New multifunctional robotic arm, DexArm, from Rotrics takes creativity to a whole new level

Munich/Shenzen – Rotrics announces the market launch of its new multifunctional robotic arm, DexArm. The robotic arm has a modular design and
has tremendous versatility. The DexArm has a variety of attachments, making it as easy as possible for manufacturers to paint and label objects, to 3D print and, as an optional feature, laser engrave products. The attachments can be quickly and easily exchanged with just one move.

The DexArm features a high repeatability of 0.05 mm, a high speed of up to 300 mm/s and a payload capacity of up to 500G. The robot arm can be expanded via modules, including a pen holder, a suction cup, a soft gripper, a 3D printer and optionally also, a laser engraver. To ensure user safety, a protective cover for the DexArm is also available for laser engraving. With the help of the user-friendly software, projects of all kinds – from labeling and engraving to 3D printing – can be easily realized.
„Its precision, blend of innovation, as well as its technology make our new DexArm a unique and versatile robotic arm for any industry. It makes it easier than ever to bring ideas to life as never before. The DexArm helps manufacturers draw, write, laser engrave and 3D print, in the easiest possible way. Its greatest strength is its versatility. Thanks to its modular design, it offers the exact functions needed for every industry,“ explains Wang Yong Xu, CEO of Rotrics.

Pricing and availability
From today until December 25, 2020, the Rotrics DexArm Luxury Kit is available at

About Rotrics
Rotrics (a brand of Shenzhen Saiwenbote Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.) is a tech startup based in Shenzhen, China. The team consists of dedicated engineers and designers who have extensive experience in robotics, open-source hardware, industrial design, and 3D printing. The founders of Rotrics wanted to understand how students play and learn with robots to be able to assist in learning and making the next generation ready for the digital future. Learning has always been part of our corporate philosophy. That is why we develop inspiring, engaging, and effective solutions for students and robotics enthusiasts which change the way we learn. Developing products, that help our customers and bring their ideas to life is our passion.

Cozmo and Vector Robots Finds Global Retail Distribution with Protempo

Digital Dream Labs Finalizes Plans for International Relaunch of Popular Consumer Robot Brands Cozmo and Vector

March 5, 2021 (Robotics Tomorrow) —Pittsburgh, PA: Cozmo and Vector are so much more than just toys — they’re AI-powered companion robots. Digital Dream Labs‘ (DDL) little guys with the expressive, responsive eyes represent some of the most advanced robotics capabilities in the world. And Vector is completely open-source, so anyone can program it to do anything they want (Cozmo can be programmed with the Code Lab app).

Now, Digital Dream Labs have finalized an agreement with Protempo, which will provide global distribution for the popular consumer robots when they relaunch later this year. Originally developed by the Silicon Valley robotics company Anki, they’ve already sold hundreds of thousands of units around the world.
„There is a tremendous demand for these robots,“ said Jacob Hanchar, Digital Dream Labs CEO. „This partnership will complement the work our teams are already doing to relaunch these products and will ensure that Cozmo and Vector are on shelves for the holidays.“
Protempo will leverage its vast reach as a worldwide distributor of electronics to get Cozmo and Vector on store shelves and e-commerce marketplaces everywhere.
„Relaunching Cozmo and Vector after a few years off is an exciting initiative,“ said Paige Carlson, Sr. Director of Sales at Protempo. „The partnership between Digital Dream Labs and Protempo will bring these hugely successful brands back to retailers in time for holiday 2021. We will satisfy pent-up demand as well as engage millions of new fans to the massive appeal of Cozmo and Vector robots.“

Digital Dream Labs is an edutainment company that develops engaging learning solutions for people of all ages. Through their innovative suite of interactive and hands-on video games and consumer robots, Digital Dream Labs is transforming the way science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) topics are taught in homes and classrooms around the world. More information about Digital Dream Labs and their portfolio of educational technology games and consumer robots can be found at

Protempo is an innovative full-service global distributor of consumer electronics. Trusted by some of the world’s most powerful brands since 2004, they provide expert analysis of retail dynamics for both brick-and-mortar and online sales channels and have an extensive background servicing the wider electronics market across the full gamut of market segments. More information on Protempo can be found at

Clementoni Galileo JumpingBot

Clementoni Galileo JumpingBot. Another robot frog? 😍 Find the latest News on robots, drones, AI, robotic toys and gadgets at If you want to see your product featured on our Blog, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or our other sites, contact us. #robots #robot #omgrobots #roboter #robotic #mycollection #collector #robotsblog #collection #botsofinstagram #bot #robotics #robotik #gadget #gadgets #toy #toys #drone #robotsofinstagram #instabots #photooftheday #picoftheday #followforfollow #instadaily #clementoni #galileo #jumpingbot #robotfrog #frog #MINT

