Boston Dynamics Unveils New Robot for Warehouse Automation

Stretch is designed to make warehouse operations safer and more efficient

Waltham, MA – March 29, 2021 – Boston Dynamics, the global leader in mobile robotics, has revealed Stretch, its new box-moving robot designed to support the growing demand for flexible automation solutions in the logistics industry. This debut marks the company’s official entrance into warehouse automation, a fast-growing market fueled by increased demand in e-commerce.

Stretch is Boston Dynamics’ first commercial robot specifically designed for warehouse facilities and distribution centers, of which there are more than 150,000 globally, according to analysts. The multi-purpose mobile robot is designed to tackle a number of tasks where rapid box moving is required, first starting with truck unloading and later expanding into order building. Stretch’s technology builds upon Boston Dynamics’ decades of advancements in robotics to create a flexible, easily-integrated solution that can work in any warehouse to increase their flow of goods, improve employee safety in physically difficult tasks and lower expensive fixed automation costs.

The robot’s small, omni-directional mobile base allows Stretch to navigate loading docks, maneuver in tight spaces and adapt to changing facility layouts, eliminating the need for costly fixed automation infrastructure. It is equipped with a custom-designed lightweight arm and a smart-gripper with advanced sensing and controls that can handle a large variety of boxed and shrink wrapped cases. Stretch also includes Boston Dynamics’ computer vision technology that enables it to identify boxes easily and without extensive training for each customer. Its vision system works in tandem with pick & place activity, enabling high pick rates.

Traditional warehouse automation approaches require either installation of fixed infrastructure or mobile robots that convey goods but struggle to meet productivity requirements to be an attractive investment for warehouse operators. Stretch offers logistics providers an easier path to automation by working within existing warehouse spaces and operations, without requiring costly reconfiguration or investments in new fixed infrastructure.

“Warehouses are struggling to meet rapidly increasing demand as the world relies more on just-in-time delivery of goods,” said Robert Playter, CEO of Boston Dynamics. “Mobile robots enable the flexible movement of materials and improve working conditions for employees. Stretch combines Boston Dynamics’ advancements in mobility, perception and manipulation to tackle the most challenging, injury-prone case-handling tasks, and we’re excited to see it put to work.”

Boston Dynamics is currently seeking customers to pilot test deployment of Stretch with truck unloading tasks ahead of its commercial deployment in 2022. Interested parties can apply to join the Stretch Early Adopter Program by visiting:

About Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics is the global leader in developing and deploying highly mobile robots capable of tackling the toughest robotics challenges. Our core mission is to lead the creation and delivery of robots with advanced mobility, dexterity, and intelligence that add value in unstructured or hard-to-traverse spaces and positively impact society. We create high-performance robots equipped with perception, navigation and intelligence by combining the principles of dynamic control with sophisticated mechanical designs, cutting-edge electronics, and next-generation software. We have three mobile robots in our portfolio – Spot®, Stretch™ and Atlas® – as well as Pick™, a machine learning vision solution for warehouse automation. Founded in 1992, Boston Dynamics spun out of the MIT Leg Lab and is one of Inc. Magazine’s Best Workplaces of 2020. For more information on our company and its technologies, please visit

Neuer multifunktionaler Roboter-Arm DexArm von Rotrics hebt Kreativität auf neue Stufe

München/Shenzen – Rotrics gibt die Markteinführung seines neuen multifunktionalen Roboter-Arms DexArm bekannt. Der Roboter-Arm ist modular aufgebaut und verfügt über eine enorme Vielseitigkeit. Der DexArm verfügt über verschiedene Aufsätze und macht es Herstellern dadurch so einfach wie möglich, Gegenstände zu bemalen und zu beschriften, 3DDrucke anzufertigen und als optionales Feature Produkte mit Laser-Gravuren zu versehen. Die Aufsätze lassen sich schnell und einfach mit nur einem Handgriff austauschen.

