‘Switch’ by VEX Robotics: Bridging the Gap Between Block Coding and Python

Helping Students Learn Python within a Familiar Coding Environment and at Their Own Pace

GREENVILLE, Texas, Dec. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — VEX Robotics, a leader in K-12 STEM education, announces the launch of “Switch,” a revolutionary method for learning Computer Science. Switch is a research-based, patented feature within VEXcode, VEX Robotics’ coding platform for all its products. To date, VEXcode has offered students both block-based and python coding languages. With the introduction of Switch inside VEXcode, students can simplify their transition between these two languages by integrating Python commands directly within their block-based code.

Research has consistently shown that block-based coding is best for novice learners to begin programming. However, as students progress they are motivated by the authenticity and power of text-based coding. Research also shows that this transition, from blocks-based to text-based coding, is not trivial, and is often the reason students do not continue to study Computer Science. Switch provides educators with a new tool that fosters a deeper understanding of programming concepts.

Students can now learn Python syntax, editing, and writing at their own pace—all within the familiar block-based environment. Switch offers several key features to facilitate this learning process:

  • Convert: Instantly convert one or more normal blocks into a Switch block with a single click, allowing you to see the underlying Python code.
  • Edit: Within a Switch block, you can edit the Python code directly, just as you would with regular text editing.
  • Write: Add new blank Switch blocks to write Python code from scratch, complete with auto-complete suggestions to assist you.
  • Drag and Drop: Rearrange and move Switch blocks just like normal blocks, enabling you to edit the program’s structure through drag-and-drop actions.
  • Syntax: Begin with converting a single block to a Switch block to see and learn the Python syntax, and progress to more complex code when you’re ready.
  • Learn More: Advance to writing multi-line Python code with proper indentations to deepen your understanding, all within a Switch block.
  • Familiar: All of this is done within the comfort of the block-based environment you’re already familiar with, making the transition to text-based programming smoother and more intuitive.

Switch’s scaffolded approach supports learners transitioning from block-based to text-based coding, building confidence and proficiency in a single, supportive environment. The development of Switch demonstrates VEX Robotics’ commitment to providing schools with programs that strengthen STEM education for students of all skill levels.

“Teaching Computer Science is important but also challenging,” said Jason McKenna, Vice President of Global Education Strategy. “Educators are seeking ways to teach programming in an approachable manner that allows students to transition from block-based to text-based coding. Switch is an innovative solution in our ongoing efforts to make STEM and Computer Science Education accessible to all students.”

In addition to facilitating a seamless transition from blocks to text-based coding, Switch assists students in the following key areas:

  • Enhanced Differentiated Learning: Switch enables students to progress at their own pace by only converting specific parts of their code to Python when they are ready. This adaptability supports differentiated learning, allowing educators to personalize instruction for students who may excel or need additional support.
  • Syntax Guidance and Error Reduction: With built-in autocomplete functionality and automated indentation, Switch helps users learn Python syntax with fewer errors. This guidance allows students to focus on understanding programming concepts rather than being hindered by syntax errors, thereby reducing frustration and fostering confidence.
  • Integrated Learning Pathway within VEXcode: Switch is an integral feature of VEXcode, allowing students to start with block-based coding, incorporate Python using Switch, and eventually move to full text-based coding—all in one platform. This structured pathway supports students’ progression from novice to advanced levels in a cohesive environment, reinforcing continuity in their programming journey.

“Research conducted by our team offers empirical evidence for the effectiveness of Switch,” said Dr. Jimmy Lin, Director of Computer Science Education. “The findings contributed to our understanding of how to design environments that support students of varying experience levels and confidence in transitioning from blocks-based modalities to Python”

VEXcode with Switch is free and compatible with the following VEX Robotics platforms: IQ, EXP, V5, and CTE Workcell. Additionally, VEXcode with Switch is available with a subscription in VEXcode VR, an online platform that enables users to learn programming by coding Virtual Robots (VR) in interactive, video game-like environments. VEXcode with Switch is accessible on Chromebooks, Windows, and Mac computers.

