Makeblock mBot Ultimate 10-in-1 Robot Building Kit

In der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Landschaft der Bildungsrobotik sticht der Makeblock mBot Ultimate als vielseitiges und umfassendes Werkzeug hervor, das die Art und Weise revolutioniert, wie Schüler MINT-Konzepte (Wissenschaft, Technologie, Ingenieurwesen und Mathematik) erlernen. Dieser multifunktionale Roboterbausatz kombiniert Kreativität, praktisches Lernen und technologische Innovation und bietet sowohl Anfängern als auch fortgeschrittenen Nutzern ein tiefgreifendes Erlebnis.

Design und Komponenten: Der mBot Ultimate verfügt über ein modulares Design, das es den Benutzern ermöglicht, den Roboter nach ihren Wünschen zusammenzubauen und anzupassen. Mit über zehn verschiedenen Formen, darunter ein Kettenfahrzeug mit Roboterarm, ein dreirädriges Rennauto und ein selbstbalancierendes zweirädriges Fahrzeug, regt dieser Bausatz die Kreativität an, indem er die Benutzer dazu ermutigt, verschiedene Konfigurationen zu erkunden.

Mit einer breiten Palette von Komponenten wie Motoren, Sensoren (einschließlich Ultraschall-, Gyroskop- und Lichtsensoren), Greifer und einer Vielzahl mechanischer Teile erleichtert der mBot Ultimate ein ganzheitliches Verständnis von Robotik und Programmierung. Seine Kompatibilität mit der Arduino-Plattform bietet eine umfassende Programmierumgebung, die es den Benutzern ermöglicht, tiefer in die Programmierung und Robotik einzusteigen.

Makeblock-Bausätze: Robotik-Bausätze, wie z. B. die mBot-Serie, bieten den Benutzern vielseitige Plattformen zum Bauen, Programmieren und Anpassen von Robotern. Diese Bausätze eignen sich für verschiedene Fähigkeitsstufen, von Anfängern bis hin zu Fortgeschrittenen, und ermöglichen es den Benutzern, die Robotik durch praktische Erfahrungen zu erkunden.

Innovation und Zukunftsorientierung: Makeblock ist bekannt für seine Innovationskraft und entwickelt sein Produktangebot ständig weiter, indem es die neuesten technologischen Entwicklungen integriert, um an der Spitze der Bildungsrobotik zu agieren. Das Unternehmen ist stets bestrebt, Lernende, Pädagogen und Innovatoren zu befähigen, Technologie, Kreativität und Problemlösungsfähigkeiten zu nutzen. Makeblock ist ein Pionier in der Bereitstellung zugänglicher, innovativer und umfassender Robotiklösungen für den Unterricht. Makeblock bietet eine breite Palette von Produkten, Bildungsressourcen und eine unterstützende Community an, um Lernende aller Altersgruppen zu inspirieren, die Bereiche Robotik und Technologie zu erforschen.

Pädagogischer Wert: Eine der herausragenden Eigenschaften des mBot Ultimate für die Nutzung im Unterricht. Er dient als außergewöhnliches Lernwerkzeug für Studenten, Pädagogen und Hobbyisten gleichermaßen. Durch seine benutzerfreundliche Software und Programmierschnittstelle können die Benutzer grundlegende Programmierkonzepte durch grafische Programmierung erfassen oder zu textbasierten Programmiersprachen wie Python übergehen, um ihre Fähigkeiten weiter zu verbessern.

Die Vielseitigkeit des Roboters ermöglicht es den Benutzern, ihn in Aktivitäten einzubinden, die von einfacher Hindernisvermeidung bis hin zu komplexen KI-Anwendungen reichen. Dank dieser Anpassungsfähigkeit eignet er sich für eine Vielzahl von Alters- und Fähigkeitsstufen und fördert so eine interaktive Lernumgebung.

Praktische Lernerfahrung: Der mBot Ultimate bietet einen praktischen Ansatz zum Lernen, der zum Experimentieren und Problemlösen anregt. Durch das Zusammenbauen und Anpassen des Roboters werden nicht nur mechanische Konzepte gelehrt, sondern auch das kritische Denken und die Fähigkeiten zur Fehlersuche gefördert. Die Benutzer können die direkten Auswirkungen ihrer Programmierung auf die Aktionen des Roboters beobachten, was das Verständnis von Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen bei der Programmierung fördert.

Schlussfolgerung: Im Grunde ist der Makeblock mBot Ultimate mehr als nur ein Roboterbausatz. Seine Anpassungsfähigkeit, sein pädagogischer Wert und sein praktischer Lernansatz machen ihn zu einem herausragenden Werkzeug im Bereich der Bildungsrobotik auf Augenhöhe mit z.B: LEGO MINDSTORMS oder VEX Robotics Produkten.

