AGILOX introduces new ODM robot

AGILOX expands its product portfolio with an intelligent dolly mover

With the new AGILOX ODM, the AMR manufacturer is targeting a completely new area of application: the transport of small load carriers.

After AGILOX ONE and AGILOX OCF, now comes AGILOX ODM. The company, which specializes in logistics robots, is adding an autonomous dolly mover to its range of intelligent transport systems controlled by swarm intelligence. AGILOX is thus targeting a completely new area of application: the transport of small load carriers.

AGILOX is expanding its range of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) with the new Omnidirectional Dolly Mover AGILOX ODM. While the AGILOX ONE is equipped with a scissor lift and the AGILOX OCF has a free lift for load handling, the AGILOX ODM is built on the principle of a dolly mover. This means it can accept loads with a maximum weight of 300 kg to a maximum lifting height of 250 mm and transport them to their destination. The intelligent AMR concept with AGILOX X-SWARM technology thus opens up new areas of application and other industry segments because small load carriers (such as totes), which the new AGILOX ODM is designed to transport, are widely used, especially in the electronics and pharmaceutical industries.

Details of the new AGILOX ODM
With the AGILOX ODM, AGILOX has brought new thinking to the concept of Automated Guided Vehicles: The compact vehicle travels autonomously and navigates freely on the production floor or in the warehouse, perfectly ensuring the in-house material flow. Just like AGILOX ONE and AGILOX OCF, AGILOX ODM uses an omnidirectional drive concept. This allows it to travel transversely into rack aisles as well as turn on the spot, enabling it to maneuver even in the tightest of spaces. The lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) accumulator ensures short charge times and long operating cycles.

“AGILOX is a brand that has built a strong foundation with the AGILOX ONE and the AGILOX OCF. With the new AGILOX ODM, we remain true to our brand DNA while simultaneously targeting the transport of small load carriers to support our growth plan to become the world’s leading AMR provider,” says Georg Kirchmayr, CEO of AGILOX Services GmbH.

The AGILOX advantage
With the new AGILOX ODM, customers can benefit from all the advantages of same proven X-SWARM technology as in AGILOX ONE and AGILOX OCF: the unique advantages of an (intra-)logistics solution designed from the ground up.

Since AGILOX AMRs have no need for a central control system and can orient to the existing contours with millimeter precision, this eliminates time-consuming and costly modifications to the existing infrastructure. Autonomous route-finding also enables the vehicles to avoid obstacles unaided. If it is not possible to get past the detected obstacle due its size or the available clearance, the AMRs calculate a new route within seconds to reach their destination as quickly as possible. For customers, this means maximum freedom in their existing processes, because they do not have to adapt to the Autonomous Mobile Robot system. Instead, the system adapts to the customer’s processes. Furthermore, fully autonomous routing ensures a safe workflow – even in mixed operations.

Plug & Perform commissioning of the intelligent intralogistics solutions and the absence of a master computer or navigation aids also saves AGILOX customers from doing tedious alteration work in advance. Once the logistics robots have been put into operation, they organize themselves according to the (decentralized) principle of swarm intelligence, i.e. they exchange information several times a second to enable the entire fleet to calculate the most efficient route and prevent potential deadlocks before these can occur. The customer thus benefits from a system that constantly runs smoothly, with no downtime. Time-consuming coordination of vehicles by the customer is also a thing of the past thanks to AGILOX X-SWARM technology. For the customer, this means flexibility, because it lets them expand the vehicles‘ area of operation within just a few minutes. It also means that it is very easy to relocate an AGILOX AMR to be used temporarily in other areas of the company areas or its subsidiaries. Since AGILOX vehicles can also communicate with other machines or the building infrastructure by means of IO boxes, even rolling doors or multiple floors are no problem for the AMRs. So, this too means that customers enjoy maximum flexibility in the organization of their production processes.

Another major advantage comes from mixed operation of the AGILOX fleet in a “swarm”. The smaller AGILOX ONE and ODM series vehicles can then, for example, feed the assembly workstations or e-Kanban racks, while the AGILOX OCF vehicles transport the pallets. This can easily be done because AGILOX AMRs all use the same control and WiFi infrastructure.