Der DexArm verfügt über eine hohe Wiederholgenauigkeit von 0,05 mm, eine hohe Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 300 mm/s sowie eine Nutzlastkapazität von bis zu 500 G. Der Roboter-Arm lässt sich über vielseitige Module erweitern, darunter ein Stifthalter, ein Saugnapf, ein Soft-Greifer, ein 3D-Drucker sowie optional ein Lasergravurgerät. Um die Sicherheit der Benutzer zu gewährleisten, ist für die LaserGravuren auch eine Schutzhülle für den DexArm erhältlich. Mithilfe der nutzerfreundlichen Software lassen sich Projekte aller Art – von der Beschriftung über Gravuren bis hin zum 3D-Druck, ganz einfach verwirklichen.

„Seine Präzision sowie die Mischung aus Innovation und Technologie machen unseren neuen DexArm zum einzigartigen und vielseitigen Roboter-Arm für jede Branche. Mit ihm lassen sich Ideen so einfach zum Leben erwecken wie nie zuvor. Der DexArm hilft Herstellern auf einfachste Weise beim Zeichnen, Schreiben, Lasergravieren und 3D-Drucken. Seine größte Stärke ist seine Vielseitigkeit. Durch den modularen Aufbau bietet er für jede Branche passgenau die benötigten Funktionen“, erklärt Wang Yong Xu, CEO von Rotrics.

Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Ab heute ist das Rotrics DexArm Luxury Kit zum Sonderpreis unter erhältlich.

Über Rotrics
Rotrics (eine Marke der Shenzhen Saiwenbote Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.) ist ein Technik-Start-up mit Sitz in Shenzen, China. Das Team besteht aus engagierten Ingenieuren und Designern, die über umfangreiche Erfahrung in den Bereichen Robotik, Open-Source-Hardware, Industriedesign und 3DDruck verfügen. Die Gründer von Rotrics wollten verstehen, wie Schüler mit Robotern spielen und lernen, um so die nächste Generation fit für die digitale Zukunft zu machen. Lernen ist seit jeher Teil unserer Unternehmensphilosophie. Deshalb entwickeln wir inspirierende, fesselnde und effektive Lösungen für Schüler und Robotik-Fans, die die Art des Lernens verändern. Produkte zu entwickeln, die unseren Kunden helfen und ihre Ideen zum Leben erwecken, ist unsere Leidenschaft.

Mobiles Regalsystem für AMRs

TruShelf ist ein mobiles Regalsystem für gängige AMRs und ermöglicht den automatisierten Transport von Kleinladungsträgern im intralogistischen Warenverkehr. Es erweitert den Nutzungsgrad eines AMR durch die Bündelung der Transporte. Die Hubeinheit ermöglicht eine variable Be- und Entladehöhe. Die modularen Regalplätze in der Magazineinheit sind auf die gewünschte Kistenhöhe einstellbar. Kombiniert mit dem Flottenmanagementsystem TruFleet zur intelligenten Routenfindung ist das TruShelf die ideale Lösung für den effizienten Transport von Kleinladungsträgern sowie für die automatisierte Materialversorgung von Montagestationen oder Maschinen in der Intralogistik.

TruShelf ist in zwei Varianten erhältlich: Als Komplettlösung inklusive MiR200 oder als Teillösung ohne AMR. Der große Vorteil daran ist, dass das Regalsystem unkompliziert auf bereits vorhandene AMRs gängiger Hersteller integriert werden kann. Dies gewährleistet die optimale Nutzung bestehender Ressourcen und sorgt damit einhergehend für die Einsparung vermeidbarer Kosten.

Maße eines Regalmoduls: 300 x 400 mm (auf Anfrage 400 x 600 mm)

Robot Race: The World´s Top 10 automated countries

Jan 27, 2021 — The average robot density in the manufacturing industry hit a new global record of 113 units per 10,000 employees. By regions, Western Europe (225 units) and the Nordic European countries (204 units) have the most automated production, followed by North America (153 units) and South East Asia (119 units).

The world´s top 10 most automated countries are: Singapore (1), South Korea (2), Japan (3), Germany (4), Sweden (5), Denmark (6), Hong Kong (7), Chinese Taipei (8), USA (9) and Belgium and Luxemburg (10). This is according to the latest World Robotics statistics, issued by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR).

“Robot density is the number of operational industrial robots relative to the number of workers,” says Milton Guerry, President of the International Federation of Robotics. “This level measurement allows comparisons of countries with different economic sizes in the dynamic automation race over time.”