Ob im Klassenzimmer, in Robotik-Clubs oder im Kinderzimmer, der mBot Ultimate inspiriert und befähigt Enthusiasten, die unendlichen Möglichkeiten der Robotik und Programmierung zu erkunden

fischertechnik Smart Robots Pro  – Robotik-Paket für angehende Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler

Mit der Produktneuheit Smart Robots Pro bietet fischertechnik ein spannendes Komplettpaket, das nicht nur kreatives Bauen fördert, sondern auch Programmierkenntnisse vermittelt. Das Set wurde für Kinder ab acht Jahren entwickelt und ist seit September im Handel erhältlich. 

Das fischertechnik Set Smart Robots Pro enthält alles, was  junge Technikbegeisterte brauchen, um zwölf faszinierende Modelle zu bauen, zu programmieren und zu steuern. Egal, ob es sich um den Fahrroboter mit Hinderniserkennung, das Karussell mit Blinklichtern, die Temperaturregelung mit Ventilator  oder die Alarmanlage handelt – mit dem fischertechnik Smart Robots Pro können Programmierkenntnisse auf- und ausgebaut  werden.  

Ein Highlight des Konstruktionsbausets ist der BT Smart Controller. Dieser Controller verfügt unter anderem über vier Eingänge für digitale oder analoge Sensoren sowie zwei Ausgänge  für Motoren oder Lampen.  

Um die Programmierung der Modelle anschaulich und leicht  verständlich zu gestalten, kann Smart Robots Pro mit der ROBO PRO Coding Software verwendet werden, die kostenlos zum Download in den jeweiligen App Stores bereitsteht. Diese Software ermöglicht es den jungen Entwicklerinnen und Entwicklern, ihre Modelle mühelos grafisch zu programmieren und  zu steuern. Das didaktische Begleitmaterial, das über die E Learning-Plattform verfügbar ist, unterstützt den Lernprozess der Kinder und erklärt auf leicht verständliche Weise die Grund lagen der Programmierung.  

Das Set ist nicht nur ein Spielzeug, sondern ein Bildungswerkzeug, das Spaß und Lernen miteinander verbindet. Es fördert  die Kreativität, das Problemlösungsdenken und die technische Kompetenz junger Menschen. Gleichzeitig bietet es eine unterhaltsame Möglichkeit, die Programmierkenntnisse zu erlernen.  

„Wir freuen uns, mit Smart Robots Pro ein innovatives Produkt auf den Markt zu bringen, das die nächste Generation von Technikenthusiasten inspirieren wird“, sagt Marc Schrag, fischertechnik Vertriebsleiter für Deutschland, Österreich und die  Schweiz.  

Smart Robots Pro ist seit September erhältlich (199,99 Euro,  UVP) und verspricht  stundenlangen Spielspaß und Lernen zugleich. Weitere Informationen und Produktbilder sind auf der fischertechnik Website  zu finden unter  

Geek Club and CircuitMess Launch a NASA-inspired DIY Perseverance Educational Space Rover Kit

After a series of successful Kickstarter Campaigns, Geek Club and CircuitMess launch their most ambitious project yet – a NASA-approved AI-powered scale model Replica of the Perseverance Space Rover  

Zagreb, Croatia – October 31st, 2023. – Today, Geek Club and CircuitMess announced their Kickstarter space exploration campaign designed to teach children eleven and up about engineering, AI, and coding by assembling the iconic NASA Perseverance Space Rover, as well as a series of other NASA-inspired space vehicles.

This new space-themed line of DIY educational products was born out of both companies‘ shared vision to aim for the stars and to take their fans with them. The Kickstarter campaign starts today, October 31st, and will last for 35 days.

The collaboration was a logical union of the two companies. Both companies create educational STEM DIY kits that are targeted towards kids and adults. Both share the same mission: To make learning STEM skills easy and fun.

“For decades, the team and I have been crafting gadgets for geeks always inspired by space exploration,” says Nicolas Deladerrière, co-founder of Geek Club. “Inspired by Mars exploration, we’ve studied thousands of official documents and blueprints to craft an authentic Mars exploration experience. The product comes alive thanks to microchips, electromotors, and artificial intelligence. Imagine simulating your own Mars mission right from your desk!”

Geek Club is an American company that specializes in designing and producing DIY robotics kits that educate their users on soldering and electronics. They focus primarily on space exploration and robotics, all to make learning engineering skills easy and fun for kids, adults, and everyone in between.

