Archiv der Kategorie: Robots-Blog Content
Makeblock mBot Ranger – 3in1 robot building kit
The Makeblock mBot Ranger is a 3-in-1 robot building kit designed for kids aged 10 years that teaches building and programming robots in a fun and exciting way.

1. Three different robot configurations
- The mBot Ranger can be configured into three different robots: a robot tank, a three-wheeled racing car, and a self-balancing car. This allows kids to learn about different types of robots and how they work.

2. Programmable
- The mBot Ranger is programmable using the mBlock software, which is based on Scratch 2.0. This allows kids to learn coding and programming skills in a fun and interactive way.
3. Easy to build
- The kit is solidly built, mostly metal, and has easy-to-understand architecture. It comes with the tools to build several different iterations and lots of add-ons for customization.
4. Hands-on learning
- The mBot Ranger combines building and programming, functionality and hands-on learning. This allows kids to learn by doing and to see the results of their work in action.
5. Control from smartphone or tablet
- The mBot Ranger can be controlled from a smartphone or tablet using Bluetooth if you don’t like to program. This allows kids control their robot from a distance.
6. Great for entry-level coding lessons
- The mBot Ranger is a great entry-level coding robot kit. It is straightforward and simple to build and control, making it a great choice for kids who are just starting to learn about coding and robotics.
These features make it a versatile and educational tool for teaching kids about robotics and coding.
The Makeblock mBot Ranger is an educational robot with powder-coated metal parts and an Arduino compatible mainboard called the Me Auriga. Overall, the Makeblock mBot Ranger comes with a range of hardware and sensors that allow it to navigate, detect obstacles, follow lines, respond to light, and be controlled remotely. Here are some of the hardware and sensors in the kit:
1. Me Auriga mainboard
- The Me Auriga mainboard is an Arduino-compatible board that provides a wide range of features and interfaces.
- It is the brain of the robot and allows it to be programmed and controlled.
- The Me Auriga board integrates various sensors, including a gyro sensor, temperature sensor, sound sensor, and ultrasonic sensor
2. Ultrasonic sensor
- The mBot Ranger comes with an ultrasonic sensor that can detect obstacles and measure distances.
- This allows the robot to navigate and avoid obstacles.
3. Line follower sensor
- The kit also includes a line follower sensor that can detect and follow lines on the ground.
- This allows the robot to follow a path and stay on course.
4. Light sensor
- The mBot Ranger has a light sensor that can detect light intensity.
- This allows the robot to respond to changes in light and to adjust its behavior accordingly.
5. Infrared receiver
- The kit includes an infrared receiver that allows the robot to receive signals from a remote control.
- This allows the robot to be controlled from a distance.
6. Gyro sensor
- The gyro sensor can be used to determine the movement and posture of the robot.
- It can be used to make a self-balancing robot.
7. Temperature sensor
- The temperature sensor can be used to measure the temperature of the environment.
- It can be used to create a robot that responds to changes in temperature.
8. Sound sensor
- The sound sensor can be used to detect sound intensity.
- It can be used to create a robot that responds to sound, such as a robot that moves towards a loud noise.

mBot Ranger is a solidly built kit, mostly metal, with easy-to-understand architecture. It comes with the tools to build several different iterations and lots of add-ons for customization. The user manual is excellent and lists out all the components in the kit. The mBlock interface is pretty intuitive, especially if kids have already used Scratch or another block-based language, so kids are likely to be able to work out how to program the Ranger through exploration. Overall, the Makeblock mBot Ranger is easy to use and a great tool for teaching kids about robotics, coding, and hands-on learning.
The Makeblock mBot Ranger is an excellent piece of DIY kit for kids to build different types of robots, write code, and control them from a smartphone or tablet. It is a great tool for teaching kids about robotics, coding, and hands-on learning.
mbot Ranger and more MakeBlock products can be found here.
Robots-Blog at Interpack 2023
#DeutschlandDigital Exhibition at Haus der Geschichte Bonn

Intermodellbau 2023 Dortmund

LEGO 40619 BrickHeadz Wall-e and Eve

Igus Inside Experience. Two days of low cost automation Innovations.

Short interview with Roy, the founder of „The OffBits“
Sebastian Trella from Robots-Blog had the opportunity to conduct a short interview with Roy Barazani from „the OffBits“.

