Deutsches Museum Nürnberg erhält Nachbildungen von Murata Boy, Murata Girl und Murata Cheerleader

Hoofddorp, Niederlande: Eine von Rüdiger Scheel, Vice President Sales bei Murata Electronics Europe, geleitete Delegation von Murata hat Nachbildungen der Roboter Murata Boy, Murata Girl und Murata Cheerleader an das Deutsche Museum Nürnberg übergeben. Diese Einrichtung bringt den Besuchern die Zukunft näher und setzt dazu auf das Grundkonzept, Vergleiche zwischen „Science” und „Fiction” zu ziehen – ein Ansatz, auf dem sämtliche Bereiche des Museums beruhen.

„Wir sind froh, die Nachbildungen von Murata Boy, Murata Girl und Murata Cheerleader zur Verfügung stellen zu können, um das Deutsche Museum in seinem Vorhaben zu unterstützen, unseren Weg in die Zukunft erlebbar zu machen“, erklärte Rüdiger Scheel, Vice President Sales bei Murata Electronics Europe. Auf einer Fläche von mehr als 2.900 m² widmet sich die Ausstellung fünf Themenfeldern. Den Anfang macht der sehr persönliche Lebensbereich der einzelnen Menschen unter dem Motto „Arbeit und Alltag“ bzw. „Körper und Geist“. Als nächstes wird der Blickwinkel auf die Bereiche „System Stadt“ und „System Erde“ ausgeweitet, um schließlich bei dem ewigen Menschheitstraum anzukommen, durch „Raum und Zeit“ reisen zu können.

Die Roboter von Murata

Murata entwickelte die Murata Robots als eine einfache, leicht begreifbare Einführung in die Produkte und Technologien des Unternehmens. Den Menschen soll durch die Roboter ein Gefühl für die Möglichkeiten vermittelt werden, die die Elektronik bietet. Im Jahr 1991 entstand die erste Generation des Murata Boy. Dieser Roboter fährt auf einem Fahrrad und hält auch im Stillstand sein Gleichgewicht. Überdies vollführt Murata Boy eine Reihe von Stunts, indem er beispielsweise Steigungen oder Schwebebalken befährt. Die zweite Generation des Murata Boy folgte am 29. September 2005, und seit dieser Zeit wurden seine Fähigkeiten so erweitert, dass er einen S-förmigen Schwebebalken entlangfahren, eine 10 cm breite schiefe Ebene bewältigen und rückwärts laufen kann. Seit 2007 schafft Murata Boy auch eine Fahrt auf einer 2 cm breiten schiefen Ebene.

Murata Girl entstand am 23. September 2008 und kann auf einem Einrad das Gleichgewicht halten. 2009 fuhr Murata Girl um eine Kurve und über eine Schwebebalkenbrücke, bevor im Jahr 2010 eine Fahrt über einen S-förmigen Schwebebalken bewältigt wurde.

Am 25. September 2014 wurde schließlich das Murata Cheerleader-Team ins Leben gerufen. Diese Murata-Roboter können ihr Gleichgewicht halten, auch wenn sie scheinbar umzufallen drohen, und legen ein hervorragendes Teamwork an den Tag, das es ihnen ermöglicht, Kollisionen untereinander zu vermeiden.

Experience the Future of Companionship with Doly, Launched by Limitbit soon on Kickstarter

Limitbit, a pioneer in AI powered companion technology, has announced the launch of its groundbreaking product, Doly, on Kickstarter. As of today, Doly has already captured the imagination of tech enthusiasts and educators, raising significant interest ahead of its official Kickstarter launch scheduled for February 13, 2024. 

Doly, launch day special priced at $289, is an autonomous AI-powered companion robot that seamlessly integrates robotics, AI, and coding education into one dynamic device. It is the first of its kind to offer an open hardware and open design, powered by Raspberry Pi, allowing customization and continual evolution in capabilities. 

„Doly represents a fusion of companionship, education, and technological innovation,“ says Levent Erenler, founder of Limitbit. „It’s designed to grow and adapt, offering an engaging experience for all ages and skill levels. Our open-source approach places Doly at the forefront of personal robotic innovation.“ 

Product highlights of Doly include: 

Self-acting Personality: A unique character that develops and evolves through interaction, offering a personalized experience. 

Edge AI Processing: Ensuring maximum privacy, Doly’s AI algorithms operate locally, without relying on cloud processing, safeguarding user data.

STEM Education Enabler: Doly serves as an engaging tool for learning coding and robotics, catering to both beginners and advanced users. 