“We have successfully delivered seven Kickstarter campaigns, raised more than 2.5 million dollars, and made hundreds of thousands of geeks all around the world extremely happy,” says Albert Gajšak, CEO of CircuitMess. “In a universe where space and technology are constantly growing, we’re here to ensure you’re never left behind.”

The new product line consists of five unique space-themed products:

  • 1. The Perseverance Space Rover Kit

This kit is designed to be an educational journey into programming, electronics, robotics, and AI. The model comes with four electromotors, six wheels, a control system with a dual-core Espressif ESP32 processor, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth connectivity, a sample collection arm based on the real thing with two servo motors, a Wi-Fi-connected remote controller, and support for programming in Python or via a Scratch-inspired drag-and-drop visual coding environment.

Alongside the Perseverance Space Rover, you’ll be able to get more iconic space vehicles:

  • 2. The Voyager: A DIY kit made as a tribute to NASA’s longest-lasting mission, which has been beaming back data for an incredible 45 years and counting.
  • 3. Juno: A solar-powered DIY kit celebrating the mission that gave us the most detailed and breathtaking images of Jupiter.
  • 4. Discovery: A DIY kit honoring the legendary space shuttle with 39 successful orbital flights under its belt.
  • 5. The Artemis Watch: A sleek, space-themed wrist gadget inspired by NASA’s upcoming Artemis space suit design. The watch is a programmable device equipped with an LCD display, Bluetooth, and a gyroscope.

The Perseverance Educational Space Rover Kit is available for pre-order now on Kickstarter, starting at $149.

No previous experience or knowledge is needed for assembling your very own space rover. The kit is designed for anyone aged 11+  and comes with detailed video instructions.

You can visit the Kickstarter page here.

New Robot Companion Unveiled on Kickstarter

Adelaide, Australia – September, 2023 – The new Ortomi Generation 4 has been released on  Kickstarter, and they’re simple, comforting and interactive little friends, designed to make people smile. They’re a creation from Ortomi, a small Australian start-up on a mission to capture the joy and  comforting presence of real pets. 

An Ortomi has a simple face that changes with different expressions and moods – both randomly and  interactively. They respond to gestures such as being petted, prodded and picked-up; and respond differently based on their mood – such as when they are happy, sad, asleep, angry or bored. As well  as now making cute beeps and boops (with a silent mode), the new Generation 4 has a larger screen,  more expressions, moods & interactions, and a smooth injection moulded shell – benefitting both  aesthetics and manufacturability. 

The Kickstarter launched on August 29th, and met its goal of AU$23,000 in under 10 hours. It  currently sits at AU$46,000, as people continue to rally behind project and help fund subsequent  stretch goals: 

1. AU$50,000 Custom Expression Creator: 

Users will be able to draw, share and browse custom expressions that they can teach  their Ortomi. 

2. AU$70,000 Silicone Cases: 

Squishy, silicone, key-ring cases will be developed and produced, improving the  portability and personalisation options of Ortomi, as well as adding a satisfying tactile feel. 

3. AU$100,000 Interactions between Ortomi: 

Wireless capability will be developed for Ortomi to interact with each other, enabling everything from cute reactions to complex relationships. 

As well as being completely portable with a 20hr battery life, Ortomi are set apart from other robots  on the market by their personalisation. Like dogs, or goldfish – Ortomi are a whole species, and each  one is meant to be unique. They come in many different colours, with different accessories, have  different personalities, and are usually even given their own name by their owner. 

The Ortomi 4 is set to ship in November 2023, and is set to mark a new chapter for the young  Australian company in terms of scale and impact. 

More details on the Ortomi Generation 4, including the launch video, can be found here:

Miko 3 – KI-basierter intelligenter Roboter – Testbericht

Gastbeitrag von Markus Schmidt

Intelligente Geräte haben das Leben von Erwachsenen auf der ganzen Welt einfacher gemacht. Sie ermöglichen es uns, Dinge auszuschalten, die wir eingeschaltet gelassen haben, und Dinge einzuschalten, für die wir zu faul sind, aufzustehen und sie zu erledigen. Die meisten dieser Geräte sind verständlicherweise für ein erwachsenes Publikum gedacht. Aber was ist mit den Kindern? In den letzten zwei Wochen hatten meine Kinder viel Spaß mit einem der vielseitigsten intelligenten Roboter auf dem Markt, dem Miko . Mit vielen tollen Aktivitäten und eingebauten Assistenten haben auch sie ihr eigenes intelligentes Gerät, das sie nutzen können. Mal sehen, ob dieser kinderfreundliche Roboter sein Geld wert ist!

