Enabot introduces EBO SE and EBO AIR, the next generation of social companion robots

The EBO SE and EBO AIR redefine the way people across the world interact, communicate and connect with one another

May 6th, 2021 – Enabot has officially launched on Kickstarter their brand-new social companion robots: the EBO SE and the EBO AIR. Starting today, both models are available for pre-order.

Building on the success of the original EBO S and EBO PRO, described by Mashable as “a smart robot [that] could become your cat’s new BFF” and by GearBrain as “one of the best robots to buy for your home in 2020”, the EBO SE and the EBO AIR are social companion robots, designed to keep your home safe, your pets entertained and your family connected at all times. 

Originally created to solve the issue of pet obesity and pet neglect, the EBO evolved to be much more. The EBO SE and AIR represent the next evolutionary step for the home robotic companion. They provide comfort, protection, and companionship for everyone in the family, no matter the distance.

Responding to consumer feedback, Enabot has introduced a number of improvements and added exciting new features. The new EBO allows for multiple users to log in and control the robot. It also comes with night vision, so users can access the camera day and night. The EBO app’s new interface is more user-friendly, and the new wheels, combined with a powerful motor, ensure a smooth ride on all surfaces, including rugs and carpets. 

Equipped with a 1080p HD camera and a pair of speakers and microphone, the rolling bots allow for real-life two-way communication using a Wi-Fi connection. Through EBO’s mobile app, parents can remotely interact with their kids and pets, and family members can connect with elderly loved ones from anywhere in the world. 

The EBO SE and AIR use a combination of movement, sound, and digital eye animations for life-like interactions. The steady and nimble moving robots can wheel, roll and dance to entertain pets and people alike while capturing photos and videos of every special moment. All the data is stored locally, using an expandable SD card.   

Surveillance features on both models include 24-hour video recording, infrared night vision, and motion detection notification, which means the EBO will immediately send you an alert whenever suspicious activities are detected. 

With exclusive AI technology, the EBO AIR is able to identify your family and pets, automatically record, track and follow them, allowing for fun interactions throughout the day. Additional AI features include the anti-drop function, pet auto-play mode, and automatic video editing.

Take a look at the EBO SE and EBO AIR Product Intro and see what role they can play in your family.

The EBO SE (priced at $ 99 / € 99 / £ 99) and the EBO AIR (priced at $ 169 / € 169 /£ 159) are now available to pre-order for up to 40% off from:

flatcat, der gruseligste Roboter aller Zeiten, ist nur noch sieben Tage auf Kickstarter

Entweder haben Sie schon eins, oder Sie haben bald eins. Roboterhaustiere erobern die Verbrauchermärkte weltweit in Form von Babyrobben, Hundewelpen oder einem schwanzwedelnden Kissen. Jetzt bekommen sie Gesellschaft von einer überfahrenen Katze.

(lifePR) (Berlin, 14.05.21) flatcat wurde von Gizmodo ((https://gizmodo.com/…)) als “der gruseligste Roboter, den man je gesehen hat” betitelt, und das mag für einige tatsächlich so sein. Für viele andere ist es ein zugegebenermaßen seltsames, aber niedliches Roboter-Haustier, das sie umarmen und mit dem sie spielen wollen.

Die ersten paar Flatcats sind ab sofort und nur noch sieben Tage lang auf Kickstarter ((https://www.kickstarter.com/…), der beliebtesten Crowdfunding-Website, erhältlich. Die Kampagne steht kurz vor der Vollfinanzierung, braucht aber noch ein paar entscheidende Zusagen von Roboter-Enthusiasten aus nah und fern, die etwas bewegen wollen.

Der Roboter, der von Jetpack Cognition Lab , einem in Berlin ansässigen Unternehmen mit Grazer Wurzeln entwickelt und hergestellt wird, ist ein Roboter der neuen Art. Er ist völlig anders als alle anderen vergleichbaren Produkte auf dem Markt. Was ihn einzigartig macht, ist seine sensomotorische Kompetenz, die Kräfte seiner eigenen Bewegung und die von außen durch Menschen oder einfach durch die Schwerkraft erzeugten Kräfte zu spüren und darauf zu reagieren.

Die Fähigkeit, Kräfte direkt in den Gelenken zu spüren, erlaubt es Flatcat, neugierig zu sein und seinen eigenen Körper und die Welt auf die sicherste Art und Weise zu erkunden. Die Technologie dafür kommt aus dem Forschungsfeld der Entwicklungsrobotik, bei dem Teile der Entwicklung von Tieren und Menschen in Software und Algorithmen umgesetzt werden.

