Academy of Inventors. In 2015, he began to teach a new Freshman Design Robotics class created with support from a Teaching Innovation grant from the NY state. It was then when he realized that to support his learning outcomes, he needed a robotics platform that would provide an authentic and affordable design-driven education. He wanted to ensure that the students had adequate exposure to design, coding and circuits through a project-based approach.

Mechanismic Inc., has been working with several K-12 schools, STEM camps, after-school STEM/Robotics programs, hackathons, and maker fairs to fine-tune the and beta test the hardware. “In the summer of 2019, we managed to create a unified hardware platform that would work with a range of children above age 7-8”, says the COO Agranya Jampala. The CTO Barry Chuang added, “we have been working tirelessly to decrease the cost of the kit to the lowest possible by working diligently with our partners and suppliers, and finally we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel”. The co-founder Dr. Anurag Purwar’s dream is to make robotics education extremely affordable so that every child can have a robot kit of their own, which would grow with them. He believes that this would lower the barriers between learning and playing and would enable our children to use it without fear or failure.

The estimated delivery date of the SnappyXO kits backed on Indiegogo is December 2019. Those wishing to claim a perk should visit the Indiegogo website at Media wishing to contact Mechanismic should reach out at [email protected].

About Mechanismic Inc.

Mechanismic Inc. is designing and manufacturing an innovative DIY Robotics Education and Play product for K-12 schools, post-secondary institutions, students, makers and hobbyists, and for industrial prototyping. Our products are also being sold to the informal STEM learning centers, such as museums, libraries, STEM programs and camps, hackathons, and robotics competitions. Mechanismic Inc. is a Stony Brook University spin off with technology invented in the Computer-Aided Design and Innovation Lab in the Mechanical Engineering department. It is a C-Corp registered and located in NY state.

Robotical launches new STEM robot with added features to help kids learn to code


Today Robotical launched a crowdfunding campaign for their versatile STEM robot, Marty 2.0, a low cost, fully programmable walking, dancing, soccer-playing robot designed for kids, makers, and educators to learn coding and robotics skills. It is now available on Kickstarter for the starting price of $120.

Marty 2.0 is the updated version of Marty the Robot. Like its predecessor, the newest robot can be coded by users from ages 8-18 in languages including Scratch and Python. Marty is compatible with single board computers like Raspberry Pi, is expandable, and can be customized with 3D printed parts. Marty comes as a kit or pre-built, so users can either build from the ground up or jump straight into coding the robot to walk, turn, dance, kick a football and more.

“Building and creating the first Marty was a dream come true and we’re thrilled to launch the new and improved Marty 2.0,” said Founder and CEO Alexander Enoch. “Marty 2.0 was built with a passion to help kids learn how to code intuitively and easily progress into using coding programs like Scratch or Python. It’s also fun. You can even teach Marty to floss!”

Marty 2.0 is pose-able, mimics lifelike behaviors, speaks in short phrases, plays music and uses distance, position and other sensors to detect the world around him. Robotical has added a new modular expansion interface and a new learning platform and learning journey for students. The platform comes with nine all metal-geared smart servos with built-in position and force feedback, so users can teach Marty new moves by demonstrating them.

“With Marty 2.0, our hope is to continue making STEM education accessible to children of all ages across the globe. Marty already helps children across more than 50 countries, including the UK, US, Australia and in schools in Rwanda. With these newly added features, we’re hoping that Marty 2.0 will expand further with its unique fun and educational approach,” said Myles Bax.

The new Marty has been built based on feedback accumulated since 2016 when Marty 1.0 launched. The result is a second-generation robot with new features like sound and position sensing, and upgrades across the board to improve connectivity, usability, and buildability.

“We want to help continue to shape the future of education. Learning to code is a lifelong skill that helps teach kids not just employment-relevant skills of programming, but also life skills like
Problem-solving, patience, and creativity,” said Enoch.

Marty 2.0 is recommended for ages 10+. A simplified build variant is available for kids 7+. It connects with WiFi, Bluetooth or USB and is compatible with Scratch, Python, Javascript and ROS interfaces.

The estimated delivery date of Robotical is February 2020. For more information on pledge levels, please visit the Kickstarter campaign. Media wishing to interview their personnel should contact PR agent, Jessica Sanchez at [email protected].

