Quincy, ein malender Lernroboter

Quincy ist ein Roboter, der speziell für Kinder im Alter von 3 bis 8 Jahren entwickelt wurde. Er hat die Gestalt eines putzigen Roboter-Zyklopen mit zwei magnetischen Armen, die einen Stift halten können. Er kann verschiedene Bilder zeichnen, die er von speziellen Karten scannt, und dabei Kinder anleiten, ihm zu folgen und mitzuzeichnen. Er kann auch lehren, wie man das Alphabet, die Rechtschreibung, das Zählen und Mathematik lernt, indem er ihnen Geschichten erzählt, Fragen stellt und sie zum Mitmachen auffordert.

Quincy ist mehr als nur ein Spielzeug, er ist ein innovativer Lernbegleiter, der die Kreativität, die kognitiven und die sprachlichen Fähigkeiten der Kinder fördert. Er verwendet eine interaktive und spielerische Methode, um die Kinder zu motivieren. Er passt sich dem Lernniveau und dem Tempo der Kinder an und gibt ihnen positives Feedback und Ermutigung. Er ist ebenso ein schönes Spielzeug, das die Kinder unterhält und aktiv beschäftigt.

Quincy funktioniert mit verschiedenen Karten, die er mit seinem Auge, bzw. der dahinter verbauten Kamera, scannen kann. Es gibt vier Arten von Karten: Zeichenkarten, Buchstabenkarten, Zahlenkarten und Mathe-Herausforderungskarten. Die Zeichenkarten enthalten Bilder von Tieren, Pflanzen, Objekten und anderen Themen, die Quincy zeichnen und erklären kann. Die Buchstabenkarten enthalten die 26 Buchstaben des Alphabets, die Quincy verwenden kann, um die Kinder das Alphabet und die Rechtschreibung zu lehren. Die Zahlenkarten enthalten die Zahlen von 0 bis 9, die Quincy verwenden kann, um Kindern das Zählen und die Grundrechenarten zu lehren. Die Mathe-Herausforderungskarten enthalten Geschichten mit Mathefragen, die Quincy zeichnen und erzählen kann, und die Kinder sollen die richtige Antwort mit den Zahlenkarten geben.

Um Quincy zu benutzen, muss man ihn zuerst einschalten, indem man den Lautstärkeregler nach rechts dreht. Dann muss man einen Stift in seine Arme stecken, so dass die Spitze das Papier berührt. Dann muss man Quincy auf die obere Mitte des Papiers stellen, so dass seine Arme über dem Papier sind. Dann kann man eine Karte auswählen, die man Quincy zeigen möchte, und sie in etwa 5 cm Entfernung von sein Auge halten. Wenn sein Auge blinkt, bedeutet das, dass er die Karte erkannt hat, und man kann die Weiter-Taste drücken, um fortzufahren. Quincy wird dann das Bild zeichnen oder die Geschichte erzählen, und die Kinder können mitzeichnen oder ihm antworten. Mit der Weiter, Wiederholen oder Pause Taste lassen sich die Ansagen entsprechend steuern.

Quincy hat ein modernes und einzigartiges Design, das ihm Flexibilität und Stabilität beim Zeichnen und Schreiben verleiht. Er hat eine Saugnapfkonstruktion, die verhindert, dass er versehentlich beim Zeichnen verrutscht, und einen Arm, der durch seine magnetische Befestigung verhindert, dass er abbricht, wenn er mal herunterfällt. Seine schnelle Scanfähigkeit von 0,5 Sekunden ermöglicht es ihm, Bilder sofort zu erkennen und zu zeichnen. Er hat einen eingebauten 2500mAh wiederaufladbaren Lithium-Akku, der 2-2,5 Stunden zum Aufladen benötigt und 5,5 Stunden ohne Unterbrechung arbeiten kann. Er hat einen eingebauten gut klingenden Lautsprecher, der seine Stimme klar und angenehm macht. Er ist aus PET-Kunststoff gefertigt und hat eine rutschfeste Silikonbasis.

Das erste Ausprobieren und Starten von Qunicy gelang uns auf Anhieb und stellt keine Hürde dar. Vermutlich schaffen es die meisten Kinder, ohne die Hilfe Ihrer Eltern, Quincy in Betrieb zu nehmen. Wir empfehlen Quincy direkt neben einem Malblock zu platzieren, der gegen Verrutschen gesichert ist oder entsprechendes Eigengewicht besitzt.