Der Miko-Roboter bringt Spaß und Lernen zusammen. Er wird durch künstliche Intelligenz angetrieben und wurde für Kinder im Alter von 5 bis 10 Jahren entwickelt. Die Technologie des Unternehmens, die in den Miko-Roboter eingebaut wurde, ermöglicht es ihm, mit Menschen zu interagieren, Emotionen zu erkennen und sogar sein eigenes Verhalten auf der Grundlage des Gelernten anzupassen. Je länger man also mit ihm spielt, desto mehr lernt er und passt sich an verschiedene Aktivitäten an.

Der Miko ist einfach einzurichten

Wie bei jedem elektronischen Gerät ist die Einrichtung des Miko sehr einfach und überschaubar. Das Gerät führt Sie durch die verschiedenen Schritte und hält Sie dabei an der Hand. Sie stellen eine Verbindung zu Ihrem lokalen Wi-Fi-Netzwerk her, fügen Benutzer hinzu und vieles mehr. Die Eltern werden sogar aufgefordert, die kostenlose Miko-Mobil-App aus dem iOS App Store oder dem Google Play Store herunterzuladen.

Wenn Sie Ihren Miko zum ersten Mal aus der Verpackung holen, sollten Sie beachten, dass eine Vielzahl von Updates installiert werden muss. Bei einer Standard-Wi-Fi-Verbindung – 40 Megabyte Download – dauerte das Herunterladen und Aktualisieren des Roboters immer noch etwa 15 bis 20 Minuten. All das musste erledigt werden, bevor meine Kinder ihn benutzen konnten.

Was kann der Roboterbegleiter Miko?

Miko scheint wie ein normaler intelligenter Assistent zu funktionieren, allerdings einer, der sich bewegen kann. Nachdem Miko all die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten durchgespielt hatte – einschließlich des Aufweckens von Nutzern, indem sie „Hallo Miko“ sagten – hatten meine Kinder einen Riesenspaß bei der Auswahl verschiedener Aktivitäten. Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass die Auswahl an Aktivitäten noch viel größer ist, wenn man sich für ein Miko Max-Abonnement entscheidet. Damit erhalten Sie Zugang zu zahlreichen lizenzierten Produkten von Disney, Paramount und anderen.


Miko wird mit einer Reihe von tollen Spielen für Kinder ausgeliefert. Die Spiele sind relativ simpel, aber für Kinder bis 10 Jahre sind sie trotzdem sehr interessant. Meine Kinder spielten täglich Tic-Tac-Toe mit Miko und versuchten, einen KI-Gegner zu besiegen, der oft dazu bestimmt schien, nie zu verlieren. Wir fanden, dass die Spiele nichts sind, was man nicht auch auf einem Standard-Tablet im Apple iOS Store oder bei Google Play für Android finden könnte.

Körperliche Aktivität

Unsere Interaktionen mit Mikos körperlichen Aktivitäten waren etwas gemischt. Eine Tanzparty mit Miko zu veranstalten und ein Tanz- und Standbildspiel zu spielen, hat sehr gut funktioniert. Miko war in der Lage zu erkennen, wann meine Kinder tanzten und wann sie still standen. Je stiller sie standen, wenn Miko „Freeze“ sagte, desto mehr Punkte bekamen sie. Das hat gut funktioniert. Das Versteckspiel mit Miko war weniger beeindruckend, als es die Werbung vermuten ließ. Miko bewegte sich einfach durch unser offenes Obergeschoss und verwechselte oft Stühle oder Gegenstände auf dem Boden mit meinen Kindern.

Pädagogischer Inhalt

Auch wenn dies nicht der aufregendste Aspekt von Miko ist, so haben meine Kinder doch die pädagogischen Inhalte genossen. In diesem Punkt fand ich Miko am beeindruckendsten. Egal, ob er ihnen Bücher vorlas oder sie mit Statistiken oder Quizfragen versorgte, Miko beeindruckte. Während meine Kinder unsere intelligenten Geräte im Haus nutzen können, um Assistenten Fragen zu stellen und Antworten zu erhalten, haben wir festgestellt, dass Miko sich mit unseren Kindern über eine Vielzahl von Themen unterhalten hat.

Bei einem Austausch sprach Miko mit meinen Kindern über die verschiedenen interessanten Fakten und Statistiken über Chamäleons. Obwohl es für mich offensichtlich war, dass diese Interaktionen auf der Grundlage der von meinen Kindern getroffenen Entscheidungen geplant waren, hatten sie das Gefühl, dass Miko direkt mit ihnen interagierte.