“Throughout December, in celebration of Computer Science Education Week, we’re inviting everyone to try Switch with VEXcode VR or with their VEX hardware,” said Tim Friez, Vice President of Educational Technology. “Our new Hour of Code activities and resources enable students to explore Switch coding across both hardware and virtual platforms.”

Transitioning from blocks to text can be challenging, but with the patented Switch features, it doesn’t have to be.

Discover how Switch and VEXcode can empower your students to master Python at their own pace. Visit switch.vex.com to learn more.

Block coding for all modern LEGO® hubs

Endless creativity and fun with smart LEGO® bricks using Pybricks

November, 2023 – Pybricks Headquarters: Today, the Pybricks team presents the first beta release of block coding for all modern LEGO® hubs. For the first time, fans of all LEGO themes can bring their smart bricks together in a single app for endless possibilities and creativity.

Whether you want to make smart train layouts, autonomous Technic machines, interactive BOOST creatures, or super-precise SPIKE and MINDSTORMS robots, you can do it with Pybricks.

Pybricks is beginner-friendly and easy to use. There’s no need to install complicated apps or libraries either. Just go to https://beta.pybricks.com, update the firmware, and start coding.

And now for the first time, no prior Python coding experience is required. You can code with familiar but powerful blocks, and gradually switch to Python when you’re ready. The live preview makes it easy to see how your blocks translate to Python code.

Meanwhile, more seasoned builders and robotics teams will enjoy advanced features such as color sensor calibration or builtin gyro control for drive bases.

The new block coding experience is exclusively available to our supporters on Patreon. You can sign up for a monthly subscription or make a one-time pledge in our shop for lifetime access.

Python coding remains entirely free and open source, and continues to be supported by a community of developers and LEGO enthusiasts around the world. Improvements are made almost every day, with the lead developers actively engaging with the community for ideas, bug fixes, and brand new features.

So grab your LEGO sets and start coding!

ABB is the first manufacturer to provide intuitive, block-based no-code programming for all cobots and six-axis industrial robots

  • First-time users can program their collaborative robots and industrial robots for free within minutes
  • System integrators and experienced users can develop, share, and customize sophisticated programs for application-specific features

ABB Robotics has expanded the scope of its free Wizard Easy Programming software for collaborative robots to include all six-axis industrial robots running on an ABB OmniCore™ controller. This makes ABB the first robot manufacturer to offer an easy-to-use no-code programming tool for cobots and six-axis industrial robots. This lowers the barriers to automation for early adopters and provides ecosystem partners and integrators with an efficient tool to support their customers.

„If we want to promote and advance the use of robotic automation on a global scale, we need to address the challenges and opportunities of the industry,“ says Marc Segura, head of the robotics division at ABB. „By adding our six-axis industrial robots to Wizard Easy Programming, ABB Robotics is responding to the skills shortage and increasing demand from manufacturing companies for simple and easy-to-use programming software for their robot fleets.“

Create robot applications without prior training

Wizard Easy Programming uses a graphic, drag-and-drop, no-code programming approach designed to simplify the development of robotic applications. The software allows both first-time and experienced robot users to create applications in minutes – a task that typically requires a week of training and another week of development work. Since its launch in 2020, Wizard Easy Programming has been used in a wide range of applications in conjunction with ABB’s YuMi, SWIFTI™ and GoFa™ collaborative robots.

Wizard Easy Programming, previously available for ABB’s collaborative robots, is now available for all of the company’s six-axis industrial robots. (Image: ABB)

The software offers users the opportunity to create complete programs for applications such as arc welding or machine tending without prior training. An intuitive graphical user interface allows you to customize existing programs and pre-programmed blocks to control various actions – from robot movements to signal instructions and force control – for added flexibility.

Efficiently generate specific codes for specific applications

Wizard Easy Programming also includes Skill Creator, a tool that helps system integrators and experts create custom, application-specific wizard blocks for their customers. Skill Creator simplifies the creation of new blocks for highly specific tasks such as machine tending and welding, but also for difficult applications such as medical tests. Ecosystem partners who develop accessories such as grippers, feeding systems and cameras will have access to a digital tool that allows them to share product-specific functionalities regardless of the type of robot to be used.