· Robots-Blog: Who are you and what is your job at the OffBits?
Roy: I am Roy Barazani – The OffBits founding father
· Robots-Blog: What inspired you to create the OffBits toy?
Roy: I guess I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of re-design. Even as a child I used to break my toys apart and try to rebuild them in new and different ways. Looking back, this allowed me to develop my imagination and ability to fantasize.
· Robots-Blog: How did you come up with the name „the OffBits„?
Roy: The OFFBITS started out by playing with random parts I found in my toolbox while working on an exercise before starting my design studies in college. Suddenly I found I had made a little robot! I kept this idea with me during my studies, and for my final project built a whole city of them made from recycled parts. It was really well received and I knew I had a great idea in my hands. It took a few years of development and testing in Maker Faire events and boutique design stores and now I finally feel they are ready for the world.

· Robots-Blog: Do you have a lot to do with robots in your job/everyday life?
Roy: Yes, I love robots and I have collected robots for years!
· Robots-Blog: How did sustainability factor into the creation of the OffBits?
Roy: I see The OFFBITS as a new way of playing with toys, an “open-source” platform with no rules, so each creation can be as unique as the one who built it. I love the way people can take the original design and then make something completely different. Also, the fact it is made of components we all have around us means there are no cost or availability limits to what people can do with them.
Offbits are a sustainable and eco-friendly educational toy that encourages zero-waste principles and practices through a fun and interactive experience. It’s a great way to bring awareness and inspire positive actions in preserving the environment.
We don’t think you need many toys, but what you do choose should be made to last.
The possibilities are endless with The Offbits, you can create anything from a simple robot to a complex model while using sustainable materials and reducing waste.
· Robots-Blog: And which is your favorite robot from the OffBits?
Roy: I love all my robots family!

· Robots-Blog: Can you tell us about any challenges you faced while designing the OffBits?
Roy: From a design perspective, working with standard hardware components brought many unique challenges. For example, choosing the right mix of bits in the kits (both functionally and aesthetically) required a lot of trial-and-error type work, and then of course there is the issue of connecting parts that weren’t designed to fit together.
· Robots-Blog: How do you envision the OffBits evolving in education fields?
Roy: This is a S.T.E.A.M toy helping young minds grow in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. The OffBits toys encourage the development of fine motor skills, spatial reasoning, problem-solving, and imaginative play.
The hands-on building process allows users to learn about robotics and engineering concepts in a fun and interactive way. The step-by-step instructions for building and programming the Offbits kits, making it easy for users of all ages to understand the principles behind the technology.
The OffBits offer educational resources such as workshops, online tutorials, and educational material that could help kids to learn about sustainable practices and technologies.
· Robots-Blog: What can you tell us about your community?
Roy: The Offbits community feature allows users to share their creations and ideas, providing inspiration and a sense of collaboration. The Offbits users have challenges for every level. When they create, share and pass the challenge they can earn tokens for their future purchases.

Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime – Der ultimative Roboter für Transformers-Fans!
Sind Sie ein Fan von intelligenten Robotern und künstlicher Intelligenz? Die Firma Robosen hat vor kurzem angekündigt, dass der Flagship Optimus Prime Roboter bald in Deutschland erhältlich sein wird. Das ist eine besonders gute Nachricht für alle Transformers-Fans, die schon immer davon geträumt haben, einen eigenen Optimus Prime Roboter zu besitzen. Bei dieser neuen Version handelt es sich außerdem um den weltweit ersten automatisch transformierbaren Optimus Prime. Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime ist ein hochkomplexes und interaktives Roboterspielzeug, das die ikonische Figur aus der Transformers-Franchise imitieren soll. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier auf und auf der Robosen-Website.
Was ist das Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime Roboter Modell?
Der Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime ist ein atemberaubender Roboter, der auf der kultigen und wohl auch berühmtesten Transformers-Figur basiert. Der Roboter ist in der Lage, sich von einem fahrenden LKW in einen Roboter zu verwandeln und ist mit einer Vielzahl von intelligenten Funktionen ausgestattet. Er ist 48,3cm groß, 2,8 kg schwer und aus hochwertigen Komponenten gebaut, die stark und langlebig sind. Das Roboterspielzeug besteht aus mehr als 5.000 Teilen, darunter 60 Mikrochips und 27 Servomotoren, die ihm seine ausgeklügelten Fähigkeiten verleihen.
Der Roboter ist mit fortschrittlicher Technologie ausgestattet, die ihm eine Vielzahl von Fähigkeiten verleiht. Zum Beispiel kann er durch einfache Sprachbefehle gesteuert werden, um sich zu bewegen oder bestimmte Aktionen auszuführen. Über einen eingebauten Lautsprecher kann der Spielzeugroboter Musik und Soundeffekte abspielen, was das realistische Erlebnis noch verstärkt.