Neuer multifunktionaler Roboter-Arm DexArm von Rotrics hebt Kreativität auf neue Stufe

München/Shenzen – Rotrics gibt die Markteinführung seines neuen multifunktionalen Roboter-Arms DexArm bekannt. Der Roboter-Arm ist modular aufgebaut und verfügt über eine enorme Vielseitigkeit. Der DexArm verfügt über verschiedene Aufsätze und macht es Herstellern dadurch so einfach wie möglich, Gegenstände zu bemalen und zu beschriften, 3DDrucke anzufertigen und als optionales Feature Produkte mit Laser-Gravuren zu versehen. Die Aufsätze lassen sich schnell und einfach mit nur einem Handgriff austauschen.

Der DexArm verfügt über eine hohe Wiederholgenauigkeit von 0,05 mm, eine hohe Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 300 mm/s sowie eine Nutzlastkapazität von bis zu 500 G. Der Roboter-Arm lässt sich über vielseitige Module erweitern, darunter ein Stifthalter, ein Saugnapf, ein Soft-Greifer, ein 3D-Drucker sowie optional ein Lasergravurgerät. Um die Sicherheit der Benutzer zu gewährleisten, ist für die LaserGravuren auch eine Schutzhülle für den DexArm erhältlich. Mithilfe der nutzerfreundlichen Software lassen sich Projekte aller Art – von der Beschriftung über Gravuren bis hin zum 3D-Druck, ganz einfach verwirklichen.

„Seine Präzision sowie die Mischung aus Innovation und Technologie machen unseren neuen DexArm zum einzigartigen und vielseitigen Roboter-Arm für jede Branche. Mit ihm lassen sich Ideen so einfach zum Leben erwecken wie nie zuvor. Der DexArm hilft Herstellern auf einfachste Weise beim Zeichnen, Schreiben, Lasergravieren und 3D-Drucken. Seine größte Stärke ist seine Vielseitigkeit. Durch den modularen Aufbau bietet er für jede Branche passgenau die benötigten Funktionen“, erklärt Wang Yong Xu, CEO von Rotrics.

Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Ab heute ist das Rotrics DexArm Luxury Kit zum Sonderpreis unter erhältlich.

Über Rotrics
Rotrics (eine Marke der Shenzhen Saiwenbote Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.) ist ein Technik-Start-up mit Sitz in Shenzen, China. Das Team besteht aus engagierten Ingenieuren und Designern, die über umfangreiche Erfahrung in den Bereichen Robotik, Open-Source-Hardware, Industriedesign und 3DDruck verfügen. Die Gründer von Rotrics wollten verstehen, wie Schüler mit Robotern spielen und lernen, um so die nächste Generation fit für die digitale Zukunft zu machen. Lernen ist seit jeher Teil unserer Unternehmensphilosophie. Deshalb entwickeln wir inspirierende, fesselnde und effektive Lösungen für Schüler und Robotik-Fans, die die Art des Lernens verändern. Produkte zu entwickeln, die unseren Kunden helfen und ihre Ideen zum Leben erwecken, ist unsere Leidenschaft.

CoderZ Announces CoderZ League World Champions

Students in grades four through 12 throughout the United States and the world joined in the cloud-based robotics tournament.

DERRY, N.H. (PRWEB) MARCH 02, 2021

CoderZ today announced the winners of the all-new CoderZ League: the Virtual Cyber Robotics Competition (formerly the Cyber Robotics Coding Competition or CRCC). Students in grades four through 12 throughout the United States and the world joined in the cloud-based robotics tournament. Three teams from each of the tournament’s two levels – Junior and Pro – became CoderZ League World Champions.

Beginning coders, schools new to the competition, and students in grades five through eight competed at the CoderZ League Junior level using Blockly. The three CoderZ League World Champion teams were the following:

  • The Legend Z team from Union High School (Pennsylvania)
  • The Avenues FLL MG team 1 from Avenues the World School (New York City)
  • The Method K20 all-girls team from Methodist Girls High School located (Ghana)

The CoderZ League Pro level was for students in grades seven through 12 who could use Blockly or Python. The three CoderZ League World Champion teams were the following:

  • The Virginia Beach ATC team from Virginia Beach City Public Schools (Virginia)
  • The Explosion team from School 1329 (Moscow)
  • The RoboGriffins team from the nonprofit Philadelphia Robotics Coalition (Pennsylvania)

During the tournament missions, students competed on the award-winning CoderZ Cyber Robotics Learning Environment, a cloud-based platform featuring a graphical simulation of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots. The students used the virtual 3D robots to complete the tournament challenges or “missions.”