Wizard Easy Programming is pre-installed on all cobots and new six-axis industrial robots running ABB’s OmniCore controller. The leading robot controllers of the OmniCore family are characterized by an energy saving potential of 20 percent on average and a high degree of future-proofing – thanks to integrated digital connectivity and over 1,000 scalable functions.

More information about Wizard Easy Programming is available here.

ABB bietet No-Code-Programmierung mit Wizard Easy Programming ab sofort auch für Industrieroboter

  • ABB stellt als erster Hersteller intuitive, blockbasierte No-Code-Programmierung für alle Cobots und Sechsachs-Industrieroboter zur Verfügung
  • Erstanwender können ihre kollaborativen Roboter und Industrieroboter kostenlos innerhalb von Minuten programmieren
  • Systemintegratoren und erfahrene Anwender können anspruchsvolle Programme für anwendungsspezifische Funktionen entwickeln, mit anderen teilen und anpassen

ABB Robotics hat den Anwendungsbereich seiner kostenfreien Software Wizard Easy Programming für kollaborative Roboter um alle sechsachsigen Industrieroboter erweitert, die mit einer ABB OmniCore™-Steuerung laufen. Damit ist ABB der erste Roboterhersteller, der ein einfach zu bedienendes No-Code-Programmierungstool für Cobots und sechsachsige Industrieroboter anbietet. Dies senkt die Automatisierungshürden für Erstanwender und stellt Ökosystem-Partnern und Integratoren ein effizientes Tool zur Unterstützung ihrer Kunden zur Verfügung.

Die bisher für die kollaborativen Roboter von ABB verfügbare Software Wizard Easy Programming gibt es ab sofort auch für alle Sechsachs-Industrieroboter des Unternehmens. (Bild: ABB)

„Wenn wir den Einsatz von robotergestützter Automatisierung auf globaler Ebene fördern und vorantreiben wollen, müssen wir die Herausforderungen und Chancen der Industrie angehen“, sagt Marc Segura, Leiter der Robotics-Division bei ABB. „Durch die Erweiterung von Wizard Easy Programming um unsere Sechsachs-Industrieroboter reagiert ABB Robotics auf den Fachkräftemangel und die steigende Nachfrage von Fertigungsunternehmen nach einfacher und benutzerfreundlicher Programmiersoftware für ihre Roboterflotten.“

Roboteranwendungen ohne vorherige Schulung erstellen

Wizard Easy Programming nutzt einen grafischen, Drag-and-Drop-basierten No-Code-Programmieransatz, der darauf ausgelegt ist, die Entwicklung von Roboteranwendungen zu vereinfachen. Mit der Software können Erstanwender ebenso wie erfahrene Roboternutzer Anwendungen innerhalb von Minuten erstellen – eine Aufgabe, für die normalerweise eine Woche Schulung und eine weitere Woche Entwicklungsarbeit erforderlich ist. Seit seiner Einführung im Jahr 2020 kommt Wizard Easy Programming in Verbindung mit den kollaborativen ABB-Robotern YuMi, SWIFTI™ und GoFa™ in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen zum Einsatz.

Die Software bietet Nutzern die Möglichkeit, ohne vorherige Schulung komplette Programme für Anwendungen wie Lichtbogenschweißen oder Maschinenbeschickung zu erstellen. Über eine intuitive grafische Benutzeroberfläche lassen sich bestehende Programme und vorprogrammierte Blöcke zur Steuerung verschiedener Aktionen – von Roboterbewegungen über Signalanweisungen bis hin zur Kraftsteuerung – anpassen, was ein Plus an Flexibilität bietet.