Darüber hinaus verfügt der Roboter über ein fortschrittliches Bewegungssystem, mit dem er sich auf einzigartige Weise bewegen kann. Der Roboter kann sich auf beiden Beinen oder seinen Rädern bewegen und ist in der Lage, schnelle Bewegungen und komplexe Choreografien auszuführen. Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime wird von einem wiederaufladbaren Akku angetrieben, der mit einer einzigen Ladung bis zu 4 Stunden Spielzeit bietet.
Eines der auffälligsten Merkmale des Robosen Flagships Optimus Prime ist sein Verwandlungssystem. Er transformiert sich mithilfe eines komplexen Motorsystems, das schnelle und präzise Bewegungen ausführen kann, von einem Roboter in ein Fahrzeug und umgekehrt. Er ist einer der schnellsten Transformationsroboter auf dem Markt, denn die vollständige Verwandlung dauert nur 5 Sekunden. Fortschrittliche Algorithmen ermöglichen es Optimus Prime, auf zwei Beinen zu laufen.
Sprachgesteuertes System
Immersive Sprachbefehle ermöglichen die Interaktion mit dem Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime, der eine Vielzahl von Sprachbefehlen verstehen und ausführen kann. Durch das Aussprechen von Befehlen wie „Transform“, „Roll out“ oder „Attack“ können die Benutzer das Roboterspielzeug steuern. Das Sprachbefehlssystem ist sowohl für Kinder als auch für Erwachsene eine hervorragende Funktion, da es einfach zu bedienen und unglaublich reaktionsschnell ist.

Was sind die Hauptmerkmale des Robosen Flagships Optimus Prime?
Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime verfügt über eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, die ihn zu einem faszinierenden und unterhaltsamen Roboter machen.
Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:
– Intelligente Steuerung (sprachgesteuert): Der Roboter kann durch einfache Sprachbefehle gesteuert werden, um sich zu bewegen oder bestimmte Aktionen auszuführen.
– Smartphone-App (Fernsteuerung): Der Roboter verfügt über eine eigene App, mit
der der Benutzer verschiedene Einstellungen und Funktionen anpassen kann. Optimus Prime kann über die App ferngesteuert oder programmiert werden.
– Bewegungssystem: Der Roboter ist mit einem fortschrittlichen Bewegungssystem ausgestattet, mit dem er sich auf einzigartige Weise bewegen kann.
– Programmierbare Funktionen: Der Roboter kann von den Benutzern programmiert werden, um bestimmte Bewegungen und Aktionen auszuführen. Die erstellten Programme/Bewegungsabläufe können dann mit anderen Benutzern geteilt werden, um die Funktionen für alle Benutzer zu erweitern.

Was können Sie mit der zugehörigen Smartphone-App tun?
Verbinde die App mit dem Robosen Optimus Prime-Roboter, um Optimus Prime zum Leben zu erwecken, während du programmieren lernst und ein immersives Erlebnis genießt. Lass Optimus Prime auf Ausflüge gehen, Filmszenen nachspielen oder fordere ihn heraus, verschiedene Aufgaben und Herausforderungen anzunehmen. Durch das Abschließen von Missionen in der App werden zusätzliche Funktionen für Optimus Prime freigeschaltet, was zu einem noch interaktiveren Spielerlebnis führt. Du kannst dir auch Videos in der App ansehen, um coole Aktionen von Optimus Prime zu sehen und dich davon inspirieren zu lassen, was andere Programmierer mit ihren Optimus Prime-Robotern machen. Die Smartphone-App ist bereits jetzt für IOS und Android erhältlich.
Vergleich mit anderen Transformers-Spielzeugen auf dem Markt
Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime hebt sich von anderen Transformers-Spielzeugen auf dem Markt durch seine fortschrittlichen Eigenschaften und Funktionen ab. Es gibt zwar andere Transformers Spielzeugroboter, aber keiner von ihnen bietet das gleiche Maß an Interaktivität und Kontrolle wie Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime. Das Sprachsteuerungssystem, die Elemente der mobilen App und die lizenzierten Geräusche und Stimmen aus den Filmen machen es zu einem einzigartigen und fesselnden Spielzeug, das ein intensives und interaktives Erlebnis für die Benutzer bietet.