RBTX Marktplatz gewinnt führenden Cobot-Hersteller Universal Robots als neuen Partner

RBTX powered by igus treibt die Low Cost Automation weiter voran und erweitert sein Marktplatz-Angebot um UR Cobots

Köln, 4. Oktober 2022 – In der Industrie sind Roboter längst unverzichtbar. Doch insbesondere kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen stehen oftmals vor der Frage: Wie lässt sich eine Aufgabe mit wenig Aufwand kostengünstig automatisieren? Seit 2019 bietet der RBTX Marktplatz powered by igus, der Robotik-Anbieter und Anwender zusammenbringt, einfache und preiswerte Lösungen ab 2981 Euro – zum Beispiel einen Pipettierroboter mit allem Zubehör. Jetzt kooperiert RBTX auch mit Universal Robots, einem der Weltmarktführer für industrielle, kollaborierende Leichtbauroboter.

Flexible Automatisierungslösungen und eine schnelle Integration sowie intuitive Nutzung – dieses gemeinsame Ziel verfolgen der Marktplatz RBTX und der führende Cobot-Hersteller Universal Robots mit ihrem Robotik-Angebot. Um Synergien effektiv zu nutzen, verkündeten die beiden Unternehmen auf der Motek 2022 in Stuttgart nun den Start ihrer Partnerschaft in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz im Rahmen des RBTX-Angebots des Kunststoff-Spezialisten igus. Über kooperiert der Marktplatz inzwischen mit 70 Unternehmen, die ihre Roboter, Greifsysteme, Kameratechnik, Förderbänder, Software und Services auf der Online-Plattform anbieten. Der Vorteil: RBTX gibt eine Kompatibilitätsgarantie für das gesamte Software- und Hardware-Angebot, sodass Anwender stets sicher gehen können, dass alle Komponenten miteinander funktionieren. „Mit Universal Robots haben wir nun einen weiteren namhaften Partner dazugewonnen, durch den wir das Produktangebot auf – abgesehen vom igus eigenen Roboter ReBeL – erstmals um Cobots erweitern können”, sagt Alexander Mühlens, Leiter Geschäftsbereich Automatisierungstechnik und Robotik bei igus. „Universal Robots ist nicht nur ein Pionier für Cobots, sondern auch wegweisend, wenn es um die intuitive Programmierung von Robotern geht. Das passt genau in das Konzept unseres Marktplatzes für Low Cost Automation-Lösungen, die sich auch ohne jegliche Vorkenntnisse schnell und unkompliziert umsetzen lassen. Daher freuen wir uns sehr, dass wir Universal Robots als Partner gewinnen konnten.“ Auf dem Marktplatz gibt es bereits zahlreiches Zubehör, wie die 7. Roboterachse von igus, welches sich mit den UR Cobots kombinieren lässt.

Gemeinsam Hürden senken
„Universal Robots bietet einfach zu integrierende Automatisierungslösungen, die es Kunden ermöglichen, ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu stärken und einen schnellen Return on Invest zu erzielen – das passt sehr gut zum Ansatz von RBTX”, sagt Andrea Alboni, General Manager Western Europe bei Universal Robots. Alexander Mühlens ergänzt: „Als offener Marktplatz sind wir immer an neuen Partnern interessiert, denn so können wir über unsere Plattform am Ende noch mehr individuelle Lösungen anbieten. Schließlich verfolgen wir ein gemeinsames Ziel: Automatisierung so zugänglich wie möglich zu machen.” Ganz nach dem „Build or Buy“-Prinzip finden Interessierte auf RBTX ein fertiges Robotik-System zum Festpreis oder können individuell Komponenten für die eigene Lösung zusammenstellen. Auf dem Marktplatz haben Interessierte auch jederzeit Zugang zum RBTXpert – einen Remote-Integrator-Service für Automatisierungslösungen mit Festpreis. Der RBTXperte prüft gemeinsam mit dem Kunden im Videochat (erste Stunde kostenfrei) die Machbarkeit der geplanten Anwendung und zeigt die Vorteile unterschiedlicher Kinematiken. Nach dem Beratungsgesprächs erhält der Kunde ein Angebot mit Festpreis – immer mit dem Fokus darauf, die kostengünstigste, funktionierende Lösung zu finden. Zudem hilft der RBTXpert bei der Inbetriebnahme. So findet auf jeder die passende Automatisierungslösung für seine Anwendung und sein Budget – auch ohne Automatisierungserfahrung oder Programmierkenntnisse. Dank des stetig wachsenden Partnernetzwerks bietet RBTX Kunden ein immer größeres Low Cost Automation-Universum – mit dem gemeinsamen Ziel, die Hürden in der Automatisierung weiter zu senken.