Quincy ist bei Amazon für ca. 90 Euro erhältlich. Das Quincy Starterpaket enthält: Quincy, eine Bedienungsanleitung, zwei magnetische Arme, ein Ladekabel sowie zwei Stifte. Außerdem sind 24 Zeichenaufgaben, 4 Mathematikaufgaben, 26 Buchstabenkarten und 10 Zahlenkarten enthalten. Es gibt auch ein Quincy Erweiterungsset, das bald erhältlich sein wird, und das mehr Rechenaufgaben, Zeichenaufgaben und Buchstabieraufgaben bietet.

Quincy ist ein pädagogischer Zeichenroboter, der Kindern hilft, ihre Kreativität zu entwickeln und das Zeichnen zu lernen. Er ist ein perfekter Hauslehrer für Ihre Kinder, der ihnen verschiedene Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse vermittelt, wie z.B das Alphabet, Rechtschreibung, Zählen, Mathe und mehr. Er ist ein lustiger und lehrreicher Begleiter, der Kinder zu motivieren und beschäftigen weiß.

Robotics competitions in Hamburg: Winners are alliances from Berlin and Brandenburg as well as Rockenhausen and Berlin

VRC und VIQC German Masters Winners:

▪ Winners of the VEX Robotics Competition: Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium (Berlin) and Heinitz-Gymnasium (Rüdersdorf)
▪ Winners of the VEX IQ Challenge: IGS Rockenhausen (Rhineland-Palatinate) and BEST-Sabel (Berlin)
▪ Almost 35 teams met at the German finals from 6 to 8 March
▪ Students from IGS Rockenhausen (Rhineland-Palatinate) and Ernst-Abbe Gymnasium in Oberkochen secured tickets for the VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas

Hamburg, March 8, 2024. Hectic activity has reigned over the past three days at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg). Around 150 pupils from general education schools and vocational schools from all over Germany worked on robots that they had designed themselves over the past few months. Their goal: For the final rounds of the German VEX robot competitions, they wanted to get the best out of their babies. A total of 14 trophies were up for grabs, which were ultimately awarded to twelve different teams. 

Winners of the cooperative tournament competitions at the German Masters  In the VEX Robotics Competition (VRC), the Alexander-von-Humboldt Gymnasium (Berlin) and the Heinitz-Gymnasium (Rüdersdorf) prevailed. The VEX IQ Challenge (VIQC) was won by an alliance of IGS Rockenhausen  (Rhineland-Palatinate) and BEST-Sabel educational institutions (Berlin). 

Luca Eckert (from left) and Jonas Köhler (IGS) as well as Tim Heintze and Konrad Möhring (BEST-Sabel) won the VEX IQ Teamwork Challenge

The German Masters gives you the opportunity to qualify for the VEX Worlds. These „World Championships“ will take place from April 25 to May 3 in Dallas, Texas, with 1,000 teams from 50 countries. The prerequisite for flying overseas: winning the Excellence Awards. A jury awards them on the basis of the performance in the competition and other criteria such as the capabilities of a robot in comparison. Students from IGS Rockenhausen (High and Middle School) and the Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasium in Oberkochen (Middle and Elementary School) will travel to Dallas. 

Tobit Gries (from left), Sebastian Gasior and Jakob Bachmann from IGS Rockenhausen snatched the Excellence Award/High School

The worldwide competitions of the Robotics Education &  Competition (REC) Foundation, which is based in the USA, are organized in Germany by the Hamburg-based association  roboMINT. 

The VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) is open to students from the age of eleven . A team consists of at least two students, it competes in alliances  against other teams. The aim of a game in autonomous and remote-controlled  driving modes is, among other things, to get as many tripballs as possible into your own goal or into  your own offensive zone.  

Till Schneider (l.) and Vincent Fratzscher (Heinitz-Gymnsaium) won the trophy in the VRC team competition

The VEX IQ Challenge (VIQC) is open to students between the ages of eight and 15. A team consists of at least two students, it competes together with another team. One of the goals of the game is to convert as many blocks as possible into goals. Points are also awarded if the robot is parked in the „Supply Zone“ at the end of a match.  