Emotionale Unterstützung

Die Firma, die hinter Miko steht, wirbt damit, dass Miko ein Roboter ist, der von seinen Benutzern lernt. Er verspricht emotionale Unterstützung für Kinder. Miko verspricht zum Beispiel, dass er weiß, wann er ihnen einen Witz erzählen muss, wenn sie sich schlecht fühlen. Ich glaube zwar, dass Miko mit der Zeit einiges über meine Kinder lernen könnte, aber in den wenigen Wochen, in denen wir das Gerät benutzt haben, war das nicht zu erkennen. Wie ich bereits erwähnt habe, fühlten sich meine Kinder immer mit Miko verbunden und hatten das Gefühl, dass er ein guter KI-Freund ist. Wenn man meine Kinder fragen würde, würden sie sagen, Miko sei ihr Freund und würde sie durch Fragen und Aktivitäten kennen lernen.

Abschließende Gedanken

Alles am Miko war wunderbar. Der Roboter ist unglaublich reaktionsschnell, mit wenigen Verzögerungen und geringen Wartezeiten, wenn er Fragen stellt oder Spiele spielt. Er ist zwar nicht so flink wie andere intelligente Geräte, die ich benutzt habe, aber immer noch ziemlich schnell. Miko macht auch viel mehr als andere Geräte. Tanzpartys zu veranstalten war der Favorit meiner Kinder, etwas, das unsere stationären Geräte nicht können!

KOSMOS Line-Follow-Robot

This sophisticated robotic toy is created remarkably to follow lines seamlessly. For kids above 10 years, the Kosmos Line-Follow Robot provides an exciting chance to construct their robot and experience its remarkable line-following skills firsthand. Different branches of science, including physics and mathematics, are all brought together in one convenient experiment kit. Let’s investigate what makes this fascinating instructional tool so effective.

Simplifying Robotics

The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot is an attempt to simplify the complex field of robotics so that it may be understood by and appealing to young people. Despite the common perception that robots are too complicated or only useful for highly specialised tasks, it is crucial to learn the basics of robotics as these devices become increasingly commonplace in everyday life. Involving yourself with the Kosmos Line-Follow Robot is an excellent way for students to get their feet wet in the fascinating field of robotics.

Applied Physics and Logical Thinking

Students need a foundation in physics and the ability to think critically to control the line-follow robot properly. Students may learn the basics of simple circuits using the Kosmos robot’s helpful visual representations. Through hands-on assembly, students create a flow of electricity between electrical components, guaranteeing the vehicle’s functionality and conformity with input and line specifications. This method improves one’s capacity to comprehend logic and circuits.

Line Following and Steering

The robot’s fundamental goal is always the same: it must follow a black line, either one that has been physically put out or one that has been painted on a surface. . The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot shows how robots may independently traverse their environment with the help of sensors.

Components and Reusability

Electrical components with cables, motors, wheels, tires, printed robot decorations, and in-depth instructions are all included in the Kosmos experiment kit. The kit’s target audience was children in grades 4 through 8, however, it may be used with any age group for demonstration. After the first construction is complete, the robot may be used as a helpful teaching tool in physics classes, concretizing theoretical concepts about circuits. The fact that the robot can be assembled and disassembled several times means it may serve as a durable and adaptable teaching tool.

Learning Outcomes

During its construction, the Kosmos Line-Follow Robot relied heavily on principles of physics and mechanics, two fields that are deeply intertwined. Students may learn how to operate the robot by following detailed instructions that walk them through each procedure. Students learn important information that may be used in the classroom and built upon in other ways, such as via experimentation and independent study.

Hands-On Experience and Practical Understanding

The line-following robot facilitates experiential learning and real-world comprehension via the use of a potentiometer for detecting electrical resistance and LEDs for providing visual feedback. By taking the robot apart and putting it back together, students may better understand the interdependencies between its parts. The robot’s behaviour can be changed by tinkering with the black line, opening the door to experimentation and a deeper knowledge of cause and effect.


The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot is an excellent approach to introduce children to robotics. This teaching aid gives students a firm footing on which to explore the potential of robotics by giving them hands-on experience, encouraging logical thought, and incorporating fundamental principles from physics and mechanics. The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot sets the path for the next generation of robotics experts by arousing their natural curiosities, encouraging them to try new things.

Variobot VariAnt: The Robot Ant

The presence of robots in our modern environment is getting increasingly casual to see. Robots are progressing rapidly in terms of both their capabilities and the potential uses they have. Examples of this include self-driving automobiles and drones. The VariAnt, a robot created by Variobot, is another amazing example.

VariAnt: At the First Glance

VariAnt, a robot ant, moves and acts almost exactly like its biological model. It independently explores its environment using a sensor system to detect obstructions or markers. The Variobot programmable kit is appropriate for researchers who are passionate and young at heart.