The country with the highest robot density by far remains Singapore with 918 units per 10,000 employees in 2019. The electronics industry, especially semiconductors and computer peripherals, is the primary customer of industrial robots in Singapore with shares of 75% of the total operational stock.

South Korea comes second with 868 units per 10,000 employees in 2019. Korea is a market leader in LCD and memory chip manufacturing with companies such as Samsung and LG on top and also a major production site for motor vehicles and the manufacturing of batteries for electric cars.

Japan (364 robots per 10,000 employees) and Germany (346 units), rank third and fourth respectively. Japan is the world´s predominant robot manufacturing country – where even robots assemble robots: 47% of the global robot production are made in Nippon. The electrical and electronics industry has a share of 34%, the automotive industry 32%, and the metal and machinery industry 13% of the operational stock. Germany is by far the largest robot market in Europe with 38% of Europe’s industrial robots operating in factories here. Robot density in the German automotive industry is among the highest in the world. Employment in this sector rose continuously from 720,000 people in 2010 to almost 850,000 people in 2019.

Sweden remains in 5th position with a robot density of 274 units operating with a share of 35% in the metal industry and another 35% in the automotive industry.

Robot density in the United States increased to 228 robots. In 2019, the US car market was again the second largest car market in the world, following China, with the second largest production volume of cars and light vehicles. Both USA and China are considered highly competitive markets for car manufacturers worldwide.

The development of robot density in China continues dynamically: Today, China’s robot density in the manufacturing industry ranks 15th worldwide. Next to car production, China is also a major producer of electronic devices, batteries, semiconductors, and microchips.

Cobot-Pioneer enables modern educational didactics

Munich, November 10, 2020 – While more and more manufacturing companies are using collaborative robots, technology has so far been treated as a secondary consideration in vocational training. Current curricula largely ignore the increasing automation. Universal Robots (UR) wants to change this: With UNIVERSAL ROBOTS EDUCATION, the world market leader in collaborative robotics has developed a holistic concept that allows training officers to easily integrate the topic into the teaching process.

„Our new concept makes it easier for training companies and vocational schools to impart relevant automation knowledge in a practical way“, explains Andrea Alboni, Sales Manager D/A/CH at Universal Robots (Germany) GmbH. „We are thus reacting to an acute discrepancy between training content and professional practice. We finally need up-to-date training directly on the robot in order to qualify the skilled workers of tomorrow for working in modern manufacturing contexts“.

Five modules for hands-on learning

UNIVERSAL ROBOTS EDUCATION is a didactically holistic concept. On the one hand, the measures contained in the program pick up both teachers and those responsible for training as well as students by creating the necessary knowledge base on both sides. On the other hand, theory and practice go hand in hand to ensure the greatest possible learning success. Under these premises, the concept is divided into five building blocks:
  • In the free online training courses of the UR Academy, trainees learn the basics of programming.
  • With the help of the offline simulator they practice programming on their PC, on the UR user interface. Afterwards, the created program can be tested on a real Cobot.
  • The hardware learning stations each include a real robot arm on which trainees can safely try out various applications.
  • Teaching materials support the teachers in their lesson planning and offer students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge.
  • In face-to-face training sessions, teachers and training officers train themselves to prepare for teaching with Cobots.

Specialists for the industry of tomorrow

„In many areas of the working world, collaborating robots are already part of the standard inventory today,“ Alboni is convinced. „If companies take this to heart in their training operations, they not only give their trainees a clear knowledge advantage. At the same time, they are investing in their own future, because skilled workers with robotics know-how are increasingly essential for competitive success – now also beyond the manufacturing industry in logistics, trade or the laboratory sector.

Modernizing training in SMEs

With the new concept universal robot addresses itself beside vocational schools also to small and medium-size training enterprises. These companies play a central role in the German apprenticeship system: around 80 percent of apprentices in Germany complete their training there. Thanks to the space-saving, profitable lightweight robotics from Universal Robots, automation is now also affordable for SMEs. The industry pioneer has thus sustainably lowered access barriers. Since entering the market in 2008, Universal Robots has sold more than 46,000 Cobots that make the work of employees in companies around the world easier.

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