NSK service robot technology supports frontline healthcare

NSK is working to assist society by developing new service robot technology, including robotic devices for moving patients in medical settings. In October 2021, the company joined a Japanese government initiative to implement robotic technology in hospitals and help prevent the spread of Covid-19. NSK is now working to develop its robotic technologies further through dialogue with frontline medical staff.

New robots are currently in development around the world to assist humans and help solve societal issues. As part of this effort, NSK wants to create robots for use in settings where many people are moving around, including medical facilities and hospitals. The company’s smooth movement and low noise technologies are ideal for robotic applications in this field.

Among the candidates for development at the initial planning stage was an autonomous mobile robot. However, after observing the inner workings of a hospital, with its narrow corridors and high footfall rates, NSK concluded that a motorised assistance robot which could help staff during patient transfer would be a more useful contribution to workplace efficiency.

The company knew that its proposed robot could reduce the physical burden on medical staff and help facilitate work-style reform in the healthcare sector. Based on this approach, the company built a robotic prototype that helps staff to move heavy objects such as stretchers and trolleys in hospitals. As part of the Japanese government initiative, NSK is currently demonstrating the use of its motorised assistance robot at a major hospital. The end goal is eventual adoption by the healthcare sector for daily use.

NSK is focusing on essential user issues when developing the assist robot, deploying idea verification in short cycles. For example, rather than spending three years to develop the robot in its entirety, NSK is seeking feedback from customers every three months, implementing improvements incrementally during the development process.

The robot developed by NSK uses a motor drive that facilitates smooth starting and acceleration, as well as deceleration and tight turns. NSK ultimately wants to create a usable robot that fits user requirements, leveraging its know-how to aid people working in frontline healthcare. Innovative projects of this type support the company’s ethos of better meeting the needs of society, while simultaneously creating opportunities for new business growth.

Quickly available in six different housing variants | IDS adds numerous new USB3 cameras to its product range

Anyone who needs quickly available industrial cameras for image processing projects is not faced with an easy task due to the worldwide chip shortage. IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH has therefore been pushing the development of alternative USB3 hardware generations with available, advanced semiconductor technology in recent months and has consistently acquired components for this purpose. Series production of new industrial cameras with USB3 interface and Vision Standard compatibility has recently started. In the CP and LE camera series of the uEye+ product line, customers can choose the right model for their applications from a total of six housing variants and numerous CMOS sensors.

The models of the uEye CP family are particularly suitable for space-critical applications thanks to their distinctive, compact magnesium housing with dimensions of only 29 x 29 x 29 millimetres and a weight of around 50 grams. Customers can choose from global and rolling shutter sensors from 0.5 to 20 MP in this product line. Those who prefer a board-level camera instead should take a look at the versatile uEye LE series. These cameras are available with coated plastic housings and C-/CS-mount lens flanges as well as board versions with or without C-/CS-mount or S-mount lens connections. They are therefore particularly suitable for projects in small device construction and integration in embedded vision systems. IDS initially offers the global shutter Sony sensors IMX273 (1.6 MP) and IMX265 (3.2 MP) as well as the rolling shutter sensors IMX290 (2.1 MP) and IMX178 (6.4 MP). Other sensors will follow.