Anes Rebahi (from left), Nico Menge, Karl Steinbach, Maximilian Marschner and Erik Tunsch (Alexander-von Humboldt-Gymnasium) won the VRC team competition

VRC und VIQC German Masters an der HAW: Deutschland-Finale der Robotik-Wettbewerbe

  • 6. bis 8. März 2024, Hamburg
  • Insgesamt 35 Teams treffen in zwei Wettbewerben aufeinander
  • Den Siegern winkt eine Teilnahme an der VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas

Hamburg, Februar 2024: In der kommenden Woche finden die Endrunden der VEX-Roboterwettbewerbe in Deutschland statt. An der Hochschule für Angewandte  Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW Hamburg) treffen sich etwa 150 Schüler von  allgemeinbildenden Schulen und Berufsschulen aus ganz Deutschland, um  herausfinden, welcher der von ihnen konstruierten Roboter vorgegebene Aufgaben  am besten löst. Der weltweiten Wettbewerbe der in den USA beheimateten Robotics  Education & Competition (REC) Foundation werden hierzulande vom Hamburger Verein roboMINT organisiert. 

Die Wettbewerbskategorien 

An der VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) können Schüler im Alter ab elf Jahren  teilnehmen. Ein Team besteht aus mindestens zwei Schülern, es tritt in Allianzen  gegen andere Teams an. Ziel eines Spiels ist es unter anderem, so viele Triballs wie  möglich ins eigene Tor oder in die eigene Offensive Zone zu bringen. 

Im Rahmen der VEX IQ Challenge können Schüler im Alter von acht bis 15 Jahren  teilnehmen. Ein Team besteht aus mindestens zwei Schülern, es tritt zusammen mit  einem anderen Team an. Ziel des Spiels ist es unter anderem, möglichst viele Blöcke  in Tore zu verfrachten. Punkte gibt es auch, wenn der Roboter am Ende eines  Matches in der „Supply Zone“ geparkt wird. 

Über die German Masters können sich die Teilnehmer für die VEX Worlds vom 25.  April bis 3. Mai in Dallas (US-Bundesstaat Texas) mit 1.000 Teams aus 50 Ländern  qualifizieren.

German Masters 

Veranstaltungsort: HAW Hamburg 

Berliner Tor 21, Aula 

Mittwoch, 06.03.: VRC, Start Qualifikation 1 um 12.30 Uhr 

Donnerstag, 07.03.: VRC, Start Qualifikation 2 um 9.30 Uhr, Finale: 13.00 Uhr

Freitag, 08.03.: VIQC, Start Qualifikation um 11.00 Uhr, Finale: 15.45 Uhr  

Fachlicher Ansprechpartner: 

Ralph Schanz 
Vorsitzender des roboMINT e.V. 

Über den roboMINT e.V.: 

Begonnen hat alles in der Saison 2017/2018. Zusammen mit dem Schülercampus  dEin Labor der TU Berlin führte roboMINT die ersten VEX Robotics Schülerwettbewerbe in Deutschland durch. Das erste Team, das sich damals für die  alljährlich stattfindenden „Weltmeisterschaften“ in den USA qualifizierte, war das  Heinitz-Gymnasium Rüdersdorf. Mittlerweile gibt es bundesweit diverse regionale  Vorausscheidungen und zwei „Nationals“ (VIQC und VRC). Aktuell können sich pro  Saison insgesamt sieben Teams aus Deutschland für die „Weltmeisterschaften“ in  Dallas qualifizieren. 

roboMINT unterstützt und koordiniert die bundesweit stattfindenden VEX Robotik Wettbewerbe. Der Verein informiert und betreut die teilnehmenden Teams, die  BetreuerInnen und die regionalen Veranstalter. Ziel des Vereins ist die Förderung der  MINT-Bildung in Deutschland. 

Teilnehmer des Qualifikationsturniers in Stuttgart

KOSMOS Line-Follow-Robot

This sophisticated robotic toy is created remarkably to follow lines seamlessly. For kids above 10 years, the Kosmos Line-Follow Robot provides an exciting chance to construct their robot and experience its remarkable line-following skills firsthand. Different branches of science, including physics and mathematics, are all brought together in one convenient experiment kit. Let’s investigate what makes this fascinating instructional tool so effective.

Simplifying Robotics

The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot is an attempt to simplify the complex field of robotics so that it may be understood by and appealing to young people. Despite the common perception that robots are too complicated or only useful for highly specialised tasks, it is crucial to learn the basics of robotics as these devices become increasingly commonplace in everyday life. Involving yourself with the Kosmos Line-Follow Robot is an excellent way for students to get their feet wet in the fascinating field of robotics.

Applied Physics and Logical Thinking

Students need a foundation in physics and the ability to think critically to control the line-follow robot properly. Students may learn the basics of simple circuits using the Kosmos robot’s helpful visual representations. Through hands-on assembly, students create a flow of electricity between electrical components, guaranteeing the vehicle’s functionality and conformity with input and line specifications. This method improves one’s capacity to comprehend logic and circuits.