“These six teams outperformed competitors from 18 countries, 29 U.S. states, two Canadian provinces and Puerto Rico,” said Ido Yerushalmi, CEO of CoderZ. “In all, over 150,000 students participated in the CoderZ League; amid the disruption and distress of 2020, all of them dedicated themselves to learning STEM, coding, tech literacy and soft skills like critical thinking and collaboration as they competed. We are so immensely proud of them all.”

Even before the pandemic hit, CoderZ’s successful engagement of students in cyber robotics learning had made its virtual coding tournaments an international phenomenon. In 2019, the vast majority (98%) of surveyed educators stated that the content delivered by CoderZ League’s predecessor, the CRCC, provided a foothold for computer science and STEM learning. And a whopping 100% reported that their students were engaged. “Our model works for both in-class and remote learning,” said Yerushalmi. “So, no matter where students are, CoderZ makes robotics far more accessible to them now and in the future.”

“Due to the pandemic, we were unable to meet in person and construct a physical robot, so students who wanted to continue growing their robotics skills were given the option of participating in CoderZ,” said physics teacher Sean Martin who served as the team coach for RoboGriffins. The RoboGriffins team formed through the Philadelphia Robotics Coalition, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting robotics programs in the city’s public high schools.

Most of the students on the team had previously focused on the mechanical side of robotics. “Students were eager to learn more about coding as it is a crucial component to our usual robotics activities,” Martin explained. “What appealed to us the most about CoderZ was that whatever code you wrote had an instantaneous effect on the robot. There was no waiting for things to compile, and there were no abstract exercises. You wrote a code, and immediately saw what the robot did as a result. The fact that the visual presentation is as appealing as it is certainly helped too.”

The RoboGriffins team took advantage of other CoderZ offerings before writing their world championship code. About 12 students on the team also completed the Amazon Cyber Robotics Challenge. In addition, most of those 12 completed at least three units in either the Cyber Robotics 102 curriculum or the Python Gym course.

“School closures due to COVID-19 were what led to us seeking a virtual platform like CoderZ in the first place,” said Martin. “You allowed us to continue our work of spreading knowledge of robotics in spite of the lockdowns and we are very grateful for it.”

Educators who would like their students to learn or refine their coding skills in a fun, competitive format can still sign them up for the CoderZ League Sprint Challenge, which will run until March 31, 2021.

About CoderZ
CoderZ is an innovative and engaging online learning environment. Developed for students in grades 2 and above, the gamified STEM solution allows student to work at their own pace, easily programming real and virtual robots from anywhere in the world. The platform enables students to acquire computational thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills, together with coding and STEM learning, all via a flexible and scalable virtual solution. For more information go to

Tin Toy Search and Rescue Robot MS486 with detachable Dog Head Pullback car

Tin Toy Search and Rescue Robot MS486 with detachable Dog Head Pullback car. Find the latest News on robots, drones, AI, robotic toys and gadgets at If you want to see your product featured on our Blog, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or our other sites, contact us. #robots #robot #omgrobots #roboter #robotic #mycollection #collector #robotsblog #collection #botsofinstagram #bot #robotics #robotik #gadget #gadgets #toy #toys #drone #robotsofinstagram #instabots #photooftheday #picoftheday #followforfollow #instadaily #tintoy #tinrobot #tin #pullback #windup

Leonardo Da Vinci Great Kite/Flugdrache

Leonardo Da Vinci Great Kite/Flugdrache Building Kit by EDU-Toys ( Timelapse Build

Meet Carver & Jemi, Inclusive Robots That Support Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive (DEI) Classrooms

Education Technology Leader RoboKind Grows Team, Introduces New Robot Models.

Meet Carver & Jemi, Inclusive Robots That Support Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive (DEI) Classrooms

Education Technology Leader RoboKind Grows Team, Introduces New Robot Models.

DALLAS, Feb. 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — RoboKind officially announced a new initiative to support diverse, equitable, and inclusive education. The announcement comes during Black History Month, after almost a full-year of development and research into what RoboKind can and should do to improve access and equity in exceptional student populations.