The USB3 cameras are perfectly suited for use with IDS peak thanks to the vision standard transport protocol USB3 Vision®. The Software Development Kit includes programming interfaces in C, C++, C# with .NET and Python as well as tools that simplify the programming and operation of IDS cameras while optimising factors such as compatibility, reproducible behaviour and stable data transmission. Special convenience features reduce application code and provide an intuitive programming experience, enabling quick and easy commissioning of the cameras.

Learn more:

Kivnon brings perfect Pallet Stacking to Logistics & Automation 2022

Kivnon will be presenting its most advanced and safest AGV/AMR Forklift at the event

21 September 2022, Barcelona: Kivnon, an international group specializing in automation and mobile robotics, is attending Logistics & Automation in Spain and will be showcasing it’s safe and versatile K55 AGV/AMR Forklift Pallet Stacker. Putting the emphasis on forklift safety, Kivnon K55 is equipped with advanced safety features to guarantee safe operations as it collaborates, moves, and reacts in a facility.

The Kivnon K55 is designed to move and stack palletized loads at low heights and performs cyclic or conditioned routes while interacting with other AGVs/AMRs, machines, systems, and people, making it a highly effective and safe solution. The model incorporates safety scanners that allow the vehicle to ensure 360-degree safety and operate seamlessly in shared spaces. The fork sensors help assess the possibility of correct loading or unloading of the pallet, keeping the transported goods safe.

Thierry Delmas, Managing Director at Kivnon, says, “AGVs/AMRs are revolutionizing internal logistics. The rising forklift safety challenge is of deep concern, and with the K55 we have taken a step forward to address the global issue. The Kivnon range is designed to ensure safe and reliable operations and to optimize operational efficiency.“

During the event, which runs from 26 – 27 October at IFEMA, Madrid, Kivnon will demonstrate the capabilities of the K55 Pallet Stacker. The vehicle can autonomously transport palletized loads of up 1,000 kg and lift them to heights of up to 1 meter. The vehicle is capable of performing cyclical or conditional circuits and interacting with other AGVs/AMRs, machines, and systems. Highly adaptable, the K55 is perfect for any open-bottom or euro-pallet storage application, receipt and dispatch of goods, and internal material transport. Its use will optimize safety, storage space, and process efficiency.

A robust industrial product, the K55 provides the reliability required to ensure continuity of production process and flexibility to adapt to specific application needs, with an online battery charging system that can function 24/7 with opportunity charges.

Delmas continues, “The Logistics and Automation show is an important networking event where customers can learn about the latest technologies and innovations. We pride ourselves on innovation and are excited to have this opportunity to showcase the capabilities of our products. In addition to the K55, our robust portfolio also includes twister units, car and heavy load tractors, low-height vehicles, and cart pullers, meeting multiple application needs”

The efficiency and precision of Kivnon AGVs/AMRs will be on display and Kivnon robotics experts will be available throughout the show to answer questions and arrange consultations at booth #3F43.

To register for the show, please visit

About Kivnon:

Kivnon offers a wide range of autonomous vehicles (AGVs/AMRs) and accessories for transporting goods, using magnetic navigation or mapping technologies that adapt to any environment and industry. The company offers an integrated solution with a wide range of mobile robotics solutions automating different applications within the automotive, food and beverage, logistics and warehousing, manufacturing, and aeronautics industries. 

Kivnon products are characterized by their robustness, safety, precision, and high quality. A user-friendly design philosophy creates a pleasant, simple to install, and intuitive work experience.

Learn more about Kivnon mobile robots (AGVs/AMRs) here

Austin-based Apptronik Inks Partnership with NASA for Humanoid Robots


Apptronik, an Austin-based company specializing in the development of versatile, mobile robotic systems, is announcing a partnership with NASA to accelerate commercialization of its new humanoid robot. The robot, called Apollo, will be one of the first humanoids available to the commercial markets.

At Apptronik’s headquarters in Austin, Texas, the first prototype of Apollo is now complete, with the expectation of broader commercial availability in 2023. Unlike special-purpose robots that are only capable of a single, repetitive task, Apollo is designed as a general-purpose robot capable of doing a wide range of tasks in dynamic environments. Apollo will benefit workers in industries ranging from logistics, retail, hospitality, aerospace and beyond.