Line Following and Steering

The robot’s fundamental goal is always the same: it must follow a black line, either one that has been physically put out or one that has been painted on a surface. . The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot shows how robots may independently traverse their environment with the help of sensors.

Components and Reusability

Electrical components with cables, motors, wheels, tires, printed robot decorations, and in-depth instructions are all included in the Kosmos experiment kit. The kit’s target audience was children in grades 4 through 8, however, it may be used with any age group for demonstration. After the first construction is complete, the robot may be used as a helpful teaching tool in physics classes, concretizing theoretical concepts about circuits. The fact that the robot can be assembled and disassembled several times means it may serve as a durable and adaptable teaching tool.

Learning Outcomes

During its construction, the Kosmos Line-Follow Robot relied heavily on principles of physics and mechanics, two fields that are deeply intertwined. Students may learn how to operate the robot by following detailed instructions that walk them through each procedure. Students learn important information that may be used in the classroom and built upon in other ways, such as via experimentation and independent study.

Hands-On Experience and Practical Understanding

The line-following robot facilitates experiential learning and real-world comprehension via the use of a potentiometer for detecting electrical resistance and LEDs for providing visual feedback. By taking the robot apart and putting it back together, students may better understand the interdependencies between its parts. The robot’s behaviour can be changed by tinkering with the black line, opening the door to experimentation and a deeper knowledge of cause and effect.


The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot is an excellent approach to introduce children to robotics. This teaching aid gives students a firm footing on which to explore the potential of robotics by giving them hands-on experience, encouraging logical thought, and incorporating fundamental principles from physics and mechanics. The Kosmos Line-Follow Robot sets the path for the next generation of robotics experts by arousing their natural curiosities, encouraging them to try new things.

Variobot VariAnt: The Robot Ant

The presence of robots in our modern environment is getting increasingly casual to see. Robots are progressing rapidly in terms of both their capabilities and the potential uses they have. Examples of this include self-driving automobiles and drones. The VariAnt, a robot created by Variobot, is another amazing example.

VariAnt: At the First Glance

VariAnt, a robot ant, moves and acts almost exactly like its biological model. It independently explores its environment using a sensor system to detect obstructions or markers. The Variobot programmable kit is appropriate for researchers who are passionate and young at heart.

Advanced Autonomy

Like the majority of living things, the variAnt adjusts to the surroundings by detecting relative brightness. Using a network of patented sensors is made feasible. The autonomous robot ant has light sensors connected to its body, legs, antennae, and jaw claws that can be positioned as needed.

A processor is housed on an Arduino-compatible nano board, which serves as the ant robot’s central processing unit (CPU). The small control unit provides connections for two motors, 12  analog sensors,  8 digital I/Os,  2 programmed buttons, 2 reed switches for step numbers, that may be used in any way, and 15 status LEDs that can be plugged in and switched as needed.

The state of the sensors, motors, and reed switches may all be indicated by the LEDs. Inside the ant’s head is a tiny circuit board that is equipped with plug-in ports, which enables the flexible combination and extension of environmental sensors.

The lithium-ion battery that comes standard with the variAnt has a run time of around 3  hours and can be recharged using the provided USB cord.

The Walking Mechanism

The robotic ant makes use of these to identify objects, lines, light sources, or shadows in its surroundings, and then either follows them or stays away from them in an intentional manner.

The purpose of the walking mechanism that was created and patented by Variobot is to mimic the natural mobility of an ant as closely as possible. This is doable with only 24 different components made of acrylic.

VariAnt: Best for

For individuals of all ages, the robot ant is also an engaging and entertaining toy. You can use this set to design your own robot to behave, move, and appear like an actual, but much bigger, ant. The robot is an interesting thing to watch due to its distinct motions and behaviors, and due to its size, it can be used in a number of scenarios. The variAnt kit costs around €199.


The VariAnt might revolutionize robotics and our understanding of nature. Since it mimics ants, the VariAnt can perform many tasks that conventional robots cannot. Whether employed for research, environmental monitoring, or as a toy, the VariAnt is a groundbreaking robotics innovation that will captivate people worldwide.