Mögliche Verwendungszwecke von flatcat sind als Haustier im Wohnzimmer, um einfach zu spielen und gemeinsam die Welt der sensomotorischen Erfahrung und Bewegung zu erkunden; als therapeutischer Roboter, um sanft einfache Bewegungen zu stimulieren, Gesellschaft und Trost zu spenden; oder als Desktop-Forschungs-Roboter für Wissenschaftler und Hacker:innen gleichermaßen, da er neben seiner hochmodernen sensomotorischen Sensibilität auch Open Source, erweiterbar und modifizierbar ist.

Jetpack Cognition Lab, Inc

Seit seinen Anfängen im Jahr 2019 bringt Jetpack Cognition Lab radikale Innovationen aus der wissenschaftlichen Forschung auf den Konsumentenmarkt. Die Gründer des Labs sind Dr. Oswald Berthold und Matthias Kubisch. Sie lernten sich während ihres Studiums an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin kennen und taten sich zusammen, um die schrägsten und lustigsten Roboter der Welt zu entwickeln.

Berthold ist ein in österreichischer Künstler-Technologe, geboren in Graz, der schon mit dem Kollektiv farmersmanual Musikgeschichte geschrieben hat, indem er neuartige Stile und innovative Ansätze zur digitalen Musikproduktion und -veröffentlichung im Internetzeitalter einführte. Spätestens seit er 2018 seine Promotion in Robotik innerhalb der Adaptive Systems Group der HU Berlin abgeschlossen hat, ist er damit beschäftigt, Grundlagenforschung in Kundennutzen zu verwandeln.

Kubisch ist ein deutscher Informatiker, Kreativer und Aktivist. Er hat als wesentliches Mitglied des Teams gearbeitet, das den modularen humanoiden Roboter Myon im ALEAR-Projekt unter der Leitung von Dr. Manfred Hild entwickelt hat. Außerdem hat er die Industrie von innen gesehen und Algorithmen zur Steuerung von elektrischen Kraftwerken entwickelt. Er ist nicht nur ein Experte für adaptive Echtzeitalgorithmen und maschinelles Lernen, sondern auch ein genialer Elektronikdesigner und Produktvisionär.

GinoBot, Inspiring Inventors of the Future with STEM Disciplines, Launches on Kickstarter

The all-in-one smart toy incorporates science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines with playtime, in a hands-on way. 

Astoria, New York – (May 3, 2021) Keeping children entertained and engaged in today’s tech-driven world is now easier with GinoBot. The tool that implements a fun, hands-on experiencewith unlimited expansion potential for learning STEM disciplines, computational thinking, and digital literacy is launching on Kickstarter today.

GinoBot seamlessly blends playtime with advanced learning to sharpen a child’s mind for the future. From plug-and-play robot to high-end coding and electronics, the progression of skills with GinoBot is unlimited. Children ages 6+ can build simple or complex models with GinoBot’s scalable, and compatible design.
It features KEIRO software for block-based programming, which is compatible with a PC (Windows, Linux, MAC OS) and smart devices (Google Play, Apple Store). GinoBot has Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, as well as a micro USB connector. It can also connect with 3rd party hardware like Arduino, Microbit and Raspberry Pi, among others.

Science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM toys are the future. GinoBot is a solution for children to learn 21st century skills that lets them playfully learn how to code, design, build, and rebuild models quickly, no matter their age or learning style. 

“Children are our future and we believe they are all gifted with the power to perform astonishing technological feats,” said Costas Sisamos, founder and CEO of Engino. “As STEM learning principles become more prominent in our children’s curriculum, GinoBot is a great learning tool that will keep young minds hungry to explore, design and create enabling them to experience the limitless thrill of scientific discovery.” 

GinoBot is a great way to invest in your child’s imagination and expand their creativity. To pre-order, visit pr.go2.fund/ginobot.

About Engino 

Engino is a toy manufacturer that specializes in construction toys and smart educational toys, and have been at the vanguard of the STEM education movement for the past 15 years. A few years ago, Engino joined the robotics market and started developing programmable robots. These robots are supported with an extensive curriculum so children can learn the digital-side of thinking and how to do programming, coding, and more. For more information, visit https://www.engino.com/.

Rotrics DexArm Installation und erste Zeichnung

In diesem Video seht ihr, nur leicht beschleunigt, wie schnell sich der Rotrics DexArm Roboterarm anschließen, einrichten und in Betrieb nehmen lässt. Für einen ersten Test, lasse ich den Roboterarm mein RobotsBlog Logo zeichnen.