NASA is known across the globe for its contributions to the advancement of robotics technology. NASA first partnered with Apptronik in 2013 during the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC), where founders were selected to work on NASA’s Valkyrie Robot. The government agency has now selected Apptronik as a commercial partner to launch a new generation of general-purpose robots, starting with Apollo.

“Continued investment from NASA validates the work we are doing at Apptronik and the inflection point we have reached in robotics. The robots we’ve all dreamed about are now here and ready to get out into the world,” said Jeff Cardenas, CEO and co-founder of Apptronik. “These robots will first become tools for us here on Earth, and will ultimately help us move beyond and explore the stars.”

In addition to its work with NASA, Apptronik’s team has partnered with leading automotive OEMs, major transportation and logistics companies, and government agencies. Boasting notable names including Dr. Nicholas Paine, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Apptronik and Dr. Luis Sentis, Co-Founder and Scientific Advisor, its team is respected as among the best in the world. A growing hub for robotics, the Austin-based company continues to recruit top talent looking to bring their innovations to market now.

Apptronik is recognized for its emphasis on human-centered design, building beautifully designed and user-friendly robotic systems. As part of this commitment, it selected premier design firm argodesign as its partner in designing Apollo with the goal of creating robots capable of working alongside humans in our most critical industries. The team’s focus now is to scale Apollo so that it can be customer-ready in 2023.

About Apptronik:
Apptronik is a robotics company that has built a platform to deliver a variety of general-purpose robots. The company was founded in 2016 out of the Human Centered Robotics Lab at the University of Texas at Austin, with a mission to leverage innovative technology for the betterment of society. Its goal is to introduce the next generation of robots that will change the way people live and work, while tackling some of our world’s largest challenges. To learn more about careers at Apptronik, visit

RoboHeart is Spanning New Realms of Technology

If you are an experienced Maker, or even just a passing Tinkerer, the RoboHeartTM Hercules development board may be just what you are looking for.

RoboHeart is an exceptional development board that proudly boasts: “One board to rule them all!” This exceptional circuit board is just what is sounds like: the heart of your robotics Maker project.

At Augmented Robotics, we have gone the extra mile by combining the magic of Augmented Reality with embedded mobile systems, so you can play and manipulate brave new worlds using only your smartphone. This allows you to control any RC device or creative Maker project with connectivity in WiFi, BLE and even 5G when paired with out RoboHeart Vela board. On Tuesday, August 23, 2022, RoboHeart was launched on Kickstarter, and it reached its funding goal in less than three hours! In only two short days, RoboHeart was selected as the coveted “Project We Love” by Kickstarter – an award given to projects that really stand out with creative innovation.

By replacing the circuit board inside your RC car with RoboHeart, you can drive the car with only your smartphone – so we have decided to add an original AR game on top of that. Drive around and collect candies to get the most points… but careful not to run out of fuel! As we reach more stretch goals, the game will get increasingly complex. We have already reached our first stretch goal – Gamepad compatibility – but there are many more to come.

The Maker community is the most creative community out there, so RC cars are definitely not the only thing your RoboHeart board can be used for. Put the board into any electronics project and watch it come to life!

Get RoboHeart and dive right into building projects with an open-source RoboHeart Arduino library on GitHub! Our repository has several cool examples at varied complexities, from reading the IMU sensor data to controlling things with your smartphone. For example, we have built our own Balancing Bot using only one board:

The RoboHeart Hercules has all the features one needs to start building:

  • ESP32-WROOM32 with dual-core and WiFi+Bluetooth capabilities
  • Arduino compatibility for easy programming
  • An integrated Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) for motion data
  • Three DC motor outputs
  • USB-C connector with auto-download feature: flashing is a piece of cake!
  • LiPo battery input with auto-charging feature: where do you need Power most, at USB or LiPo? RoboHeart will automatically distribute power where it is most needed
  • Convenient peripherals for Makers: GROVE, JST and JTAG

… and with the addition of the RoboHeart Vela extension board, Makers can unlock the power of 5G, and no longer be dependent on the BLE range of 50m.