Build Your Own Voice Assistant with CircuitMess Spencer: Your Talkative Friend

Voice assistants have become a crucial component of our everyday lives in today’s technologically sophisticated society. They assist us with work, respond to our inquiries, and even provide entertainment. Have you ever wondered how voice assistants operate or how to build your own? Spencer is here to satisfy your curiosity and provide a fun DIY activity, so stop searching. This blog post will introduce you to Spencer, a voice assistant that will brighten your day with jokes and provide you with all the information you need.

Meet Spencer

Spencer is a buddy that converses with you; it is more than simply a voice assistant. It can hear you well enough to comprehend all you say. It uses its large red button as a trigger to search the internet and give you straightforward answers. It’s a wonderful addition to your everyday routine because of Spencer’s endearing nature and capacity to make you grin.

Spencer’s Features: Your Interactive Voice Assistant Companion

1. Voice Interaction

High-quality audio communication is possible because of Spencer’s microphone. It comprehends your instructions, inquiries, and chats and offers a simple and straightforward approach for you to communicate with your voice assistant. Simply talk to Spencer, and it will answer as you would expect, giving the impression that you are conversing with a genuine friend.

2. Internet Connectivity and Information Retrieval

Spencer has internet access, allowing you to access a huge information base. You may have Spencer do a real-time internet search by pushing the huge red button on his chest. Spencer can search the web and provide you clear, succinct answers, whether you need to discover the solution to a trivia question, check the most recent news headlines, or collect information on a certain issue.

3. Personalization and Customization

Being wholly original is what Spencer is all about. You are allowed to alter its features and reactions to fit your tastes. Make Spencer reflect your style and personality by altering its external elements, such as colors, decals, or even adding accessories. To further create a genuinely customized experience, you may alter its reactions, jokes, and interactions to suit your sense of humor and personal tastes.

4. Entertainment and Engagement

Spencer is aware of how important laughing is to life. It has built-in jokes and amusing replies, so talking to your voice assistant is not only educational but also interesting and fun. Spencer’s amusing features will keep you entertained and involved whether you need a quick pick-me-up or want to have a good time with friends and family.

5. Learning and Educational STEM Experience

In particular, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects are the focus of Spencer’s educational mission. You will learn useful skills in electronics, soldering, component assembly, and circuits by making Spencer. To further develop Spencer’s talents, you may go into programming, gaining practical experience with coding and computational thinking.

6. Inspiration and Creativity

Spencer acts as a springboard to spark your imagination and motivate further investigation. You may let your creativity run wild as you put together and customize your voice assistant. This do-it-yourself project promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and invention, developing a creative and innovative mentality that may go beyond the context of making Spencer.

Recommended Age Group

Spencer is intended for those who are at least 11 years old. While the majority of the assembly procedures are simple, some, like soldering and tightening fasteners, call for prudence. Never be afraid to seek an adult for help if you need it. When using certain equipment and approaches, it is usually preferable to be guided.

Assembly Time Required

The construction of Spencer should take, on average, 4 hours to finish. However, take in mind that the timeframe may change based on your prior knowledge and expertise. Don’t worry if you’re unfamiliar with electronics! Enjoy the process, take your time, and don’t let any early difficulties get you down. You’ll grow more used to the procedures as you go along.

Skills Required

To start this DIY project, no special skills are needed. Fun and learning something new are the key goals. Your introduction to the field of electronics via Building Spencer will pique your interest in STEM fields and provide you the chance to get hands-on experience. Consider completing this assignment as the first step towards a lucrative engineering career.

Pros and Cons of Spencer

Pros of Spencer

  • Spencer provides an engaging and interactive experience, responding to voice commands and engaging in conversations to make you feel like you have a real companion.
  • With internet connectivity, Spencer can retrieve information in real-time, giving you quick answers to your questions and saving you time.
  • Spencer can be customized to reflect your style and preferences, allowing you to personalize its appearance, responses, and interactions.
  • Spencer comes with built-in jokes and entertaining responses, adding fun and amusement to your interactions with the voice assistant.
  • Building Spencer provides hands-on learning in electronics, soldering, circuitry, and programming, offering a valuable educational experience in STEM disciplines.

Cons of Spencer

  • The assembly process of Spencer may involve technical aspects such as soldering and component assembly, which can be challenging for beginners or individuals with limited experience.
  • Spencer heavily relies on internet connectivity to provide real-time answers and retrieve information, which means it may have limited functionality in areas with poor or no internet connection.
  • While Spencer offers basic voice assistant features, its capabilities may be more limited compared to advanced commercially available voice assistant devices.