Wo kann man den Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime kaufen?
Das Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime wird in Kürze in Deutschland für 999€ erhältlich sein. Interessierte können den Roboter direkt auf der Robosen-Website bestellen. Robosen Robotics hat auch Interesse gezeigt, mit seiner Robotertechnologie in neue Bereiche vorzudringen, unter anderem in den Bildungsbereich. Es wird spannend sein zu sehen, wie das Unternehmen in Zukunft Innovationen und neue Produkte entwickelt.
Erwecke den epischen Kampf zwischen den Autobots und den Decepticons zum Leben mit dem Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime, dem ultimativen transformierenden Roboterspielzeug. Mit seinen fortschrittlichen Funktionen, seiner Interaktivität und seinem Reaktionsvermögen bietet er ein einzigartiges und fesselndes Erlebnis für alle Altersgruppen. Lassen Sie sich dieses einzigartige Spielzeug nicht entgehen und holen Sie es sich noch heute!

Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime – The ultimate robot for Transformers fans!
Are you a fan of intelligent robots and artificial intelligence? The Robosen company has recently announced that the Flagship Optimus Prime robot will soon be available in Germany. This is especially great news for all Transformers fans who have always dreamed of owning their own Optimus Prime robot. This new version is also the world’s first auto-convertible Optimus Prime. Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime is a highly complex and interactive robot toy that is supposed to imitate the iconic character from the Transformers franchise. More information is available here on and on the Robosen website.
What is the Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime?
The Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime is a stunning robot based on the iconic and also arguably most famous Transformers character. The robot is able to transform from a moving truck into a robot and is equipped with a variety of smart features. It is 19 inches tall, 2.8kg heavy and constructed from premium components that are strong and long-lasting. More than 5,000 parts make up the robot toy, including 60 microchips and 27 servo motors that give it its sophisticated capabilities.
The robot is equipped with advanced technology, which gives it a variety of capabilities. For example, it can be controlled by simple voice commands to move or perform certain actions. A built-in speaker on the robot toy allows it to play music and sound effects, further enhancing the realistic experience.
In addition, the robot has an advanced motion system that allows it to move in unique ways. The robot can move on both legs and wheels and is capable of performing fast movements and complex choreographies. Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime is powered by a rechargeable battery that provides up to 4 hours of playtime on a single charge.

Transforming Mechanism
One of the Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime’s most striking characteristics is its transforming system. It converts from a robot to a vehicle using a complex motor system that can carry out fast and precise movements. It is one of the fastest transforming robot toys available because the full transformation takes only 5 seconds. Advanced algorithms enable Optimus Prime to walk on two legs.
Voice Command System
Immersive Voice Commands power the interaction with Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime’s vocal command system, enabling it to recognize and carry out a variety of speech orders. By just saying commands like „transform,“ „roll out,“ and „attack,“ users may direct the robot toy. The voice command system is an excellent feature for both kids and adults because it is made to be simple to use and is incredibly responsive.
What are the main features of the Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime?
Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime has a wide range of functions that make it a fascinating and entertaining robot. Among the most important functions are:
– Intelligent control (Voice Activated): the robot can be controlled by simple voice commands to move or perform certain actions.
– Smartphone app (Remote Control): the robot has its own app that allows the user to customize various settings and functions. Optimus Prime can be remotely controlled or programmed through the app.
– Movement system: the robot is equipped with an advanced movement system that allows it to move in unique ways.
– Programmable functions: The robot can be programmed by users to perform certain movements and actions. The program/movement sequences created can then be shared with other users to expand the functions for all users.

What can you do with the accompanying smartphone app?
Connect the app to the Robosen Optimus Prime robot to bring Optimus Prime to life while learning to program and enjoying an immersive experience. Let Optimus Prime go on excursions, reenact movie scenes, or challenge him to take on various tasks and challenges. Completing missions in the app unlocks additional features for Optimus Prime, resulting in a more interactive gaming experience. You can also watch videos in the app to see cool actions from Optimus Prime and get inspired by what other programmers are doing with their Optimus Prime robots. The smartphone app is already available now for IOS and Android.
Comparison with other Transformers Toys in the market
Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime stands out from other Transformers toys in the market due to its advanced features and functionality. While there are other transforming robot toys available, none of them offer the same level of interactivity and control as Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime. Its voice command system, mobile app elements and licensed sounds and voices from the movies make it a unique and engaging toy that offers a more immersive and interactive experience for users.

Where can the Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime be purchased?
The Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime will soon be available in Germany for 999€. Interested parties can order the robot directly on the Robosen website. Robosen Robotics has also shown interest in using its robotics technology to enter new areas, including those in education. Seeing how the business innovates and creates new goods in the future will be exciting.
Bring the epic battle between the Autobots and Decepticons to life with Robosen Flagship Optimus Prime, the ultimate transforming robot toy. With its advanced features, interactivity, and responsiveness, it offers a unique and engaging experience for all ages. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind toy, get yours today!