So the only question that remains is: What will YOU do with RoboHeart?

Robotersteuerung schnell und einfach in der Cloud programmiert –

Synapticon macht MOTORCORTEX als Online-Version verfügbar

Böblingen, den 04.08.2022 – Auch in der Welt des Maschinenbaus und der Robotik hat sich Software in den vergangenen Jahren zum entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktor entwickelt. Sowohl die Art und Weise wie Robotersteuerungen entwickelt werden als auch ihre Leistungsfähigkeit in der Praxis sind für die Hersteller von Industrierobotern von großer Bedeutung. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat Synapticon mit nun eine bahnbrechende Lösung im SaaS (Software as a Service) Modell vorgestellt. Sie ermöglicht es sehr leistungsfähige, 100% individuelle Robotersteuerungen komfortabel in der Cloud zu entwickeln, auf Steuerungen im Feld bereitzustellen und über einen digitalen Zwilling zu testen. In der Serienproduktion des Roboters bzw. Automatisierungsprodukts kann die individuelle Steuerungs-Software dann in Masse bereitgestellt und auch offline betrieben werden. Dafür können neben Industrie-PCs auch Embedded-Module bis hin zu einem Raspberry Pi eingesetzt werden.

„Die Automatisierung hat in den vergangenen Jahren nochmals deutlich an Fahrt aufgenommen. Tragende Elemente sind dabei unter anderem fahrerlose Transportsysteme (AGV/AMR) sowie Cobots und Leichtbauroboter. Diese Systeme stellen nicht nur neue Herausforderungen an die Hardware, sondern auch an die Software, speziell wenn es um Themen wie Navigation, Sicherheit und das Erlernen von Abläufen geht“, erklärt Nikolai Ensslen, CEO und Gründer von Synapticon. „Die große Herausforderung ist nun für viele Hersteller: Sie müssen ihren Kunden Lösungen anbieten, die preislich attraktiv und immer auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik sind. Die Unternehmen sollen also in der Lage sein, individuelle Steuerungssoftware für ihre Systeme schnell und kosteneffizient zu entwickeln. Hierfür haben wir mit MOTORCORTEX nun eine Lösung im Angebot, die am Markt einmalig ist und welche die Entwicklungszeit von Robotersteuerungen drastisch verkürzt.“

Echtzeit-Steuerungsanwendungen in der Cloud erstellen und auf Offline-Steuerungen deployen sowie aus der Ferne warten

MOTORCORTEX umfasst ein ganzes Paket an Apps bzw. Templates und Tools zum Entwerfen, Steuern, Analysieren und Bereitstellen von industriellen Automatisierungsanwendungen. Dazu gehört beispielsweise auch ein Widget für die einfache grafische Programmierung (“no code”) von Robotern, was im Bereich der Cobots zum Standard wird. Die Plattform für individuelle Roboter- und Maschinensteuerungen ist mit modernster Softwaretechnologie implementiert, erfüllt alle Anforderungen der Automation der Zukunft und ist zugleich hoch leistungsfähig und skalierbar.

Das integrierte Linux-basierte und ressourcenoptimierte Betriebssystem bietet Echtzeitsteuerung von industrieller Hardware über EtherCAT, wie z.B. auf Synapticon SOMANET basierende Antriebsachsen und eine sehr leistungsstarke Kommunikationsschicht für Anwendungen auf höherer Ebene, wie z. B. eine Benutzeroberfläche oder Datenanalysetools. MOTORCORTEX ermöglicht Hochgeschwindigkeits-Streaming-Kommunikation direkt zum Webbrowser ohne Zwischenserver, was in der Industrie eine Wende darstellt. Es ist jetzt möglich, reaktionsschnelle Webanwendungen für eine extrem reibungslose Interaktion mit Maschinen zu erstellen. Die Lösung bietet offene APIs für alle wichtigen Programmiersprachen wie Javascript, Python und C++. Diese offene Architektur bietet viel mehr Freiheiten als aktuelle industrielle Steuerungssysteme und ermöglicht echte Industrie 4.0-Anwendungen mit nur wenigen Codezeilen. Die Kommunikation mit umgebenden bzw. höher liegenden Steuerungseinheiten wird über OPC UA unterstützt.