Advanced Autonomy

Like the majority of living things, the variAnt adjusts to the surroundings by detecting relative brightness. Using a network of patented sensors is made feasible. The autonomous robot ant has light sensors connected to its body, legs, antennae, and jaw claws that can be positioned as needed.

A processor is housed on an Arduino-compatible nano board, which serves as the ant robot’s central processing unit (CPU). The small control unit provides connections for two motors, 12  analog sensors,  8 digital I/Os,  2 programmed buttons, 2 reed switches for step numbers, that may be used in any way, and 15 status LEDs that can be plugged in and switched as needed.

The state of the sensors, motors, and reed switches may all be indicated by the LEDs. Inside the ant’s head is a tiny circuit board that is equipped with plug-in ports, which enables the flexible combination and extension of environmental sensors.

The lithium-ion battery that comes standard with the variAnt has a run time of around 3  hours and can be recharged using the provided USB cord.

The Walking Mechanism

The robotic ant makes use of these to identify objects, lines, light sources, or shadows in its surroundings, and then either follows them or stays away from them in an intentional manner.

The purpose of the walking mechanism that was created and patented by Variobot is to mimic the natural mobility of an ant as closely as possible. This is doable with only 24 different components made of acrylic.

VariAnt: Best for

For individuals of all ages, the robot ant is also an engaging and entertaining toy. You can use this set to design your own robot to behave, move, and appear like an actual, but much bigger, ant. The robot is an interesting thing to watch due to its distinct motions and behaviors, and due to its size, it can be used in a number of scenarios. The variAnt kit costs around €199.


The VariAnt might revolutionize robotics and our understanding of nature. Since it mimics ants, the VariAnt can perform many tasks that conventional robots cannot. Whether employed for research, environmental monitoring, or as a toy, the VariAnt is a groundbreaking robotics innovation that will captivate people worldwide.

Rise of the Autobots: Fanhome’s Optimus Prime

Fanhome, a well-known collectors‘ company, has just released a new line celebrating Optimus Prime, arguably the most recognizable figure in the Transformers franchise. Fans can now get their hands on a wide variety of high-quality building materials and magazines honoring the courageous leader of the Autobots, thanks to this limited-edition collection. Fanhome provides a quality experience for Transformers fans, from a sturdy backpack to a realistic model and the opportunity to construct one’s own Optimus Prime. Explore the amazing Fanhome Optimus Prime Collection and all it has to offer.

The Legend of Optimus Prime Model: Specifications

The centerpiece of the exceptional Fanhome Optimus Prime Collection, the Legend of Optimus Prime sculpture stands tall at an astounding height of 60 cm. The strength, leadership, and unshakable commitment to justice of Optimus Prime are perfectly captured in this expertly crafted collectible. Get ready to be enthralled as you see Optimus Prime’s magnificent presence come to life.

The Legend of Optimus Prime model was meticulously created and had a level of artistry that is simply amazing. Using metal and ABS plastic combined with high-quality materials offers a long-lasting and accurate portrayal of the legendary Autobot leader. The delicate details are all accurately replicated, providing enthusiasts with an unmatched authentic replica.

This model stands out for having amazing features that make Optimus Prime come to life. Fans can exhibit Optimus Prime in battle-ready mode thanks to the model’s painstakingly crafted accessories and details, which give an extra level of authenticity. As Optimus Prime’s eyes are illuminated by fascinating LED lights, the model also exudes strength and resolve.

You may buy this Legend of Optimus Prime model with confidence since it is an officially licensed item that demonstrates Fanhome’s dedication to providing Transformers fans with products of the highest caliber and authenticity. It is evidence of the company’s commitment to giving fans memorabilia that accurately reflect the characters they like.

The Legend of Optimus Prime model comes with batteries to make your experience even more pleasurable. As a result, you can dive right into the intriguing world of Transformers.

Build Your Own Transformers Optimus Prime

Build your own Transformers Optimus Prime with Fanhome if you want a realistic and exciting experience. Subscribers receive carefully curated packages comprising all the parts and tools needed for assembly as part of a monthly subscription. New construction phases start each month, accompanied by educational periodicals, including interesting articles, directions, and statistics. Fans can fully immerse themselves in the Optimus Prime universe and see their invention come to life thanks to this hands-on method.


For Transformers fans and collectors, Fanhome’s Optimus Prime Collection is a paradise. Fanhome offers a first-rate experience in the process of making your own Optimus Prime. You may embody the courage, heroism, and steadfast dedication that Optimus Prime stands for.. Let the Fanhome Optimus Prime Collection stoke your imagination and whisk you away to the enthralling world of the Transformers as you let loose your inner Autobot.