Open-Source Platform: Users can innovate and customize Doly, thanks to its open hardware and open design, fostering a community-driven approach to technological advancement. 

Extensive Add-On Support: Featuring a range of I/O ports, Doly offers extensive opportunities for expansion and customization, perfect for developers and hobbyists. 

3D Printable Design: Emphasizing its customizable nature, Doly can be personalized with 3D printed parts, allowing users to tailor its appearance and functions. 

Targeted towards a wide audience that includes robot lovers, parents, children, software and hardware developers, and open-source enthusiasts, Doly is positioned as the ultimate educational and interactive robot companion. 

„Doly is not just a product; it’s a step towards a future where technology enhances every aspect of learning and daily living,“ added Levent Erenler. „Its ability to engage users in coding, robotics, and AI, while also serving as a companion robot, sets a new benchmark in the field.“ 

About Limitbit: 

Based in Markham, Ontario, Limitbit is dedicated to revolutionizing AI powered companion robots. Their mission is to blend cutting-edge technology with practical, educational applications, making advanced robotics accessible to everyone. 

For more information about Doly and to participate in the Kickstarter campaign, click here. 

Makeblock mBot Ultimate 10-in-1 Robot Building Kit

In der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Landschaft der Bildungsrobotik sticht der Makeblock mBot Ultimate als vielseitiges und umfassendes Werkzeug hervor, das die Art und Weise revolutioniert, wie Schüler MINT-Konzepte (Wissenschaft, Technologie, Ingenieurwesen und Mathematik) erlernen. Dieser multifunktionale Roboterbausatz kombiniert Kreativität, praktisches Lernen und technologische Innovation und bietet sowohl Anfängern als auch fortgeschrittenen Nutzern ein tiefgreifendes Erlebnis.

Design und Komponenten: Der mBot Ultimate verfügt über ein modulares Design, das es den Benutzern ermöglicht, den Roboter nach ihren Wünschen zusammenzubauen und anzupassen. Mit über zehn verschiedenen Formen, darunter ein Kettenfahrzeug mit Roboterarm, ein dreirädriges Rennauto und ein selbstbalancierendes zweirädriges Fahrzeug, regt dieser Bausatz die Kreativität an, indem er die Benutzer dazu ermutigt, verschiedene Konfigurationen zu erkunden.

Mit einer breiten Palette von Komponenten wie Motoren, Sensoren (einschließlich Ultraschall-, Gyroskop- und Lichtsensoren), Greifer und einer Vielzahl mechanischer Teile erleichtert der mBot Ultimate ein ganzheitliches Verständnis von Robotik und Programmierung. Seine Kompatibilität mit der Arduino-Plattform bietet eine umfassende Programmierumgebung, die es den Benutzern ermöglicht, tiefer in die Programmierung und Robotik einzusteigen.

Makeblock-Bausätze: Robotik-Bausätze, wie z. B. die mBot-Serie, bieten den Benutzern vielseitige Plattformen zum Bauen, Programmieren und Anpassen von Robotern. Diese Bausätze eignen sich für verschiedene Fähigkeitsstufen, von Anfängern bis hin zu Fortgeschrittenen, und ermöglichen es den Benutzern, die Robotik durch praktische Erfahrungen zu erkunden.

Innovation und Zukunftsorientierung: Makeblock ist bekannt für seine Innovationskraft und entwickelt sein Produktangebot ständig weiter, indem es die neuesten technologischen Entwicklungen integriert, um an der Spitze der Bildungsrobotik zu agieren. Das Unternehmen ist stets bestrebt, Lernende, Pädagogen und Innovatoren zu befähigen, Technologie, Kreativität und Problemlösungsfähigkeiten zu nutzen. Makeblock ist ein Pionier in der Bereitstellung zugänglicher, innovativer und umfassender Robotiklösungen für den Unterricht. Makeblock bietet eine breite Palette von Produkten, Bildungsressourcen und eine unterstützende Community an, um Lernende aller Altersgruppen zu inspirieren, die Bereiche Robotik und Technologie zu erforschen.

Pädagogischer Wert: Eine der herausragenden Eigenschaften des mBot Ultimate für die Nutzung im Unterricht. Er dient als außergewöhnliches Lernwerkzeug für Studenten, Pädagogen und Hobbyisten gleichermaßen. Durch seine benutzerfreundliche Software und Programmierschnittstelle können die Benutzer grundlegende Programmierkonzepte durch grafische Programmierung erfassen oder zu textbasierten Programmiersprachen wie Python übergehen, um ihre Fähigkeiten weiter zu verbessern.

Die Vielseitigkeit des Roboters ermöglicht es den Benutzern, ihn in Aktivitäten einzubinden, die von einfacher Hindernisvermeidung bis hin zu komplexen KI-Anwendungen reichen. Dank dieser Anpassungsfähigkeit eignet er sich für eine Vielzahl von Alters- und Fähigkeitsstufen und fördert so eine interaktive Lernumgebung.

Praktische Lernerfahrung: Der mBot Ultimate bietet einen praktischen Ansatz zum Lernen, der zum Experimentieren und Problemlösen anregt. Durch das Zusammenbauen und Anpassen des Roboters werden nicht nur mechanische Konzepte gelehrt, sondern auch das kritische Denken und die Fähigkeiten zur Fehlersuche gefördert. Die Benutzer können die direkten Auswirkungen ihrer Programmierung auf die Aktionen des Roboters beobachten, was das Verständnis von Ursache-Wirkungs-Beziehungen bei der Programmierung fördert.

Schlussfolgerung: Im Grunde ist der Makeblock mBot Ultimate mehr als nur ein Roboterbausatz. Seine Anpassungsfähigkeit, sein pädagogischer Wert und sein praktischer Lernansatz machen ihn zu einem herausragenden Werkzeug im Bereich der Bildungsrobotik auf Augenhöhe mit z.B: LEGO MINDSTORMS oder VEX Robotics Produkten.

Ob im Klassenzimmer, in Robotik-Clubs oder im Kinderzimmer, der mBot Ultimate inspiriert und befähigt Enthusiasten, die unendlichen Möglichkeiten der Robotik und Programmierung zu erkunden

Igus expands its portfolio around the ReBeL with a humanoid hand made of lubrication-free high-performance plastics

Cologne, November 14, 2023 – Robots have become an integral part of industry and are increasingly finding their way into small and medium-sized companies in the form of cobots, such as the ReBeL. They sort, pick and move with the help of cameras, vacuum cleaners and gripping systems. In order to be able to take on humanoid tasks, igus has now developed a finger gripper for the ReBeL cobot. It is made entirely of lubrication-free plastics, so it is very cost-effective and easy to integrate.

With the ReBeL, igus has launched a compact and lightweight cobot on the market that makes it possible to enter robotics at low cost. This makes it particularly suitable for assembly tasks, quality inspections and in the service sector.  In order for the robot to really work, grippers and suction cups are necessary. For this purpose, igus offers a wide selection of suitable end effectors from various manufacturers on the marketplace „Since the ReBeL is very light and affordable with its own weight of around 8 kilograms and a price starting at 3,970 euros, it is widely used in humanoid applications. For this reason, we received a number of customer inquiries for a robotic hand that can be easily connected to the ReBeL via plug-and-play,“ explains Alexander Mühlens, Head of the Low Cost Automation business unit at igus GmbH. For this reason, igus has now developed a particularly cost-effective ReBeL finger gripper, which is available for as little as 1,840 euros. The humanoid hand is compatible with all ReBeL models. It is controlled via DIO at the Tool Center Point, which allows for easy integration and flexibility in various applications. The special feature of the finger gripper is that it can imitate human hand movements. „With the new low-cost hand, the ReBeL can take on a wide range of simple humanoid tasks and applications. We are thinking of the area of research and development at universities, but tasks in gastronomy or in the entertainment industry are also conceivable,“ says Alexander Mühlens.

High-performance plastics ensure precise movements
All components, including the flange, cables and control, come directly from igus in Cologne. In this way, the customer receives a 100 percent compatible solution. The low price is due to the lubrication-free high-performance plastics. The plain bearings in the joints made of iglidur polymers are not only cost-effective and lubrication-free, but also enable smooth and precise movements of the individual fingers. Extensive testing in the in-house 3,800 square meter laboratory guarantees the longevity of the humanoid hand. They are extremely flexible and can be controlled via various interfaces, including USB, TTL (5 V) serial and internal scripting. In addition to the finger gripper, igus offers other products for the ReBeL Environment. These include, for example, fireproof fire protection hoods, a 7th axis, gripper sets, adapter plate sets, energy supply systems, a finished workstation and connection cables.

New Robot Companion Unveiled on Kickstarter

Adelaide, Australia – September, 2023 – The new Ortomi Generation 4 has been released on  Kickstarter, and they’re simple, comforting and interactive little friends, designed to make people smile. They’re a creation from Ortomi, a small Australian start-up on a mission to capture the joy and  comforting presence of real pets. 

An Ortomi has a simple face that changes with different expressions and moods – both randomly and  interactively. They respond to gestures such as being petted, prodded and picked-up; and respond differently based on their mood – such as when they are happy, sad, asleep, angry or bored. As well  as now making cute beeps and boops (with a silent mode), the new Generation 4 has a larger screen,  more expressions, moods & interactions, and a smooth injection moulded shell – benefitting both  aesthetics and manufacturability. 

The Kickstarter launched on August 29th, and met its goal of AU$23,000 in under 10 hours. It  currently sits at AU$46,000, as people continue to rally behind project and help fund subsequent  stretch goals: 

1. AU$50,000 Custom Expression Creator: 

Users will be able to draw, share and browse custom expressions that they can teach  their Ortomi. 

2. AU$70,000 Silicone Cases: 

Squishy, silicone, key-ring cases will be developed and produced, improving the  portability and personalisation options of Ortomi, as well as adding a satisfying tactile feel. 

3. AU$100,000 Interactions between Ortomi: 

Wireless capability will be developed for Ortomi to interact with each other, enabling everything from cute reactions to complex relationships. 

As well as being completely portable with a 20hr battery life, Ortomi are set apart from other robots  on the market by their personalisation. Like dogs, or goldfish – Ortomi are a whole species, and each  one is meant to be unique. They come in many different colours, with different accessories, have  different personalities, and are usually even given their own name by their owner. 

The Ortomi 4 is set to ship in November 2023, and is set to mark a new chapter for the young  Australian company in terms of scale and impact. 

More details on the Ortomi Generation 4, including the launch video, can be found here:

Variobot VariAnt: The Robot Ant

The presence of robots in our modern environment is getting increasingly casual to see. Robots are progressing rapidly in terms of both their capabilities and the potential uses they have. Examples of this include self-driving automobiles and drones. The VariAnt, a robot created by Variobot, is another amazing example.

VariAnt: At the First Glance

VariAnt, a robot ant, moves and acts almost exactly like its biological model. It independently explores its environment using a sensor system to detect obstructions or markers. The Variobot programmable kit is appropriate for researchers who are passionate and young at heart.

Advanced Autonomy

Like the majority of living things, the variAnt adjusts to the surroundings by detecting relative brightness. Using a network of patented sensors is made feasible. The autonomous robot ant has light sensors connected to its body, legs, antennae, and jaw claws that can be positioned as needed.

A processor is housed on an Arduino-compatible nano board, which serves as the ant robot’s central processing unit (CPU). The small control unit provides connections for two motors, 12  analog sensors,  8 digital I/Os,  2 programmed buttons, 2 reed switches for step numbers, that may be used in any way, and 15 status LEDs that can be plugged in and switched as needed.

The state of the sensors, motors, and reed switches may all be indicated by the LEDs. Inside the ant’s head is a tiny circuit board that is equipped with plug-in ports, which enables the flexible combination and extension of environmental sensors.

The lithium-ion battery that comes standard with the variAnt has a run time of around 3  hours and can be recharged using the provided USB cord.

The Walking Mechanism

The robotic ant makes use of these to identify objects, lines, light sources, or shadows in its surroundings, and then either follows them or stays away from them in an intentional manner.

The purpose of the walking mechanism that was created and patented by Variobot is to mimic the natural mobility of an ant as closely as possible. This is doable with only 24 different components made of acrylic.

VariAnt: Best for

For individuals of all ages, the robot ant is also an engaging and entertaining toy. You can use this set to design your own robot to behave, move, and appear like an actual, but much bigger, ant. The robot is an interesting thing to watch due to its distinct motions and behaviors, and due to its size, it can be used in a number of scenarios. The variAnt kit costs around €199.


The VariAnt might revolutionize robotics and our understanding of nature. Since it mimics ants, the VariAnt can perform many tasks that conventional robots cannot. Whether employed for research, environmental monitoring, or as a toy, the VariAnt is a groundbreaking robotics innovation that will captivate people worldwide.

Robohood AI-Driven Robotic Painter Introduces Stable Diffusion and Text Generation Neural Network Model

Robohood, world’s first robotics & AI-driven art & technology company has integrated both Stable Diffusion and a text generation neural network


Robohood, an art & technology company specializing in AI-driven solutions for robotics-generated physical art, has integrated two forms of AI technology into their software, Stable Diffusion and ChaptGPT both originally developed and released in 2022.

Robohood’s integrated Stable Diffusion technology is a deep learning, text-to-image model primarily used to generate detailed images conditioned on text descriptions, though it can also be applied to other tasks such as inpainting, outpainting, and generating image-to-image translations guided by a text prompt. While the integrated ChatGPT technology is a fine-tune approach to transfer learning using both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques with detailed and articulate responses.

Through these newly integrated technologies, users now have two options when creating a painting with Robohood. The first option involves uploading an image from a device, generating a render, and then painting with a robot, which was the conventional method. Alternatively, they can use our AI-generation tool. To use this tool, users can input an image description in the „Generate by text“ field or request a topic suggestion in the „Can AI suggest a topic for you?” and the tool will offer suggestions in the interface. Once an idea has been selected, the user can copy and paste it into the image generation field and Robohood technology will generate an image that it can later render onto canvas.

“These newly integrated technologies allow for artists to have multiple options when creating artwork within the Robohood interface,” stated Victor Peppi, CEO of Robohood. “Combining art with AI-driven technology is our passion at Robohood and these technologies allow artists to have more freedom and solutions throughout their creative process.”

About Robohood

Robohood is an art & technology company specializing in AI-driven solutions for robotics-generated physical art. Robohood’s groundbreaking software/hardware solution, a brainchild of a brilliant team of software engineers, robotics experts and artists, turned Robohood into the world’s first robotics art company. Producing everything from software to robot-specific painting supplies, Robohood’s solution utilizes robotic manipulators to paint with oil and acrylic paints on various surfaces. To learn more about Robohood, visit the website at, and follow us on Facebook:, and Instagram:

Short interview with Roy, the founder of „The OffBits“

Sebastian Trella from Robots-Blog had the opportunity to conduct a short interview with Roy Barazani from „the OffBits“.

Roy Barazani from „the OffBits“

·        Robots-Blog: Who are you and what is your job at the OffBits?

Roy: I am Roy Barazani – The OffBits founding father 

·        Robots-Blog: What inspired you to create the OffBits toy?

Roy: I guess I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of re-design. Even as a child I used to break my toys apart and try to rebuild them in new and different ways. Looking back, this allowed me to develop my imagination and ability to fantasize.

·        Robots-Blog: How did you come up with the name „the OffBits„?

Roy: The OFFBITS started out by playing with random parts I found in my toolbox while working on an exercise before starting my design studies in college. Suddenly I found I had made a little robot! I kept this idea with me during my studies, and for my final project built a whole city of them made from recycled parts. It was really well received and I knew I had a great idea in my hands. It took a few years of development and testing in Maker Faire events and boutique design stores and now I finally feel they are ready for the world.

·        Robots-Blog: Do you have a lot to do with robots in your job/everyday life?

Roy: Yes, I love robots and I have collected robots for years!

·        Robots-Blog: How did sustainability factor into the creation of the OffBits?

Roy: I see The OFFBITS as a new way of playing with toys, an “open-source” platform with no rules, so each creation can be as unique as the one who built it. I love the way people can take the original design and then make something completely different. Also, the fact it is made of components we all have around us means there are no cost or availability limits to what people can do with them.

Offbits are a sustainable and eco-friendly educational toy that encourages zero-waste principles and practices through a fun and interactive experience. It’s a great way to bring awareness and inspire positive actions in preserving the environment.

We don’t think you need many toys, but what you do choose should be made to last.

The possibilities are endless with The Offbits, you can create anything from a simple robot to a complex model while using sustainable materials and reducing waste.

·        Robots-Blog: And which is your favorite robot from the OffBits?

Roy: I love all my robots family!

·        Robots-Blog: Can you tell us about any challenges you faced while designing the OffBits?

Roy: From a design perspective, working with standard hardware components brought many unique challenges. For example, choosing the right mix of bits in the kits (both functionally and aesthetically) required a lot of trial-and-error type work, and then of course there is the issue of connecting parts that weren’t designed to fit together.

·        Robots-Blog: How do you envision the OffBits evolving in education fields?

Roy: This is a S.T.E.A.M toy helping young minds grow in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. The OffBits toys encourage the development of fine motor skills, spatial reasoning, problem-solving, and imaginative play.

The hands-on building process allows users to learn about robotics and engineering concepts in a fun and interactive way. The step-by-step instructions for building and programming the Offbits kits, making it easy for users of all ages to understand the principles behind the technology.

The OffBits offer educational resources such as workshops, online tutorials, and educational material that could help kids to learn about sustainable practices and technologies.

· Robots-Blog: What can you tell us about your community?

Roy: The Offbits community feature allows users to share their creations and ideas, providing inspiration and a sense of collaboration. The Offbits users have challenges for every level. When they create, share and pass the challenge they can earn tokens for their future purchases.

 Stephanie @stem_with_stephanie