„Die Nutzung von MOTORCORTEX ist so einfach wie das Einrichten einer einfachen Webseite. Mit etwas Konfigurationsarbeit und ein paar Zeilen Code können sich Entwickler von jedem Webbrowser aus direkt und sicher mit ihrer Maschine verbinden und schnell Daten austauschen. Kein anderes industrielles Steuerungssystem ist so einfach und flexibel für anspruchsvolle und moderne Steuerungsaufgaben einzurichten“, erklärt Nikolai Ensslen. „Anwendungen, die auf MOTORCORTEX basieren, teilen alle ihre Daten automatisch in der darunterliegenden Echtzeitdatenbank, so dass externe Anwendungen oder Dienste einfach und sicher auf die Daten zugreifen können.“

Entwicklung beschleunigt, Kosten gesenkt

Erste Projekte mit Kunden zeigen, dass es Entwicklern mit MOTORCORTEX in der Cloud gelingt, den Entwicklungsprozess von Software um bis zu 90% zu reduzieren. Zugleich sinken tatsächlich die Kosten für die Softwareentwicklung deutlich, da MOTORCORTEX auf ein einfaches Lizenzmodell ohne zusätzliche Kosten für Wartung und Weiterentwicklung setzt. Da MOTORCORTEX zudem vollkommen Hardware-unabhängig ist, bleibt es den Entwicklern freigestellt, welche Hardware-Komponenten sie für die Entwicklung ihrer Steuerungssoftware nutzen. Ideale Resultate und höchste Effizienz verspricht dabei die Kombination der MOTORCORTEX-Software mit den SOMANET-Servoantrieben aus dem Motion Control-Portfolio von Synapticon.

MOTORCORTEX hat nicht den Anspruch, der eigenen Softwareentwicklung von Roboterherstellern oder innovativen Steuerungslösungen von Drittanbietern, etwa zum einfachen Teachen von Robotern oder für die Integration von Bildverarbeitung und KI, zuvor zu kommen bzw. diese zu ersetzen. Die Plattform soll vielmehr als solide Grundlage für diese dienen und die Entwickler in der Basis entlasten.

„MOTORCORTEX versteht sich, ebenso wie die SOMANET-Elektroniken, als im Endprodukt versteckte Infrastruktur. Sie soll ein leistungsfähiges, zuverlässiges Fundament für die modernsten und innovativsten Robotersteuerungen zur Verfügung stellen. Wir sehen uns als Technologie- und Infrastrukturpartner der besten Innovatoren in Robotik und Automation,” fasst Nikolai Ensslen zusammen. „Ich bin mir sicher, dass wie in vielen anderen Industriebereichen zukünftig Software auch in der Robotik zu einem wesentlichen und kritischen Unterscheidungsmerkmal wird. Mit MOTORCORTEX geben wir Unternehmen hierfür die beste Plattform in die Hand, so dass diese sich auf die relevanten Innovationen für Ihre Kunden und die Differenzierung von ihrem Wettbewerb konzentrieren können.“

Mehr Informationen unter

NUWA Introduces RobotCreator DX, A Fully Customizable AI Robot From Inside Out

RobotCreator DX offers intuitive software interfaces to make customization and interaction with the robot unintimidating for beginners and advanced users alike.

Taipei, Taiwan, 07 July, 2022 – NUWA announced on Kickstarter, the all-new RobotCreator DX, a highly customizable AI robot companion designed for users of all levels of skills. 

Featuring numerous web-based editing software and a wide array of sensors, RobotCreator DX can be programmed to perform complicated tasks including voice recognition, video calls, interactive games, and many more.

Thanks to the advanced RoFlow Workflow interface, users can effortlessly program the robot to perform various tasks without prior coding knowledge. On the other hand, Trainkit allows users to train DX to chat and respond with physical motions, images or videos.