Spencer, creating your own voice assistant is a fascinating and worthwhile endeavor. You’ll learn useful skills, expand your understanding of electronics, and enjoy the thrill of putting a complicated gadget together as you go along with the assembly process. Remember that the purpose of this project is to experience the thrill of learning, solving problems, and letting your imagination run free as well as to produce a final product. So be ready to join Spencer on this journey and discover a world of opportunities in the exciting world of voice assistants.

Get your own Spencer Building kit here: bit.ly/RobotsBlog

ABB schließt Qualifikationslücke in der Automatisierung mit neuem Robotik-Schulungspaket

  • Das umfassende Robotik-Schulungspaket von ABB Robotics soll Schüler und Studierende auf die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft vorbereiten
  • Es umfasst eine benutzerfreundliche kollaborative GoFa™-Roboterzelle, 56 Stunden an Kursmaterial sowie eine weltweit anerkannte STEM-Zertifizierung
  • Neuester Baustein einer weltweiten Kampagne mit dem Ziel, zusammen mit Bildungseinrichtungen die Qualifikationslücke in der Automatisierung zu schließen

Mit der Einführung eines sofort einsatzbereiten Schulungspakets ist ABB Robotics bestrebt, die weltweite Ausbildungslücke in der Automatisierung weiter zu schließen sowie Schüler und Studierende auf die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft vorzubereiten. Das Paket, das einen kollaborativen Roboter (Cobot) vom Typ GoFa, Lehrmaterial und eine weltweit anerkannte technische Zertifizierung beinhaltet, ist Bestandteil einer globalen Kampagne, die Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer für eine neue Ära der Automatisierung fit machen soll


Das ABB Robotics Education Package wurde entwickelt, um sicherzustellen, dass Bildungseinrichtungen hochqualifizierte junge Menschen für diejenigen Unternehmen ausbilden können, die von der robotergestützten Automatisierung profitieren wollen. Obwohl rund 80 Prozent der Bildungseinrichtungen weltweit glauben, dass die Automatisierung die Arbeitswelt in den kommenden zehn Jahren prägen wird, steht Robotik bei nur einer von vier Institutionen auf dem Lehrplan*. Gründe hierfür sind ein Mangel an ausgebildeten Lehrkräften und die Schwierigkeit, Robotik-Schulungen nahtlos in den Lehrplan zu integrieren.

„Da die robotergestützte Automatisierung in immer mehr Branchen – von der Fertigung und Distribution bis hin zum Einzelhandel und dem Gesundheitswesen – Einzug hält, suchen Unternehmen Menschen, die mit Robotern und Automatisierung vertraut sind“, betont Andrea Cassoni, Leiter der globalen Business Line General Industry bei ABB Robotics. „Das ABB Robotics Education Package bietet Schulen und Hochschulen eine einfache Möglichkeit, Robotik-Schulungskurse zu entwickeln und durchzuführen. Auf diese Weise trägt es dazu bei, die technische Qualifikationslücke zu schließen sowie Schüler und Studierende auf einen automatisierten Arbeitsplatz vorzubereiten.“

Das Herzstück des Pakets bildet die Schulungszelle mit einem voll funktionsfähigen kollaborativen GoFa-Roboter von ABB. Der auf einem kompakten Tisch montierte, preisgekrönte GoFa ist ein benutzerfreundlicher Cobot, der es Schülern und Studierenden ermöglicht, reale Industrieanwendungen wie Pick-&-Place-Aufgaben und 3D-Druck zu erlernen. Dank Lead-Through-Programmierung und der Software Wizard Easy Programming von ABB können auch 15-Jährige ohne technische Vorkenntnisse den Roboter bedienen.

Ein umfassendes Kursmaterial bietet den Lehrkräften alles, was sie benötigen, um die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer durch zwölf Lektionen für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene zu begleiten. Es führt von den Grundlagen der Robotik bis hin zu komplexeren Anwendungen und Programmen. Dazu wurde Schulungsmaterial aus der Industrie mithilfe von Pädagogen in ein schülerfreundliches Format gebracht, das Robotik-Konzepte verständlich darstellt. Insgesamt stehen 56 Stunden Inhalte, darunter Videos, interaktive Online-Übungen, 400 Testfragen sowie praktische Übungen mit dem Offline-Programmiertool RobotStudio® von ABB zur Verfügung. Letzteres wird von Unternehmen weltweit zur Planung, Simulation und Entwicklung realer Robotiklösungen in einer virtuellen Umgebung eingesetzt.