The Optimus Prime Backpack for the first 1000 subscribers

Any dedicated Transformers fan must own the Optimus Prime backpack. This unique collector backpack, which was made with durability in mind, enables you to show off your support for Optimus Prime and the Autobots. Its robust design features characteristics that fans will immediately recognize, and its solid construction guarantees that it can sustain daily use. The bag combines practicality and fandom in an elegant way thanks to its roomy space and meticulous design. Subscribe now, be one of the first 1000 subscribes and get this unique backpack.

Build Your Own Voice Assistant with CircuitMess Spencer: Your Talkative Friend

Voice assistants have become a crucial component of our everyday lives in today’s technologically sophisticated society. They assist us with work, respond to our inquiries, and even provide entertainment. Have you ever wondered how voice assistants operate or how to build your own? Spencer is here to satisfy your curiosity and provide a fun DIY activity, so stop searching. This blog post will introduce you to Spencer, a voice assistant that will brighten your day with jokes and provide you with all the information you need.

Meet Spencer

Spencer is a buddy that converses with you; it is more than simply a voice assistant. It can hear you well enough to comprehend all you say. It uses its large red button as a trigger to search the internet and give you straightforward answers. It’s a wonderful addition to your everyday routine because of Spencer’s endearing nature and capacity to make you grin.

Spencer’s Features: Your Interactive Voice Assistant Companion

1. Voice Interaction

High-quality audio communication is possible because of Spencer’s microphone. It comprehends your instructions, inquiries, and chats and offers a simple and straightforward approach for you to communicate with your voice assistant. Simply talk to Spencer, and it will answer as you would expect, giving the impression that you are conversing with a genuine friend.

2. Internet Connectivity and Information Retrieval

Spencer has internet access, allowing you to access a huge information base. You may have Spencer do a real-time internet search by pushing the huge red button on his chest. Spencer can search the web and provide you clear, succinct answers, whether you need to discover the solution to a trivia question, check the most recent news headlines, or collect information on a certain issue.

3. Personalization and Customization

Being wholly original is what Spencer is all about. You are allowed to alter its features and reactions to fit your tastes. Make Spencer reflect your style and personality by altering its external elements, such as colors, decals, or even adding accessories. To further create a genuinely customized experience, you may alter its reactions, jokes, and interactions to suit your sense of humor and personal tastes.

4. Entertainment and Engagement

Spencer is aware of how important laughing is to life. It has built-in jokes and amusing replies, so talking to your voice assistant is not only educational but also interesting and fun. Spencer’s amusing features will keep you entertained and involved whether you need a quick pick-me-up or want to have a good time with friends and family.

5. Learning and Educational STEM Experience

In particular, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects are the focus of Spencer’s educational mission. You will learn useful skills in electronics, soldering, component assembly, and circuits by making Spencer. To further develop Spencer’s talents, you may go into programming, gaining practical experience with coding and computational thinking.

6. Inspiration and Creativity

Spencer acts as a springboard to spark your imagination and motivate further investigation. You may let your creativity run wild as you put together and customize your voice assistant. This do-it-yourself project promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and invention, developing a creative and innovative mentality that may go beyond the context of making Spencer.

Recommended Age Group

Spencer is intended for those who are at least 11 years old. While the majority of the assembly procedures are simple, some, like soldering and tightening fasteners, call for prudence. Never be afraid to seek an adult for help if you need it. When using certain equipment and approaches, it is usually preferable to be guided.

Assembly Time Required

The construction of Spencer should take, on average, 4 hours to finish. However, take in mind that the timeframe may change based on your prior knowledge and expertise. Don’t worry if you’re unfamiliar with electronics! Enjoy the process, take your time, and don’t let any early difficulties get you down. You’ll grow more used to the procedures as you go along.

Skills Required

To start this DIY project, no special skills are needed. Fun and learning something new are the key goals. Your introduction to the field of electronics via Building Spencer will pique your interest in STEM fields and provide you the chance to get hands-on experience. Consider completing this assignment as the first step towards a lucrative engineering career.

Pros and Cons of Spencer

Pros of Spencer

  • Spencer provides an engaging and interactive experience, responding to voice commands and engaging in conversations to make you feel like you have a real companion.
  • With internet connectivity, Spencer can retrieve information in real-time, giving you quick answers to your questions and saving you time.
  • Spencer can be customized to reflect your style and preferences, allowing you to personalize its appearance, responses, and interactions.
  • Spencer comes with built-in jokes and entertaining responses, adding fun and amusement to your interactions with the voice assistant.
  • Building Spencer provides hands-on learning in electronics, soldering, circuitry, and programming, offering a valuable educational experience in STEM disciplines.