Zuvor habe ich die neueste Firmware und Software installiert, sowie mich mit dem TouchPanel auseinandergesetzt und dessen Funktion getestet. Rechnet man diese Zeit heraus, so dauert es vom Auspacken bis zur erstens Verwendung des Roboterarms höchstens fünf Minuten.

Verzichtet man auf die Anbindung an den Computer oder das Verwenden eines eigenen Logos zu Testzwecken, kann der Roboterarm komplett über das Touchpanel eingerichtet und direkt ausprobiert werden. So könnte man sogar noch schneller mit dem Rotrics DexArm starten und benötigt noch nicht einmal einen Computer.

Insgesamt ist die Bedienung sehr einfach und die Software führt einen am Computer durch alle notwendigen Schritte. Hier sind keinerlei Vorkenntnisse erforderlich. Das Schreiben von Text oder Zeichnen von Grafiken mit dem Roboterarm könnte wirklich nicht einfacher sein.

Boston Dynamics Unveils New Robot for Warehouse Automation

Stretch is designed to make warehouse operations safer and more efficient

Waltham, MA – March 29, 2021 – Boston Dynamics, the global leader in mobile robotics, has revealed Stretch, its new box-moving robot designed to support the growing demand for flexible automation solutions in the logistics industry. This debut marks the company’s official entrance into warehouse automation, a fast-growing market fueled by increased demand in e-commerce.

Stretch is Boston Dynamics’ first commercial robot specifically designed for warehouse facilities and distribution centers, of which there are more than 150,000 globally, according to analysts. The multi-purpose mobile robot is designed to tackle a number of tasks where rapid box moving is required, first starting with truck unloading and later expanding into order building. Stretch’s technology builds upon Boston Dynamics’ decades of advancements in robotics to create a flexible, easily-integrated solution that can work in any warehouse to increase their flow of goods, improve employee safety in physically difficult tasks and lower expensive fixed automation costs.

The robot’s small, omni-directional mobile base allows Stretch to navigate loading docks, maneuver in tight spaces and adapt to changing facility layouts, eliminating the need for costly fixed automation infrastructure. It is equipped with a custom-designed lightweight arm and a smart-gripper with advanced sensing and controls that can handle a large variety of boxed and shrink wrapped cases. Stretch also includes Boston Dynamics’ computer vision technology that enables it to identify boxes easily and without extensive training for each customer. Its vision system works in tandem with pick & place activity, enabling high pick rates.

Traditional warehouse automation approaches require either installation of fixed infrastructure or mobile robots that convey goods but struggle to meet productivity requirements to be an attractive investment for warehouse operators. Stretch offers logistics providers an easier path to automation by working within existing warehouse spaces and operations, without requiring costly reconfiguration or investments in new fixed infrastructure.

“Warehouses are struggling to meet rapidly increasing demand as the world relies more on just-in-time delivery of goods,” said Robert Playter, CEO of Boston Dynamics. “Mobile robots enable the flexible movement of materials and improve working conditions for employees. Stretch combines Boston Dynamics’ advancements in mobility, perception and manipulation to tackle the most challenging, injury-prone case-handling tasks, and we’re excited to see it put to work.”

Boston Dynamics is currently seeking customers to pilot test deployment of Stretch with truck unloading tasks ahead of its commercial deployment in 2022. Interested parties can apply to join the Stretch Early Adopter Program by visiting: https://www.bostondynamics.com/stretch

About Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics is the global leader in developing and deploying highly mobile robots capable of tackling the toughest robotics challenges. Our core mission is to lead the creation and delivery of robots with advanced mobility, dexterity, and intelligence that add value in unstructured or hard-to-traverse spaces and positively impact society. We create high-performance robots equipped with perception, navigation and intelligence by combining the principles of dynamic control with sophisticated mechanical designs, cutting-edge electronics, and next-generation software. We have three mobile robots in our portfolio – Spot®, Stretch™ and Atlas® – as well as Pick™, a machine learning vision solution for warehouse automation. Founded in 1992, Boston Dynamics spun out of the MIT Leg Lab and is one of Inc. Magazine’s Best Workplaces of 2020. For more information on our company and its technologies, please visit www.bostondynamics.com.

Q-Scout by Robobloq

Q-Scout by @robobloq_official Robobloq. Timelapse Build of Q-Scout. Very nice and easy but sturdy build.

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The PROTO-HAROLD 1.1 motorized camera cellphone slider robot

The PROTO-HAROLD 1.1 is a simple, light weight robot, designed to easily bring a CINEMATIC element to any video project. Designed, Machined and Hand Assembled in Cleveland,  Ohio, USA.