Der dritte Teil des Pakets ist eine weltweit anerkannte STEM-Zertifizierung für Lehrkräfte und Lernende, die von der Bildungsforschungs- und Zertifizierungsorganisation STEM.org unterstützt wird und authentifiziert ist. So können Lehrkräfte von ABB zertifiziert werden, die dann wiederum ihren Schülern oder Studierenden ihre Kompetenz zur Bedienung von Robotern bescheinigen können. Damit erhalten sie eine anerkannte Qualifikation, mit der sie gegenüber Arbeitgebern in über 80 Ländern ihre Fähigkeiten in der robotergestützten Automatisierung nachweisen können.

Die Einführung des Education Package ist ein weiterer Schritt im Bemühen von ABB, Schülern und Studierenden dabei zu helfen, die erforderlichen Fähigkeiten für eine Welt zu entwickeln, in der Roboter am Arbeitsplatz so selbstverständlich sein werden wie Laptops. Derzeit arbeitet ABB mit Bildungseinrichtungen in über 40 Ländern zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass Schüler und Studierende die grundlegenden Kenntnisse der Roboterprogrammierung und -bedienung erlernen.

Mehr über das Schulungspaket sowie das Netzwerk von Schulungseinrichtungen, Partnerschaften und Schulungskurse von ABB erfahren Sie unter: https://new.abb.com/products/robotics/de/funktionspakete/schulungspaket.

*Quelle: ABB Education Survey 2022, basierend auf einer weltweiten Umfrage mit 2.301 Teilnehmenden

Elephant Robotics launched ultraArm with various solutions for education

In the past year, Elephant Robotics has launched various products to meet more user needs and help them unlock more potential in research and education. To help users learn more knowledge about machine vision, Elephant Robotics launched the AI Kit, which can work with multiple robotic arms to do AI recognition and grabbing. In June 2022, Elephant Robotics released the mechArm to help individual makers and students get better learning in industrial robotics.

Nowadays, robotic arms are used in an increasingly wide range of applications, such as industry, medicine, commercial exhibitions, etc. At the very end of 2022, ultraArm is launched, and this time, Elephant Robotics doesn’t just release a new robotic arm, but brings 5 sets of solutions to education and R&D.

Small but powerful

As the core product of this launch, ultraArm is a small 4-axis desktop robotic arm. It is designed with a classic metal structure and occupies only an area of A5 paper. It is the first robotic arm equipped with a high-performance stepper motors of Elephant Robotics. It is stable and owns ±0.1mm repeated positioning accuracy. What’s more, ultraArm comes with 5 kits together including slide rail, conveyor belt, and cameras.

Multiple environments supported

As a preferred tool for the education field, ultraArm supports all major programming languages, including Python, Arduino, C++, etc. Also, it can be programmed in Mac, Windows, and Linux systems. For individual makers who are new to robotics, they can learn robotic programming with myBlockly, a visualization software that allows users to drag and drop code blocks.

Moreover, ultraArm supports ROS1 & ROS2. In the ROS environment, users can control ultraArm and verify algorithms in the virtual environment, improving experiment efficiency. With the support of ROS2, users can achieve more functions and objects in the developments.

Five robotic kits with for Robot Vision & DIY

In the past year, Elephant Robotics found that many users have to spend large amount of time creating accessories or kits to work with robotic arms. Therefore, to provide more solutions in different fields, ultraArm comes with five robotic kits, which are devided into two series: vision educational kits and DIY kits. These kits will help users, especially students program easily for a better learning experience on practical exercises about AI robot vision and DIY robotic projects.

Vision educational kits

Combined with vision functions, robotic arms can be used for more applications in industry, medicine, education, etc. In robotics education, collaborative robotic arms with vision capabilities allow students to better learn about artificial intelligence. Elephant Robotics has launched three kits for machine vision education: Vision & Picking Kit, Vision & Conveyor Belt Kit, and Vision & Slide Rail Kit to provide more choices and support to the education industry. With the camera and built-in related AI algorithms (Yolo, SIFT, ORB, etc.), ultraArm can achieve different artificial intelligence recognition applications with different identifying ways. Therefore, users can select the kit based on their needs.

For Vision & Picking Kit, users can learn about color & image recognition, intelligent grasping, robot control principle, etc. For Vision & Conveyor Belt Kit and Vision, the robotic arm can sense the distance of materials for identifying, grabbing, and classifying the objects on the belt. Users can easily create simulated industrial applications in this kit, such as color sorting. Users can have deeper learning in machine vision with the Vision & Slide Rail Kit because the robot can track and grab objects through the dynamic vision algorithm in this kit. With the multiple programming environments supported, the vision educational kits are preferred for school or STEM education production line simulation. Moreover, Elephant Robotics also offers different educational programs for students and teachers, to enable them to better understand the principles and algorithms of robot vision, helping them operate these robot kits more easily.