Spezifische Codes für bestimmte Anwendungen effizient generieren

Wizard Easy Programming beinhaltet zudem Skill Creator – ein Tool, das Systemintegratoren und Experten dabei hilft, benutzerdefinierte, anwendungsspezifische Wizard-Blöcke für ihre Kunden zu erstellen. Skill Creator vereinfacht das Erstellen neuer Blöcke für hochspezifische Aufgaben wie die Maschinenbeschickung und das Schweißen, aber auch für diffizile Anwendungen wie medizinische Tests. Ökosystem-Partner, die Zubehör wie Greifer, Zuführsysteme und Kameras entwickeln, erhalten Zugang zu einem digitalen Tool, mit dem sie produktspezifische Funktionalitäten unabhängig von der Art des zu verwendenden Roboters teilen können.

Wizard Easy Programming ist auf allen Cobots und neuen Sechsachs-Industrierobotern vorinstalliert, die mit der OmniCore-Steuerung von ABB laufen. Die führenden Robotersteuerungen der OmniCore-Familie zeichnen sich durch ein Energieeinsparungspotenzial von durchschnittlich 20 Prozent und eine hohe Zukunftssicherheit aus – dank integrierter digitaler Konnektivität und über 1.000 skalierbaren Funktionen.

Mehr Informationen über Wizard Easy Programming stehen hier zur Verfügung.

Luwu Intelligence Technology Announces Launch of XGO 2 – World’s First Raspberry Pi Robotic Dog with An Arm

Luwu, a STEM education technology company focused on the research and development of advanced robotics, has announced the launch of XGO 2, an advanced desktop-sized AI quadruped robot with an arm. This state-of-the-art robot brings a new level of intelligence and functionality to the world of robotics. XGO 2 is now available on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/xgorobot/xgo-2-worlds-first-raspberry-pi-robotic-dog-with-an-arm

XGO 2 is an intelligent and agile robotic dog, capable of sophisticated movements, 12 degrees of freedom, and a variety of motions. Its open-source nature allows users of all programming levels to program and customizes it with Blocky and Python. Additionally, the advanced AI modules built into XGO 2 allow for visual, voice, and gesture recognition, enabling the robotic dog to hear, understand, and respond to users like a real dog.

One of the most notable features of XGO 2 is its robotic arm. This arm allows it to perform tasks such as grasping and manipulating objects, making it more versatile and opening up a whole new realm of possibilities for the robotic dog to be used in various scenarios.

XGO 2 is also incredibly easy to control. Its user-friendly interface allows for easy programming and control, making it accessible to users of all skill levels. Whether you’re looking to create a new robot application, enhance your research, or simply have fun with a cutting-edge piece of technology, XGO 2 is the perfect choice. Its unique combination of intelligence, agility, and affordability makes it an ideal choice for anyone looking to add a robotic dog to their collection.

XGO 2, the World’s First Raspberry Pi Robotic Dog with an Arm, is an incredible robotics platform for entertainment, STEM education, and exploring creativity. XGO 2 is now available for pre-order on Kickstarter with special pricing for early supporters. Learn more here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/xgorobot/xgo-2-worlds-first-raspberry-pi-robotic-dog-with-an-arm

Robo Wunderkind Explorer Lite Freestyle Build Session

Robo Wunderkind Explorer Lite Freestyle Build Session Timelapse Video. I built my first own creation and used the Robo Blockly app to program it.

uArm Swift: Multi-use Desktop Robotic Arm for Everyone

In 2014 UFACTORY built the first open source desktop robotic arm, ushering in a new era of affordable desktop robotic arms for consumers. uArm is an Arduino-powered desktop 4-axis parallel-mechanism robot, easy to use, has multiple accessories and open sourced. In Jan 2014, uArm went on Kickstarter and became famous overnight, leading to an exclusive interview with WIRED. A standout quote from the piece: Thirty years ago Bill Gates promised to put a computer on every desk in America, an ambitious sentiment echoed by Wang and company … The most innovative aspect of the entire project is probably the concept of putting a robot arm on your desk”.

As the robot arm is moving to various industries, its users have expanded from relatively minority geeks to robot lovers. The demand for better and easier user experience is increasing.

January 23, 2017, UFACTORY returns again, announcing two robotic arms in uArm Swift Series. Swift is intended to highlight the elegant texture of the fuselage, lightweight and portable form and flexible movement, just like a swift. This series has uArm Swift and uArm Swift Pro.

