My workplace for today was kind of different. Thanks @igusgmbh( for making this possible. I am learning a lot about robot programming today. I wish I could have such a powerful robot next to my desk any given day.
igus zeigt Produktneuheiten rund um kostengünstige Roboter- und Automatisierungslösungen beim Anwender vor Ort
Köln, 7. September 2020 – Produktlösungen für eine kostengünstige Automatisierung kennenlernen und anfassen trotz Abstands- und Hygieneregeln? Zu diesem Zweck schickt igus jetzt eine Low Cost Automation Roadshow durch Deutschland und besucht Anwender mit robolink Gelenkarm-, Delta- und Portalrobotern. Außerdem stellt igus mit der igus robot control eine neue Simulations- und Steuerungssoftware zur einfachen und intuitiven Auslegung und Programmierung aller igus Roboterkinematiken vor.
Messen fallen aus und Kundenbesuche in den Büroräumen sind, wenn überhaupt, nur unter strengen Auflagen möglich: Wie also die Produkte und Neuheiten direkt zum Kunden bringen? Diese Frage hat sich igus gestellt und daher jetzt seine Neuheiten und Lösungen rund um die Low Cost Automation in einen Transporter gepackt. „Mit der Low Cost Automation Roadshow können wir uns direkt auf den Parkplatz oder Innenhof des Kunden stellen. Alle Interessenten haben hier die Möglichkeit, sich unsere Lösungen in aller Ruhe anzuschauen. Natürlich mit Maske und/oder Sicherheitsabstand, Desinfektionsmittel und unter freiem Himmel,“ so Jacob Geber, Low Cost Automation Experte bei der igus GmbH. Für den Schutz bei hochsommerlichen Temperaturen hat igus außerdem einen Pavillon mit dabei. Mit der Roadshow können zwei igus Experten allen Interessenten Produkte für eine kostengünstige Automatisierung vorstellen: vom Delta-Roboter über den Portalroboter bis hin zum robolink-Gelenkarm. Außerdem präsentieren die Firmenvertreter den Besuchern die neue kostenlose igus robot control Software, mit der sich alle igus Kinematiken vor einem Kauf simulieren und später auch programmieren lassen. Natürlich dürfen aber auch die igus Energieketten, Leitungen, Gleitlager und Linearführungen nicht fehlen. „Je nach Kundenbesuch passen wir unser Sortiment an, ähnlich wie bei unserer mobilen Hausmesse, mit der wir jedes Jahr bei Anwendern weltweit unsere Neuheiten vorstellen. Mit der Low Cost Automation Roadshow richten wir unseren Fokus auf die direkte Umsetzung einer Anwendung beim Kunden vor Ort, die einen schnellen Return on Invest bringt“, so Geber. Mit dem flexiblen Messekonzept ist der Stand in 30 Minuten auf- und wieder abgebaut. „Das Konzept ist klasse! Unsere Mitarbeiter aus der Forschung und Entwicklung können sich hier in Ruhe und nacheinander informieren und das trotz der besonderen Situation mit einem persönlichen Kontakt“, so Dr. Stefan Sommer von der Günther Heisskanaltechnik.
Preisverleihung auf der Roadshow
Auch für besondere Events wie eine Preisverleihung bietet sich die Low Cost Automation Roadshow an. Die Firma Günther Heisskanaltechnik, die Heisskanäle zum Beispiel für Spritzgussmaschinen herstellt, nahm bei einem Gewinnspiel während der igus Keynote „Konstruieren, simulieren, kontrollieren… das alles aus dem Home Office“ auf den Hannover Messe Digital Days teil und gewann einen Delta-Roboter inklusive Steuerung. Übergeben wurde der Roboter von Jacob Geber und Julian Ruwe an Dr. Stefan Sommer und Lucas Schulze „Wir freuen uns sehr, den Delta Roboter bei uns zu Testzwecken einsetzen zu können“, freut sich Dr. Sommer über den Gewinn. „Unsere dualen Studenten haben so die Möglichkeit, sich in der Entwicklungsphase mit dem Thema Automatisierung direkt auseinanderzusetzen.“
Im Video können Sie sich ein paar Eindrücke von der Low Cost Automation Roadshow machen:
Faszinierender Roboter mit programmierbarer BBC micro:bit-Platine
Ein Roboter, der zum Kompass oder digitalen Würfel wird, die Temperatur misst, rechnen kann, per App ferngesteuert werden kann und sogar „Schere, Stein, Papier“ spielt? All das ist für den schlauen Programmier-Roboter Proxi kein Problem. Er verfügt nämlich über ein leistungsstarkes Computergehirn, das von jungen Tüftlern ab acht Jahren selbständig programmiert wird. Dieser Roboter hat es wortwörtlich in sich. Proxis Computergehirn besteht aus einem sogenannten BBC micro:bit, der Microcontroller, mehrere Sensoren, eine LED-Anzeige und verschiedene Schnittstellen auf einer kompakten Platine vereint. Diese programmieren Kinder mit einer intuitiven, grafischen Programmiersprache selbständig. Die umfangreiche Anleitung stellt zahlreiche spannende Coding-Projekte vor. So lassen Nachwuchsprogrammierer ihren Roboterfreund etwa singen und tanzen, verwenden Proxi als Thermometer oder Kompass, nutzen die LED-Anzeige zur Übermittlung von Nachrichten und vieles mehr. Alternativ kann Proxi nach eigenen Wünschen programmiert werden. Proxi wird aus über 100 Einzelteilen zusammengebaut. Das macht nicht nur Spaß, sondern gewährt gleichzeitig interessante Einblicke in die Funktionsweise des Roboters.
lnhalt: Über 100 Bauteile zum Zusammenbau des Roboters, BBC micro:bit-Platine Anleitung, Schraubendreher, USB-Kabel Zusätzlich erforderlich: 4 x 1,5 Volt-Batterien Typ LR03 (AAA, Micro), PC, optional: Smartphone zur Fernsteuerung
Sphero, the industry leader in edtech programmable robots and STEAM-based educational tools, announced today that registration for the Sphero Global Challenge, its first robotics, invention and design competition for kids around the world, is now open.
Robotics competitions are a unique opportunity for kids, and are designed not only to focus on the technical proficiencies gained through programming and coding but also to build on the important ‘soft skills’ kids gain through STEAM.
Sphero, the industry leader in edtech programmable robots and STEAM-based educational tools, announced today that registration for the Sphero Global Challenge, its first robotics, invention and design competition for kids around the world, is now open.
The Sphero Global Challenge is the ultimate STEAM competition and an opportunity for kids to go deeper with computational thinking, engineering, and programming skills. Teams of all abilities are encouraged to work together to identify problems and develop solutions in different, real-world scenarios. Through this challenge, kids will work to accomplish their goals in various events that they will submit virtually to qualify for the Sphero World Championship in Spring 2021.
“We’re excited to offer a robotics, invention and design competition that highlights Sphero’s dedication to collaborative STEAM learning from anywhere in the world,” says Paul Copioli, Sphero CEO. “Robotics competitions are a unique opportunity for kids, and are designed not only to focus on the technical proficiencies gained through programming and coding but also to build on the important ‘soft skills’ kids gain through STEAM, such as collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking.”
TAKE FLIGHT WITH THREE UNIQUE STEAM EVENTS The Sphero Global Challenge comprises three unique events. Teams can compete in one event or up to all three with one $75 USD registration fee.
littleBits Invent 4 Good: Mission Earth Use littleBits and their Invention Cycle to solve problems facing the Earth right now. Kids will unleash their inner engineer as they invent a solution to an issue of their choice. In this event, kids can practice collaborating and innovating as they tackle a real-world problem.
BOLT: Space Mission Take flight in the BOLT Space Mission. During this event, kids can put their programming and engineering skills to work as they navigate through five challenges. Not only is this an opportunity to build STEAM skills, but it’s also a chance for them to collaborate, solve problems, and create.
RVR + littleBits: Mars Mission In RVR + littleBits Mars Mission, kids can use their coding and engineering skills to complete five challenges. Throughout this event, they’ll have opportunities to build their collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills as they work to reach solutions.
GEAR UP FOR THE CHALLENGE In conjunction with the Sphero Global Challenge launch, new competition-ready Sphero and littleBits products are now available to make getting started in the competition even simpler.
New: littleBits STEAM+ Class Pack The littleBits STEAM+ Class Pack is the ultimate STEAM learning toolkit, containing 240 Bits, 10 newly designed durable storage containers, printed teacher support materials and 40+ standards-aligned lessons to engage the entire class.
New: littleBits STEAM+ Kit The littleBits STEAM+ Kit contains 24 Bits, a newly designed durable storage container, printed teacher support materials, and 40+ hours of standards-aligned lessons to engage up to four students at a time.
New: Sphero Code Mat – Space & Soccer This two-sided activity mat, with new Space & Soccer themes, offers a simple, accessible way to learn block-based coding, basic math principles, and collaborative problem-solving with any round Sphero robot. The new Code Mat comes with three sets of 10 double-sided coding cards that provide guided, hands-on coding lessons.
New: Sphero RVR littleBits Topper Kit Sphero RVR + littleBits Topper Kit combines the best of Sphero with the best of littleBits in an easy, approachable kit that allows a user to fully utilize RVR’s onboard capabilities with littleBits adaptability to create unique inventions.
New: Sphero Craft Pack A one-stop-shop for all the crafting accessories needed for Sphero Global Challenge projects. With over 31 different items and hundreds of materials, the Craft Pack was designed with both Sphero robots and littleBits in mind.
TAKE THE CHALLENGE HOME The Sphero Global Challenge is committed to inspiring the creators of tomorrow, wherever that might be, even in blended, remote, or at-home learning scenarios. Learn more about resources and opportunities for solo teams or virtual meetings to complete the Sphero Global Challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic in our Sphero Global Challenge at-home guide.
ABOUT SPHERO: Sphero inspires the creators of tomorrow through remarkably cool, programmable robots, electronic building blocks, and educational tools that transform the way kids learn and create through coding, science, music, and the arts. Sphero goes #BeyondCode and drives kids to turn their imagination into reality. The skills kids unlock through play-based learning prepare them to thrive, no matter what subject or career they pursue. Based in Boulder, CO, Sphero has become the #1 STEAM-based learning solutions company, loved by millions of parents, kids, and educators worldwide. Learn more at
Fast entry into Low Cost Automation using a digital twin in intuitive robot control
To programme robots with ease, igus has now developed control software for its Low Cost Automation solutions. igus robot control is available online free of charge and offers the user an easy introduction to automation. Different robot kinematics can be programmed and controlled. A digital twin simulates the movements. In this way, the user can programme a suitable solution before purchase. The robot hardware, for example, a linear robot with switch cabinet, is offered by igus from as little as 5,000 euros.
Picking up goods from a box, helping to take samples and dispensing cans from a machine – all done by robots! Whether articulated arm robots, delta robots or linear robots: igus has all three kinematics as Low Cost Automation solutions in its portfolio. To enable users to try out in advance which robot is best suited for their application, igus now offers igus robot control, a software for the simulation and programming of all igus robots. „As a mechanical engineering company, we are very familiar with the different kinematics, so the next logical step for us was to develop a correspondingly simple and intuitive robot control system“, says Alexander Mühlens, Head of automation technology at igus GmbH. The special feature: the software is available online free of charge and license-free. In the software there is a digital twin for all igus robots, which can be simulated and taught like the real robot. The robot control system is also used later to programme the robot intuitively. Every programming can be applied to the real robot afterwards. The complete hardware package, for example, a drylin linear robot with integrated control system in the switch cabinet, is available from 5,000 euros.
Easy programming of robots
With igus robot control, the user can freely move all axes of the digital twin via a 3D interface. By means of a teach-in function the robot can be programmed very easily, even without a robot connection. To do this, the user must manually move the robot to the desired position and define how it is to be moved. The process is repeated until the desired motion profile is created. Matching end effectors, such as grippers, are easy to add and the tool centre point adjusts automatically. Virtual boxes can also be installed, for example, to prevent the robot from colliding with a machine. The igus robot control can also be connected to a higher-level control system, either via interface communication with Digital IO or via Ethernet communication using IP address. The igus developers want to expand the control system even further: „In the future, we want to offer cloud services such as vision integration, remote commissioning and also online training for a small cost, which the customer can book. Further services such as image evaluation via webcam or bin picking solutions are planned as cloud-based solutions“, says Mühlens.
Builders can create and code one of five personality-packed robots or dream-up and build their own creations
Robot Inventor uses drag-and-drop coding language based on Scratch as well as Python to support those new to robotics
Over 50 new challenges and fun activities to help all abilities build coding confidence in a fun, exciting way
June 12th, 2020 – Billund: Today, the LEGO Group has announced the first addition to the much-loved LEGO® MINDSTORMS® theme in seven years. The new LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor 5-in-1 set unleashes a new world of fun, creative coding possibilities and provides the ultimate playful learning experience for young inventors and creators.
For over two decades, LEGO MINDSTORMS has inspired those of all ages to test and build their confidence with technology through play. By combining the LEGO building system with robotic and coding elements, builders can create anything they can imagine, while developing the STEM skills that 7 in 10 parents say are essential to their child’s future success.
This latest evolution of the much-loved theme continues this commitment to helping children develop STEM skills in a fun and exciting way at home. The new LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor 5-in-1 model gives builders aged 10+ the power to bring one of the set’s five unique designs to life or take their own builds to the next level by programming them to walk, talk, think and do more than ever before. Kids can also code their own remote-control features for the models in the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor app or connect their own controllers to the app using Bluetooth.
Packed with 949 pieces and new LEGO Powered UP components, the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor will be available in Autumn 2020 from, LEGO Retail Stores and retailers globally. The LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor 5-in-1 set will be priced at £329.99/$359.99/€359.99 and includes digital building and coding instructions for these five unique robots:
Blast – this master robot is a stoic action hero. It can fire or hammer its way through obstacles and grab items. Builders can be the ultimate commanders, programming it to scan its environment and fire darts if it senses danger. Perfect for guarding your room!
Charlie – this quirky sidekick helper can give out high fives, dance, play the drums, deliver small gifts, and charm friends with its smile.
Tricky – the sporty bot is the ultimate athlete. Code it to complete the perfect slam dunk or master a plethora of robot sports: basketball, bowling or soccer – the list goes on and on.
Gelo – a real life four-legged robot. Its unique mechanism means it can walk, avoid obstacles, and even perform tricks.
M.V.P. – The Modular Vehicle Platform gets the job done. Create and code your own remote control and build the M.V.P. into a buggy, a crane, a shooter turret or even a brick-eating truck to pick up LEGO bricks left by the other robots.
Lena Dixen, Head of Product and Marketing Development at the LEGO Group, commented: “Since the launch of LEGO MINDSTORMS over 20 years ago, we’ve been committed to helping children and adults develop STEM skills through play. We are extremely excited to introduce a new MINDSTORMS product that offers even more creative opportunities for those of all ages, and we thank our fans for continuing to show us what is possible with LEGO MINDSTORMS. We are continually inspired by the creations the community share with us and hope that the LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor inspires many more children and playful adults to explore the exciting world of robotics and coding.”
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor (51515)
The LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor Kit is intended for builders and coders ages 10+ to discover and expand on their STEM skills at home.
949 pieces
5 unique models to build and code
The largest robot Blast stands at over 14” (36 cm) tall
The free LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Robot Inventor coding app for kids uses coding language based on Scratch and supports Python for more advanced coders.
The application works across PC Windows 10 + macOS, iOS and Android tablets and smartphones as well as specific Fire OS devices.
New elements: The new Intelligent Hub is an advanced yet simple-to-use device featuring 6 input/output ports for connecting a variety of sensors and motors. The Hub can also be used with LEGO Technic and System elements to create fun robots, dynamic devices and other interactive models.
LED 5×5 matrix
Bluetooth connectivity
6 axis gyro/accelerometer
Includes a micro USB port for connectivity with compatible devices
Rechargeable Lithium-ion battery included
Colour sensor – able to distinguish between eight colors and measures reflected and ambient light from darkness to bright sunlight
Distance sensor – detects obstacles, programmable LED ‘eyes’ and an integrated 6-pin adaptor for third-party sensors, boards and DIY hardware.
4 x medium-angular motors feature low-profile design, integrated rotation sensor with absolute positioning