„During the last 10 years, we demonstrated the impact of our technology and its ability to empower students with Autism to break down social-emotional barriers,“ commented Mary Shaw, RoboKind’s new Sr. Director of Professional Development and Content. „For us, that now extends beyond developmental differences and prioritizes diversity and inclusivity in the classroom.“

Each of its robots are inspired by the values and commitments of the individuals for whom they are named. „Importantly, we are guided by each of these values,“ added Mary. „Sure, we sell innovative robots and curriculum; but we are actually in the business of improving outcomes. We don’t take our mission lightly and are clearer now than ever that DEI is an important piece of our company.“

Carver, after George Washington Carver, the scientist who arguably saved American agriculture, represents the motives of one’s actions, specifically improving your talents and abilities to become the impact you wish to make.

To Learn More About The Story Behind Carver, Jemi, and RoboKind’s Other Robots, Visit:

Jemi, for NASA Astronaut and Social Activist Dr. Mae Jemison, the first woman of color to visit space, symbolizes the ambition and drive to break down barriers that prevent us from reaching our greatest potential.

Mark Nixon, RoboKind’s CRO and newest team member, concluded, „Last year, it became clear that DEI will be at the forefront of any conversation about improving educational outcomes. Leaders in EdTech must commit resources to a mission of a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable classroom. And, that is exactly what we are doing.“

About RoboKind

RoboKind ( is an education technology company based in Dallas, Texas. The company develops evidence-based robots and curriculum for students with Autism. Recently endorsed by the Council of Administrators of Special Education, RoboKind is committed to working with PK-12 institutions in delivering and developing solutions that help educators break down barriers of growth and improve outcomes for students with developmental differences.

The PROTO-HAROLD 1.1 motorized camera cellphone slider robot

The PROTO-HAROLD 1.1 is a simple, light weight robot, designed to easily bring a CINEMATIC element to any video project. Designed, Machined and Hand Assembled in Cleveland,  Ohio, USA.

Your smartphone can go from pocket to stunning motion shot in under 10 seconds as the PROTO-HAROLD 1.1 has ZERO assembly or setup, programming or technical know-how required for use. Simply insert your smartphone, press „ON“, followed by „GO“ and you have a MOVING VIDEO.

Perfect for live streams, nature documentaries, music videos, interviews, YouTubers, TikTokers, movie projects for screens large and small, commercials, presentations, video demonstrations, school projects, home movies, advertisements, video production, unboxing videos, reaction videos, literally… any video project imaginable.

BOUNCE: When turned on, the PROTO-HAROLD 1.1 will begin running „BOUNCE“, a custom-written, pre-loaded program which will move the CAMERA SLED from one end of the track to the other. Instead of only traveling only one time like other systems, or harshly running back and forth, BOUNCE slowly brings the camera sled to a smooth, full stop, before reversing and smoothly accelerating backwards to full speed, endlessly repeating this choreographed process.

The speed and travel length are both adjustable, with a max travel speed of ~1cm per second, or ~50 seconds to go 52cm / 20.5″ from one end to the other.

This is useful as an extra „camera man“ during an interview process to provide an extra moving camera angle, or set it up to capture a moving shot when you aren’t exactly sure when the action will start, let it run for a bit and choose the best moving shot.

MOVING TIME LAPSE: Use the backlit LCD screen and EASY MENU to change modes to TIME LAPSE and set a desired time frame of 2 – 60 minutes. The PROTO-HAROLD 1.1 does the math and will travel from one end to the other, slowly accelerating, reaching full speed, decelerating and smoothly coming to a stop within the time frame selected. Once done, it will park and then ask to run a second time in reverse.


  • Light Weight and Portable (under 2 pounds / under 1kg)
  • 34″ x  4″ x  2″ (87cm x 10cm x 5cm)
  • 20.5″ of camera movement  (52cm)
  • Strong for its size (can lift itself, or up to 2 pounds vertically)
  • Designed for smartphones up to 2 pounds, but can slide 10+ pounds (not recommended)
  • USB rechargeable (take and charge it anywhere)
  • ~2 Hour Runtime (horizontal, no camera)
  • ~1 Hour Runtime (vertical, no camera)
  • RECORD MOVING TIME LAPSE VIDEO (2 – 60 minutes) with soft start and stop
  • (3) 1/4″ standard tripod bottom mounting holes on each end
  • Non-marring rubber feet
  • Self Calibrating
  • Powered by a 16MHz Super Computer Thinking Machine
  • Precision Stepper Motor Control
  • Quiet Operation
  • (2) Lithium Ion Rechargeable Batteries
  • RED/GREEN charging LED
  • Replaceable Safety Fuse (remove for long term storage/transport)
  • Pre-programmed with an EASY USE MENU, turn it on and use it
  • Adjustable Speed, Acceleration/Deceleration & Overall Travel Length
  • Blue
  • Designed, Machined and Hand Assembled in Cleveland, Ohio, USA

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