About Robotical

Robotical Ltd is a startup based in Edinburgh, UK, owned and run by Alexander (Sandy) Enoch. Sandy started Robotical because he wanted a real robot to help his niece learn how to code, and also wanted to provide something real to the massive community of makers, educators, and hackers at a reasonable price.

Spin Master Introduces Owleez™,The First Ever Interactive Toy Pet That Kids Can Teach How to Fly

TORONTO, Sept. 27, 2019 /CNW/ – Spin Master Corp. (TSX: TOY;, a leading children’s entertainment company, announced today the launch of Owleez, the first ever interactive toy pet that kids can teach how to fly. The adorable baby owl combines the ultimate trifecta of coveted features; unique pet, interactive nurturing toy and the magic of flight, but it needs the help of a child to fly.

Addy & Maya, from YouTube family Tic Tac Toy (CNW Group/Spin Master)

With over 100 interactive sounds and movements, the baby owl responds to touch, love and care. By swinging her through the air, children can teach her how to fly.  Watch her soar or comfort her after a crash, Owleez is made of durable and lightweight materials so when she crashes it’s okay, it’s all part of the learning experience. 

„We are incredibly excited to introduce Owleez, our first ever interactive toy pet that can fly,“ says Kate Keller, VP Marketing RC. „The combination of an interactive toy pet that children can actually teach how to fly is truly innovative. It’s extremely satisfying for kids to see the result of the love and care they put into their own Owleez toy pet. They experience the delight and reward knowing it is something that they taught it to do.“

Spin Master is committed to uncovering the latest trends that push the boundaries of fun. The company’s research team did some digging to get to the bottom of what kids really want and Owleez delivers just that. Eighty-one per cent of kids surveyed said they wanted a pet that could fly while an overwhelming 91% chose flying as the super hero power they most desired*.

To introduce Owleez, Spin Master is teaming up with popular YouTube family Tic Tac Toy for the creation of commercials and how-to content. The kids, Addy and Maya, star in the commercial and reveal the Owleez baby owl in their own unboxing video on their channel. How-to content with Addy and Maya is also available on Spin Master Spark Club YouTube Channel.

Owleez is already taking off, being named a top holiday toy by Target, landing coveted spots on Walmart’s Top Rated by Kids List and UK retailer Argos as well as receiving the Toy of the Year Award from the Revue de Jouet in France.

Owleez will be available on October 4, 2019 at major retailers for a suggested retail price of $49.99. Recommend for children ages 6+. For more information on Owleez visit or follow @SpinMasterSparkClub on Instagram.

About Spin Master
Spin Master (TSX:TOY; is a leading global children’s entertainment company that creates, designs, manufactures, licenses and markets a diversified portfolio of innovative toys, games, products and entertainment properties. Spin Master is best known for award-winning brands including Zoomer®, Bakugan®, Erector® by Meccano®, Hatchimals®, Air Hogs® and PAW Patrol®. Since 2000, Spin Master has received 103 TIA Toy of The Year (TOTY) nominations with 30 wins across a variety of product categories, including 13 TOTY nominations for Innovative Toy of the Year.  To date, Spin Master has produced nine television series, including the relaunched Bakugan: Battle Planet and current hit PAW Patrol, which is broadcast in over 160 countries and territories globally.  Spin Master employs over 1,800 people in countries around the world including Canada, United States, Mexico, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Russia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Vietnam and Australia.

*Spin Master surveyed a group of 159 girls between the ages of 6-8 years old. Participants were selected from the Funovation Panel, a community of families from across the U.S. and Canada that provide their feedback about potential new toys, television shows, commercials, and much more.
Owleez takes flight on October 4 (CNW Group/Spin Master)

Cubelets Robot Blocks

Cubelets® robot blocks by Modular Robotics are a fast and easy way to inspire kids to become better thinkers. Simply snap Cubelets together to easily create your own robots, no programming required. The behavior of your robot is determined by your construction. How your robot behaves emerges from what blocks you use and how you orient them.

Cubelets are unique in that you can code any Cubelet to do something new. Programming the various parts in parallel helps you learn about how systems work. It provides intuitions about how parts interact to become something bigger than themselves.

More on these interesting Cubelets and the modular robots you can build with them will follow soon on as we have a kit in our hands and have just started to play with it!