Notable features include: 

  • Roflow: A powerful cloud-based visual programming software that allows users to easily customize the robot’s behavior. Users can tap into the vast resources and functions of the robot without prior programming skills.
  • CodeLab: An easy-to-use coding center for RobotCreator DX. CodeLab can be accessed from computers, mobile devices, or the DX itself. Natively supports MQTT, CodeLab allows for cross-device control and connection.
  • Content Editor: A timeline-based motion editing software designed to program the robot to perform sophisticated movements with its built-in expression and movement library. 
  • Trainkit: A chatbot dialogue design tool with fuzzy language matching. Trainkit allows users to add body movement, as well as images or videos to the response.
  • Quiz Editor: Quiz Editor allows users to design and create interactive games where the fun never ends. Interaction can be made using the integrated touch and audio sensors.
  • Skin Editor: A web-based editing software that allows users to create dynamic facial expressions for RobotCreator DX. Users can utilize the built-in templates or create their own with Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.
  • MakerBase: As one of the pillars of the NUWA platform, users can connect with DX fans across the world and share resources like the code, design, and more.

RobotCreator DX Pricing and Availability

Early Bird pledges for RobotCreator DX are now available for a limited amount on Kickstarter for $599, which is more than 40% off the future retail price. 

For the complete list of all available backing options and more product details, jump over to the official RobotCreator DX crowdfunding campaign page by clicking the link below.

About NUWA

Founded in Taipei, Taiwan in 2016, NUWA Robotics has extensive experience in AI, software/hardware development, interactive content, and mass production. We have experts across different fields to design and create a robot that can establish a deeper connection with humans. NUWA envisions a world where everyone has a robot companion that provides beyond just responses to commands, but one that can support emotional needs.

Kickstarter Campaign Announced for RoboDriveWheel: The fully integrated wheel for mobile robots

NAPLES, ITALY — S4E Robotics is pleased to announce the launch of a Kickstarter campaign that will allow the public to meet RoboDriveWheel: the fully integrated wheel for mobile robots. RoboDriveWheel is a new fully integrated motorized wheel designed specifically for the development of a new generation of safe and versatile service mobile robots. 

„We believe RoboDriveWheel can help all robotics designers but also enthusiast and hobbyist to create powerful and smart mobile robots with little effort and reducing cost and time“ says Andrea Fontanelli inventor of RoboDriveWheel. „This Kickstarter campaign, to rise 43359€, will help us optimize the production process, manufacture our units and finalize our packaging components“. 

RoboDroveWheel integrates Inside a Continental rubber with strong adhesion a powerful brushless motor, a high-efficiency planetary gearbox and a control board implementing state-of-the-art algorithms for torque and velocity control. Robodrivewheel can also detect impacts and collisions thanks to the combined use of torque, acceleration and inclination measurement obtained from the sensors integrated into the control board. 

„RoboDriveWheel is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to build a mobile robot with little effort but which integrates the most modern technologies.“ says Roberto Iorio CFO of S4E Robotics. RoboDriveWheel is being produced by S4E Robotics, a company that specialised in industrial automation and robotics. They have designed and produced mobile robots such as ENDRIU: The compact and modular mobile robot for sanitization. The process of designing mobile service robots is highly time-consuming. A service robotic drive wheel must be compact, have good traction friction, must be powerful but fast enough to move the robot at a speed comparable to human speed. 

Moreover, a robotic wheel must include all the functionalities, sensors, and electronics. Finally, a service robot must work close to humans so the robot should be capable to identify efficiently the interaction with the environment. Usually, all these capabilities require different components: the wheel, the shaft, one or more bearings with the housing, a traction system (pulley and belt), a motor with a reducer and encoder an IMU and the electronics with several cables for all the sensors. 

RoboDriveWheel integrates all these functions inside the wheel and it is easy to connect and control through the single cable for power supply and can-bus communication, a protocol used for years in the automotive sector. 
To learn more about Kickstarter and supporting RoboDriveWheel’s 43359€ campaign, please visit

See RoboDriveWheel in action in our promoting video on youtube: