MEX Tusker Roboter von Avishkaar

Der MEX Tusker von Avishkaar ist ein innovatives Roboter-Set, das speziell für Kinder im Alter von 10 bis 14 Jahren entwickelt wurde. Es handelt sich um ein STEM-Lernspielzeug, das mechanisches Design, Robotik und kreatives Problemlösen fördert.

Tusker richtet sich an Kinder im Alter von 10 bis 14 Jahren und zielt darauf ab, die Neugier und Kreativität durch praktisches Lernen zu fördern. Es ist ein ideales Set für Eltern, die ihre Kinder in den MINT-Bereichen (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik) fördern möchten.

  • Teile: Das Set besteht aus über 250 robusten Teilen, darunter Zahnräder, Achsen, Verbindungsstücke und mehr. Die Teile sind weitestgehend ähnlich den Teilen der LEGO Technic Serie und daher auch kompatibel zu diesen.
  • Elektronische Komponenten: Ein programmierbares elektronisches Gehirn, zwei leistungsstarke Motoren für die Bewegung und LED-Module für visuelle Effekte.
  • Programmierung: Kinder können den Roboter mit der benutzerfreundlichen Avishkaar-App programmieren, die auf Drag-and-Drop-Prinzipien basiert und somit einen einfachen Einstieg in die Welt des Codierens ermöglicht.
  • Konnektivität: Bluetooth-Verbindung für eine drahtlose Steuerung und Interaktion.
  • Bildungsaspekt: Das Set fördert das Verständnis für mechanische Systeme, Grundlagen der Elektronik und Softwareentwicklung.

Aufbau und Design: Kinder können mit dem Set einen Roboter in Form eines Elefanten bauen, der durch die Avishkaar-App gesteuert wird. Die App bietet verschiedene Funktionen zur Steuerung des Roboters und zur Interaktion mit seinen LED-Augen und Geräuschen.

Benutzererfahrung: Die Anleitung des Sets ist klar strukturiert und ermöglicht einen einfachen Zusammenbau. Wir konnten nur kleine Fehler in der Anleitung finden, die aber den Aufbau in keiner Weise gestört habe. Der Hersteller hat uns versichert, die Fehler bereits zu beseitigen und in der nächsten Version der Anleitung beseitigt zu haben. Durch den Aufbau des Roboters lernen Kinder nicht nur die Grundlagen der Mechanik und Elektronik, sondern entwickeln auch ein Verständnis für die Programmierung durch die zugehörige App. Die erste Verwendung der App sollte durch einen Erwachsenen begleitet werden, da eine Registrierung des Produkts als auch des Benutzers notwendig sind. Schöner wäre es, wenn keine Registrierungen notwendig wären, auch war ein mehrfaches Neustarten der App auf unserem Gerät notwendig, bevor diese voll funktionsfähig war.

Pädagogischer Wert: Der MEX Tusker fördert nicht nur technische Fähigkeiten, sondern auch Soft Skills wie Geduld, Ausdauer und Aufmerksamkeit für Details. Das Set bietet eine praktische Erfahrung, die theoretisches Wissen mit realen Anwendungen verbindet. Nach der Registrierung des Produkts in der App, haben wir eine Mail mit Zugang zu Lehrvideos, Programmiervideos und weiteren Inhalten erhalten.

Fazit: Der MEX Tusker Roboter-Bausatz von Avishkaar ist ein durchdachtes Lernspielzeug, das Kinder auf unterhaltsame Weise an die Welt der Technik heranführt. Es unterstützt die Entwicklung wichtiger Fähigkeiten und bietet eine solide Grundlage für zukünftige technische Bildung. Mit seiner Kombination aus Qualität, Lernwert und Spaß ist der MEX Tusker eine empfehlenswerte Investition in die Bildung junger Menschen.

Introducing BlockBot: an Innovative STEAM Toy in Robotics Education

In the rapidly evolving landscape of educational toys, one product stands out for its innovative approach to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education: BlockBot. Developed by 130T Inc., BlockBot is a groundbreaking smart block system that combines the familiarity of LEGO with cutting-edge robotics technology, offering children a hands-on learning experience like never before.

At the heart of BlockBot lies its modular design, reminiscent of traditional LEGO blocks. Each block is equipped with different robotics functionalities, allowing users to assemble them into various configurations, from simple structures to complex robots. What sets BlockBot apart is its patented connector technology, which enables seamless power supply and communication between blocks without the need for wires, making it not only convenient but also aesthetically pleasing, particularly for young learners.

One of the key advantages of BlockBot is its versatility in STEAM education. Through Bluetooth communication, BlockBot can interface with any computing devices, enabling students to engage in programming and coding activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Whether it’s programming a robot to navigate a maze or designing an automated task, BlockBot offers endless opportunities for creative exploration and learning.

BlockBot has already made waves on the international stage, receiving acclaim at exhibitions in Vietnam, Thailand, and HongKong. Its recent showcase at the Spielwarenmesse 2024 in Germany further solidified its reputation as a game-changer in the world of educational toys. With interest from overseas buyers continuing to grow, BlockBot is poised to revolutionize robotics education worldwide.

In addition to its educational benefits, BlockBot also promotes inclusivity and accessibility in STEAM learning. Its intuitive design and user-friendly interface make it accessible to children of all ages and abilities, fostering a collaborative learning environment where creativity knows no bounds.

In conclusion, BlockBot represents the next generation of STEAM toys, combining the timeless appeal of building blocks with the limitless possibilities of robotics technology. As it continues to gain traction in the global market, BlockBot is poised to inspire the next generation of innovators, engineers, and problem solvers.

VRC and VIQC German Masters in Hamburg: German finals of robotics competitions

Hamburg, February 2024: Next week, the final rounds of the VEX robot competitions will take place in Germany. Around 150 students from general education schools and vocational schools from all over Germany meet at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg) to find out which of the robots they have designed best solves given tasks. The worldwide competitions of the Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation, which is based in the USA, are organized in Germany by the Hamburg-based association roboMINT. 

The Competition Categories

The VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) is open to students from the age of eleven . A team consists of at least two students, it competes in alliances  against other teams. One of the goals of a game is to get as many tripballs as  possible into your own goal or into your own offensive zone. 

As part of the VEX IQ Challenge, students between the ages of eight and 15 can participate. A team consists of at least two students, it competes together with another team. One of the goals of the game is to convert as many blocks as possible into goals. Points are also awarded if the robot is parked in the „Supply Zone“ at the end of a match. 

Through the German Masters, participants can qualify for the VEX Worlds from April 25  to May 3 in Dallas (US state of Texas) with 1,000 teams from 50 countries .

German Masters 

Venue: HAW Hamburg 

Berliner Tor 21, Aula 

Wednesday, 06.03.: VRC, start qualification 1 at 12.30 p.m. 

Thursday, 07.03.: VRC, start qualification 2 at 9.30 a.m., final: 1.00 p.m.

Friday, 08.03.: VIQC, start qualification at 11.00 a.m., final: 3.45 p.m.

Contac persont: 

Ralph Schanz
Chairman of roboMINT e.V.

About the roboMINT e.V.:

It all started in the 2017/2018 season. Together with the student campus dEin Labor of the TU Berlin, roboMINT conducted the first VEX Robotics student competitions in Germany. The first team to qualify for the annual „World Championships“ in the USA was the Heinitz-Gymnasium Rüdersdorf. In the meantime, there are various regional preliminaries and two „Nationals“ (VIQC and VRC) nationwide. Currently, a total of seven teams from Germany can qualify for the „World Championships“ in Dallas each season. 

roboMINT supports and coordinates the nationwide VEX robotics competitions. The association informs and supports the participating teams, the supervisors and the regional organizers. The aim of the association is to promote STEM education in Germany. 

VRC und VIQC German Masters an der HAW: Deutschland-Finale der Robotik-Wettbewerbe

  • 6. bis 8. März 2024, Hamburg
  • Insgesamt 35 Teams treffen in zwei Wettbewerben aufeinander
  • Den Siegern winkt eine Teilnahme an der VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas

Hamburg, Februar 2024: In der kommenden Woche finden die Endrunden der VEX-Roboterwettbewerbe in Deutschland statt. An der Hochschule für Angewandte  Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW Hamburg) treffen sich etwa 150 Schüler von  allgemeinbildenden Schulen und Berufsschulen aus ganz Deutschland, um  herausfinden, welcher der von ihnen konstruierten Roboter vorgegebene Aufgaben  am besten löst. Der weltweiten Wettbewerbe der in den USA beheimateten Robotics  Education & Competition (REC) Foundation werden hierzulande vom Hamburger Verein roboMINT organisiert. 

Die Wettbewerbskategorien 

An der VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) können Schüler im Alter ab elf Jahren  teilnehmen. Ein Team besteht aus mindestens zwei Schülern, es tritt in Allianzen  gegen andere Teams an. Ziel eines Spiels ist es unter anderem, so viele Triballs wie  möglich ins eigene Tor oder in die eigene Offensive Zone zu bringen. 

Im Rahmen der VEX IQ Challenge können Schüler im Alter von acht bis 15 Jahren  teilnehmen. Ein Team besteht aus mindestens zwei Schülern, es tritt zusammen mit  einem anderen Team an. Ziel des Spiels ist es unter anderem, möglichst viele Blöcke  in Tore zu verfrachten. Punkte gibt es auch, wenn der Roboter am Ende eines  Matches in der „Supply Zone“ geparkt wird. 

Über die German Masters können sich die Teilnehmer für die VEX Worlds vom 25.  April bis 3. Mai in Dallas (US-Bundesstaat Texas) mit 1.000 Teams aus 50 Ländern  qualifizieren.

German Masters 

Veranstaltungsort: HAW Hamburg 

Berliner Tor 21, Aula 

Mittwoch, 06.03.: VRC, Start Qualifikation 1 um 12.30 Uhr 

Donnerstag, 07.03.: VRC, Start Qualifikation 2 um 9.30 Uhr, Finale: 13.00 Uhr

Freitag, 08.03.: VIQC, Start Qualifikation um 11.00 Uhr, Finale: 15.45 Uhr  

Fachlicher Ansprechpartner: 

Ralph Schanz 
Vorsitzender des roboMINT e.V. 

Über den roboMINT e.V.: 

Begonnen hat alles in der Saison 2017/2018. Zusammen mit dem Schülercampus  dEin Labor der TU Berlin führte roboMINT die ersten VEX Robotics Schülerwettbewerbe in Deutschland durch. Das erste Team, das sich damals für die  alljährlich stattfindenden „Weltmeisterschaften“ in den USA qualifizierte, war das  Heinitz-Gymnasium Rüdersdorf. Mittlerweile gibt es bundesweit diverse regionale  Vorausscheidungen und zwei „Nationals“ (VIQC und VRC). Aktuell können sich pro  Saison insgesamt sieben Teams aus Deutschland für die „Weltmeisterschaften“ in  Dallas qualifizieren. 

roboMINT unterstützt und koordiniert die bundesweit stattfindenden VEX Robotik Wettbewerbe. Der Verein informiert und betreut die teilnehmenden Teams, die  BetreuerInnen und die regionalen Veranstalter. Ziel des Vereins ist die Förderung der  MINT-Bildung in Deutschland. 

Teilnehmer des Qualifikationsturniers in Stuttgart

Moley Robotics Unveils World’s First Luxury Robot Kitchen Showroom in London

London, 15th December 2024 – Moley Robotics, a pioneer in culinary automation, is proud to announce the grand opening of the world’s first luxury robot kitchen showroom in the heart of London. This revolutionary space, located at 16 Wigmore Street, marks a significant milestone in the fusion of technology and gastronomy, offering visitors a first-hand experience of the future of automated cooking that is set to revolutionise the culinary landscape.

An Immersive Culinary Journey

The showroom is a testament to Moley Robotics‘ commitment to transforming the way we think about and engage with cooking. Stepping into this cutting-edge showroom is like entering a realm where culinary dreams meet technological prowess. The showroom has been meticulously designed to provide an immersive and interactive experience, showcasing the advanced cooking capabilities of the Moley Robotic kitchens and distinctive kitchen designs, crafted from premium materials including Glacier White Corian, Patagonian marble and high gloss Eucalyptus wood panels.

Visitors will be captivated by the graceful human-like movements of the robotic arms as they seamlessly prepare gourmet meals in the state-of-the-art kitchen, equipped exclusively with premium appliances from globally renowned brands such as Siemens, Gaggenau, and Miele. The latest advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence, demonstrate the unparalleled precision and versatility of the Moley system. The showroom aims to transport visitors into the future of home cooking, where efficiency, elegance, and innovation converge.

Unveiling the Future of Home Cooking

The centrepiece of the showroom are, of course, the Moley Robotic kitchens; Chef’s Table, X-Air and A-Air. Visitors will have the opportunity to witness live demonstrations of the robotic arms in action, showcasing the system’s ability to faithfully replicate recipes from an extensive library curated by world-renowned chefs including three-Michelin-starred Andreas Caminada, MasterChef winner Tim Anderson, Award-winning Andrew Clarke and sushi Grandmaster Kiichi Okabe. From delicate stirring to precise seasoning, the robotic arms perform each task with a level of skill and dexterity previously reserved for the most accomplished chefs.

„We are thrilled to open the doors to the world’s first luxury robot kitchen showroom in London,“ said Mark Oleynik, CEO of Moley Robotics. „This space is not just a showcase of our technology; it’s an invitation for people to experience first-hand the future of home cooking. The Moley Robotic Kitchen is a game-changer, and this showroom is the perfect platform to share our vision with the world.“

A Gourmet Experience for All

The luxury showroom isn’t just about awe-inspiring technology; it’s about making gourmet experiences accessible to everyone. The Moley Robotic Kitchen is designed to cater to a wide range of culinary preferences and dietary needs. Visitors can explore the user-friendly interface, customise recipes, and witness the system adapt to individual preferences, showcasing the versatility that makes Moley Robotics the leaders in the world of culinary robotics.

Additionally, the showroom will host live cooking events, allowing guests to taste the delicious creations prepared by the Moley Robotic Kitchen. This hands-on experience aims to bridge the gap between futuristic technology and the joy of savouring exquisite meals, reinforcing the idea that automation can enhance, rather than entirely replace, the human experience in the kitchen.

Innovating with Elegance

Beyond its technological marvels, the luxury showroom reflects Moley Robotics‘ commitment to design and aesthetics which have been forged by a fruitful five-year collaboration with the renowned Italian design house, Minotti Collezioni. The Moley Robotic Kitchen seamlessly integrates into modern kitchen spaces, and the showroom itself is a testament to the marriage of innovation and elegance. The sleek, contemporary design of the kitchen setup and the overall ambiance of the space create an environment that is both inviting and forward-thinking.

„As we open the world’s first luxury robot kitchen showroom, we’re not just unveiling a product; we’re introducing a lifestyle—a future where technology elevates our culinary experiences,“ added Mark Oleynik. „Our goal is to inspire and empower individuals to reimagine their relationship with cooking.“

Visit Us Today

The Moley Robotics luxury robot kitchen showroom is located at 16 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 2RF in London and is open to the public by appointment starting 15th December. Visitors are invited to make an appointment on the Moley Website and explore the future of home cooking, witness live demonstrations, and immerse themselves in a culinary experience like no other. For more information, visit

About Moley Robotics:

Moley Robotics is a leading innovator in the field of culinary automation, dedicated to redefining the way we approach cooking at home. With a focus on precision, convenience, and elegance, Moley Robotics is at the forefront of the integration of robotics and artificial intelligence in the kitchen.

Moley Robotics Kitchen Demo Studio

16 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 2RF

Qviro Helps Robotics Buyers Make Transparent Choices with Biggest Marketplace

Qviro Revolutionizes Robotics Buying Experience

Qviro, one of the leading robotics platforms, introduces a groundbreaking marketplace, offering unparalleled transparency and choice. Users can effortlessly compare the full robotics market and access a vast selection of 211 cobots

The platform ensures transparent pricing, allowing buyers access to all cobot prices on Qviro. For added assistance, it provides an average cobot price of €27,158. Additionally, Qviro includes 400+ user reviews for informed decisions.

In the cobot category, Universal Robots leads with a 4.6 rating from over 41 user reviews. Their products excel in ease of use and integration, favored by engineers and enthusiasts.

For budget-conscious buyers, Elephant Robotics and Wlkata offer educational robots starting at $599. They provide cost-effective solutions for educational and hobbyist projects. Find Elephant Robotics‘ products at Elephant Robotics Products and Wlkata’s at Wlkata Products.

Sven De Donder, Co-CEO of Qviro, said, „Our user base in Europe and North America is growing exponentially due to unmatched transparency.“

Qviro transforms the robotics buying experience, offering an all-in-one solution for enthusiasts and professionals. With diverse options, transparent pricing, and a supportive user community, Qviro meets all your robotics needs.

About Qviro:

Qviro is a Belgium-based startup that is revolutionising the procurement process of industrial technology such as robots and machines through digitization. The company’s review platform,, provides factories and engineers with valuable insights and customer feedback to make confident purchasing decisions. At the same time, it offers vendors market intelligence and data to help them better understand their potential customers. As a SaaS platform, Qviro is dedicated to providing exceptional customer experiences and innovative solutions that drive growth and progress in the industry. To learn more about Qviro, visit

Amazing Advancements in Soft Robotics

Soft robotics represents a groundbreaking advancement in the field, standing apart from the rigid structures people usually associate with traditional robotic systems. Learn more about recent advances in this field and the many benefits.

The Era of Soft Robots

Nature and biology heavily influence soft robots, giving them the flexibility and ability to adapt to their surroundings. For example, some commercially available soft robotic designs mimic fish, octopi and worms.

Innovative materials such as shape-memory alloys, dielectric elastomers and liquid crystal elastomers are critical to soft robotics. These materials change their properties in response to various stimuli. Grippers on soft robots, made of high-tech elastomers, mold to the target object’s shape. This flexibility ensures a gentler and more adaptable grip than rigid robots, making them ideal for tasks like fruit picking. 

Soft robots also use self-healing materials made from shape-memory alloys. These alloys allow the robots to repair themselves after damage, increasing their operational life span and reducing maintenance needs.

As technology progresses, scientists outfit soft robots with sensory systems, enhancing their ability to understand their surroundings. For example, soft pressure sensors can tell a robot if it’s gripping too hard. Some researchers are even developing soft robots capable of working in swarms, emulating the behavior of fish, bees and birds. 

3D printing, a form of advanced manufacturing, has revolutionized how scientists design and produce intricate soft robotic parts, driving innovation and accessibility in this sector. Some robots incorporate the strengths of both rigid and soft systems, resulting in hybrids that offer improved strength, precision and flexibility. Instead of traditional motors, there’s a growing trend towards fluidic actuation. Robots use liquids or air for movement, making their movements more natural. 

Soft Robotics in Medicine

Robotics is revolutionizing various aspects of modern medicine. In rehabilitation and physiotherapy, soft robotic exosuits or exoskeletons support patients recovering from strokes, spinal cord injuries or surgeries. These devices gently guide and assist patients, helping them regain motor functions, relearn movements and restore strength.

In assistive medical devices, soft wearable robots are emerging to help those with mobility issues. The Wyss Institute at Harvard University developed a soft, wearable robotic glove that assists individuals with hand disabilities in performing day-to-day activities. This glove, made from soft elastomers, can assist in gripping objects, potentially improving rehabilitation outcomes.

Scientists at the City University of Hong Kong developed a soft robot capable of maneuvering inside the stomach and intestine. The robot can change shape and size, facilitating better imaging and allowing localized drug delivery or biopsies.

A collaboration between Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard University resulted in a soft robotic sleeve that surgeons can place around the heart. This device helps the heart pump more efficiently in patients with heart failure, providing a potential alternative to organ transplants.

In diagnostics, soft robots simplify procedures like endoscopy, making it less invasive and patient-friendly. Patients can now swallow endoscopy capsules equipped with a camera and a tissue collection mechanism to get the same results traditionally obtained by putting patients under general anesthesia. 

Research teams at institutes like the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Italy have been working on developing soft robotic arms that can assist surgeons. Due to their soft and pliant design, these arms can navigate the body with minimal risk of damaging tissues or organs.

Soft Robotics in Marine Conservation

Equipped with sensors, soft robots can monitor water quality, track marine species and evaluate the health of habitats over prolonged periods. Their non-intrusive nature and versatility enable them to probe areas inaccessible to traditional robots. MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory developed a soft robotic fish named „SoFi“ that can swim naturally in the ocean, recording close-up videos of marine life and providing insights without alarming or disturbing the aquatic life.

Soft robots also offer the potential for marine clean-up efforts, such as removing pollutants like microplastics and oil spills. The WasteShark, developed by RanMarine Technology, is an ASV designed to „eat“ or collect trash in harbors and other waters close to the shore. This drone skims the water’s surface, collecting waste in its path, thereby aiding in marine clean-up.

The Ocean Exploration Trust’s E/V Nautilus expeditions have been using ROVs to explore and map uncharted coral reefs, helping scientists understand their structures, the species they harbor and their overall health. Similar soft robots can be deployed to plant sea grass and maintain coral reefs. 

ROVs like the Hercules, also from the E/V Nautilus expedition, have robotic arms that can collect geological and biological samples from the deep sea that can help scientists study ecosystems in abyssal regions, leading to new species discoveries and insights into deep-sea conservation needs.

The Challenges Ahead

Soft robotics faces challenges, but its vast potential is undeniable. A primary focus lies in developing innovative materials that combine durability, flexibility and responsiveness. While traditional actuators, like motors, aren’t suitable for soft robots, alternatives like pneumatic and hydraulic systems are on the rise, promising unparalleled autonomy.

Manufacturing these robots at scale is now more feasible due to advanced construction techniques and materials. Even as these robots retain flexibility, integrating crucial rigid components, like batteries, is becoming smoother. The scientific community aims to enhance the response times of soft actuation mechanisms to match or exceed traditional systems.

Safety remains a top priority in soft robotics, especially in applications involving humans or medical scenarios. Although the field recognizes the higher initial research and production costs, they believe ongoing advancements will reduce expenses. 

Guest article by Ellie Gabel. Ellie is a writer living in Raleigh, NC. She's passionate about keeping up with the latest innovations in tech and science. She also works as an associate editor for Revolutionized.

Variobot VariAnt: The Robot Ant

The presence of robots in our modern environment is getting increasingly casual to see. Robots are progressing rapidly in terms of both their capabilities and the potential uses they have. Examples of this include self-driving automobiles and drones. The VariAnt, a robot created by Variobot, is another amazing example.

VariAnt: At the First Glance

VariAnt, a robot ant, moves and acts almost exactly like its biological model. It independently explores its environment using a sensor system to detect obstructions or markers. The Variobot programmable kit is appropriate for researchers who are passionate and young at heart.

Advanced Autonomy

Like the majority of living things, the variAnt adjusts to the surroundings by detecting relative brightness. Using a network of patented sensors is made feasible. The autonomous robot ant has light sensors connected to its body, legs, antennae, and jaw claws that can be positioned as needed.

A processor is housed on an Arduino-compatible nano board, which serves as the ant robot’s central processing unit (CPU). The small control unit provides connections for two motors, 12  analog sensors,  8 digital I/Os,  2 programmed buttons, 2 reed switches for step numbers, that may be used in any way, and 15 status LEDs that can be plugged in and switched as needed.

The state of the sensors, motors, and reed switches may all be indicated by the LEDs. Inside the ant’s head is a tiny circuit board that is equipped with plug-in ports, which enables the flexible combination and extension of environmental sensors.

The lithium-ion battery that comes standard with the variAnt has a run time of around 3  hours and can be recharged using the provided USB cord.

The Walking Mechanism

The robotic ant makes use of these to identify objects, lines, light sources, or shadows in its surroundings, and then either follows them or stays away from them in an intentional manner.

The purpose of the walking mechanism that was created and patented by Variobot is to mimic the natural mobility of an ant as closely as possible. This is doable with only 24 different components made of acrylic.

VariAnt: Best for

For individuals of all ages, the robot ant is also an engaging and entertaining toy. You can use this set to design your own robot to behave, move, and appear like an actual, but much bigger, ant. The robot is an interesting thing to watch due to its distinct motions and behaviors, and due to its size, it can be used in a number of scenarios. The variAnt kit costs around €199.


The VariAnt might revolutionize robotics and our understanding of nature. Since it mimics ants, the VariAnt can perform many tasks that conventional robots cannot. Whether employed for research, environmental monitoring, or as a toy, the VariAnt is a groundbreaking robotics innovation that will captivate people worldwide.