Cons of Spencer

  • The assembly process of Spencer may involve technical aspects such as soldering and component assembly, which can be challenging for beginners or individuals with limited experience.
  • Spencer heavily relies on internet connectivity to provide real-time answers and retrieve information, which means it may have limited functionality in areas with poor or no internet connection.
  • While Spencer offers basic voice assistant features, its capabilities may be more limited compared to advanced commercially available voice assistant devices.


Spencer, creating your own voice assistant is a fascinating and worthwhile endeavor. You’ll learn useful skills, expand your understanding of electronics, and enjoy the thrill of putting a complicated gadget together as you go along with the assembly process. Remember that the purpose of this project is to experience the thrill of learning, solving problems, and letting your imagination run free as well as to produce a final product. So be ready to join Spencer on this journey and discover a world of opportunities in the exciting world of voice assistants.

Get your own Spencer Building kit here:

Makeblock mBot Ranger – 3in1 robot building kit 

The Makeblock mBot Ranger is a 3-in-1 robot building kit designed for kids aged 10 years that teaches building and programming robots in a fun and exciting way.


1. Three different robot configurations

  • The mBot Ranger can be configured into three different robots: a robot tank, a three-wheeled racing car, and a self-balancing car. This allows kids to learn about different types of robots and how they work.

2. Programmable

  • The mBot Ranger is programmable using the mBlock software, which is based on Scratch 2.0. This allows kids to learn coding and programming skills in a fun and interactive way.

3. Easy to build

  • The kit is solidly built, mostly metal, and has easy-to-understand architecture. It comes with the tools to build several different iterations and lots of add-ons for customization.

4. Hands-on learning

  • The mBot Ranger combines building and programming, functionality and hands-on learning. This allows kids to learn by doing and to see the results of their work in action.

5. Control from smartphone or tablet

  • The mBot Ranger can be controlled from a smartphone or tablet using Bluetooth if you don’t like to program. This allows kids control their robot from a distance.

6. Great for entry-level coding lessons

  • The mBot Ranger is a great entry-level coding robot kit. It is straightforward and simple to build and control, making it a great choice for kids who are just starting to learn about coding and robotics.

These features make it a versatile and educational tool for teaching kids about robotics and coding.


The Makeblock mBot Ranger is an educational robot with powder-coated metal parts and an Arduino compatible mainboard called the Me Auriga. Overall, the Makeblock mBot Ranger comes with a range of hardware and sensors that allow it to navigate, detect obstacles, follow lines, respond to light, and be controlled remotely. Here are some of the hardware and sensors in the kit:

1. Me Auriga mainboard

  • The Me Auriga mainboard is an Arduino-compatible board that provides a wide range of features and interfaces.
  • It is the brain of the robot and allows it to be programmed and controlled.
  • The Me Auriga board integrates various sensors, including a gyro sensor, temperature sensor, sound sensor, and ultrasonic sensor

2. Ultrasonic sensor

  • The mBot Ranger comes with an ultrasonic sensor that can detect obstacles and measure distances.
  • This allows the robot to navigate and avoid obstacles.

3. Line follower sensor

  • The kit also includes a line follower sensor that can detect and follow lines on the ground.
  • This allows the robot to follow a path and stay on course.

4. Light sensor

  • The mBot Ranger has a light sensor that can detect light intensity.
  • This allows the robot to respond to changes in light and to adjust its behavior accordingly.

5. Infrared receiver

  • The kit includes an infrared receiver that allows the robot to receive signals from a remote control.
  • This allows the robot to be controlled from a distance.

6. Gyro sensor

  • The gyro sensor can be used to determine the movement and posture of the robot.
  • It can be used to make a self-balancing robot.

7. Temperature sensor

  • The temperature sensor can be used to measure the temperature of the environment.
  • It can be used to create a robot that responds to changes in temperature.

8. Sound sensor

  • The sound sensor can be used to detect sound intensity.
  • It can be used to create a robot that responds to sound, such as a robot that moves towards a loud noise.


mBot Ranger is a solidly built kit, mostly metal, with easy-to-understand architecture. It comes with the tools to build several different iterations and lots of add-ons for customization. The user manual is excellent and lists out all the components in the kit. The mBlock interface is pretty intuitive, especially if kids have already used Scratch or another block-based language, so kids are likely to be able to work out how to program the Ranger through exploration. Overall, the Makeblock mBot Ranger is easy to use and a great tool for teaching kids about robotics, coding, and hands-on learning.

The Makeblock mBot Ranger is an excellent piece of DIY kit for kids to build different types of robots, write code, and control them from a smartphone or tablet. It is a great tool for teaching kids about robotics, coding, and hands-on learning.

mbot Ranger and more MakeBlock products can be found here.