Your smartphone can go from pocket to stunning motion shot in under 10 seconds as the PROTO-HAROLD 1.1 has ZERO assembly or setup, programming or technical know-how required for use. Simply insert your smartphone, press „ON“, followed by „GO“ and you have a MOVING VIDEO.

Perfect for live streams, nature documentaries, music videos, interviews, YouTubers, TikTokers, movie projects for screens large and small, commercials, presentations, video demonstrations, school projects, home movies, advertisements, video production, unboxing videos, reaction videos, literally… any video project imaginable.

BOUNCE: When turned on, the PROTO-HAROLD 1.1 will begin running „BOUNCE“, a custom-written, pre-loaded program which will move the CAMERA SLED from one end of the track to the other. Instead of only traveling only one time like other systems, or harshly running back and forth, BOUNCE slowly brings the camera sled to a smooth, full stop, before reversing and smoothly accelerating backwards to full speed, endlessly repeating this choreographed process.

The speed and travel length are both adjustable, with a max travel speed of ~1cm per second, or ~50 seconds to go 52cm / 20.5″ from one end to the other.

This is useful as an extra „camera man“ during an interview process to provide an extra moving camera angle, or set it up to capture a moving shot when you aren’t exactly sure when the action will start, let it run for a bit and choose the best moving shot.

MOVING TIME LAPSE: Use the backlit LCD screen and EASY MENU to change modes to TIME LAPSE and set a desired time frame of 2 – 60 minutes. The PROTO-HAROLD 1.1 does the math and will travel from one end to the other, slowly accelerating, reaching full speed, decelerating and smoothly coming to a stop within the time frame selected. Once done, it will park and then ask to run a second time in reverse.


  • Light Weight and Portable (under 2 pounds / under 1kg)
  • 34″ x  4″ x  2″ (87cm x 10cm x 5cm)
  • 20.5″ of camera movement  (52cm)
  • Strong for its size (can lift itself, or up to 2 pounds vertically)
  • Designed for smartphones up to 2 pounds, but can slide 10+ pounds (not recommended)
  • USB rechargeable (take and charge it anywhere)
  • ~2 Hour Runtime (horizontal, no camera)
  • ~1 Hour Runtime (vertical, no camera)
  • RECORD MOVING TIME LAPSE VIDEO (2 – 60 minutes) with soft start and stop
  • (3) 1/4″ standard tripod bottom mounting holes on each end
  • Non-marring rubber feet
  • Self Calibrating
  • Powered by a 16MHz Super Computer Thinking Machine
  • Precision Stepper Motor Control
  • Quiet Operation
  • (2) Lithium Ion Rechargeable Batteries
  • RED/GREEN charging LED
  • Replaceable Safety Fuse (remove for long term storage/transport)
  • Pre-programmed with an EASY USE MENU, turn it on and use it
  • Adjustable Speed, Acceleration/Deceleration & Overall Travel Length
  • Blue
  • Designed, Machined and Hand Assembled in Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Please support this project on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/simplerobot/the-proto-harold-11-bounce-by-simple-robot-llc/description

igus low cost automation: Mask dispensers – save costs with the right robot

First published on igus Blog.
Due to the current situation with the Covid-19 virus, protective masks are our daily companion, whether in the supermarket or when visiting the doctor. Whether self-sewn or produced masks, almost everyone has at least one mask for their own needs. But what can you do if you have forgotten the mask and still have to go shopping?

More and more vending machines are being placed in front of shops in order to ensure admission. These dispensers are constructed similarly to toy vending machines as seen in fairgrounds. There a robot grips a desired toy and brings it to the delivery point.

A Pick&Place application can be seen here:

igus robot kinematics for cost-effective and fast automation

Robot kinematics from igus are ideally suited to such machines. Whether the delta robot, which enables lightning-fast dispensing with a dynamic of 60 picks/min, or the modular linear robot , where the customer can choose the length, are an ideal solution. igus robots are a cost-effective solution and offer a fast return on investment.

Delta robots from igus for cost-effective pick and place applications.

Delta robot is suitable for mask dispensers

Also known as parallel or spider robot. This is because it consists of three linear systems that are built up to form a centre. The delta robot is characterised by its speed. It achieves up to 60 picks per minute. The delta kinematics are optimal for pick and place applications, e.g. in the food, electronics and pharmaceutical industries. The delta robot is suitable for mask dispensers. On request, igus supplies a finished control concept with the igus Robot Control system.

You can find out which robot type is best suited for your application in our blog post.

About the author:
Maxine Schütz
robolink Technical Sales