  • Hardware Upgrades


Performance improvements

1.Precision improvement

uArm Swift enhanced the control algorithm and increased the accuracy by 50%, from 1cm to 5mm.

uArm Swift Pro adapted self-designed reducer. Working with a high-precision stepping motor, uArm Swift Pro minimizes gear gap, improves joint accuracy, and is more compact. The built-in 12-bit magnetic encoder and motor forms instant position feedback, achieving closed-loop control, and improves the accuracy to unprecedented 0.2mm, perfectly performs 3D printing and laser engraving.

  1. Working scope improvement:

uArm Swift Series improves mechanical arm structure and increases working range by 20%, covering the working area of an entire A4 paper.

  1. CPU upgrade

uArm Swift Series upgrades the main board. We choose Arduino MEGA 2560, which is nearly 10 times larger in the storage space compared to the previous UNO edition.

  1. Accessories enhancements

uArm Swift Series has 4-axis, whether equipped with fixtures or suction head, the end of uArm can freely steer, and the replacement of accessories requires less than 30 seconds.

uArm Swift/uArm Swift Pro have a built-in socket for selected Seeed Grove modules.

uArm Swift Series can be equipped with a smart car, the uCar. uCar is a mobile open-source car, with infrared avoidance, trajectory planning functions.

uArm Swift Series adapts CNC integral forming process, and the whole body is matte black. uArm Swift looks has a more minimalistic design. The aluminum body is light and stable, enhancing the overall rigidity.

Compared with the previous version, uArm Swift series redesigned the base, inserted the mainboard and added power button, function switching button, play button and menu button. The new indicator light shows the current operation mode and status of uArm Swift.



  • Software upgrade

uArm Swift Series support PC + mobile control.

Software upgrade -uArm Studio

uArm Studio is a brand new cross-platform robotic arm control software. It has integrated offline learning, graphical programming and instant control functions, manipulate the robotic arm to finish complex tasks.

  1. Teach & Play Offline Learning Mode

Teach uArm Swift by your own hand to learn move, gripping, dropping, and save them with just a click to replay on Blockly mode. uArm Swift can also sync offline learning data once connected.

  1. Blockly-based graphical programming

Blockly is a web-based visual programming tool, allowing users to program without needing to code The software is designed to be so simple that even even preschool children could create a program easily. Detailed tutorial will be provided for your quick guide and interesting secondary development.

  1. Instant Control

uArm Studio has combined control of keyboard and mouse. Developers may use keyboard hotkeys and mouse simultaneously to control move, gripping, and dropping of the robotic arm, and it supports customize hot keys.

After connect with LeapMotion, users of uArm Swift may use their own hand to control gesture such as move, gripping and dropping etc.


Software upgrade –

APP-uArm Play

Robotic Arm has built-in Bluetooth module, simply connect your smartphone with uArm Play to remote control your uArm Swift or uArm Swift Pro.

Your smartphone can also work as an external actuator, download and run a program from Blockly.



UCS, also known as uArm Creator Studio, which is a open sourced developer tool developed by UFACTORY. UCS has integrated graphical programming and coding, to achieve features such as rapid development, visualize and easy sharing.


  1. Rapid Development

With numerous commands of UCS, developers don’t need to construct programming environment.

For programming developers, UCS is a rapid development tool, developers doesn’t need to construct programming environment, any interface of the whole system supports Python script, all variables can be sharing between visual programming and coding which means you don’t need to copy setting each time.


  1. Built-in Robotic Vision

UCS has integrated complex robotic vision function, just need to connect with the camera, so the uArm can “see” and adapt to different environment.

The camera can instantly locate, memorize, recognize and track 3D space position of objects.

3.Easy Sharing

Every creator will be able to save their own work as .task file format through the UCS programming, and it supports one click sharing to the official website of UFACTORY or Reddit Community, copying scenario in just one click on other robotic arms.

The uArm Swift Pro is a “Open Sourced” design concept with more freedom, simplicity, and functions. This is a whole new open platform came from developers, back to developers, and still that Open Source Robotic Arm. We just can’t wait to become  your comprehensive desktop assistant!