DIY kits

There are two kits in the DIY series: the Drawing Kit and Laser Engraving Kit. Users will enjoyonline production, nameplate and phone case DIY production, and AI drawing with the multiple accessories in the DIY kits.

To help users quickly achieve DIY production, Elephant Robotics created software called Elephant Luban. It is a platform that generates the G-Code track and provides primary cases for users. Users can select multiple functions such as precise writing and drawing, laser engravingwith, only with a few clicks. For example, users can upload the images they like to the software, Elephant Luban will automatically generate the path of images and transmit to ultraArm, then users can choose drawing or engraving with different accessories.

There is no doubt that ultraArm with different robotics kits certainly provides a great deal of help and support to the education field. These kits offer better operating environments and conditions for students, and help them get better learning in robotic programming. Elephant Robotics will continue to launch more products and projects with the concept of helping more users to enjoy the robot world.

Now ordering ultraArm in Elephant Robotics Shop can enjoy the 20% discount with the code: Ultra20

Cherry Tart: The Interactive & LEGO-compatible crafting Nature-Inspired robot kit for kids & adults to innovate

Inspired by Nature, Crafted by You

Are you ready to add a little spark of creativity and innovation to your life? Look no further than Cherry Tart – the first crafty sound-activated, bio-inspired building block kit for kids and adults. We believe that learning and fun should go hand in hand. And with Cherry Tart, that’s exactly what you’ll get.


The Cherry Tart crafty series are designed to spark creativity and imagination with a hands-on STEM robot kit for future innovators. A combination of colorful LEGO-compatible building blocks with customizable skins creates a joyful and creative challenge for kids & adults. This kit provides nature’s beauty, enjoyment of design and building, and art. Cherry Tart crafty kit is a LEGO®-compatible and coverable building block that offers an innovative sound activation method to make your nature-inspired projects interactive and livelier.

With this kit, you can create your own interactive, nature-inspired projects that come to life through sound activation. Whether you’re a seasoned robot builder or just starting out, Cherry Tart offers something for everyone.

Crafty robot kit benefits

The Cherry Tart crafty kit is not only LEGO®-compatible but also coverable with a wide range of foldable and customizable skins that allow for personal expression. You can cover your model with printed skins or paint and decorate your own skin. The result is an elegant conversation piece that’s a tasteful addition to any home, or maybe just to impress your friends and family.

What you can build?

With Cherry Tart, you can create your own robot designs and program them to move, react to their environment, and even play games. The robot kit is easy to assemble and can be customized with your own crafts and materials, making it a great way to learn about robotics and unleash your creativity. Kids & adults can build sound-activated creatures. It actively involves the kids and encourages them to take physical action. Build the main model using LEGO-compatible building blocks. Select your favorite skin or paint your customized skin, take it out from the printed skin sheet, and snap them on your model. Turn the Cherry Core ON and select your desired mode. Surprised! The model comes to life. Change your model skin and try another one.

What’s Included?

Cherry Tart teaches kids and adults about robotics in a fun and engaging way. The kit includes everything you need to build your own robot and bring it to life, including a Cherry Core sound-activated microcontroller with a built-in rechargeable battery, a motor, LEGO®-compatible building blocks, and different printed and customizable skins.

Coming soon on Kickstarter

After running two successful Kickstarter campaigns, Cherry Tart is back with a new, amazing, affordable product. Back the Kickstarter campaign and be one of the first to get your hands on the Cherry Tart crafty series. This is a great opportunity to support an innovative, educational, and fun product that will spark your creativity and imagination. Let’s build something amazing together!

4M KidzRobotix Motorised Robot Head

4M KidzRobotix Motorised Robot Head. Timelapse and Realtime Build. Find the latest News on robots, drones, AI, robotic toys and gadgets at robots-blog.com. If you want to see your product featured on our Blog, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or our other sites, contact us. #robots #robot #omgrobots #roboter #robotic #automation #mycollection #collector #robotsblog #collection #botsofinstagram #bot #robotics #robotik #gadget #gadgets #toy #toys #drone #robotsofinstagram #instabots #photooftheday #picoftheday #followforfollow #instadaily #werbung #kidzrobotix #4m #robothead